xt7msb3wth6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wth6p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1942 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 13, 1942 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 13, 1942 1942 2012 true xt7msb3wth6p section xt7msb3wth6p nam  
hment ,
neon. lg 9St 8 Ofgét . . .
mdmg ··
been . I I
tlumni Our H°”°"€d Dead The Mrssmg ,
engl- `
is Isis ‘ Alexander, Robt. W., Ex Dorris, Donald Hngn ·39
JO 8 _.;Fu1t0¤, KGUWCKY A Richmond, Kentucky -
‘“gt°h‘ '¢=Bullock Harr E jr Ex ·~ Gilbert B `1 E
A. B-   , y ., ., ' , as1 jones, x
zceivod éélxxington, Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky
e Uni-  
degree °;@DeHaven, Ben Perry, ’38 Lettett, james Llewellyn, jr,, ’37
ersity. éirexingten, Kentucky Lexinetvnl Kentucky
.versii}` lil
911 ns   Evans, john Richard, jr., Ex Miles, Lee Gardner, ’35
Iiiiu Newton Centre, Massachusetts Eminence, Kentucky
1]€€` g -
gfgxxé Gardner, Andrew jackson, `39 Moffett, Albert Williams, ’39
sity in Somerset, Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky
ectrlcnl `
ed Mt- ' ‘Hunt, Phillip Wood, Ex Scudder, Irvme C., Ex
t“`1“g " Greenville, Kentucky Lc¤inet¤n. Kentucky
of the ’
lngriig Johnson, Emo,-y Hill, Ex Wides, Norman Aaron, ’39 '
title hg Covington, Kentucky Lemngtenl Kentucky
`I`€€lll3ll -
0011926 Meyer, Ted H., Ex we a .. , A ,
YS prim Webster Groves. Missouri   i A °"`°‘ `
Graham . .22 22"` 
‘NiSbett, Sam Thomas, jr., Ex A · · .•· .......
a]1t€(l 2 Lexington K€ntuCk\’ J *7 •‘é *’ * \~L  
sity to 1 ·  
t ining _ _ _
rsionn Pride, Lewis Bailey, jr., Ex  
, named Madisonville, Kentucky  
rule 01 Reagan, Cornelius L., Ex
· reprgi Florence, Kentucky
f tho Rohs, Karl E., ’25
tf; the Cynthiana, Kentucky  
ln; vice- _ _ , (fl `/ r
nnto 0ySm1th, Charles Addison. jr., 41 / l 1 /7 ,w .
t presl- Pendleton, Kentucky    
ub; Dat! U @9
, A OCl· i ,
Zim: Stone, Donald j., Ex   WH, /n /%%
la! honor. Spencer, WBSI Vifginla NL,}   *11 '// /   7 V
1 aclet f/, li .· / / / l
i)!_€m€,,·,W3f€, Ras Sears, III, Ex ji     .
Who illG»EOYg€tOWH, K€ntuCk>’ i \ _ /   ZY.
Chairmftl i _ “ \`~ ’ /   g 1 `
the N8‘WF1ght, Walter Franklin, ‘14 K \_N\t\\A \\\\ ,=     Z 7 (
T1‘ai111“?A?oqa, Kentucky `*   / Q _   {
L Shgyllr   o _.,g __ _ ·. (yu Q `
rs, Ja3f'Y:0ung, George O., Ex 4-/  ..
‘ r ._f;‘ _ ~ _
W m Lexington, Kentucky ‘_‘_""-<"i"’-/WJ
; now it ·r

  .  Kentucky Alumnlls Executive Committee These UK Graduates
  ‘ §, _ Holds First Meeting Are Lieutenant Colonels Now V
  ’.A  I w Th first me ti f th _e f th E; - '
   Y.`;  , Official Organ of the Alumni Association of the · € ·€ ng O E V ar -0r €~ ve CHESTER D` SILVERS .
