xt7mpg1hj748 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mpg1hj748/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1984026 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1984-02-mar6-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1984-02-mar6-ec. 1984 2011 true xt7mpg1hj748 section xt7mpg1hj748 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, March
6, 1984.

    The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky met at 2 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on
Tuesday, March 6, 1984 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the
Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Assistant Secretary Elected

    Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman of the Board, presided in
the absence of Chairman William B. Sturgill, and called the
meeting to order at 2:20 p.m. The invocation was pronounced by
Mr. William R. Black.

    Due to the absence from the meeting of the Secretary of the
Board, Mr. Clay stated that an Assistant Secretary of the Board
needed to be elected. Mr. Black nominated and so moved that Mr.
John C. Darsie be elected Assistant Secretary of the Board of
Trustees. Mr. Black's motion was seconded by Mr. Tracy Farmer
and passed unanimously.

    B.   Roll Call       

    The following members of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mr. William R. Black,
Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Tracy Farmer, and Mr. A. Stevens Miles.
Absent from the meeting were Mr. William B. Sturgill (Chairman)
and Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr. (Ex Officio Secretary). Members
of the Board of Trustees attending the meeting were Mr. Thomas P.
Bell, Mr. David T. Bradford, Professor Timothy A. Cantrell,
Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler (Honorary Trustee), Mr. Ronald
G. Geary, Mr. E. Larry Jones, Professor James D. Kemp, Mr. T. A.
Lassetter, Mr. W. Bruce Lunsford, Mr. Robert T. McCowan, and
Professor Constance P. Wilson. The University administration was
represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Mr. James 0. King,
Vice President for Administration; Chancellors Peter P.
Bosomworth, Art Gallaher, and Charles T. Wethington; Dr. Raymond
R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations; Mr. David
I. Carter, Associate Vice President for Business Services; Mr.
John C. Darsie, General Counsel; Mr. Henry Clay Owen, Controller
and Treasurer; Dr. Paul G. Sears, Special Assistant for Academic
Affairs; and Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Vice Chancellor for
Research and Dean of the Graduate School, and Dr. Jack C.
Blanton, Vice Chancellor for Administration, Lexington Campus.

    Members of the various news media were also in attendance.
The Secretary, Mr. Darsie, reported a quorum present, and Mr.
Clay declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of
business at 2:24 p.m.



    C.   Minutes Approved

    On motion made by Mr. Miles, seconded by Mr. Farmer, and
passed, the Minutes of the January 25, 1984 meeting of the
Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees were approved as

    D.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    President Singletary called attention to his monthly report
to the Trustees, copies of which were distributed earlier, and
recommended that the report be accepted. Without objection, it
was so ordered.

    E.   Resolution of Appreciation for Marion McKenna

    President Singletary reminded the Trustees that Marion
McKenna, Dean of the College of Nursing, has for the past two
years also been serving as Acting Dean of the School of Nursing
at the University of Louisville.  He then read the following
resolution which had been passed by the Board of Trustees of the
University of Louisville and forwarded to him by Donald C. Swain,
President of the University of Louisville:

         WHEREAS, for the past two years, Marion McKenna has
    served the University of Louisville with great integrity as
    acting dean of its School of Nursing; and

         WHEREAS, at a crucial time in the School's development,
    she provided outstanding leadership to her faculty, students,
    and staff which has immeasurably enhanced the School's
    prospects for the future; and

         WHEREAS, she accepted this assignment in addition to her
    duties as Dean of the College of Nursing at the University of
    Kentucky; and

         WHEREAS, her commitment to research and scholarship has
    stimulated her faculty colleagues at both Universities to
    undertake new scholarly challenges; and

         WHEREAS, during her service as acting dean, her
    thoughtfulness, decency, and compassion for others has
    endeared her to her colleagues in the School of Nursing; and

         WHEREAS, her personal dedication and commitment to
    nursing education and the nursing profession have served well
    the University, the Community, and the Commonwealth; and

         WHEREAS, her untiring and loyal service to U of L has
    reinforced the foundation for continuing cooperation between
    the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville;



        WHEREAS, she is regarded with sincere respect and
   genuine admiration by all those who have worked with her; and

        WHEREAS, her high personal standards and level of
   professionalism have established her as a role-model for
   nursing professionals and aspiring students, as well as all
   women, throughout the Commonwealth;

        NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees
   of the University of Louisville hereby expresses its deep
   appreciation to MARION MCKENNA for her many contributions to
   the University of Louisville; and

        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread
   upon the minutes of this Board and a suitable copy be
   presented to Marion McKenna; and

        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
   transmitted to the President of the University of Kentucky.

