xt7msb3wwt3x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wwt3x/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 200901 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2009 text GLSO News, January 2009 2009 2019 true xt7msb3wwt3x section xt7msb3wwt3x “111?; ' Ga 8:; e i’l, ,7 Leaf,“ The GLSO News - 3* “- Services 1%: \ Organization January 2009 § \ A Publication of the Lexington Gay Service Organization Volume 31 Number1 'I‘tnu-Iu-II “3' Change The (nanny (Roadshow Something changes’in me when I The Tranny Roadshow is coming to Witness someone s courage , the UU church on Thursday, January 15. They may not know I m watching, I . starting at 7 pm. Co—sponsored by Inter- may not let them lcnow... _ weave and the GLSO, this should be an Something changes in me any time evening of fun and educational en ter- there’s someone standing tainment. For the right to he completely all the The Roadshow is composed of an good things that we are. l . f . b If— ec ectic group 0 artists, eac one se —Holly Near from Change Of Hear t identified as transgender, and includes It is, indeed, a time of change: a poets, filmmakers, storytellers, I'OCk time of bailouts and layoffs, nationwide bands, comedians, Opera singers, puppet— foreclosures and shrinking IRAs. But, eers, actors, folk singers, photographers it is also a time of hope and promise: zinesters and more. The cost Will be $10 the hope always ushered in with the and there will be tickets available at the (lawn of another new year. And this Pride Center, from Mary Crone 01' at the particular season, there is the promise door. of a new president offering “A Change Although the Tranny Roadshow is We Can Believe In.” done entirely by transpeople, it is not SisterSound, Lexington’s own exclusively for transpeople. It is a rau- women’s chorus, will be celebrating cous evening of entertainment, open and change of all forms and fashion January accessible to people of all backgrounds. 31 when her members will be singing Most of us are experienced performers, about all sorts of change— both wel— and while 0111‘ goals do include challeng- comed and not. . The group wilhbe ing people and making Com.0nnextpage offering hope With pieces including Change of Heart, What a Wonderful World, Tomorrow, Imagine and Here SiStCl‘SOllnd Winter concert Comes the Sun, but will also remind us all that change is not always so cele- TO‘IChed By Change brated. Numbers such as House— lreeper’s Tragedy and Stormy Weather January 31 at 8 P m conjure up some of those not—so— Singletary Center pleasant journeys. \, V “W _ 7 . And as a real tribute to change, the “fiifiwfihilfimi group will offer the premiere of a new ' M “i’M piece of music, never before performed ( ‘u/Ilimml on my new page a GAY SisterSound Concert continued from page 1 7§{;:;;,% LESBIAN in a public venue. The Lost Lagoon, dedi- 13.34 SERV|CES cated to SisterSound, will find its first audi— V ORGANIZATION ence that last day of January and will be cele- Lexington, KY brated by all comers with a reception. Its Incorporated as compzlslelr, Rick Barlett, will be on hand to _ _ eet isteners. The Gay Servnce Organlzatlon gr So, change into your concert attire- P. O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 whether it be comfortable jeans or an evening gown- and head to the Singletary Center for l the Arts Recital Hall January 31 at 8:00. WWW.g SOpC.Org Tickets are $11 for adults and $6 for students and are available at the box office or by GLSO new: Singletary Center for the Arts Ticket VOLUME 3! NO. I Office Hours: 10am — 5pm (M-TH), 10am - _ 6 in (F), 12 m — 5 m (Saturda s, if there is a News EdltOl‘S tiEketed perfgrmange), phone: g59.257.4929. Mary Crone & Sarah Phillips Assembly 8‘ DIStribuuon Wrarmy {Roadshow continued from page 1 Debby Hemstock _ , — them think, our most important goals are to Pride Center Office Manager entertain them, make them laugh, and make Bill Chandler then‘sdaf‘ce' . tationary art (i.e. photography and 859-253-3233 sculpture) is displayed, but most of the pres- — entation is the live show, a unique variety GLSO BOARD show where the expression of gender and the Mary Crone, President expreflsionpf seLf are'inseparablel.1 The show i; Ginger Moore, Secretary a m entity’ c anglng t.