 _;“; .2  Q University of Kentucky published quarterly on the Cutwe Commlwce of the Alumml Assocmmon Ch t . D Sl . f . L8 1 t "
 I »`.    campus of the University, at Lexington. Subscription of the U1'l1v€1‘s1tY was held Wlth Dr. Cromoy _ es el '_ 1,V€lS' Olmer X ng on al`:
    E; ¥X>S¤·¤§¤¤3b€¤j- H0- lgemyirsnig grr; Al in Elliott and Mrs. Enron; an their home on ‘°“‘ov· who ‘S wooo advocate °f an *"m*'i§ ·
 fer   E Socu on nc`, es eu scrp on 0 e umnus- · · -. armored division at Fort Knox was pro-1
 5;,  Q  Monday night, October 12. Entertaining the _ · J
      EHZEYCG RS Second Class Matte! at the Post OIIic8 commlttee at the dmnor for the Openmg moted to Lléutenantl Colonel October 12. `A
 Q _; ; er. Lexington, xy., May 22, 1929, under the act or meeting has been a custom of the Elliotts Colonel Silvers. who was graduated from
jj ~   Mama 3- 1879- . for many years and a delightful event it the University Law School in 1929, has pralceé
  ,2  "‘   _ always is. ticed law in Lexington and represented hi;`§
 V .  r ;[°f_;°$;c,g;L°“g“1‘“ ‘‘‘‘’’ j "i;j[;;;gI;g   A business meeting. after dinner, was in city in tne Kentucky legislature as Repre-Q
  _ y_·i_ . Hgm, Kms _ ‘``‘''````‘ii`"`‘"   ``'``` _,ss.,cme Editor charge ef the Ass<><=iati¤n‘s new president. soataovo “‘ 1935-  
 si: .  I. 4;·r L Mm Ethel mx ______________ Business Manger G. Lee In/I/I‘icClaIr1n1and Igsher members present LEROY MILES .
    .- were: ss e en ng, ac ing reasurer, _ ' I · _;’
    or·r·rcERs on ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Dr. Davis Buckner, Mrs. T. R. Underwood, MaJ0T I-·€R0y Mdes. m$U”¤¢*¤o¥` rn the Arm;
   ~  G_ LEE Mccmn ___A___________ _ ______________________ _______Pmid€m L_ K, Franke]_ Dr_ George Wi]5gn_ T_ H_ Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia".
 Q`  Y Grover Creech ......... Z ..,. -- ..... - ........ -....-\{ice-President Cutler, Bernie Shivglyy M]·$_ E_ D_ Shjnnjclg I'€ctlV€d I‘lOtlC€ Saturday, OCtOb€l' 24, thz___
  A  ‘§‘5Z%‘”E§§g”{$TTiTTiff.?...i;;i;i;iii;;:?‘2i%li.? EESQELEZE  ¤·Er;<;¤i;¤s;>n,nr&r;1V;r¤tt,Mrss Lune mean, nel grid been nremered te e neutener 5
 e.’, ·   s. e ix an arguerite McLaughlin, 000 €¢Y·  
    EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Sddféfdfy- Colonel Miles, a graduate of the Colle; ·___  
C   v_ ;j gizizgagegrarnes   gi gaig-E1 The Committee voted unanimously to in- of Commerce, University ef Kdntudky.  
  V   f. H. _D. Palmore wnuem vv. Bierman vest $1000 in a War Bond. the money to be 1929, was a member of the staff of the Firyy
`  V-i A     ’ ggggrfggageath §€’gf°R§‘gg§;§'¤ taken from the reserved fund which has National Bank and Trust Company uni;
 ·’  ;   Graeeari M. Pedley nr. E. c. Elliott been accumulating from the dues of $25.00 h1S €¤@1‘&HC€ mtv thd dfmy-  
  3. (   Dr. C. C. Carpenter Mrs. E. D. Shinnick Each for Life Memberships While the pu!._  
  V  Dr, G. Davis Buckner _ ' PERRY R_ CASSIDY  
_.   Mrs. T. R. Underwood chase did not deplete the- fund the Com- _·
C »  _  E D'- Go°*’€o H· vvn$°¤ mittee also voted to buy $25.00 Bonds for Perry R. Cassidy. Noroton Bay, Conn., h;  
_j. . . I  -———··'4‘_' ——¢·—""" all other Life Memberships which are paid been commissioned a lieutenant colonel ;  
      VOL" XIII NOVEMBER 1942 NO' 2 dufmg md Wal the Army Engineer Corps and reported  
  f_  j,  An address made in Memorial Hall, Ooro- duty at the District Engineers’ office, Ph;  
 A   ` _ S f 1 ber 7 by President Donovan to the entire adelphia, Pd., OH OGL 3- 1
  g z"  Homooomlng Is uccoss U campus assembly and which was printed by Colonel Cassidy was graduated from IY ’§
   g  M Even In Wartime the Extension department of the University, University of Kentucky in 1911, where i  
   d y was di$€¤S$€d ami all who had heard the majored in mechanical engineering, and lz;  
 j’=     The 1942 Homecoming was a tremendous dddfods thought lt worthy Gf di$U'ibUti0!i been associated with the Babcock and Wilt: jr
 , “       success. The day was perfect and Stoll Field dm0¤€ md aluifdni and md S€¤f€trd1”Y Was Company of New York since 1916. He serv;  
  _  · Q was even lovelier than ever before. Fans instructed te n¤==u1_e ooPY ef tho address te 85 captain in thd Coast A¤iU€1’Y COFDS dd  
  I   filled me stadium and there was e scene for each alumnus fogldtfdod for the Year- Sel- ing the lest war. He belongs to several ter? g
 _,4  3  g` the magazine cover in the array of brilliant dem nes en oXPF€$$1o¤ te a Smddill   nical societies, and is a member of the Tec?  
