Amity Foundation records


The Amity Foundation records (dated 1988-2016; 12.7 GB; 149 digital files) consist of films created by or concerning the Amity Foundation as well as born digital reports, photographs, presentations, and publications. The records document the Foundation's work with addiction using the therapeutic community method.

Descriptive Summary

Amity Foundation records
1988-2016 (inclusive)
12.7 Gigabytes
Therapeutic communities
Substance abuse -- Treatment
Substance abuse treatment facilities
Substance abuse -- United States
Collection is arranged by format.
Finding Aid Author
Megan Mummey
Preferred Citation
2016ms035: [identification of item], Amity Foundation records, 1988-2016, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
The Amity Foundation is a rehabilitation center that uses the therapeutic community model. It was founded in 1969 in Los Angeles, California, and has four campuses, including Circle Tree Ranch, Almas, Amistad de los Angeles, and Vista Ranch. It also works with the California prison system on two post prison residential projects. Founding staff members include Rod Mullen and Naya Arbiter.
Scope and Content
The Amity Foundation records (dated 1988-2016; 12.7 GB; 149 digital files) consist of films created by or concerning the Amity Foundation as well as born digital reports, photographs, presentations, and publications. The records document the Foundation's work with addiction using the therapeutic community method. The reports, publications, and presentations were primarily written by Amity staff and concern the Amity Foundation and therapeutic communities. The photographs document events held at different Amity campuses. The films consist of training videos and documentaries about the Amity Foundation. The collection primarily focuses on the campus at Circle Tree Ranch and the Amity Foundation's work with the California prison system.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Articles and presentations, 1988-2010

Scope and Contents

The Articles and presentations series (dated 1988-2010; 23.2 MB; 59 files) consists of pdf articles and reports written by and presentations given by Amity staff primarily concerning the Amity Foundation and therapeutic communities. Notable names include Rod Mullen, Naya Arbiter, and Harry Wexler.

Arbiter, Naya. "Drug Treatment in a Direct Supervision Jail: Pima County's Amity Jail Project". American Jails, vol. III, no. 2, 1988 Summer

  • Digitalfile 2016ms035-013
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Deitch, David A. Ph.D., Igor Koutsenok, M.D., Pam McGrath, M.F.C.C., Warden John, Ratelle, Susie Carleton, R.N. "Outcome Findings Regarding In-custody Adverse Behavior Between Therapeutic Community Treatment and Non-treatment Populations and its Impact on Custody Personnel Quality of Life", Office of National Drug Control, 1989

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Stevens, Sally, Naya Arbiter, and Peggy Glider. "Women Residents: Expanding Their Role to Increase Effectiveness in Substance Abuse Programs", 1989

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Glider, Peggy, Patrick Hughes, Rod Mullen, Shirley Coletti, Lee Sechrest, Robert Neri, Bobbi Renner, and Donna Sicilian. "Two Therapeutic Communities for Substance-Abusing Women and Their Children", 1990

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Armstrong, Troy L. "Intensive Interventions With High-Risk Youths Promising Approaches in Juvenile Probation and Parole". CRIMINAL JUSTICE PRESS a division of Willow. Tree Press, Inc. Monsey, New York, 1991

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Mullen, Rod and Naya Arbiter. "Against the Odds: Therapeutic Community Approaches to Underclass Drug Abuse". Drug Policy in the Americas, 1992

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Stiles, Don R. and Rod Mullen. "Smart Sanctions: Treatment Center and Probation Collaborate to Improve Treatment and Supervision Results." Executive Exchange, National Association of Probation Executives, 1993 Fall

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Mullen, Rod and Naya Arbiter. "Linking Local Initiatives to Causes of Violence and Drug Abuse". Presented to United States Sentencing Commission, Proceedings of the Inaugural Symposium on Crime and Punishment in the United States, Drugs and Violence in America, Treatment and Policy Options, 1993 June

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U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice. National Institute of Justice Research Report. "The Effectiveness of Treatment for Drug Abusers Under Criminal Justice Supervision", 1995

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"Research Shows Treatment Can Work For Prisoners With a History of Drug Abuse", 1995 February 15

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Excerpts from Drug Strategies' (a Washington, D.C. think tank) first report card on U.S. Policy on Drug Abuse. text in red refer to Amity's in-prison drug program at the R.J. Donovan Correctional Facility, 1995

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Wexler, Harry K. "The Success of Therapeutic Communities for Substance Abusers in American Prisons". Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1995

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Mullen, Rod and Naya Arbiter. "Changing the Paradigm about Youth Violence and Drug Abuse". Drug Treatment Behind Bars: Prison-Based Strategies for Change edited by Kevin E. Early, 1996

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Mullen, Rod, John Ratelle, Elaine Abraham, and Jody Boyle. "California Program Reduces Recidivism and Saves Tax Dollars". Corrections Today, 1996 August

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Wexler, Harry K. "The Amity Prison TC Evaluation: Inmate Profiles and Reincarceration Outcomes". Presented at the California Department of Corrections, Youth and Adult Correctional Agency, 1996 November 5

