xt7mkk94bk0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk94bk0q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1997 1997 1997-03-26 2020 true xt7mkk94bk0q section xt7mkk94bk0q ISIAIII ISIII 1) IBM KeNTuCIIY today, high 5 7. UNIVIHSIIY UI KINIUCKY LIXINGION KENIUCKY HGIBI‘BIIIIIIIII 3815 Election ofi‘icz'als anticipate large voter turnout By Gary Wult Associate News Editor As students head to the election polls today they will have more to choose from than the 71 candidates running for office. Students will vote whether or not they would support a campus recreation fee. The referendum intends to gauge stu- dent opinion, and if passed, the recommen- dation would be forwarded to the Board of Trustees, where the members would vote on it. Senator at large Bob Brown, who co- sponsored the referendum, said if a campus recreation fee passes through the Board of Trustees, student money would pay for new equipment and wages to keep recreational facilities open longer. He added that with a campus recreation fee, intramural sports would be free to stu— dents. “This should encourage more participa- tion,” Brown said. The fee, Brown said, would add between $2.25 and $2.50 to the other fees students pay in addition to tuition. As senatorial campaigns wound down, a portion of the 44 senator at large candidates posted signs around campus. Some were ripped down yesterday. Nonetheless, none of the candidates L filed election claims, said Student Govern- ment Association Vice President Chrissy Guyer. However, she said several candidates picked up claim sheets. “I think some of them are unsure whether PPD (Physical Plant Division) or other candidates took down their posters,” she said. Guyer said this happens each year and it is nothing out of the ordinary. ; OIIIIIIOII about 188 SGA President Alan Aja made calls to PPD to remind them of elections today and tomorrow. Eleven of the 18 seats college senator candidates will run unopposed this year, including the colleges of agriculture, archi- tecture, business & economics, communi- cations, education, engineering and phar— macy. No one filed for the senator seats in the colleges of dentistry and medicine. Guyer said the write-in candidate with the most votes would take the open spots in the senate. If no one writes in a candidate, then a special election will be held or someone from the senate would fill the spot, she said. With more than 70 candidates on the ballot, election officials are expecting a big- ger turnout than last year, when 1,733 stu- dents voted. Voter turnout for the election was the lowest of the decade. “With all the senator candidates running it is bound to encourage a lot students to get out and vote,” Guyer said. The following places will be open for polling today and tomorrow: VAgriculture: 8:30 a.m. — 2 p.m. (both daYS) VBusiness and Economics: 9:30 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. (both days) VBlazer Hall: 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. (both days) VComplex Commons: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. (both days) VCollege of Education: 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. (both days) VCollege of Engineering: 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (both days) VCollege of Law: 9:30 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. (both days) VLexington Community College: 9:30 a.m. — 7 p.m. (both days) VMargaret I King Library: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (today), 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. (tomorrow) VCollege of Nursing (Medical Center Colleges only): 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. (both days) VStudent Center: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (today), 10 a.m. - S p.m. (tomorrow). SGA VOTING LOCATIONS I. Blazer Hall 5. B&E Building 2. Anderson Hall 6. Law Building 3. Student Center 7. King 4. Taylor Ed. 8. Nursing But ding 5. Commons '0. LCC Libra 'l '1. Ag. North cloudiness tonight, low 3 6. Sunn)I tomorrow, high 6 5' . SEX, "[8 M11 PORN Two Kernel film reviewers discuss pornography and those who oppose it. See Diversions, page 5 a. .go’uof‘. Decreasing .0..................00......O0..00.0.0...O...0..O...0CC.0.0.00IO...0.0DO.C0.0.0CIOCOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOIOOCC WEATHER Partly cloudy March 26, I 997 onl Classifieds 7 News 2 Crossword 7 Sports 4 Diversions 5 Viewpoint 6 INDEPENDENT SINCE 1971 House oi the Rising Son Mills family excited about Final Four By Brett Dawson Senior