  _  e..   coloring. The enthusiasm of me crowd mv- and faculty been se favnrnlny recerved rn meal Advisory Committee of me wps; g.
 * i‘     er lessened and many former students met the Jydgmem Of Phe _C°mm1tt€€· T¤e_Ye¤¤· BUOY steel Platoi I
— P.   I together as they had been accustomed to do ject, Whon a Umverslty GOES t° Wah was A son, Perry R,. Cassidv, Jr., is a privz ~.
   yi, replete with valuable thought and it is the - · ` .
, — ,;_ for many past years. The sun sank slowly nvm f th A1 _ A _ _ in the Marine Corps. ·
    gl and the air became crisp-even cold. gon se O E umm SSOCMUOH te pass A 1
  E -   As is usually the case in the Alabama-Kern   F
 Y Y QI: tucky tilt, the football game was interesting Chicago Club Meets - 0(
. e   and ggOd.mdggd the first half was perfect to COHIB to L€X1Dg{·OI`l W€1`€ bélllg COI'lS1d91'€d. . A fo
1.    yi end with the showing or the team, rr squad At the close of the game the f00tball was T° H°“°r Pr°S‘d°“t D°“°Va“ 24, 0,,;
  Pol that has surprised Georgia, Vanderbilt and P1'€$€T1t-od te Edvvard Faulkner H ef L€Xi¤B· J. W. Carnahan. `96, Chicago, Ill., pre Edwa.1
 P `   Alabama this season, the followers were con- T01} W!10 had bld $25,000 IH the Bend Said dent of Lyons and Carnahan Publisher _ War bor
  Vi tented. A victory would have been welcome which was SP0¤$0Y€d by the mdmbdfs nf brought together a group of 25 Chicz. r and Su}
  · _ g but the playing was or the best eiess and Onneren Delta Kappa and Su-Ky. The wte}1 Alumni for e luncheon meeting Monday. 0 » the Kei
· W Q - when the boys show such quality as the Tigoipts f0Y Fine sale Was $55£300» all &Dl¤f€01· tober 26, at the University Club, honort   Betting
 i 1942 team shows there is little more to be d B Sum lm €1` 8¤Y €11‘€¤mS a¤¤€S· Th€ *90}*5 President Herman Lee Donovan, who was fh The b
  F _» asker-]_ and ENS ¤f€ ·f0 bd €0¤€1‘atul¤t€d for the Chicago attending the meeting of the N ·for havi
`·    The note that saddened many of those pres- lngoroslgtgov dlsplavod and the result ef {hd tional Association of State Universities. ` chase di
  Y Y ent was the absence of those y0l1¤E$toY$ whe S3 E v` lc lasted aboutozé h°urS‘ President Donovan discussed "The Ul wmning
 ’ E just last year were members of the student Tho Bedb Band ID D1X1€r although Emany versity—Its Problems," before this enthl i· 
V; . { body or were graduated the yea; before, 1`€dLlC€d 1Il 1'lL1I`I'lb€l`S, COI1tI'lbL1[€d HS p31‘C iastic group, which did ngt cgpgist, 0f ll *wILDCA
 n — l those men in the service who had never Bdnofoualy te the Ploasnro ef the efternnenr full membership of the Chicago Alumni Oli  FOR F0
E missed a game in a decade nfld had Dwmised Dlavmg a program between halves and in- but only those who could be contacted- .`=. ;,
1 A { themselves never to do eo. snrnng numbers dunng the game. short notice. fj Lee Y1
 ` Z Old timers were abundant in the assembly. PToS?donY and Mr$· Donovan vvoloomod Among those present were; E. B. BOSU f§;Fai,€$;€Q
. _   You could get an answer of "present" if you igummhfgiulliyy 319 I:EY€}`S and fgiends to B_S_C_E_ ,26; Harry E_ C10, B_S_M_E_ ‘E g;’EaSt€m‘ ‘
`  · called the roll from 1893 to 1942, there seem- axwo ece a o1' ow gamo en Sovoral George Ragland, Jr., A.B. ’25 L.L.B. *28:  
