xt7msb3wwz34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wwz34/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-04-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1984 1984 1984-04-06 2020 true xt7msb3wwz34 section xt7msb3wwz34  


Vol. LXXXVI, No. I46



Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington Kentock y



l"‘3t.‘{)€‘l‘d€lti SllKe l°7t

an, April 6 l984

Freudenberg-Cain-Pustinger sweep SGA race

It» I'll ll\lll2l‘llt \lt \\
.‘seiiitii' \t.itt \\ l'llt't

llnistetl tllfiit him. his sniiiivii‘teis
stintilrtei's 'l‘ini l-r'--iittei.tu-i; t'l‘it
Mum-it l.t\i tltflllt his tithe” s ‘13:.”
'nttit-uire \3i'twt". «no-i Mu 'Ylllrl
‘i.l't‘\ tn!‘ the twp [wists :51 We \".
ivi'.‘ timer iinien' .‘issm .t'. w.

l‘reiittetitn-i: \l.\ ziu- ptt's.tlt-!
.tt: i in

'.\.is t'lt-(‘tt-tl pl't'sl'lt‘ll'
nun-s. ilt'tth'tltz.’ ‘..t'i2'l.:'i


41s.: in T. n.4,. s .l-tt23.' .3

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HUI 3.: . - ' .. 1 '
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pit-stilett’ twist'

’i;s:i: {H e?
\.I.'it1.“ltl"'ll“'il' ti'


.tlilit thin t'l

Iltltl.t'.l_‘ 3!..i'i'\ ti. taint Hui‘m \liwl't

] .“"' th'nr

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t‘l .tnul'.

. gshu tJPlLlrt‘ti 4.1;

l’thtiiiizer stiltl l

‘11.: r. v-xeitnim t.llli¢‘ til.” .1 Miami

t'\[R‘t'Et'tn :- Mr M

l‘-.‘s‘ - v. is rtii‘tx'tni' UI stiittetf
3'.: . 3. . sH\I' t'ritii'tlinhtnr Ht‘




nit'm- l.is' innit ttlnl
,\pi;i'npi’i.itini:s .1: .3

Itiniimttw He dist. .s .
>3 \iltilri (idllillni Rm 131:


vote totals










')}l-l$l\ “I ll)”








'l"“Rlll I\M\ltlll\t\|tl tt‘li


ticket totals-


,_.____ ...._ -A. m. _..,. . ___.,._. “Ma...“


l—~, ,4












(.iiit Hi-It tntiins
l’iisiiiiL'U \imtti \lm-ri

'\\|(|It .\ii\i I‘l\l\tl"lli





tux it in i-tf-rt'i

'.’ 0' its.“ s

New and incumbent sene .,
in the student government

l‘.‘ s\iil\ ii \'


Louisville businessman bequeaths
$1 million to School of Journalism


\ ,it' A: '.

's in thiitpvf

his'ui‘. ll'tl'lttmls \itlt:

.i .x'x\' it it" 1"i‘n \( illtii

'tn 'l Illv' i“

it‘l't .lz‘:




Keeneland opens the Spring racing
season todm lot .i DR‘HL‘“ et this
year's races. see SPORTS. page 6

“hill will happen on Owens night}
Ken/mki Kernel uris editnr [inks
and predicts See PAH’IIMES. page



Today will see more sun and

warmth. Highs \Alll he in the mitt
50$. Tonight “t” he \lt‘dt with lows
in the mid 3th Saiuida» Will he
mmtly sunny and mild, with temper
alures reaching the low 60s.





Graduate WIN/0N! rims/'0

In \I l-i\( itiil t H

l‘ em'h‘: es Ht“ ‘1

lli‘ml ltielihivls tt.i~ inn-i. ...,; ’t..'li\t‘lf 'ltu! his sehxml
\wrk \iili not siittei .‘ieii. his next WWW!" i‘iiiiiii'u: tor
the l' .\ (‘onui‘ess

Rti‘lmt‘iis .i tli‘st Mai: tinetvitht stinlet? ll. pott'n .i; st“.
enee sllttl he hopes tn ( hath-hue Repiititimi. thrrx Hui]
kins tor his Nth lhstriet House tit Representdhies sea"

He is running tl‘l‘Atlst' Ht) one hml ehiiilengeti lfupkitis
\\llt‘t1 he lllt‘tl in inut Match \ ten hours .ittei lilt‘il
.mts. three others lllt‘tl .lerrx lluninioiitt Rutmit k
lhndi‘iiin .intt lirir N-utx \li .ire llt‘tt‘nl‘t‘dlx

Richards sees his i.iee .is .i kind «it tll't‘rlldil'vQ' I
want to present All} illii‘l'tldldt‘ to \titers to Mint 1 per
l't’Ht‘ M be .i st.inrl.iitl elution with not much it) the
“4!) nt issues He \l'il he liltllk> it \uiultt he interesting
tosee \Kilrll thippcnr- it ~\uii tiring tip the issues .lfiillll ‘

There is utie mainr issue tl‘ Richards opinion the
eontinuing gl‘IHHl‘. nt the tetlerul budget itetieit The ex
pedient tit a tuitiineeil budget amendment “hlt'h he op-
pnses'. "\wuld produce the higges‘t ehanges \\e \e ever

r Congress. stresses [was
si‘t'tt Ht‘ sliiti llt‘ tit-t t \i‘s
.Hih thept'itulst'iisttii.’ wr’

