xt7mkk94810v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk94810v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1968042 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1968-04-apr2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1968-04-apr2. 1968 2011 true xt7mkk94810v section xt7mkk94810v 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, April 2, 1968

       In accordance with KRS 164. 170, the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus on
Tuesday, April 2, 1968, at 2:00 p. m. with the following members present: Governor
Louie B. Nunn, Chairman, Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Mr. Sam Ezelle,
Secretary, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford Blazer, Mr. Smith Broadbent,
former Governor A. B. Chandlar, Mr. Richard Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr.
George W. Griffin, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. J. Robert Miller, Dr. N. N.
Nicholas, the two non-voting faculty members, Professors Stephen Diachun and
Paul Oberst, and Mr. Steve Cook, non-voting student member. Mr. Wendell Butler
and Mr. Hudson Milner were unable to attend. The administration representatives
included President John W. Oswald and Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, William R.
Willard, Robert F. Kerley, and Robert L. Johnson. Members of the news media
were also present.

      A. Meeting Called to Order

      Governor Nunn called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. m. Following the
invocation by Dr. Stephen Diachun, he administered the oath of office to Mr. Steve
Cook, President of Student Government, who qualified for membership on the Board
of Trustees under recently enacted legislation by virtue of his office and his
Kentucky citizenship. Mr. Cook will serve as a member of the Board until a new
President of Student Government is elected and qualifies.

      Mr. EzJle reported a quorum present and the Governor declared the meeting
open for the official conduct of business at 2:05 p. m.

      B. Minutes of March 12 Meeting Approved

      On motion dulv made, seconded, and carried, the reading of the Minutes of
the March 12 meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes
were approved as published.

      C. President Oswald Announces His Resignation

      CGovernor Nunn called for President Oswald's report on activities and Dr.
Oswld called attention to Item 1 which reported a $974, 000 grant from the National
Science Foundation to the Mathematics Department of the University to be used to
strengthen the mathematics program in the institution. He pointed out that this was
the largest single grant in the history of the University for direct support of aca-
demic programs.



       Dr. Oswald then indicated that he would not discuss the remaining items in
the report because of an announcement he wished to make and recommended that the
report be accepted and filed. The Governor concurred in this recommendation and
it was so ordered.

       Dr. Oswald opened his remarks by recognizing the demonstration on the
part of the student body which had occurred in front of the Administration Building
just prior to the opening of the Board of Trustees meeting. He said, "To you
students who are here and through you to all the students, I should like to say that
I am touched by your demonstration of support. It was one of the most exhilarating
moments I have had in my four and one-half years as President of the University.
The University exists for the students and I return the demonstration of your af-
fection with all I can muster at this moment. " He then read the following prepared
statement, copies of which were distributed to the members of the Board and the
representatives of the news media who were present:

    Statement of Dr. John W. Oswald, President of the University of Kentucky,
                to the University Board of Trustees, April 2, 1968

      Today I am tendering my resignation as president of the University of
    Kentucky, effective September 1, 1968, at which time I shall assume the
    position of Executive Vice President of the University of California System
    of nine campuses.

      As I take this action today, I wish to express the deep affection I harbor
   for the University of Kentucky and the utmost confidence I have in its
   present state of development and especially for its promising future. It
   most certainly is maturing into one of the nation's fine state universities.
   I have the greatest respect and admiration for its excellent faculty, its
   thousands of outstanding, serious students, its very loyal and supportive
   group of alumni, and its dedicated, capable staff of administrative officials.
   The support and encouragement I have received from all segments of the
   University family, both at Lexington and at the several community colleges,
   has made possible whatever progress that may have been achieved during
   my tenure in the presidency. Equally significant has been the support of
   citizens of the Commonwealth, particularly in the communities where the
   University has campuses.

      It has been a signal honor to serve as president during the University's
   centennial. This was a period marked by rapid growth in size and scope of
   service and, just as important, a period marked by intensive planning for
   the beginning of the University's second century. I offer a very special
   word of appreciation to the members of the Board of Trustees who have
   served during my tenure -- appreciation for their loyal support, under-
   standing, and patience as we have worked together for the strengthening of
   our University. Three governors of the Commonwealth -- Governor Bert
   T. Combs, Governor Edward T. Breathitt, and Governor Louie 'Nunn --



    have been most support ve as they have chaired the Boards governing the
    University sinc e my arri-v;al. in September 1963.

