xt7mkk94811f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk94811f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969147 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-14-nov7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-14-nov7. 1969 2011 true xt7mkk94811f section xt7mkk94811f Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Friday, November 7, 1969 The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, in accordance with action taken at the October 21, 1969 meeting, met at 2:00 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the University campus on Friday, November 7, 1969 with the following members present: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman; Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secretary; Mr. William R. Black; former Governor A. B. Chandler; Mr. Richard E. Cooper; Mr. George W. Griffin; Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer; Mr. J. Robert Miller; Mr. B. Hudson Milner; Mr. James H. Pence; Mr. Floyd H. Wright; Professor Robert W. Rudd, non-voting faculty member; and Mr. Tim Futrell, non-voting student member. Absent from the meeting were: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Dr. Harry Denham, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, and Professor Paul Sears, non-voting faculty member. Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr. , Deputy Commissioner of Finance and Budget Director, Department of Finance, was a guest at the meeting, and the University administration was represented by the following persons: President Otis A. Singletary, Dr. Alvin L. Morris, Dr. Lewis W. Cochran, Dr. Glenwood L. Creech, Dr. William R. Willard, Mr. G. J. Ruschell, and Dr. Donald B. Clapp. Representatives of the various news media were also in attendance. A. Meeting Opened Mr. Clay, presiding in the absence of Governor Nunn, called the meeting to order at 2:07 p. m. Following the invocation pronounced by Mr. Black and the report by the Secretary that a quorum was present, Mr. Clay declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:10 o'clock. B. Biennial Budget Request for 1970-72 Approved Mr. Clay explained that this special meeting of the Board had been called for the twofold purpose of (1) approving the University's biennial budget request, and (2) adopting a statement for transmittal to the Council on Public Higher Education relative to the University of Kentucky's position on a possible merger agreement between the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville. He thenturned the meeting over to the President. President Singletary stated that each member of the Board had received copies of the proposed budget request about a week prior to the meeting. Although the members were already familiar with the request being made by the University for operation of this institution during the next two years, he said he would like to explain the method used in arriving at the amount requested, the source of income and the proposed expenditure of this income, and the programs, both new and con- tinuing, which the budget would support. 2 In order to arrive at dollar figures to be requested, the estimated FTE for the next two years must first be determined. Then, under the formula established by the Council on Public Higher Education, it is possible to project the faculty needs, administrative costs, student services, staff benefits, and other institutional expenses generated by this anticipated enrollment. In es- tablishing the formulas and standards, the Council has attempted to keep the institutions of higher education in the state in competitive positions with their respective benchmark institutions. At the present time faculty salaries at the University of Kentucky are slightly below the median average of our benchmark institutions. The 1970-72 Biennial Budget Request attempts to provide funds sufficient to bring the University of Kentucky up to the median average of our benchmark institutions, based on information supplied to the Council on Public Higher Education by these institutions. The University obtains its income from four major sources: state ap- propriations; general University sources, such as student fee income, federal and county appropriations, endowment income, gifts and grants, sales and services, and hospital income; auxiliary services; and restricted funds. The estimated income for the 1970-71 fiscal year is $108, 338,400, or an increase of $19, 656, 000 over the 1969-70 budget. For the second year of the biennium, the total estimated income is $119, 504, 000, or an increase of $11, 165, 600. The major portion of the increase in income will be expended in the instruction program, with debt service and staff benefits requiring marked increases. A considerable part of the proposed budget will be used to provide sup- port of present programs and to upgrade certain areas; however, some new programs are proposed, including (1) support of two new programs in the College of Engineering, the development of a Department of Industrial Engineering and the implementation of courses of study in the area of Aerospace Engineering; (2) the planning, construction and operation of two new community colleges established by the 1968 Legislature; (3) support for