xt7mpg1hmq66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mpg1hmq66/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-12-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1982 1982 1982-12-13 2020 true xt7mpg1hmq66 section xt7mpg1hmq66 .I’W“ 4'» l 0
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. . . . i from the Kernel staff
3 \ ““3 V" In“ I. - ‘V
UK" Edition
"Maybe: 11
Vi‘fl'lflrfi rinvqm. r m. . In the semester 5 last edition the Kernel
‘9‘“ ”r ” DWIW‘“ “ 1‘ :. " sports staff prewews the UK lnwiaiionol
' Io moment in addition to its coverage
( ,. .3..‘".f::1.1"i": . of uthe Wildcat and Lady Kat basketball
”own "in p «we '1 ‘15:. - games last Saturday See pages 5 7
A hu'whyari w vsiIv '. ’w ,
Vol. txxxv, No. 87 Monday, Derember i3 i982 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
UKI I f' Id H 3 .6t 'n t I d
Former Wildcat to return Tulane program bUIlding New coach, conference
as proven Rutgers scorer from first NIT appearance marks Duquesne season
———-—-————' year’s 21-9 team, WhiCh made it ‘0 —-—-——— eastern and western divisions, with _———————— t-season a rance It was the
Bfllfigfigfiggfigl‘l the 5000M round 0f the NIT F0!” By J§§§§$gkgkvm UKIT participant Rutgers picked By AEpgfIQJMS'I‘ORF 3:: time will)? Tulane team has
mer UK player Clarence Tillman 39' first in the east and Duquesne last in n er won eight games in conference play
turns at forward. A deadly outSide the west. .
, , and the first that the Green Wave
#f—fl—‘fl Shoo-ten the 6‘7 semor tied for the —'——————-_.——-—. Also new to the small Pittsburgh “#f—fl-"— #‘ had a winning record in conference
sconng lead. averaging 12.5 pomts a school is head coach Jim Satalin
. . . . play. The team lost only once at
The ‘Scarlet Knights 9f Rutgers game. Many teams have been said tobe who left fellow eastern diVisioner St. After moving from the massive home, by one point to New Orleans.
Will bring a tradition of winning bas- Center Roy Hinson tied Tillman going through rebuilding yeais, out Bonaventure forthe new job. Satalin New Orleans Superdome into the Michael Blunt, a 6-9 forward who
ketball to the UK Invttatlonal T0111“ for scoring honors last year and av~ With changes and transfers, Du- faces the unenViable task 0f turmng tiny Tulane gym last year. first-year averaged 4.5 points per game. and 6~
nament next weekend. . eraged seven rebounds a game. Hin— quesne brings new meaning to the around an 11-16 team that lost four head coach Ned Fowler's Green 4 swingxnan Joe 1.1015an who aver-
_ Head coach Tom Young 15 enter: son has started every game since he term. . 0f “5 top players to graduation, and Wave compiled a 19—9 record. the aged 6.6. were the only two graduat-
ing “‘5 10* seam" as Rutgers came to Rutgers but the o9 senior The blsswt change was not even the transfer of sophomore Dam/l most wins since the 24 of the 194849 ing seniors. Holston was Tulane's
coach and has an overall record of has been a disapointment in that he made by the school itself. The Atlan- Shepherd t0 crosstown rival Pitt. team. The 19 wins also represent the fourth leading scorer last year while
185-81. Rutgers has never had a 108- . . - - tic 10 Conference, of which the The graduation losses — center t fir :— ear coach has had at 1 ' h
. h hasn t developed into the dominating . _ . mos a s y B unt was eight .