° 5“" t ‘3 am?“ an the crowd, but always it is full of intelligence, Sondra Mellott, Treasurer fun and humor Thomas Collins S . ' f h h f .f._ . ome pieces 0 eac s ow ocus spec1 i .Jal“? M'nder cally on gender, but many others do not. All Vlrgmla MOE-man people have multiple identities, which over— Ten M05l,er lap, intertwine and impact each other in dif— Terry Mulllns ferent ways. One of the aims of the Tranny Karen T_ayl°r Roadshow is to present transpeople as we are Dana lNallmgford — as whole, multi—faceted people. We are not Denms Wheatley only trannies, we are singers, filmmakers, dancers, writers, jugglers, etc. And our art — expresses many things, of which gender is GLSO Membership only one. In the show, we present a wide 8‘ NeWSIetter spectrum of gender identities, a brilliant ar— lndiVlduals, Couples ray of living art, and the ties that bind these $20 Per year identities to our artwork and to the world Page 2 Supporting One Another Through Grief: . . . A GLBT Pam’s, Loss Support Group Lexmgton Prlde Fesnval 2009 Hospice of the Bluegrass is hosting a Stonewall Lives: ' support group for gays, lesbians, bisexu— celebrating our Past, ; als, and transgender people who have ex— - l‘ perienced the death of a partner. Gather— Forg'ng our Future - ing together and sharing experiences, We have a date and place! The Lex— 3 thoughts, and feelings with others offers ington Fayette Urban County Govern- ’ practical and emotional support. ment has given approval for the Pride The group will focus on the grief Festival 2009 to be in Cheapside Park t process, coping tools, self—care and issues on Saturday. June, 28. That last week- ’ common to all after the death of a partner end in June is the 40th anniversary of l and those unique to this community. The the 1969 Stonewall Riots, which we group meets for five sessions on Saturday celebrate as one of the key events in the mornings 10 to 11:30, February 28, GLBT Civil Rights Movement. We com- March 7, 14, 21 and 28. memorate that event in our theme for The group meets at Hospice of the the festival, “Stonewall Lives: Celebrat- Bluegrass Center for Grief and Education ing Our Past, Forging Our Future. “ (2312 Alexandria Drive-Lexington, KY.) Logo Design Contest To receive more information or to register Check out our web site at for the group, P1335e call (859) 2774-700! www.1expride.com where guidelines for or email lcaudill@hospicebg.org. the festival logo design contest will be posted. You are also encouraged to vote TransKentucky on the slogan for the official wristbands. TransKentucky meets on the first The website is 1,36ng up dated frequently. Saturday of each month at 7:30pm. We If you are interested in volunteering are a support, social, and resource group. 100k over the 11“ 0f sub—committees on Our mission is to rovide a safe lace for page 6' We COUId always use a few P P transgender individuals and others who more volunteers do not fit the standard gender norms. We - support each other by offering advice, ,“Keep lheloveyou ”Nd, resources and insights from our own ex— '” Get the love you WEN!” periences. This is not a therapy group. '7‘ Family, friends, and supportive com- munity members are invited to attend to Jessica Bollinger LCSW ain understandin of issues concernin . . . gender presentatiogn, identity, and varf Imago RBIatlonShlp TherapISt ance. Meetings are free and you may dress EMDR TraumaWork however you feel comfortable. For info Couples, Fanily,|ndividud and place: TransKentucky@gmail.c0m ' imagoconnectioneom 552-6533 Page 3 Bluegrass Women’s Network the Bluegrass Women's Network has a pri— l v k vate/hidden Yahoo group website. It is not _ The l3uegrass Women s Netwoi' listed in the Yahoo Directory, and can only is an active Central