xt7mkk94bk8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk94bk8d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 2004 2004 2004-12-03 2020 true xt7mkk94bk8d section xt7mkk94bk8d Friday

December 3, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

first issue tree. Subsequent Issues 25 cents.


Celebrating 33 years of independence


._/~ /

Hoops heavyweights

face off
Page 6


Columnist: Journalists hinder
U.S. efforts in Iraq

Page 4


UK studies record-enrollment impact

By Adam Sichko

Provost Mike N ietzel said yes
terday UK must control freshman
enrollment to preserve high-qual-
ity education.

“1 don't want to push the en.
tering class size bigger." Nietzel
said. “I want to keep the cohort at
3,800 to 3.900."

N ietzel addressed a meeting of
the Board of Trustees' academic
affairs subcommittee to review
the effects of three consecutive
years of record undergraduate

“The entering freshmen co
horts of '02. ‘03 and '04 were all

records that led to a discussion
about the dire consequences of
this growth and prompted a re»
view of what exactly the educa-
tional outcomes of this were." N i‘
etzel said.

The preliminary data was nei-
ther conclusively positive nor
negative for UK. said trustee Bar-
bara Young.

“This isn‘t the worst possible
scenario. but there's obviously
some areas of issue with class
size." Young said. “This is mostly
fairly good news for the universi-
ty. but it‘s not perfect."

The average class size for UK
students showed little variation
from fall 2001 to fall 2003. Students

in courses at the 200 level experi
enced the gr 'atest growth. having
an average class size of 45. up
three students from fall 2002.

In that same time frame. llKl-
and fitkilevei classes deer *ased by
one student. while the lilo-level
class size increased by two stit-
dents to :36 students per class.

"The average class size hasn‘t
changed in any appreciable fash‘
ion over this time." Nietzel said.

The study also examined the
number of "small“ (:50 or fewer
students). “medium" (31 to 99)
and “large" (1le or more) classes
that first~time freshmen took in
their first semester at UK.

According to the data. had

3.937 tirstrtime. lull~time fresh-
men an increase of 930 from
the 2001 freshman class. The data
shows that:

' 981 more students are taking
at least one “large" class

0 893 more students are taking
at least two "large” classes

' 13.3 more students are regis-
tered for at least three “large"
classes. a number that represents
15 percent of this year‘s freshman
class up frotn 5.3 percent in

“This isn't protxirtional." said
(Tonnie Ray. vice president for in-
stitutional research. planning
and effectiveness. “Systematical-

See Enrollment on page 3





Gatewood Galbraith.

emerged from Kentucky
wood Galbraith again?

graduate and unabashed pot


off on pot
and pot ICS

By Nathan Thacher


Abraham Lincoln. Henry Clay and

These men might just be the most im-
portant. influential native sons to have ever
but who‘s Gate-

The Lexington attorney: activist. UK
smoker has re
ceived more votes than any other third-par-
ty candidate in the past 60 years of Ameri-
can elections for attorney
gressman and governor in Kentucky.

He is promoting his new book. “The

general. con-


l.ast Free Man
in America." in
which he de~
fends human
rights. the (Son-
stitution. the dis-
and marijuana,
among other di-
verse issues.
points out the
perils facing the
American peo-
ple due to a pri-
vatized two-par-
ty system that
cares more
about the effi-



If you go

What: Gatewood Galbraith

When: l pm. Monday

Where: University of Kentucky
Bookstore, 106 Student Center

For more information about
the book signing, call the UK
Bookstore at 257-6304.

To learn more about
Gatewood Galbraith,
visit: wwwgatewoodcom



ciency of a busi~

of our political parties from

and human dignity."

Galbraith is a favorite among farmers
and friends of the first two Amendments.

ness than the people who ope ‘ate it.


cist-elite sons of bitches have bought both

the top down.“

Galbraith said. “The corporate bottom line
is now paramount over individual freedom

Local icon Gatewood Galbraith addresses human rights, the Constitution. and pot-smoking in his new book
“The Last Free Man in America." He will be promoting the book at several local book Signings, including an
599 Gatewood 0" page 3 appearance Monday at 1 pm. in the UK Bookstore at the Student Center.

tion released
The resol

passed would

"We're simp
lrFUCG on to

if the res
crease would

month fee is
the proposed
per month. t
scribers an a

tomers befor

iii the comm

laracuente. a


cities at the 3






Printmaking professor Ross Zirkle (right) and art studio and art education
senior Anthony K. Wilson hang a charcoal drawing in the Reynolds Building.