“18 season under Youtnhgr anglC/fli big man the Rutgers coaching staff W” are a member, rose 0‘“ 0f the Bruce Atkmsi guard Tom WtkOVlC the school. After losing only those two. Tulane
made four NIT and ee d ' thought he would. ashes of the Eastern Eight, one of and forwards Barnett Harris and After finishing in a tie for second returns 11 lettermcn. six (,f the top-
:gflfigzghreigfizgimes uring :29 $35K -public1zed conferences m in the Metro Conference with an 8-4 ers and all five starters. The top
_ . e . record, Tulane received a bid to the three scorers are back. as are the
All five starters return from last See RUTGERS.poge6 The Atlantic 10 is divided into See oucunnmpogeb NIT tournament, the team‘s firsi See "1”“,qu
A . pa
_/ >1 ». c. - - -
r , f i to wm over mars
, e . ., . - l Bv STEVEN wmowrnsn 500m“: Turpin had 12 Wilts am
I J... 5' ../ ' f? . ' ‘3?“ i ' 1 g ' Sports Editor Master added 12 from the perimeter
-7 » , i 3' g on six-of-ll shooting from the field.
. ' -. a . ‘ ”a Kentucky as a team also continued
it s i , m .. ' h; it ‘ to burn the nets with a 56.1 shooting
’3 f“- ' g ”t“ are ' ‘ . l i ‘3 The spark that ignites the flame. percentage for the game.
. p .' , g ., , _, ' t Q; That‘s all the Wildcats needed Sat- The lowest the Cats have shot for
" . Q 8* " g " ' urday — the spark to ignite the a game this season has been 55 per-
. ‘ - _ . ' , . ., , . . ._ _ i . flame, a flame that burned through cent. leading to high expectations
:‘ . : ".'.»_: 9‘ .. ~ M“ I ‘ ’ the Illinois Fighting Illini. causing from coach Joe 8. Hall.
' . . h = if -_ " . i irreparable damage to the tall timb- “We had a good shooting night."
ll ‘ ' . fir" Q ’ - _ ’ - ._ __ ers of the Illinois frontline. he said. “not a super sensation. The
i ' . i l‘ _ . ‘ p iii» e i ii “ . 3 Q :3" When the fire was extinguished, first half was (63.7 percent:. but 56.1
‘ , ' . r- , a "l ’- ' . i " ~ ' ‘ . _ Kentucky had a 7657 victory and an- percent is not bad at all. and again
"* i. ’ ' . I; . < ‘ . " ‘ ' " 2 other impressive showing in front of we have limited our opponent to
gt .. s” .. ' a ' * anational television audience, under 40 percent and that has be-
-. « -. . » f p, . {k Q * The ignition came from 511 junior come our trademark."
1, ii, ‘ k . ~ .. ‘ ‘ " ' §~ 1* > . - guard Dicky Beal, who led the Wild- The Illini. in contrast. shot a mere
’ . ' _. ' . . . , ‘ ' ii cat scoring blaze with 14 points and 37.5 percent from the field for the
' . .. ' C ' ' .. - Q . was named NBC‘s Most Valuable game
.. ._ '. . \e‘ g ‘ Player of the game. But this Ken- Turpin had five of the Wildcats'
. «g ‘ . tucky flame spread evenly thrOugh first 13 points but came out of the
3 s ‘ ;_ f ‘ , . ' f the lineup. as three other Wildcats game early because of foul trouble
_. " .- ., - ‘ ‘ . (f . - f burned the Rupp Arena nets for dou- and an aggravated ankle injury.
\ j _ . ” ble figures yesterday. Turpin had turned his ankle earlier
. . ' . Q _ Charles Hurt continued his torrid this yearinpractice.
' k, _ ' , . - . i , shooting pace that began smoldering Bret Bearup. Turpin‘s replace—
ik .2._ ' iii " w, .. * ’ ii " _ j. ~ ‘w i. : ‘ when he hit all seven of his shots merit, filled in admirably. collecting
ELI; m: miss is . last weekend against the Villanova nine points and six rebounds. Bea-
ixgifiic ~ " §KMW Q fi Wildcats. Against Illinois. Hurt was rup played the last 12:08 of the first
.s‘ " ~ ‘ . .. x§ ' its ‘ " ' _\ six for eight for 13 points. including half after Turpin picked up his sec-
‘ 1 f ‘ s: {149“ . .. two stuffs in the second half that 0nd personal foul.
