xt7msb3wx125 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wx125/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 2002 2002 2002-02-11 2020 true xt7msb3wx125 section xt7msb3wx125 Men's tennis team loses to UCLA, heats Southern Methodist, Tennessee | PAGE 6




February II, 2002

No sex, please:
Even without
chastity belts,
some students
say they choose
to abstain | 3


Celebrating 30 years of independence




ulneoaniylierlc 7

Trading tickets for cars ‘common'

Investigation: Newly appointed committee
to review fairness of 20-year-old practice


The practice of swapping
game tickets for the use of a car
by athletics officials at UK is be-
ing reviewed by a committee.

President Lee Todd told the
Lexington Herald-Leader that
the longstanding practice is
something that "doesn't feel
right." Todd said.


More than 40 current ath-
letics-program employees have
each traded a pair of football
season tickets and a pair of has-
ketball season tickets to local
dealerships for the use of a car.
according to UK records.

“When I look at compensa-
tion across an institution. when

another doesn‘t. it doesn't feel
right." Todd said. “I want peo-
ple on this campus to be treated
the same as people in the
Athletics Department."

The committee looking at
the issue. headed by law profes-
sor Robert Lawson. was ap-
pointed by Todd in the wake of
an NCAA investigation of the
school's football program

The tickets are provided
without charge to Athletics De
partment employees as part of

said. Not all the employees are
allowed to trade tickets for cars.

The list of eligible workers
is approved annually by Athlet-
ics Director Larry Ivy.
Downing said.

“I don't know if there's ac-
tual criteria that exist." said
Downing. who is on the list and
receives a car.

Among those participating
in the deals are Ivy, every head
coach and compliance director
Sandy Bell.

cars the employees receive or
the length of the agreements.
Many workers change vehicles
three to four times a year. and
many don't have formal leases.
according to the person in
charge of the program. Assocr
ate Athletics Director John

He said he doesn't call any
of the dealerships involved to
monitor the terms of
the transactions.

"l don't know why I would

one department has perks that

their compensation.

Brooks Downing

Fan sports UK logo on new limb

Go Big Blue: Lexington man says prosthetic arm
doesn't begin to show his adoration for UK teams



321-1: a. -

J.C. Christie. Lexington resident and III fan. sports a
non Kentucky emblazoned prosthetic am. Christie lost

”our onvrsl KERREL srArr

By Steve ivey

J .C. Christie‘s life evolves
around three things: God. family and
UK basketball.

In fact. Christie is such a die
hard fan that he's made his alle-
giance permanent — he has UK logos
printed on his prosthetic arm.

He hails from Florida. but
moved to Lexington eight years ago.

He said the design on his arm,
made last Thursday at Hightech Arti-
ficial Limbs, shows just a fraction of
his adoration for UK basketball.

’ Christie has many opinions
about the program.

“I hope we can keep Coach Tub
by Smith around for a while,” he
said. “And I‘d like to see a series
with Transylvania. I love cross-town
rivalries. You can tell them the num-
ber one UK fan said that."

It was in Lexington where
Christie met his wife of six years.
Margie. He refers to her as the “sec-
ond biggest UK fan in the house."

Margie has their home decorated
with UK dolls. candles and other dec-
orations. In fact. when her grandson
was born, it was Margie who said his
name should be Kyle, after UK bas-
ketball great Kyle Macy.

“She‘s a good Christian woman,"
he said. “I wish everybody could
know how good of a woman she is."

Christie is a regular attendant of

the Pentecostal Church of Jesu's
Christ in Lexington.

“God is my mainstay. He gave
me my life. my family and every-
thing I have."

He said he‘s a sports fan in gen-
eral. He loves to eat Chinese food
while watching UK sports or Win-
ston Cup racing. “1 am a Jeff Gordon
freak." he said.

One of his favorite memories re—
lating to UK is when he ran into bas-
ketball players Keith Bogans and
Cliff Hawkins.

“I talked to them and got them to
sign a napkin." he said. “Now my
wife won't let those autographs out
of her sight."

Christie said he’s never been to
see a basketball game at Rupp Arena,
because his fixed income simply
doesn‘t leave him enough money.

He said he doesn't let his illness
keep him from enjoying life.

“Being in a wheelchair does not
keep me from enjoying sports.“ he
said, proudly adding that he still dri-
ves his own car.

Basketball isn’t the only UK
sport Christie follows. He said he
wished the women‘s team would of
had more success this year. As far as
predicting the outcome of the men’s
basketball team. Christie said he's
trying to keep a realistic view.