two programs of instruction at the baccalaureate level and support for the development and implementation of a program of instruction for "Clinical Associates" inthe School of Allied Health Professions; (4) support for development and irmplementation of new programs of graduate study in the College of Dentistry; and (5) support for a funded retire- ment program for full-time personnel not eligible under the present current funded retirement program, and support for an income protection program in the event of disability for all full-time personnel not eligible for the current disability insurance program. In conclusion, Dr. Singletary expressed his appreciation and thanks for the assistance given by Dr. Donald Clapp and his staff in the preparation of the budget request and said that Dr. Clapp would be able to give more detailed infor- mation should Board members wish to question him. Mr. Clay acknowledged, on behalf of the Board, the contribution which Dr. Clapp had made and commended both Dr. Singletary and Dr. Clapp on the 3 realistic budget presented for approval. Governor Chandler made a motion that the Board of Trustees approve the biennial budget request for 1970-72 for transmittal to the Council on Public Higher Education for its consideration and recommendations and further transmission to the Governor through the De- partment of Finance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer and all present voted aye. (Budget Request Document for 1970-72 is available in the official files of the Board of Trustees but is not made apart of the Minutes of the November 7, 1969 meeting. ) C. Statement on the University of Kentucky-University of Louisville Affiliation Adopted President Singletary opened the discussion of a possible merger between the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville with the statement that in his view there are at least three possible courses opentothe University of Louisville: (1) to continue as a state related institution, i. e. , receive a certain number of dollars but retain their present independent status; (2) come into the state system as an independent college; or (3) come into the state system in some kind of merger or closer affiliation agreement with the University of Kentucky. The only one of these three choices before the University of Louisville of concern to the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees is the merger or closer affiliation agreement. Therefore, in accordance with instructions given him by the Board of Trustees at the October 21 meeting, President Singletary and members of his staff had met with President Strickler and members of his staff to determine whether or not terms "mutually agreeable" did in fact exist relative to the merg- ing of the two institutions. As a result of the discussions and the answers given to certain specific questions raised by Dr. Singletary, he felt there are some rather discernible and indentifiable differences about the merger and that terms "mutually agreeable" did not in fact exist at this time in spite of what may have transpired in the past. Mr. Clay thanked Dr. Singletary for carrying out the charge given him by the Board with speed and dispatch and asked what action the Board wished to take as a result of the report received from Dr. Singletary. Mr. Black requested per- mission to read a statement which might be transmitted to the Council on Public Higher Education as requested by that body. His statement follows: Statement of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky Concerning Affiliation of the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky November 7, 1969 On July 28, 1969, The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky publicly expressed its belief that an affiliation between the University of 4 Kentucky and the University of Louisville could be achieved, provided: (1) the necessary funds could be made available without impairing the State's obligation to maintain its exist- ing system of higher education; and (2) that conditions "mutually agreeable to the two Boards" could be worked out. On October 6, the Council on Public Higher Education passed a Resolution requesting that the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky submit to the Council its recommendations relating to Section 4 of House Resolution 91 of the 1968 Kentucky General Assembly. This Resolution states: 'That the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and the Board of Trustees of the University of Louisville are hereby directed to develop proposed legis- lation providing for closer affiliation of the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky and to present the same for the consideration of the General AssembLy not later than at its next regular session. " At its meeting on October 21, 1969, this Board directed the President of the University of Kentucky to meet with the President of the University of Louisville to ascertain whether ''mutually agreeable" terms did in fact exist and to attempt "to resolve any matters not heretofore resolved. " Since that time, the President of the University of Kentucky has met with the President of the University of Louisville and has reported back to this body the results of his inquiries. On