xt7msb3wx036 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wx036/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 1992 1992 1992-11-06 2020 true xt7msb3wx036 section xt7msb3wx036  


Vol. XCV No. 50

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Friday. November 6. 1992





. are. "m?“btw




David Davies directs the Harlan Boys Choir last night at the Otis A. Singletary Center for
the Arts. The choir performed in conjunction with UK's Conference on Appalachia.




Students should consider STDs
before sex, health officials say


By Tia Silverthorne
Staff Writer


ltre ,r\|l),\ epiileiriit h.is Ioreed
stutlerrts to re ex.ilu.ite their se\u;rl
beli.i\ror. l'tll \ll r\ is llt‘l the old}
se\ir:rll\ ti.irisrriiltetl tlrsetrse llitit
should eorreeiii students

lliere Jlk other \l‘llllllUll hl'lls
lh.it e\ei_\oire rrrust tonsriler before
eoirurie .itti\e. s.ud l’.im
\Virodrurn, .i riiirse prrietitroriei ;urd
health eiliitutoi at [Rs .\tudent
lleulth t‘lririt

She also \.rlil slllilt‘lll\ Illllsl uri-
derstaiid lligil .lll‘» se\.ir.il .ieti\ rt_\ h.is


“i\tirtltiit- l"lt l l‘tll rtieriistl‘.t's
Hi .| lll“ll llsr t ilt‘iirr. ‘.\lrelt
tlnt sliiiiili it tho li.r\.ili;,,'
\i ll ill \\ irillilllisr.l

l !. r-ril-lL it

it iisl. it

I “Ill iii? . .tlil\\‘ ilril s i‘

illllfli lr‘ tlr rliit s lli i! l “til lir “cl

hii l'lslt it: «i i llt

it 1 iii; lit . .wil partners
owi‘lnt _ iis t‘..llllil srriiiii
ofr'.ii:iwiis .i’ lire ’lll:_ l" r

ltirstililrii-tit it i'lt \llki l'l

"Sooner or Liter. l’rii eoirn.‘ to get
lirt Sooner or Liter .rtttr siiittliuie
piiitriers l'iii your; in get .iii \ l l)"
\llltlt‘llls sllirttltl tli'l lX' l\'\‘lL'l
lh.il their lust lllllx rs _:_‘t‘lll:.' to be
sale. eitlitr she stresseil
" \ person i\ho lltl\ lrird tire part
l|\l\ ll|.t_\ i'et .l\\.|- l\\|llli'lll .rri
\llli llit person ‘.\lltt ll.’I\ se\ lt‘l
the lirst llllle rim} ett riiletteil right
oll tlit li.it llltll one. single time
pills )i‘tl .il risk ..
Marx llririkrrmn
llL'tlllll t’xlll\.lll\lll stiril
shoiiltl llt.tl\\
.iriil slit it to therii

iltlt'elttl t‘l
llrli‘llllril tlt'\'|\li'll\
rittil l\' llllllls ili‘ttlll


lltt ilttrsrixir llilllil ileuir

li_.iiltili‘. iiri. . il‘i-wi:i .itti lli‘l l.illi
tr ’ll.!" . lit tiltl tlit i.l\l
\\lii ‘ ‘ ‘1: llri.ti

\liril\i1sirttil lll‘ll. ir.l«i:iti.'liitii
i’t\.l|lst \llls ll‘llllls l h‘.‘ trti
'rttulih \\ooilrrirri \ill\l
\liiiltiil llt.i|lli \rrme.
lll\ l\\|illitl_x (lllilt

lx‘o-t \'r\tt la. [in

lotiiltil lll
l‘iiililui; illt


:llli lllli‘llll lllt‘ll i'll x.iritiiis \ l l is

\\\N ~ilil1|l
tltrits rt. it it

.i.;\li.isr/til lll.ll slri
'lii.il. i'iiiri' lliis irilor

lri.itiiii iritl ii it tiger-r» l‘.1\_il
i‘ll ii
1‘ ill“. sl.r'l ti ll‘lllillll
‘ll -. rw lllll Julia
lr t . .rtiil lilies. \\il.ll
.rttrorrs .ire lil"ll llsls ‘ slit s.i1-.l
”lr‘ tllli‘lt’ \i‘lllt'illle l llli lth l‘
lllllltllts \\\‘llll lll; itst ~il 1 iii
lilt‘ ‘-
\“litt torrrriioii \ l l is
°l'..itlerr.il \.i;'iiiosis .illetts ll .ii

ilitils ol llroiis.uiils irl ‘.\\‘lllL'llt~ r‘.

\i’.ll lll lltt' l litl‘t'il \l.ll\'\ .tli‘. ls
tiirrirrrorilx Ilt‘ll\,il li‘. :lit.i . ..r
irriiisii it .t"ll‘.ll 1 st ll." ' lfirs
t ist i iii ll ' it t i
Ml'lli l ’ ill.ll

llt ii .l i K

rl ll‘ l i H

'l ' ’i i t

liI.iii ll ‘l \l

i ‘Ti li r ' i
lrse it . ‘1
Al“ t'li'iil \t'm irtltll‘li l‘ .\ i
ill llir- r lii i'iii‘. iii: 1
lllllletlltil i ll .iii_.l “ii'v .‘wt i\il
ilr lll\ ‘ri-rii il‘i’wisr i l.l-le H

Kitti' STD r . i1.