.  ,  s. ed to be someone for every year. They came hundred guests accepted the ·h¤s1¤ite1ity. N. Whitlock, A.B. ps, M.A. na- William _ih°§€°rS‘
 ;__  »   from far and near and stayed all day and Russlgn goib Sailndvvlonos and cakes Woro Woodson, A.B. ’14, LL.B. ’16; James W. CM liovmenglz
 ig.; ‘  ._ _i  ,5 into the evening although accommodations Sofvo en o ooso was deeereted boantn ahan, A.M. *96; R. B. Pogue, B.M.E. 'l3:   `
   { ,  `;_  during this trying time made reservations for muy with Fell novvors and the oooasion af" B. Cottrell, *14, M.E. *18; R,. L, Jones,   YB]
 Y     E   the entire week—end impossible and the par- fordoo a oohgntfnl_oPPoYtnn*tY fer infermel ’12; Arthur P. Shanklin, B.M.E. ’22; Tl or Onoragf
i  ?j_   j;$;;.g ties usually scheduled for the night before Y€·¤¤1Q¤$ and fommlsdmgs- Posey, Jr., M,E_ *33; Charles W. Go1·d0¤·`i$especia1l(
Q     game were out. Transportation was an- Yes, the 1942 Homecoming was a tremen- Julius Wolf, ’16; Bealy A. Meadows, ’23¥ it Associy
 A    it? of      .bg,rrier to be crossed when the plans dous success. B' Jones! BME. ,1,7_ MOSES Alpeym, O.E-`· selectiorg
‘¤ é     l..-.. ’ ·
    i‘“·   , .  
" '  ’· — V  ·s°r n '

  Basketball Champions
 — eel=leineiis?siteistéfiiéiiséééééiElie?SiitisE$52Eeiiii2its§sisi;Qaéisie2;z;2;2eelegsi5ééiSi=$13%5zeie§eieieiiiiiieiiiriilléiie§iiiiiQiii2;2isisi2ii2;2i2i2§&§2éS§i5¥%j:§-·  ii ‘ ·‘·l‘‘· ·  
  a»l;K   P“"’ f°’ "‘2”43 S°"S°“
 For Adolph Rufio and his Kentucky bas-
l  l’=V   kelball Wildcats, the defending champions of
‘ E"`   ’*==·     the Southeastern Conference title, the 1942-
emll  ·   --l.;   ele 43 eeeeeil will ile like e blind mee lrrirle le
l”`°‘. .     Plrl the tell ori the d0l'lk€y lrl a dark room.
»   =:·¤;;;,;5;=;¤:=:-<- r ··<,:·:·:<·:·: »’-*-   ·—·- -=¤·=;;z=:¢·" .. .·.   " '];:§E§;». · -’;1€"'·· ¤¤?l=·=-t—¤..=s:2¤z·=*"‘°‘1‘-l ' Q, J  .¤z¤2¤2:=·=. ...l.. ..;-;l;¢;ZE‘:-E?§‘E?i??lE$E`Z`.';'.  el ...    ” .  és€222i2i2Z;€25;%2i€;é;£22e?éil;5§ssi;5¢€€i5;i2%2i25s5;i?5§€§%E¥$¥25;= 
` §;e§;,,,;§,.,,,;,,,ggg;z;s;;;é;§@§;§§E§§¥"   ii   ·?’ ‘-·"` ' ·_l‘   Mel Brewer, a C€lll€l`, Marv Akers, a guard
·     ..   27     ~c»— - —·c.. 5  Wile leei eeeeeil reeeired ell·Alleerl°ell lllell·
li·» ile      ‘i¤c°= i   -  i:¥ir‘=* if   if .·‘        tion; and Mill Ticcc, an erratic forward, will
nel li    we es "iiEeziééé§é§é§i§%§%éi§e§=, Ei»S§‘,.s§t’2é%é%§%§&§i§:§%“‘ -.,i=%=;ieé   J       b b k l th · m al h
ed in a  ¥z.   '·A; *%:2    :i=SEié-*,       E ee or 6 Commg ca p g `
K Phi`; .     ·   .?§?§?€§?§Z%?="?E;§z§?‘,;.§$     _ `   Y   · Cast lrl the support role Will be four toll
’ °         ``‘‘           E,   reserves from last season, including Mulford
‘    TZZYS,         i,.     Daria Bill BerleWe· Kee Rellille and Weller
re ll ‘   ‘‘`‘f       _        "       Pelleer-
°“’ l`   l       ts; .—._.     ‘         Tile S- E· ¤· abolished elle freellrllerl rule
llillle; . ill   l             A .   lllelillle lirel reel rllerl elisilele for rereilv
Wllcll  .       ?i`§§§;f_Q       competition, and Adolph has the goods in
Sem'   `  l, All ??,.:;·fj;§ Ki   U  `  fom`, and possibly five, first year men for
ee "‘“‘  e       ge;   gc _       e¤¤liler ereei rliiirllel-