the basis of this report, it is clear that there is not mutual agreement on certain matters. These include: (1) the structure of the merged institution., (2) name of the merged institution, (3) structure of the Governing Board, (4) duties and responsibility of the new administration, and (5) future funding. Such being the case, the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky has no recommendation to forward to the Council on Public Higher Education at this time and hereby directs the President of the University of Kentucky to transmit this information to the Council on Public Higher Education. The Board recognizes the benefits to the State that would be derived through a closer affiliation between the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville and does not intend this statement to imply an un- willingness to negotiate further. The Board reaffirms its desire to effect closer affiliation on conditions mutually acceptable to the two Boards and stands ready to meet with the Board of the University of Louisville upon request. In order to get the matter before the Board for action, Mr. Black moved that the statement be adopted as the official position of the University of Kentucky rela- tive to affiliation of the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky. His motion was seconded by Governor Chandler. 5 Before the vote was taken Mr. Futrell stated that as the representative of the student body on the Board of Trustees, he wished to endorse Mr. Black's statement. He continued that Student Government had appointed a committee to study the advantages and disadvantages of merger with regard particularly to financial and academic implications for University of Kentucky students. This committee had concluded that from the student viewpoint the University of Louisville should be brought into the state system of higher education but that "closer affiliation and cooperation should only be based on an informal basis in- stead of a formal merger. ' Mr. Futrell felt, therefore, that his endorsement was in accord with student views on the matter. The question being called for, all present voted in the affirmative. D. Executive Committee Authorized to Act for Board at November 18, 1969 Meeting On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed unanimously, the Board meeting established for November 18 was canceled and the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees was authorized to meet in its stead and to act for the Board in receiving bids for the $28, 800, 000 Revenue Bond Anticipation (Second Renewal) Notes at 2:00 o'clock on the afternoon of November 18. E. Meeting Adjourned Having first determined that there was no further business to come before the meeting, Mr. Clay called for a motion for adjournment. The motion being duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:37 p. m. Respectfully submitted, Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary Board of Trustees I . PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES November 18, 1969 1. SYMPOSIUM LOOKS AT PUBLIC EMPLOYEE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Labor-management relations between public institutions and their employees was the subject of a symposium at the University over the weekend, attracting 11 nationally prominent negotiators and representatives in labor and management relations. William A. Tolman, conference chairman and director or the Labor Education Center (LEC) of the College of Business and Economics, said 27 states have legislation which outlines how organization of public employees is to be conducted, and those states have had much less difficulty than those without acceptable legislation. "During the forthcoming session of the 1970 Kentucky General Assembly a subcommittee of the Joint Labor Committee plans to bring before the legislators a proposal designed to set up an orderly situation by which public employees could say whether they want to be represented or not," Tolman stated. Among symposium speakers were James Rademacher, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers; Robert L. Stutz, chairman of the Connecticut Board of Mediation and Arbitration; Jerry Wurf, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO; Willoughby Abner, director of the National Center for Dispute Settlement; Joseph S. Murphy, vice president of the American Arbi- tration Association; Sam Ezelle, executive secretary, Kentucky State AFL-CIO, and Seymour Alloy, employee relations specialist, U. S. Air Force. UK participants included President Otis A. Singletary; Dr. Joseph L. Massie, acting dean of the College of Business and Eco- nomics; Larry Klein, editor of Growth and Change; Roger H. Rines, LEC instructor; Alvin Goldman, professor of law; Dr. H. K. Charles- worth, director of the Office of Development Services and Business ReseE~rch, and Dr. Carl Cabe, professor of business administration. 2. MCCOY STUDY CONTINUES WEIGHTLESSNESS EXPERIMENTS A study at the University will furnish NASA with data showing whether or not animals are able to differentiate between the various levels of gravity. "If they can do so, we hope to learn if they will work to avoid specific environmental conditions," said Dr. Donald McCoy, assistant professor of psychology. He said it has been demonstrated that long periods of weightlessness can have phys- iological and perhaps behavioral effects on astronauts if they don't 0 exercise regularly. "Eventually, engineers and scientists will find ways to overcome gravitational problems." 