xt7mkk94908h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk94908h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_539 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 539 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 539  2014 true xt7mkk94908h section xt7mkk94908h G d °
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.\ well |)l2lllllLT(l \'(Tg(Tl2ll)l(‘ gztrdcu. properly (`1ll’('(l lor. will i
supply y()\lI` l;1111ily`s ll('(‘(lS 2lIl(l 1*:111 greatly l`C(lll(`(' your liood bud-
get. 'l`I1is l)lll)ll(`2lll()ll will ltelp yo11 pl:111 your g2ll`(l('ll so tl1;1t it.
will best serve your l'(‘(lllll`CIIl('llIS Zll](l will l1elp y()ll to plitlll 2lll(l .i
<:11‘1· lor tlu· (`l`le space 2tl](l to l1:1ve ‘
:1 (`Ul\llIltl()llS supply ol \'(TQ(‘l2ll)lCS l`l`()lU e:1rly spring to lztte
~l. lllllll to l1:11’1· :1 surplus ol` \'('g(‘l2ll)lC$ lor ll`(fC/lllg. (illllllllg
` ;111 tubers 12 in.
Potato (Sweet) 10 bu 10 bu 500 500 plants 12 in.
Pumpkins 15 fruits 25 IQ oz seed 5 ft
Ratlish 50 bunches 50 I { oz seed 1 in,
Rhubarb T5 stalks 75 stalks 50 15 roots 3 ft
Spinach 1 bu % bu 50 I 2 oz seed 3 in.
Squash (bush) 50 fruits 50 fruits 50 I ; oz " 4 ft.
Sweet Corn 25 doz ears 25 doz cars ($00 I Q lb " 6 in.
'I`omato 2 bu 100 qt 200 I , oz " (50 plants) 4 ft
lurnip (Green) 1 bu 25   02 " 3 in.
Turnip (Root) I g bu I ; bu 50 IQ oz " 3 ft.
\\`atermelon 20 fruits T5 I I oz " (9 plants) S ft.
Figure 1 shows the location of each xeegetable in the garden
area. lt groups the vegetables in the garden according to maturity

’ Aspax·agus—-|—-----.I. _—.— --I .... --
Peas--.._Iy..-_...._ _..___ _ _;I_______
‘ Peas —-—— --..-..- ..—-_.. _.__,_
Radisbes---I»--.--.....§|Spinach.._.. ___,___
Mustard-- - -)Tux·nipGx·ecns.. Kale - ... _ -l .. .. - ..
(·Bibb Lettuce - -L>Leaf Lettuce .. Bead Lettuce- - I- _ _ - -
Cabbage-- -...-._.. —._._ ..________
Broccoli- -1 — -— — — -—xCauli£lower - -l- - - -
_. (·'I`uz·nips(Roots)·I- -..-._ -..... _. - .. _.....
I #·Oni¤ns-——-T——----|-· ---- _T -.-..-..
Carrots-- --._— _...,.._ _...__
QBeets——--I-------I- ..__ .j.--....-
_ Potatoes(White)-—---- ---..— --.---
Potatoes "-l------T_ ---- ..t......._
Potatoes "—I— ————  
Potatoes " — ·— - - ·- - ----- I ---- -
Potatoes "—l—~—-————-—I—-··————---.....
Potatoes " - - ------ - - .. - ..._.
I Potatoes "j-——----I----...—_-|..--....-_
(—Potatoes " —l— ————— — —————-— I- —————
(-Potatoes " -—I— — — - -- - -l- ------------
Potatoes " -I- - ----- .. .. ____ l ____ _ _
H ‘·Beans(Bush)-----—..d. .._.. -__..
A (-Beans " —l---.......I...._..-_I__-__
G .
. ` Beans (L1ma)-I- - - - .. _-—.—_. —-IT _ .. _ -
Peppers-----—---)|Squash--- ___..