ll tech  l   "_5fj¥§§`     ‘·_,,:Q.§-"?*` .. · `‘`.  .. ·      5 _ Such well-known high school performers
y .   -6 .—   . ·   :-:L @>E:¥· ‘  
¥T€°~.  e   _ , - ig ·‘.‘· j ;__ 4_‘·I ,   v___A sj   j _fj_ ;  as Paul Noel of Midway, Bob Coleman of
VPB OV  »   .` ?Z   · ».-— ;.· 1 `.·· ‘   ":e2i.;.;¤;s§§2E$§?§Q¤i:;%§§§§el;°°?.:;,Q,Q.j wi  at  Corbin, Hoyt Moore of Big Stone Gap, Va.,
‘ ______ ,   V     ’E§ -»_.,          ;_  Paul Shu of Versailles, and Ed Fish of Wil-
r>rl"i*  K    gte    ,`—-·‘ iéz:4,%i—;:Ei.  '`.., _ 1 ‘i‘ii i liiiii     .; .»,_ Y  =··’·   liamsburs, will be the principal yearlinss to
‘ :?$§$§§§t§i§€?;¥` s s? "2=s,_.¤ '·i=--·.·;;;·E$¤;¤iZ,:;`fZ;;Z»l_   ._.*. 5 gc,-.$;;L·.·&;`;;ig*gE;'=E·i_.=`£¤E·§?`·Z,j`·i-Z»‘=€;l·’,i;lg.=*` _.-~> "·:;:‘ `ii-,;  - _. » ·
  .     5?s5A "a. ..  S I l SQL`?-Z`E_EYE}:—:$Z??{EQ;-ziiiiiicli€E§E§5E§E€§‘E5Z§Eli§:3¢E:§;f';·¤.;:;El;Z;`°§.;:-El;l3°C§E‘4`·’45:*:}  i£.'I‘_..Z    bolster the Slalllilg live.
i   2.   _   ._  ,:1*;..;$1§‘i1;i·ii .,.‘,·" ` > Before the campaign is too far gone, one
   - , . . and robabl tw earlin s, will be called
 sy  Football Presentation Climaxes Student-Sponsored War Bond Drive upohphy theyairalcileyadolpii to Seam .
  i A football sold for $25,000 Saturday, Oct. center, in a special ceremony following the The Sch€dl·ll€» thi? most ambitious K€¤‘
  ’ 24, on Stoll Field. ggmg tucky has fought recently, follows:
_, pref   , Edward Faulkner II paid that much in Bob Hillenmeyer, ODK president. and Jim -  
blishers  war bonds for the ball as members of ODK e Crowley, SuKy president, were in charge of  
lC e,.  ` r ' - __ ,
gh gd; V and SuKy sponsored a war bond drive during the drive 1942-43 Schedule e
gay, O:  . the Kentucky-Alabama Homecoming game, The students, under the leadership of the D€C_ 3_.Alumhl, here
wholly,.  _ netting total sales of $55.300. Kentucky Kernel had sponsored a highly DEQ 5_Mlaml, here
J was  _ The ball, which was presented to Faulkner successful Scrap Iron drive during the week D€c_ l2_Ch-lclhhatly here ,
the    A for having made the largest. individual pur- of October 19th and the Bond Sale drive DEQ lg_WaShjhgt0h, here
_tl€S_   __  chase during the game. was given up by the was another evidence of the patriotism of Dec_ 23_lhdhma’ Louisville  
he Uh,  · Wlllrling captain, Joe Domnanovich. Alabama the younger set. J;;,n_ 1-0hig State (tentative)
emhg;   —·—··——e·é————**— * —·—*—— ‘j Jan. 4—Fort Knox, here l
L of    _WILDCATs MENTIONED J. H. DOTSON, 1935, Jan. 8——Georsla, here l  
nni Glu?  3 FOR FOOTBALL HONORS HONORED FOR WORK Jan. 9—Xav1er, Cmcllnnati l
t d  L,  ., _ Jan. 16—Tenncssee, t ere · . ,
ac e   1.  Leo Yarutis, Jay Rhodemyre. Bill Grinin J. H. Dotson, Seven Springs, N. C., son of Jan l8_GeOl.gla, there I
BDSM   rr and George Senglc, four Kentucky football Mrs. M. T. Dotson, Route 68 near Maysville, Jan. lg_G€0ygig Tech, there l
{/[E _3   ,Dla·yers. have been mentioned for All-South- has been named master teacher of vocation- Jan 23_NOl,rE Dame, Loulsvllle l
3 · @8;   i Eastern Conference freshman - sophomore al agriculture for North Carolina. l Jan 26__Vaml€rbllt’ here i
huam  {  onors, I · Mr. Dotson. teacher of agriculture in the Jam- 30__A]&bama»’ there .