2 3. DEAN HARTFORD CITES MAJOR FUNCTION OF COMMUNITY COLLEGE Community colleges in Kentucky occupy a unique position, with University membership on the one hand and community orientation on the other, Dean Ellis F. Hartford of the Commu- nity College System said in his recent "State of the System" report at the annual faculty conference. He said each college is an integral part of the University, with the same standards of admission and operation as the parent institution, and each college, through its local advisory board and other ties, relates itself to the needs of the community. He said that if the colleges are not allowed to do their job, new institutions will have to be created for that purpose. "The state should keep faith with the people of several areas who gave money to get a community college established to serve their needs. These people and the bondholders have an equity in the System as it is currently organized," he stated. Dear Hartford said the community colleges have been charged with at least four functions: offering transfer curricula to students who wish to complete the first two years of an under- graduate degree; providing two-year associate degree programs designed to prepare the student for immediate employment on a technical or semi-professional level; offering continuing educational opportunities for the citizens of the immediate areas, and assisting students through guidance and counseling services to define their capabilities and make sound career choices. 4. STUDENTS NAMED TO JUDICIAL BOARD Seventeen students have been named to the University Judicial Board. They are: Richard Fleischer, Cincinnati; Michael Giles, Florissant, Mo.; William S. Johnson, Lexington; James C. Lyne, Russellville; John Prather, Somerset; James R. Stivers, Sudbury, Mass., and Edward D. White III, Louisville, (all graduate students). Roger Church, Ashland; Ken Foree, Bedford; David Lemaster, Pineville, Ray Sabbatine Jr., Erie, Pa.; and Damon "alley, Magnolia; Susan Camenisch, Stanford; Sue Dempsey, Lyndhurst, N. J.; Kate Elliston, Frankfort; Mary Lou Swope Freason, Lexington, and Anita Puckett, Dayton, Ohio (undergraduates). The appointments were made by Tim Futrell, Student Government president, and approved by Dr. Stuart Forth, acting vice president for student affairs. The judicial board is charged with original jurisdiction over cases involving alleged violations by students of University disci- plinary offenses. - 3 - 5. WAYNE MORSE CITES FEDERAL AID TO EDUCATION Wayne Morse, the former senator from Oregon, recently told a University audience that this country's $58-billion federal education budget "gives us the political freedom which grows out of the seedbed of literacy and economic choice of the individual." In return for this expenditure, he said, our country received a capital investment in skills and aptitudes. Without it, there would be no space program or plan to re- generate our physical environment. The higher incomes of college graduates, he noted, repays the government through in- come taxes. Speaking before the College of Education's third collo- quium on education policy formulation, Morse said he was "greatly indebted to President Otis A. Singletary and Prof. Richard Miller" for their work during his chairmanship of the Senate subcommittee on education. He reserved credit for educators for legislation passed during his Senate tenure, which ended in 1968. Morse com- pared subcommittee hearings to seminars where he and other senators would "sit in as students." "Our most important procedure," he said, "was that the experts made the record. This was invalu- able to us on the Senate floor." 6. DEBATE TEAM IN A RE-BUILDING YEAR The 13-student debate team this year has 10 novice debaters. In athletic terms, this could be called a "re-building" year, according to the debate coach, Dr. H. Howell Brady, director of forensics. Novices Howell Hopson, Cadiz, and Jeff Lankford, Louis- ville, launched the team's current activities in early October when they entered the varsity tournament at Middle Tennessee University. They won two and lost four. The varsity team of John Nelson, Eliza- bethtown, and Jeff Lankford participated in the UK Invitational Tournament at Lexington, winning five and losing one, making them eligible for the eliminations. They were withdrawn from competition, however, because they represented the host school. Eight students attended the novice tournament at Morehead State University. The four man team of Carl Brown, Dale Matthews, and Frank Campigotto, all of Louisville, and Mike Thomas, Madisonville, won the first place four-man team award. The team of Mary Perkins, Lexington; Rebecca Ferris, Butler; Virginia Leach, Richmond, Va., and Teressa Halsell, Louisville, won the second place four man award, and the team of Brown and Matthews won first place affirmative team. Miss Leach and Miss Halsell won first place negative team. Among the top 10 speakers in the tournament were