. ' i, .- " » “*7“ _ _ _. . as . ‘ ”\ - brought everyone out of their seats. The 6-9 center's first basket in the
. . . t . . "I‘ve got a lot more confidence in game turned out to be a followup
w ‘ .. ‘ myself now," said the muscular se- dunk on a 3-2 break with Dirk Min-
~ ~ ' s: “ . - s ~ * nior forward from Shelby County. niefieldandMaster.
“nun “can .. "That's probably been one of my "I was moving. trying to catch up
main downfalls in. the past. I want with them on the break." Beamp
Kentucky point guard Dicky Beal brings the ball up court with Saturday at Rupp Arena. Beal was named Most Valuable Play- the 3:” mg)? thls 3:35 gm: the said. fthhhe'bau Camgsoff‘the ”m ang
lllinois' guard Derek Harper defending in the Cats’ 76-57 win er by NBC in the nationally telewsed game. guar- are -- ing a g )0 0 get- one ‘0 e" forwar went up. an
ingittome. luckily I was flying through the air
Add Melvin Turpin and Jim Mas- andlgot it away from him."
ter to the list of double-figure See “A.” page .
a - HONDA trolled by the council and the party, its approval appeared
$50 turtlon payment 9
Fm AWMW Jaruzelski spoke only in general terms of the restrictions
I that would be lifted and those that would remain."0nly reg-
or prlng ue ec- JONZOISki lifts martial 'aw in Poland ulations that directly protect the fundamental interests of
the state, creating a protective shield for the economy and
WARSAW Poland _ Martial law leader Gen. Woiciech ensuring the greater personal safety of citizens, should re-
ByJASON WILLIAMS The (19“ payment was enacted Jaruzelski announced yesterday on national television that mainiin force WhOllY or m port °5 ° temporary measure,"
Stafanter last April to keep students from .. . . he said.
. . the military rule imposed here last Dec. 13 Wlll be sus- , . . _ _ . _ . _
S'Smng UP for (33556 and then ml d db h d f h 'lt is Simply impOSSible to iump into full normalization.
~ ' ' * ‘ .- ' ' attending the University Seventeen pen 9 Y, een o ' eyear. One should move to and it st b to consistentl b a
thousand students paid the tuition Jaruzelski, who heads the Communist Party and the rul- ,. w . 5 ‘_*P y s p Y' y
Students returning here {0" the downpayment. ing military council, said the 21-man Council of National Re- common effort, he 5°“! °ddm9 martial law would have
1%3 Spring semester have 10 days to Las‘ semester, however, the early demption ”is of the opinion that conditions have arisen for been suspended sooner 'l underground remants Of the 0”"
ensure their registrations for class. payment requirement was removed . . . . . lowed Solidarity trade union had not organized protests.
Dec. 23 is the due date for the $50 after a mixup with the mail. The suspending martial law. I w0uld like to stateithis iust today
tuition down payment, said Jack University mailed information about "‘ °" the "9 °l the °"""'°"°"Y °l "5 '""°d"c"°"' _
Blanton, vice chancellor for admin» the new policy with Fall semester "The suspension of martial law means that its basic rig- /
istration. The $50, Blanton said, goes class schedules. but several of the ors will cease to function before the end of this year ’ he \
toward fulfilling the tuition fee, and notices were lost in the mail. said.
is not anadditional payment. Because of the mistake, the pay- . . . . WEAT __
“What that ‘50 Goa is tell us ment plan was suspended for the Jaruzelski preclmmed martial lawI Z yeanago to begin
you're going to be here, what Fallsemester. the destruction of the independent 0 or union Solidarity.
classes you're going to be taking," Blanton said every possible effort The union was outlawed Oct. l3, and last month the gov- \
hesaid. . would be made this semester to ornment concluded it was no longer a threat when under
“me {:9 min? pad :13? m: [Enfnrf‘ggicthvery 0‘ the down pay ' ground leaders were unable to rally a nationwide protest Sunny and warmer today with a high In the low ‘03.
i, o s s m y . .
. , StMent &rViceS room in the S‘U‘ uwe-u in following them every S'le9. . ‘ , c'..' I“ no. I. ‘0" 'ofl'.h' WI"! . ‘0" 'N 'h. I"
demeaning step of the way, right through the Jaruzolski said the military counCIls recommendation 20!.