Art in the ‘Open’ Studio

By Doug Scott
riit mourn mm

The UK Art Department
will exhibit the work of UK
art students this Friday
night at the 13th annual
Open Studio 2004.

The event. sponsored by
the UK Department of Fitie
Arts and the Art Graduate
Student Association. will be
held at the Reynolds Build
ing and will showcase the
work of undergraduate and
graduate art students.

”it's an opportunity for
art students to invite their
family and the public to see
what they actually do. to
show them that this is a

good investment." said Ray
mond Sloan. a :trd year
graduate art student. “This
is a life we choose We love

Open Studio is a time to
encourage the art students
and help them along with
their craft. Sloan said.

“That's the biggest part
about being a grad student."
said Sloan. "Trying to bring

in addition to student
art displays the event will
also include the (‘arey Ellis
Art Show. which features
around ltKi student pieces
that will he juried by

See Studio on page 2

UK joins efforts to improve I"

"The intellectual proper
ty ile\cloped as part of this
research will have .i lasting
impact if it were to make its

By Becky Hall

l'K researchers will de-
velop ill) face recognition
technology used for ad
vanced surveillance and
tracking iii homeland securi-
ty efforts. among other pro-

[K and other Kentucky
universities and technical
colleges are collaborating on
several federally funded re
search protects benefiting
homeland security

A Si million grant was
awarded by the federal lie
partment of Homeland Secu
rity to fund an initial it pro
jects. which \\'l|i locus on bio
medical research involving
beef cattle as well as technol
ogy used in a varien ot \lll“
veillance, training and emer
gency response systems

"This underlying technol
ogy will be important for our
state and the nation above
and beyond its use iti home
land security." said Wendy
Baldwin. executiye vice pres
ident for research

l'K's involvement in the
research will be concentrat»
ed primarily in the engineer
mg and agriculture depart-
ments. though a project in
the psychology department

is also funded

()ne protect, \\illi‘it is in
the t'iiglllt‘t‘t'llltl department.
is tit‘\'t‘ittplil..‘ in 'ulvanceii
face recognition suryeillanu
network to lienctit hoitielanil
security and other crime
fighting efforts

By developing cameras
that lit addition to coloi: also
see the tieplh iii ‘li'it‘i'i\. cam
eras can record the pity steal
shape of ii persons

or.- ... they ton “Kentucky
could become
the premier
state for video

past the ccuenr
said liatiici l.it:. l
researcher from
the engineer in:
and computer st“.

liy using mug
shirts iii’ pt‘tillltis (if
potential tet ror
ists, they are ‘tith‘
to cotistt‘utt 3|)
head models, which can he
cottipai‘cil to tacos recorded
by the suryeillance network.
l.au said

In addition, the .4 ll head
models can itt‘ used to more
accurately match the faces of
criminals caught on tape
during such crimes as rob
bery. he said

l.au said these technologi-
cal advancements could be
beneficial to Kentucky as


way into an industrially
manutactured camera Fur
thermore. Kentucky may see
.l matuifacturing facility
built to assemble the camera
systems that we develop." he

".\lso. Kentucky could be»
come the premier
state for video surv
veillance research
if a national center
were established
here. as this re-
search would help
to make possible."

The psychology
department and
the (‘enter for Visu-
aii/ation and Virttr
al Environments at
[K are collaborating to re-
search how decision-makers.
like those involved in deploy-
ing responders to emergency
situations. best manage in-
formation. said Melody Car-
swell. associate professor of

“We certainly want to
know how to best support the
people who will be making
decisions on our behalf or on
behalf of victims during a
catastrophic event like 9-11."

Daniel Lau

UK researr her


Cable costs
may go up

BY troy LY]?

Students returning from Christmas break
could face an increase in their Insight cable
bill. according to a recently authorized resolu-

by the Lexington-Fayette Urban

County Government.

ution will be put to a final vote

during the council's meeting Dec. 9 and if

authorize a franchise fee increase

from 3 percent to :3 percent. creating an addi-
tional $1 million to $1.2 million annually based
on current gross revenues reported by Insight.

“This isn't money we will be receiving in
terms of revenue." said Dan Deyoung. district
vice president for insight Communications.

ly passing this increase from
the customer"

This fee. which is not a tax. is set by the
government and can be raised at any time to
a maximum of five percent. he said.

olution passes. the proposed in—
begin Feb. 1. Deyoung said.