   Donald C. Swain                   Daniel C. Ulmer. Jr.
   President                         Chairman, Board of Trustees

                                      J. Herman Mahaffey. M.D.
                                      Secretary, Board of Trustees

    Adopted:  January 23, 1984

    President Singletary praised Dean McKenna for her leadership
as dean, and he observed that her involvement with the two
programs illustrates the good cooperative spirit which now exists
between the University of Kentucky and the University of

    F.   Personnel Actions (PR 2)

    In recommending that the appointments and staff changes in PR
2 be approved, President Singletary called attention to the
appointment of Donald Sands, Professor of Chemistry and Associate
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, as Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs. He called on Chancellor Gallaher, who said
that the position was established during the reorganization of
the University in 1982. A search committee was appointed several
months ago, and Dr. Sands was strongly recommended by his
colleagues for this position. Chancellor Gallaher reviewed Dr.
Sands' experience and credentials, and said he was extremely
pleased to join President Singletary in recommending that Dr.
Sands be appointed Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs,
effective immediately. On motion made by Mr. Black, seconded by
Mr. Miles, and passed unanimously, the appointments and staff
changes recommended in PR 2 were approved.


    President Singletary asked Dr. Sands to stand and be
recognized, following which he was given a round of applause.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

    G.   Supplemental Recommendations, Personnel Actions (PR IA-
1 ).

    President Singletary presented additional personnel
recommendations among which was the appointment of Edward Carter
as Associate Vice President for Planning and Budget, effective
March 15, 1984. He expressed his pleasure in the return of Mr.
Carter to the University's staff. Mr. Carter has served as
Deputy Executive Director, Institutional Finance of the Council
on Higher Education for the past three years, and President
Singletary praised Mr. Carter for his superb work and
accomplishments while at the Council. He credited him with the
successful development and implementation of the statewide
formula funding plan for higher education.

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Mr.
Miles and second by Mr. Black, the personnel actions in PR 3A-1
were approved.

    President Singletary acknowledged the presence of Mr. Carter,
following which Mr. Carter was given a round of applause. (See
PR 3A-1 at the end of the Minutes.)

    H.   Authorization of Right of Entry. South Farm - Man O'War
Boulevard (PRIA-2)

    Mr. Farmer moved that the Board authorize the President to
execute a Right of Entry Agreement permitting the Lexington-
Fayette Urban County Government and the Department of Highways to
proceed with the construction of Man O'War Boulevard across a
portion of the University's property as recommended in PR 3A-2.
Mr. Farmer's motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed without
dissent. (See PR 3A-2 at the end of the Minutes.)

    I.   1Q81-84 Budget Revisions (PR 1B)

    After noting that the proposed revisions in the 1983-84
budget were routine, President Singletary recommended approval.
On motion made by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Miles, and passed,
the proposed budget revisions were authorized and approved. (See
PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

    J.   Resort on Gifts and/or Grants (PR IC)

    With President Singletary so recommending, the report on
gifts and/or grants covering the period from October 1, 1983
through December 31, 1983 was accepted and ordered made a matter
of record. (See PR 3C at the end of the Minutes.)



    K.   Student Government Association Fee (PR ID)

    President Singletary recommended that the Board approve for
1984-85 a fee of $1.00 per full-time student per semester in
support of the activities of the Student Government Association.
This is a continuation of the $1.00 fee originally approved by
the Board of Trustees at its meeting on May 5, 1981. The
proposed fee will be made available to the Student Government
Association as a part of its University funds, and expenditures
will be administered and approved by appropriate University
officials. On motion by Mr. Miles, and second by Mr. Black, the
proposed Student Government Association Fee was approved. (See
PR 3D at the end of the Minutes.)

    L.   Confirmation of 1Q84-85 Fee Schedule (PR ID)

    With President Singletary so recommending, Mr. Miles moved
that the Board confirm the fees schedule adopted by the Council
on Higher Education at its meeting on November 15, 1983 and
establish corresponding part-time and Summer School charges under
the guidelines of the Council on Higher Education. Mr. Miles'
motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed unanimously. (See PR
3D at the end of the Minutes.)