Students on financial aid will use post office.“ he said. “Of course. it‘s that martial law be suspended would be presented to the Sunny and nilld tomorrow wlth a high In tho inld
their awards against the reminder difficult to guarantee something Parlioman" or sgim, this morning. Since the Seim is con- 40-.
of their tuition after they pay the doesn't happen to them, particularly
850. when you‘re sending out 18,000. " __.__________________.______

Kerrie“ l ""
Illl “olden Andrew W John OIMIH loom W. “MM! Hell 8. IOU-M J... Van“... Don Club“
Editor in Chief NeweEdiiov Am Editor Sports Editor Special Proiocu Editor Photo Editor Graphic! Editor
P E R5 UASION WWW ................. mm WNW M ”W M
Managing Editor ‘d"°““lsd"°' Au'llonlA"|(d'lol AutetonlSpom Editor swialrrolun Assistant Chlelfholooraphu Copy DeskUusl
Through it all we made it to f'nal k “
And so it goes. To paraphrase Joe Dean, distributed for completion, tarnishing the ac- .
the local basketball guru, “There’s another curacy oftheessay. NEWS ”EM m8 DRESENT
year in the bottom of the sack.” This semester began tragically with the °
.For those of you who were here at the be- death of a saphomore in a traffic accident.
ginning of this year, you remember the fro- By the end of the year, five students lost
zen water pipeS. ruptured sprinkler systems their lives in various ways. Their passing is
and the problems with heat experienced in mourned byusall. mN L‘VE MTuOUT A
most classroom buildings. Likewise, you re- The UK football team, under new head
member the historic cold temperatures that coach Jen-y Claiborne, provided us with en- 0
assaulted you as you walked or drove to tertainment, but entertainment does not a 7 ‘ /"
, , 000. ~‘\
class. . football game Win. To be more precrse, our Gas . 7
_The year hasn’t been easy for the Univer- squad went winless for the first time in his- (- ( \ ' z; ; (7, /
SltY- It opened on a SOUP note, With GOV. tory, and the season itself was not without \. , E; ’ ’f'
John Y. Brown voiding the Council on High- the usual ups-and-downs UK has come to be l,‘ l ' ‘
er Education’s biennial budget request for expected to provide. '\ ‘l
- , «l
the eight state supported umversrtles. 1" the But through it all, we got to where we are ' \
ensuing days, the Council met and discarded - . . .
. . . . . now — final examinations. Today brings the l
their original proposal, and when it finally - .
. first, and by Friday only those unlucky
passed the General Assembly, UK found it- . . . ' :
, . . . enough to register for certain classes wrll re- / .
self Without nearly $8.5 million to do bus1- . h M t f . .
mess with in 1982-83. main erg). tos (:1 us Will go home, some of / I a)»,
Insult topped injury, however, with the usnever re urn. ere. . ,,'(
January release of a report written by the _To those who W111 wake UP this Saturday to “ ‘ w
New York Times’ education editor calling find themselves in the real world. our com ‘ . J
UK one of the worst schools in the nation, gratulations and good wishes. You will need I . I. l, r' :1. ..
“Absolutely ridiculous” and “fiction” were theminthe cruel world we all live in. = y I" ,
some of the names given the report by lead- To those of you who will be back (in only “1’. ‘ ,; _“.