Kentucky soc1al be accessed by group members. group for adult women Who identify as Moderators/Facilitators for the Blue— lesbian. _ hi . grass Women's Network are Debby and Membership to; s network 15 free Lynn. If you are interested in joining the and there are no 0b igatlons. We have BGWN please send a request to debby— a variety 0f activ1ties such as monthly woman @gmail.com and the link to the brunches, {“0”th _ potluck dinners, BGWN Yahoo group will be sent to plays, mov1es, parties, and 'whatever you. Then you may apply to join. We are else we manage to dream .up. To _a'“' looking forward to meeting YOU soon! nounce events and share information, SisterSound inVlteS You Sister (our choir director John Roarke) (and your inner child) to join for a few hours of singing, snacking and them in singing from your heart fellowship. We turn our cell phones off I (or to vibrate if you just can’t be off the ' grid) and begin our warm—ups. John and Deck lthle lhalls 1“,!th :00 much our newly American pianist Oksana lead stressi. 1:3; a-fa— a. La- a— al a: D? yin us through deceptively simple exercises ‘S‘Pelilr' 0 your year re axing 1: the that not only get our voices ready but C istmas Season Free Zone an t e also train our ears and minds to listen to other half wondering how you are gomg each other. “3 get evegything (1013: between Thanks- The outside world with all its pres— givmg an New Year s. th sures and deadlines fades away. The only D 0 you vow every year at some— thing I am responsible for is watching how you W1“ find time for yourself, “Ot John and singing until his arms stop just during the busy holiday season, but waving. It truly is a little slice of heaven all year long? Do you Wish for just a for me. little time Where you can turn off that And part of the beauty of Sister Cfililld’Phone and indulge your inner Sound is that you don’t have to have any c ' _ ’f d “ ” musical background to join. You don’t Ladies, 1 you 'answere yes to have to even know if you are a soprano any of these questions, have I got a or an alto. We take all voices. And we great gig for you! If you are anything take all women who house all those like me, it’s hard to find a place Where voices too. you can i?“ let loose and um feel guilty Sister Sound truly is diversity in about taking thatIE‘imeliust for you. action. Regardless of Who you love, or . I push mils: st‘)‘ lard. to getaiivery— how you choose to live your life, we all thing done at h g aytiiine L KEYS belong in Sister Sound. And we get along seems to be pus e f“! e. _ {1c _y’ fairly well. . . considering how different about 5 years ago, I deCided to jom Sis- W e all are' ter Sound, and now I have my very own So whether you are a soprano, an weekly play date! . , alto, or even perhaps a bi—sectional, come Every Sunday evening I gather w‘th join us and you can have your own my fellow sisters and our very own Mr. weekly play date too' Page 4 j; — ly 3 TOUCHED BY CHANGE :5 Part I of Sistefiound's f: 2009 Concert Season T6 3' d Ff o d g 1 'y ' J '- . .. J Saturday, January 31, 8:00 pm i UK Singletary Center for the Arts % mam pm» (Including 31 service in): Mum: 311.00; Children: “:00 t Available at Singletary Canter, anlina at hflp:llwww.uky.edol$€$fllfidah.php, or by phone at 859-237-4920 ; Mtpdlslstersaundmrg WMMM ‘ — Page 5 P id e C 9 II t Phone 859 253-3233 389 Waller Ave. Office Hours 10 to 3 Mom-Fri. GARAGE SALE Downtown Pride Festival 2009 [“80 "Balls VIII" SIIIIIII)" Stonewall Lives To Keep The Pride Center Open If you are willing to donate some time, email us at Lexpride@gmail.com There are several ways you can help. and let us know which committee you GLSO is planning a Garage Sale 1n late are interested in joining. You can call February or earlyMarch. Please help us the Pride Center at 859 22533233 and by putting a51de items to donate to this leave a message. sale now. Consider volunteering to make F d . . E t . t the sale a success. We will have more “11 rmsmg n e _ men information in the next