“I think we're a solid sweet 16
team." he said. “But you always stick
with your Cats.“

The Athletics Department
does not govern what type of

do that." Cropp said. (‘ropp
added that the employees are


responsible for taxes and

(‘ropp doesn’t know how
long athletics officials have
been getting cars for tickets.
but he said that some dealers
told him they've done it for at
least 20 years.

While Ivy did not comment
personally. he released a state
menf through Downing point»
mg out that tickets—forcars pro-
grams are par for the course at
Division I schools

“It is a common practice."
Ivy said.

Timetable set to hold
Staff Senate elections

Making it happen: Task force chooses
officers from various campus departments


The Staff Senate Develop»
ment Task Force made anoth-
er step toward the formation
of UK's first-ever Staff Senate
last Thursday. when they
elected five officers and estab-
lished a tentative timeframe
for staff elections.

Ninety people out of liK‘s
more than 10.000 employees
will serve as senators. said
Russ Williams. a staff repre»
sentative oi the Board of
Trustees and the individual
who originally presented the
idea of the Staff Senate to the

This makes the job of the
task force, charged with con-
ducting the elections of the
senate. a rather difficult one.
he said. “It's no small feat (to
develop this election
process).“ Williams said.

The task force is com-
posed of 21 people. but
Williams said he expects it to
expand to 40 within the next
couple weeks,

Jeanie Caldwell. who was
elected chairwoman of the
task force. said the group will
meet every other week until
the senate‘s first scheduled
meeting on July ll.

Caldwell. who has been an
employee for 14 years and is

the director for the AKAd-
vance program in Human Rey
source Development. said she
is excited about the senate fi-
nally coming into being. "It
will be a wonderful day."
Caldwell said.

In addition to Caldwell.
other officers elected include:

Treasurer. Suzanne

Scheff. College of Engineering

~ Secretary. Dave
Vantreese. College of

- Election Officer. Ann
Livingstone. Office of Interna-
tional Affairs

- Parliamentarian. Sean
Scott. Employee Benefits De»

Election plans
The task force created a time
frame to help elect 90 senators:
' April HZ, nominations of
senators accepted
- April 27- May l7. conduction of
multiple elections of senators
~ May 24. final election results
- June l7, orientation program
for new staff senators
- July ii, first Staff Senate



Students hope to travel to Suriname to dance

Going south: Doctoral student must raise
$9,000 to take group to South America

By Allison Perry


A UK dance instructor
hopes to give her students
what she calls the opportunity
of a lifetime this summer.

Aminata Baruti. a doctoral
student in anthropology. re-
ceived a grant from the Ken-
tucky Foundation for Women
to study native dance forms in
Suriname. South America.

And she would like for the
eight members of Sabi Diri.
her dance company. to go to
Suriname for the experience.

To do this. Baruti will
need to raise at least $9.000.
which would cover the cost of
the trip for each student.

To raise the money. the
group. which practices various
forms of African and other eth-
nic dances. will be accepting
donations. They are also plan
ning to hold a benefit show at
the Lexington Children‘s The-

ater to collect money. The per-
formance. which will feature
Sabi Diri and several guest
performers. will be March 30.

Baruti said the experience
would broaden the students'
understanding of other cul-
tures. “It will be a unique op-
portunity of cultural ex-
change." she said.

While in Suriname. Baruti
and the company members
would learn more
about dancing.

They would also be teach-
ing. running workshops and
participating in dance concerts
and a cultural arts festival.
The festival is run by members
of Baruti's family. who are
from Suriname.

“(The Suriname dance is)
my roots. basically." Baruti
said. “And I'd like to add it to
my repertoire."

Baruti has studied several
North and South American
dances. including Caribbean.

court Henson | rtnurisrirr

A group of Men dancers performing In "One Veillng: A Multicultural
Dance Journey," to raise money for students to study abroad.

Haitian and Cuban forms. She
said all of these are African.
based. although each has its
own specific style.

In addition to learning
new dance styles. members of
the dance company are looking
forward to the trip,

Jason Thompson. a theatre
junior and Sabi Diri member.
said he is excited about experi-
encing a new culture as well as
getting some serious dance
training. He said he views it as
a lifesaltering experience.

“I think my personality
will be different when I get
back." he said.

If they can raise the mon-
ey. Sabi Diri members will
meet up with Baruti after her
first week in Suriname and
then stay for three weeks.