‘ltetniii‘ing lldltlllt't‘tl ltil'lm‘ls .\

in programs
eept [t A person .l(l\3\\ttlt'\ .1 Hit
the same time considers leL‘t.i<‘.~
supports and $0041 NK‘tttZH Mt...
you should reassess )‘tllt pm" Hi Nu

he mlll‘. t'iits iin' s

The (letieit issue is the am ‘u 'tt 'i\
.intt “I“ present ‘hiii'tt t‘ltl‘tus ll.“ t'
this to time .i eleiit‘ set «It results l .I 3"-\L- -.
‘in n Via) t‘.ltltil(Ltit'.\ huh-Hi vi. the W"
going to get hurt h} .in .ietiui:
take congressmen who he .m.m- at in.
mg to tell the public

lil mix \t

Richards has pill'tlt‘lptllt'tl in pl-ltlnm ,3. it...
his natiie Rhotle Island and hart interitst us ' "w
lature there The three areas at teens '
program are political hehmmr pelt? \zt. .
and publie administration .llltl pnhln pi. .. H»

\-.t ( U\t.RI \s\1\\


2" “ ‘\


I“ I II llV‘ krvnet VIII

BRAD leH \ths



2 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday, April 6, 1984



iix slitit‘\ \ ”in“ \5
Matt \iriter


2 $2.00 off

A n p forge pizza

tn the \\ orsham l‘heater


Fast Free

puhln‘ and



Coupon ram: 5 5:! y.‘ D" .



5 ~15" a"; t “:1.

\ E“; .1





M'hoiarslnp to!
\(‘l‘VlL‘t‘ L‘IH’Y‘

e} the
















.50 Drinks 5-8 p.m.
1.00 Drinks 8-10 p.m.

Followed by
Lexington's Favorite Dance

The Usual Suspects
Saturday Night

The Library presents a
Fashion Preview

Featuring the latest Spring and Summer
fashions from:

0 The Fashion ShOp



OMad Ha rter
OJ. Higgins
0 The Deb Shoe

Long Island Teas 8. California Lemonade
Miller Lite $1.00
til 1 1:00


Ceremony honors
award recipients

l‘he outstanding: senior man and woman at l'ix mil
reeene the Htis »\ Singletar} awards during the annual
Recognition Day and -\\Mil‘tl> Program at .i pm Sunda)

l'he program also in” reeogmle outstanding aehnwe
l!lt‘lli> arm» the l'nlxerslt} through scholarships and
.marlls presentui h_\ sewral different honorarles and
eluhs on campm said Doug Woodward. publicit) chair
man or the program committee
. \ioodxiarti mitt the awards eeremom l> open to the
'reelptents \ull be turther honored at an
open reeeptton at .\la\\~ell Place home ot
Nib a Singletarx and his when Liliil‘ld

Saundra lakrns. assistant dean ot student attalrs and
i‘th‘tiltidliil‘ oz the went sani, "Thb is the l’mversit)‘.~
ml} or reeogmztng and honorlng students 1n both aea
‘lt‘!‘.‘lt‘> e\traeurrieular aettx rites and leadership

itmortlnn: to l.)kll1.\, some form ot recognition tor the
\’Llilt‘lti> aioais has existed

\\\JY\L\ to he mien include
outstanding eommumt}
.\i.illtll?l;_‘ \iomat‘ »\thlete. 1’: Beta Phi >0r0l‘ti} .1
salt \at: \Ieter Hutstandmg Freshman. Sigma .\'u tra







Sunday‘s ceremony .site
‘> a neu development \uthm me last three or tour

Little Kentuek} Dem}




tollowmg the

and campm
Board, l int















Mid South Liquidators
1512 Cotesbury Circle

10 a.m.-7 p.m.


Beds, Tables, Chairs,
Dressers, Nightstands,
Loveseats, Hideabeds,
Lamps, Pictures,
Drapes. End Tables,
Bedspreads and more
priced to sell.





















220 I. M 0 154m
Starts Today!


1 , ’ 0‘ Ladies 8
1‘ A Gents
l ,1 V Otter 16
r I ‘ With l.D




W6 king v ‘


l .


I" In. I.- . a; ”4....

Friday Midnight!
"D.C. Cab" '

Saturday Midnight! ‘
"Pink Floyd: j
The Wall" ‘




WW u
' l/I'
) I ("H/,7



r Mil/.t'ih lite /.’,'I(‘\/ n]
Lil/t. >Ima ll hm- ill/H's .mul
\Hum/ III/II jun (N






