xt7mkk948146 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk948146/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19510718 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1951-07-sep18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1951-07-sep18. 1951 2011 true xt7mkk948146 section xt7mkk948146 Irregularities Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity of Kentucky, September 18, 1951. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 18, 1951, The following members were present: Guy A. Huguelet, HR P. Hobson, J. C . Everett, H-. D. Palmore, Ben S. Adams, Paul M. Basham, Harper Gatton, J. Woodford Howard, Boswell B, Hodgkin, Herndon J. Evans, George M. Cheek, Carl Dempewolfe, and Dr, W. M, Coffee. Absent * Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby and Mrs. Paul G, Blazer. President Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson met with the Board. A. Minutes Approved. The minutes of the Board of Trustees of June 1, 1951, and the minutes of the Executive Coimriittee of July 21, 1951, were approved as published, B. t~port of the Coptroller. The Comptroller made financial report for the months of July and August, consisting of balance sheet of University funds, with supporting statements of budget and fund operations for the period. 1Is UNIVERSITY % OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON September 12, 1951 Dr. H. L. Donovan, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky My dear Doctor Donovan: I submit hereto attached the financial report of the University of Kentucky for the period July 1, 1951, through August 31, 1951. The report consists of a balance sheet of University funds as of Au- gust 31, 1951, together with supporting statements of budget and fund operations for the period then ended. The statement of unrealized income shows income realized during the period amounted to $2,409,132.73, which is 34.58% of the budget estimate of $6,966,854.64. The statement of departmental appro- priations shows expenditures and encumbrances during the period amounted to $1,226,049.18, which is 17.06% of the departmental ap- propriations of $7,187,419.70. The unappropriated surplus as of August the following: Division of Agr.Exper. -Station 31, 1951, consists of Agr. Ext. Division Total General Fund Plant Fund Total Colleges $ 498,698.71 $ 253,902.94 1,69,482.54 501.79* $ 253,401.15 $ 2,619.96 $ 755,221.61 168,980 75 $ 2,619.S96 $ 924202.36 *Temporary deficit. Other fund balances on August 31, 1951, were as follows: Restricted Funds Loan Funds Endowment Funds Agency Funds Total prial Income Total $ $1,718,955.12 $1,718,955.12 62,797.61 22,879.10 85,676.:T 200,228.18 2,630.42 202,858.60 68,111.23 68,111.23 26.~ 1:b2. Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller. University of Kentucky BALANCE SHEET As of August 31, 1951 A S S E T S Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Division Current Funds: General Cash in Bank Petty Cash Adv. State Allotments Current Year Prior Year Revolving Funds Inventories Deferred Charges Unrealized Inc. Total General Restricted: Cash in Bank Petty Cash Adv. Investments Total Re- stricted Plant Funds: Unexpended Unrealized Inc. Total Expended $ 63,oO05.1~ 946. 15 416,431.50 25,51 *.33 1,1o5,(56.43 504, 1'. .02 111,76c .20 2,670,471.19 $5,076,977 .93 624,446.25 11,973.2U 668,251.49 $1,524,673.02 $ 127,160.73 251,760.50 $ 376,921.23 Investment in Plant: Fixed AsseTs . 