    M.   Associate Decree Program in the Community College System
(PR 4A)

    On motion made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Miles, and
passed without dissent, the Board authorized for submission to
the Council on Higher Education a new degree program, Associate
Degree in Applied Science, in Data Processing Technology, for the
Henderson Community College. (See PR 4A at the end of the

    N.   Patent Assignment (PR 9A)

    Without discussion, on motion made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by
Mr. Black, and passed, the patent assignment recommended in PR 5A
was approved. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

    0.   Tnterim Financial Renorts (FCR 1)

    Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that
the Finance Committee did not meet since the items to be
presented for action were routine items. Mr. Farmer recommended
that the interim financial report for the seven months ended
January 31, 1984 and the summary report of revenues and
expenditures of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation
for the six months ended December 31, 1983 be accepted. On
motion by Mr. Miles and second by Mr. Black it was so ordered.
(See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)



    P.   Disposal of Personal Propertv (FCg 2)

    Mr. Farmer moved that the Board approve the disposal of
personal property as recommended in FCR 2. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Black and passed without dissent. (See FCR 2 at
the end of the Minutes.)

    Q.   Authorization for Incineration of Paid Bonds and Counons
(FCR 2)

    On motion made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Black, and
passed without dissent, authorization was given for the
incineration of paid bonds and coupons as recommended in FCR 3.
(See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

    R.   Report on Easement (FCR 4)

    Mr. Farmer moved that the report on the execution Of an
easement between the University of Kentucky and Lexington-Fayette
Urban County Government be accepted and made a matter of record.
Mr. Miles seconded Mr. Farmer's motion, and it was so ordered.
(See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

    S.   Report of Investments (ICR 1)

    Mr. Geary, Chairman Of the Investment Committee, reported
that the Committee did not meet but would meet next month. He
noted that he had reviewed the changes made in investments and
moved acceptance of the report for the three months ended
December 31, 1983. Mr. Geary's motion was seconded by Mr. Black
and passed without dissent. (See ICR 1 at the end of the

    T.    Statement by the University of Kentucky Senate Council

    President Singletary read the following statement which was
unanimously adopted by the University Senate Council at its
meeting on March 5, 1984:

         The University of Kentucky Senate Council supports
    Governor Collins' proposal to increase state revenue
    substantially through raising taxes, and it urges legislative
    support for such revenue increases. New taxes are essential
    to provide desperately needed improvements in the quality of
    primary and secondary education and to prevent serious
    erosion in the quality Of higher education in Kentucky.



        As university teachers, we are acutely aware of the need
   for better primary and secondary education. Students must be
   better taught so that they can compete for jobs and become
   more useful citizens. In an age of technology and growing
   complexity, it is particularly important that those students
   who seek a college education be better prepared than in the
   past. Better education requires better trained and paid
   teachers, smaller and more specialized classes, and better
   equipped classrooms - all of which require a greater
   investment of tax dollars.

         The revenue shortfalls of recent years have reduced the
   teaching resources and strained the capabilities of the
   state's universities. If new tax revenue is not forthcoming,
   the universities' abilities to offer quality education will
   be further eroded. We believe that the Governor's plan of
   enhanced support for primary and secondary education must be
   the first step in a long-term program of improving education
   at all levels in the Commonwealth, a program that should lead
   to more adequate financing of higher education.

         It is difficult to raise taxes in a state where the
   effects of the recession are still being widely felt. But we
   are convinced that it will be impossible to attract
   substantially more jobs and business to the state unless we
   embark on a major effort to raise the educational level of
   Kentucky citizens. States such as Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas,
   and Mississippi have already embarked on such programs. We
   believe that dollars spent on better quality education at all
   levels, along with stronger research programs in the
   universities, will produce tangible results in economic
   growth. At a time when national attention is focused on the
   need for better education, if Kentucky does not make such an
   investment in its future, it will fall even further behind
   most other states.