Thomas, Campigotto, Miss Leach and Miss Halsell. Dr. Brady is assisted by Scott Wendelsdorf, Nicholasville, former UK debater and first year law student. Other team members are Danny Clark, Madisonville, and Jack Tolliver, Dan- ville. The schedule this fall includes trips to Emory University; Georgetown Universityl Purdue Universityp Notre Dame; University of Miami (Fla.); University of Pittsburg; Northwestern University; Western Kentucky University, and Murray State University. - 4 - 7. INTER-COMMUNITY COLLEGE COUNCIL IS ACTIVE Leadership training is being conducted by the Inter- Community College Student Council, whose members include the presidents of community college student governments and two other elected members from each college. One is a sophomore and the other a freshman at each of the 15 institutions in the Community College System. Mark Blair of Ashland Community College, coordinator of the ICCSC, says the Council at his institution is arranging tours of a new building scheduled to open around January 1. Ashland members are working on a student handbook for incoming students. Promotion of fraternities and sororities is being conducted. Better communications between students and faculty is another goal, Blair said. A student re- presentative at faculty meetings would be helpful, he added. Gary Craft of Hazard Community College says the immediate concern of council members at his college is the adoption of a constitution. Their constitutional convention has been in a stalemate. He said a more dynamic student government organization is being sought. Jim Noplis said the establishment of a pop music festival is one of the primary concerns of the student council at Northern Community College. "Proceeds will be used to install a stereo system in the student lounge, establish scholarships, and buy laboratory equipment," he said. The Lexington Technical Institute student government is attempting to get a constitution adopted, according to Dennis Wilmot, president. He says communi- cation among students is limited. LTI hopes to participate in the annual Mountain Dew Festival at Prestonsburg Community College, held in the spring. Other goals include the publication of a news- letter twice each semester, Wilmot said. He noted that LTI council members are working toward a "more successful student assembly." The festival at Prestonsburg is one of the principal activities of the student congress there, says representative James Perry. He said all community colleges in the system are invited to par- ticipate. The program includes athletic events, a talent contest, and a beauty pageant. The student congress at Prestonsburg is helping establish new programs and schedule existing ones for two new buildings under construction. Occupancy of the buildings is set for the be- ginning of the second semester. Fred Montfort, representing the student government at Jefferson Community College, notes that en- rollment problems are foremost in the minds of faculty and students. More than 1,000 applicants were turned away from Jefferson at the beginning of the fall term because the because the facilities could not accommodate them. Another goal of the student government at Jefferson is better relations with city officials. Students hope to establish a campus volunteer security force and an escort ser- vice for co-eds who are walking on college grounds after dark. Security is not adequate at the present time, Montfort says. Community college student council presidents generally agree that a community college can expect to draw audiences from distances up to 100 miles if the musical groups being booked have sufficient popular appeal to college and high school students. - 5 - 8. STUDENTS NAMED TO SYSTEM'S STANDING COMMITTEES Expanded student participation in the governing affairs of the University Community College System has been announced bv Dean Ellis F. Hartford. Four sophomore students were ap- pointed to serve on each of the four standing committees. The dean said the students all are members of the Inter-Community College Student Council and were nominated by their respective student government associations. The system faculty council voted its approval of the plan last July. Prior to that time, students were authorized to serve on individual faculty com- mittees within each college. The new appointments mark the first time students have been included on system-wide committees, Dean Hartford stated. The committees and the students appointed to them are: Academic Planning--Karen Raub, Elizabethtown; Jerry Wright, Hender- son; Clark Hennessey, Maysville, and Kathy Grover, Somerset. Cur- riculum Studies---Susan Young, Ashland; Nora Beck, Hopkinsville; Pat Hall, Prestonsburg, and Eddie Shawler, Forestry and Wood Tech- nician School at Quicksand. Instructional Resources--Gene McClure, Elizabethtown; Amy Mudd, Lexington Technical Institute, and Mildred Oliver, Madisonville. Student Affairs--Connie O'Hearn, Jefferson; Kenneth Mauser, Northern; Valerie Ford, Paducah, and Ronald Rasnick, Southeast Community College. 