W Cm:  ,vi]?erlgle. a 175-pound soph end from Louis- B. F. Grady H1gh0S(illOOl-1 Durllin ccluntyi Fell l_Va¤d€rblltY there
‘_ _   e, and Rhodemyre. soph center from Ash- was selected from 4 5 eac ers 0 voca, iona Fell 6_Alabama_ here
     lnlllld, were named to the first team. Griffin. agriculture located in 89 counties as the Feb l3_T€1m€SSE€_ here
:25 To  v_ urly tackle. and Yarutis. guard. were given teacher that put over the bestlprogram of Feb 15__G€Ol.gla Tech, here
mdém 2  Egliiliggle rnergiont Yarutis’ recognition is leacllllng vocational agriculture in the state Fell 20_D€ Paul! Chlcago
, '. . Y Slgrll can ,, since he is a res iman. or e year. _ Fell 25_26_2·l_S_ E_ C_ thumamehl
mic?  ,·: _ e Associated Press sports writers made the Mr. Dotson received degrees from the Uni- March 6__Gr€at Lakes' Louisvml,  V}
li ` ' l selecllolls. versity of Kentucky in 1935 and 1939. *

       ;*<_e. .  T` use   
    Soldiers Enrolled At UK Kentucky C0-eds Ride The Waves MARCIA RANDALL JOINS WAACS {
    In Special Training Cl9·SSe$ Three former students of the University Miss Marcia Randall, daughter of Pr0f· E
  t gt  . ec of Kentucky have volunteered to take offi- and Mrs. Frank H. Randall, 149 Cherokee B .
 ¥‘  "  . By Jae Rus -1- , cers training in the W_A_V_E_S_ They are Park, left October 31 for Des Moines, IOW21, VOLU·
  The. Courier-Joumél L'°X"?gt°“ Bmeau Misses Agnes and Bettie Gilbert, daughters where she will enter training with the W Ti KVAK it
  V E  L¤=¤¤gi9¤» Ky§—A1m¥ Fnhsted men now of Mrs. J. W. Gilbert, of Lawrenceburg. Ky., Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps. Miss Ran-
  emgueq m Specml uammg classes (mb Phe and Miss Eleanor Smith, Lexington, daugh- dall was graduated from the University in
    Emv§;s?'y d°;J K§;;‘1;;¥el;aI;)%iiu?;§ egg? ter of Mrs. Frank Whitney Smith, 1941 with an A. B. degree and for the past
 ,   aug 0 1` W ` · ' · · . · . · year has been 1 a · d i ' 1 h` t '
    gmc me mm e¤¤e1¤¤¤¤¤e¤¤¤S em Agigigjgweggbqgggegggqgiygj 3- g- 333;;; QQ wk at  l·,. "’ ;,$8§§H0§p§‘;iTeW‘iil§ Jtliii
  ' ?$_'  by the Air C°YpS· _ _ _ 1939 Whiie at the Univereity ehe. was ni.eS_ University she was a member of the Delta {g
    Four general courses, including topographic ident of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority Delta Deita Soeiai soi.oi.ity_  
  r i;  drafting, surveying, general drafting, and b f PH B tn K d th Est he
 QQ .   topographic computing, are given the soldiers, “· mem er _° I E “ appa· en E I ‘
 ii;   _/-_ according to Cant Wiiiaid B Whittemore woman editor of the Law Journal. Before MISS IVIITCHELL TO BE STEWARDESS
    dm’°t°r of tmmmg {Or the umu-the mst of gfieulggilltgsig521.t§;m;t1:5e;vi;;h1g;1;aY"£ri:e\ri§:·e?e Betty Berry Mitchell, a University grad-  
  -  if its type to be established on the campus 0f Frankfort cate and member- or Aipne Gamma Delta i
  t   a civilian university. `. .y _ . _ sorority, reported November 1 at Memphis. '
    The unit hen? known as an Enlisted Spec' i. igrges Gilserzigigelxgg hel i1;e9A' éIi;€E:]iS Tenn., for training as an airline stewardess  
 ;`_"   ialists Branch of the Engineers SGY1001, gsmerflzilr Ofethe K;rS1ayKL2 pa Gamma S0_ for the Chicago and Southern airlines.   V
  _  `l_» _ United States Army, began with 133 students writ and before vligmteegng she was 8 In oidoi. to accept the ooSt_ and become  