Fast Convenient Sennce

l 300 2552020 Toll Free


Iuk‘ilHN‘ -






termti lieserime Blind Student Scholarship. lielta lhe nexx ieatlezx :n \ttnlem (nexunnreru \wmamv- It». l'av . A “H“. U,“ \ x ;\'_\t
namma wrorlt) Maurice .-\ t'lt!) Award tor outstantl \lk‘ll'h Ill“- llk"?\ik“l"\’7¥~ premium “"111 i dim ~ ~ ‘ ‘V-dx" val l How! .a whale! if
he ~tinierzt>n1eaeheollege,«mtn'ron Delta Kappa Nit-i large l\‘i11l‘11l~l\~i"’ik‘\ “JR ‘t "T‘k‘ W31 “‘31 * -i' . t \‘ U i
"uhhtlitilllg “reek Man and Woman, Greek :‘ietn'nnN , W A ‘J
\Ieet‘ltli: i‘ortzzzztttee 1984 (treat 'l‘eaeher ;\\\.llTlL\ l K TTT T" TT T T T T T T T T TTTTWTTTTT_TT__TTT
\lnna‘a \ssoeiatxon Hmald Researeh anti t‘reatmt} O
‘ Hart‘s Intzee or \‘we Chancellor tor .v‘wadenne :\t Pen eddlln
:alrs lapping i‘eremon} tor he“ members of Mortar
Roat‘ll SAB outstanding treshman. sophomore and in
'aor' andflb and the «ms .»\ ~\‘ingletan Miartl tor the t . . . . . , ,
:zarsteatszandtng M’llliil‘ man antiwoman or. earnpns Trade fall‘ IIIHII/IQ/IIS (lrali'l’lfl UH(1I(/r(1/[/’IL’ STU/)lillCV
i‘roharh the Singletar} award t> the most prestt ‘ ‘ K ‘T ‘ ‘
fili‘ib iiu‘.’ l._\i\'lll> \tilti. tk’t‘dUM‘ ll honors Ille ttt‘t'ult. lh \\\ \ ll \lilH v e “H , > A; b V ’N K . . 15
padrxrezttx or me people durum thetr tour _\ear> at: eo. \gdg. “my H c 4,; , _ ‘ , \ , 5 "l'w’
‘1“ r u x ,_ ,-. r x i v whim:
HONORS AND RECOGNHION {ht ."tlui\it‘t'T ot L'eretiit)tile> ml; he liar lhtt\et‘ a lll\k' \j ,v u p” (we re 3‘, 3,, it“, , ,, ,i ,
DAY «Kw; tor rattle \tatzor \VlAi' ;\.\l 'l'he ke} note \peah mutt- _ v‘. . t, b, e w, ‘, r. \ \ 2-
e:- t m. fiaMtamll Bella .ilrm'lur- lit The llunurx prn 1h”, l' .v w‘ \Hw: “3‘ \ .. , l ." M J‘ t > , 1““:
SUNDAY APRIL 8 1984 "" “1“”? i"“““‘~‘“’ lr’v'w-I livwerwr \ .. . . l m ,
hat'w' \fmetranu-t a' ' . -. v w E‘ ; . 3 ,' 2' {a
ree ee en 5 ,. ., . . .. . ..
WORSHAV'HEA'RE "' A“ j ' ' ‘I‘ ‘ ’ ' 3i
. i tl't" ‘ z , .l e. ' , ‘r‘ \
sruosm cmrznaec‘nouw Wlth beer blast " “NH" ’ v; , \ r , -
i 't‘ ' t" i i ‘L. "t _ .. ~ . " \\‘ v t ‘ >r~ '.'.t '
,4 , , -,t
to Hi \\ VIE“ Hi! "I, .. , e e , V t , ; , . .
\Itilf\\T17t’l' A ‘ ‘ h ‘ ' - ' A ‘1‘“
allure ~ n\ Ii'tiftv . ;, i ; . w . \;~ .~ A '
. ‘ ' l .t .i' 7 \l;; l‘ ‘ ' ~ \ ‘r y . A v."
ICELANDAIB IS STILL iyr‘eo-n \\eei\ moses Ht‘. a 't'atilltotlal huh Zoltax " r.» w ‘ \ , ,n V” I" ~ ,
’ liar \u tl‘i't‘ Did“ 1: L \ Lin w ,' l ' N ' I
YOUR BEST VALUE \tt-rtn; lantbe) \liulil,‘ prefidt’lli or Nana. \. \ .31. H H', (w H ;_ h \ ' ‘ g , ,
"1. fwe.’ may \ one or our tratiztzom l' \ the ham-U 1; ’1 y \ , T T y , > . .e 1,
To EUROPE r 'ia t-eer hams and \H' axe a? 5 'n. ” n\' x I”. T ‘ _ D H l‘?'\' ’ ,W ;- . . . , . K»
,nspatar’ H \a” ‘ ‘ \ ; ‘ . ‘ ' . . . _. ,
u The My.” ,1 \Li} nau- peer, host :1; the ltl.i\' the ~ .a H K M . I . y” a ‘ ' ,
a',:‘ spring ~et‘.n*~‘et\ tilt .ltwnif Hie la>7 eiL‘ttf HY Lita F7: 1 ’ , \ \ ’ k ’ n _,
_ LUXEMBOURG ,. . , I a V , , t. . .. . . , a t.