Staff lVrirer This time last year. Cameron Mills was pretending to be Carmello Trafieso. As UK prepared for the 1996 Final Four, Mills worked on the scout team for the favored \Vildcats. ()ne of his roles was to duplicate the lon r-range bombing of the UMass shooting guard. “Just taking a lot of threes," Mills said ofhis role. Things haven’t changed that much in a year. iVIills still is jacking up long balls. Only now, he’s not pretending to IIC‘ anybody else. He's just Cameron Mills, key contributor to UK‘s Final Iiour run. “I'm more than just a cheerleader, which is more or less what I was last year," Mills said. “It's definitely more exciting for me this time.” That excitement I5 CRTFYIHE! “"0" t” BEFENIIING "If "HE Former walk-on Cameron [Mills has stepped up in the postsea- son this year shooting 72 percent from three-point range. the rest of the Mills family. Mills’ father, Terry, a UK lettennan in 1969. 71, booms with pride when he's asked about his son's rapid rise to notoriety. “(The Final Four) is roing to be a lot more exciting and we'll probably be a little more emotional this year," the elder Mills said. “Last year we didn't know if he’d get any q laying time at all, ‘ ased on the way .‘ ‘3' - things had gone most of the sea— son.” Based on the way the early part of this season went, few in the Mills household could have expected a banner postseason '- .. from Cameron this a“ year either. I N DI Prior to Derek Anderson's season—endin knee injury, Cameron had played double figure minutes only once — a rainst also-ran UNC—Asheville —— and ad scored just 13 points all season. But after step ing up several times during the regu ar season in Ander— son’s absence, Mills has caught fire in the postseason. Since the beginning of the NCAA Tournament, the junior guard is shooting a remarkable 72 percent from three-point range and 65 percent over- 'i ,,I‘ICA2;., all. But a funny thing happened against Utah, LIK's opponent in the \Vest Regional I'jmal. Cameron Mills, former walk-on, suddenly found himself the focus of the Utes' defense. Ile was held scoreless in H minutes of play. “I was in a posi- tion there that I never thought I'd be in at Kentucky, having another team concentrate their defense on '0’ me," Mills said. “It .. was a good feeling, but I just wish I would‘ve been able to get loose and get a cou— ple of shots.” The Mills family hardly expected Mills to get more than a couple of shots over his career at UK. Neither did Coach Rick I’itino, who reluctantly accepted Cameron as a walk—on three years ago. Pitino has said repeatedly that he thought Mills should have accepted a scholarship offer from one of the schools, including Georgia, which offered one. “(But) he wanted to carry on a tra- dition in his family, he wanted to be a part of something that means so much OV “its? STEPHANIE CORDLE Kernel sniff to his family," Pitino said. “He never expected to play — he just continued to work hard because that's what he’s all about." But Terry Mills, who with his wife, Lori, and Cameron’s brother, Collier, will be in Indianapolis this weekend, wanted his son to find his own way. “When Cameron went to UK, we didn't want him to say he was playing there just because I did," Terry Mills said. “We wanted him to make his own contributions and be his own player." His 12 points per game and red-hot shooting in the NCAAs have gone a long way toward accomplishing that. But Cameron Mills said his father's shadow has never loomed large during his time at UK. “Not too many people remember when he played here — just some of the older fans,” he said. “But definitely I think the last few weeks I’m sort of getting my own identity.” The player Cameron Mills has become, as unlikely as it all seems, will take the court this weekend at the Final Four, forgetting about the past and focusing instead on making histo- ry. “Very few college basketball players get a chance to experience a national championship, and even fewer get a shot at doing it twice," Mills said. “And hopefully I get to be one of those very, very, very few.” O..0.000......I0.0.... Greek memhens' votes critical in elections NEWShyte , By Brenna Hollly Editor in Chief I As the Student Government Associ- ‘ , ation elections be 'n today students will be bombarded y H ers, campaign- ers and buttons. But 0 those students who pass in front of polling places, few will cast a ballot for the next _‘ SGA President. ANAIY SIS . Out of 24,000 students at . ‘. UK, only 1,733 voted in last year’s election. But there is one