Nationally known author Plimpton discusses writing, signs books


By Lance Williams
Staff Writer


Nationally krioixri .iirthor (ieoige
l’lrruptori |.ist night spoke to eroml
ot ill people :it lhe ( .irrieere ( err-
ter l'or' lt‘ltflllllg about his life its it

He .ilso ieurl br‘iel e\.eer'pts lrorrr
irrter\re\\s he litid ‘s\llll \ar'ious \xt’rt»
eis tliir‘ii‘i;~ iiis lilllL' at Me l’uiri Re-

l’lirriptoii kept 'l-t tin-Ml .ii Mist
\\itlr sloires about his Zill'lll“ mix
rrenees illltl the -lrllererir per-rile lit
has rrret iii llls \\till\

the talk \\lt\ pair ot .i ser it s spori
sored b} the .\'.iiiiiii.il \\'rrtei's
\‘oice ol the \'.\l(3\ iii l e\rrigtori
the event irreliiileil it speeelr b}
l’liriiptoii. tl question :iriil .tlls\\k‘l
session turd :1 book signing: session

During the quesisim .iiz-i .irisxxei
session utter his lL‘iltlllljJs. l'lirrrptori

slliilt .ili .1 li \l-Ii‘ ‘l\il .iil
tiiiirts i' \ill
liiitli‘ i itiitrit i: in .iit

r‘rl ll\ l‘li ltl‘lt‘" li ill \.ll\ll lll‘

lt’.til\lsitl ’\_‘ ' /, i ' iii'

lht sl-i'. ii: 'srilir truth” in
Hiring l‘.l\\'l‘.lll
\i'llt i\li‘ls

lllk pittlit: .l .t liliiltlllisl lliilllrx

\ol\t‘il .I ll\ll"ll.ll
pitt’htr irri‘i it::. \w.

\\lio ll.til ziilriiiii'i.il ll._ tiiritipl ol

Mind in. i r:..:l? l .tl‘. .it»lt it.

llllir‘A .r lui-tl‘ih. .il i ‘ ingl. :irlli

Clinton’s transition must begin now


By William M. Welch
Assocrated Press


\\'.’\Slll.\'( i l l W Memo to the
pr’esrilerrt-eltel: llori‘i be looted b_\'
the ll-ueeL r\.irl l‘elol‘e )orr eiur
mine into the “hue llouse Your
udrrrirustr'utiori h.is .ilre.id_\ beeiin

llrltl's llrt‘ r‘sst‘lrtt, ol :rilHee ole
ler’eil b} loiirrtr otlreiuls ulro'ie
helped pzrst presidents Like otliee

lt l\ during this tr;irisitiirtr period.
hour the eleeriorr to the rrr;iiij1ui':r-
tiori ,liill Ill, lllttl
rir;iile i\hith lll riigirii \\tl_\\ \\lll ile-

ilk‘t'lslolls tile

erile the kt‘lll\\ or llrll (\llltltill'\

Ke‘s It'll» .rlt lil‘inl iiril ill\ltilt\r's
are set lllill ‘.‘.tll lx‘torrii. the "Illtlt‘
posts loi tour \tius

"\oii \.l|| lose the :‘lll‘ oii _\oiri
pr’esiilerre} .iriil liike :i large step to»
\\lll'll losing the iie\t r‘uee tor [‘lL‘slr
ilerrt belore )iiii'i'e even storm in it
)(rll don't put the right people in
plate." said \liigirt l r/eirstrit. three-

tor ol'polrt} ilexelopirieiit lll lirriirr)
('rir‘ter's triuisrtiori .Illil. l:rter. his tll"
mestre :id\isei'

“lhe trirrrsrtrori is lll‘l |llsl tlI es
er‘L‘ise in lillrrrg .i eiip betrieeri .\'ii\
lurid .lttll. Ill." lie s.t|il "h is .iii .Il‘
solute. primordial opera

sirl i. i\.ll

llre goal ot the ti.irisrlrori is lot
the president to pill. hrs lkktlll and
chart his eouise llit ltiler.il gov
errrrrient is prmiiliiiv \i * million
[or (‘lriitorr to exist liis ‘s‘~.t\ lll
rileril llush eels \l ‘ million to eiise


ltut its surel} .is the pontr has at
read} begun ltl shiii the britilirie lt'l
robs :rtld \lll‘lklllilt» .‘ill t lll\|:.‘. .is

lhe ltl\| unit the l’\lll\‘\ i.iis \\tll|
the White House. riittrrriil lellillllfj
betueerr l\\o oI (utter s top llt‘lllt‘ll'
.‘rnts. liiek ll \\'.rtsoii li _ .irril llitlll-
iltori .ltlltlilll. doiriin.iteil the iriirisi
trorr btrt continued into the

Vice mayor begins plans
for succeeding Baesler


Associated Press


l.l'..\l.\'(il(l.\'. K) Viee Mu}-
or' l’urii Millet sins eeoiromre devel-
opment \Hll be one ol tier top prior»
ities i\lieii she beeoiries minor rie\t
)errr. streeeedrne SeotI} litiesler
who is moyrn;r on ro(‘ongress

Miller. tall“ “I” be le\irrg_'ton‘s
tirst lemnle minor. ts i\orkirig
elosel) wrth lizresler to iissiire a
srrrootlr trrinsitroii ol pim er‘

BJIL‘le‘t‘. minor since WK? ol' the
\lillL"s onlx lltL'lL‘t'tl err) -eoiirrt_v
goierrrrrient. deleirteil Iii (’hiirles
lillrrreer‘ on liiesdgrx tor the NH l)is~
triet congressional se;it eneri rip by
Republierin l iir'r) llopkiiis. [liiesler
said he won‘t until he is
sworn into (‘orieiess iii earl} liinrr»

lliiesler lllltl Miller rriet Wednes»
dii} to discuss the llllll\llltlll .urtl llll-
er' rrret roirilly urth the urbiui eourit}
gtnernment‘s eoriiinissroriers lhe
t\\o sruil the) “I“ not ie|_\ on irides
to iniike the trimsrtion eo sirioothh



"l’uiii tllltl I \\ ill i\oik it out .-\lter
ttll. weWe been together li )eJls."
Bitesler' stlltl

Miller hiis also been .iii .it-I.rr;_re
member ot the l'rbiur ( 'ourrt) ('oirri-
eil .sutee l‘lhl .\he this it eourreil
member lrorri I” 7477.

