Sara Holroyd papers


The Sara Holroyd papers (dated 1933-2009, undated, bulk 1961-1986; 3.93 cubic feet and 9.28 gigabytes; 2 record storage cartons, 4 document boxes, 1 flat box, and 44 digital files) primarily comprise photographs, audio recordings, scrapbooks, clippings, and programs that document Holroyd's college-level vocal conducting and music education career at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Ky.

Descriptive Summary

Sara Holroyd papers
1933-2009 (inclusive)
1961-1986 (bulk)
3.93 Cubic Feet
Audio-visual materials
College teachers -- Tenure -- United States
Conductors (Music)
Music -- Instruction and study -- United States
Vocal ensembles
Women college teachers -- Kentucky -- Lexington.
Collection is arranged by format into five series: Photographs; Paper Format Items; Scrapbooks; Reel-to-Reel and Vinyl Recordings; and Posters and Objects
Finding Aid Author
Nancy DeMarcus, Ruth E. Bryan
Preferred Citation
1987ua004 : [identification of item], Sara Holroyd papers, 1933-2009, undated, bulk 1961-1986, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Sara Louise Holroyd (born February 10, 1925, in Selma, Alabama) was a professor of music (1961-1987), Director of Music Education (1964-1966), Coordinator of Workshops in Music (1966-1968), and UK Choral Activities Director (1972-1987) in the University of Kentucky School of Music. She directed the University Chorus (90-120 singers), the University Choristers (50-55 singers), the University Chorale (17-20 singers), and The Sophisticates (17-20 singers). After her retirement from the University of Kentucky, Holroyd worked as an emergency room nurse at St. Joseph Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky (1989-1995).
Holroyd recieved her B.S. in Instrumental Music Education from Peabody College in Nashville, Tennessee (1946), and an MA degree from Teacher's College, Columbia University, New York, New York (1951). She completed courses toward her Ph.D. in music education from Indiana University, 1959-1961. She received her AD (1989) and BS (1990) in nursing from Lexington Community College, Lexington, Kentucky.
Prior to her appointment at the University of Kentucky, Holroyd was Band and Choral Director at Deshler High School (Tuscumbia, Alabama, 1946-1949); Choral Director at Tuscaloosa High School (Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1949-1950 and 1951-1952); Music Critic Teacher at University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1949-1950 and 1951-1952); and Assistant Professor of Music at University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Greensboro, North Carolina, 1952-1959). From 1960-1961, Holroyd was a graduate assistant and guest music consultant for graduate workshops in music education at Indiana University.
Although Holroyd was appointed as Assistant Professor into a tenure track position, in April 1966, she was denied tenure. She appealed and was eventually granted tenure in July 1966 in a Special Title Series for music education faculty. Special Title Series had been established in April 1965. She was promoted to Associate Professor in 1973 and Full Professor in 1979.
Honors and Awards include Great Teacher Award, 1972, from the University of Kentucky Alumni Association; and induction into the Carl A. Lampert University of Kentucky School of Music Hall of Fame, 1998. Holroyd received a grant from the Kentucky Humanities Council to produce A Shaker Worship Service. The film of the original performance was produced by UKTV and aired on Kentucky Educational Television from 1979-1987. The recording was issued by Pleadies Records, Southern Illinois University Press.
Scope and Content
The Sara Holroyd papers (dated 1933-2009, undated, bulk 1961-1986; 3.93 cubic feet and 9.28 gigabytes; 2 record storage cartons, 4 document boxes, 1 flat box, and 44 digital files) primarily comprise photographs, audio recordings, scrapbooks, clippings, and programs that document Holroyd's college-level vocal conducting and music education career at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Ky. Recordings, photographs, clippings, and programs from two choral ensembles, the University of Kentucky Chorale and the University of Kentucky Choristers are also included in the collection (1970s-1980s). In addition, there are two scrapbooks detailing Holroyd's denial of tenure, her tenure grievance process, and the final tenure approval, 1966-1967.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Photographs, 1985-1989, undated

Choral trips prints and negatives (2 folders), undated

  • Box 1
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Choristers portrait prints (2 folders), undated

  • Box 1
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Football half time show prints, 1985 October

  • Box 1
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Group prints (3 folders), undated

  • Box 1
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Sara Holroyd prints, undated

  • Box 1
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Madrigal singers prints and slides, undated

  • Box 1
  • Box 3
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Miscellaneous prints (2), undated

  • Box 1
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Miss Kentucky Pageant print, 1986

  • Box 1
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Proof sheets, undated

  • Box 1
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Rehearsal prints, undated

  • Box 1
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Singletary Center for the Arts prints, undated