segment of the student body that does at out the vote in SGA elections, Gree . While Greeks make up only about 17 percent of the student population, they are an organized, motivated grou . The ultimate symbol of this unity is the Greek Political Action Commit- tee’s annual endorsement. “The Greeks big stren is their networking ability, said nner SGA President Shea Chaney said. “If they pay attention to who they endorse it can have a really big effect.” Melanie Cruz, is only the second non—Greek presidential candidate won that endorsement. Monday was the first time GPAC has chosen a non- Greek presidential candidate over a Greek candidate. Cruz’s running mate Alizha ce is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta social sorority. But all Greek Kyle Thompson, a member of Delta Si :1 Phi social fraterni and his running mate Chi Omega 'stin Triplett failed to get the nod from GPAC. Last year current SGA President Alan Aja (while running mate Chrissy Guyer is Creek) was the first non- Greek to win the endorsement. q: won the endorsement over the Green, non-Greek pair of Phil Curtis and Tim Niebel. ,6 “For us, it diversified our campaign and our support,” Aja said. “It helped us.” GPAC had helped a lot of presiden- tial hopefuls. Since its inception in 1988 every candidate that has been endorsed by GPAC has won the election, with one exception. The exception to GPAC's record came in 1994 when T.A. Jones won the election with 925 votes. While the GPAC—endorsed candidate Tracy Rogers, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta social sorority came in third place with 758 votes. Rogers won the endorsement in a run-off with non-Greek candidate Misty Weaver, whose running mate Colleen Litkenhaus was a member of Delta Delta Delta social sorority. Weaver came in second in the election, with Pi Kappa Alpha member Rob Warrington p acing fourth. Many argue that with three Greek candidates the solid Greek vote was split, allowing Jones to slide into office. Still others argue that with four can- didates and 3,172 people casting votes. Jones’ used his alternative bongo- drumming campaign to win widespread campus support. “T.A. went to Greek houses,” Aja said. “He probably did get some Greek support.” Aja said while the Greek vote is important, SGA elections are won or lost at the polls. “It all evens out at the polls,” Aja said. “Some people will go vote because (they are handed) flyers." Aja said while Greek chapters have already decided who they will support, unaffiliated students may be persuaded to vote for a candidate because of a personal encounter on election day. Also Aja said, Greek endorsements See GREENS on 2 Woman lounII dead in Shawneetown A 28-year-old oriental woman was found dead in her home at Shawneetown Apartments yester- day. Public Affairs Director Ralph Derickson said UK Police arrived at 3:07 p.m. after accquan- tainces became concerned about the woman and called police. She was pronounced dead 3:36 p.m. when police opened her apartment door and found her on the floor. The woman‘s name will not be released until next of kin are notified and the cause of death will be determined after autopsy results are am- lyzed. Few details were known by Kentucky Kernel deadline. Lexington Police are investigating the death. Compildfiwumfl'npom '4 .r .w l ‘mzz‘s -i; l 2 Wednesday, March 26, I997, rem-cry Kernel Newsroom: 257-1915 257-2871 Fax 3' 323-1906 E-Mul. kemeiOpop. uky. edu Hohttp 5: /www. kernel. uky edu K: WW EdimrlnChief ..................................... BrennaReilly Mammalian ..... ............................. JeEVm Nevsfidimr ........ . ..... .. ............ ........ Kathyllieding AmciateNmEdimr ...... GaryWulf Futurism ............ .. ........................ Mamm' EdimrialEdimr .................................. ’I'i fianyGilmutin AssistantEditorialEdimr ............................ ChrisCampbell SportsEditor ......................... . ............ ChrisFastcrling AoisuntSpomEditor.... .................... '....OJasonStapleton WeekmdSpomEdimr ................................ RobHabst WeekendSpomEditior JayGTate Ami-idiom .......................................... DanO’Neill ‘AssisuntArtsEdimr ............................. .SuunneRaffeld KeGEdioor .................................... RodinanRBotldns OnlineEdimr ................................. AndrasGusnfsson PhomEdiwr .................................... StephanicCordle Ddgifiiu ................................................... Thai: Pindon AssisnntDosi Edmr ............................ SheriPhalsaphie Theg‘dependent Newspaper at'lhc University of Kentucky ‘ Foundcdinl894 .......................... Ind tsuice 1971 026 Grahanjounialism Bld. ,Univers'i of Kcntu Lexington,Kentu 40506 mewstropyoftheKenmdenntlisfi'tt. EmmpmmS 1..00mb Volunteers Needed For Part1c1patlon In A New Resarch Study Volunteers must be: 0 Premenopausal females between the ages of 1845 (if between the ages of 35—45, must be non'smoker) 0 Having regular menstrual periods occurring every 25—35 days 0 In overall good health Subjects will be provided investigational or marketed oral contraceptive pills, physical exams, and gynecological exams free of charge for either 6 or 13 cycles. For more information, please call: 2754966 or (800) 8984966 Outside Lexmgron Area CKRA... CENTRAL KENTUCKY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. INC.N 2366 Nicholasville Road, Suite 602, Lexmgton Dedicated to the furtherance of ethical efforts to improve the quality of life CKRA clinical trials meet all applicable FDA guide lines The last SIIIIIIBI‘ Student Government Association senatorial and presidential candidates eat dinner at the Alpha Delta Pi house as part of “Rock the Vote” JAMES CRISP Kernel mfl Panhellenit and lntetfraternity councils invited students to meet the candidates the day before elections begin. Polls open at 8 30 this morning at various buildings on campus Polls close Thursday at 7 p m. The winners it ill be announred at 9 that night. Students need to present their student ID in order to vote. Fraternities ban alcohol ill lIOIISBS By Damon Kelley Contributing Writer While many students spent spring break lying on a beach drinking alcohol into the wee hours of the night, two national social fraterni— ties took a major step towards reducing alco- hol-related risks on campus. Sigma Nu, which has a chapter at UK, joined Phi Delta Theta to become the second and third fraternities in the nation to ban alco- hol in chapter houses. Farmhouse social fraternity’s international policy bans alcohol from their chapter houses. “I knew it was coming eventually," said Brad Cunningham, UK Sigma Nu president. “We’re taking the first step towards all chapter houses being alcohol free by the year 2000.” The decision to go alcohol-free was not a reaction to a particular event, but rather had been thought about over the last few years, according to David Glassman, assistant execu- tive director of Sigma Nu. “We’ve been looking at ways to reduce alcohol misuse and abuse since the early 19805,” said Glassman, speaking from his office in Lexington, VA. “We began thinking about banning alcohol in chapter houses in 1994." “Liability and insurance are two big reasons why they took this step,” said Cunningham. “Anymore, if someone leaves a frat party and has a wreck on the way home, you can almost guarantee a lawsuit against the fraternity if alcohol was involved. “\rVithin five or six years I think all fraterni- ties will join us on this policy; we just happen to be the first.” Sigma Nu has an excellent track record in alcohol prevention among fraternities. According to Glassman, Sigma Nu was the first fraternity with a risk management policy in 1987 and the first to ban kegs in chapter houses in 1988. “We determined alcohol to be the single— most problem area on campus and in fraterni- ties,” said Glassman. “Most problems tie into alcohol in some way, whether it be sexual assault, academic failure or destruction of property. “I don’t expect every fraternity to follow us but we believe this is the logical step to take and other fraternities will take notice." How hard will it be to enforce the new poli- > “It’s not something we will be able to do overnight, but I don’t think it will be hard to accomplish over the next three years,” said Cunningham. “It’s a large culture shift,” said Glassman. “Through effort and time, I think it will be absolutely achievable.” Glassman could not give an estimate on how prevalent alcohol was in chapter houses presently. He said it is very prevalent in some chap- ters, yet others chapters have already banned alcohol in their houses. Registered parties occur every two or three weeks at UK’s chapter house, but alcohol could be found in the house daily according to Cunningham. “Alcohol is no more common in a frat house than it is anywhere else on a college campus,” said Sigma Nu freshman Micah \Vheat. Graduation 18 so close you can almost taste it! If you need one more class to graduate, or if you're hungry to get started on your degree, give us a