52 Total Invest. $2500; 431.7'2 Total Plant , 5C.352- $ 73,523.26 i96,211.35 6,452.17 311,405.00 41,693.00 7-7,22 6.97 $1,416,513.77 $ 39,240.65 400.00 15,000.00 $ 54, 640. o5 $ 145,005.63 $ 145, 05.63 32711,576.99* $2 ,7 11, 5 777* S7 $2,b 57,v3S2. b2 $ 374,074.29 60,579.11 765.78 o48,261.25 $ 611,402.68 946.15 673,221.96 34,736.26 1,497,26i.43 545,874.02 111,76 .20 4,305,961.41 $1 ,223,660.43 $7,7b1,172.13 $ 1461,271.57 $1,009,960.67 12,373.28 703,251 .4.9 $ 146,271.57 $1,725,585.44 $ $ 272,966.36 251,760.50 $ $ 524,726.86 $ $~~31,v292, oo8 ,71 $ $~~31 ,292,v003.71 $ $~~~3ivbib,735 57 Other Funds: Cash TH Bank Notes Receivable Investments Total Other Funds Loan $ 4,42&6.66 5,748*05 75,500.00 $ 5, 676.71 Endowment Agency $ 3,276.64 $ 53,111.23 $ 60,816.53 5,74o .05 199,581,96 15,000.00 290,0.1.96 $ 202,658.60 $ 6O,111.23 $ 356,646.54 Total Assets $41,60, 139.68 *Change in Plant values for 1950-51 not recorded when this report was prepared. Division of Colleges Total University of Kentucky BALANCE SHEET As of August 31, 1951 L I A B I L I T I E S Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Division Current Funds: Reserve fo-rEn- cum brances: Current Year $ Prior Year Reserve for In- ventories Other Liabilities Unappro.Surplus Appro.Balance Total General $ 172,323.43 140,408.66 504,181.02 111,768.20 498,698.71 3,651,597.91 5,078,977.93 $ 56,296.71 37,908.98 $ 41,693.00 253,902.94 2,619.96 1,028,712.14 $1,2-81l,6o.47 $ 228,620.14 178,317.64 545,874.02 111,768.20 755,221.61 5,961,370.52 $ 1,418,513.77 $1,283,680.43 $ 7,781,172.13 Restricted: Outstanding Chks.$ Restricted Bal. 6,630.32 1,516,042.70 'p 54,640.85 $ 146,271.57 $ 6,630.32 1,717,955.12 Total Restrict.$ 1,524,673.02 $ 54,640.85 $ 146,271.57 $ 1,725,585.44 Plant Funds: Unexpended: Reserve for Encumb.: Current-YearF$ $ 72.00 $ $ 72.00 Prior Year 51,824.52 29,381.02 81,205.54 Surpluis Funds 169,482.54 501.79* 168,90o.75 Appro.Balances 157,614.17 116,854.40 274,468.57 Total Unex- pended $ 378,921.23 $ 145,805.63 $ $ 524,726.86 Investment in Plant: Bonds PayablETe$2,871,500.00 Net Invested 25,708,931.72 Totai invest- ment Total Plant Other Funds: Bal. as to Principal Bal. as to Income Total Other Funds 128, 58o 431.72 $2b,959,352 95 Loan $ 62,797.61 22,879.10 4 85,676.71 $ $ 2,871,500.00 2,711,576.99 _28,420,508.'71 $ 2,711,576.99 $$31,292,008.71 $ 265738262 Ui1,bib35-5T Endowment Agency $ 200,228.18 $ $ 263,025.79 2,630.42 68,111.23 93,620.75 $ 202,858.60 68,111.23 $ 356,646.54 Total Liabil. *Negative number. $41,68,o139.68 Division of Colleges Total - - University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF UNREALIZED INCOME For the Current Fiscal Year which Began July 1, 1951, and Ended August 31, 1951 General Fund Budget Estimate Division of Colleges: Educational & General: State Appropriations Federal Grants (through the State) Student Fees Endowment Income Sales & Services and Rentals Subtotal Auxiliary Enterprises: Res idence Halls Miscellaneous Subtotal Total-Colleges Less Income Allocated to Plant Net Colleges $2,714,400.oo 127,617.87 893,670.00 9,644.50 Realized to Date $ 888,750.00 84,961.97 317,031.17 4,832.25 19,700.13 2,482.21 $3,765,032.50 $1,98,4057.60 34.4b7, $ 327,`74.00 $ 17,240.14 116,930.50 1,350.07 $ 444 804.50 $ 18,590.21 $4,2091.8o11.47.8 _$1,209,837.00 $1,316,7.8 L222,718.00 $ U3,9b7,1i9.00 13667l 33.027- Unrealized F. lance $1,825,650.00 42,655.90 576, 638.83 4,812.25 17,217.92 $2,466,974.90 $ 310,633.86 115,580.43 $ _426,214.29 $2,893,189.19 $ 2{22,718.00 $2, b70,471 77, Agricultural Exp.Station: State Appropriations Federal Grants (direct) Sales and services Total-Agricultural Ex- periment Station $ 382,600.00 308,852.21 490,141.00 $1,181,593.21 $ 244,7418.oo 76,876.60 70,739.64 $ 137,052.00 229,975.61 419,401.36 $ 787,228.97 Agricultural Ext.Division: State Appropriations $ 1400,000.00 Federal Grants (direct) 1,146,381.93 Total-Agricultural Ex- tension $1,546,381.93 Total-General Fund $6,715,094.14 Plant Fund General Income Allocated $ 222,718.00 Stores Overhead 29,042.50 Total-Plant Fund Combined Total $ 126, 600.00 571,520.68 $ 698,20.68 45,1511 $2,409,132.73 35.88% $ . 