“I know the eoiet‘rrrrient well
enough so that l‘iri liiiriiliiii' wrth ilie
irreirs I need to learn rriore :ibour.
ttre parts ol the exeentrie briureh
that I haven‘t been i\or‘king \rrth,"
s:rrd Miller. i\ho zrutomirtreirII) sue
reeds UttL‘le‘l

Miller “I” sent the rerriiunrng:
year of lliresler's thud leirrr. ulrreh
expires in eirrl} l‘t‘tJ She has al-
ready \lllrlL'tl rinsing money tor her
oun minoml tiirripiuen next )L‘ttl'

She stud she urll meet llltllVltltHl-
ly \\rth department heads and be-
come more ltlllllllitl \\llll the err-vs
budget and tiriiiriees \‘lie \ttltl she is
:tert|tl) ltllc’t\tt‘\\lll§.‘ some people
tor e\peeted \.ie.rrit res in the ad-



littll .‘ l.ll‘ \ l ii in tailll

.. . liii iijrl
ltt'l‘.‘»;tli \iltlui‘ i‘e l ilil lil
\\lll \l’_. s. l \‘ifirtt

lliiiise ”tit-isi' ..: lwr‘

‘-l.l',il 1" 'lli.
llllt" li rht
[‘lk‘lilt‘lli rtli i‘l, lliltr .is

\lllt‘l t'l skill

"llit \llll“'li.Il-L _..i it iris'lror.

‘t‘.lll lit tll lllrilxtlli‘l .-i .. lli. .ril
lrrriirslr it; ‘ll ill pr. if .‘llii
.\l.irl. \ \‘ii.::r:siiri ~ .rili ill
l’x'kliili'llll l lllitll! “olivine.
lll (w. r'ii=:..iir I lit; ,. st‘ thrill

'll‘»ttll\ llr‘li'llt'li'l'” l‘.l\b
l‘lllll‘ .iriil l, ‘hl'iie. tlir 'iiiii t.

lh i\ir'illliii.rli"|i irl lllll 'l: 'li, lll

llllllirllllri 'i ‘llrl

l\‘e‘li it.ii' I‘lislil i-iii.il "i,is
l‘l‘i"l‘l\il ‘
l‘elort elittiirii «Li: (lllll-‘l: li.i~ 1i.ril
:r \Illilll plgiiiiiiiii' 1 rule

lx'irek lrrl l‘.-.ii lllt‘llllls

liir sirlri run: it . .‘i:

:‘roiiri ii:

\\lrt‘llrer tlii .itli.ii:tt uwrlls

prints lit Irrliil is llltllll.l ii. itrt.


As part of SAB‘s Spotlight Jazz
series, saxophonist Grover
Washington brings his
celebration of 20 years as a solo
artist to Memorial Hall Sunday
night Prevrew, Page 2.


Despite what bead coat n Gerry
DiNardo says, when Vanderbilt
enters COlllt’TlortWHdllll Stadium
this weekend, the football team
has qurte a few things to worry

about Column. Page 3

Sometimes t ssrsted suiCide is
needed. Column, Page 4


Mostly cloudy and cold today;
high around 40. Mostly cloudy
tonight. low in the upper 20$.
Partly sunny and cold tomorrow;
high around 40

Sports .. ..
Viewpoint .................................. 4
Classifieds ................................. 5




.il‘solirt. ittii! u.

l’lriir; l‘ill siil lit I..is llitt'tt‘stt'il
llir‘.‘ .iti'iiilit ti'iiiil l\ liriileil lH lll‘t'

stort lli l’.'.lllls re.it|ers lrorri .i||
«her lllL eltllltll» x‘wre Likeii iii to
\‘.lll\li still holds interest

rolse i\iis

lltls .iiirx

lill l‘t'irl‘lL [Hill’s lllL'
sueh i\lI\k\'\\ tli it ht i\rote :i book
trillti'i ”llit (irriiiiis one oi Sillil

lrireli ”

l'lulrpliii sir-old .ii lerijfth .rtrolrt
\\lll|ll_L' .lll-l his .lil‘.Lllllllt‘\ .il the

l/ti'liii‘lif l, l.‘ .tllii .l'lu

i\( i’tr


llt litlpttl lillllt-l llii
(Hit lyl‘l /\’l . Ilr

it t.i|lttl lli.it l|‘\

rob \\llll

rli l"“
lirillt lllt
.ilriiosr no tilllt‘lldl

‘~‘~llll i\l‘t'll

. lltt' H

lli, \.iiil tli.it editing the rri.i:'.i/irie
‘.\.t\ ”llltrlt‘ like stulpliri-f' and thin.

lll his t \perieriet .is .i \\riter .llltl eil
his lttllllil thgrt ".ill \=.rittr~
.llt ill\\.l\‘ t.rst rii.iteil b} editors "

rtoi. he






A student walking near Margaret l. King Library braves
yesterday's rain with an umbrella.

ell H Hllill [ W - ..



