xt7mkk94bh89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk94bh89/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1986 1986 1986-09-15 2020 true xt7mkk94bh89 section xt7mkk94bh89 I P Vol. XCI, No. 14 EStObllShed l394 U’WG’SW 0' KPMUCKY Lethgton, Kentucky Independent since I971 Monday, September ‘5' l9“ - _ 5 . .. . 5,
° . .'« W“... ‘I' " ' 5‘ 0 0 m _, .
'0 Av ' V as :.. , , 5 , 5 , 5
esptte a co 0 aw, a» ._ «t ._.., . anty rlve - .-
* it ~ in . , . . , .
15 - - 1 -- , at; \ _ _ _.,-
. , 55 ‘A 5 I «5 , ’ ,5 .
drinking Sn 1 among 5 ~ t. a. , . , ,,
\ * ‘ ts ar 5 1s wee
‘ . . ' t l 4 3‘ 1““3»‘ l | ,7
JgR tallgatlng p easures . “f \ A? ~. 9d a; l-I\'El.\‘\ H. t.r;s‘tt;tt , t. ~5 ., ;'
i - , , % W" , 4 s l . Contrthuttng Witter ‘5'“; , , ' 5 .5- ,-5 1' '5 ’-
I UV 5 5 5 5,5 5 5'5 ,1) 3 . . _ 55 5 5 55 5 5 555 5 5 5 5 5.5_5. , 5,5 ,5,
, . t 3 \ r " 5“ 55f -—--— 5 nt et a} v\ll hiL' o tts cam‘ \ ,7 ,' 3 .’_'
tans don I see eniorcement 0 an t _ at: -. :23 1 V , , I__ .. pmmmwmmMM,” 5 _ 555555 _ 5 5,5,
' ' ‘ ' ' I ’ ' - ’ “._.. Ralph Dertcksort [,‘K's t'ntted ‘, . ' -, ’5 ‘- - 5.51,";
' a5 teaSlble In Stadlum S SpaCIOUS area > 1 a ‘ —- Wa) publtctt} chattrttan. satd this 1 '5‘“: ., 15‘ .1‘, -‘ j'
t " _, ' "‘ ‘1 year s lundratstttg ~goal represents a . t -~ 5 , ":5? ,5 ’5 r‘ ‘5 ,.
5 Mt kl,\l\ KliltHitll llltllK tt is a good one. but doubted ._ -. - ——55 6:3 5x55555555, 5555555555555 555555 ”555 1985 ‘ 5 55555555555- 5 55555.5 5 ,, 5_ 5 ~ 5‘
t wt‘tli tlltllllll.‘ “tutet that tt uould ln‘sll‘lt‘ll} etttotced 5 ‘~ T _. "5,55, ’ ’ «5 r ximg 5 5,. . L. ‘55‘5 ,-5
I . Eduard kennel.” 22‘ d student at C , -. In; ‘ Accordtng to Ilet‘tckson, student , NI",- , ,, £143,733 4 a 'j ( f,“
' llt‘sttdt‘ a tetettt ltt“ prolttbtttttu \ladts‘omtlle totntnuntt} tollege, ‘ ,3 ‘ ,‘ _, , 5555 ‘ ‘7: contrtbuttons accounted lor betueen 55’ t ' "fl- 5,, {a 5.“::»’ 5, if '.,
- , ll.» 1 'rtts‘tllllpllttlt ol alcohol to pul:ltt lK‘llt‘H‘tl that tt the police enlorce ' ' “' ‘5 l "t‘ W 555 $155,“, and H'WKM H, 15,”! vear‘s 3E: ‘ ”1‘“; Elf ' ." “ l 'g '73,:
R ' . l l\ httluatet‘s ..'lt‘ drank and \tere the latt tt \Hll cut dottn on problems ‘ ‘\.\5 total ' ‘ ’ ~ r 55,555 5 _ 3-,“. ‘2" £535., .: 5,55,:551 5. 555-5515. ,5
: lltl‘il‘t lwtttt‘t’ \tllllltltl) s uttlttt‘ such as drunk drtttng alter the 55 , _ ' \ That .mmm Mb ”Mm through VI» \ ' 5! " 5r inn-‘3'
, . t tlit! \H‘t tttt ttttttetthett-t-ttt games but dtdnt thtnk the poltce " a,“ “t" 4 * . , vartous catnptts ttt*tt\=ttes as well as J 4; ' t "1"." '1
I "r" l‘” “mm": ”H”; ‘ll'lllkll’fl n” ‘llmm'mlm “mph“ mg 'v v. at a ‘ =3» 2"“ through tndtxtdua - contrtbuttons C ._i 5,5 x _ C ' l - ‘ .-‘~j5 5
' = a it”? t" ‘lWMK t? ”l” ”t l’ "”“M ”NH” " ”7‘ 1‘ W’d "3‘9/ ~- ‘7 ‘35 -:..-:j This tears unttl is $27h719 Dertck- / l t 1'. ' 3555-55555,
C 3 ‘ "t "”1”". m _ “M“ m" ”H“ " “m ”l ml. E! “U ”m. \ “mum I” (In. L , , ,, ._.. M ‘ sort said there should be no problem ' l ‘ a ’ 7 5 ':~ ~ . .‘ '. it'sftl.