ers here; whether the labels were true is 27 days, mind you), have a safe holiday sea- ' , , , "l 3/;
subject to debate. Two weeks later, a former son. Enjoy your relatives and your friends I . it'll“ ‘ W‘s 0‘
University vice president produced the sur- and get some rest. Don’t drive if you drink. .s ‘ if 'v M l V" ’ t
veys instrumental to the Times’ essay — and And remember: Spring break begins in 88 W, if,” if ‘ ,-"t l; 4
they were blank. The surveys were never days. There is some justice to life. ’ <9 _ . V ‘ ‘~ -
l l n
on a ys and the spectre of an tICIsm Cincinnati takeoff next week
Anhgotriudays in; larger very good. getting letters ab0ut how stupid ei- “You ever read any of her stuff?" MONEY- ed I '
s pas on y was no excep- ther I or my columns are, is seeing he estioned. A friend pass me by and said, k dl f th I
tion. mopeoplewhowritethoeeietters. iqgmwered that I tried to avoid “Hi. Barbers" I thought that W“ “1 es memones o e paSt
I had a column about how lorsy You just have to wonder about the Barbara’s columns like I would try clue him in, but if it did, he didn't
Christmas has become. I figured it people that bring them in. Reading a mavoidtheplngne let on. To get there, you go one of two for 122 miles in a raging snowstorm
wouldn't get any response since it letter is mighty different than if you He then informed me about how This struck me as very funny. ways. That afternoon, I took the stu- didn’t exactly do something for my
didn’t pertain to an earth-shaking were simply hearing these com- truly wretched Barbara‘s columns Here was somebody who had no idea pidway. senseof adventure.
subject _ ments face to face I think people were. he was talking to the person he had We didn't get the rental car until 1 PFObBblY should’ve ditched ll ,
Once again.Iwas wrong. wouldn‘t say the same things the “I don’t know why they keep her," written the letter about. And it fig- late that morning, and we couldn’t then, but there was something else
Asrde from Joe Paul, my columns same way. Their remarks would hesaid. “She can’twrite.“ ures that, with my face staring up leave town until almost noon. At driving me. We had just spent prob-
are about the next most likely thing probablybetoneudownslightly. “Well, they keep her around he as he read the column and people that rate, ifthe ride was smooth and ably the worst five months of our is
cause they feel sorry for her. You saying, “Hi, Barbara,” he might the wind strong at our backs, I fig- married lives. We were away from a»,
A I had the opportunity to check out know, she is slightly brain damaged, have had someidea that it was me. ured we’d be there by three the next home, lonely 811d adapting poorly to ':
- Barbara this theory when a letter was Too many drugs and her mind was It was nice to know that if he was morning. So it was that we headed our new home. I hated the heat, I
brought into the Kernel last week, burned out real bad,” I said with a talking to Barbara Sallee, he would northonI-75. hated the prices, and moreover, l 7%;
butlchickened out. knowing wink. probably laugh at her. It was also hated the preps. I dreamt of barba-
SALLEE As I was leaving the office, I ran “Must be,” he said, mulling OVer nice to read a letter about how stu- , rism, 0f killing every embroidered 7;!
__————————— into a man reading the Kernel sign thelittle secretl let him inon. pid my columns were that began, “I J' crocodilelcould find. “
outside in the hall. i asked if he “We also know whenever she happy you are a senior so I won’t ' ”" My wife‘s job was driving her up
appearing in the Kernel to write let- needed any help and he said he‘d writes a column, people will write have to read. . HARRIS the wall; she worked odd hours of
ters about. It’s not that I’ve taken like to turn in a letter to the editor. I in. we know she’s wretched, but she I suppose I am a chicken. I didn’t , the day and night, and half the time
any important stands on any major said I was as good a persm as any does keep those letters pouring in,” introduce myself, and he probably -—-————————— I slept alone while she worked the
subjects. The columns are about in- to take the letter, so he gave it to loxplained, didn’t care. We talked about the ride the night graveyard shift. Her health began to '
nocuous, trivial things — there’s me. By this time I guessed he would Well, Dan, I’m happy you’re before on the way. It was a clear, decline because of her erratic sched-
nothing important about them at all. After reading the first sentence, I have figured out what was going on, happy. cold night, and ten miles out of town ule, and there was nothing we could .
It‘s nice to know some people here knew this was not going to be a let- but he hadn’t. It’s not that I don't we discovered the thermostat wasn’t do about it. I finally learned what I
consider them important enough to ter in my favor. Our conversation look like my column slug. There are 307M"! Pn'ce Sallee i8 0 J'OU'M- going to open. We put on ElOVES and. poverty was - the inability to get 3
writeinatoutthem. went something like this: times I look nothing like at all like lism senior and Kernel editorial edi- extra coats, she huddled under a your wife adequate health care sim- i;
Another of the joys, besides that of “'I‘hisiskindofhateful,"lsaid. that picture, but I did look like it on tor, even ifshe doesn’t look like her. blanket and we forged ahead — until ply because you can’t afford it.