Violent music embraced
by skinheads in Europe


By Mark Fritz
Assocrated Press


lll lx’l l\ llri sorrfis .tle lorltl.
srriipli .llltl Irlltil \2lllt lit“ hrilreil
lllls is rotk tor \Ulllt'l‘ttth i\lio

llbk‘ to llll'lr\\ out .it .i tor‘eierrer.
lrtrrsrt \\llll ii st.iirtt istttl eirlr betrt to.
l tlltlpt"\ rreo .\'.i/is .rre lX‘llljJ se—
t‘eli.iileil e\err inspired. solltt' e\
perts teiu
groups i\ho mr\ iirerst iirrrrs \Hlll
thurrrprrie punk and tr’eri/ied lre;i\\
“ll‘s 'Merri Karript‘ to .i tour-torn
beiil." Robson. :r re
se;irther .rt the l oridori~biised
betirelrlight. .i rnorithl) rriiiga/riie
that monitors iieo \.r/i .rt‘tr\ rtres
ll|\ lirt p.rr.rilt ot
{groups irreliiiles lliiii:';ir')'s Hurrrt
\llllttt‘tll .rriil lleirlthi |le:rd hkiri.
hurries lt"_'ttrll \-1 (it'llllitllys
\torrri lroop. llirl.iiir's No Remorse
.i ielertirte to the llolot'uirsl

l‘\ .r rie\\ '.\:r\e ot roek

s;i\s Ion-t

llt‘t r~l.tst‘lsl

:rriil «lo/etis ol \‘lllt is
( Ik'kllll‘sltflllkld \ \\llllL‘ siipi'emii

tisl (ltllls
\\.l\ l‘.ll|llk‘ll

'i‘»lll\l| sl‘lll up tiller it
liiiriiiiii monk
liist fie.u .iii illliit/llt“ iiiiiirlier lll .i


sirr.ill riiitroii

\lthorieli the phtiioriieriorr is not
rre\\ the unirrlx ls oi \rrth groups
illltl their .tl‘l‘tdl :iie iisirie lll i'e~
ltlllt‘ll to im rtrtieuse rrr \t'lliillllirl‘ltt
.iriil ll"llltsl \iolerite piirtitirliirlx in

l riiler lire toi thtir ploililiriz' re
spouse to rieo .\';r/r .lll.l\l\\ on lot
ereners. (rerrrmn oltitials lllll\ re—
tentli llslt‘lllllj.' to ilre
rrroxeiiierit's lllll\lL.ll
:irid piolrirrii .i tirllllel- l|l ('oloene
th.it ri'tor'ds .Ilhl sells llll|\|\ bx lIl
rope's liigjjlest rito l.t\\ rst b.itiils in
\ltltltllf.‘ to l' R markets

In llirl.irri, .lllllltlllll\\ .rit
(tiling: ll retoril distributor \\llll .r
paraphernalia piotliitt list that in
eludes Kn Klll\ Klan ! shirts

lliit :rrroihei bl;rr.iiiil\ rieo l.l\\|\l
distribution eorrip;rri\ iii lr.rirte
Rebel | iiropean llI lhesr. h.is oper

See BERLIN Hack Page




1|ll\ ri.r\ .i-r lit". l“ lil. '- i

t'l-s l‘tJtllll” Rimll iii.i mi.»
irlllk irllr l l|.l‘«.‘ illllil ’
lltllllllt'\\.ls lsi iiiiii in ii

.tllil l s.llil l i‘i‘l
tll" liti l’ir' i'i'i
iitst llerriiiigju i.

tl.ltl‘ M iii lli iii t

l’lirrrploii llr- ti ,i

lrl~ .i.i».,'l_,lli H .V “L

is.” PLlMPTON n A

lr‘ill i.i|r: k...

F aeulty call
for national
search for
new director

By Brian Bennett
St‘ltltll .9? ill Wlitvt



lllr l l\ \tlliiirli'l i liIlrii

\llll‘» lli‘tl ‘

Itslrliii. .i’i.
llllli'liitl ‘..ll\ll their 1

li llllil .1 mt, r‘l li'


‘92. " lil ’

i ' rli i

l l b
lli r h, r i
lll‘ 1" iii tilt .' l ‘|>
lll.|il, r.~. elllll‘il .i. 1 ;:i' .i .l
ioiiii.ii‘isi 'i-r lllll" .i'i 1‘: h

llt‘lls ii. l‘ll‘\l .ii‘.i
sL.tli‘r ~l.||lu“' lli l:i‘ l "
.i lli 5': iiiii i’i {Lit ‘ r'i'i lit
l‘r‘li s lilx‘lel ltrtr ii: ii, ": Ill
ieiiiri 'iit l.t\llll‘» ‘»‘..|lll Hi ll'
l‘li‘l . ‘1 \ili -.l\" ii“«

llllllir ll sly ‘v .i. ‘lii if“ «l
slit it'li Yi-iili . I r ‘:.l ll‘

llltl.lil" ll‘tlllldil iii itr’l.it\.ii, lll
llitl .tlil \'lii m st'llil \.|lil
piifii to ‘i.i‘.\ .i ll i':oii.il s irtf.

l l»\ l’r\-.ri|‘\:.i l li.ttlt \\,lltllr"
li'll s.iiil ht .l\*l|l||\tl Ili. i\trsllliill

'.\irirlil l‘t ‘.iil._itistil .rliil lll

llt‘lllllttl ri.itroii.rll. ll. iililtil lll ll
lit his not \et but he i l l
tioiis \rrtli lloriel.is llii‘. li t'l .1

the ( i‘llt‘K' ol ( trilllllllli‘titll -ri ill
(li.irrit'llor tor llll le\.ii 'tiiri t .iii;
i\iis lx’olnrt llerrurirx it i‘riirll lrii.\
llit st .iii li ‘.\lll lie i l'lltllltl ll

'lllt‘ f‘irtll llilll" .tl‘iiiil llrr‘ .rlI
rioiriittirieiil t'tlllllll“ .ll ilirs lllllt is
[hit i\e llll'it se\ei.i| iriiirirlis llt".‘. to
unit. on the protess ol silittrrn .r
it [‘l.l\t‘lll\‘lll " \\ethiii-‘t.iri ~.ir-l