_ = t .ae NLYI a \Li etaeiten 1r tie nttm . uttv'\ l ‘
T ROUNDIFNP FROM ".;> ,\ (my t»! 'h(‘ Images! :’\¢4!‘.l_\' .161! FF)“ \ K'i: ‘T T ’ _’ K. \ I y , " T N I‘ N
s t'ax‘nam \a r: lie \anl tln> at":\tt_\ i> either Tfa \m ' T . " i ‘ T
499 $509 x»: w! Tram large>t Nana: \il exem ll the eounf: x . .
\L‘t‘nvugl1 the beer tilaH met: extent: at: ope: Cam u S 0 r a n I 23 t I O n la n S ev e n t
NEW YORK BAL'IMURE WASHINGTON tzwr. To all l ix >futient> the exert! has heel: ope: g p
greens \znee 19H: M‘L'aLlM‘ of reenlanom mixer: A;
Maori:‘t;\er\11;.proper") t . . ‘ I I 1
T ‘ , .
s 8 ita' {it'uib {Lake ti> it 1 That ’.\a_\ irjn \1’I 0 recognlze equestrldn exce ente
560 589 There are a lot oz rules and regulation» at» mane '- Lt
‘t mane than» rut; \ntoothl} 17> iLl>'. on o: ‘ta v p
DETROIT CHICAGO menu» 'he that?» \e' torth lh l l\l| \ lli \liltli i\\ , _~ o w an.
Xfl't‘a' .’ TWP 'l‘ 'Iw \I'u‘llr'hb allem! 'Y‘n' 'n‘t" mt‘ \ V?“ "V ’ U ‘ . 1
4.3; .Ow ;;S' SE“. _ i—Avmr in; ~ .i mm H‘at' amt wme o! (new ,nelude green :r»:: v" w t" - w E - ‘ jx: p. pe-
“MEAN: §?§EE‘.C‘5§3”A:; :(C‘: V‘T‘A". :TE BRE::;A'AK‘NU “hone Mama \lb tron. other thaplerx \ili t. .1\ Riv-U ' L ' " ' ' ;-' :w 'u w
. U' L ' ”DES L‘ ”is” ° err Kern'aex; lt.\v.“~.'.} or ltaxerxzti .,3 l t.» ‘ i‘ l-. 'i” ' t” ' ‘ " 2* ' -' :
. HtYe'} "'e'hl {ht-part} -" i 'f \
I hm." fraterznt} amt \Ht‘til‘il} .> required to pa; *r: I" l " ‘ 1 3 l ' 3' ‘ i' " ‘ ‘ e " v ; . It
' menJ-erx who attentt the l‘ltn' Aceorttxnu to true 'rw "" 'I". 1 f "1' \l~i""1*"’ "9 " ' iv " * . ‘ '
eos' of $1 7" per person n lU>Y to eoxer mists '. ‘f'tum \twmiwntet‘ o' ia-v‘U-m' {if .. :: t; .' ~ gm l" x ' t p: . "v shoe.
met: \M-‘axeapfhehumottheeost in“ ‘ “0"" w’ ~“7~l"" " Ni" 'u ~ - n -:, . t' ' ‘ ' MRI",
try mat the} om} lilaKi' a ten (lenanm v: 'li‘tl “l"T- Mu“ «'3 1 Mi“ .~ u" ' . '..11 '.'.i
<- 4 fiLli"" \l,4!‘i‘i‘K>YY1U>?“1‘fo write torn} o2 lttlii't‘x l'rxe Wt» liwii‘f 7 1' :‘ ~ rm \ Lap tuxf'r : - ~ t» \ . r: we; .1“
kl T: TTT T ' AN ~‘..'e.\\e<: that home lit‘lltfl cans or bolflw M" I" ‘1"? 1"? “ ' Foil '1 of " 't lax‘ 'w w ‘r . ' ‘ .r
ICELANDAIR I'm :ezxr o: the zoo Heb mil no! be tapped anti. -1 :w "W” ' , . . \ ‘ 1»! -~ :t
P j, ': antiYmiht‘t‘t't'\lt'a'.;iL‘dtt/,t1“illLnY lllllll T w it In Nth—W" 3'” ’\' ' 1 ‘ "' ‘ " 7'
W >411 \Iurlk‘ A111 lib iil‘WH‘ir‘ti h} lllt‘ \ullt“ 4,7 l.ilti'~ lil'aiu',’ \: \l" H! ' ~ ' in t \.'~ 1) r f \ .v 'r.
\ \: (Win lEt'T.\i ‘ nth; KL ' ll -- _ i .
_.\ \llinix .‘.?:t A‘; 1g "r ’ 3 t “I: ;t ' Pr r t . tint \
: Bl‘ ‘ \l\,H.’. a: ll'iafirll in: l' .t .‘t. '. ' T .. l"’H H K . ‘ ' ' V '.
E , e . ~7iltli'll' xi tw inn a,“ 1 expe: er . Gm 3" ‘ ' H, g ’ _ . ’ ' ; L‘ '
/ f kl‘R\l" atwam'tlllun-ltteaw‘n-r: z'tzwr: l O ‘7” ' " ‘ “ \
The L I BF {a Launge ; ('LASSIHEDS ire mu'w '~ ' w t . ~ ,
i - . 22222 it}: t. . ' i - r u; f l‘ .: r’ i t, ‘1‘”
X i 237-2872 ‘lll‘t\ix.\lll\li1‘l titlrt' ~-t" i“iii»'il \ i 1.. 'me‘c 1“: 1m l' t :rlm '.
_ ‘_‘W __w