___——_—__———-————————————— the oil pressure dropped outside Co- And then there was the most hid- ' 1:
rinth. We made a U-turn and headed eous thing of all — our marriage ,
home, defeated, sad and shivering. was showing signs of going out of :'
But now I had the wheels turning control toward the rocks. I awoke to ;
at 62, the heat worked fine, I was in find Carol coming home. I went to e‘
sweatersleeves, she didn’t have to class an hour later. I came home,
go to the bathroom much and we ate, then went to work. I came 1
were making fantastic time — Cin- home, gave Carol the car, then went 5‘
l cinnati in 70 minutes, Columbus in to sleep. And :3 it dwgnnt. kulr‘itil one ”:3
- - - - - - three hours. As we buzzed thro day I discover l ' 't W my
Fee mgs on canceling wrestling misdirected toward SWlm club mentioning], i consulted my‘fl wife into I had back home, before
There have been many articler versity treated fairl and we found lieve, this is not necessaril a fi- stru | ' ' _ pilot, who_was trying to makesense "“5 wanderlust for knowledge.
written in MpOnse to the dropping a way to do so thrjlmgh Title IX. nancial matter. There miy be tis.gge to keep me" varsity Sta of the mileage chart. Carols not So I went. up I-90 toward New
of the wrestling program in rela- The investigators came and found enough money in the Sports’ Funds There are two other facts that much for reading m a movrng vehi- Ym' When I came _to the New York
tion to Title IX and the elevation of UK was in violation and UK had to to have both a men’s wrestling need to be made clear. First, there cle, though, and over a. threat M m' T way, the familiar state trooper
a women‘s sport to varsity status. I do something about it. team and another women’s varsity are two clubs being considered for curring a carpet cleamng bl" from m the familiar Smokey-the-Bear hat
an writing because I think the feel- team, if that’s what the adminis- varsity status __ swimming and Hertz, she steered from the passen- cautioned me to stay under 40 and to
ings toward this issue are being If there were equal sports oppor- tration wants. They, I think, are softball. These two were chosen be- ger S‘de while I searched for the p835 dleclosed 0‘3“me e’m'
misdirected. tunities for women here, or if there following the trends of other cause they are the two most popu- mileage. - Pass I" I find I want to get
was even a show of some sort of schools in the Southeastern Confer- lar women’s club sports. The We had 13-2 "“15 to Cleveland, 100 0“ there. "I want to get to
Many people blame the women’s improvement in the women’s pro- ence by dropping the program. softball club has just as much of a more to Else: 1:8" then 22 mus to ‘19?“th t ff ”ind - ‘
swim club because the investiga- gram, then nothing further There are now only two other chance of becoming varsity as we Stgt prlomllt ed :‘l'd —h NEW York dYg: tide togeJo 8“) .9“:
tion was first instigated by them. would’ve been done and the swim schools in the conference that have do. If softball is chosen, the swim “The 818 erB thoudnt e ‘ne,from and All]: gum? arises gym“:
As a member of this club, I feel it‘s club would be in the same situation wrestling team, but the UK team team remainsaclub. u e t “I? r; :mw- tnhile“ 5:“ ed ,. s t we ’ I s n 1
time another side of the story is it's in now — we swim while the doesn'tcompetewith them. Secondly, this investigation m 6 o cw or ' e 80 . a pow ' .