\Mitriiieinii .itlileil lll.ll
biiiljfet eirts nor the errii'srit l rrrier

sitxurile lirrriie lite/t ‘i‘w‘lllil illttr


the starrt'lr lor lhtk’s \II\ t 'ssoi
\thhrrij‘ti-ii .rlsii \illtl liitk s it-
rj'rriiltoti \\oulil irol \.l|l~\ llit rour
ir;i|isrri \\ll\‘\‘l lt‘ be ‘-.t\ll\ ltl‘l".l
trrrrtlil \till ot

lII/L'tl ilirrirri: the

re.r|r_erririeiit .rriil lk‘\lltl\l|lllll“
See DIRECTOR Rank Page


2 - Kentucky Kernel, Frlday, November 6, 1992




Horn does the talking
or Grammy winner


By John Dyer Fort
Senior Staff Writer


Saxophonist (irover Washington
ll is eelehrztting 30 years as :t solo
:tritst lhs l‘)‘)2 world tour. with
slops lll l:urope. Mesgeo. Japan and
the l'nttetl Stztles. shtmettses ltts
getterotis L’tillll'll‘ulitills l0 C(Illlt'lll'
porttr) lit/l

"It‘s it speeiztl year tor the."
\\'.tslnngton stutl Ill it telephone lll~
terneu “We'll be plating :t test
things ott Ill} next album But the
show \\lll he :tn overueu ot the l;t\l
:‘I )t'ltl‘ ..

Suntlh) tiiglit. Washington‘s
\Hirltl tour Ittntls tit Metnonttl lltlll
its pttrt oi l7K‘s tieelttnnetl Spotlight
.lttll Series In its 15th settson. the
Spotlight Series llth tettturetl tun
inttste's greatest :uttsts in tin lltll-
itt:tte hut eleelt‘te venue liekets lot
tit'met \\'.t.sliington it he \I‘ltl out

"llte horn is lit) ttinsiml mite."
\\.tslnngtoti sztitl “.-\s \\ell :ts inns:
l.ll|~ l .ts ttitlneneetl li_\ \.oe.thsts
nlse \lltlll \.tngltn. lIillte llolitl.t)
.ntlt .tll's \ttnon ”

‘l pln} tittisie lot L =etjs tttootl .lllil
nnttnee." “lishington Added "l mu
nitlneneetl b} all kinds ol iiinsie
Ill/l. tl.t.ssietil. pop. hlties. M) tnust-
ettl titstes vary."

Washington lllh {CLtiltlL‘tl 32 til-
hntns in his solo L'tll'ecl’ llts ltttest.
Will‘s New Inn. reuehetl the top
spot on Billlionrtl‘s (‘ontempornry
l;t// elntrts this suttititer

Musienll} reared on everything
lt'olll elttsslettl [ti blues. \Vgtslllllg-
toit. 4N. nus exposed to the likes (it
Strzninskt. B. B. King ttntl lluke

tonight at 8

Staff reports



lhe l'K (‘onlerente on Appala-
elntt \\lll eulnitnttte tonight \\llll
tuo pertortnttnees oi ‘\outlt ol the
.\lonnt;tin." presentttl h} Rotttlsitle
lheutet. :t pttrt l‘l \ppnlshop. :t
non-prolit inethn Ult'.llll/.tlltill Ill
White-siting. Kx

"South oi the .\lonnt.nn” is the
stot_\ ot tuo fJL'llL'lJlltilts ol .l llit'llll-
t.nn litlllll} lhe l.unil_\'s lnstot) ts
tigteetl lrottt lite on It sinttll l;lllll .is
.l niotlei'ti \\.l} oi lite tittutes llllt' tltt
niountnins llie pltx shous the el~
leets on the sitting“ gt iiet.ttions

Ihe pity uittteii li'. Ron \ltt‘ll
l‘lentls stories :tlit-nt \ltotts kin
uttlt .l tlo/en \\ll','l||.ll songs tlont on
the lttltlle. t‘ttit.n .llltl l‘llllt' 't pot
ll.l\ .lll \‘tl‘tlleliet t 'llil" til it-

lll.tl|\ \llie'its tits


- i
Hemmmgway s
Stonewall Shopping Center
Clays Mill Road
Friday 8: Saturday
Night: Mystery Train
No Cover


4101 Tates Creek Centre
Sat, Nov. 7
Tony Konkler

Variety 8:30—12:30

No Cover Charge
Sun.. Nov. 8 Troy Gentry
Open Mic Jam Session




llhngtoti ht ltis ltitlter‘s estensne
tolleetion ot his. He lll\l Pithk'll up
the shit at ttge lli tllltl. h)‘ the Ctll'l}
l‘Wls. \\.’t\ playing iii the tnttlttton
ol the lit/l inttslers (‘httrhe l’nrker.
(‘oleiiittii ll1l\\’klll\ lllltl lohn (‘ol


"lle mine out ol the post~liehop
em " sttitl l'K .lil/l Studies tlllL'LlUl
\liles (Islltlttl. :tll ttt‘etillll‘llslletl :i\e
plinei lntnselt.

“lie “its well inl'lneneetl h) .loltn
(‘oltrttne like all the s;t\ pl;t_\ers
.tt the tune - . tuttl through thut he
got his nun style." (I\l.llltl s;titl
"lint llltll.\ his h.tel\giountl .nttl


“llts tools ;tt’e |.l//. l‘lll hes
:Jlti‘Ali t'lll til lll.ll lle \‘..t\ \tlle i‘l
tltt Inst s.t\ [\l.l‘.el\ to tttt.;_'t.tte lll\
ntoie lnnlx» st\les wt tenot s.t\ II!
the (tits .intl to tttottl tn the inn
lll\l\'ll st_\le.'~ i )\l.lll\l s.ntl

“He's been tthle to et'ettle his omt
thstniet sonntl When you hear llllll.
)till know that's ( it'mei." he zitltletl

“lle eun turn around and lilo“
some really gootl sit.ught LlllL‘Jltl
1311/. too "