   U.   Board  esolution

   Mr. Farmer read and so moved the adoption of the following

         WHEREAS, there exists in the Commonwealth a financial
    need produced by inadequate tax revenue to meet the demands
    for continuing the necessary level of support for essential
    programs in education; and

         WHEREAS, there is a long-standing and recognized need
    for improving the quality of education in Kentucky; and

         WHEREAS, it is undeniably apparent that the
    underfinanced and, in many areas, substandard primary and
    secondary education system has adversely affected the
    economic growth of Kentucky; and



         WHEREAS, the inadequacies through the years have
    adversely affected the ability of our youth to be adequately
    prepared for the work force or to pursue advanced study in
    higher education; and

         WHEREAS, all citizens and officials of the Commonwealth
    should promote the conviction and understanding that quality
    and excellence are essential in all levels of education;


         That the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of
    the University of Kentucky endorses in general the
    legislative program submitted by Governor Martha Layne
    Collins to the 1984 General Assembly for improving education
    in the Commonwealth; and

         Further resolves to commend Governor Collins for her
    leadership in proposing legislation for additional revenue to
    provide more realistic funding for all levels of education,
    and to properly finance the education reform measures before
    the General Assembly.

         Mr. Farmer's motion was seconded by Mr. Miles and passed
    without dissent. A copy of the resolution will be forwarded
    to Governor Martha Layne Collins.

    V.   Meeting Adjourned

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
2:46 p.m.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              John C. Darsie
                              Assistant Secretary
                              Board of Trustees

    (PR's 2, 3A-1, 3A-2, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4A, and 5A; FCR's 1, 2, 3,
and 4; and ICR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes
of the meeting.)


                                                          Office of the President
                                                          March 6, 1984

                                                          PR 2

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:

                            PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached appointments
and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2) that
the report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
by the administration be accepted.

Background:  The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University.   These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate chancellor
through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain appointments
and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other
administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board.
This report follows the recommendations requiring Board approval.

Action taken: Approved




Date:March 6                  1984

Date:    March 6




                    COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



           Jefferson Community College

           Knuckles, Thomas C., Associate Professor (with tenure)
                 in the Community College System, after 19.75
                 consecutive years of service, effective March 31, 1984.





              Henderson Community College

              Blanford, Charles R., Instructor in the Community
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through

              Jefferson Community College

              Billings, Thomas, Instructor in the Community
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
              Buckler, Martha, Instructor in the Community
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
              Camp, Carey D., Instructor in the Community
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
              Daniels, Barbara, Instructor in the Community
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
              Dean, Deborah, Instructor in the Community
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
              Frierson, Leonard, Instructor in the Community
                   College System, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
              Hand, Michael D., Instructor in the Communitv
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84
                   through 6/30/84.
              Helseth. David C., Instructor in the Community
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84
                   through 6/30/84.
              Hoerter, Robert E., Instructor in the Community
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84
                   through 6/30/84.
              Johnson, Maritza B., Instructor in the Community
                   College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through



Mao, Chung-Hsing, Instructor in the Community
     College System, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
McWhirter, Julianne, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
Miller, J. Maxine, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
Necessary, Lillian W., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
Olivencia, Jose R., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
Poole, Marjorie, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
Robison, Margaret P., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
Still, Jay F., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
Tyra, Shirley K., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through

Lexington Technical Institute

Brown, J. Chad, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/24/83 through 5/31/84.
Humphrey, Patricia D., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 8/24/83 through
Roberts, Fred D., Jr., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 8/24/83 through
Sloan, Valerie Kay, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 8/24/83 through
Wright, Diana L., Instructor in the Community
     College-System (voluntary), 8/24/83 through

Paducah Community College

Lengsfield, Diane M., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
Porter, Vondra C., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 12/1/83 through 6/30/84.



         Prestonsburg Community College

         Watson, Patricia C., Instructor in the Community
              College System, 1/1/84 through 5/31/84.

         Southeast Community College

         De Simone, Kelly P., Instructor in the Community
              College System, 2/8/84 through 6/30/84.
         Gray, Dorothy L., Instructor in the Community
              College System, 2/8/84 through 6/30/84.
         Smith, Michael, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Wiens, Arlene G., Instructor in the Community
              College System, 1/3/84 through 6/30/84.


         Maysville Community College

         Blakefield, Jeanette C., Associate Professor (with
              tenure) in the Community College System,
              appointed Acting Division Chairman, 1/1/84
              through 6/30/84.


         Hazard Community College

         Combs, Donna, Instructor in the Community College
              System, joint appointment as Instructor at the
              Southeast Community College, 1/1/84 through


         Jefferson Community College

         Bolin, Angela, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Brooks, Beverly, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Burke, Gail, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Cornett, Martha, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.



