xt7mkk94bf2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk94bf2p/data/mets.xml United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/20 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing December 26, 1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing December 26, 1939 1939 2019 true xt7mkk94bf2p section xt7mkk94bf2p r— r . ,vjv/r-l 1. //2/0 I // c 111111” /w/etee;a .. a _________________________..___.—__— Vol. 1, No. 20 Federal Works Agency, U. 8. Housing Authority — Nathan Straus, Administrator December 26,1939 0 0 La Guardia Chooses swape Baltimore PI'OJCCt Sets Low Cost Record— . C I Former G. E. Presulent Unimproved Land ls Major Economy Factor T0 succeed RhelnSteln Following the opening of construc— unit——also is a record for northern ' Gerard Swope, retiring President “on bids recently on “Armistead Gar— sections. It is more than 40 percent Of General'Electrie, who has fOIIOWed I dens,” Baltimore’s first low-rent hous— under the $3,501 average for private $111813? aiiimtehihirlviiefigftLimit: i§,§dp§gljfgstjnffeg:§ttigtllgnggiogeg building throughout the country, as - - , ,, ’ reported by the United States Bu— Comm1ss10n 40 yeais ago, was ap— total development cost has been at- , fL b 'St- t‘ 1., . 1 F701 pointed early this month Chairman 0f tained for public housing projects leau O a 0.1 a Is 1cs,an( $l ess the New York City Housing Author- built under the USE A program. than the national average for. USHA- ity, to succeed Alfred Rheinstein who One of seven projects to be con- aided 131'0JeCtS- resigned in October. structe d in Baltimore with USH A aid, Although the nature of vacant land Commenting on the appointment, “Armistead Gardens” will cost about development lends itself readily to Mayor La Guardia said: “When you $3,314 per dwelling unit. This in- low-cost planning, the chief economy . can get a man like Mr. Swope to as- cludes the cost of land, construction of in the “Armistead Gardens” project 5“?“ the FPSDOHSibflity 0“ a nonsal' buildings, all nondwelling facilities, arises directly from the cost of land— aried bas1s, 1_ thmk we have 'good and architectural and overhead about 3 cents per square foot as com- ground for re301c1ng.” Immediately charges. pared with well over a dollar for the . after hls appomtment, MIKSWODE was Net construction cost for “Armi- “Edgar Allen Poe Homes” (im— elected to the Chairmanship by mem— t 1 Gardens”—$2 077 oer dwellin . . 1 . t . th . t 1 bers of the authority. He will assume S eac c ‘ ’ 1 g prover) s1e m e same C1 y, anc his duties in March after abrief vaca- ' Wlth $440 per square fOOt for the tion. “Wllliamsburg Houses” site (also an At the same time, Allan S. Harri— 1 / ianQVGd 211-19307. a PWA Housing son, former Secretary of the New 1 1 w DiViSion proiect in New York City. York City Housing Authority, was - fl (M The wide difference in land costs appointed Director of Public Housing, ‘Ff/1 '1 \ 0“ vacant and 0h ‘mhl'OV'Qd_ land m and William H. Davis, Chairman of egg ' 7;}, _ - USHA protects lS ev1dcnt from the the State Mediation Board, was made :‘fé’a I. “E a fact that the average land COSt 1361‘ the fifth member of the authority. gag g E $1” ‘ . square foot on 33 unimproved sites is Mr. Swope, in his new work, will be “'7 3 1 only about 2-cents, whereas the aver- associated with one of the most Esgpmg ' . ‘ . age cost for improved land on 90 Sites experienced housing authorities in fig??? ' " ‘ "”"f’l-\ ‘ 1% JUSt over 25 cents. In the larger America. *1; ‘ V x ’ cities such as New York, New Cr- Mayor La Guardia also announced ”4' 1 ., x, 134 leans, and Baltimore, improved Sites that he had secured as