,‘ mt Euttt littitf‘lv ezttott the 'lte :tttteti. hcttnt5-tt satd “annual-Anson lrndSOafl 55855515555555, 5 - 5g ‘ 55555 55 . ,5. £55;5:55,55555.5
t t. t t , nothet sttttettt, \tlltl t'elttsed to , ., . . , » '2 ' " "'3": I ‘ '7 V - . I. '. ‘ "
.‘ C 5~-‘-~ l‘..tkct 't»»tr. ll,1'.'lll lino Q‘t't\l' ltts litllllt‘ tnlteed. strung. "All loilgoters practice business 05 USUOl belore Saturday 5 game. 555555l541>t555\5e:t5:555\t lillltfilj it}: flips: “I” M} .5' 5- .5 H5}; .5 ' 55 1'
“ l W" i“ " “”‘l M ”7”" Ml" ll”) WNW ‘m‘ ”UT dtrecttng tralttc .spll‘ll or the la“ and ts Lillltllllg b\ "I walked around the stadium and good spotted people at I'K. and tte K ., I ' \ 5. l -5‘".'- 5:515' '.
‘ l ' “WNW” H” ""ll WM" "ll: H" j‘ (M: ' ““1“”?“Just?" tt. (‘lax satd - dtd not see any alcohol sttttng out] should reach and surpass tt thts TRAVIS DICKSON ' Q,"- ”I."
. stow; {tan a; tht Emir M lie: :tleg .1ea:.dct.. l. a top a." “55,“ ”(5,5555 director 55, Human Sktba said 55,555,, .5,“ 5 , 5 5 , —, .55 .55
l " "Elm?“ 'U ”Mi “1"“ 1' “'3 WK“ ml” “Hull m WU” “RM all limoutt‘c Serrtt'es tor l ix satd that Fans \khO trted to enter the stadt ln addtttot; to student contrtbu- llertckson saltl li‘éflls ts proot 0t .‘ " ~ .21; -: —f .
‘ ' l‘“ ”*5 “ 3"” MM“ “4"” tr” Wk" ”ml.“ , ml “ml ”filming 2” although the poltce uete patrolltng um Saturday with alcohol ttere den. ttotts monej» comes from depat‘t‘ that 5:5",,'-5,5.5‘-5
- 5 t, .t I t1v I ,. .s'5u w 'litIT. ' st'H'ml WW“ ‘li'illki’lh "V“ “m the i ontnzottxteatth Stadtun‘; barking ted admtttance. satd one t'h’ gate at ntentalgttts L'tttted \\a_\ ot the Bluegra» \Mll , '1 , t
V ‘ “r l “7 ‘ “ll" ”"5 : ll“ll‘l"‘~‘“‘"" . lot or. \t‘ztr-ta‘. no arrests were lettdttttt About Wpercent ts ratsed through serx'tce three new aeettctes thts ‘« 5 , 5, t5;
‘ H" h ' ' ‘ll' 1).” m“ hau- .“ “I! ml: enough l" made ‘ ‘ it they walk up With an opet, pth'ttli (lt‘dut‘lltl!l\ tr: \khlt‘h employ _\ear The} include grants to the Ar t5 ‘; ‘_5 ‘5 2 5' :5 5.5
"“ 1““ “1“": C‘ ”M“ ""l‘m' C " ”'51 Mlflllwlp!“ mild“ He art enlorctttt.l the tau but beer. or \‘tstble alcoholtc ortnk M- t; ees tolunteer to hate spectlted sums thtttts l-‘oundattott and the t'htld '_ '- f, _ 5‘ ., '5
t" ,. "it "' ' ‘ f" \’ -1 t“ 3‘“? V tie-”l" “’7‘“ PM" l li’l- “"M-‘mm m- ',e got I, he amp '0 tar-rm“ the ask them to take tt back but .tt- ot ntone}. deducted tt‘ont tnetr pa} (are t ounctl ot hentuckt and tunds " '.~ a ~ 5 _ _55V‘.. t-l‘i.‘
- i“ - ~ “ ' """':\“'-l’ ' 1"” "f ‘3‘”,le ““‘\ ”m 5,5,5”, that dunk as at; :t.. oholtc hen-rage and dottt look in purses 0r am'thtng ltke checks tor an alcohol and w-rk program at ‘ ‘- , . 5 5:5". l
5 5553 5 my. .trres’s ‘.\t'l e made w. H, w), m ,N. .m. person drink-”12 that and Butcht‘oleman. 's'tudents Mil be ex en more tn [lextngton 5 5’ 5 - . * 55
L “ - . l . , ,,’5 '5' ’- ‘. C 5 , ‘M , Thts year‘s poster personaltt} ts nators and soltcttors tn the Student ,5 -.
' ’ l d I It 5 - , C; $3 ' '5 5 . g “t four-yearold ‘I‘raxts Iltckson Dtck (‘enter GrandBallt/yom 555 . 5' 5_ ~ 55 555 -5
I ' an («u “re .5 5,, ‘ N l '7‘ 5 ,. : ‘ son lost hts heartrtLI three 5\ears at!“ [K Prestdent rum \ smelt-tar} " g 5 ,.5 5 v 5- 5 55,5
‘ l‘ . t : « ‘ , "f ' ' . durtng an operatton to drain an ear \Alll speak at the tooth and t ntxer 5, 5 .5 , ', g. .5 5 5‘ ».
' l" “l “H" \\l H . ' ’ ' V . l ‘ g tnl‘eetton He now attends the [ex stt) Relattons Vtce i’restdent Ra} . ’ '55 -‘ fr _5 »5 A
, . , “""l ‘ fl : ”f 5 ‘r e 1. tn 5 V w b, tngton Hearing and Speech (enter Hornback \Hll compare ['Ks sucr , .. , ,5- j _.5
V , ‘A - ".t ., ,1“ v 5 f ‘ . and ktttms over 3m words in Amert- cess \th that ot other southeastern ,, * 5 .. 5 55 ; 5; .