The basic classic package currently be-
ing offered by insight costs $38.95 per month.
At the current 3 percent rate. a 81.17 per

being charged, (‘ompared with
5 percent rate increase of 81.95
he increase will cost those sub-
dditional 8.76 monthly and $9.36

annually Deyoung said.
insight will be notifying its cable cus-

e the rate increase and will list

contact information for LFL’CG if the resolu-
tion is passed. he said.
if this increased revenue is going to bene‘

unity then a couple of dollars a

month is not much to ask. said Brandon

computer science junior

"l‘d like to know what the money will be al-
located for before i start paying the fee." he
said “increasing this fee without telling us
what the money‘s going toward doesn't seem

According to a 2003 study by the Kentucky
League of Cities. cities not having cable fran-
chisi- fees of 3 percent should enact local reso
lutions raising rates to such amount. Nearby

percent franchise fee rate include

Midway. Nicholasville. l’aris‘. Richmond. Ver-
sailles and \N'inchester.

E-iiiai/ fly/cwIt‘ykernelcom

omeland security

t‘arswell said. “We want to
give them visualization tools
that will enhance their un
derstanding of the situation.
but we want to do so in a way
that doesn't create further
problems that may eventual-
ly impact their judgment.
such as fatigue. stress and

They will develop a deci-
sion‘making environment
and observe participant's
ability to use human and
technical resources during
an emergency:

in addition to measuring
iwrformance. (‘arswell said
they will explore mental
workload. situation aware-
ness and perceived stress of
the decision-makers.

(‘arswell said this project
is planned for early next

The agriculture depart-
ment is teaming up with oth-
er universities to create tech-
nology that can be used in
tracking beef cattle and test-
ing and monitoring the cattle
for early signs of disease.

“What the college of agri-
culture wants to do to benefit
homeland security is to help
the rural community deal
with a potential attack." said



Dec. 3, 2004



Hillary Canada

Asst. Features Editor
Phone: 257-1915

E-mail. hcanadaetltylierneltom

g I Europe 101

anaging the Metro

in France
seem to
think it's a
good idea
to vacation
often. in
light of up-
coming ex—
ams. I‘m
inclined to

This is
why. in the
middle of
February. there is a winter
break in all French schools.
encouraging students to ltit
the ski slopes. As for myself.
i figured l‘d minimi/e my
chances of colliding .s‘crotally
with a tree trttnk if i was
drinking cafe on the (‘haitips
Elysee. So it came to pass
that for my winter break. 1
was off to Paris.

We‘ll start w itli otir hero
at the train station once
again. an excited yoyager on
his way to an tinprecedented
adventure iii tlte city ot' Low
and the world‘s most famous
phallic symbol,

"See you later llesancon' '
l gleefully said to my self

“l’ve got to catch ‘l train
to Paris at live this afternoon
and wait did i say tiye‘
If it says 3 o'clock on llle
ticket. doesn‘t that mean like
5 o'clock this morning" he
five this afternoon. wouldn’t
that bt‘ lll\'tx i: o t'lotk or
somethingi’ .\nd so that

And in such .l tashion l
realiZed i had missed my
train to Parts

Here i learned
No. l typically cotitmittetl in
an American
France: Forgetting 7!‘..’it \ot:
are in France

It's an mistake 'o
make. right’ I mean. who ‘3:-
hell thinks it'.s a
takea tr tin :.it illtlllt L. it 'he
morningl appait at“ the so
at the lit ket lioot.‘:,
he was pretty grumpy and 1
later realiyed it wts proltaltl‘.
because he needed a nap,

l eventually got than and
began the rite oi passage tot




"“.“‘ \y
sttoltl.. 1..


.Lotitl till 2 to


every firsttimer in Paris. i
went to the Louvre and
basked in my abominably
low history [Q i went to The
Musee d'Orsay and raised a
righteyehrow in front of hit»
pressionlst art I went to
Notre Dame and lit a pricey

l danced a ~iig at Mon

tetiial‘tc I spit oil the top of

the Eiffel Tower l tripped a
French waiter i did it all.

But for now. i will keep
with the theme of "Games
We Idiots Play” and recount
an episode i lived on the infa
mous l‘aris Metro!

l‘ll set the tone.