consultants to “Ii '~ " _ {j ' invariably COSt more than $1 1991‘ the authority Mr. Gano Dunn, Presi- ‘: m g] “ff x; " square 1'"-'00'C- dent of Cooper Union and President an: . . “a 1.11 The “Armistead Gardens” site is of the J. G. White Engineering Cor— if :3 L2,, 5 l . ‘ rolling and wooded, and will be devel- poration, and Hugh S. Robertson, z: ,1, W: :' 1w! oped on the English garden city plan, . Executive Manager of Rockefeller 11w} . ,i; Z 4% with narrow service lanes closed to Center. Mr. Swope’s appointment is 3“””‘“%w”“ " """"“ ”"""“ through highway traffic. The project heartily endorsed by friends of hous- gg‘imizeesfmglg; Jig“: 1:31:1'Edisbfehfugfizfogging will be made up of one- and two-story ing in New York City. project. row houses and flats. 1 Recent C t' onferences and CODVCII lOIlS ' Judge Henry Ellenbogen. Mayor ‘ waShlngton’ D. C' John Mullen of Clairton presided. Huntlngton’ w' Vfl. ‘ . At a special housing luncheon in The group planned an educational Housing authority members in the Wardman Park Hotel, Washing- campaign, and fOTmed committees for West Virginia and citizens and pub- tOH, 13- 0-, on Friday, December 8, a Fayette, Westmoreland, and Beaver lic officials from communities con- £23311": £02111; i233?(iiiiiiiilbliicneneaii SIC;$33:ng{filiflgpgfiiflsof 1836:3115 templating the organization of hous- , '. ing authorities met in Huntington, , Round Table Conference, USHA’s County has 40 representative mem— W V D b ~14t . t W t I Dr. B. J. Hovde, Special Consultant bers onacommitteeto createaCounty .' .a'.’ eeem e1 .0 Clea 9? .es ' in Charge of Management Review council. This activity ties in with the Virginia State Hous1ng-Assoc1atlon. 3 Division, met with municipal and work of county authorities in Indiana, M1" John Hudson, Chairman Of the county Welfare Directors interested Illinois, MiSSiSSiDDi, and Georgia. Huntington housing authority, was 5 in determining how the USHA pro— (See PUBLIC HOUSING, elected PIESident- Vice Pl‘eSidentS 5 gram can be advanced in their com- Vol. 1, No. 19, p. 1) were $91930th to represent all the au- l munities. thorities in the State. ] Among the delegates to the Confer- Baltimore, Md. Opened by a dinner at the Governor ( :iiEIexdiigesaexevn‘fleelIeJdSgridiiilgxiieIslleeliete _ Members of all housing authorities Eabgll Eeteilene estendedfeci Séieléal . “Housing in Our Time ” were: Em: 1n. the State Of Maryland, together ~ng (lie ea ing e1 izen: OS e 1 ae, '1. mett R. Gauhn, Commissioner of the Wlth mayeee’ Congressmen, and 1n- 111C u me members-of t e tate egis- 1 Department of Public Welfare Roch- terested Citizens from other States, lature, State Jud1c1ary, and the Na- I ester, N. Y.; William G. C’Hare met in Baltimore, December 11, to tional Congress, the conference was t Executive Director Overseers of the organize a State Assoc1at10n of Hous- addressed by Honorable George Ham- e Public Welfare Boston' Franklin H. ing Authorities. .Mr. Y. W. Dille— ilton, Treasurer of the State of H Baker, Assistant Executive Director hunt’ Executlve Director Of the Hous- Georgia and Chairman Of the Georgia b the Pennsylvania State Department 111g Authority Of Baltimore Clty’ was State Housing Board. ii of Public Assistance; Miss Lucile elected Pres1dent 0f the Assoc1ation, Mahannah, Director of Public Wel- Wlth members from???“ the ex1st— Covington Ky r . S fare, Mesa County, Colo.