‘ " ' '1“"' ""~ " V " ‘ " 5 " 5-; v 5:,4 » - fag; ”‘ cans‘tgn language tonlet'ence schools 5, k '5 , 5
C ' h , ' " " l": ”V ll“? 'l‘“ . ‘ by; ~ 4 '} ‘32, .‘ . 3". ,3 " Hts mother, Barbara Utckson. ts l‘hts _\ea5rs car ll‘till‘t stogan ts 5_ 5 5‘ 5'
‘ I V ““ l“"“"'""* “U“ *‘Nll '5 ‘7’»? t = " “r I, 3 ‘ ‘ I “' ‘ an (‘Itlpltl_\'9€ ol l'K's _\ltntng and "Low ts all ue rte-ed But llertck -~ , _ :5 ,_55555.
tu~ es tw. wt“. \ i-‘east For . . , . l v .e ’ :.- fi-‘W _ Mtnerat Research ldk‘llll}. and hts son saad the L'.’l7t.5‘t:t.’s '_',:lll',.’i1:}_‘l‘t slo- . f _ .5 - 5 - 1 - _.
I , ":1 1 l’lfi" 'l " "W“? l 5 . ' fl ' ‘ ‘3 t : , ~ lather has also been a l K employee gan ts tlttletettt '\\c re saytzte 'lox‘e ‘ " 5 . 55'. ' 5, »« 5- v
‘ i"”‘“"“ '“r l3" ' -, ‘ . t. ’ ” ..5 - Y "l'tttted Wat ts ‘.t‘t‘\ tlos'e to l’l\'~ dll(l_\‘lLlnlt'Jll \H‘ttc'etl ‘ -i' ‘, 5 .5 .‘
. 5,5 t ,- ' lattctt or l'll’L’,lttf' .? 5, -§ » yr , ‘H 5,); , 5 5 ,5 5 55 55 55,5
' , ’ WU :~ : . a ,, 5
-- -£,; '- l‘lt‘t'it *7 \t‘l' ff- fin , ‘ gm 5 ’ 5 5 5,55,5-
' ‘ ‘ ~ ' ‘ ' v ‘ ' ‘ Awareness week puts " ' = ,, =+
' -‘ t , w» t t :’ 555-55.,5'5 f“ ' 5.. *t 5» ~5 ..’:
. , , , t t .. .: > . .. t B m rams =
, 4 : «. . “h focus on SA [1 g » .. z ,
i ._.-ti "13 Hi HH’LttHH t'liit'l-xt'i't -th;',; V _, £ : Vi.” “we?” ». , _ 1.: ‘ 't .,l 5",}. T. "t' ",
‘ “"‘\ t'.1lt,tr,,,t\,,tttt lt‘ssv‘” w , I l 5 5 ,, , _____.___________..____ ' ‘ {'5’5” A. " 5_t55..,5
, .. ‘ ~ ,. B)lu\.\tl.\\l\l\|h , , ,555
' . , , , , , t ‘ ‘ StaftWrtter , p" i v » '.. ;
' , t 'f l." .. ' fl ’ : «3,4 ‘ “We want to get
V \- ‘l l.‘ “fl", “w l " 5..:;1 f I ‘7 ,v ‘ l x C , The Student .\ctt\tttes Board ts , , . it ,r z'
l ' , ,, ' \: H ,1”, .55..- .l: .M l: l, ~ 4. ‘ A" maktng th prescttte known on cant people oxer [here and {5’5 ' . T3 ,'.-'
5 t £ .t v' ,s tilt Howe!" H wt 55 5 “may 5% 55 I ~ 5 5 ' pu5 as [he lllli‘tl 7N”)! ,-\\\ttt't‘ilt‘>> Sh0\\‘ {hen} \Vhal‘s [here ' ' -" fl“ . '— 1
. ~ ' ' .i, t t & 5r‘vC;5! *‘ 55 I \j '5‘! Week." begtns toda; f h ,. m5" ,- - ,, 2 'n5
, tin etc st z.«- :lr'\~ .: tied rt. r .51: T” #32,: ,, «355 W's,“ 5 The week ol 5:\lirtltlt‘itlt‘tl actn or l 6111. 5 5 55555t555 5. 55 5.5555 5,. 5‘ 55555555,
. t l\ l'Jt'\t‘ttl\ .t.t~ assumed to : iii? *5? ‘ “ , ‘5‘,5\ ttles ts deslgllt‘tl5l:l1151i>5t35§£l9l;'::'515;)\l Mlnd} Martin. 7 . ‘ ", ' v- ‘, f 3 C
‘ wt». Kw .‘.- mt . n'tl‘H , a»? CI". . ; “w . 2 4. auarenes‘s Limotg, s we s. t‘ , , . . 5 t ,‘5 ,5 t5
' ‘,t1-t.l.-.tl ltzlte: (Illii'flrs l ‘ti‘: 5 ~f55fi5§kurk 1:5: .5: and the SAB prugrammtng stall, 5A8 public relations .55 5 .5 t5, 5.!5 55
llH' no t tiilufm t“~<"?' -‘ w \" '. 5? «fi'ét‘kx d} "1 ”4’9f331‘?‘8\§§5 Mind-V Marttn, lh" hoards PUNK ”' # _ 5,, 5". '.’ '7 , '31,?
