xt7mpg1hmn15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mpg1hmn15/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1949 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1949 Vol.20 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, July 1949 Vol.20 No.9 1949 2019 true xt7mpg1hmn15 section xt7mpg1hmn15 . 75 5 54A- _4‘_ ‘ 5 ' ‘ '
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[[ 'lll E; l ll The Kentucky Press Assoclatlon L
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ill 3i ill 2. -
l: 'llll ll l” l is an organization representing l60 weekly and semi— the placing of advertising in their papers more easy -—l ba
l llll ll l l ll weekly community newspapers, 22 small dailies, and 7 and satisfactory. The Association maintains a Central l P"
u 1! . . 3.. l . .
‘1 llll' ;l . ll l: major dailies, whose publishers desire to provide for Office in McVey Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexing- 0
; . t ! ‘li ,; _: n
‘ll llllll fl ' lll ‘l advertisers the greatest possible coverage and render ton, which provides for the all-inclusive plan of :1 h'l‘
‘. ll ill [2"? *‘r‘
l 1 i till ".i ' . 111%
l‘ ‘lll . EE l . . l or,
. [g llllll . ll ,w 0110 0rder - 0119 Bllllng - (Due Check l an
[ Ul [W :l l i m
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ill l‘llilll lgl ll without additional cost to agency or advertiser. This insertion orders will be issued the same day from the P“
i. ,,:u ‘ E
wl‘ .‘7 l l‘ l? E office throu h a complete file of its newspapers attends association office. No charge is made to the advertiser tic:
[ l l lll El ll ll 9
.1 [l lll Ell l,- to proof of publication through tear sheets and cares or agency for this service. . 001
ll .‘ lll ‘l I ll l. for the many details of placing advertising. Given 0 Th' ff‘ 'll _ d . ' l C?
ll *1 llll l :‘l llll ll list of newspapers to be covered with mats or plates ”ls 0 ice WI :erVIce O vertismg accounts cover- l [.1‘
ll l r s 2‘53 . - . . . _ 1‘:
ll l llll ll ll necessary, the office will place the orders, check the mg C or any part 0 th'5 entire lISl‘ The COSl Of cover 1 M
l- l lllll i llll l; publication, provide tear sheets, and render one bill for mg the community newspaper held! excluSive Of the l . i
i ‘ l I !. i? .r . . . . .
ll? l‘ll Ell ll the entire account. This eliminates a considerable ex- small and major dailieS, Is apprOXImotely $64.00 0 l by
l l l l ‘3 l _ l pense to the agency or advertiser. column inch for a circulation of 385,000 readers, almost ' th;
l‘ l l , l You can place space in any number of Kentucky all on a cash-in-advance basis. Seventeen weeklies are do
ll ll ll ll weeklies, semi-weeklies, or dailies with a single order. members 0“ the AUdlt Bureau 0“ Circulation; twelve .‘ ll“
“ i l I . . , {
ll ll llll l Send us only a blanket insertion order, together with dailies are members. More than 40 applications for Ge
ll l l l l llll ll mats, sterotypes, or copy sufficient to cover. Individual membership are now on file. 0f
.;i l' Eai l tio
E t ‘ ' lli . * -
lll l l : lllll llll l the
r: ll l? . - - - - - - ' 194
“ll il. [E El N atlonal Advertlsulg Afflllatlng Servwe l M
[1' ‘ ‘ I.. ll la
15‘ l l ‘ l‘ l , P
l l l l : llll l This Association is a state affiliate with the Nation-- farms—no national publications, no national radio l “’11
lll l l ‘1 ll l al Editorial Association, and is an affiliating and co- hook-ups can reach him as Economically, as Thoroughly, i :a
ll l ‘ lll ll operating member of and with Newspaper Advertising as Easily, as HlS HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER with maxr- l clfa
'll l l: lllil ll Service, lnc.,Chicago. National orders, placed thru NAS, mum readership—because "Mr. 52” knows the local 1t
ll l ll: llll ll are distributed from this office to our state newspapers editor—knows all the merchants—knows all the other sat
ill l l llll lll under the one order, one billing, one check plan. subscribers—knows his Senator and Representative— to
l i ll ' Ell jl . _ _ _ knows that his Hometown newspaper is a Warm, Living, l wm
ill 2 llE lll ll While our state average '5 higher, 'h the helm“ Influential part of his life—and directly influences it. 3 in
El lll Ell ll 52% of the nation’s population, 70,200,000 persons, " u , 1
ll llj: llll l l live in towns of less than 10,000 population—only seven Mr. 52 Hometown newspaper offers MORE local ton
[1 ll lll ll larger cities in Kentucky. This "Mr. 52" had $44,000,_ coverage than all other media combined—he can be It]
ll 3 l l“, lll ll 000,000 to spend last year, 43% of the Nation’s buy- rec‘ChEd by One POCkOge and One CheCk through News- 3m