Washington's gie.itesl stieeess
etiine \Hlll l‘lh'ii's Wire/tent. ulneh
won tuo (Ilitllllll) :\\\;lrtl\ .tntl
gztinetl plzttinntii sitttns Ihe ttlhutn
ttlso liettturetl llle llll “lust the l\\o
ot' l's." tl song \V.tshntgton eotnA


\ltotl. uho .ll\t‘ mole "I’iell_\‘
l’ollt" :tntl "lensing: lg_\pt." the
otlttt txto [‘l.l:s\ tlt.tt toinpt‘tse the
“Pine Mountain lt'tlog).“ st;tts tn
the pin} \\llll l'ottitti‘s Bledsoe :tiitl
Nttite} lelltt‘t

“\onth ol the .\lottitt.titt" \\lll he
peilot’tnetl .tt lili and X p [II III the

\tntlenl (‘entei |lte.tiet llte (‘oii-
letnte on .\pp;tl.ttht.t \\lll totitlntle

on \.lllllil.l\ llltlllllltfj ‘.\llll lit-e lee

\Hwtt ll.tn~l \‘.llll \l.ntot. \ntnnei
ill totitttt .i. l I “t .t in Ill Ill. \ttt-
tl. Ittl titttt \iti.:l| l; illit-wttt

Lynagh’s Irish Pub

Music Club
388 Woodland Avenue

Fri.. Nov. 6

Doug Cook 8.

the Swrtchblades

Sat, Nov. 7
Zydeco Bon


816 Euclld Avenue
flour m—cipm
NEE)! Drink pea ls
Drinks‘bythe liter




posetl :tntl pl;t_\etl \\llll \oettlist Bill

Suite then. \\.tslnnglon l|.'l\ enr
ll‘}L‘tl popnln sneeess. pining e\e~


Playwright. songwriter and ac-

tor Ron Short will put on his
tale “South of the Mountain"

with the help of his colleagues

Tommy Bledsoe and Nancy
Jeffrey. who act and sing out
the songs and stories of
Short's mountain upbringing.
The play will be presented at
4:30 and 8 pm. today in the
Student Center Theater.

Corner of High & Limestone

Phosphenes 9:30 pm

Catawampus 11:00 pm.
Jethrine &

Fishing With Jesus

To advertise in
Clubland each
Friday. call
257-2872 by 3PM






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mum. ‘ M Click ‘6 "'t 7070 . In 0‘0! I Richmond Id N'HUS



‘M alts

il’illfi'tm 7'1 ‘

1M us has 735 94s
NOMAD "(unm-
tvo 120 «is :55 .- iv

1M 4“ P‘S 9“

manna ADULTS ll)"
us .115 S“ '4'» 9V3

lflwflmdwnmut’ any




“A “HI DI‘ ‘sltflfl'tl‘
[a W; m It .t um



’s‘VliNl‘ i" All AlvfllW‘lnllluS
mu Anson. .<



Eutem Iy-nu Richmond KY (23-0215


‘sz New ”Um. 5 5 7 J; . .v

UK)!!! Sit} th'
rrr: ‘ n ‘
‘ rauov tumm
. (s '4‘. y“,
CONSSNIM Aflil ism

“NW“.Wn Immm~ ""‘°““
tnusros no 3‘0‘3‘ "" ”‘t

l A invert aura mouou IT (em- “'0’” WC" M)

‘ mm comm"
2. Mi"

“:WY I)!“ (X l 9hr

th“ 0‘ II‘ UMGL‘NSAH
A i

Alnvtflmmstumnnm t‘t."

.. 'A" I

A. we. ~~s~v u or“ . ..
..t. .oaobtl






l}. run unit. “will .\lontt'e:tn\ to
Vettpoit l \l‘ltlllll:_' .l \\lth itinge oi
pop. luston .llltl i.t// styles. “ush-
ington .lillllll\ to uni} one h.ti'tl .intl
t.tsi lIlll\l\tll inle "l'olltm your itin-



\\'.tshtngion utll he htteketl tip h}
llls tegnlni slntlto lllltl touring hltlltl.
l..llll.‘ll' Bt'ziiitle}.


Grover Washington Jr.. who is
celebrating his 20th year as a
solo artist by doing a world
tour promoting his contempo-
rary jazz album. Next Exit. is
appearing at UK's Singletary
Center for the Arts. as part of
the Spotlight Jazz series. The
series is sponsored by the
Student Activities Board and
The Office of Minority Affairs.
The show. which is the third
in the 1992-93 Spotlight Jazz
series, is sold out.

ke}ho.nthsts Bill loll) t'llltl (‘utt
l)o\\tl. guitarist Riehtu’tl lee
Stetteket. pereiissionist l’uhlo litttis-
tit lllltl tlrnininet l)ttt‘i‘)l \Vnslttng
toit. (umet‘s hl’ttlllL‘l'

Redman funky hardcore on debut

ll'ltitl ’ Iiit’ l/Irzmi
(‘oltnnlint Reeot'tl



By Ernest A. Jasmin
Staff Critic


l‘\.tetl) Mint is so good .Ihillll
Retltnnn‘s tlelint .tll‘lllll. l'tl/i II IIIt

Retltnttn l_\l'l\\ .tten‘t espeentll)

lhet‘ie llttt\lljs t‘.\o-tlittieitsioit2tl.
ttntl l\'L'tllll.I|l s Lonnie snliieet iiittt-
iei is httnsell. .ts gxttleiit lroin song
lllles like “l‘tn .l liml ” t.-\ \inittge
l l (lttttl l llllt l‘llh .t lt‘llel.i

lx’etliimn tloesn’l thspltt) the
tongue-muting ltittnl tnlents oi
i.tppeis lilte \peeth t'l \iiestetl lie-
\elt~pinent oi l\' l\‘ \ tine ot
men .l ‘.\‘l\e xxttlt the th;tiisitt;tlit
.ll‘l‘k'Jl t-t l'slltl\l\ hit (limit it oi
(ll.llltl \ e‘ll‘.lll/tl