t‘ l t: a: l\.tll:it\’ they're the 53lmfi" '5 $13.“; .5 , ‘ .33 v K" ~52“ lattons chatrwoman sato 5 5 5 55555 555555“ '5} ~ , : . i 5-51
' lii'xt oat: bow-(«u . f ii?“ 5 545x), iii-«b; “WK ’fikgk 5.5 f The week begins “51th a htudenl antone “51th questtods or t t . 55 :- 5:5 5. , 5 .55 )5,
. n '— l’,‘ riffvx/J ' \ 5 v '3‘ tr ‘3’? 4"“ Center “Open House toda) “lth about NAB 5 5 \ local 5,, 5 5 ,5.5 ‘5' «,5 .:5555.5v
Mil-Lu Hdli thin 1U! vi \tm 2m fl , 533$“: ‘72“: .7 ' e I it. 59,... tours ol the btudettt tctttet lX‘Ktlt \\5tdtlt‘s(1.t_\5.55llle5.5 otlt5~<515l5~55 5:559 055 ;' - v ‘ '5 5, *5 ,3 5'5l5
, ”warm to, t mut'rsttt, Ht Kw, g}, “5‘. 3 5w“. 5 f;,, “M, :5 <5, jets, *5 55 ntng at to and 11 a m. noon. and t t‘iK'h5t-{r‘lul’ “511 it‘lt‘mli 55 ._.5 5 . -55 5- -5 55
. , ,t v. .~ . ,. tr "-‘"‘ . l?! .‘rja: ' ' ’1 , '"“ ' ' d2 .m the student (enter ld\\ll. ttom noon 5. , 5:5 5 . ,
’ ”(k l'”"‘””‘”“ ““1““ H“ l‘” a he" "7'3 K ' 4 ' ‘ ' ’.{f"‘g"”" "' an p s . e ,. RAB t'oncert t'ommtttee : . ‘ ‘ I’ t'
M l 3‘ can: at»! 'lt.tt 'lte t‘H‘ttl ttfft‘ts Yltt r‘, a ‘55,???” ~ ,‘5; " 5 .- .. « 5. ‘55,;1235 ‘5- . The tours start at the tnlotmattott to t p ttt t. 5 5 555555555558 t55 .5 5 ,5-55 55 5.55.
' , , t-tttutt'ilI tr. ft); ~_';ttlt’l‘.'s 't- i' 1 fl, :,?.'5:-' ‘: '_.’ f . 5 ’ f 5 . ”3’3“, 6‘2 boothtn the matnlobb) 5 lradttt5onall5\ 5 sponsors 55 5U5C5555 re: , ’5 5-.5 5 5 :5; ,5 t5
. t «.t mam tt.tttvtet.teotttttt1m ,55'1'23 ,5 ‘ “Mini: 11%.. - “1,5,5 ' ‘25 5555 <.:\5' Also as part ol the da) 5 test“! «Unwlb M W” "- H“ l ”5 p :3 _- 55 5 .‘55v‘5; .55:
l effigfil“ <5 .,5_ . , - ‘ *,~ ape ,_ ~ fig - 93/: -5 ,5 5, ’ ‘ ttes, the ['h Bookstore utll sponsor sett5tattot5ts5 5 5555 55 555 5555 ah“ 5X) 5, . 5 55,5 555.555 55
‘ . : tr“, ”Will“ “5,“, “HUM m, mm! 5,2554“ ' “ ‘ '1' A ,- 5 ' t \t‘f?‘ $1 .5?;,:“ st.\: drawtngsat :t'iittp m tor \‘artotts the \\tt;5s5ham 515ct{5<5t5\:255555-50r 55 -' ', ‘ ';
. _ 55 ,._ ”e om. ”WM”, ”,5 ”mm,” fg,‘ ‘ ' t. ~, .1233”: 1555' f. v " W‘ prtzes. tnclutng a sharp calculator shoutngt t5 r5tt5ott5t5 55 55.5 ~55 m on 55 55 9-5 55 5» -, 5 5-, 5;;
, 7, tttt'\ would llht' to see ll‘tlllll't‘tl ? g"? I r I t‘ : Q .L ‘ I” ; ' v C I 7‘ “s3; Regtstratton for the prtzes hegtns at dl“°“‘llp”“ 0 w l p l‘ " ,' l7“?- ‘
.‘ llzltl \ttt'! \t ’ht‘ last r'ttltttr‘e e‘.e"‘ '3; fight I 3's '1 ’i’xKfi";Z‘ '1‘". ‘. l ‘ , f" ‘ ‘rl / l 8'30“!“ ,atthe Butkstore “filing-Mi?) t - t t. . t‘d flute 3 ‘i .V ' -‘ ‘3 ' l l‘ l '
t.;t..-..- ,H., ”w, ,,3 wt“. mm. ”5,” 3""; , , . 25-; ,yfiy‘“3ff,5 J ’5" ‘3 5‘ 5 }, _ The Student (rovernment Assocta ihutsda) ttt5 Lult5t5ll 5'51“ on ‘55 .. ’~ 55-? l,
. ‘ ' ex: tottn'res w ‘ltts ’.:t,.. it a?“ 31‘} - ‘t ,: "' my} 3* l; , ‘ A, ‘t' .5, .55‘ t tton Will also conduct a drautng lor duo 5\5\tnd tlrlhlit‘; ut5 p¢r5t5 m 55 5 » 5 5. 5
’ " ’A” hint: '1 "at. ’N..' ,3!“ h C‘Ji ‘ c .‘ J . n \ ‘. ‘. ~ 1““‘2'555. L. t J“ 53’ "f 4f. 7" ' " a personal JUd“, MC)! Regtstratlon lhl‘ SKUdenl \ t‘ltlt’i Infill ”H“ 3 l I l l 'i l' A l l l
' . ' ’ .~ 1".“ ., ‘tssfigv‘l‘ ' ~ "an; 1 ~' '5‘; ‘35 thl he at the SGA olftce toot student a 5m to 15p tn 5 5 be 5 5 _ 5- .- . 5 .5 .~ 5. 5
l' , . , , , , ('1, X .. ’ . ‘5 K ‘733‘ ‘1 f .I‘ft C (5‘ ‘-. Center from 10 ant unttl the draw- lhe \‘torsham Theater \Hll5 gtx- . 5 ,5 55
lt‘ tlll‘HH‘\ tot .ttltlit' titrttm ls .ttt . is“ ‘ bl} '” U 1' I ‘ l t I \ . ll ’ Inga-1:30pm. ”lg ”‘9" ptlpt‘m'it “W d “CkEI ‘q'Ub ‘ ‘ t t ’r L -.