3. . -.)o $ 251,76o.50 $ 273,400.00 574,861.25 $ 848,261.25 $11,305,961.41 $ 222,718.00 29,042.50 $_ 251,760.50 $4,,557,72i.91 $ 394,364.24 33.3b7o University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Year which Began July 1, 1951, and Ended August 31, 1951 General Fund Depart. Appro. Division of Colleges: AdministFation & General Expese: Gen.Admin.Offices $ 205,075.00 Student Welfare 60,660.60 General Expense 841,497.00 Subtotal 7 350,232.5u Instruction and Research: College of: Arts & Sciences $1,299,486.00 Engineering 362,719.00 Commerce 166,083.00 Agr. & Home Ec. 215,987.00 Law 71,546.00 Education 297,404.00 Pharmacy 76,269.00 Graduate 9,430.00 Univ.Research 24,000.00 Library 227,518.00 Univ. Extension 115,150.00 Other Activities 23,734.00 Subtotal $2)b9,327M Operation & Maintenance of Physical Plant,etc. General Appro. . 683,518.00 Special Appro. 60,000.00 Work in Progress 25,000.00 General Stores,etc. 27 250.00 Subtotal T 7 Auxiliary Enterprises: Residence Halls $ 285,767.00 Miscellangous 79,725.00 Subtotal $ 3b5,492. Expendi- tures $ $ $ $ 30,921.26 9,525.20 13,196.82 53, b43rn 17.02% 178,754.29 46,635.16 23,931.53 32,520.62 8,792.41 41,054.40 5,360.31 1,574.70 1,418.30 27 , 508.27 9,441.02 2,1L2.30 379,133.31 14. bT, Encum- brances $ 1,838.37 1,308.08 2,829 33 $ 5,975.7b $ 12,332.01 2,858.06 243.54 139.71 16.60 5,698.50 4,544.93 148.90 231.22 18,356.74 291.89 112.56 $ 44,9 74 * bb 121,163.29 $ 85,346.34 217.71 932.76 12,036.47 5 835.85* -n b,275.10 $ 12,767.59 3,771.46 b, 539.05 14.13%; $ 33,944.14 1,149 75 $ 35:023.b9 Appro. Balances $ 172,315.37 49,827.32 68,470.85 $ 290,677.7T $1,108,399.70 313,225.78 141,907.93 183,326.67 62,736.99 250,651.10 66,363.76 7,706.40 22,350.48 181wi,652.99 105,417.09 21,479.14 $2,465,2ib.03 $ 477,008.37 58,849.53 12,963.53 33,065.85 $ 5bl,907.2b $ 239,055.27 74, 03.79 $ 313, b59.0 Total-Colleges $4,400,4818.60 $ 576,897.26 $172,323.43 $3,651,595.91 *Negative number. University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which Began July 1, 1951, and ended August 31, 1951 General Fund Depart. Appro. Expendi- tures Encum- brances Agr. Exper.Station: Administration $ Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Creamery License Dairy Dairy Cattle. Improve. Entomology & Botany Farm Economics Feed & Fertilizer Home Economics Horticulture Markets & Rural Fin. Poultry Pub. & Library Pub.Service Labs. Regional Research Robinson Substation Rural Sociology Seed Stocks West Ky. Substation 1M..sc.-Social Security 150,473.00 202,454.00 78,490.00 60,050.00 9,291.00 46,835.00 15,000.00 79,330.00 61,685.00 190,000.00 18,100.00 44,180.00 79,331.00 35,388.00 32,495.17 32,250.00 8,325.00 22,400.00 32,242.00 41,900.00 $ 11,643.12 30,279.62 12,957.44 8,798.71 1,368.52 5,112.67 2,410.98 11,994.01 9,731.89 11,151.31 2,011.93 6,537.95 13,063.72 4,332.92 1,994.09 4,707.75 1,250.54 2,862.00 4,753.23 1,100.00 5,472.12 1,676.60 $ 4,366.80 2,678.73 10,105.62 236.74 239.90 7,614.48 94.52 466.49 7.30 24,270.25 139.30 2,591.22 235.24 205.00 798.72 2,246.40 $ 134,463.08 169,495.45 55,426.94 51,014.55 7,682.58 34,107.85 12,494.50 66,869.50 51,945.81 154,578.44 16,088.07 37,502.75 66,267.26 26,463.86 30,265.84 27,337.25 7,074.46 lc,739.26 27,4088.77 1, 100. 00* 34,182.48 1,676.60* Total-Agricultural Experiment Station $1,240,219.17 $155,210.32 $56,296.71 $1,028,712.14 17.05% *Negative number. Appro. Balances University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which Began July 1, 1951, and ended August 31, 1951 General Fund Depart. Appro. Expendi- tures Encum- brances Agr. Extension Div.: Administration $ Agr.Engineering Agronomy Animal Husbandry Clothing County Agents Dairy Farm & Home Conven. Farm Management Forestry 62,192.00 26,988.00 35,687.50 22,708.00 12,264.00 703,011.52 21,26;.00 1,500.00 14,904.00 1o,436.oo Foods 11,632.00 Home Dem.Agents 421,575.98 Home Management 29,840.00 Horticulture 18,344.00 Junior Clubs 78,204.00 Markets 9,853.00 Poultry 21,444.00 Publications 13,o88.00 Public Information 19,296.00 Rural Sociology 5,620.00 Misc. Soc.Sce. Admin. Reserve 3,725.93 Total-Agricul- tural Ext.Div. 1,5546,381. 