Name Brand

$14.95 -.

1 .
"V .\



















ANelfa's, 557 S. Limestone St. Classical music Saturday from 8:” to I0

Austln CIfy Saloon. Woodhill Plaza. Greg Austin Band (country), tonight
and tomorrow, 9pm. to i am. $3 cover per person $5for couples.

Iottont Line, 3bl W. Short St Jill Thorpe and the Beat Boys (reggae and
ski) tonight and tomorrow 9 p.m. to i am $2 cover.

Imdlng's, 1505 New Circle Road. Doug Breeding and the LA. land
(country-rock), tonight and tomorrow. 9 pm. to I a.m. $3 cover.

Cote LMNOP. 337 E. Main St. Radio Cafe (original rock and dance music),
9 pm. to ‘i a.m. 52 cover. Every Thursday is Vale at Tears night. SI cover.

Camelot West, 1761 Alexandria Drive. Raven (rock), tonight and tomor-
row, 9 p.m. to i am. S2 cover per person $3 for couples.

Chevy Chase inn. Euclid Avenue Jo Turley (pop rock). Wednesday

through Saturday 9 p m. to 1 am

Cowboys. lSlS Russell Cove Road Uncle Lijah (country rock). Monday
through Saturday 9p.m. to I am 52 cover Friday and Saturday.

Grlngo's, 225 Sauthland Drive. Larry Cordell (country rock), tonith and
tomorrow 9pm. to l a m

Hall'- on the liver, AthensABoonesboro Road. Andy Rucker (contempo
rory country) tonight and tomorrow 9pm IL; I am

Hall's on Main. 735 E. Main St, Dave McCool (contemporary), tonight and
tomorrow 9 pm. to l am

Hyatt Regency Hotel, lexington Center. in Pims Pub.- Duke Madison
liazz), tonight and tomorrow 9 pm to l a m In Roots: Ed Basel (piano) 6
to 9 pm, tonight and tomorrow

Jefferson Davis inn, High and Limestone streets. Lush Pyle and the Car-
pets i'new wave and originals: tonight and tomorrow, 9-30 p.rn. to l o.m.
52 cover

Lymh'8. 500 Euclid Ave The Wild West Show {traditional folk), 6 to 8
p m tonight No cover Mad Catherine and the Moon Dog Pirates (tradi-
tional Irish) 9 30p.m to l a m tonight and tomorrow. 52 cover.

Pralltown Cato, Proll and Limestone streets 5 S. 20 (punk) and Reduced
(punk; tonight 930 p m 'o l a at 52 (Over Killing Children (hard core),
Slum Lords {hard core, E A F 'hard core M O T {hard core) 8:30 p.m. to
lam tomorrow 53 cover

Radisson Plaza Hotel. Vine Center in Spl'"$ Hearthrob .jvariety), tonight
and tomorrow 9 p m. to l a m







Against All Odds Mystery and intrigue at ancient Chichen ltza starring
Rachel Ward Jeff Bridges and James Woods ’Fayette Mall 2, 4:1”. 7:l5.

Footloose . The new kid in town raises a ruckus at school in this high
school comedy Starring Kevin Bacon and John Lithgow. (Southpark: please
call 272 661 l tor shew times KERNEL RATING 4

Greystolte Ralph Richardson stars in the newest adaptation of the
Edgar Rice Burroughs classic Tarmn tale .Lexington Mall, I210 2:30, 5:00.
730,950 l205‘

Hard To Hold Rick Springfield plays a rock star (Northpark: I235, 3:25,
5 l5 7 40 9 40 ll 25 Southpark please call the theater for showtimes.)

Initiation A sorority gone sinister ‘Turfland l'30. 3:30. 5:”, 7:45,
9 45 5
Mlsuttderstood Henry Thomas and Gene Hackman star. (Lexington

Mall 215 4 I5 740 930 ll 70

Moscow On the Hudson Robin Williams stars in this contemporary
comedy about one mans declaration oi independence. (Narthpark; i:45,
3 35 5 40, 7'45 9 55 H55 Fayette Mall l 30 3 35, 5:40 7:45. 9:50.)

nght of the Zombies No information available. (Turtlond Mall: I15,
3 45, 5.30 7 300nd 9'30}

Pollce Academy . A comedy about the making of a cop. Steve Gutten-
berg stars (Northpark 2 it b 8 IO ll 45 and Southpark: please call the
theater for showtimes ;

Possession Another horror flick. fTurlland Mall' 1:45. 3:45. 5:30, 7:30,

Risky luslneu Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay in last summer's
coming of ageflick. {Fayette Mall l 30 3 30 5 30 7:30. 9:30.)

lacing with the Moon .. Rites of passage and coming of age are the
familiar topics explored in this film. Sean Penn stars. (Southpark; please
call the theater for showtimes 2‘

Romancing the Stone An adventure story starring Michael Douglas
and Kathleen Turner. (Turtland Mall. 1, 310, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40: and Cross-
roads; I10 3.35, 5 30, 7'40 9 40 and I 1:30.,

Splash. . A man falls in love with a mermaid. (Northpark; sz. 3:30,
5:30, 7-30 930 11,30 and Sauthpark. please call the theater for show

Tank w James Garner stars in the story of a man, a boy, and a large

piece of war machinery

Unfaithfully Yours -- Dudley Moore‘s latest effort as a musical conductor
with a ioalous temper (Fayette Mall l 40 3.40. 5:40, 7:40, 9:40.) KENNEL
RATlNG: 6.

Up Tho Creek —~ A low-budget send up of cuddling kayak kiddies. (North-
park: l.50. 3:50, 550 7.50 9,50 ”.50: Fayette Mall; l245, 310.5:3, 7:”.

Where the lays Are . A sophomoric spring-broalbtype sex comedy.
(Northpark: l'45, 3:40 5:35 7:35. 9.35. ”:35 Crossroads; I250, 3:45. 5:0,
7:50. 9:50, HAD.)

At the Worshant Theater this weekend: tonight. ternerrew Old Sun-
day at 7:30 p.in.: The Omen a supernatural vision of the future M
derived from the Book of Revelation.