' ‘1’” ““‘l“"‘l"‘l "“‘U’Mll‘ ”l“ “l” H ’ s. l \4 . V; l“ .. - "Cl Hie-Jr The Student (‘enter gameroom tromettltet‘mmteoftheeVenmg . - ,i‘ " .
, ‘ I l ‘1 7”“ (“Ill“‘ll ”mm" “H” mm” “ ‘1“ “We 7 9‘31?“ f ' A ”’11P ' “x ml] have couPons avatlahle tor one The week culmtnates Friday tn 5' ' ~ ' ‘ 1 ' 5 g
, 5 t ~ .. .lttl llltlfiltllll l ttttetsttx Ht \ext 5,5‘5» wiry-#4 _. ‘35:: 1r 5, ;‘ ~ 5 “5,5,5 ‘5,\ , ; free hour of billiards 5555 ptng~pong “The Seart‘h ,5), the [”lttmate Week- 5 A, 5 55 555 5
' ” mum“ H“ l h ( ”Hmw'm HM ‘l git”) ‘45:! l \ ‘3 if . ' ',.<5 , «J... We??? t wig’fi? \ The Student tlrgantzattons (‘enter end ” The ltt‘st clue tn thts scaveng- 5 55 ' 5 , 5
V ' “Ham” Md” “l m" \N W "$4” '3“ 7‘" e 3‘" ' ' . ‘7‘ I” s . 35th.“ "K l k‘ f l“ 3‘9 Will also have tree refreshments tor er hunt Wlll be atatlame at 9 am tn > t V '- ‘5 .
' 'l l ”‘5‘“ “l 'l ‘lMl‘lV’l l” ”3‘ ‘1‘ Figm‘f‘, : my], ' ‘ : 9'7... A“ \ HIV?!" ' "Mk4” . evervone \‘tstttng thetr olftces tn 106 the SABolltt-e 304 Studehll‘i‘nlt‘r 5 , ' . ‘ . ‘ 5- ~ ‘ ,“,
l 7"?” "'l k .3) 'L" N“?! . "t i 5" , ”,4. t ‘ wk-‘U/‘fF‘i , t “L, ts'\ 5&4;- - Stu(i;)[‘t(‘e[][er :\n_\one ltndtng all 1;» places thl . 5 ' 5 5 55..
t _ , . . . ,. , $9": I 5 ..":‘M ' CHEN”! ‘ ‘5‘" , {a l 1 J ‘3- \ " ' ' t -. ,4 SAB ts also shoutng a sltde we be eltgtble for the drawtng 599‘ 251 5 5 ‘ 5 .5 . “ 5
3“?)3» ”W‘f‘ s ”1* gig: um“ muumou KornolS'ofl sentatton of tts events and acttvtttes fora weekend at the Reid]??? :lote : l l l.
-' a»: v “ ' today at 10-30 and 1130 a m. and Other prtzes \Hllalsotxnmar ef 5 5 .5 5 5 .
t» Team effort 12%. 1:30. and 2.30 pm. tn the Old Marttn satd5 sAB asked dtf eren 5 .5 5
7 , ., w“ WWW” “ Studentt‘enter Theater areas tn the Student (enter to take 5 . 55
, On Valonflno‘s Day is dis- Delta Delta Delta sorority members tug tn om SlngrCl‘I Derby yesterday afternoon. For the SAB “I“ be holdtng an ortentatton part m the week 'We want (0 get 55 « _
- ~ appointing considering 50" dU’l”9 ”‘9 TUQ‘O‘WOr COMP-‘5' Of the Slow 5‘39 P0995 sesston at 6 pm tomorrow m 111 people m‘er 5the5re and5hs5ho5\:dthem 5 ‘ 55 .
5 5 the source. For a review, ._-,” 5_5 .___________ Student (enter The sesston ts for what stherelorllt’i‘L -‘ ‘3‘ . ,5 5 . ,
' see DIVERSIONS, Page 4. 5 5 5
1h. wildcat. tied with I ype out , , . _
5 Rutgers lb-Slé: tndtts opensrng ' ‘ L
game a or oyt ee 5 _ . , , ,
swim. Pages. Local prtnter makes process of typing tnformatton eaSter for students thh new computer system
- 21mm???“ "F K‘l”?\ PHILLIPS thtng put on a disc, l.l_sl " The scanner exen tells you when Alerypes ts the only word procv Scanntng prtces are $1 per page
’ ‘Ts’,m ‘ :o'U a” ll‘l'lmltllll'm “ill” The scanner ttorks \Hll‘l am docu tt's made a mtstake, ' Human satd esstng serx‘tce tn [,extngton thh a for the ftrst 100 pages and 30‘ cents
' U ’ l ‘ 5 l ment prtnled ttt a standard types "\Htenexer tt cant read a character antK‘R Scanner. Human satd for each addtttonal page Ldtttng .