         Dutton, Patricia, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Fife, Debbie, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Hall, Judith, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Klein, Karen, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84
         Lipscomb, Martha, Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
         Mohr, Ann, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Nay, Patricia L., Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
         Pedigo, Andrea, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Powers, Linda, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Schuster, Salvia, Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
         Stemmle, Donna, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Tonegawa, Shelba, Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through
         Veith, Betty, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Wahl, Jeanette A., Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through


         Lexington Technical Institute

         Stice, Patsy D., Associate Professor (with tenure)
              in the Community College System, Sabbatical
              leave with full salary, 1/1/84 through

         Somerset Community College

         Clark, Robert L., Associate Professor (with tenure)
              in the Community College System, Sabbatical
              leave with half salary, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85.



                                LEXINGTON CAMPUS



              College of Arts and Sciences

              Wright, Jay, Visiting Professor, English, 8/16/84 through

              College of Engiaeering

              Cyrul, Tadeusz, Visiting Associate Professor (part-time), Mining
                    Engineering, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.

              College of Home Economics

              Kim, Eun-Young Rhee, Associate Professor (part-time), Human
                     Environment: Textiles, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.


              College of Busiress and Economics

              Hackbart, Merlin M., Extension Professor (with tenure)*, Fin:ui--
                     and Extension Professor*, James W. Martin Gre.1di-
                     for Public Administration, Graduate School, a
                     Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Rc:;t-c!., Lu,111-tat
                     of Business and Economics, effective, L/1/84.

               Office of the Chancellor - Lexington Camptis

               Sands, Donald E., Professor (with tenure), Chemistry, College of
                     Arts and Sciences, and Associate Vice Chancellor for
                     Academic Affairs, appointed Vice Chancellor for Academic
                     A.ffairs, effective immediately.

               College of Education

               Bridge, Connie A., Associate Professor (with tenure), Curriculum
                     and Instruction, appointed Associate Dean for Teacher
                     Education and Certification, effective 7/1184.


Ricci, Leonardo, Professor (part-time), 1/1/84 through 4/30/84.

College of Architecture




          College of Business and Economics

          Hackbart, Merlin M., from Extension Professor* (with tenure),
                Economics, and Extension Professor*, James W. Martin
                Graduate Center for Public Administration, Graduate School,
                to Extension Professor* (with tenure), Finance, and
                Extension Professor*, James W.4. Martin Graduate Center for
                Public Administration, Graduate School, effective 1/1/84.


          College of Agriculture

          Hicks, Wesley, Gardener, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,
                after 15 consecutive years of service, effective 3/15/84.

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Crabb, Alfred L., Jr., Associate Professor (with tenure)*,
                English, after 34 consecutive years of service,
                effective 6/30/34.
          Thomas, John W., Professor (with tenure), German, after 15
                consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/84.

          College of Business and Economics

          Cabe, J. Carl, Professor (with tenure), Economics, after 21
                consecutive years of service, effective 1/31/84.


          MacQuowN, Vivian C., Librarian II (with tenure), Interlibrary
                Loans, after 19 consecutive years of service, effective
          Vaughan, Ruth F., Library Technician IX, Collection Development,
                after 15 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/84.

          University Extension

          Brown, James W., Director, Off Campus Programs, after 22 consecu-
                tive years of service, effective 4/1/84.

          Vice Chancellor for Administration

          Hendren, Paula M., Administrative Assistant I, Design and
                Construction, after 17.5 consecutive years of service,
                effective 2/1/84.
          Mason, Dan, Jr., Supervisor I, Services, after 19.5 consecutive
                years of service, effective 4/1l/84.

*Special Title Series





              College of Agriculture

              Kovalic, Peter P., instructor (pacL-time), Forestry, 1/1/84
                    through 5/31/84.

              College of Architecture

              Kalayciyan, Kirkor, Lecturer (part-time), 1/1/84 through 4/30/84.
              Mattone, Frank, Lecturer (part-tine), 1/1/84 through 4/30/84.
              Oubrerie, Jose, Lecturer (part-time), 1/1/84 through 4/30/84.

              College of Arts and Sciences

              Adams, Thomas M., Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/84 through
              Balota, Janet M., Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 1/1/84
                     through 5/31/84.
              Blake, John C., III, Assistant Professor, Military Science,
                     6/1/84 through 6/1l/87.
              Cobb, James C., Assistant Adjunct Prof