       All my good friends at the University of Kentucky and the challenges
    associated with the University's development will be missed as I move on
    to this new responsibility. Needless to say, I have given this decision
    deep consideration. For many reasons I believe the position to which I
    now go provides the broadest opportunity for service to higher education
    at this point in time. I look forward with enthusiasm to my new assign-
    ment as the number two man in the nation's largest university with a
    current enrollment of 90, 000 students. The University of California is
    meeting the problems of accommodating tremendous growth in numbers
    while at the same time continuing to be one of the most outstanding
    institutions of quality education in the nation. It will be a great honor
    for me to serve w-th the Univ.ersity of California's new president,
    Charles Hitch, and equally exciting for me will be the opportunity to re-
    join many of my former friends and colleagues on the several campuses
    of the Univers.-ty of California. I am pleased at the confidence expressed
    in me by the Board of Regents of the University of California.

       I shall miss Kentucky very much but at the same time I am eagerly
    looking forward to the oppo rtunify to again serve my Alma Mater, the
    University of Califoc.oi a, n thbs new and challenging role.

      A moment of silence followed the reading of the statement and then Governor
Nunn said, "Dr. Oswald, I am sure that each and every member of this Board will
have expressions that they will want to make to you. It has not been my privilege to
work with you for a very long per- od of time. I was privileged to meet you and visit
with you when you first came. Throughout the years, I know of your concern and of
your dedication to this Univers:ty. I know of the many contributions which you have
made and I know that the people of this state, the people of this community, and
certainly those that cornprise, the University community are extremely grateful for
what you have done and will be saddened by your going and that of Mrs. Oswald who
also extended to the people of this state very graciously her services on the Arts
Commission and various other capacities. We are glad that you can be with us until
September and we are looking forward to working with you as we have in the past. I
hope that the remainder of your stay here will be a pleasant and enjoyable one. I am
sure other members of the Board will wish to comment also.

       Dr. Diachr).ol, as the faculty representative on the Board, said, "Dr Oswald
knows that he enjoys the support of the Board and of the faculty and, speaking for
them, I speak with confid..nce. .r thank him for the great leadership he has provided,
for strengthening the facol-ty, and giving it a more significant place in the affairs of
the University. We wi.sh 3hi.m we.ll in his new enterprise and I am sure California
will profit from his enthusi.asm.



       Governor Nunn said that at a later time he would name a Resolution Com-
mittee and, noting that portraits of former presidents of the University were hanging
in the Board Room, he felt it was most appropriate that Dr. Oswald's portrait
should be there also. He named the following pa rsons to serve on a portrait com-
mittee: Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Dr. Harry Denham and Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer
and suggested that they select a member of the faculty to serve with them.

       He continued that the faculty must be concerned with the selection of a new
president and that he understood that precedent called for a screening committee
composed of Trustee members and faculty members and he assumed that the Board
would wish to follow this procedure again. Governor Chandler pointed out that it had
been customary for the faculty to select its own representatives. Governor Nunn
agreed that this procedure was proper and suggested that, in view of the tremendous
growth in the community college program, one of the four facul y members should
be chosen from the Community College System with the other three to be elected by
the University faculty.

      At this point Dr. Diachun requested permission to introduce Dr. Paul Sears,
Chairman of the Senate Council, who was prepared to offer the services of the faculty
in the selection of the faculty members on the screening committee.

      Governor Nunn recognized Dr. Sears and read the following letter which had
been handed to him just prior to the meeting:

                                                          April 2, 1968

    The Honorable Louie B. Nunn
    Members of the Board of Trustees of
      the University of Kentucky


      In view of newspaper reports and persistent rumors that President
    Oswald may resign as President of our University, the Senate Council,
    acting on behalf of the University Senate and, more broadly on behalf of
    the entire faculty of the University, wishes to express its gratitude to
    President Oswald for his dynamic leadership and its concern and regret
    if these speculations should prove to be true.