93 $ 9,441.52 3,513.57 5,838.30 3,922.62 1,788.26 124,466.90 3,438.72 2,404.64 1,622.64 1,721.36 78,737.17 4,488.75 2,792.71 11,620.24 1,568.00 ,133.87 477.85 2,951.45 1,015.43 377.46 $ $265,321.46 $ 17.1 _ Combined Total $7,187,419. 70 $997,429.04 $ 52,750.48 25,474.43 29,849.20 18,785.38 10,475.74 578,544.62 17,829.28 1,500.00 12,499.36 8,813.36 0, 91o.64 342,038.81 25,351.25 15,551.29 66,583.76 8,285.00 18,310.13 13,410.15 16,344.a5 4,604.57 377.46* 3,725.93 $1,281,060.47 $5,961,370.52 *Negative number. Appro. Balances University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF OTHER FUND TRANSACTIONS For the Current Fiscal Year which Began July 1, 1951 and Ended August 31, 1951 Balance July 1,1951 Restricted Fund Balances: Div. of-CoieTges $1,471738.78 Agr.Exp.Station 54,158.96 Agr.Exten.Div. 150 152.81 Subtotal Loan Fund: PFrncipal Income Subtotal Endowment Fund: Principal- Income Subtotal Agency Fund: Balances Combined Total $ 62,797.61 22,3`5.19 $ 19,9b28.bo $ 1019,92 .1.8 2,645.67 $ 202,973.56 $ 69,939.86 $2,033,747.09 Receipts $267,206.88 18,132.85 22,589.94 $ 7,929.b79. 493.91 $ !. 49.y $ 300.00 9.75 $ 309-75 64,303.13 $373,036 .46 Disburse- ments $220,902.96 17,650.96 26,471.21 Balance Aug.31,1951 $1,518,042.70 5)1,640.85 146.271.57 2 5,.12. _ na5 257.17 7l,71b 955.1 62,797.61 22 879.10 - - $ 08)' t)(t..(I 25$00 $ 25.00 $ 66,131.76 $331,181.89 $ 200,228.10 2,630.42 _ 202,65b.bO $ 68,111.23 $2,075,601.66 University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF COMBINED RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES For the Current Fiscal Period which Began July 1, 1951, and Ended August 31, 1951 Receipts and Transfers: General Fund R eTepTs Restricted Fund Receipts Loan Fund Receipts Endowment Fund Receipts Agency Fund Receipts Total Receipts $2,4o9,132.73 307,929.67 493.91 309.75 64,303.13 $2,782,169.19 Expenditures, Encumbrances & Transfers: General Fund Expenditures Plant Fund Expenditures Restricted Fund Expenditures Endowment Fund Expenditures Agency Fund Expenditures Total Expenditures $1,226,049.18 66,558.56 265,025.13 25.00 66,131.76 $1,623,789.63 PRIOR YEAR University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF PLANT APPROPRIATIONS For the Period which Began July 1, 1950, and Ended August 31, 1951 Plant Funds Dept. Appro. Division of Colleges: P.W.A. First Bond Issue $ 37,003-37 P.W.A.Second Bond Issue 17,07&.47 Dorm. Rev .Bond Issue 23,019.25 Audit-Fieldhouse Issue 103,053-50 Library & Service Bldg.Bond Issue 47,130.77 Stadium Rev.Bond Issue 23,630.50 Dorm.Issue-Rose St. 2,554.17 Journalism Bond Issue 20,020.00 Dicker House An- nuity 363.01 Fieldhouse 31,761.46 Norwood Hall Fire Loss Balance 15,911.25 Purchase of Land & Bldg. Service Bldg.Con- struction 122,207.96 Fine Arts Build- ing 4,111.62 Dairy Center 2,031.04 Journalism 255,356.83 Add. to College of Education New Science Bldg. 10,800.00 Dorm. Construction -Rose St. 74,500.00 Library & Service Bldg.Clearance 13,612.52 Dorm.Const.III 76,000.00 Sprinkler System 4,443.32 Rose St.Issue II (476) 2,932.14 Omicron Delta Kappa 2 550.00 Subtotal $b90,0711 Expendi- tures Encum- brances $ 36,996.1S Free Balance $ 7.19 58.73 17,019.74 20,047.25 62,137.50 39,635.00 2,972.00 40,916.00 7,495.77 110.00 5.42 23,512.50 2,548.75 20,020.00 132.33 1,511.19 230.6& 30,250.27 15,911.25 111,207.96 1,952.15 2,031.04 195,870.03 11,000.00 2,159.47 $51,624.52 7,500.00 74,500.00 76,ooo.oo 2,635.00 2,550.00 p$ybub ,(ZC.7 7,662.28 3,300.00 13,612.52 4,443.32 297.14 EGG44.o w51,d24.52 University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF PLANT APPROPRIATIONS July 1,1951, and ended August 31, 1951 Plant Funds Dept. Appro. Division of Colleges: Expendi- tures P.W.A. First Bond Issue P.W.A. Second Bond Issue Dorm.Rev. Bond Issue $ 36,470.00 16,723,00 $ 8,390.00 $ 36,470.00 6,390.00 20,552.00 20,552.00 Audit-Fieldhouse Issue Library & Service Bldg.Bond Is. Stadium Rev.Bond Issue Dorm.Issue-Rose St. 1 Dorm.Issue-Rose St. 2 61,732.50 39,042.50 23,156.00 4,103.00 4,216.00 Journalism Bond Issuel6,723.00 Dicker House Annuity Service Bldg. Con- struction Libr.