Nicole. a fellow trayeler.
and I had walked all day
along the Seine. and all we
really wanted was an lt‘t‘r
cold. cheap lieei"

Mistake No. 3 looking
tor something cheap. because
yoiiye forgotten. yet again.
you are in France llumniy.

\‘o \\t'\'t‘ heard you can
find a happy hour in the
Latin Quarter. but where is
that" (it course. iii pursuit of
said Latin (Quarter. we took a
left where we sliotild have
taken .1 rigltt

Mistake No .; you still
'lllllk ‘ltei't's a dil’terence lie-
twt-eii left and right. because
hayezi't \et roili/ed that
don't form straigltt
linvs l‘s' tust around the
tilt'f; : hm tunes \otit‘ worst
ttgltimare and it's straight
.theitl makes you cry

.\o w- wander aiound a
hit walk in a liar. sit down.
“lie tiielitl. choke on
.ind sheepishly
w' lt-i’ l).lt‘i\ «if

.»\l1«‘t‘ finding a suitalile
i; establishment 1w itli

tiii‘os tpop'i, we do
titled it t ill it It night

litt' 1.1m 'si ..id tits. hegun

i.-‘.i'. 1;}

\‘t ten ‘wt


\f’R-i !\

Clttllit it
our «lisitiay


lien" ’11

Jot to the Metro
steioii the entrance gate
was tl‘ts'tl*t’loll\i\ wide open.
on: people new flooding in a
f"'lillit l’rt-nt 3t it't'll.l ig lien/y
tor a tree ride tsay that thiee
lltllv-s tast and you‘re almost
with tor l‘il’llt'll pronuncia-

With a shrug. i followed

Mistake No. «1
see mistake No. 2.

As soon as we got down to
the plill‘n'lll. we were
stopped and asked for our
tickets. Without a worry.
since we had a whole book-
let. we showed “the man“ our
tickets and attempted to
move on. Problem!

You see. it's not enough to
simply btiy your tickets. in
France. it is customary that
you compost your ticket. See
mistake No. 1. again.

My French teachers are
all screaitiing ’You already
knew thatY' Yeah. and l
learned the past subjunctive
too. I‘ight'.’

But for the rest of you
who are asking. “ What the
hell does it mean to com-
post"" (lood question! Let me
tell you?

You see. there exists this
little orange monster that
[hes on all the train stations
in France. This monster lives
for one thing only. He loves to
cltew on train tickets. As it
goes. you buy a ticket and
then feed it to this ugly mon-
ster. lie swallows it. tastes it.
makes sure it hasn't gone
moldy or anything and then
regurgitates your ticket back
to you after he‘s done.

.-\pparently this orange
monster gets yery grumpy if
he goes hungry. so he has
amigos that go around and
make sure that you haven't
forgotten to feed your ugly
monster today.

Mistake No. 5 forget-
ting to feed your little ugly
orange monster.

As soon as we realized
the problem. it was too late.
We had trouble. 1 immediate-
ly shifted into "l‘m just a big
dummy" tnode. and l was get-
ting little help my comrade.

When "l‘m Just a big
dummy" mode failed. I
switched into French mode
Kinda like a ’l‘ransformer.
htit an old 'l‘ransformer who
needs a lot of grease. oil and
a new left turn signal. 1 could


See Europe on page 3





GE is 1'9“


mm“ Mun | surr

Art studio jUfllOl’ Ryan Habeeb prepares a mat board for a photograph that wrll be displayed in the Reynolds
Building during Open Studio. The event — tree and open to the public - runs tonight from S p m to 10 p. m.


Continued from page 1
Michael (lootllett. :i \yell
known Lexington .trtisi
“it‘s one of the most e\
(‘iting art eyetits of the
year." said Marilyn Swan. :1
UK graduate art student
Friday's eyeiit is fully
staffed by art hillllt‘llls and
features work by many it
not all of the students
“I‘m very proud of these

’l‘hey really
w o r k .- d
liartlf‘ said
\\ a s .- e iii
'l‘oiiina. a
l'K gradti
ate all sill
dent and president of Tile

in addition to the main
art galleries~ ()po-ii Studio
will also leatttre liye nitisit
and dam mg. demonstra
tions of printmaking. ce
t‘JIltllt‘s and a metal pom; .ls
well as exhibits featuring
student work in L.’ l) and :i-l)

Open Studio 2004

When 5 11m to IO p m tonight

Where: Reynolds Budd/no (672 South Broad he
way. at the end of Scott Street)

Admissmn. Free ($2 donation encouraged)
and open to the public

in e d l a .
'l‘ h e r P
will also
food pro
yided by
l o c a 1
1'\ and a raffle drawing.
.‘ylany pier es of student art
will be tor sale.