      However, if these reports and rumors are true, the Council assures
    you that the entire faculty is highly desirous of fulfilling its legal and
    traditional responsibility as described on page 24 of the Governing
    Regulations of the University: "The President of the University is ap-
    pointed by the Board of Trustees with the advice of a joint committee of
    the Board and Faculty".



       The Council, therefore, recommends to the Board of Trustees that
    previously established procedures be followed in electing faculty
    representatives to serve with an equal number of Trustees on the joint
    committee of the Board and Faculty which is charged with advising the
    Board of Trustees on a suitable candidate for the Presidency of the

                                       Respectfully yours,

                                       Paul G. Sears, Chairman
                                       University Senate Council

       He indicated that without objection he would authorize the University faculty
to proceed with the election of the three members from the campus and one member
representing the Community College System, the method of selection to be determin-
ed by the University faculty. Dr. Sums thanked the Governor for suggesting the
Community College System representative, asked that the letter be incorporated in
the Minutes of the meeting, and said the faculty would proceed immediately with the
election of the members to serve on the screening committee. Governor Chandler
so moved and without objection it was accepted. Governor Nunn announced that at a
later date he would name the four Board members to join with the faculty members.
Dr. Oswald expressed approval of the composition of the screening committee,
noting that one of the primary facLors influencing his decision to accept the presidency
of the University of Kentucky was the presence on the screening committee of the four
faculty members and the prominent role which they played as members of the com-

      Mr. Ezelle requested permission to speak and nade the following statement:

      "Governor Nunn, I'd like to note, that although we don't care to admit it,
    Kentuckv has some deficiencies, but one deficiency that I would hope that
    we would never have is being an ungrateful people.
                   ' Bullfighting critics, row on row
                   Fill the fighting plaza full
                   But only one man really knows
                   And he's the man who fights the bull.'

     "Jack, your colleagues oin this Board have endeavored in every way possible
   to cooperate with you during your tenure of office here, but you're the one
   who's fought ' the bull. ' You've been the fellow on the front line that we've
   all looked to and I'm going to say this, I think that your departure from the Com-
   monwealth is bad for this University and I think it's bad for the Commonwealth
   of Kentucky. I would like to sugar-coat it but 1'm for being practical at this
   point, and looking reality in the face I think it's probably at least a ten-year
   setback for the Cormmonwealth of Kentucky. I see through the window there a



    new building. I went up in that building this morning and these wonderful
    structures are nice but buildings don't make this University. What makes
    a university is a good administrative staff and a fine faculty. And I would
    certainly hope that your departure here will not begin what could be a
    mass exodus from this campus of other highly qualified people, many of
    whom have not been here very long and we've been very proud to get them.
    I know the difficulties we've had in recruiting to this University important
    qualified people from other parts of the state and from other parts of the
    country. I am sorry for any and all reasons which may have made this
    decision necessary for you. On behalf of my organization may I say you
    have made a tremendous contribution to this Commonwealth and to this
    great University and we think you and your family have been good for us
    here. We have made a lot of wonderful progress. I am extremely sorry
    you see fit to leave us. "

       Dr. Angelucci said he would also like to stress the importance of maintaining
the faculty and he believed that the decision to include faculty members on the
screening committee would help a great deal in preventing any exodus of any kind.
He closed by saying, "It is a sad day for Kentucky and a sad day for me.

       On behalf of the student body Mr. Cook said:

       "I do not have the capacity of telling you any better than the students out
    front already have but I should like to say 'thank you' for your service to
    the University, for the quality of excellence in the academic fields you
    have promoted while here. On behalf of the students during the past four
    years, thank youfor your service and the best of luck in your new position. "

       Dr. Oswald expressed his appreciation for what had been said and reiterated
what was in his statement--that he had the utmost confidence in the present state of
development of the institution and the utmost confidence in its future. He added that
he was sure that things would proceed in a sound manner and with the least possible
disruption to the programs of the University. To this end he pledged his assistance
in maximizing a smooth transition to insure the continuation of the surge, the growth,
the move toward stronger academic potential now present in the institution.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Since the Board members had already had an opportunity to consider the
recommendations in PR 2 in advance of the meeting, there was no discussion and the
motion was made, seconded, and carried that PR 2, Recommendations of the Presi-
dent, be approved as a whole and made an official part of the Minutes of the April 2,
1968 meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.