Teresa Brown. an arts ad.
ministration senior. said this
trip is another big step in the
evolution of the group.

“I want to see the company
go to the next level."
Brown said


detien 12-hour dance method Satu'day. Ateney raised fuel the event
was donated te the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Feundatien.


The Student Newspaper at the University oHientucky, Lexington




The Low-down

If you
can walk
you can


If you
can talk
you can

- Zimbabwe



A little cooler
than the week-
end. but the
high 405 isn't

VOL. “l09

Call 257-1915 or

I. let ticket uouchers will be located with an emploiiee on campus. Ibere areW~
onlg ten ticket uouchers, so gnu must be one of the first ten people to find the '


Former president accepts responsibility

l‘ttl‘lllt'l l‘rosidont (‘Itai'los Wotliington .ii'
rt-pti-il :osponsibtlity for the football program's
proltioms l“l'lll.‘l\’ during a taped toloyision mtor
lion 'I‘lio mtoi‘ytow. on WKY'I‘ 'I‘\' in Loxmgton.
.iiiod Sitin'day morning \V'othmgton tried to
stat. .ippi lst‘tl on what was going on in tho .\tlilot
It s Ilopiitmont .\\ part of .i wookly ilnoi'tors‘
lllt‘t'llll;1t’\l‘l'\ 'l‘lnirsday. thou .\thlotirs Iliror‘toi
(‘ \I \‘owton prosontoil liiiti \\llll .i roport on
nimt was going on. Wothmgton said “There was
llt'H'l my i]llt'\llllll that lllt‘\ reported to mo and
lwts ultimately responsible tor tho l'l\' football
ptogiam." ho said \‘l'othmgton aim oxplamod
that \thlotirs llll‘t‘t‘lltl‘ tarry Ivv's onoyoar eon-
ll‘ it t t'Sti‘llsliill (iiitl lll iti'l‘t’i‘lit p'i\' lilt‘l‘oiisi‘ was
not done in sor‘i'ot 'l‘lio loard oi‘ 'I‘rustoos ip
prowl II .is part ot tho opoialing budget in Juno
"Ilol \\'othmgton said

Task force co-chair speaks at meeting

Mombot s ot tho i‘iosidont's (‘onnnission on
Worm-n mot Friday. whoro thoy board a report
t'rom l‘hrllis Nash to than of tire Top 20 1‘11in
l“t‘rl'l't‘ \loltiltot‘s of tho i‘oiilllllsslllli asked that
tho task llll'l‘l‘ inrlndo as one of its measures otdi
\‘i‘l‘s’lh the percentage of turmoil in
t‘\r‘t‘llll\i‘ managorial positions They also con
tnniod lllt‘ll‘ discussion of idontit'ymg goiirlot‘vi‘t'
Iatod problems and possiblo \tillllllllls‘

Top-20 Task Force to conduct forums

The task torr‘o i‘liargoil by President Lee
'l‘orld to idontit‘r measures In which I'K Will use
to iudgo ll" effort to attain 'l‘opgrl status by the
\‘oill‘ Soto \Vlll oonduot l\\'o opon forums for l‘acul
ti and stall members The torums are scheduled
for noon to l p in 'I‘uosday. Fob. IL? in the Center
Theater of tho Student (‘ontor and from noon to 1
pm \\'odnosday. Fob lit in the Hospital

Speaker to discuss Copyright Act

Jonathan Wattorson. actiyist and musician.
will be mining to l'K to speak about the Digital
Mrllonnnun (‘opyright Art The IlMl‘A was
passod by t‘ongross in I998 and has ott‘oots rolat
mg to copyrighted works. from personal use to
academic research. and tho circumyontton of
copyright protection systems. Wattorson‘s
spoocli Will bo at ii pm. Monday. Feb II in tho
Student (‘ontor Room :11 l. A question and answer
session will follow Wattorson's presentation. The
event is ll‘oo and open to tho public

While the pop diva
was entertaining
tans Wednesday
night at the
Nassau Veterans
Coliseum. a l9-
year-old man was
allegedly breaking
into her dressnig
room. police said
Mario Backman of
Manhattan was
charged wrth
burglary after the
srnger‘s managers
lound him inside
dressrng room,
said Deteitive
Sgt. John
Giarnbrone. a
Nassau County
police spokesman.
Backnian had
allegedly taken
some stuffed
animals. an lDNY
cap and
police said
Ihursdav. lhe 35‘
year-old singer,
who released the
hit album the
Velvet Rape in
I997. lS nearing
the end of a long
tour in support of
her latest album.
All for You.