\ttll l\‘tillll.llt -- tle‘l‘lll .lll‘lllll

lts .ll‘[‘\.ll \.lll' stillllllttl up III

In.» '.\t‘ltl\ lino. lttttltott

ll”\ll i Lune

l'l’.\ll) tlt“-‘.ll to


ullll ruppers like
.\',\\ .\ uho brag about the number
ot tltt\e»l\_\s the} thtl the night he~
lint \\llll .t ltiu‘tleore style like
th.ti ot l\’etltn;tn‘s protlueers. lut‘it
l’:ti'ttslt Smith ill

ts sitnil.tr to

.l sltglit lisp thitt
ntnlses lllllt seem like ltrie Sermon
"llttrtleore" lllill
\llllle\ ;t title and hns tt \tllliplt.‘ ol tni

\ttnton :tntl l’tii’ttslt
\nnth ot l |’\ll) um} lime otiitlone
theinstlxes \\lll| this .ilhutn. ulneh
. llls't hettet thnn
ll’f\ll is non .lll‘lllll

.tllitnit is .l lnston til oltl ltlllls
ieiinses \\llll .t lit.t\} luss thop Ilinl

lllt\\l the ll.l|il

Atttl let‘s mum to the suhjeet ol
Rethnttn‘s lyries. Though the)
LlfL‘lLl espeeiztlly prol'ountl. the} still
:u‘en‘t CUIIIPIL‘ICI)‘ run-othhe-tnill.

Retliiittn describes himself :is he-
ttig “extremely \Vlltl/llkc the httn‘ on
Don King” tnitl he eotnes througlt
\Hlll oil—bent lyi'ies.

Retlttntti tllsplll}\ :1 sense ol litt-
inor ttntl ;ttttttttle lll songs like "Rut-
etl R" .tntl “'l'otltglil's l)tt Nile" lliztl
lllllls'L' his album lresh eottiptuetl to
ttiosl :tsse'itthl}~lttte' htiitleote i.tp
eieus (in top ol :tll ol tlntt _\ott
l|.'|\C to low tt perl'ortnet‘ et‘.‘t/_\
enough to hung the aim httek .uttl
tintke it song etllletl "llou to Roll .i
Blunt.” illl other \\til'tl\. (‘ypt'ess
lllll thus “I” lo\e hinti

l'l short. ll'IitiI' IIIt‘ A/Iitmt ettn
he tippieettiletl hit its spirit and its
l’nnl; l'\llt‘l ttll. not e\et) ntppet
slltitlltl l‘L' e\peetetl ltt pititlllee lllt.‘
stinie poettt polities its l’uhhe lne
in} i

\\tllt I.tppeis like lx’ethn.tn .tntl

lins l ix tintlei then \\lll:_'. l tit \ei
lllt‘ll .llltl |’.tiiisli \titith ll.l\L .I




l3. ll.llil\\‘l\ wit. shotiltln t ton lltlltI\\‘l\ Int l.|lt litteltt lintnt ts inipttulnteis
.\ .. ‘ _ .. .s . ,g. ~ (‘0 n47.
Brew. «ans Away .s .» MW e fez/505,04
. _ ._.._.______




71, now arP the zone
(550% no nq<'



‘v‘s "simmer saw 3‘”
“Browne by P395 and
mum?) It‘s no: IKC ”y
‘at'ure or the {meals
iraa that tendency
to "1‘79







At -;.»or as. y:).' Jim 6’ "Jo/2'9 \ .
Dar ‘ltite arr we .- _
tw. w it “3.6 the -(‘ ”t upping

a reggae :n rig w 1’
the are Adding *

1"? pam ‘ are w‘ m
the IC rig or the care






gave up We trombone
'5“ Lona we ' (2 :


M) version of the

was not." rig is
sneeze at 9 ram

.U't you '6 SO"; ’IOW you

_. (NWO;
lKC r“oeody'o {nemesis

theme tram 'Era‘t'



f v« ‘seruCTOR ~15 w
(NEW ,gk’E 2W“. V If (f. P
'5 Iv‘l‘VuTE BR: A( _r} a s'
AJMNIN“ ?‘v‘.‘uTE5







l'l be courting t“:
gagords V an: C pat 0'












214 E. MAIN ST. 231 6997





l II l 5.1. 300
Itl'llllll Su11530
buyout "in
in" 'a'mort M.“n}$

Has 0

Fri 930 Sat 730 Sun 330
Mon & Thurs 930, Wed 730




Free parking juSI one block past theatrew
City Hall Annex Garage after 7 PM each
nightanda/I day Sat 8. Sun




Women In agate

Sat 5 00 Sun 930 Mon 930

.uumu 57 (I) m


consume ADULT! (I)
so i as 9 as



/ 83,0


500 NEW CIFICLE FID. 233-4420



minim wcttl (rot in


out“: now teen)

2 05 7 06
"AK!!! I'd-t3)
2 l


-mrrm tun


rut. IAIEIALL (no-ta) m
m m ‘30 t to r 20 9 40

2 on A 30 7 oo 9 30






li'mlltrll Slh'





”III/M ‘

.0. MA




I O I presented

'ltHll tinrN ti) it. tmmn. it «Timon? Ill/[N‘s at at
nnwmw Mr-ttNt t s DAI‘ v llNlil spit All st MG ".1 '47


8220 NICHOLASVLLE RD. 272- 6611 NIH“! I (I)
moon" our: Iron (I) I!) l ‘5 ‘ 3° 7 ‘5 9 ‘5
1103305307103» (I) usuooso
min mo in em
m m ”Wm, tmmtitutin tin loot:
uncut um (I) m "NW“ A! Alt m MAM







In I"