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Mullen, Rod and Naya Arbiter. "Reduciendo la reincidencia: Amistad fundación de California y Departamento de California de Correciones Demuestra como hacerlo." Publicaciones de Conpania Biddle Fronteras de Justicia: Volumen II (Programas en el Sistema de Correconal de Adultos), 1997

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Stevens, Sally J., Naya Arbiter, and Robin McGrath. "Women and Children: Therapeutic Community Substance Abuse Treatment", 1997

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Furillo, Andy. "Prison therapy program cuts return rates radically". The Sacramento Bee, 1997 March 16

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Weikel, Dan. "In prison, a Drug Rehab That Pays Off". Los Angeles Times, 1997 April 25

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California Legislative Analyst's Office. "Addressing the State's Long-Term Inmate Population Growth", 1997

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"Booze, Drugs, and Prisons". Los Angeles Times Editorials, 1998 January 18

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The Hoover Commission. "Beyond Bars: Correctional Reforms to Lower Prison Costs and Reduce Crime", 1998 January

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"Behind Bars: Substance Abuse and America's Prison Population", funded by Charles E. Culpeper Foundation and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1998 January

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"Ex-Addicts bring success to Drug Program". The Corrections Professional, 1998 November 20

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Stevens, Sally J., Naya Arbiter, Rod Mullen, and Bridget Murphy. "Issues and Intervention Substance Abuse Treatment for Adolescents Using a Modified Therapeutic Community Model". Intervening With Drug-Involved Youth Clyde, 1998

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McCollister, Kathryn E. and Michael T. French. "The Economic Cost of Substance Abuse Treatment in Criminal Justice Settings", 1998

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Wexler, Harry K. "The Success of Therapeutic Communities for Substance Abusers in American Prisons". Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, vol. 27, no. 1, 1995

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Farabee, David, Michael Prendergast, Jerome Cartier, Harry K. Wexler, Kevin Knight, M. Douglas Anglin. "Barriers to Implementing Successful Drug Treatment Program". The Prison Journal, vol. 79, no. 2, 1992 June

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Wexler, Harry K., Gerald Melnick, Lois Lowe, and Jean Peters. "3-Year Reincarceration Outcomes for Amity In-Prison Therapeutic Community and Aftercare in California." The Prison Journal, vol. 79, no. 3, 1999

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Domanick, Joe. "Straight Time: The Battle for Drug Treatment in California Prisons". LA Weekly, 1999 May 28-June 3

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Arax, Mark. "A Return to the Goal of Reforming Inmates". Los Angeles Times, 1999 June 1

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Mullen, Rod, James Rowland, Naya Arbiter, Lew Yablonsky, Bette Fleishman. "Building and Replicating an In-Prison Therapeutic Community that Reduces Recidivism", 1999

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"Drug Treatment Outcomes for Correctional Settings". Research Summary Institute of Behavioral Research at Texas Christian University, 1999 December

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Wexler, Harry K., Gerald Melnick, Lois Lowe, and Jean Peters. "3-Year Reincarceration Outcomes for Amity In-Prison Therapeutic Community and Aftercare in California." Research Roundup, Institute of Behavioral Research at Texas Christian University, 1999 Fall

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Wexler, Harry K., George De Leon, George Thomas, David Kressel and Jean Peters. "The Amity Prison TC Evaluation: Reincarceration Outcomes". Criminal Justice and Behavior, vol. 26, no. 2, 1999

  • Digitalfile 2016ms035-047
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Wexler, Harry K., Gerald Melnick, Lois Lowe, and Jean Peters. "3-Year Reincarceration Outcomes for Amity In-Prison Therapeutic Community and Aftercare in California." The Prison Journal, vol. 79, no. 3, 1999

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Wexler, Harry K., Mary Cuadrado, Sally J. Stevens. "Residential Treatment for Women: Behavioral and Psychological Outcomes". Women and Substance Abuse: Gender Trasparency. The Haworth Press, Inc., New York, 1999

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"Treatment Helps Reduce California Prison Population" from Join Together Online website, 2000 July 7

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Smith, Brenden. "Fort Stanton to Aid Convicts in Rehab". Albuquerque Journal, 2000 July 20

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Stallings, Diane. "The Faces of Fort Stanton: Building a Future on the Area's Past". Ruidoso News, 2000 August 18

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"Amity 10 year Anniversary" program, 2000 Novemer 14

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Amity press release regarding contract with the New Mexico Department of Corrections to provide substance abuse treatment, 2000 July 11

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Presentation "The Amity In-Prison and Post-Prison Therapeutic Community (TC) for Level III Offenders in the California Department of Corrections (CDC)", 2000

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Amity testimonials from professionals, 2000

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Hazie, Brian. "Parolees Learn, Now Hope to Succeed". San Diego Union-Tribune, 2001 March 11

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Dewey, Leigh Ann. "Grad's Credit Education for Recovery". North County Times, 2001 March 11

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Mullen, Rod, James Rowland, Naya Arbiter, Lew Yablonsky, Bette Fleishman. "Building and Replicating an In-Prison Therapeutic Community that Reduces Recidivism", 2001