Tomatoes- —l—·-—- ——-———-- -- -- --
Tomatoes--|-- --.-  
(—Sweet Potatoes - - ---- .. _ - - .—_-_ -
(—Sweet Potatoes 1; .—_. ... _l__ _.__ L _ _ _ _
(-Sweet Potatoes I- - - -... [_. __.._ I,. .. _ .. ..
(Sweet Potatoes L. - .. _ ... _ ._—_. ... - ._—.
SweetPotatoes I-- -—__.;l____ __.I.-.. .._
, gp J I
Cucumbers—— Muskmelons- - - ----- .I- - - - .. -
50 I I I
Pumpkins- -4}] Watermelons - - I. _..__ W ... ....
oo I I
QI {—PoleBeans-—-·I- —--- ...7--.._—-)IOkr3_-..-
{-Sweet Corn - - I- ..__. _ .__. - _I_ __._
(·SweetCorn—-I—----.- .l___...... _. .._.»..
(-SweetCorn-—I— ·-—-----I--   --_--
(·SweetCorn---- ---- I----.-I-.___..
V (-SweetC0rn--I--..-._.. _?___I, ____
25* 5()· 75* 1oo·
f3’ rows except where indicated otherwise;
Fig. 1. Garden planting plan.
date, planting date. and plant. growth habit. (Qrouping vegetables
having approximately the same maturity dates makes available the
maximum area for replanting. Having small vegetables separate
from tall kinds prevents shading ol; the small vegetables and makes
the garden more attractive. This plan is a permanent record of
where each vegetable was planted each year.
If possible. the position ol: each kind ol vegetable should be
changed each vear. Rotation of crops helps to control nematodes

and various stem, leaf-spotting and root diseases. as well as certain
l¥1SC(`1 PCSIS.
The planting and maturity dates of each vegetable and the
number of feet in each planting are shown in Table 2. Table 2 ‘
also is a sample planting guide of the list of vegetables given in
1·`ig. 1. 1·`rom this guide, a gardener eau determine the appr0xi· »
Hlfttc date 0f harvest and amount of eaeh vegetable that he may
anticipate from each harvest. He can also plan the time for "
freezing. canning and storing each vegetable. `i
Vegetable Planting Date Maturity Date of Row Remarks
Asparagus April 15 1CarlySpring—3 yrs. 50 3-week harvest period . ·
Bean—bush Nlareh 15 june 20 20
May 1() july 8 20
1\lay 30 july 30 20
june 20 August 20 20
july 10 September 12 100 (Zan or freeze surplus I
August 1 ()etol>er 1 20 Ten servings `
l1eau—1,iina 1\1ay15 August 1 50 Can or freeze surplus
june 1 August 15 50 Can or freeze surplus A
lit·au»1’ole \1ay10 july 15 100 Can or freeze surplus
Beet Xlareh 15 \1ay 20 50 Can or freeze surplus
july 25 ()etober l 50 Can or freeze surplus .
llroeeoli Xlareh 20 (plants) _june 10 25 I
july l (plants) September 20 25
Cabbage \1art·h 20 (plants) june 15 25
july 1 (plants) September 24 25 Can or store surplus
Carrot Nlareh 15 june 1 50
july 1 September 15 50 Store surplus
Cauliflower Nlareh 20 (plants) july 1 25 Freeze surplus
(Yueuniber Nlay 10 july 25 50 (lan surplus
Kale \1art·h 15 Nlay 25 24
August 1 ()etolu·r 10 25 Freeze surplus
l.ettuee-—Bibb Nlareh 20 (plants) April 20 10
Bibb April 1 (plants) Nlay 1 10
Bibb August 10 (seed) Oetober 1 10
llead Nlareh 20 (plants) May 15 30
llead August 1 (seed) ()etobt·r 15 15 _
Leaf Xlareh 20 (plants) \1ay 10 15
1,eaf August 1 (seed) October 10 10
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