ll i lll ll ing power. paper Advertising Service, lnc., 188 West Randolph, m
l i l 1 ll‘ E Chicago, and through the Kentucky Press Association. trm
llll i . lll l "Mr. 52" represents 6,000,000 farm families— " u . I
ll 3 = ‘ ll‘ E 2,000,000 electrified farms—60% of all automobiles, . Remember Mr- 52 qnd make him a customer by M
ii : lil 5E trucks and tractors—50% of all furniture—46% of selling him todoythrough his own HOMETOWN NEWS- pm
l“ '1 llll ll clothing—and the Nation’s highest percentage of Home PAPER- . 1
l ‘ l ll fl; ownership—IN FACT, the greatest potential market for ' l; bin
iii i ll _ ' ‘ th‘
l" l , ll” 2 3 for seeing manufacturers. For information, call or Write Victor R. Portmann, l ml
ill ll ll "Mr. 52" in the past has been difficult to reach, Secretary-Manager, McVey Hall, University of Ken- . ties
lll ; l[ lll l l living in 15,000 different small towns and on 6,000,000 tucky, Lexington 29, Kentucky. ing
lll1 l ill; [con
3jlil lil ll ; 2
I: ’i: f§1[[»';E. ,
1 l i‘ l 45 Illll let;
»~ l i [l l lz‘llll‘l ,
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 ' " ’ JJJIJ'J JJJ:J.J
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July, l949 The Kentucky Press Page One JJJJJJJJ‘JJJJ
‘. ' JJ, J J J
fi‘ JJJJ’JJJ sJ :
‘ State Printin Contract Under Fire “W
1 ' i ;=
J An attorney general’s opinion may be the By HUGH MORRIS Lowry said the State is planning this fall JJJJJJJJ J JJ
9 easy J‘ basis for breaking up a 40-year virtual mono- —-—-—_— to readvertise for a first-class ljl‘ihtihg COh. JJJJrJ JJ JJ JJ
:entral f poly of the State’s first-class printing busmess. one bidder on the contract because only one tract lasting until January, 1931. _ The F1- JJ JJ JJ JJ
. ' The State Journal Company of Frankfort, corporation in the state had the power to nance Department has not yet dec1ded defi- J J J JlJ‘ JJ
_eX|nQ' I now owned by Perry Publishing Company, do all the printing and binding that is em- nitely to split its request for bids into three ‘J J JJJJJJJ JJ’J
J has been getting the State’s first-class print- braced in the first class?" parts, he added. JJ iJJJJJJJ JJJ
ing contracts at least since 1910. in the inem- If the Legislature did know these things, _ _ ._—____—_ J J JJ
J or)? of old-timers at the job plant here. Usu- Holifield continued, “its enactment of Chap- — _J_ __._ J KJ‘ J :J
J, ally. The State Journal bid is the only one ter 57 was a futile thing, and an impractical Hollidoy TO Publish J J JJJJ J
J receiVed- ‘ act dishonestly designed to evade the manda— J J l‘ JJJ J
1 This is largely because of the law governing tory directions of Section 247 of the Consti- Menifee County News JJ J . 'st JJ J
m the public printing. The law makes it imprac- tiltiOD --------)” Menifee county, one of few dwindling J" 1 J 'Ji JJJ _‘
ertiser ticable for any out-of-town printer to bid Holifield said it was “ridiculous” for the counties of the state that has not been re- J JiJ J JJ‘J
competitively against The State Journal Finance Department to be required to go presented by a newspaper for many years, J J J JJ
1' COIUIMUY because: to the expense of advertising bids for first- will soon have a weekly 11CWSpEIp< r, the ‘ JJi J JJJJ
cover- 1. The wide variety and large amount of class printing “when we know that only one Menifee County News, according to an an— . J J JJJJ .
cover- first-class printing must be covered in one corporation can or will bid on the contract.” nouncement of M. H. Holliday J12, Jackson. J J J J J J
four-year contract. “But we have no legal or moral right to The publication office will be in Frech— J J J‘ JJJJ
Di the J 2. The work must be done in Kentucky presume that the General Assembly knew burg, the county seat, with Mrs. Lela Powell J J J
.JOO a J by a Kentucky firm. or anticipated” this condition, he continued. as editor. For the present, the paper will be J ' JJJ
,' 3. If the work is done outside Frankfort, “Neither have we any right to presume the printed in Jackson. J J J JEJ
ilmost J the printer must pay his own transporta- Legislature intended to adopt a futile, use- Afr. Holliday, for many years editonpub- J JJ JJJ J
as are ‘ tion C05“ for all COPY, WOOL“: and delivering 16553 vain or impractical act. lisher or the Jackson Times, also is pub- JJ . Z iJJJ
twelve the finished work. “The only presumption we can indulge lisher of the Booneville News, the Campton J J'J J J’JJJ
4.. Printed bills and resolutions of the is that the Legislature intended that its first- News. and the newly established Stanton JJJJJ J JJJJi .