  • Box 1
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Shakertown prints and negatives (4 folders), undated

  • Box 2
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Lexington Community College Associates Degree in Nursing class photograph, 1989

  • Box 5
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Paper format items, 1933-2009

Clippings, undated

  • Box 2
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Correspondence (3 folders), 1959 May 18-1987 April 20, undated

  • Box 2
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Dedication of Commonwealth Stadium, 1974 September 28

  • Box 2
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Diplomas and recognitions, 1976-1984

  • Box 2
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Miscellaneous, 1976-1984

  • Box 2
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"Sour Note" newsletter, 1970 February 12-1985 February

  • Box 2
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Programs (5 folders), 1961 November 5-1987 March 1, undated

  • Box 2
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Resumes, voice ensembles, undated

  • Box 2
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"Shaker Worship Service" clippings and letters, undated

  • Box 2
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Speech given for Choristers 50th anniversary, undated

  • Box 2
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Diploma, Masters of Arts, Columbia University, 1951

  • Box 5
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Various choral activities clippings, programs, and photographs (4 folders), 1961-1987

  • Box 6
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Mikado performance photographs, clippings, and program, 1962

  • Box 6
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Subject file on Kitty Cheatham, including Holroyd's collection given to UK, 1981-2009

  • Box 6
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Awards certificates, 1968-2000, undated

  • Box 6
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Diploma, Associate's Degree in Nursing, Lexington Community College, 1989

  • Box 6
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Diploma, Albert G. Parrish High School (Selma, Alabama), 1943

  • Box 6
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Diploma, Bachelor's of Science, George Peabody College of Teachers (Nashville, Tennessee), 1946

  • Box 6
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Scrapbooks, 1933-1987, undated

Blue album regarding the UK Chorale (photographic print, news clippings, program), 1976

  • Box 3
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Brown album of photographs regarding the UK Chorale, UK Choristers and other vocal ensembles, undated

  • Box 3
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Blue album with floral design of retirement party photographs (guest signatures on inside front cover), 1986

  • Box 3
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Red scrapbook of clippings, correspondence, memoranda, and background information regarding Holroyd's dismissal and subsequent fight to be both reinstated and, eventually, granted tenure, 1965-1979

  • Box 7
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Scrapbook regarding UK vocal ensembles and Sara Holroyd (newspaper clippings, letters, programs, and photographs), 1933-1986

  • Box 5
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Reel-to-reel and vinyl record recordings, 1961-1981

Sara Holroyd (soprano) and Paul Todd (violin), University of Kentucky Memorial Hall, reel-to-reel tape, 1961 Nov. 5

  • Box 4, item 1987ua004.04.01
  • Item 1987ua004_04_01
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Madrigal Singers reel-to-reel tape, about 1970s-1980s

  • Box 4, item 1987ua004.04.02
  • Item 1987ua004_04_02
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UK Chorus and UK Choristers, reel-to-reel tape, reel I, 1980 December 10

  • Box 4, item 1987ua004.04.03
  • Item 1987ua004_04_03
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UK Chorus and UK Choristers, reel-to-reel tape, reel II, 1980 December 10

  • Box 4, item 1987ua004.04.04
  • Item 1987ua004_04_04
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Hindemith, "When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom'd," reel-to-reel tape, 1973 October 25

  • Box 4, item 1987ua004.04.05
  • Item 1987ua004_04_05
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UK Men and Women's Glee Club, reel-to-reel tape, 1962 April 24

  • Box 4
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UK Madrigal Singers Musicale Series, reel-to-reel tape, 1963 November 20

  • Box 4
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Choral Workshop, reel-to-reel tape, 1974

  • Box 4
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Chamber Choir Festival, reel-to-reel tape, 1981

  • Box 4
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University of Kentucky Chorale at Bruton Parish Church, American Choral Directors Association Southern Division Convention, reel-to-reel tape, 1976 February 19-21

  • Box 4
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Regina Coeli and Salm, Chorus, reel-to-reel tape, undated

  • Box 4
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UK Chorale, vinyl record, 1980-1981

  • Box 5
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Poster and Objects, 1984-1998, undated

Plaque, Carl A. Lampert Music Hall of Fame award for "outstanding contribution to the School of Music", 1998

  • Box 3
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Poster autographed by Governor John Y. Brown and Spouse Phyllis George Brown, undated

  • Box 5
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Poster of Lecture Series with Choristers productions, undated

  • Box 5
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Posters (2 items) for UK Summer Jazz Ensemble, undated

  • Box 5
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Poster of Shakertown gathering, 1984

  • Box 5
To top

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