& Service Bldg. Clearance 50,793.75 10, 938 .75 39,042.50 23,156.00 4,103.00 4,216.00 16,723.00 7,302,81 7,302.1* 1,382.73 Subtotal *Expenditures and encumbrances in excess of appropriation or negative figure. Encum- brances Free Balance $bb,46b-.56 University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF PLANT APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which Began July 1, 1951, and Ended August 31, 1951 Plant Funds Dept. Expendi- tures Encum- brances Agricultural Experiment Station: Animal Path.Bldg. Repairs & New Equip. West.Ky.Tobacco Barn West.Ky. Water System $ 1,880.75 $ $ 8,481.03 360.00 $ 1,880.75 8,481.03 360.00 200.00 200.00 Agr.Engr.Bldg. 75,000.00 75,000.00 Sheep Barns Brooder House Miscellaneous Subtotal 2,500.00 17,856.00 10,648.62 $li6,926 .4o 2,500.00 17,856.00 72.00 $ 72.00 10,576.62 $116,854 .140 Free Balance 14 The report was examined by members of the Board, and after due consideration, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was authorized received and made of record. C. Investment of Funds of the College of Pharmacy. The Comptroller reported to the Board some of the revenue bonds dated July 1, 1946, proceeds of which were used for the construction of the Men's Residence Hall known as "Bowman Hall", had been offered at a discount. He stated that part of the bonds were issued at an interest rate of 2% and a part at 1-3/4%, and that the bonds offer- ed for sale were of the 1-3/4% interest rate. The price asked was 87* net. The Comptroller suggested the use of part of the funds available to the College of Pharmacy, for the purchase of these bonds. Members of the Board discussed the question of purchasing revenue bonds of self-supporting units of the University. After a thorough discussion, motion was made, seconded and carried that the Comptroller be authorized to purchase $5,000.00 of revenue bonds offered at a price of 87*, and that the President and Comptroller be further authorized to purchase any of the revenue bonds issued against revenue producing units of the University, if any of the bonds become available, and when the President and the Comptroller feel that it is to the best interest of the University to do so. D. Proposed Budget for the Biennium 1951-53. President Donovan presented to the members of the Board a bro- chure, "Your University". The contents of the bulletin were ex- amined in detail. They included the proposed budget for the en- suing biennium. President Donovan recommended that the Board au- thorize the administration to request the 1952 Legislature for the appropriations for the following purposes and amounts: PROPOSED BUDGET 1951-52 Appropriations and 1952-53 Proposed Budget (The 1953-54 budget request is the same as the one for 1952-53) Budget Items & 1952-53 Pro- 1952-1953 Pro- Reasons for Increases posed Changes pose: Budge Division of Colleges $2,300,000 $3,630,000 Deficiency from Veterans' Fees 1,000,000 Increase in Cost of Living - 10% 330,000 15 PROPOSED BUDGET (Continued) Budget Items & Reasons 1952-53 Pro- 1952-53 Pro- for Increases posed Changes posed Budet College of Agriculture $ 60,ooo $ 215,987 Deficiency in Current Appropriation 155,987 Summer School Session 16,500 18,150 Increase in Cost-10% 1,650 Repairs to Buildings 60,000 100,000 Deficiency in Current Appropriation 40,000 Strawberry Marking & Labeling Act 1,500 1,650 Increase in Cost-10% 150 Library Equipment 12,500 62,500 Steel