newsletter about 1.30““ and Concessmns . how you can get items to us. Activities Volunteer Coordination We Send out donation requests sev- Marketing and Publicity eral times a year. If each of you reading this newsletter would give $5 that would DIICUIflON GROUP make a big difference. You could also EVERY WEDNEIDAY 7PM subscribe to the newsletter (form on PRIDE CENTER 389 WALLER Page 10)- The Discussion Group is a support group for all people» We talk about a Lexmgton Lyons & Lew Club wide range of topics and enjoy each _ other’s company. Please join us any- The Lexmgton Lyons meet the SCC‘ time. and Monday of each month at the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. at 7 pm. The Insight Group Lyons are a group of friends that come . together to celebrate strength, unity and Friday, Jan' 2 Pat LuCk diversity in order to form a bond within Friday, Jan 16 Movie Night a community that enjoys the Leather/ P . d C t 7 Levi lifestyle. [I e en er pm Join us for our meeting on Mon— day, January 12 at 7 pm. For more in— Our WW own formation see www.lexlyons.org. GLSO Cookbook this is to Support . The nun: CENTER HIV Testing Send “family“ recipes to . There Will not be HIV testing at Pride Center in January. We Will start Thomas_gayzebo@yahoo.com it again in February. Page 6 I , "”3 7% I, I "\ [5!” J \lff” * r? (l ,/ Sponsored by: , T he Imperial Cour] quemzzC/QA AVOL, Moveable Feast, and GLSO . 1; Sunda’ ebruary 22, 2009 , Lexington Downtown Hotel for more information visit our “tbsitc at: \Vimv.iinpcrialu)ui‘tkcnliit‘kymrg Net pl‘OCCCCiCS to benefit the Charities oftlic imperial Cmn'r oi" Kentucky. Page7 . . . . about the movement and the level of Rev1tal1zed ACthlSI’l’l sacrifice involved in achieving equality. By3‘J6551ca Martln The election of President—elect Lexmgton Fairness Barack Obama was inspiring. Our na— The passage of proposition 3 in tion elected a man whose faith is rooted California, along with other anti—gay in hope. And, for now, we believe this ballot initiatives, soured an otherwise is the best chance for change. A strong joyous Election Day. But maybe the push for equal rights. The repeal or vote was a blessing in disguise. This “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Afederal fair— defeat for the community reignited a fire ness law. Liberal judges on the bench. that had become nothing more than RCSPCCt' flicker. The gay rights movement did not LGBTQ and allies flooded streets in begin with Harvey Milk nor did it die cities across the country in protest. The With him. Changing ‘1 culture takes media couldn’t get enough. They de— time. Social movements take patience. bated and showed footage and images. Reverting to complacency dishonors the The gay rights movement had reemerged memory 0f every person W110 suffered, with a vengeance in just a few hours. bled or died to advance our cause. It is The next move was to remind our detrimental to our recent momentum. fellow Americans that LGBTQ played Above all, knowing how far we have left crucial roles in our country’s daily life. to go, it is irresponsible to future gen' 80, as a protest mechanism, “A Day erationS. Without A Gay” was launched. LGBTQ Yes, the work is exhausting. Yes, it were encouraged to call in gay to work, will try your soul. But if there ever was halt all spending, and use the day to Vol— a time to be confident, to state our case, unteer instead. to take the fight to the seats of power, it The sentiment is easy to understand is now- Make it your New Year ,5 [950‘ _ prove the power of the community by lution to become an activist in our revi— showing that we are everywhere and are talized movement. essential to a strong economy. But due Lexington Fairness encourages YOU to a number of factors, the day seemed to to gather your friends and family and make a minimal impact. The one thing get involved. Join one of our subcom— it did was assure the public that the gay mittees (Education and Outreach/ rights movement was still in full swing. Advocacy or