At the Kentucky theater this weekend: today: — t230 p.rn., "Noyce-
nisqatsi," 7:30 , "The Wizard of Oz 9 30 p.m., "Educating Rite," MW
‘D.C. Coo". Tomorrow ~ 1:30. "The Wizard of Oz,” 3:3),"D.C. C¢."
5:30,"Educoting Rita," 7:30,"t\l)l‘ll .llll i‘ ‘
male-l) highest plow...
performer can .ispn t’ ‘

shituirl pl‘m‘t‘ .i ‘~sl.'
lt‘lt‘\'!\ltt!2 \li“.‘.t‘f‘- lwl."
hos'itig lift must-.1
rt‘i'lzllil thl \Hif . (2.: ‘
luv I'llnlf‘l" ii: ii-w
lllf‘ primal”.

\YH! iill Ml 'llt' .‘.i if ' in "
pri‘si-n'. :iir' this 4:..itw .'

~it thi- pt‘rtwr': or»
riiin‘iilililwl lii! l1 tr. '~
arc mj. pll‘l‘i‘

mm mm. .~ '

”10.", ll!’>t‘l".1.’ ; ;ii "
and ill\(l '.\.'.‘l I 'r. ' .-. ,,
Amide-m} piilfigiw i" ., "

BEST I’ll l'l Iil
'Tcrim in lawn. "
tiim l mini.

Titriclcr \lt'l'l‘W“

Null mt‘i: iiiirz: -
Vllld' 'iii» .riwzrvir‘r -

(“tt‘i'itLL ‘ ;' rt" 1’

Hi n ,
«illii ..ci.»


A look at the Oscars

H) \l.f-’\( Hui i ll
Fi-iifm‘irslr ‘.

l‘llt film! )11 i't"‘. \'
lziltci‘ci: ‘liv 2w 3~~‘
'l‘llt’ lt1itl't' 'l..:.‘ i
m} :\‘.i.i!"l.~
im-rx'wu ..: \::.i-: i i
indeed llii-j. iilti-r ' ' ' .
The llscgir :i-r raw -
such willl\;liiiill‘t' .
Quwl «in film \Mw'i-r ‘
(rtKlldlllt‘l ."T; i, '
Wind lit)“ xi' .x n
1934 lind‘l’n“ '
.lus' as man; i;:~.:' :'
\Hi‘. iii: “(‘l't‘ MW: ..
()Ulolclllillllfl t‘\cllllp:i' ~ -
"('ilizi-r‘. Kum- :‘H‘
out lit .liilm l‘iir-i \ ll . 'w
M} \.tilt:_\' \\t'li\ i.»
direclill‘ s mlvgiii'; 2: *i .
lo (igii'j. l‘iiitpcr‘
niil thcpl‘iipiir'fzur. i'


‘ k1>t1lle41u 'V

l‘. \.~. ':'~


“IVE LIFE limit. in 'fi' Eirw

Berlin l> the liiiivm -- in
Sultr} lt’iid slllgt'l lw: \lrx
With her \ocziis Liv» .i \l \....i..
overt l)9l)lllt‘ llcil‘l‘.
Spills (tul ii \lli‘h’t‘.‘ 5v:
sound that luau-s um. xvi." «martin r.
nevi-Mixed piipi'iiih fl..i' \t‘tll.‘
likcl) at all} miimi-zv ’ii Mum
something miiri- \l'lh't‘l liii' fit:\t'l‘

Low Lift‘s i‘ll\t'l iiN-lix‘rmu \i'!‘..t‘
seX) publicity st:i :iir .iz: “lit l..ir.,i
Turner ITIOVH‘. iillli lllt' l:l\' 't ll h .i

.\fi.' ‘3.” ' .t’lf


lushly-produccil iiplii-.i‘ {Lilf‘iltt‘f‘
called "When “t‘ \lcikt‘ l,il\t' ~t"\
the album's teasing titiw “Liki-
your place, a tram rim ~i-.i' \\:tl:

my leading mcn. \‘mi am ltV‘. .i. 'ii‘

tonight You sec 1 knim viis' .«ii.i'
you're after '

“Touch" I0llil\\> mil: .1 \iicleli
more handwin Idllliin}. .im‘. ll‘llfl.
there Berlin has the :iuiliicz'} ill'
the cleverness. (It’pt’lldillfl ill] will
rock politics lii liulilli priirii-
love's supposedl} splcmliiri-il )I’Y


Nunn‘s mice has llllli' mngi' riiif
she‘s determined to l-iinipciimui
with a lot of sensuous limitli .illll .i
come-hither flair for on} plirasi ii);

The most solid piece iii Illlbll‘ «in
Love Llf? is “No More “unis .i
dance track produced h} s) nth iii-.it
master Giorgio Morodcr. in i\l‘llk‘ll
catchy keyboard hooks inircss
Nunn‘s mice and make ll M‘illlil .il
most Sincere

Love Life ends will] "For X“ I‘ll»
morrow's Lies" and “i-‘allj .i (‘ltU'
ple of semi-sincere halldd> that
have Nunn argumg uricnnviticmgl}
that true love is still the answer

‘Terms’ Sweep?

Mam/cry ’5 Oscar race slum/(l contain u/‘ew szzrprisesj’orfi/mjuns

ill‘iiAx lit-.i' l")

wagers in: ii] .

Best PIcturo:"The Big Chill
Right Stuff ' "Tender Memes,"


"The Dresser "
Terms of Endearmw -

Best Actor: Michael Cai' e 'Educating Rita“ '

C 1,: t.