Vi1ii1icrhili 11111111 ticrr) l)i!\'11r1l11
i.xii'i worried about lii.x mp 111 lTK's
(‘111111111111111‘1ilili 811111111111 tliix “cok-

c1111. Keme' Columnist Records: “K 4 j‘ 1’ 11111lxii.11-:11111111li1-111.i1l Comnbutin Writer '“‘ M'" “‘ “”“li' i‘" ‘ “"VHF i"
"lhc 1211'1 lillll “1111' 1111111111: V""""”"” "" 1 K i‘l‘i" [CHIKMW m Kii11\\il|1' g 1.111. ilii» ix 1111111 x iiixi 11111-1 111
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ilUlllL’ 111 .11111) right 1111\\ 1x11 111-.1111 . ll _("[ l»\\ _” .1 ”N 1' “h .1. .1. 11.1 mm- Jud J 11111 he“: 1. l l1 x11iiiiiiiiiig 111.11lil1.1i\ t .111 l' ‘ ‘ i ‘ l1 '. ‘ .
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and iii the neckl) S1111U11'1Lx11'n1 I 1 _‘ “"5 “‘U H \. ,n‘ 1"an 1"” .1a11111111 11011 c'x 11.]. 1mm“ ”mimic llllllj.‘ .1111l1li\iiip l1‘;1mx l1.11.1~ 111111. “h“ ‘ m‘ "3H"
(‘111111-rcn1'c [cl1'1'1111l1‘i1‘111‘1' ll“ ”iL “”i.‘ [Nm‘ [‘k 'i‘h [MM] . . . 11111.11li1~ii11‘11ml\11111l1(‘;ii11|iii;i Ul .1”x1'11x1‘11l'iii1ilx'" lliix 1.3111111 .\1‘ VII" ii“ 111 11“ \"““l‘\ ll 1‘
A1111 111-h} \Iltillid 11 by 1111 ixxiic‘ 11.31:;1L.i\|\)1|11\1111l11l11:11:11“ l ym.‘ On the Am @VL':,{,L‘,‘.};2‘M \\ l11-11 l1111.\ix 1l1'1‘11l1' M111 111 1g. ll11' l'K “111111111111; ;1ii1l 1li\iiis .1321 11.1 i .'\
line‘s iiixl :1 l1‘\\ 111111‘x lilill iii;1_\r 1‘ “it‘d”: m1; pll 2:1119‘1111111‘1: initl Salph 11.111111 {7.1111 int 11... \. 1....1‘ ”1 Hm”) ”Imp. 11111." l1‘.iiiix mil l.il11‘ lilitl llt‘\\ :1llilii1l1 ( 1111-111 1.1i1i l11 1111111-11-1 1’1.
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chance to look m or:
- l’1111kic J11ii1'x x1'1 ii l'K-rucoitl
With 4115 )iifli\ 111 i111;il 111'1'ciixc 111

Ty Halpin



Miulx‘ l)i.\1111l11 imiixcx iliix 1x ”11'
only 31:11111‘ l1'li 1111 then x1‘l11‘1liil1-
iii \1lii1‘ii liix l1'.1iii mil i11' 11iilj1 .i
xiiiglctligil 1111iiii 11111l1'i1l11;_1 l‘.llil1‘l


Vandy’s troubles won’t end Saturday


| UK vs. Vanderbilt


Television: l‘wl 1,- :
broadcast 1111111 (1.111.1-
Alexaiirio-r ilwl» {.1 111111,
11111l [111* 13.11” ,..

mgx i‘Cl\\11l| ll11' l1‘.1illx.

111111 Hi. 1

.1ll1i \(il11ilil1' iiiL' .\i‘.(‘
111111'x [11111111111 I1111ll1.ill1‘111111‘1‘1'111’1‘

l‘lx' 11.1. |1l.1_\1'1l it}.‘;llll\l 111p 1‘11111

l'K 1111111111? Ili1'l.1xi111111';11(‘iii1‘iii—
.ilx xli11iil1l \\lll [licii x1'1“

ix the ii;i~

Kentucky Kernel, Friday, November 6, 1992 - 3




Sense of unityg Guiding

SWlm teams 1

By David Birkhead



(U1l;i\‘ il‘l 111111'1‘la1g11111stl lliinl '111
\‘1'i‘x11_\ .1ii1l ()illt) 811111'. ”11' 1171111
liICll lt'lllllh to Lexington and 1111

“[0 meets

li1~1li 111 tliix 111-1'l111111'x iiiu'lx

1‘\1ii!x 1.11” in 11111111111111! 11~i 1l11
\\11lli.l1\l1‘;llll 1ii‘1iliill1t'L'lx ii11
il’11‘\'\i1‘1\t‘lll‘ 1ti\1\ \‘1lli 1'11‘ .1 l. ‘


LN “Wk“ I‘l“ I" “"5““pp' ti1;iii :1 iiil1l1‘1ligii .1ii1- 11li1'\ il.l\\' —— iX'liiiwi: .1il 11.11 I11“? \\‘lii1'li 1111l111l li"‘“““‘i" "\klgfi'ic ( fill“ li' 0"”. 111.111.“ \l \111.
Slulc l‘l11111l11 1”“1 lk'llli~"‘\‘\ l1‘ll1 About the ‘.1.11111111111:i1.1.111x- 111.. 1‘11 ~3.11111‘x .1-'.iiiixl i‘it‘l'ltil (i1‘1rl§11.1 1:“ lily‘imi! . mm ( .1111i111‘1 \"m iii. 1111117 I1.1i,1 l 11111ll. i1?

- llic licriildul. :1111l l;it1'1' (I‘lll' M.1\l11' l11.\'.ii1l11 [”hkw\mmh\ Series- 1.111.111 911.111»; 11 . .. .; .1111l \lixxixxippi 81.1111 Ilicy \i111\\1‘1i ””“"'i ’l [Tm-x] . . 111ml. 111 1,1 111. 1.11,. .11 Hit