Fundraising). Make phone Then, there was MILK _ the emo— calls or write letters to legislators. tional, empowering film about Harvey Lobby local officials and businesses. Milk, the first openly—gay elected official Whatever you do _ Do it loud! Do it in the United States. The film gave the proud! D0 it HOW! audience a glimpse into the gay rights movement in the 19705- Other Articles Related to Activism After watching it, you may have re— _ . . . sisted an urge to take to the streets. You Caherine Opie, Activrsm through Pho— may have risen to your feet with a sud— tography—Page 12 den surge of pride and self—respect. You Increase reporting of Violence against may have left more determined than ever GLBT People—page 13 to fight for What you believe in. At the GLSEN study on teen attitudes and very least, you left the theater wondering behaviors—page 13 Page 8 all gt Scott Ackermom Real Estate S ervic e With a- :d is Professmnal 7, lg 55%) [.‘____ “ Results KEILER r- t. lnte ri W52 *7 ' - . a F A L T i i: Dedication Enthusiasm .e Mobile: 859 33 8-8483 Ill, Fax: 859 269-0065 Serving Lexington & 'mv ‘5 E-m aileckermanteam @aol.c0m All of Central Kentucky Q 1. ”A“ '— C all m e With all your R e 211 Estate N e e (l s it IS E, if ‘ GMAC ; i_ C amnion“ ealth Real Estate u MYROLE ' d H‘ '17 Your ,_ 'l‘msti-tl Mum : As your Thllled Adflfifll’. twill [law |/ : In your goals and help you i‘emtli than M'tli niyesinnence C ”A e «9 Your 5. ' as» c: stifled "We”:‘isyoutSkilledNegmiaoiJwitlhelp 5. ' jmu exp-ore all options. respect confidentiality aid menu! it . * 5.1:“ year murals. Your Expert [minim : As you mm Facilitator. lwill halide 4 I 4 I ' Teresa Combs. ABR. GRI. osc fjflfwflfimfl ‘° ““"m’" ““9“” Realtor, Sales Associate ‘ ' (21128594394150 ”I will provide you with excellent service, limesry . F03? 859'245'5156 and WW”. E-Jlliil: fcombs(if?!commamreali‘hynaaeom WEB: mm:c‘ommOmrealtlrgmm‘,com/Trombs I , 1.- . 5 .1, ,, I i 5_ I -? : i If every GLBT person in Lexington ' _ ; 5 , ff ‘ ' would give five or ten dollars to several 5‘1 55’; " of our local organizations, we would be 5: ”1” ” much more effective in what we do. H h Seriously, each person does not have to 5 Some of you probably read the give alot; rather, everyone should give editorial in the Herald Leader on De- alittle. cember 23 about research into who If each person gave to the organi— donates money to charity. The results zation of their choice, major changes indicate that political conservatives give would result. Moveable Feast could buy ailot money than liberals. equipment to freeze prepared food thus 5 It is true, however, that a lot of the providing more food to their clients. money conservatives give is to They could also expand and deliver food churches. When they took that type of to people outside of Lexington. donation out of the mix, they found If GLSO had more income, we that liberals and conservatives were could open a larger Pride Center, pay much closer. Measuring by percent of someone to edit this newsletter, and hire income given away, conservatives still a facilitator of youth services. There are give more. many teens out there that we do not One paragraph said there is evi- reach. Fairness could increase their ef— dence that one of the most generous forts to reach legislators and change groups in our country is gays! Re— policies at every level. searchers believe that gay people are One place to start would be to less likely to have heirs pushing them subscribe to this newsletter. The to keep the wealth in the family. Pride Center needs your financial Not having as many children in support to stay open, so give until it our families probably does have an feels good. impact. Unfortunately, I don’t see that If you would like to write about we areallthat generous. what your organization could do with more money, please send it to me. GLSO Needs Your Support Mail to PO BOX 1172, 40588 Subscriptions help pay Pride Center Expenses Name Address City State Zip $20 1 yr. couple or individual membership and newsletter _ Additional donations Welcome Page 10 3 mango IIQAIINBDW summon ,. The Imperial Court of Kentucky........lmpCtKY@aol.com Z A Charity Organization Serving the LGBT Community of Lexington g- 2009 PRIDEMONTH SPONSOR y Scott Ackerman.................................................