9. MASS ACCREDITATION VISITS TO COMMUNITY COLLEGES UNDERWAY The Community College System and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools are cooperating in a mass accreditation project for the system. It is the first undertaking of its kind for either institution, according to Dr. R. G. Matheson, coordinator of self studies for the community colleges. The first phase of the project, a visitation to the central Lexington campus and a compar- able visit to each of the community colleges individually began in early November. There were simultaneous visits to Elizabethtown and the Lexington Technical Institute. Accreditation visits were made to Henderson and Northern Community Colleges November 5-9. From November 9 to 12, the teams visited Hopkinsville and Ashland. Somerset and Prestonsburg were observed beginning November 12. Each visit was to include three days of observation by community college administrators, special technical personnel and faculty members. They were to study each college to ascertain how well its program, personnel, and facilities conform to the standards of the Southern Association of Colleges for two-year institutions, Dr. Matheson said. The uniqueness of the project is that the UK system has not had an outside accreditation visit for its 15 community colleges. The Association has not visited a system as such and has not tried the "back to back" simultaneous visit method for a system heretofore. The remaining seven community colleges will be visited next spring, or at the time of the visit to the Lexington campus next fall, Dr. Matheson said. - 6 - 10. LAW COLLEGE AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS The College of Law has awarded a number of scholarships, including those related to scholastic achievement, another as a gift, and two memorial scholarships. The largest of the awards, in the amount of $500, went to Herbert B. Sparks of Edmonton. It was a gift of Charles Landrum Jr., Lexington attorney and member of the 1942 law class. Among those receiving scholar- ships in memory of William Mills, a graduate of the class of 1969, were Mark Arnzen, Fort Thomas, Edward Lusk, Cynthiana, and Herbert Ponder, Henderson. Awards, given in the name of Frank Murray, went to Toddy Ward, Lexington, Terry Morrison, Columbia, and Sammy Knight, Murray. Murray was a former UK professor of law. Additional recipients included Donald James, Ashland, William Cooper, Elizabethtown, and Margaret Allison, Lexington. A tuition scholarship was presented by the Kenton County Bar Association to William T. Robinson, Fort Mitchell. 11. WBKY PROGRAM AIRED BY 200 STATIONS National Educational Radio recently distributed to its more than 200 member stations a half-hour interview program produced by WBKY-FM, University educational radio station. The program featured UK architect Herb Greene, discussing modern problems and requirements of architecture with program host Don Wheeler. Greene also talked about architecture of the past, architecture and the other arts, and several of architectilre's greatest unresolved pro- blems. Over the past two years, four other programs from the UK "Interview" series, from which the Greene interview is drawn, have been distributed by National Educational Radio. "Interview" is produced by Susan Sutter, a senior majoring in telecommunications. It is the second time NER has distributed nationally a program produced by Miss Sutter at WBKY-FM. 12. JOURNALISM MONOGRAPHS EDITED, PUBLISHED HERE A serial publication in journalism and mass communications has been added to the list of scholarly journals published at the University. "Journalism Monographs," a serial, non-periodic publication of the Association for Education in Journalism, is now being printed as well as edited on campus. Number 12 in the series was published last month by the printing department. Earlier issues were published at the University of Texas. The editor, Prof. Bruce H. Westley, founded the publication while he was at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. He came to UK in January as chairman of the Department of Journalism. 13. NASA DISPLAY MAY VISIT IN MID-FEBRUARY A mobile display of moon rocks and soil, plus other para- phernalia related to the flight of Apollo 11 will visit the Univer- sity early in 1970, according to Dean Robert M. Drake of the College of Engineering. Dean Drake requested in a letter to NASA headquarters that the touring display visit during the week of February 22. Found- ers _Dav will be observed durinc that week. - 7 14. NEW COURSE UTILIZES 12 PROFESSORS "Revolution and Social Change," a new course to be offered at the University next spring, utilizes the talents of 12 pro- fessors in six different departments in its 14 lectures. Sponsor- ed by the Department of History in cooperation with the College of Arts and Sciences, the three-hour course as taught by the 12 guest lecturers will concentrate primarily on the major social and economic revolutions of this century. Both the American Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789 will be ex- amined.. Weekly lectures will be held in Room CB 208 from 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays and are open to the public. Students enrolled in the class also will meet in one of two discussion sessions. 15. GOLD EXPLAINS WHY LINCOLN SCHOOL IS UNIQUE The Lincoln School, a special school for high school students who might otherwise not achieve their