.t 7 , , 7. V the [(-tlltlllS process of typing I” tyle, tncludtng photocoptes and some tt tt tns‘erts a crosshatch stgn uhtch 55 h 5 l .5 t and prtnttng on letterqualtty paper 5
. t‘ormattort tnto your personal com- hooks canlxiftxedrtghtaway " T 9 {"3“ ”“9 P9099 5:9 ' 35C U: costs $18per hour
PONY (IOUdy today, tonight it‘ll” “It” ”““ ll“ eltmtnated h." A” “It‘s accurate and It s taster than \ll'T.‘ P95 '5 ustng the newest ally happening bet)?“ t ft:- ‘93 .
and tomorrow wrth o 20 per- 'l‘li‘“ neu ”Pl'ml r‘haratter recog any word process‘tng S(‘r\t(‘(‘,' model of the scanner and tt can he 9),,9‘ It?“ re stun5n ',. S 58,1. Bee . f t.’ l t - K'nk ,
cent chance of rain through ntlton scanner Human MM "And “a can do the ed used vuth any IBM personal comput 5 5| 3 ":85810 9W" 0|” US e e 5‘. b 55d5auseno t 5s oca ion 521k 155:5
‘ tonight. Highs will be All “PW-‘- lWillWl ”l Kmk‘“ (‘op tltng. or you can take tt home and do er system or any IBM compattble ttmeue ‘5” 5 “5‘3“ "50' magganmp :0 M: 'r
tes started as a word processtng It Vol‘rself “ mtcrocomputer A job can usuall) be done tn the , - Types,
5 around 80. and the low to- 5555555555_5n,k,,55,w55,,9&,5 The 555355555555 ”55555,“ 55 5 5 ,5 5 55 , , _ d 5 scanner m one dav It takes two have It prtnted out and have copies
. . 5 , r ( page at at) (an sran m 0 man) “or prot 5 5 . 5 made at Ktnko‘s Human said. "All-
”‘9h' wrll be "’0' 60‘ sherrte Human. owner of All proxlmatvl) one page men 23 sec esstng programs and even tnlo a ge» d3.“ 'l ”‘95 “(Wk ‘5 0V9" 200 ”8‘5 d K'nk ‘. , .
T‘ 095 purchased ”1“ scanner l3“ onds. Human satd. complete utlh nertc text ltle to he used on any type Human sand Same day 53W”? ‘5 m 31?, ' I05 all? w: 95;“?
Mm ”Mr dnylx‘d) Who needs 50'“?- lahsandentstmd underlines ofprogram, Human said. 3‘503Va‘13bl9 rea )comptmen eac o r.
‘ t
t \ t,

 - , , 2 - KENTUCK YKERNEL Manchy, W 15, nee
, u , ‘ ,- 1 Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
‘ .f I x ‘ _ the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
. .' ' ~ . : tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
__ g editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga- -
,3 s 3-. ,' nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
V: ._‘: . 3.; Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
~ ' . ‘ ,‘i ' - Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
' _' 3,133». publication date.
-. ' ‘ : ‘.i..‘ ‘
‘ "‘3'": '. MOVIES 9/20: Movies: M‘A'S'H; $1.95: Worsham Theatre: 8.00
.‘.-g t.‘_ 32': p.m.: Call7-8867 . . h Th ‘
"'i Cit .3" 3} - Wm bishop Learning skills program Notetoking $10 ' 590’” B'CY‘le ROC’T‘Q l"'°"°”°9'°'° °"d USCF ' UK 9/201M0V‘.53J°J° Dancer, $1 '95‘ Wars am aatra, 0"5
3.15:; 1,: . a 5:5 No“ on Stu 20‘ Frazee Hall ii ii 500 in Cycling Club Free Student Ctr Rm. 106 423091“: Call 9,17, Movies: M‘A‘S'H: 51.95, Worsham "‘90", 5C, 7,40 P-m: “"7330
"I ..-;- ' .21.. ‘5'. 75‘ 7765 . , p.m.: CalI7-8867
.. , 'y'-.'i','.' . A. one “,5 Drilling and Samplmg at Subsurface e Workshops. Learning skills program Reading for 9,, ‘7: Movies: Pee Wee's Big Adventure: “95, Worsham
,3}; “Ag“, . “we, a 5 go,“ i 284‘ speedc$,1,07-Uet;osltu $25-Non UK Stu, 201 Frame Hall: 1-1:50 Theatre SC; 10pm :Call 7-8867
\'~ ‘3" ‘.g -c\'t~ei 5A8 Awareness Week Calls-6991 pm. 0 ' . . . e . .
3:331: a“, _: . 3mg A v 9- Soles Rm 245 Stu Ctr 10a m . Sports Football ticket distribution for Kent 5'0'9 90""6 2:? 23:32,; A S H' $1 '95' Worsham Thw're' 7'40
' T .3- i‘. 3'; s. - .. a ‘ 586’ iv Ni rree w tun-time Stuaent IL): Memorial coliseum: 9-18: Movi : _ . .