(mobile) 338-8483 ls For all your real estate needs 5. d GLSO NEWS SPONSORS 2008 T; SisterSound 806-0243 re Diverse music for all women 'e it Richardson Vision Center...............................................:.............278-4201 E; 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside Ernesto Scorsone254-5766 2 Attorney At Law :1 Unitarian Universalist Church 2231448 Seeking a Diverse Congregation lt - h Bluegrass Fairness 9514450 www.bgfair.org vnndy Knoll Farm299741o Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding Debra Hensley Insurance.............................................................276-3244 1513 Nicholasville Rd. Mohua "Mou" Da5859 335-8118 Financial Advisor, UBS 888 390-6900 Lexington Lyons 6193650 Levi and Leather Club Kg. Demanhnemttor Publile HeaMI1 800 420-7431 HIV/AIDS Branch Page 11 _ watllcrlllc villus “m-V“c“ "W V‘VWW" “W“ ‘N-WV {m a Lesbian Photographer tion are unique, they are tied together by m , _ Opie’s desire to present the subject as it _ A ByLmdseyAulbach really is. '” . , 4 “It’s important for our own culture , " Catherine Opie is a famous the culture we created — to be represented lesbian photograopher who has an CXhibit as it is,” Opie said in a recent interview at in New York City’s Guggeneim Museum. the Guggenhiem. The exhibit is entitled “Catherine Opie: All of Opie’s work has a passion that American Photographer” and includes is undeniable. To view some of her work samples of her work from the last tWO now exhibited at the Guggenheim visit decades. http://www.guggenheim.org/new-york/ Opie has had fame SPOtIighted on exhibitions/on-view-now/cathy-opie- her since the early 1990’s. As a lesbian american-photographer. artist, Opie helped open the door for other aspiring artists during a controversial era, _ 4’ 4: 4 4, )1. I, , highlighting greater visibility of gays and , , y y .. , lesbians. Her early works showed a tena- LCM/C 3/34»! . cious artist who used political messages \ i C; :‘: L ': . with an in-your-face style. The recent f. ’ "M4 exhibit focuses on showing members of {i1 4 mil: Jamez Terry the gay and lesbian community in a softer 0331531) Va 3535. light filial 1W . ._ , Various rooms at the Guggenheim 11/341“ 4.4 ‘1“??? . . . exhibit are designated for different group- 4; firm 4 i144" 1;. i}; ““1,— :25“)? r ' ings, all focusing on the theme of commu- 4: " ,. “.11,- 11911;: ’11 Q 4‘ :2 " . nity. Opie, who initially focused on the i} '1. 1 ~ LEE- 1;; ,7: GLBT community, demonstrates that she , ‘7 i ”5" k N I can create stimulating art outside of that 4‘ 39 "If: i ' demographic. We. " [1’ v1" ' ' Her art includes portraits that are K/T y/l/V . large-format and color-rich with individu— . I als in front of jewel tone backgrounds. W, ‘ - Pictures of architecture and landscapes ‘1 ‘ Ignacio “WE”! are also a focus in several of her collec- _. ' tions. “Icehouses”(2001) is an example A . of how Opie plays with traditional photo- 5 1343* ‘7’ graphic inspirations (architecture and ‘ \1'\ ifi; landscapes) to contribute to her theme of ”‘i a a .4 at '4 community. ’* ““15 -:. ‘4 .' ’ p.31 \ Another section of the show is titled 3 3 ' , all, 7" "In and Around Home". In this series '1' .4 ‘1 J‘ H. Opie displays photographs of her own ’ - . 4 i‘ :2" Q“ family including one that is a self portrait i 3 1 7: 34;, jj] ‘ ’4 fifi'fi‘gt‘ of Opie nursing her child. The series ,. 