call. Tho UK Ind. ndont Stu Program Room 1 Frau. Hall - 257-3466 http://www.uky.odu/ISP Censorship issues discussed by panel By Cara Fedders Contributing Writer Students and faculty exercised their freedom of speech by speak- ing out on censorship last night. Approximately 40 students and faculty members met in Worsham Theater to discuss the issues of censorship and the First Amend- ment. The panel consisted of three students from the Kentucky Ker— nel, Editor in Chief Brenna Reilly, Features Editor Mat Herron, WRFL member Thomas Owens, and two political science profes- sors Brad Canon and Jennifer Segal. Dean of Students David Stock- ham moderated the event. Stock— ham first addressed the panel with concerns involving the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), co—founded by Tipper Gore and how rating music affects the free— dom of expression in America. Tensions rose as two panel mem- bers argued the validitfy of a rating system being a form 0 censorship. “The group (PMRC) is not saying that these materials cannot be sold,” Canon said. “They are recommending to what age group they should be sold to.” Owens disagreed. “In the case of a record, it is actually stigrnatizing the art pro- duced,” he said. The debate continued as the panel and audience spoke on the effects of censorship on First Amendment rights concerning the Internet, television and literature. Children and censorship occu- pied a large portion of the debate. One audience member protested his right as an adult to be denied access to “indecent material” found on the Internet. A student voiced her concern that her children may someday access the “trash” available on the Internet. The direction of the debate shifted to what exactly qualifies material as indecent. The uestion “what and who defines ecency” surfaced. Segal captured the persisting element of the debate when she said, “Broadness is an im rtant issue with censor- ship. T e question is where to draw the line.” The debate looked toward the First Amendment for answers. The audience interacted with the panel in agreement concerning the necessity for exceptions. “There are always people who operate in the best interest of the First Amendment and those who abuse it,” Herron said. UK Faculty Senate, Student Government Association Presi- dent Alan Aja and Student Activi— ties Board Contemporary Affairs Chairperson Crai Wyatt Spon— sored UK Speaks gut on Censor— ship. During the first year of UK Speaks Out, panel members previ- ously discussed racism, gender and religion. “UK Speaks Out gives the stu— dents a venue to voice opinions and concerns,” Wyatt said. “It serves as a community building event.” Wyatt hopes to continue UK Speaks Out into the next school year. Patton to discuss plan GI‘BBIIS Debate moves away from Greek issues From PAGE 1 lose meaning if those students forget to vote. “Talking is one thing,” Aja said. “But walking is another.” But chapters do encourage their members to vote in elec- tions. “A lot of chapters, especially if they have someone running, they really encourage voting,” said Chaney, a former member of Phi Kappa Psi social fraternity. In 1988 GPAC was created to encourage Greeks to vote, in an election year when both tickets have Greek members and there is not a non-Greek candidate who could win if the Greek vote was split, this year’s GPAC did not focus on Greek issues. “I‘m glad (a Greek question) wasn’t asked,” Guyer said. “It shows Greeks have an open mind and care about the whole campus community.” Chaney said the fact that Greeks did not ask questions related only to their community is a sign that the divide between Greeks and independents is clos- mg. “I think it shows how diverse the Greek community is,” said Chaney, who added that for every type of Greek member there is probably an independent who has the same interest. “Peoples attitudes are chang- ing,” Aja said. “It might be a good sign for the future." Associated Press FRANKFORT, Ky. — Gov. Paul Patton defended his plans to arate UK from its community oleges as he went head to- head with UK President Charles Wethington in a televised debate. Wethington said Monday night that Patton' 5 plan to strip the two- year colle es from UK“ is funda- mentally awed” and “will hurt students the worst” by placing them“ into a political bureaucracy in Frankfort. The two ap ared on a Kentucky Educationa Tele- vision call-in show. Patton is expected to recom— mend today that the community colleges and the state ’5 technical schools be operated under a newly created