 __ ‘  ·*  enrolled and will add 145 men, every two modé in New York City the first Kentucky girl employed by the firm.  
  A   weeks, from October   until a maxmtum Both girls Wm receive ‘3 months of Haha Miss Mitchell resigned a teaching Desition in  
  _,  _ . complement of 870 is attained, Cap ain _ t Smith CDH E North Ham ton MaS_ the Lexington city schools.  ,
‘ `i`‘ LV  Whittemore mvealem gaihzusetts after wiicli the will lie commis- HEY msc public appearance in umfmm  
 gig   Incoming classes will be s¤_"s¤aeeer€d" as Santa (mms in the WAYVES will be made Nov. 8 at Paducah, where a ti
 Q f . to permit "er¤·duati¤¤" exercises ¤¤ be held ‘Ei S th f 65,} ·Ei that Park at new airport will be dedicated. Paeucan is  
 » l- M?]  Every tW° Weeks! begmnmg with the current egnor f tin O t . i t;H Oi th Linn on a new route which Chicago and Southern 1
   ` f group which will coliziplete its workin 3DPT0X· ‘;;‘;‘;;t;"O‘;     sormet Lexington plans to operate from Memphis to Detroit. -
°  -   imately twelve wee S.  
   ga  In addition to Captain wmttemore, other Henle-Leader bwkkesvery tigsthaciiigtedng _ .
ig   ic] ·. stai officers who will direct the actual tram- Commlssloltiai agi €§S‘§; Wk le R me Es III M€m0fl3m , , _ ;
    f me Of me my mem “‘°‘“°€ Cm- Bm ‘E‘§5§.¥§a Tifwm YZ it Nifam afséflml 0.- F  
    ’e .Q 0, Larson, Urbana, Ill., who will act as sup- · ith POM ·f _ d t _ wer e"°· T¤¤¤¢m¤¤
 L   ervisor of surveying G0\11`Se$$ Lieut- Thomas C°1¥°g°* N_°_ em¤t¤¤, ass" Or m Oc m' Oliver Farra Troutman, 81, retired farmer, °
    R. Cooper, Savannah, Ga., in charge of lumen U`mPm$· _ died at 9:15 o’clock Wednesday, October 21. ._
     _·` ’   topographic computing, and Lieut. George MISS Smlth IS ‘m€_°i the gmt Women m at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Warren _
  i .  '  gl D. Bottoms, Battle Creek, Mich., supervisor guzsiggtg tg?)/I“;m;?;;;;dv$1;§1itW§;§?1· L. Bain, Jr., at 124 Hamilton Court, .Lex- _j
 ·`   _    of general drafting courses. · _ _ · ington.  
 t  T .   The staff has established offices on the She was graduated from the Umverslw gf Mr. Troutman was a member of the first  
   ·_ 3 1 third floor of the University’s Biological Sci- K€m“ckY· end was employed On the Herl ' class of students entered at the old Ken- -_
 _,   .2 Z ences Building-—largest classroom-laboratory Leader unm lag Feb- L when spe accepted tucky State College when it started at the  
 ’     structure on the campus. the Swetervshiv to pn W· W· D1mOck» head present location on South Limestone Street. AZ
= K f ` Portions of the Biological Sciences Build- of the Umverslty ammalwathology depart` He formerly operated a farm in Jessamine _ T
 qi   , i ing and the University library ‘now are being ment- county, retiring 15 years ago when he moved lj `
  ` V  used to conduct classes in preliminary draft- to Lexington.  