       E. Supplementary Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Dr. Oswald expressed his regret that it had not been possible to send advance
copies of PR 3 recommending confirmation of the Fee Schedule for the University of
Kentucky as approved by the Council on Public Higher Education. The Council,
however, had not officially adopted the schedule until its meeting on April 1, 1968.
He explained that the Fee Schedule contained in PR 3 was a summary of the pertinent
information frorn the Resolution adopted by the Council, a copy of which was available
and which would be included in the Minutes of the meeting.

       On motion by Dr. Angelucci, secczded by Mr. Black, and carried, the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky confirmed the Fee Schedule as set by the
Council on Public Higher Education on February 26, 1968 and adopted on April 1,
1968, and authorized the effective date of application of the new fees to coincide with
the date of the 1968 Summer Session of the University of Kentucky. (See PR 3 at the
end of the Minutes and the copy of the Council's Resolution.)

       F. 1967-68 Budget Revisions (PR 4)

       Dr. Albright presented PR 4, 1967-68 Budget Revisions, saying that the
recommended changes reflect expenditure appropriations for additional funds from
income-generating activities from federal, state and outside sources.

       On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and carried, the re-
visions in the 1967-68 budget as recommended in PR 4 were authorized and approved.
(See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Honorary Degree Recipients Approved (PR 5)

       Dr. Oswald said he was honored to present recommendations of five outstand-
ing individuals to be awarded honorary doctoral degrees at the commencement
exercises on May 13, 1968. These names were recommended to the Graduate Faculty
and the University Senate and received approval prior to recommendation to the Board
of Trustees. The names of the recipients, the degree recommended for each, and a
brief biographical sketch are all a part of PR 5 which is appended at the end of the

       The Board members, having had an opportunity to consider these persons
prior to the meeting, expressed concurrence and on motion by Governor Chandler,
seconded by Mr. Ezelle, approval was granted to awarding the honorary degree of
Doctor of Laws to Philip David Sang, Bell Irvin Wiley, Clarence Robertson Yeager
and the honorary degree of Doctor of Science to Robert Henry Baker and James
Augustine Shannon at the commencement exercises on May 13, 1968, and the Presi-
dent was authorized to notify these persons that they had been selected to receive
honorary degrees. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )



       H. Agreement Relative t-o National L. brary of Medicine
Regional Library Program Apprcved (PR 6)

       Dr. Willard explained the parpose of the Regional Medical Library Facility
and the part which the University of Kentucky would have in the project, ex.plaining
that there was no financial obligation other than as services are requested and
received from the Host Library, which will probably be Wayne State Un iversity.

       On motion by Dr. Denlharn, seconded by Dr. c.jj.olas, and passed without
dissent, the proper University officials were authorized to execute the Agreement
to establish and maintain a Regional Medical Library. Facility for the states of
Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.

       I. School of Library Sc-e.ce Establ.shed (PR e

       Dr. Albright said the recomnmendatiocn to establish a School of Library
Science separate from the College of Arts and Sciences with Dr. Lawrence Allen
to become Dean of the School of Library Science, effective July 1, 1968, had the
wholehearted. backing of the administ.rat..on. The establishment of such a school
is in accordance with the best professional practices in other major universities
and the modification would be basically an admirn st.rati.ve adjustment entailing no
new program. Dr. Oswald concurred in Dr. A.brrgh:rts statement and recommend-
ed apiproval.