board. He is scheduled to make his plan public in a speech on KET at 10 a.m. today. Patton then is to begin a promotional tour with stops at 12 community college campuses. In the KET forum with Wethington, Patton denied that his plan would hurt students, and he stopped just short of accusing Wethington of using scare tactics to help UK keep the community colleges. “Charles, I think you know that I’m a loyal supporter of the Uni— versity of Kentucky,” Patton said. “Can you figure out why that I would propose something that is not in the best interests of the place that I went to school and the place that my children went to school?” Patton said, referring to UK. .wn. v.vvwa A(.v!”..~_' - _9-.:~' 1+. ‘ 2.; «i, , ,'5, r 5'" seat as??? t-yg.“ 019"“. H» < - .2 .q.’ To: VPn go i g demi the a u e 38.. andr to de prom dona VEo to fan concr non-t ll u; 1.1» .§’ Kyle Thompson ‘Acailemlc Programs' VPropose annual advising go'prams to each college. to deservin students through promotion 0 national and local concerns of out-of-state and non-traditional students. murmur Prom Vlncrease ublic' of Student Govemmen esco serVice. Vlncrease knowledge and accessibilityof student legal and tax services, With thorough reView of activny annually. VProwde counseling pro- grams and forums dealin with stress and common healt Issues facung students. VFollowthrough on lans for a memorial room at illiam T. Young Library as well as con- tinUIng the traditional candle- li ht serwce. . . Enhance tam-voucher ser- Vice and promote an easier-to- VPropose Senator forums in least once during the academ- ic semester. VPnnt every senator’s name, office hours and telephone numbers in_the Kentucky Ker: he! to prowde more acceSSIbil- I Be in SGA e-mail and voice mail or students to submit questions or concerns. These Will be posted regularly With an appropriate comment or answer. t . e-e nan-v u—».. didate Platforms / / / TOP All Studem' YStudfy puide directo : Web- Site Wit inks to the ol exams and study gUides to classes in different departments. VStudent activmes transcript: Th‘is'transcript would be an offICIal document verifyin and documentin involvemen in campus lea ership positions and clubs. VMemorial Room in WT. _ Young Libra : Remembering those studen s whom we have lost to tragedy. while a student at the UniverSIty. . . VEmergeney criSis card: This card would include emergency hone numbers for students. Networking luncheons with wide activity to include all stu- sions during fall orientationto better promote cam us actiw- has such as Studen Activities Board and Student Athletics CounCil. VContinue open forums such as the speak out sessions, increasms the diversny and number 0 speakers and films. lobby for all student rights that ul_ar concern. is individual Will_ head the Student Organi- zations Assembly and would make recommendations and respond to the‘ UniverSity Sen- ate and administration's deCi- Sions. Deb other organizations who face wareness Week that both Panhellenic and SGA brought in programming varying from. the Rape Cri3is Center to out- ical lobb ists in Frankfort t at would in erest a variety of stu- dents. . VPublish a Rape Anthology of letters, poems, etc. from VIC- tims of sexual assault and abuse as a form of healing for survwors and serve to increase awareness of the stu- dent body and the community. demség‘nttggavvfi'rgcggg £33319 use designated driver cards. alumnae. number of Etudents to gain. . .. . access tot e tutoring sesswns .1 the aesgsslibility of tutors...in ‘9 In” ectl D' it , through a facilitated collabora- ' W foviJSnigi‘e'sifiiht-based “mm" “W“WW'W ‘"‘°“"'“"""‘"‘" " "r "m ’ il‘io'fsaii“$3?deb”evl5?é‘i?dee"é'with and need-based scholarships “WWW VProposal of annual campus- VStudent Body Advocate to ansmirxgrfii‘egésuggsggs’vfiLO- old tests and exams and would - ~ - ' . dents, such as on outdoor will rovide an organized stu- . . . . stamiggecséigstmm... use: griigsaisit'rigs issue or camivai- den who is ready to tigssgnsizsissiitizrte; referentstame to find academic needs and With me" constituencies at VSponsor informational ses- gfgtfl‘gemgflghfigfig $333? rams as Women's Health Credit Union thatgwould pro- -.m-v~o-..--.._ , . ,_,H_ Knmal'y Kernel, H'rdmittry, Mimi: 26. 1997 I Melanie Cruz ‘Committed to Quality' YGroup tutorial or review ses- SlOnS would allow a greater help students review for com- mon hour exams. vide students with financial information, \ -._:v. a ate Highlights... ADMIlIlSTllATIflN V Alizha Rice CAMPUS PBflBlHVIS . Kristin Triplett f magnum HIGHER Eellflllflllll m).