E .j?:""ii";i:'?:~' . 0”,, Swag... iemmng Applications for Spring 1937 90 m 4p m Call 7.315] . p.m.; Call £58313“) Dancer. $1.95. Worsham Theatre. 10.15
,, j.“ .‘""""'."l;" , ,, be -,-. (lieg- up. room 704 Taylor Education Bldg ‘ lntrorriurals Track meet entry deadline, 135 Seaton 919: Movies: M'A‘S'H $1 95' Worsham Theatre: 800
'.‘i‘ :.; ,' :“V‘I . 3...: Re,epi,,.,.io,AdU1v Students Free Frozee Hon Center 4 30pm. Call 7-2898 p m'Cal17-8867 ' ' ' ' '
if“: “ltd," art. 5 3C ‘ 3C o 'r‘ C0117 3295 0 Other: Orientation for new and transfer students: 158 91,; Movies: JoJo Dancer: 31,95, Worsham Theatre; 10:15
m.:}. _‘., '_-, . A. we”. _, ,,.iegioi.ye Studyes Seminar on In the Taylor Ed. Bldg, 3-5 p.m.: Call 7-7971 p.m . Call 7-8867
-,;‘,1-,.,~'i‘1T,-,':_'.t:1. beqi‘“ .q s 1.9 :3? chem PhySiCS 7 30 p m Call 3 0 Academics Practical Law: How to use small claims "
1",."i,'."_..- A“: 259,: court: 520 sesSion Rm. 215 LCC: 7-9 pm: Call 72692
' " : '.' .'{3 ° Seer“ rootbo ticket dlS'rlbu'lori for Kent State game ' Academics Biochemistry Seminar: 'The Lactose-
,fi’il'fi i‘i',‘.'ii,,a‘ :. ~: 3-; s W w to t me Student ID Memorial Coliseum Galactose Regulon of Kluyveromyces lactis: Free: Dept. of
t', ,‘Tyl'nfllt; ‘.x'f; 5C . 3L- . :3, . 3. 5: Biochem, 400 p.m., Call 3-5549 ARTS & CONCERTS
’1' W.',_"t,'.'.‘-'i-,2"'}, , - it. ‘kshgps teaming skills program Motivation 0 Meetings Single Parent Student Seminar - United
“riff :, -, .,..-.~,7{.,;: ,w . "g 8 5U ,95 5:; UK Stu system-i ut( Stu 201 Frazee Campus Ministry (child care provided); K-House. 412 Rose
.,. ::_:‘;,,i",'i‘-,f,_lcl '10, ‘ 3 5‘) '.‘ h :c, w 810' ST 7 30p m. Call 254-1381
" 'i:‘.'. ",‘r in“: ' Workshops an Search Strategies Free an i03 ' Meetings, Developing a Lie Detection - United
“332‘: ~I','».."'v_:: \RQVhQWC gag s ,s so 0 iii (an. 7 2745 Campus Ministry (Nan-Credit. 6-week course); K-House.
7;”, 3c, ,9 } :,,; 4l2 Rose St. 730 p.m.: Call 254-1881
j " ,5 .'- '.' r i D Meetings: Japan Karate Association (Smotokan) Class- V
.5 . I, 2'", _'i,‘ JKA UK, 330 sem.. Alumni Gym Loft: 6:00-8:00 p.m.: Call 9192 Concert: Leon Bates, piano: $20, $17.50, $15, 8
._', I {,5}? 7 1195 $12.50; Concert Hall, 8:00 p.m.: Call 7-4900
3;" " ‘.' "7,19"? 9 21' Concerts: Faculty Recital: Vincent DiMartino, trumpet
:' ,,.;',i'.,"»'.:'~"_‘ 8 Schuyler Robison organ: Free: CFA Concert Hall 3 p.m..
., 3,,-,-‘;V.,.,?a'.{ Call7-4900
. f; 52.. 33'.“ 9 21: Concerts: Guest Recital: Kim Wise Withers, flute 8
—.1 aili.‘— '. .. Kay Rowe piano Free: CFA Recital Hall. 3 p..'?‘. Cal! 7
‘ ,',,’i'ij 4900
'_." :“'I. .:.'3‘-, '1
— I '
T.."';"‘_: 1" I -~ ..
’.' , "hi"; i h.
I": 1'5: : 3" ° “0"“ :3 A'S'H 5' 05 WO’Shom Them’e SC 7 ‘0 ' Academics. Energy and Minerals confernece: Call "- T “\is‘.‘ SPORTS
“1". . 0 Movies Fee Wee 5 Big Adventure 5‘. 95 Warsham . Meetings: Fellowship Christian Athletes meeying, % 9 17- Sports: Football ticket distribution for Kent State
‘. f), ‘,':"_1,’_-{ ”90"? 5C _ C "‘> C0” 7 3867 Basement of Kirwan |; 9:00 p.m., Call 8-6822 game (9 20), Free w full-time Student ID Memorial
L: 9,3,} ‘.‘”..- - Sports Foctpoi- 'le9' distribution for Kent State game 0 Moves M'A'S'H; $1.95. Worsham Theatre 7:40 p.m.: i' Coliseum, 9a,m.-4o.m.. Call 7-3151
' 2'; v; Q 20 Free vs ‘u~ t-me Student ID Memorial Coliseum Coll 7 8867 9 17' SPOTTSI Aikdo. Japanese Martial Art Beginner
4. .- . Qa - 4p m (oi, - 315i . Mowes JoJo Dancer: 51,95; Worshom Theatre 10:15 9 15: Sports Football ticket distribution for Kent State Classes; Free Alumni Gym (loft) 8:30 p m.: Call 266-0102
3”,, “x, {3:3,er 0 v'errkshops Learning Skills program Motivation pm Call 7-8867 game (9 20)' Free w full-time Student ID: Memorial 9 17' Sports: Cycling Club Meeting - UK Cycling Club Free
. _ ,f’,) mowing 8 Success 510 UK Stu S25-Non UK Stu 201 0 Meetings Japan Karate Asso-iation (Smotokan) Class Coliseum. Ba.m.-8a.m. Call 7-3151 SC Rm. 106: 4.30 p.m., Call 254-7765
" '5' 'Q'i"-".' : 3199 H0“ 33 5C 9 "‘ C0“ 7370‘ -JKA UK 530 sem: Alumni Gym .'oft: 5:30-6'30 p.m.: Call 9 16. Sports: Bicycle Racing intercollegiate and USCF - UK 9 20: Sports: UK Football vs. Kent State, UKID.