"\K'oi‘e a part of Lexing
ton. were a part of the com-
tillllilt\. and this is our gift
to the community." Sloan

features :1 kykerneltvim



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Congrats Greek Women
With 4 11. ol'!

fllph: Delta ‘Pt

firm Aim
Bea ' liacnman
Kara Rte-roe:
ts 'sle'i Bright
Lindsey Unmet
l '“W E s'tarr
My, ts-tqn ko'trvm,‘
ievt ‘ mm
Megan neon»
.arey (m-eoe v

Laliy Lehmann
Boonie imle
Jenntter Nottingham
Kelly Ryan
Saran Sanderson
‘razte' batter?»
(.ail Scn'e
Page Silangl?’
endsey Seawater
‘0'» lhort'as
Ka'nrw Yum
Mendy Wall?"
(,ul‘ee' Watson
”.11 mm Watts
Ar." Wooot 1H1

fllph: Gamma Dell:
ionn Amery”.
ltlm' Rail"
la'a Hamster
Mary Kathe' he Bradlay
Ma'y ( nylons
sa'ah Footy!“
Kathe-tune Ltiwartis
lv-sie. ‘ s"
”.179 r '4; 5"
four urtrvimr
Brittany Johnson
snowy Jones
t tan McCondtess
“theme McKinney
‘m Mobs
Wisttna Morrison
5'11”“ Mulhm
Kam- Pole"

Mimi) Shommh
Known Son-

.fllpha Omicron ‘Pt
1 sa Balms
Juno Baum

Vamssa Kw
”New Donny-lo
Kale» l t"
“We may
war Madison
i ll Finddmr
A: Msori
Iat’w'hh SIN!”
Brook» tmnmn


i liar Brown
Sarah F law”
Minna-tn Harlow
Tim V W)
Sam We".

Chi Omega
Kara Bounty».
Kr-ny t .noii
”arm. I as»

l now-y (one.
harm-y r who!
KP'N liav‘S
My Donna
Admin» 01-va
mun umomvmod

I Sara MH a vey
Nil nip M Ha' v "
Andrea Mt Kern.
Haber t a Mot'ts
Astra-y Moms—try
[or Liam»
Hogan \K'WT'”
Ammo“ loo" i‘ t'
Mam Wu Pet
AM wit-Wm.

Delta ‘Dolt: Delta
“Wt Bandy
LIB l lay
My (,tn'itis
30h Dicker:
Law. 0 tho».
LwGraaP-v Asp
Came times
than», Ke-tttt
lesstr a 1-. no
Slenha'i P K'yPt‘df‘y
Mam K new 1118
Andrea Mr la-
Amanm M s
m Nit "Wu-n
Ni '1‘ 1'
Ma l'ale'
1.th Pahe”~ 1'
Je‘i ’«i “e -
Andrea l‘tyot
Paige 'H «new a
Mafia \anke'

”or", s. wd'

D e l t. 9 (3 9 m m 2
[iron Ant-«ens
Ashley Armnwsler
Meianue Cahilt
Stephanie Dram;
Lauren Ferris
Kim Gasser
Meghan Jackson
Emtly Kennedy
Stephanie Logwun
Andrea Mauror
K'lsl! Null
Brittany Nathanson
Ashley Prohiis
Erin Quinn
(Lara Wackanbrodt
Emuly Weaenbrrxk
Rave: Wright

D 8 ll 9 Z a t 9
Kristy Boll
Jenmtov Brown
MIN Ellis
Deborah Farlow
Shannon Glancy
Lauren Keller
Lll Lewts
$100?! Moreno
Loo Ann Pratt:
Nina Smith
Dummy Stan:
Allyson Slam
Meghan Torah

‘Phl 813m: Rho
Ernilv Camber
Anna Marshall
venom W011
Comm Mullins

Kappa Alpha That:
Tyler Boll
Dom Causa-
Knty (norm:
§nvar~ < mow-v
lava [laws
( rust-v on.“