“Reuben Reuben
F mar-v. The Dresser

To." Courtenay and Aloe"
Robert Dulall
Best Actress: Jar-e Alexanaev
M0! mine and Debra Winger

"Tender Me" an.
Testament,’ Sr . e,
’erms of Endearme'”

Very Streep 'Silkwood 'Ju‘ :1 Walters, ‘Educat , g: F
Supporting Actor: Charm» burning "To Be 0, ’w : '

8:' John Lithgow and Jacr N it
‘>- :i-armentf Sam Shepai 'l

U Creek.

Supporting Actress: Ct t‘l

't,.t4ft iy1r:,4‘ri
u"? 4"” «'r 5"v‘ «"4

Best Director: mm... «3795 Thu an.

son, Terms of
'h» Right Stuff: ' Rip '

$2.133 C‘er' s is»
“we 'r-rj'

'wn'i AA ’ i- i'i' NV)“

5» ," . ' : 1‘:At:xandel ‘i‘ >r' li
‘ ., wEra'c-stord Ten Mu v w
9' _ y _ . . : . deormet-i
. a
x i ‘ 1 \\
i c i .


lll' RI I\" 'I my I iii“

In. tkillll l\ in lllt‘ t-iz'1. 'iti-w
~."\'-t'f' tracks. Mil .ilti‘: w nuim
pi.i\2iill_\ si'nsiiiiiis \itl.‘\ .lhl‘ Ir:
\l} llrcgims I pi“? Muir
strings \liu danci- m T"t‘ 'lii-

si‘llllllli‘lll is hard in .ici-iiii!

lirii' 1.1in is c-ssi'mmii} smilim
slult, and _\null perhaps ll' .i hit
ilslli’illlt‘d lit wursi-li l"! i-mining ll
let‘ ti iinc-mghl \liiflil though ll \
.in tmtul lot iii tun lI'l“l't‘ tho iziiill


III! H \l Ic'\I{I'Il

i .i)» 'ui li'ix‘iirils

l'liilmds lliiilw

l'lzi- litii‘. llt'\\.\ i'llt‘M' «Lin cil‘l‘Ul
llliInl.i\ lliilln is that lit‘ scams
rlxi‘iili-il ll} his mm pretensions Tht‘


Hi Fill: Irii'tti is lhi‘ unrk til .in
.irlist slill flushed Will) the success
at his tirst llll single, yet (lctermiiicd
m Mpcrmicnl with his ~l_\lc al the
risk tll alienating his fir-dining fans

Right lrom the first burgeoning
hass chords of the albumopeizing
'ilisssidcnts.‘ it 5 clear lhlS LP is
miirc drmn-tncarlh than the pup
single extravaganza "She Blinded


THE KENTUCKY KENNEL Friday, April 0. 1984 3





\f .r' .
.b i
i "‘t‘ L a'
r'_ i ii '
'QY‘. \, . s
s " (“..t . -, -
' .\.’ > .
't‘L'}'lt .- \t ' ~ w -~\~
4 .\ a cut” N‘w'.‘
lilil ..‘i.'l£~ "t 'V\ ~'\
"ii mimic tuimnr \l‘-' ‘
In .' ~\l)t‘." h' : ' w” .c‘ . \
.ivtltv ' A ‘Y'K\ -\ H i -"L'.i
N "W Ki“ ..~<’\ l
. ‘i H \ ‘rl ..y H
t' .t
it .t'\t st . ."t‘7.' t "i
ltlil’i-itiirx, i ’." Allc' ‘-.\i .u V1"
i‘l‘Uilt‘\' \f 't'.i. ".t'\ \_.i it ' " r
l1lll> cil‘th 'ii‘. “MA 0» 'NZ .~ t.t
mum: 3.. trump ‘Mt' mil i: \'
Iniiri' lhnr‘ Thi lislwwri. 2' “.11..
:21 Hr i. .iiiliir'ili.i prxig " “.i
H)p¢‘l‘iic‘ll\t‘ ..iii: \‘lllit‘ i
are the uni) {mi-lo .iplii-.i' '.

tunk} enough '-i t’\(‘l‘. Mtgui‘x ~.~
scmhlc 'Shc Rlinilcil \lr- “ill: \
i‘ni‘c Instead .‘hiv f i;: 1'.
album full at \lli‘l" stories
music and \w‘w and as .i ~urpr1~
ingl} cuhcrcnl .inil pcrvvpfzn- xiiirk
that “ill priihiihl} it‘ii\t‘ him iit lliil
h) s prevmus .iihiim whilchiiig
their heads in cnntusiim



i. \R\ I’ll-TRI ‘l‘





4 THE KiNTUCKY KENNEL Friday, April 8, 1984


Andrew Opponent.

Llnl 5. Kodak
Executive Editor .

Stophonla Vlallner
News Editor

James A. “all
Editorial Editor


Extra rude people may have very nasty awakening someday

\\: .i ‘ii' ' lurk! 'ii l’t'

lit-pilmt i



,. A i} Y'.’it' liar.

n l

ilii\t iilif

\..t'l‘.llll'«l the plum

'. in Jill {villimi'H


_i‘.‘\~ i11~ \l\. ~l'w


In ’lit .lllil lt'lls llit‘lii lill
:' twist-s miopi‘et/els

H‘ii p1“ wit nan
'tliai lt“ \lalisiili 01' a UH'IH" ai’wl,
Irvin! ; - a: tlnili. nose; and

to: \t‘l'Ni' Hi ”lt't

'wzi. tin-mime Hie} Imam 'in-\ “am to tell _\ou that

»- .fi wai in killing \ou llai: v-i \Hiillilit‘ ix a better eandi

mmflieliiiuei’ ilil't' 'i'l ;\lt“‘r-li‘lll than the person
ililt‘l't’>llllfl Liallit‘ at lll.ll\iii..ilt ..i\i:iualmul