‘ C. E. mg housmgauthorities 1n the State ’ ' Goyette, County Director Public Wel- as Vice Pres1dents. Housing authority members and fare, Tucson, Ariz.; Miss Ruth Rit- GUGSt speakers were: Honorable distinguished visitors from all over ter, Director County Welfare, Delta, James A- Haley, M33701” 0f Annapolis; the State convened in Covington, Ky., Colo.; B. F. Timmons, Associate Pro- William F' Stromeyer, Chairman 0f early this month ’00 organize the Ken- E fessor of Sociology and Chairman of the Annapolis housmg authority; tucky State Housing Association and ti the Social Administration Curricu— Jgidge W 0:. McSherry, Chairman Of. to join in the cornerstone laying cere- C lum, University Of Illinois; Clarence t e. Fiedellck housing mauth01 1ty, monies at Latonia Terrace, one of the cc G. Klein, Director, Pittsburgh De- United States Senat01 Ge01ge L. Rad— two low—r nt h , , . t b . ir partment of Public Welfare; Elwood cliffe; Mayor Howard Jackson 0f Bal- e - ousing piojec S eing (; Street of Richmond, Va.; and Jean timore; Congressmen Ambrose J~ constructed m Cov1ngtonw1th USHA f, Coman, Informational Service Divi— Kennedy and David J' Ward 0f Balti— ass1stance. Ce sion USH A. more; Mrs. Raymond Clapper, mem— Following a dinner at the Coving- ‘ ’ ber of the Montgomery County hous— ton YMCA, where Nathan Straus, tglri - ing authority; Langdon Post, former USHA Administrator, was the chief P lttSburgh7 P a' New York City Tenement House speaker, housing Officials from Cov- 3: Business, civic, and labor leaders Commissioner; and Carl Henry MOn- ington, Louisville, Danville, Paducah in from five western Pennsylvania coun- sees, Of NAHO' ' Lexington, and other cities organized ties met in Pittsburgh recently as Mr Stromeyer, Speaks?! on mu- the State Association with N. H. in guests of the Pittsburgh and Alle- niclpal advantages Of public housmg, Dosker, Executive Director of the f0I gheny Countv housing authorities to pomted 9““ that the program. 1.11 An- Louisville housing commission as no discuss the pressing need for low-cost napolis 1s forc1ng the demolitlon of State President William F Biirk Hc h _ 1 . 1 1 fP 1 . “unsafe and substandard dwellings, f _ ' ‘ . e St‘ omes 1n 1111a a1 eas o .ennsy vania. thereby freeing valuable property for o Covmgton .Was named first Vice . ' . Ellis Thompson, Executive Ass1stant much-needed development.” Pres1dent, Wlth T. Ward Havely, (A . 1112 of the Pittsburgh authority, was Sec- The next meeting Of the Associa- Mayor-elect of Lexington, as Secre- $1 retary of the Conference. Special tion is scheduled for the second week tary-treasurer. The list of Directors 11.“ speakers were Dr. B. J. Hovde and in January. follows: George Sager, Louisville; 113110 "1 2 Ch "1 Berr man, Lex' 't ; K _ . . , .1.‘ .C I net“: 2:61“ lf‘rankfort'mi‘gieesteff California Report Shows That Slum Rents AIVID’ Covmgton; and S- :E- MltCheH’ Are Higher Than Those Under USHA Schedule Sr., Paducah. Hugh Meriwether, ar— “ . chitect,was named TechnicalAdvisor. Further proof that rents in USHA- should also produce the answer to The day’s activities began With 3 aided projects will actually be lower another question which many persons parade at 10:45 in the morning. Mr. than slum rentals in the same com- have asked: ‘Can you really get rents Straus was met at his hotel by a VVeI— munities is supplied by the Housing down low enough so families of low coming committee including Repre- Authority of the City of Los Angeles. income can afford to pay them?’ The sentative Brent Spence, who, Mr. In a recent issue of the authority’s following table is the answer: Straus declared “is one of the best magazine, “Public Housing and Slum —————— friends the Housing Act ever had.” Clearance News,” reference is made . “$33233" merges“ . . . to the Richards Report on Unemploy- WWW.“ “WWW“ ,4 *\"""-”l ., "5’!“-f‘.““1 At the dedication ceremonies Ml" .pcrsons budget in L.