       Dr. An.gelucci made the motion that effective July 1, 1968, the Department
of Library Science in the College of Arts and Sc-.ences shall become a separate
program known as the School of Library Science. and that the Dresent department
chairman, Dr. Lawrence A. Allen, shall become the Dean of the School of Library
Science, effective July 1, lq68. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer and
carried unanimously. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       J. Discussion of Tentative Allocations in l968-69 Budget

       Dr. Albright said that the state app.:cp.r-ations for the .fi.rst year of the
coming biennium would permit a return to tie 1967-68 base before the November
13 adjustment was made to take care of the $3. 6 millon cut and would provide an
additional $1. 6 mrllion :ncrease over the .2967 68 budget. Additional. funds esti-
matedat $2.3 million would be available from varirc-us ex:ternnal sources, pri.n-cipally
increase in student fees by virtue of increased numbers and by virtule of increased
amounts in estimated income iJn tle Medical Center. This approxnimately $7. 5
million will be expended as follows: (1' previ.ous faculity. commrtments; (2) salary
increases for faculty and staff; (3) employee ben. fits (4) new posit orons; (5) come
munity college faculty increases (6) increase in c .r rent expense expenditures.
(7) University Hospital; and (8) debt service. He closed by saying that the budget
would soon be refined and detailed for pres entat..-on at -he Mavr meeting. He added



that copies would be mailed approximately a week or ten days in advance of the

       Governor Nunn asked for questions and, there being none, thanked Dr.
Albright for his presentation.

       K. Investment Policy for Endowment Funds Approved (FCR 1)

       Dr. Harry Denhaam indicated that the Finance Committee had met on the
morning of April 2 and had discussed fully the policy relative to investment of
Endowment Funds as given in FCR 1 and recommended approval. As Chairman of
the Finance Committee, he so moved. Mr. lajck seconded the motion. Governor
Chandler asked for the names of the persons who would be authorized to make the
investments under the policy and was told that Mr. Robert F. Kerley, Vice
President - Business Affairs and Treasurer, and Mr. Clay Maupkn, Assistant
Treasurer, were the University officials and that the Chase Manhattan Bank was
the officially designated consultant to advise with them. There being no further
discussion, the Governor called for the question and all present voted aye. (See
FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Financial ReDort Accepted and Ordered Filed (FCR 2)

       Dr. Denham pointed out that the financial report for the eight months'
period ending February 29 indicated that income is being realized as planned and
expenditures are slightly below the estimates. He moved that the financial
report be accepted and ordered filed. The motion was seconded by Dr. Nicholas
and without dissent it was so ordered. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       M. Quarterly Summary of Investment Changes (FCR 3)

       Mr. Kerley indicated that FCR 3 shows a routine quarterly report of in-
vestments in different forinat. It contains information about the kind, amount of
investment and yield for short-tern investments for all University of Kentucky
and related organizations.

       Governor Chanadler asked if all Athletics Association funds were invested
in G. M. A. C. Notes. If so, he suggested there should be some diversification.
Mr. Maupin replied that only about one-half of the funds were so invested. Mr.
Kerley answered Dr. A ngeluccils question relative to income realized from short-
term investments by indicating that it came to approximately $400. 000.

       The question was called for and Mr. Brodbent made the motion that the
quarterly summary of investment changes be accepted. His motion was seconded
by Dr. DIenham and it was so ordered. (See FCR 3 at the enld of the Minutes. )



       N. Lease of Texas Land Approved (FCR 4)

       Governor Chandler indicated the feeling that the University was fortunate
to be able to leasfAltie land located in Young County, Texas, and moved that the
Vice President - Business Affairs and Treasurer be authorized to execute the
lease of 316 acres of grazing land in Young County, Texas, for a period of two
years for a yearly consideration of $867. 62. The motion was seconded and passed
without dissent. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.

       0. Appointment of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company as External
Auditors Approved (FCR 5)

       Mr. KexIey reported that Haskins & Sells had performed the examination of
the accounts of the University of Kentucky and affiliated corporations for the past
four fiscal years. They have been completely satisfactory but it seems in the best
interest of the University that the responsibility for the external audit be rotated and,
on the basis of bids submitted, he recommended that the firm of Peat, Marwick,
Mitchell & Company be engaged to perform the examination of the accounts of the
University of Kentucky and affiliated corporations for the fiscal year 1967-68 for a
fee, including expenses, of not more than $33, 500. Mr. Iegt so moved. His
motion was seconded and passed unanimously. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P. Appropriation of Renovation Funds (FCR 6)

       Mr. Kerley said that in order to continue improvement of the older housing
and dining units on the campus it was necessary to undertake additional renovation.
The recommendation that an appropriation of $238, COO fruom tile fund balance in the
Auxiliary Enterprises Account would permit the continuance of the renovation program
started last year. Governor Chandler asked if this was an alter-native to tearing the
older buildings down and Mr. Kerley replied that most of them were in good shape.
Mr. Ezelle questioned the amount of vandalism present in the housing units and was
told that when the dormitory complex opened there was considerable loss or damage,
amounting to approximately $6, 000; however, vandalism and pilfering are tapering off
and considerable improvement has been noted in recent months.