3’3 ,l"j"-"'.;-/,_ '13.; ' A‘°°9'11"5 “’5' dc” '0 ("0”99 Q'Odmg 09"0" 7 11% Cycling Club Free. Student Ctr. Rm. 106: 4:30 p.m.: Coll Commonwealth Stadium
,1}; 7,,- - Academics Last day to drop a course Without it 254-7765 9 20: Sports: Kentucky Invitational Cross Country
_‘..I-r-j,‘;,'g;".~: “9990"“? 9‘" "‘9 “”09” 5 "O”SCF'P' 9 16. Sports' Football ticket distribution for Kent State Championships; Free: KY Horse Park 10 am Call 7-5816
,zf-‘g- t", ° 'D'he' U'Med Wot "o”‘mg 59mm” Free SC game (9 201 Free W full-time Student “37 Memorial 9 21: Sports. Aikdo. Japanese Martial Art Beginner
,5; ‘:,* vow/5:0" Theater “‘13 32 akrro,,Cali " 7200 r C c, Coliseum: 9a.m. - 4pm.; Call 7-3151 Classes: Free: Alumni Gym loft, l p m Call 266-0102
if.- . '.?""7',t‘, ' ‘4"‘9' Lyme" 31' ‘5 Luncheon "99 5 rand 9 16:1ntramurals:Trock meet ent deadline; 135 Seaton . . . .
if, 3‘5: Ba ’00,“ Noon Cal: 7 700 Center; 430 pm . Call 7-2898 TY gaff-lggcgmurals. Intramural Track meet. Shively Track
"3.3., ' 3:.- "_,;-"\,'}- ' Meetings Weds Nite Discussmr‘ group Bible study by
; GCS Free Rrr‘ 23‘ SC 7 30p in Cell 2543997
_, (j ’1'}",,'l»-‘,.'» ° Meetings Being an Adult Student Everything You _
5. W ”W" T ”W W9 ° SWW‘C” "99 Rm MEETINGS & LECTURES
' ‘3 i"- ‘,,‘,_.i' ‘4 SC NOOV‘ Cal 3295
,f,‘v -".'-,."'.'-"'»: ‘ Workshops Mock Interviews Register in 103C _
{1"}, Mathews Bldg '0' a 307m”, ”me 5'0, Fee 35 POT , 9:19: Meetings; UK Badminton Club, equipment provided
I' .;.«,:'}f_'; 3 30;? m C0,; ‘ 274° Seaton Gym; 7230-9 p.m., Call 233-5157
.’.)‘i \,'9 ’ Spc ,.S Aikdo Japanese Mortioi Art Beginner Classes 9 16. Meetings: Single Parent Student Seminar - United 9’201Academics. The Earliest American Culture Free
I}: :' l. 9.255, ‘ree A-uri‘t‘i Gvrr lo" 8 30 p m Call 266 0102 Campus Ministry (child care provided); K-House, 412 Rose Lafferty Hall: 1041.30 a.m., Call 7-2622
1i "fl ' Meetings Women 5 O’d‘00'10" 10 years 0" St., 7'30p.m.; Call 254-1881 9 ’20: Academics, UK Libraries Seminar Free King Libiary
x, Conterot ry Fellowship 5' Augustine 5 Chapel c 30 p m 9 16 Meetings: Developing a Lie Detection' - United North, lO-Noon: Call 72622
3733' '1" Call 254 3‘26 Campus Ministry (Non-Credit, 6-week course): K-House, 9 ’20: Academics: Emerging Trends in the Development of
l; 3 ; i '25. ’ Meet ngs Wednesday Evening Fellowship United 412 Rose St., 7:30 p.m.: Call 254-1881 New Drug Products - A focus on Kentucky: Free PHR
422';'<."T':":'._‘I:‘i:'; Como” MII‘S'W F000 Outdoor recreation games K 9 16: Meetings: Japan Karate Association (Smotokan) Lecture Theatre: IO-Noon: Call 72622
$_«,',‘;::,- ‘, Hausa 4 ‘ 2 Rose St 5 45 o m Call 254-1881 Class-JKA UK: $30 sem.: Alumni Gym Loft: 6:00-8:00 99]- Meetings UK Badminton Club. ”Ulpmen' provided
f,“ '. “:,,; «‘A ,‘,'~"v',.';' p.m.: Call 7-1195 Seaton Gym: 2:30-3:30 p.m.: Call 233-5157
'7'.:f'",'.'-.',-:' AY 9 17. Meetings: Weds. Nite Discussion group (Bible study 9 2‘1 Meetings HOlY Communion 0'19 FellOWShlP 5'
'.‘ .3213: ,. 1 9 FRID SATURDAY by GCS), Free: Rm.231 507130 p.m.: (0112543997 Augustine 5 Chapel 10 am. 8 5:30 p m. Call 254-3726
-"'. \‘33 \ 9 17: Meetings: 'Being an Adult Student...Everything You 9413 Meetings: United CU'Ch 0’ Ch'l” ‘ United Campus
7";,"- ' .s/, _l. Always Wanted To Know' (Bring 0 Sandwich): Free: Rm. MiniS'l'Y (09011"? WOFShlP 3 50