- . -_-_ 3" ' be - ' ' I . . . ~ 5:5 be gmfesgggggggestfi 32;? » Vsz. Losmg the commumty “31- 113: £35 "51:83:13 msgifité VAlizba Rice: Student success needs .~' advising from holding coflege.widc . éfimufiggggrgfifl u e wan views. to be improved academically. I adxgsin £017ng 33113::de 3‘13: ' ‘ ton does not favor the change {org VCruz: Campus unity is a roblem. . exec y at ey Own 0 UK, she does not either. She wants to create more 0 a campus 57 graduate on time. __ commumty. i DOUG ""”‘1*W‘“:'W"fi ,. . . a"??? W?" ‘ W “7w Sales Stuff The GMde 5°00] DOC‘O‘“ ”56,03“ Dimes lili'l' 'l'lllllll’S lliC'l'lillli 14'.” i Name: Dwight V. Denlson . 3 Pro ram: Public Adminiurauon . : Arts and SClcnccs El” 8 “y a an M m: Pharmacology . . ‘ Dlu'emtlon Tltle:An Empirical E Nuns Tomomow ’ W “*1 T'”""”“ R '0“ oftl’c xaminatinn o unic a on 3 ‘ Senator and GEJLBAID. $7.00 ”Derived mum/imam i Emrnn;g'rhrzrag:;£ I? d H . h W - , $15 Ml! mmmmwd M. Keetzel ac o'an mar: - 9" Pie S 0 a If Clscmd’ I m" fight to' in W ”WM-mm I997 i gfirtbAprll I. i997 Top students in selected classes take notes s Part Tlme Posltlone . . . m o m , . i;- OAbohsh theplus/mmu: “‘1‘ ““990” . 11...... ' 3 " wh h h nt ed and available for ou e. avallab'. '0' .port. M'MNSGI Ctmdler Medial Cm l Place. 420 Patterson Office Tower 'C are t ‘6 YP Y 3? 00mm :3 wcbpagc when all enthuslaste Guaran- ' _ . ”w- .-- 0..., i . . . to pick up the NEXT DAY! iii students may advertise their teed hourly. rate plus he: museum in... Sex-”1:3... a... You can get your notes DAILY, WEEKLY, or a ”'6“; ‘3: sell #2qu commlulon. Must wwmmw'. VJWM.‘ www.mgmmlnmmu Before your EXAMS- whenever YOU want!! '—' more, y m S“ have own vehicle and “'“mmwm "WWW'MM-M F? SAVE roux Nani! . w u H . M m, mfifitt’m. 0 M It" elllclelItly oEmblub 2.4 5"" ””m’” Mid hot-s. Amy h a... in. Sea-"u: ' W I” M108 : VKyle Thom Ion: Retention rates can VTbam son: He wants to be a voice for stu ents to the administration. ’1 g YMeIanie Cruz: Retention rates can VTbmpm: Research should be ycmz, She has worked with admin- . 71973871 T711718“: Lack Of student i ; be improved throu 11 greater cam us done on the funding of community istrators in the past so it would not involvement is a problem, but it can i ‘ involvement by stu ents.3he emp a~ colle to detemnne which ones he a problem for her to continue to be increased by stressmg campus i , sized this begins with fall indentation have the ability to survive if separated do so. She said she knows all the vice actmty with freshmen. i t for new students and UK 101 and from UK. Th should also stay With presidents’ secretaries’ names. VTbompmn: Students need to want ’ suggCSted a camp'JS“Wldc party. UK If CY Choose to . ' t0 b6 more anOlVCd. BARNETT memmw." mm --W. the! ‘ Lee Call mm: Demmhe. mononu- unmet. Lem .A.~..~ . N-e: Bin Liu «aw—Mn.-. ,. , M . l MNIloflhm) 0 M m Mt! I“ M to m The latched, Inc. 506 Euclid Avenue 2 blocks fromrampus (near Stealifest) 288-0028 4 Wednesday, Mmb 26, I997, Kentucky Kenn! Rain doesn't wash away S'IXIII vlctoi-y By Chrls Easterllng Sport: rum Mother Nature was doing her best to wash away UK’s chance at victory number six last night. But the \K'iltlcats proved to be stronger than the elements as they pulled out an ugly 10-4 win over visiting Georgetown College at (Iliff l lagan Stadium The victory raised the (Lits' record to 6-164, with the possi bility for lucky win number seven coining tonight against liastern Kentucky. Despite the win, L'K coach Keith Madison wasn’t particularly pleased with the effort put forth by his squad, which was coming off of a weekend at Arkansas where they lost Z—of—S. “\Ve didn’t play as aggressive as I thought we would,” UK coach Keith Madison said. “I thought our approach was very poor. The hitters didn’t adjust well at the plate. (But) this is not to take away from George- town Anytllllt‘ a coach wins, he's glad he won." One player with whom Madi- son was pleased was third baseman Andy ( ireen. l he lieshiiian from Lexington (Lliiistiaii was solid at the plate for the Wildcats. going i-for-Jr with a run batted in and scoring tWo runs oflils own. “Andy was one of the players w ho played inspired baseball," Madison said. “I le played hard and competed.” Along with (ireen. Madison was also pleased with the pitching of starter Josh Paxton. l’axtoii **IMMEDIATE** Opportunities Available for Full or Part Time Sales Associates SHOQ SQHSClliOn Take A Glant Step For Your Retell Career! Energetic, hardworking individuals needed. Shoe exp