4 4 7 4 ’ 4 if '. gives insight into how people have many ‘1‘ "11131513 3"" 5M ‘ ”law-Ma” facets to their lives g. :4, .5 "Q5413 , sultZIl‘ Page 12 I}; Violence againsl (ilcl‘l'l‘ People “H‘ls Classmates was Charged as an adult 1 k _ , , ) in the slaying, which prosecutors classi— lncreaseil reporting in 2008 ned as a hate crime. - Other incidents include the discov- :d A rash of attacks against lesbian, cry ofAngie Zapata's body in July in her it gay, bisexual and transgender people apartment in Greeley, COIO- Zapata, 18, across the country — including the severe WE‘S 1‘ transgender woman. Police have it beating ol a New York man whose at— charged a man with murder as a hate 'k tackers believed he was gay - suggests crime In her death. _ the number of reported assaults may In June, a surveillance tape was It turn out to be higher in 2008 then in publicized showing Memphis, Tennu (/ previous years. police officers beating Duanna Johnson, :- The number of reported attacks 1‘ transgendered woman, and shouting against LGB'I' people increased 24 per— slurs in a jail [3001ng area; a public out— cent in 2007 over 2006, and they were cry erupted. Johnson was found fatally expected to increase again in 2008, said ShOI on 11 Memphis street in November. Sharon Stapel, executive director of the Also in New York City, police 111'- New York City Anti—Violence Project. rested four teenagers on charges of as— Ol‘licials are still crunching the 2008 saulting a priest outside a Shelter he ran figures, which will be released next for homeless transgender YOchS in July. spring, Stapel said, Witnesses said the four teens had hat— The baseball bat beating ol‘ Ecua— assed and taunted residents With homo— dorean immigrant Jose Sucti'Lhanay in phobic Shll‘S and insults before the as— New York on Sunday was the latest in a Sin!“- ntimber of reported assaults, said the "I expect the number Will increase project, which coordinates orgauimtions from 2007 to 2008s" Stapel said. "I that document violence against LGBT hope I'm wrong abOUt that." and l’llV—positive people. The attack lcl‘t Sucuzhanav, 5|, brain dead. Since the l’ebruary fatal shooting of GLSEN Report on LGBT Students Lawrence King, a la—year—old Los Ange— In October 2008, the Gay, Lesbian les boy who endured harassment alter . . telling classmates he was gay, "we are and Straight Educatlon N?tW°’k witnessing what appears to be an in— (GLSEN) released a comprehensive re- crease in both the occurrence and sever— port on the experiences 0f LGBT stu— ity oliviolence motivated by racism, ho— dents (www.glsen.org). The survey of inophobia, and transphobia," said over 6,000 middle and high school stu— Stapel. _ ‘ . dents found that the vast majority of Stapel attributed the. Increase in LGBT students (86.2%) experienced part to more people reporting iIICIdents, harassment durin the ast ear (:1 but she believed there actually could ‘ ' g 0 P Y ’ an have been more assaults because 2008 more than half (60.8 /o) felt unsafe at was an election year. SCl‘OOI' "Election years are always violent In reSponse ‘10 these numbers, years for us because of wedge issues," GLSEN announced that they will initiate Stapel Silid. I‘L‘l‘Cl'l'illg it) ballot IIICflSlll‘CS a n]ulti-yeaf ad campaign targeting teen- this year banning gay iiliir-rmgc- in Cali— agers. The theme will be “When you i'(.)l'.nl.:l. and l‘loi‘ida. \‘Jith increased say, ‘That’s so gay’, do you realize What Visibility comes increased vulnerability , Kn l . ff” h'nkb4 to LGBT stereotypes and violence. you say. OC(_lt 0 ' WWW't 1 We've seen some ol‘ the most violent yonspeak.com. Hillary Duff and Wanda ‘ hate crimes that we've seen in a while." Sykes Will be two 0f the people deliver— lii the case oi‘ Lawrence King, one ing the message. Page 13 Spotlight on the Beautiful People... 3W7tg/fi . byH elena Handbasket. REE“??? f *‘T .' Hello everyone! 3 1' ' J This year I have decided to take the ,J . 1" .. ' J focus off of me (go figure) and shine the i g»; ‘ 1 2 spotlight on those people in the commu- W V ‘1 '1 J, nity who deserve to be recognized. As we I J QJJJJ .= " . all know, beauty is not always skin deep ' irwzf" Jim-J‘s! , and these “beautiful people” either de- ' J 3;; g “CJ‘J’ Kill-V, J: vote their time and energy to a worthy " a ‘ v H" .6»,wa ‘ cause or just plain make our lives better ' fl)? *JJ ”J; by entertaining us. Either way, it is time ‘ 43 p_ " ,2 J; that they get some recognition for their l? ’” ”.