\])Lndltlllt. utilltusui St, .d . “W h m th 3 d f 111(3an in California. in family Loaflilnlggylos for rent Lilihiilsllfildhc laus sai ' e eai . e soun 0 According to the latter report, over (SR-“9 ”0300“ saws and shovels. Thatis the second $10,000,000 of California State Re— 2 $29.68 ' $163;— $14.27 beSt sour-1d I know. Fhe be“ sofmd lief Administration funds for 1938 3__:___.___-, 39.00 19.16 14. 27 I know 15 the laughter 0f the We were spent for rent, 01" 26-3 percent i—f::::::::::::: ii: $2 $103 ii: iii children who will llve here.” of all S. R. A. expenditures. The re- o.___-_____ 00.12 i 20. 72 l 20. 20 There are seven housing authorities port emphasizes the point that these L—M in Kentucky, in communities ranging 11111110115 COHStitUte a virtual subsidy “The rents actually being paid by in size from Dayton (pop. 9,071) to 01313001" housing. families on relief and shown in Col— Louisville (pop. 307,745), Loan con- The LOS Angeles authority dis- umn 3 above, do not include utilities tracts have been approved for 9 pr oj— cusses the report as follows: such as water, gas, and lights. HOW- ects in 6 cities Total 0 f USH A com- “How do rents being paid by relief EVER, the rents listed in Column 4, . ' . . families, which are obviously of low which are the rents that families of mitments for the State, including . 2 . , , b th ‘ . J]. _ ll t" t income, compare With rents to be low income Will pay for decent, safe ,0 e‘ullml {ings anc oan con iac 8’ charged in the public housing proj— and sanitary dwelling units, do in- is $19’440’000‘ ects? The answer to this question clude all those utilities.” ' . Stamford Town Meeting ’ ' ' s ' | r - 0. K. 3 Public Housmg DECIa own Meetmg Housing was approved by a New England town meeting for the second time, when the voters of Stamford, Conn., met recently and approved a attdeahS legallvaters olfwthe Toy/mof Stamford are hereby notified and warned to cooperation agreement with the Hous- Fem own “mg 0 sad T°w"' to be held m th‘ . ing Authority of the City of Stamford Burdick Junior High school (see PUBLIC HOUSING, Vol. 1, N0. 6, Assembl H I! F Ht Sta f d for town meeting vote in Enfield, y a ’ ores L reet, m or ’0“ . Gene, Sept 12>: The agreement Monday, December 4, 1939 giants tax exemptlon to housmg au— _ , thoritv property. Stamford citizens at eight o'clock P. M., Eastern Standard Time, for the following purposes, viz; ? at the meeting expressed themselves ' 1. .To act upon the recommendation and resolution of the Town Board of _ unmistakably casting a 164 to 8 vote Finance m making an appropriation of $73,184.37 for Outdoor Poor Relief and to _ ’ _ make the necessary appropriation therefor. , in favor of the housmg program. 1 Fairfield Courts, local PWA Hous— WWW - ing Division project, provides homes 7 T t dt 1: h t t. bed d d bl d 3 n . . . . . 0 3C upon an a C W a CV2! 3C ion ma CC ’ — , fOI 146 low-Income families, and IS sary confirming the action of the Board of Selectmeri, in its faiding; vpseaftafniirl‘g Saga-lie 5 nOW managed by the United States Housing Authority of the City of Stamford. 3 Housmg Anthorlfiy' At present, the Dated at Stamford, Connecticut, this 27th day of November, A.D., 1939. 3 Stamford authority has an earmark— . h . ing of USHA funds amounting to GEORGE T. BARRETT j - $1,000,000. This will be converted PAUL P. PAVIA s into a loan contract when an applica- THADDEUS HYATT . tion and satisfactory plans have been Selectmen of the Town of Stamford. ’ presented to the USHA. 3 r V, HV‘VVVV V "V5: 9 “V V ' \ y mi" M , .’ HIT; V,‘ .VVV , V’,‘ . ad 3?... , 37. . ' . ' V, V2.31? ..V .VVAVV ” “y ' ‘ 7 , Q «V VVV ”535*” , " 5 “ ‘ 3 1V??? ‘ “’5 , V XVI: r .. ‘ M 3 1‘ _ . , s 5, ' ~- 1': 3’ x, " ”m" ’ I, , 1:": ’fi .