       On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Ezelle, $238, 000 was ap-
propriated from the fund balance in the Auxiliary Enterprises Account for continuance
of the renovation program of the housing and dining system. (See FCR 6 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       Q. Spindletop Hall Capital Pxogxam (FCR 7)

       Mr. Kerley explained that the Board of Directors oCf Spindletop Hall wish to
make some capital additions and iniprcxvements to the cluh facilities, and, in order



to obtain the necessary financing, they must have the consent of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky and the Board of Directors of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky Research Foundation to the assignment of its accounts receivable
and movable equipment. He emphasized that the University of Kentucky assumed
no financial obligation in giving its consent to the transaction.

       On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Griffin, the Vice
Chairman of the Board was autho-i'iz6d'to agree and consent to an agreement be-
tween Spindletop Hall, Inc. and the Citizens Union National Bank and Trust Company,
wherein Spindletop Hall, Inc. assigns its accounts receivable and movable equipment
to secure a loan from the Bank for the purpose of constructing certain capital ad-
ditions and improvements. (See FCR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       R. Meeting Adjourned

       After determining there was no further business to come before the Board,
Governor Nunn called for a motion for adjournment, which was duly made, seconded,
and carried. The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Sam Ezelle, Secretary
                                              Board of Trustees

(PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6, PR 7, FCR 1, FCR 2, FCR 3, FCR 4, FCR 5,
FCR 6 and FCR 7 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting of
the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, April 2, 1968)



                               April 2, 1968


      The largest single grant in the history of the University
for direct suuoort of academic programs has been announced by the
National Science Foundation. Dr. Lewis W. Cochran, dean of the
Graduate School, said the Special Science Award of $974,000 to
the University's mathematics department will be used to strengthen
mathematics programs, and is for a period of three years. He said
the grant will enable the department in the recently established
School of Mathematical Sciences to increase the permanent full
time faculty from the present 31 to a total of 53 at the end of
the grant period. It also provides for one post-doctoral fellow
each year and for ten full time graduate students for each of
the three years. It also will allow expenditures in other areas,
including the augmentation of departmental library holdings; meet-
ing the cost of computer time by the new faculty, and continu-
ation and expansion of special symposia and special topics
seminars for both faculty and students and for scholars in
mathematics from throughout the country. President John W.
Oswald said he was "delighted with the opportunity the grant
affords to make a strong mathematics department an excellent

      Dr. Cochran added that "it is gratifying recognition of the
remarkable progress being made in mathematics at the University
over the past five years under the able leadership of Dr. Wimberly
C. Royster, chairman of the department and director of the School
of Mathematical Sciences." He noted that during Dr. Royster's
tenure the number of full-time faculty had increased from ten to
the present 31, and that graduate enrollment had grown from 31
"to about 100."  The number of graduates with doctoral degrees
also has increased in the same period from an occasional one a
year to an anticipated 13 during the current year. "This grant
will be of great assistance in bringing the programs in mathematics
to the high state of excellence which has been the University's
goal," Dr. Cochran said. Dr. Royster, expressing "much pleasure,"
added that the grant will allow the department to reach a stage
of advancement anticipated over the next three years at a much
earlier date than would have been possible under normal antici-
pated University growth.



      Service clubs in several Kentucky cities are being visited
this month by members of the University family, participating in
panel discussions on the subject: "Your Questions About UK."
The combined service clubs of Ashland will hear the panel at a
noon meeting April 17. Taking part will be Dr. Glenwood Creech,
vice president-University relations; Dr. Sta