Shelving, Library Annex 50,000 Scientific Laboratory Equipment 50,000 75,000 Increase in Cost-50% 25,000 Engineering Equipment 27,500 27,500 Exp. Sliation-Incl.Tobacco,Bloat Research 75,000 125,000 Deficiency in Current Appropriation 50,000 University Research-Including Coal, Engineering Experiment Station 60,000 60,000 Geological Survey 37,900 100,000 Expansion of Work 62,100 College of Pharmacy 50,000 76,269 Deficiency in Current Appropriation 26,269 Service Laboratories 27,500 30,250 Increase in Cost-10% 2,750 Nursery Inspection 5,000 5,500 Increase in Cost-10% 500 Princeton Sub-Station 22,400 24,640 Increase in Cost-10% 22,240 Robinson Sub-Station 22,400 24,640 Increase in Cost-10% 2,240 Agricultural Extension 4oo,ooo 600,000 Increase in Cost-50% 200,000 16 PROPOSED BUDGET (Continued) Budget Items & Reasons for Increases Horticulture Increase in Cost-10% 1952-53 Pro- posed Changes $ 11,500 1,150 1952-53 Pro- $ 12,550 Dairy Cattle Improvement Increase in Cost-10% Hope-Flannagan Act Totals 15,000 1,500 16,500 195,300 195,300 $ 5,401,536 *Includes totals of proposed increases. The Board members evidenced considerable interest in the Pro- posed Budget request submitted and the recommendation of the Presi- dent, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, concurred in the recommendation and directed that the budget request submitted to the Legislature include the proposed budget, and that the bro- chure be made a part of the minutes. E. Dormitory Revenue Bonds and Coupons Burned. President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptroller: September 14, 1951 Dr. H. L. Donovan, President University of Kentucky My President Donovan: Pursuant to the direction of the Board of Trustees at the April 3, 1951 meeting, the paid bonds and paid interest coupons of the 1936 University of Kentucky Building Revenue Bonds were burned September 4, 1951. The list of the bonds and coupons with the signatures of the witnesses is attached hereto for the records of the Board. 17 The March 11, 1949 Executive Committee authorized a bond issue in the amount of $47,500.00, to be named "Uni- versity of Kentucky Dormitory Revenue Bonds (456 Rose Street)". The amount of the issue was found to be inadequate, and the issue was called by the November 11, 1949 meeting of the Executive Committee, Volume 27, page 214. When the called issue was received at this office, it was found that coupon #1 of Bonds 40, 41, 42, 43, 52, 53, 54 and 55, in the amount of $8.12 each, had not been cashed by the owner or owners (unknown) of the bonds. The Comptroller was authorized by the March 17, 1950 meeting of the Executive Committee to cash these coupons and deposit the proceeds to a restricted account, pending further au- thorization of the Committee (page 378, Volume 27). The proceeds $64.96, were accordingly deposited to Account 3318, Receipt 9065, March 20, 1950. This is to report that all coupons and bonds, paid and unpaid, of the first1 456 Rose Street bond issue, in the amount of $47,500.00 were burned September 4, 1951, pursuant to the direction of the Board of Trustees at the December 13, 1949 meeting. A list of the bonds and coupons, with the signature of each witness is attached hereto for the records of the Board. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller. The President stated that it was the desire of the Comptrol- ler that the minutes contain a record of what was done, and recom- mended that the list of bonds and interest coupons burned in the presence of the Comptroller, Mr. Ed Gabbard, and Mr. J. Y. Peck, be made of record in the minutes. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President's recommendation was concurred in. F. State Property and Building Commission Authorize Issuance of Revenue Bonds for Buildings. President Donovan reported that the State Property and Build- ing Commission, under date of September 7, 1951, authorized the issuance of revenue bonds for the construction of a women's resi- dence hall and a science building. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the information was received and ordered filed. G. Cooperative Agreement with the Kentucky Division of' Forest- President Donovan presented Cooperative Agreement and plan for providing technical services to private forest landowners and operators and processors of primary forest products. He stated that, for several years, the Agricultural Extension Divi- sion of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics has been operating free farm-forestry projects in cooperation with the United States Forestry Service. Half the cost of the operation of these projects has been paid by the Extension Division, the other half by the Federal Government. Under the Cooperative Forestry Management Act, Public Law 729, the United States Forestry Service can cooperate only with state foresters or equivalent officials after July 1, 1951. Mr. H. B. Newland, Director of the State Division of Forestry, has requested our cooperation in continuing the cooperative work in forestry farm management heretofore carried on with the United States Forest Service. Dean Frank J. Welch, director of the Experiment Station, re- ports that they are desirous of cooperating with the State Division of Forestry and of continuing this important work in forestry management, and he recommends approval of the Cooperative Agree- ment. The provisions of the Agreement were explained to members of the Board, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was authorized executed on behalf of the University of Kentucky. H. Revised Agreement for Metallic Telephone Circuit at Robin- son Forest President Donovan reported that Dean Cooper recommended an Agreement with the State Division of Forestry for the construction of metallic telephone circuit on the Robinson Forest. The Agree- ment was approved by the Board of Trustees on April 3, 1951. Some of the provisions contained in the Agreement, authorized as of that date, were not acceptable from the standpoint of the State Division of Forestry. He presented a new Agreement for the construction of a metallic circuit on the Robinson Forest, which meets the approval of Frank J. Welch, Dean and Director of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics and Agricultural Experi- ment Station, and Mr. H. B. Newland, Director of the State Forestry Division, which Agreement provides (1) that a telephone circuit may be constructed on Robinson Forest; (2) that all costs shall be borne by the Division of Forestry of the State Division of Con- servation; (3) that the Division shall have the privilege of using fire towers on Clements Fork, the telephone equipment and lines mentioned in the Agreement, the right of ingress and egress, and 19 the use of any roads extending to towers referred to in the con- tract; (4) that the Division shall pay the salaries for-lookout duty; and (5) that the Agreement shall continue for a period of 20 years, but either party shall have the right to terminate it upon twelve months written notice, with certain reimbursement provisions to the Division in the event the Agreement is cancelled before termination. Members of the Board being thoroughly advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement was authorized exe- cuted on behalf of the University. I. Restricted Fund Budgets Approved. The President submitted two restricted fund budgets which were not submitted by the Experiment Station at the time other budgets were considered: (1) Experiment Station Animal Husbandry reappropriation of fund balances received from Swift & Company; (2) Grant from General Education Board to improve forestry practices and the processing and marketing of