‘ 3:}??? , I: _...., , ”fl,- Vggfi _ VgV WV , , , , . :43: ~. A) .. V .'»I X ‘3‘". $4.9 34.2; . UV"; .- ‘ {@p )xflrw’z’fi’“ ’ ; i L: / ’ I a r g / “I . . V . 31% ‘ .. . 2 . v! 3 5"" i -' L Q “t W, 4 A, I, ’ ’2’ . «Vi.» ; V " , , * ' ”33" a”, i “E III I I ’II I fVngégigigxxé’fl/I , ,. ,, , , I, IIIVIIIIII g% “I V ‘2 , 3;; , «5'3 .V 3‘ . ’, , . , \ s,» V, .A g ,’ i «if .2 “f ,...: «.Vé; $.ng ,5 $3??? «V ., . V .,.V’~,V , ' ’5’ ‘ I I I , . 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TV 2. «a ' 3 " V ’ H ”4 j ’ 1?.» V3,- . . Z . M; _, -, . , I. V _ V w. ,V V’; E‘ ’ ' 2' $9”, A V I ’r’ ”/w" I I :7 I I": W / ’ .3. my. 8:, ...,...V . . , n V.» ,. .. §.:;”Z§§7’ ' ‘ng’ ,. ’,..y ., ’33 2‘3”“ ’ ' I . r . , . . . «. 971V A «My. ”1 1%? ‘ggg’flg ., ,‘V, ’, :,~VVV ,.mm.-,3jl’.’ 2», V " ,1”. ” ' I W I II \ II I I I MW ff’h 9% :z, . 3 1'4»; ,, VI , M???" /,,V . .V I .,,, I“ [I [I $57555, III . .. a: f, . V5 ;. , ,T, ;? IV'vT . , 1",. g, , , .. V VVVV ,.. ® ‘ .,,. V3 ‘5" " I” II I I II II . , , . g; . \ $21,” V. £1236; , ,: 3/3. ~. . @/ f3? ~ ,V;.'. ’V « 5? (”Wig 'er V}? ’V .,, . :7.) . . , 3’2?” , . . .. , 2-337 I (”E/V ‘,, ,V V , .5! " ' ’ j ' ' gJVV'-’.‘.':-:-’~'t:’f~ \‘g ”9’ ’V z” ’7’ V’ ' 7’ 3;” ’4”; :, , VV , , _ ;:V , '. . a, R, .V ,, . ’ , my. ,.. 7?» 3"" f ‘1" I? / K I" / H ’g’ :.I ,, , 3.,“ a“ $3 2 % . - jg? ,- fl 1 if» :‘a 3/ . .I . “V. . V‘.;:.-.'.«:‘:.V,~,-'V’V‘: * \ 1’1" "in >2 C, ’X : I I ’3” 3 V::- , _. 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[.',Y. ...- . %;»vfi’ é” 1:7«7’WZI X 11.71:” 'A “W? ' '1’-' ' '2 ' ' . 5‘ . ngiw» :. {1‘334' 771%”3‘7’511/1?‘ . 21"- 3:1., 1 77,287,771”) 217/:1': .73 ”77:21-17” .14.“; 42171” “my: 7" 1.7.2172. :: ' , 31%»;X ' fig. “/11 QE‘V "1 .7731 2733*», '34::7’1‘1: 1" "”1 W" H. .777 11.11; :1 ’ 51:» .1 : 71 ,. 7:71 «(I , " f" " 7, - ’1 1 .: 7.7M» , w’3’h 37333 ”'12", ’9" j” . ’1 73%7113b IY, :figé‘kfi; 7 '3 .71 “gas? . 547,73 ..-,/735% 711W," ’ 111,. 1.. 1:77.: '1 €i 31%; 1 .1411” 17111 11771717321 , 7 '2L'ZML'3Y‘YI ,. " '2',“ Y1” '1'=’I":”~;'w. :7 13%; , ' ' 7. '1 ‘ 775317773111; . 1' ’ , 2%.???” 7,74IY1’W17,.1.11/7'11‘191Y ‘71 311: 37/117171." "tfé’fmvwr'7;;( 1111;..7'1'7’ ,, , ”$1.17. 1 ,,.: 7.77%1 5' 77,911: 5' 7VIIY97'174: ,: , .77113717117, 1 .11 7771511377,. .1 7I,Y,”£6”; my 1,1,:7Y1 7177,1514 “amt, 1 1 ”7:151 ’7" .7 1!” . '7'11 1”” » Y 1,: ,. 11 1: , 111: .. ,7».~.;11',.” ' 11.1” .1911' = ,, '77?“ . ’1: 7, , 1%”113117z. 11.. ,_1..':"1:,” 3:“23.,*‘* 39%;“th " 1 - 3 " ' ...: 1 ,1, ””5773?” .77 "W”:a’fl’ ‘ ’23}! ,77'33'111 7... .9: y fi . . ._ ,, , "711;1.'.7.,.,;/1 3'11; ',1,_., . .,.,...“ 17, y... y‘ ,1 , .- - 1 :1/ 1 ”71.21% 1:1 1' - ,,1.».:-1-1,'1 l 1» ”3’3 .. 1 ”gazéflgwy M, ' ,,.1.‘ 17.1.1 yflfl’fflfi‘Qflml ' H 3! Nursery schools in Red 0 o in our opinion, the Hous— ' ‘ Hook and Queensbridge, K e e p l n g U p W] t h ing Authority has built USHA-aided projects in single-story buildings or New York City, have at- set aside first floor space tracted wide attention. U S H A R e S e a r c h in apartment houses. .\ . . Local housing authorities “The Advisory Commit- all over the countr should - . . tee to the New York City 7 find valuable hintsyon how New PYOJeCtS IlluStrate P rlnCIPles Housing Authority on the ‘ to achieve equally success- Of Nursery SChOOl Design care of the pre-school child * ful results in the following recommended 60 square E discussion, a condensed feet per child of play— . ' version of a paper read by Miss Kath- near other community facilities. On ground space. This is an ideal stand— arine Lansing of the New York City one site we