told. men’s diving team practices; we wasn't just for us, but for all fe- mt? 02.88:; I?“ : ”yak 0f 988- mPlowted f‘tmh thef btl-ade a?“ 2‘1) -
Title IX has been ar0und for get two separate lanes and any It’s a real shame to drop such a male athletes on UK’s campus, be- if ”if s r an we eat m an rough a Her "fig-Eltng - de th 7
many years; the swim club’s inves- space we can get between the div- quality men’s sport at UK to alle. cause, in the end, Title IX will help ollrdidn't kn ho t' s ‘93”, I: fl t 1h 1 "£9 1‘:
tigation didn’t create it just these ing boarrt; we get one hour of pool viate inequality. I was saddened to improve the whole women’s sports rds uld owd wbgrophe lc my snowéh a Iron r, :e tlhvehm
past two years. The only involve- time every weekday evening and see the wrestling team cut, as were program. 3° w}: wrn up mg Simc' drill edgy”; {weigh ownN Ye that
mer we had was that we wanted one hour Wednesday morning. the other members of the swim AnneBerry Migieldughi? i” semis to oufigih botheggd ml: 0 my rry, ' '
to Sec women's sports at the Uni» Contrary to what some people be- club. and we support them in their History freshman em coming toward ,5: cagew‘l’iZse Finally, somewhere in the center "
headlight frames were packed with of New York, I sighted a supermar- .
tion in the school paper. As the say- It is unfortunate we have “govern— much right to athletic opportunities smwi Ill-wheelers “33va behind ket “'0'" the road above. Crunching j
DlSO ointment inggoes,“Betterlatetliannever." ment on our backs," but until all asdoitsmalestudents. them a fantall wake of snow off through the parking lot, I saw it was »
pp DeeBeeler people treat all people equally, the To slyly pin the blame on a new their rooves. open;_the cashier was mopping the
Communication senior government will have to continue to women‘s sport puts Schroering's We pulled into a 76 truckstop for a floor in front of the cash registers»
Last week, the Athleties Board de- _ . have laws guaranteeing rights. mentality on a par with those rep- meal and a prayer. While chowins “Breakfast?" 1 said to my wife. '
cided to do away with the wrestling Dlnkle missed Barbara Call resentatives of the only professima] down on a ham-and-cheese omelet, 1 "After all, it’s four am."
program. I am really disappointed, Associate professor future available to a wrestler _ overheard two truckers talking “You get it," she said, dropping , ,
because the wrestlers are all very Varsity wrestling will be missed. Health,Physical Education those overweight slobs on TV who about the weather in Cleveland. “Six back to sleep in the reclined bucket
dedicated and proud of their accom- Fletcher Carr and the popem have and Recreation try to out-shout each other in front inches in two hours,” stuck out seat. a: 7
plishments, This decision has turned been a credit to the University. Soc- . of the camera and knock each oth. prominently lwent in and browsed. They had it to- »
their educational careers around, oer (both the men's and women‘s On Schroerlng eris brainsoutin the ring By the time we paid the bill it had all - Progresso spaghetti sauce, jg, a
and has severly damaged their mo teams) should be varsity sports. Actually, any mentality in such begun to snow, and before we Ronzoni pastas, Boar's Head cold is ~
ralefor this season. However, I think Jim Dinkle's letter Steven Schroering’s lament over species of the human race, if one stopped at the snowbound 8‘5 5‘3' cuts " and Genes” Cream Ale. 1
I understand there is no way to attacking Title ix missed one im- the loss of UK’s wrestling team is would dare classify them as such, is tion in Shaker Heights 1 found out bought some sweet rolls. a quart of ;
appeal the decision to cut the pro- portant point. correct in its statement that “it’s a totally lacking. what killd 0‘ guts llle tiny Ford had. orange juice, 8 Q18" °l Milk and a ,
gram and I would like to encourage Without Title IX, the women shame." But what is even a bigger The worst shame of all is that the AS l 3W in eight lnClleS 0f snow quartofGenny. .
the students of UK to show the wres- would still be buying their own uni- shame is such chauvinistic remrlts addition of another sport for women Pumoins unleaded fuel. I cursed my- Five hours later. we sot out of our 2
tiers their support. The team needs forms, or wearing “plririiee;" paying by Schroering as. "There is no sport is booed instead of applauded, The self for passing Akron, where we little car and collapsed. I wasn't my- '
to produce winners this year so their own officials; and pooling mon- in which the individual competes so women athletes of this University could have made an emergency sell fortluoedays.