'li\l\t' uho \aii L'l'l la'l llll‘ axlx ‘wlll does [his person
find ot lll‘illllllt‘lll‘\\ «up in ‘lnnn 'l‘.i? ma_\lie I eould

' i «an; onl) think ot a:: [t'.ili‘~ i'aii ll'_\\'\\l1.|l they think"

:izine uho tollo\\~ It.» 'nm ‘na'k. that an_\thmg the}

i‘W‘ iii). he intelligent

w Jane..- 71'} mind" It ioui‘

., -_ a and and Ilil‘t‘e your

I“t'flil.\ litl' _\in , w dangers l \‘t'l‘ltllbh

Hm ‘.l‘i.‘ re lealizai: , . l.\’l1iiil reprogram ill}
a! ieartion yin ‘ l. - 1. . : w; i «\ x-r imit'n‘al ideas

aim 'lie iai'! that the}

t‘.i\t'\lflliili‘li_‘ oi. mi pi‘iiatt-


cop 'o think that

x \ll‘iliL‘t'l .Uir' '. ‘. :w .. - rude" l‘jn

'_. \tlll Miami.


Post" is she dead Ul‘ is rudeness in

I. like d ten other people I know
am getting really Mt‘k and tired of ll
all It‘s maddening liemuse. tirst ot
all, the \‘1t'lllll> ot (llSCUul‘lt‘S} lliin‘
usual!) done nothing to provoke it
and because other human lxungs
“ere not horn to he put drwn and
manipulatwl to win the hostilit) «it
other people

he .‘il\k;l_‘»\ apologized it I lime
made a mistake liut l reluse to lie
put down because I did l'm onl)
human. inst likemeifimneelse

Idon tenim being (1 door mat
it \on are plt’;i>.ilil, l mll lie too

\Ya" \l' f." \tl’lll‘t‘ ('tiiulfll .~ u
wi'nhlwvt' l'tl\ll"l1ll‘|l'lil|li"7lt'""

.r up n ."I’Z


.m-ii in .llllllt‘llt't'. pom-i. and mipoi‘

_ _ . p . . -. ;_ .-

l l Full l)l‘tll('\\ll)ll‘.ll , -, . ~ .i .i 1. 'anw ii. 'he tniiii'e lil\lill‘} oi ll't
. l in'ui\'a't'\

\~ a lil’i'lt'\\:ttil.il lli\.\t‘ll ll \ I

«an ii\\(‘l'l that uraduatniu :\.l‘

l‘oi'n- tailek are ’rnl‘. [il‘tilt'\\li>ll.il

Paul Forand is remembered
as ‘patient, caring individual’


t‘ it’lll'L’J‘ \'H

'.t Ml ~lit‘lli ,
. m- Alix: opium-x 'lll\ :zlenliiux

Guest _ ..- v. .‘ ‘1' 3 V ' I. l ll lull?” '1‘ ‘:Y ‘i'. has nexei' heel: awniaiii'

OPlNlON .. 9' . l " " ' ‘ ‘ l I I‘ l: '. - T.’ «it ‘tn-w outstanding

' ~ , ~ : .1 ‘. .. . '.‘Mtll.t‘li llie \.,'

li‘lnil’dt‘ iii ’litwi‘ u:

- lie i‘lillg‘lalqlti'I-I

'l‘lilllt' l'ov imtt‘. 'nr \.:
‘ \ tillil 'lit‘ \l‘li‘ IIll i

in n; 'i.. ll‘\' l7, um i..


i \\ll.’lll..'
Ulilkai i '.

.\ ll 'th




BLmM COUNTY ._ Berke Breathed
i ‘ ' ' ; r

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5 i

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ras' "ee Jenn-w









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Come to "m Journalism Bldg Room 8 to puck up on application. Deadline to return applica-
tions is Friday Apfll 13. I984 No late applications will be accepted.








From Staff and AP report»


Queen to Vi it Lexington

LEXINGTON —~ Queen lilI/aheth ll ot
Great Britain, whose keen IlllL‘rC‘sl In lthCN
and thoroughbred hreedtng IN \sorld tumous,
has announced plunx to \Nt l;t_\etle ( Hunt} In

The queen Wlll \lNll leungton duttng halt ol
her week‘long \‘Ixtt to the l ntted \ttttes, sand
Charles Anson, a \polxextttnn tor the Brnixh
Embassy In Washtngton.

The Visit Is tentatnel) set tot the week ot
()etl B-IS. although the evict datex haxe not
been set. Anson said testerdm


Brown forgets $4,250 in hotel

l()l'lS\'ll l l: ,, t\ tn.21d Isho \\_2~ eleuntne
up the lonmtlle hotel room ot tottnet Ken
tuck) (.im. ,Iohn \ litoun It kneu the $4.
250 she t‘ound In .2 tlIL‘\\L‘t dt.2\\et mtxn‘t her

'l couldn't hellete It” and lo:et'.I “( oo l
he" Rudolph “People h.t\e let' :euelfl and .2
ten dollars no“ and then. hut nete.’ that tnneh

euxh. lttlmmt tanned”

She tound the ~12 MINI l‘tllh In“! »\-',t.' S‘tt htll
“hen \he “m ele.2ntt;e H'ttAl won: at .l
downtown hotel on llleld‘. ll}: “29‘