é'j'?‘ " , ' W ' ' talents and elTorts. _ J Her involvement with the Court For our very first recognition 0f was ever pulling her to be involved and honor, my January SPOdlght_ shines on to care for others. As she had always Eve St' MYChifl‘ Eve came to life on stage done, Eve saw that there was a need for for the first time on March 26% 2005 at her and her talents in the Court and she the Bar Complex. That was when she began her life of devotion to the Impe— learned you should always wear fl shade rial Court of Kentucky and its charities. ‘ or two darker than y?!“ real 5km, tone Eve is Empress 27 of all Kentucky ‘ for the spotlight. Eve is from the hillsJof and couldn’t be happier to be in that SE KY and came to the big at" With position. The hard work and the time 3 many Of her hopes 9d dreams 0f star— involved can be quite overwhelming, J domJand glamour. thde d'ld she know but well worth it. Eve is extremely J that It’s a cut throat world and she would proud of the work the Court does and : have to fight mom and toe “all to work for what it stands. She feels that if for her dreams. , more people would be involved we ( Eve is Catholic and actually takes her could raise much more needed money name from someone she felt was a light for wonderful charities. i to his community...St. Mychal the Mar- Eve values her friends and would 5 tyi'. She suggests we all do a htde re— do anything to help them when she can. t search and find out what “The Saint of Eve asks that her own community 1 9/11” did for his fellow man. “Come together and remember we are t Eve came out Of the shoot With stars all here for the same reason.” She be- ( in her 9"” and in October Of 2005 be— lieves that more could be accomplished f came Diva Of Darkness. Soon after on if we learned to be supportive and ‘ November 18, 2005, Eve’s life took a happy for one another. I dramatic turn with the death of her P fiiend’ confidant and biggefl supporter, *** If there is someone in the com— 1:] her m? thf r. Eve Put all her drag. away munity who you feel deserves to be hon- f and dldn t Step baCk oanta-ge until Au' ored in this column, send your request to tl gmt.3’ 2006.’ her “Hither s l’mhday' She AdvicefromHelena@aol.com and let’s . felt it was time to live again and be the be myspace friends. Look me up at U Person and Queen She knew She was http://www.myspace.com/helenah J meant to become. C- Page 14 — _ _ _ come the oldest continuall ublished History at film Publishing magazine in the Us y P gay Continued from previous Newsletters In 1967 on Thanksgiving weekend in In 1942, in Los Angeles, Jim Kep— New York City, Craig Rodwell opened ner began a private collection of gay— Th? Oscar W'lde Memorial BOOk‘ShOP’ related books, clippings, photographs Which has become the oldest .galy bOOk' and artifacts, which later became the store m the country. A gay actiVist, ROd' International Gay and Lesbian Archive, well refused to. carry pornography. He the oldest and largest in North America. believed .It was important to have a store The archive opened to the public in that carried serious literature for the les— 1979. bian and gay community. Nine issues of a newsletter called . Rodwell ran the store entirely by Vice Versa appeared in Los Angeles in himself for t!” first year and half, fie" 1947 and 1948. Edited and mostly writ— quently working 70-hour weeks. .In 1973 ten by the pseudonymous Lisa Ben (an the store relocated to its current Slte at the anagram for Lesbian). It provided an Junction of Christopher and Cay Streets, a opportunity for lesbians to express their block away from the historic Stonewall thoughts and feelings, and featured film, Bar . . music, and book reviews, occasional -In 1967 m San Francisco, a group 0f stories and articles, and editorials on radical gays formed the Circle of Loving various aspects of lesbian life. Companions and began publishing a I