maybe some of them can get offers ice for transportation so they could intensely. Well, maybe our new have as much. if not more, to offer right turn to head dead east. Cleve- On Christmas Eve. we ll)’ Olll of
from other schools. play Base, Eastern, Georgetown women’s softball team will.” as the men (UK‘s all-time basket- land broadcasters all said the same Cincinnati. “0‘0qu l 8'“ scared lo
Student support and the Kennels and other in-etate schools diey could The dropping of the wrestling no ball scorer is a woman). They just thing: The snow wouldn't end until deathofflying,lcan‘twait.
support would help. The Kernel affordtodrivc to. gram stems from an all-around lack need to be given the chance to prove late morning. -
could at least print the scores of the We would not have the Bernadette of athletic funds, not just because it. “Are we gonna make it?" Cami Jim Harris is a journalism senior
meets. The wrestlers this year are Medigam and the Valcle Stills, who this University is finally recognizing Sheila Singleton asked me, and for the life of me I and Kernel managing editor. .
winners and deserve a little recogni- are also creditetotthnlvcr-slty. its female students have just as First-yearlaw didn't know. To go around Lake Erie m, n... nun. ,
. ‘vfii

§ 1 . . f

 4 - ”(MICK Y KENNEL, My, m 13, 1032

Hilarity makes 'Airplane ll' leading holiday film releases
Airplane II: The Sequel -— The me- plane 11“ is a welcome escape from surely manages to set his office on about Pryor's performance is that 48 Hours — Critics will attribute the much of a hardened private eye ,
liners are many. The sight gags nin finalsand term papers. fire). and his efforts to get off the hlicéisme‘arnest. Iln the sennoius plans, guts-g: g4“ Hrs.” to a number of UPC. against Murphy‘s streetwise E
rampant. And, for the most part. elevator with an annload of gro- is nelungthnena roe. . ac _. reason,however,looms conitisjustwhatitneedsto be: 3
.. Airplane II" is just as much frivo "Airplane 11; The Sequel" rates ceries are unexplainable moments Purchased as a toy for Gleason s more important and noticeable than tough,unfriendlyandstubborn. 7
lousfunasits predecessor. it iii/2 on the Kernel four-star scale. of comedic delight. _ smiled and neglected child, he goes the others. . .

Billed as “Airplane II: The Se- It is playing at the Northpark and What a shame that the film comes back and forth between thefortune . . As the conv1ct Murphy is smooth, -
quel," it is ammg the first of the Turfland Mall cinemas. Rated “PG" to a screeching halt when the new .offered him for the job and his dig'u- That reason IS EddieMurphy. charmmg and open, and he glides .
holiday fare to arrive 1:1 Lelgngtton. Er: sgrggesgve comments and a few atlagfeol'lseum runsffmit. It is ”drill :y a; ltLuipaiéhbetihng.b:le {$32133- Murphy and Nick Nolte star as a mwthe fletw rmllgh spas]. in glitz
Whilethe' esareno as yserl- re eas. imstartso onasec em ea y - 'tnd - 1. spo rayaisso levae
cally funny): those in the first film. plot so that the rest of the film he ence between a real friend and a $15,839 $153“??? azffihgmg and his rounds with Nolte so enjoya-
the sequel remains as off-beat and BARRY WILLIAMS comes nothing more than a tribute store-boughtone. venge on an escaped convict turned ble that we can ignore the stereoty-
humorousastheoriginal. to the late Sellers in which flash- Some of these scenes are touching cop-killer. Nolte desperate for a pical . police department and :

This film opens with the usual air- “all of the Pink Panther — “To backs give us some of the best mo but they repeat themselves, and the lead to the killers whereabouts ar- umnspiring scenes between Nolte .
port terminal shots of people aITiV- Peter.the one and only Clomeau." ments from the“Panther“series. father-son estrangement is milked ranges for Murphy-s release from and his neglected girlfriend (An-
ing ‘0 08W! 8 flight. It is now the l" the opening credits, Blake Ed- The original story is completely beyond decency. By the end of the prison for48hours. netteO’Toole).
future, however, and the first lunar wards has inserted this dedication to forgotten, but there obviome was filmhthe viewer still wants to care
shuttle to fly out of a commercial the late Peter Sellers. winch is item no other way of fimshing the film. A but it is growmg increasingly mm The premise is interesting but u "
terminal is preparing for t