  _i . * ` ing. and the three other officers were on de- ———-— ·
 }· ,5; " The topographic computing course will en- tached assignments from the Army’s Corps Charms G Biakai A
 Q J   able the students graduated by the unit to of Engineers, Fort Belvoir, Va., for the pur- . ' Y _ gent
 if s -_  V "work up" field notes turned over to them pose of supervising establishment of the C1T‘?rl€S G·Bleke1Y· TOp€ka· K9·¤$aS» a Um;   "
  r .1 by ground surveyors, it was explained. unit in Lexington and "we will be here for v€rS1‘Y_°f Kentucky greduate m_m€ Class 0* `POSTHI
 fi _ it The major portion of the men sent to the an indefinite period," 1879* dled SEPL 21 at his hom? W Topeka- _
i  _»‘ {4 school here will come from Army engineer- Actual instruction and class-room super- M"· B1e‘€e1Y_We$ the Oldesb livmg eradumg K ‘
Y  {   ing replacement and training centers at vision is being done by enlisted men having Of the UHWBISNY Ped was e life member °· . Lieuteut
 ’   Fort Belvoir, Va., and Fort Leonard Wood, technical ratings with the Corps of En- the Alumm ASSOCMUOU- H8 Was, for several in action
._  Q _§ M0., with some students from organizations gineers and "as fast as civilian instructors Yearse around 188°· head Of the}-*am`e¥ Semi nieorth Af
 Z t-5. ··m the 1—1e1d,~ captain vsrmttemore said. can be trained, they will take Over the   Lg§d§“6nKe“£“e;Y· efldtlstefeeiteelcii the Purpl
e . _ Orkyn h   3. I g € B O C gr 3 CS IH UC T
 i _   at;/;°?;_0: 3:; ;§;g§Ft;ii?fi§;rS;;;n$0 $&:?;_ wion Heiigan L_ Donovan, oiesident oi the in the educational advancement df Laurel received 1_
 t . ; graphic units of the Armya, the training University oieviousiy had announced that and neighboring counties of that period. Fei Isent by ti
1  a - i diieetoi. added_ the.College tof Engineering would hire forty ievigg Yearerhe time been m the insufem oeived by
 _ . 'i ‘ After becoming attached to me topo- additional instructors for the purpose of US s in cpe e_ P. Hill an
T i` graphic units, the specialists will perform teeehmg the emieted mw.- t t t Ch _1 M W   Lieuteng
. t such tasks as are being "done daily by Army tA31 0% the <*;t¤11St€€Sqf»¤kt¤§dt1}€ ttairttrge 1 M es · ei" C 1 -1942 from
. engineersf e e mVei`Sl_Y Me uare e U} e · Char es M. Wert, 37, Los Angeles, ¤— lie f _
 `G 1 Captain Whittemore cited construction of Yeepeld Ph¤e¤¤>< Hvtel OU E· Mem SV former Wildcat football caliteifii Wes a Viv axis; AI
_ » the Alaskan Highway and airdromes "like The 1525th Service Unit, of which Major tim of a collision of an airliner and an afml   k ‘ H
  Q, those built in Australia" as typical ex- Ralph E. Potts is commanding officer, is in bomber on the lower slopes of Mt. Sm? iryc Y Ke?
·, ·_._  "   amples of the type of work to be performed charge of the housing, feeding and discipli- Jacinto, October 23. gentuekia
  "  _  ·,  ., by "graduates" of the school here. nary work in connection with the unit's Mr. Wert was a native of Covington, Ky tU¤1versity
   3 ’ :_ _ "Artillery certainly couldn't function with hotel quarters. and was active in sports, both baseball atiftielniversity
      any degree of success without the aid of Others on Major Potts' staff include Capt. football, while a student on the Unive1‘S1li  Army
‘ ·   tif   projects performed by men like those we James R. Gilbert, executive officer and ad- campus. He was g1·aduated in 1929 with {   The cit
Y    i `[  y e _ are training here at the University of Ken- jutant; Lieut. Campbell Robinson, supply degree of B.M.E. and has been employed it   Ex 1 _”
 -   Z   Y   and transportation officer, and Capt. E. C. chief engineer of the Gay Engineering G0   C USN
 f     *;>   ¤pta.in Whittemore pointed out that he Oberson, medical officer and post surgeon. Los Angeles. ,.V°“ for =
 » ...i i- c- ` fini     .... gb;
4 ~. r.r  _,     _    “   ;   i
  ....,,` ‘ `.` e  G ’ A _