xt7msb3wv708 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wv708/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19800411 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 11, 1980, no. 318 text The Green Bean, April 11, 1980, no. 318 1980 2014 true xt7msb3wv708 section xt7msb3wv708 ,‘_____,..Q»» UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' N A/11/80 EWSLETTER NO. 318 CALENDAR April ll Potpourri of Readings by Local Poets and Fiction Writers. Gallery, King Library North, 8:00 PM. April 14 Architecture lecture by Alan Colquhoun, London, England, Room 209, Pence Hall, 1:00 PM. Lecture by John Houseman, star of the movie and TV series "The Paper Chase," Concert Hall, Center for the Arts, 8:00 PM. Free. April 15 Library Associates annual dinner; Robert Coles, speaker. Faculty forum series: "User Fees in Libraries," Dr. Tom Waldhart, College of Library Science, UK, 18th floor, Patterson Office Tower, 4:00 PM. April 16 19th Century American Literature Lecture Series: "william Dunlap," Jay Martin, University of Southern California. Gallery, King Library North, 8:00 PM. April 18 Gallery Series: Lecture-—recita1, Sonatas by Elli0Ct Caffe? and Leon Kirchner with Lucien Stark, piano; Larry Veal, 'cellog Rebecca Martin, piano. Gallery, King Library North, 12:00 noon. _ On Line Literature Searching forum, Patterson Office Tower, 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM. $35.00. Call Nancy Little, 258-8877 for information. April 19 Energy Forum: "Future Directions and Alternatives." First Presby- terian Church, 171 Market Street, 1:00-4:00 PM. Blue-White football game, Commonwealth Stadium, 5:00 PM. April 20 Annual softball game, The Green Gnomes, vs. the Blue King Kongs, 3:00 PM (story inside). EXHIBIT King North Edward S. Curtis' North American Indian photographic exhibit. Contributors: Pam Fields, Faith Harders, Toni Powell, Vicki Walker, Terry Warth R W b J W 1 h. (‘*‘"‘°”)· °“ 6 5** °"°€ 5 ° University Arcmm A4argsrzt!.9CIng Library - Plorth Lexhwwo K t k 40506 PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, QEXTNGTOM, KY. 40506 -2- F ABOUT THE LIBRARIES (gig) I TRAVEL FUNDS The Academic Libraries section of KLA is meeting at the end of April; limited travel assistance is available to those people attending who are members of that ‘ KLA section or who are participating in the program. Those people wanting travel money should send their names to Faith Harders by April 18; the amount of funding available is dependent upon the amount of people going. SEASON OPENING! The third annual Super Gnomes versus King Kongs softball game is set for 3:00 PM Sunday afternoon, April 20, at the Seaton Center field near the picnic tables. _ Come see if the Special Collections team can continue its winning tradition or if the King Kongs have discovered a secret weapon to pummel their worthy and obnoxious opponents. Entrance fees for the game are food for the hungry masses and loud mouths for cheering and jeering.Kong fans check with coach/manager Joyce Welch I for information on needed food and equipment. Super Gronmes notify Susie Allen or Vicky Walker. WHAT IS AN ACTS? The letters stand for Assembly of Clerical and Technical Staff. This organization, whose birth originated from an idea by Paul Wi1lis,began with meetings in the Fall of 1976. The first Executive Committee was made up of Lynn Shrewsbury (chair), - Gwen Curtis, Ron Lloyd, Judy Fugate and Jeff Sauer. This year's Executive Committee is the fourth one the organization has had. With your interest, there will be many more. GO BIG BLUE! (Egg; _ DESIRABLE PROPERTY UP FOR GRAB; The Agriculture Library has a set of Chemcial Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI) to give to any interested party. The set consists of the main work covering 1907- 1974 and the annual supplements through 1979. If you are interested in having this set call Toni Powell at 258-2758. BOOKSALE The University of Kentucky Library Staff Organization has been given permission to participate in the Library Associates Booksale April 24th and 25th. We will be selling paperback books only. Now is the time to clean out that bookshelf and get rid of those paperbacks too good to throw away. If you have some books you would like to donate, contact Sandra Muenks in the Cataloging Department for collecting arrangements. LSO MEMBERSHIP CARDS The LSO membership cards are out and being distributed. If you have paid your dues during March and do not receive a card by the end of next week, please let me know. Those of you who have recently paid your dues should be getting one in the near future. Those of you who have not yet joined--it's not too late. Toni Powell, LSO President. U GO BIG GREEN! (