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Mullen, Rod, James Rowland, Naya Arbiter, Lew Yablonsky, Bette Fleishman. "California's First Prison Therapeutic Community: A 10-Year Review". Offender Substane Review Report, vol. 1, no. 2, 2001 March/April

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Amity press release regarding Rod Mullen profile in Marquis, "Who's Who in the World", "Who's Who in America" and "Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare.", 2001 May 11

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Spencer, D.C. "Addicts Respond to Friendship". The Porterville Reporter, 2001 April 5

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Brandt, Stacy. "Men Get Second Chance at Vista Ranch". North County Times, 2005 November 12

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Carrion, Andrea. "Pareja desea comenzar una nueva vida". Hoy Los Angeles (in Spanish), 2006 January 2

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Duran, Augustin. "Centro Brinda Esperanza a ex Panderilleros". La Opinion (in Spanish), 2006 June 18

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Wexler, Harry K., William M. Burdon, and Michael L. Pendergrast. "Maximum-Security Prison Therapeutic Community and Aftercare: First Outcomes". Offender Substance Abuse Report, 2005 November/December

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Carrion, Andrea. "Reciben la Navidad en forma anticipada". Hoy Los Angeles, 2005 December 20

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Yates, Rowdy, George De Leon, Rod Mullen, and Naya Arbiter. "Straw Men: Exploring the Evidence Base and the Mythology of the Therapeutic Community". Therapeutic Communities, vol. 31, no. 2, 2010 Summer

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DVDs, 1994-2011

Scope and Contents

The DVDs series (dated 1994-2011; 12.6 GB; 50 files) consists of DVDs depicting the Amity Foundation's methods; training videos for therapeutic communities; and documentaries about the Amity Foundation. The files have been migrated off the physical media.

"The Therapeutic Community Training Series", presented by George De Leon, 2005

  • DigitalFolder 2016ms035_001
Scope and Contents

Consists of a three volume training series: Volume 1, The Therapeutic Community; Volume 2, The TC Perspective; Volume 3, Components of a Generic Therapeutic Community.

Disk was received damaged, and not all information extracted upon migration.

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"TCs in Prison: A Research Perspective"; presented by Dr. Harry Wexler, Ph.D., 2005

  • DigitalFolder 2016ms035_002
Scope and Contents

Dr. Harry Wexler reviews the research on the effictiveness of Therapeutic Communities in prisons.

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"The Therapeutic Community: Encounter Groups for Addiction", presented by Rod Mullen, 2009

  • DigitalFolder 2016ms036_003
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Scope and Contents

Three DVD set of training videos, illustrated with vignettes from actual Therapeutic Communites encounter groups. It explores how encounter groups have evolved over the history of Therapeutic Communities, how they can be improved, and how to avoid common mistakes.

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"Rod Mullen on Moral Development", 1994

  • DigitalFolder 2016ms035_006
Scope and Contents

Consists of a film made at Amity Circle Tree Ranch (originally made in the 1980s). Rod Mullen gives a seminar explaining Dr. Laurence Kohlberg's conception of moral development and how it dovetails with the Therapeutic Community.

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"Native Voices", interviews with Native American participants at Amity's Therapeutic Community at Circle Tree Ranch, Tucson, Arizona, 2011

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"The Circle: Voices from Circle Tree Ranch", interviews with participants at Amity's Therapeutic Community at Circle Tree Ranch, Tucson, Arizona, 2004

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"Lifers", documentary film by Kaori Sakagami, 2004

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Scope and Contents

This film features Amity projecst in the Calirfornia State Prison System (two prisons -- California State Prison, Los Angeles and the R. J. Donovan Correctional Facility). The film also includes some footage at Amity residential facilities in Vista, Califronia and Los Angeles, California. The film shows Amity's use of inmates serving life sentences as role models and mentors to other inmates dealing with issues of trauma, addiction, and violence.

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"TC Pioneers", includes Spanish graphics and subtitles, 2003

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Scope and Contents

The film includes historic footage of Synanon, Daytop, and Phoenix House.

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"Basic Assumptions of a TC", presented by Naya Arbiter, 1994

  • DigitalFolder 2016ms035_011
Scope and Contents

Consists of a film made at Amity Circle Tree Ranch (originally filmed in the 1980s) of Naya Arbiter presenting. Naya Arbiter was the person who chagned Amity into a Therapeutic Community in 1981.

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"Coming out of Darkness", documentary by Kaori Sakagami, 1995

  • DigitalFolder 2016ms035_012
Scope and Contents

This is a documentary of a week-long retreat held at Amity (Circle Tree Ranch) in 1995. The film includes some footage of the Amity program at the R.J. Donovan Correctional Facility in California.

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Event photographs, before 2016

  • DigitalFolder 2016ms035_images
Scope and Contents

The Event photographs series (dated before 2016; 5.09 MB; 38 images, 1 .pdf) contains photographs of events, such as film screenings, retreats, dinners, and symphonies, held by the Amity foundation. The .pdf file contains a screenshot of the photographs as they appeared on the Amity Foundation's website in 2016, where they were available for download.

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