' 5|“1F ‘ \lhy
Kuwait ”Luna
Whrfnny um:

i w .V 145p s

Lauren Hart
Mary Horus
Kl'V‘ rttndman
Sonya thhlfiflslfitn
Bryn" Larenzww
Beth Mason
Witqan Maw.
Melissa Mmlmcy
Mu new Naliey
Austen Ramsey
7 "a“y Hull Itt‘
“LAWN! Shatter
Kellie Somali
Whitney Weber

Kappa Delta
Va Boesrnmq
Ashley Buss
Allison Davrs
Holly Hestamt

Susan Jennings
. :1 Na Kauai“
Kimhev‘y O oooneo
lit "mp Hague
Kr-ilN‘ Shfid't"
Stephan-e Srmms
Jflri'o'er While

Kappa Kappa (39mm:
Kt slim Bdile
f "’l Lao
l‘l‘ not marry
Robert .1 50¢le
Kdl'lel n3: F‘ll‘ldl'lLK
r tqu‘HD) Graham
E r n Hubert
Name tones
Jeri Lobuorte
Meaghan Marrett
Maqhan Mtit'ay
Allison Nienabor
Mar t Pairing:

Lt: Smotn
Andrea Travxs
Katie Wem

‘Pt ‘Bsta ?hl
“a, Amburr:
Kelly Balm

Krhen Bic-wet
Kofiiey Bryan
Cudne Capri:
Adrien (Trimmer
Cumin condo
Amy bums
Josu- Evans
Claire Fangmao
Kimberly Fuss
Sam Fmbort
Kin-bony Housman
Tray ngm

Ken Parsons .


I", w." oqulppod
Mon «Mar

Wu wMI Mar,




1mm macaw

M” mar-nau-




 .- Enrollment

Continued from page i

ly. what yott see is students taking more
of the 'large' classes and fewer of the
‘small' classes."

The data also shoWs that despite the
increasing sizes of incoming fieshman
classes. about :36 percent of this year's
freshman class takes at least three
“small" classes.

Nietzel said l‘K's facttlty deserve
much credit.

“The faculty have done an enor-
niottsly effective job at UK to be ad
dressing this enrollment increase and
still get these kinds of results." he said

”With innovations that departments
have introduced. we are managing this
type of growth and enrollment at the
undergraduate level." he said.

University Senate (‘ouncil (‘liair


Continued from page i

and time and time again he's gotten
the votes to prove it. He has been edu-
cating and reaching out to Kentuck-
ians for decades. teaching them about
their government and their rights
within it.

“I decided to go to college and be-
come an attorney so that I cotild learn
the system and protect myself." Gal»
braith said.

“l later came to tlte conclusion that
individual freedom
choice was what needed to be defend-

“Now that you‘ve found out what
it‘s like to he at the bottom. you‘re
strong enough to give everyone else :i

Freedom is a central theme of (lal


Continued from page 1

Nancy (‘ox. associate dean for re
search. “The goal of the program is
within a lit-hour period to locate a cow.
say in Eastern Kentucky. notify the
state veterinarian. diagnose the ani-
tiial and quarantine the farm."

The college of agriculture will also
work with the department of engineer
ing to develop a radio frequency ear
tag that will help identify indiy idual
cattle and track their movement. (‘os
said. The ear tags will be read by a
computer system iiiaintaiiict‘i lo the
lillltt‘d Slates l)t‘});tl‘lfi‘it'itl til .-\;_il'lt‘lll


Continued from paqu

see it iii the ticket checkers face. he
didn‘t like my squeaky rotors

We Franglais'd our way through it.
I schmoozed the guy. and he only fined

and freedom of

l'li'iiie tanai‘ella. a political science pro
fessor. spoke of reaching a plateau to
level off incoming f‘reshiiian enroll

"’l‘he broad sentiment among tacitl-
ty is‘ that We can deal with these iii-
creases. but we need to stop, catch our
breath and assess how to alter our tech
iiiqttes." said Yaiiarella. a political sci
eiice professor

"We don‘t like change," he said.
"When significant changes like this do
occur. we get rattled. Frustration has
welled up."

Faculty members of the subconiiiiit
tee weren‘t completely satisfied with
the data.

"’l‘he impact on faculty is missing
here." said trustee Roy Moore. who is a
media law professor “(‘learly. it hasn't
been considered yet.”

Geography professor and trustee
Michael Kennedy said the class size
data concernexi him.

“Everything is not absolutely fine."
Kennedy said. “In some ways. class

liraith's book and his entire political
career. and he said he has long worked
to “inform people about the system"
that dictates what people can and can't

"The kinds of laws the government
has taken upon itself to put onto us.
trying to protect 'we the people' from
ourselves. are in fact antithetical to
what this country was founded upon."
Galbraith said.