75 for . General Assembly must be delivered to clerks class printing and binding should be con- Hearld. He also finds time to support a JJ~ JJJ JJJJJ
J 0f House Md senate [116 day after introduc- tracted for under Competitive bidding ~ - - Vigorous Program for the development and JJ J ! lJ
tion. or as soon thereafter as possible. to the best and lowest bidder . . . at the promotion of the Natural Bridge State Park, JJJ J j
"‘ The last [CUPYCHI‘ $1,000,000 contract with lowest cost,” Holifield asserted. Powell county, as president of the associ» J J J J
J the Perry Company was awarded February '7. The assistant attorney general said that ation. JJ J J ,
194-7. It was voided recently by Circuit when the Legislature enacted the public- The Press congratulates Publisher Holli- JJLJ J J J
‘33 J Judge William B. Ardery. The State is printing law it was trying to put into effect day on the establishment of the new pub- JJ‘JJ JJ’J J
planning to seek a new one this fall. Mean» the mandatory provisions of Section 247 of lication. J‘ JJJ J J J
radio ‘ “'th- printing has been farmed “ht to 56V" the Constitution. J This leaves only Martin county as the ;J ‘ J J ,JJ
Jghly, J eral other companies in Kentucky, said Ben “It’s general intent,J purpose. and Will only county in eastern Kentucky without JJJ J J J
mGXi- J H. Lowry, director of the Div1sion of Pur- was to require competitive bidding, PJIoh» an established newspaper. JJ J J J
‘ chases. field said. “To let the contract . . .as defined J J J J J J
local M. B. Holifield, assistant attorney general. in the statute absolutely in one contract ———————0———————— ‘J J J J J J
other said that the new contract does not have When there is only one qualified bidder in S S l”! l . J J J'J JJ
'ive— , to include all firsbclass printing jobs. The the state, is not only to defeat the purpose fore C eme S J ' JJJJ J J J
iving, work may be advertised and contracted for of Section 247, but the intent and purpose Not A Lottery J J J J J J J
55 if. 7 in three sections, Holifield said. of (the laws) enacted to put that section of Here’s a scheme to attract customers to a J J; J J J
local J The Opinion was given to W. C. l-Iamil- the Constitution in operation." , , store that Assistant Attorney General Squire 'JJJJ J J
m be ton, attorney for the Department of Finance. Holifield said the three first-class-printing— N. Williams, Jr., stated is legal on May 30: J JJ J JJ . J
\Jews- It. POJlnted out that Section 247 of the Con— contract subdiVismns couldbe all books and Cal Turner, member of a Scottsville dry— J JJ _ l J
stitution required the General Assembly to pamphlets, feed and fertilizer-tax tags, and goods firm, asked whether he could give 10 JJ JJ J J
iolph: enact laws to insure that all printing con- all other flat-press job work. ‘black and white auction dollars' for every ' J JJ‘J MJ
3n. tracts would be let on competitive bids. There are small printing plants in KJen- $1 purchase, and then auction off-a prize J JJJ J J
Jer by But, Holifield asked, did the Legislature tucky which possess the finances, mechanical to the highest bidder with trade money. J JJJJJJ JJ
EWS- know when it enacted the present public equipment, and the labor necessary to bid on Williams replied: I J JJJ J
printing law: each of these groups, but cannot qualify to “The Constitution of Kentucky as well as J J ; J J ,
1' ”That the condition 0f the printing and bid on all three groups" as required by the the statutes prohibit all conduction or par- J J’J . i J
4 binding industry in Kentucky would be such present law. Holifield added. ticipation in a lottery. However, in the event J J J J: l
is that only one corporation in the state posses- The assistant attorney general said the that your plan is carried out as stated herein, J J J J . J
1ann, J 36d all the finances. the mechanical facili- Finance Department would have to ask for there would be no element of chance involv- iJ '3 ‘ J
Ken- J ties, and the skilled labor to do all the print- bids on work in each of the three sections, ed and it would not fall within the courts' JJJJ J J J r
ing and binding” called for in the first-class and for one bid covering all the work. If definition of a lottery. We believe, therefore, . J JJJ JJ
contract? the three sectional bids were lower than the that your plan is not contrary to the intent JJJJJ J] J
2. “That if the contract was advertised and bid on the combined work, three contracts and purpose of the statutes prohibiting lot- JJJJJ JiJ . JJ
. let as reqmred (by law), there would be only could be awarded. teries." IJJ'J‘JJ ; JJJ r.
' JJC i J!
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‘olle e Mr- tore that had been there for many yearS- ’HiH“ H 9H3
km 5;; m s modem super market to replace a s . _ Hi HHHH
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rld War 11- H The night before the store was opene. than 3 000 persons HHH HH HH HH
daughter of H i view was held. In this town of 12,000 Population. moreh t . ersonnel HHHHH H HH.‘
{idway. She - ' h 'n center and meet t e s are p ' ”HEHHHH ‘ HH '
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and was for “me *° "15"“ HHHHHH H HHS
Vin er» head . . ' r eet consider the 4H “NH H H13?
I gI‘raining Apparently the people along America‘s Mom 5; . ormnce. for HHHHH HHHHHH
lesons have - A a. P store a civic event °* '“Fe'efl °“ "1‘" ' _ H ‘H";:
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to Operate of A 8. P have won through the years by consrsten y 9 H/ HHHH‘HHH HH‘H
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