"The essence of my book is that
every individual should have the
choices to pursue trial-and-error situa-

"I think iiiarijtiana is legal to
smoke in the state of Kentucky." (ial-
lrl'dllll said.

“There is no judge that will sign a
warrant that says that they have a
right to come into your home for the
possession of marijuana."

'l herefhre. Galbraith said. if people
don't deal marijuana. and instead

smtikt' it in the comfort and privacy of


"The ctirreiit system is not a total
disaster. htit we want to make it quick
er and more reliable." (‘ox said.

This system will not only alert to
instances of liioterrorism. but it can
also track possible cases of infectious
diseases carried through livestock
such as foot and mouth disease. said

(‘ox said this project is planned for

Besides their importance on a na-
tional level. the university partner»
ships will also make Kentucky safer by
advancing surveillance. tracking de
\ices and providing better training.

’ialdw in said

They will also showcase [TK's de-
veloping research capabilities.

"'l‘hcsc protects are valuable for

om of its. Then he smiled and wished
us both a home soii'eel”

l named to tell him just what in
mind shove tip his "lionne." but appai'
entlv this old 'l‘ransfornier doesn‘t
have the vocabulary for that.

Mistake No. (what number are w»
on again?) forgetting the very impoi‘
tant (‘hapter ll iit your English to
l l't‘ilt h phrase book "Naughty

sI/t‘s went to zero because we‘re not
teaching those sections anymore.

“My question is what's the impact
on the faculty‘.’ (‘an they sustain this?"
he asked.

Nietzel said the faculty is getting
help. A tuition surcharge on upper-divi
sion students produced about $1 mil-
lion. which lIK used to add instructors.

But trustee and academic affairs
cliairwoman Alice Sparks asked N ietzel
about ways to solve the problem of
growing incoming freshman classes.

"(‘an‘t we just cap it?" Sparks asked
of enrollment. "Can‘t we just say we
don't have any more chairs?“

Nietzel tesponded: “You can do any-
thing. liut you have to look at the long-
teriii effects of capping enrollment.

“We shouldn't lose sight of the fact
that 3.900 is a statistic." Nietzel said.
"but each of those is a student who feels
they have the best chance to get a great
education here as opposed to other in

[vi-mail asarhkouikykernelrom

their own homes. there is essentially
no legal action that can be taken
against them.

[tut Galbraith said he feels that
Americans should be allowed to dis-
cover these things on their own and
define the vices and virtues of drug
use in their own terms.

He said he speaks from his own ex-
tensive experience.

“If trial and error is the best
teacher. I‘d be the smartest son of a
gun that ever walked." Galbraith said.
"I‘ve tried to stand for America and
tried to live as free as I could."

Galbraith has lived an interesting
life. to say the least. and said he. feels
that students in particular will enjoy
"The Last Free Man in America."

“I left out 100 percent of the sex
and 80 percent of the drugs,"Gal-
braith said. “and it's still a kick-ass

Email featurt’sw kykernelcom

this university because they make use
of some very important skills of UK
researchers. and they will make their
work visible on a national level in the
homeland security arena," Baldwin

Kentucky has a broad range of se—
curity concerns. including Louisville.
an urban area security city. and beef
cattle. as Kentucky is the largest beef
cattle state east of the Mississippi.
said Joe] Schrader. Kentucky deputy
director for homeland security.

”'l‘he program is unique because
all of our state universities are work-
ing together and gives the Common-
wealth an opportunity to become a na-
tional model on each project." Schrad-
er said.

news a k_\'k(”'ll(’1.(‘()"l

French Words for Sissies."

llut in the end. l’aris quickly be—
came my favorite city in Europe.

So if you go there. remember to
avoid the renowned "'l‘op Mistakes"
typically committed by American id
iots in l’rance. and you‘ll be a better

features a Agvkcrnelcom


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This new phrase is sure to bring loads
of cash into the state through tourist rev-
enue. And at a measly price tag of $13.7
million a year. the campaign to adopt a
new slogan for our state was well worth it.

right? Hardly.

At a time when Kentucky has strug-
gled to pass a budget and fiscal challenges
pop up left and right to plague our econo-
my, it was ridiculous to spend nearly $14
million a year for two years on an ad cam-
paign to adopt th