' l/l’ Students linlp

lllin a set of l0lllill lIIIil Basketball Iickets
to the Tennessee game on Iuesdaii, lebruarg 10th at
0:00 pm. in iiupp lirenall

Here's How to llIIII:

emplogee to be eligible.

2. he clue will be giuen each dag for three dags in the Ilernel to direct uou to the
special emplogee. [Clues 2 and 3 will appear in the Ilernel Elassitiedsl.

3. You will onlg be able to approach the emplogee while helshe is in his/her
office. 00 not disturb class, approach them on campus, or disrupt their practice.
4. 0nce gou find the uoucher, bring it to [each Johnson's office, Iloom 4200

Memorial [oliseum bu 2pm on lllednesdag, iebruarg 13th.

5. IIII uouchers for the week will go into a drawing for the Iennessee tickets.

SAB seeks filmmakers, submissions

Tito Student Ai‘tivities Board is looking for
filmmakers to submit films and videos for tho
SplitScroon Film Festival they are stxinsoring.
The festival. which is April 1216. will feature
independent films and special guest speakers.
Entries for the festival are due March 7. Appli
cations are available at www.splitscroent‘ilm
lost com. SAB is also looking for anyone mtor
ostod in being a juror during the tostival


Office won't disband Auburn fraternity

.\l'illlRN. Ala. A tratornity's national
office has decided not to disband its Auburn
lllll\'i‘l\ll\' chapter in tho fallout from a Hale
Iowoon party in Wllll‘ll several members
tli‘oss‘otl m lilaokf'aro and llll‘U wigs. Stephen
ilockor. .idmniistratiyo sot‘t‘i‘llll‘)‘ for the Beta
"I‘hota I‘i (ionoral Fraternity. said the organiza-
tions Board ol'Trustoos has decided to suspend
tho oliaptor rather than Close it down. as origi-
nally announced 'I'lio university. which has
withdrawn its rooognition of. the fraternity.
wtll have the final say on reinstatement. The
issue must go before tho (‘ominitteo on Prater
titties and Sororities The general fraternity
disbanded the chapter in November because of
racially ollonsivo rostunios worti at tho frator
nity's Hallowoon Ilall

Execution of retarded inmates banned

RI(‘III\I()NI). \‘a. The Virginia Senate
has approyod a ban on executions of retarded
imitates. but turthor action is stalled pending a
IVS, Supromo (‘ourt ruling on a case involving
a man currently on death row. The measure
passed without dobato Friday on a vote of til—ll.
Eighteen states already have stab at prohihi
tron. said state Itol. James F. Altttand. sponsor
of the House version of the legislation.


“to Palestinian gunmen shot dead

BICERSHEBA. Israel Twrt Palestinian
gunmen sprang from a car and sprayed auto
matic giinf‘iro at Israelis outside a military
base in this southern rlosort city Sunday.
killing two soldiers and seriously wounding
five people before the attackers were shot dead
by troops. In apparent retaliation. Israeli war
pianos dropped three bombs on the main Palos
tinian security installation near the Meditorr
ranoan roast iti Gaza ("ity Security officials
evacuated the building before the attack. but
more than a dozen people were taken to the
hospital. most suffering from shock and from
outs caused by broken glass. hospital ofI‘ioials

Compiled from wire reports



Calling police now
a difficult choice

Decisions, decisions: Students weigh
options for dealing with noisy neighbors

8y Sheena Breeding


'l‘o Hill tlio oops. or not to
call the cops.

Thanks to tho Lexington
Area Party Man. this is now the
proverbial question on many
stiidonts' minds who want to
sloop through the night in
peace. but often suffer while
"Ito My Lover" pulsatos
through tho walls until 3.1.111

(‘omplaining about loud
noighbors has never been litnit
oil to older l‘i‘sltli'ilts of local
neighborhoods. but that call to
the cops at 3“”) am. oomos with
a highor price.

Now that the plan has been
in oil‘oot for two months. being
a good neighbor is a condition
that students living oil~ campus
must taco.

"I’artios have completely
destroyed my relationship with
my neighbors." said Androa
Monondez. a theatre junior.

Monondoz said her noigh
bors liayo parties once or twice
a Week.

”We called the oops twice
on tlioni in one night.” Moneti-
doz said. “They still (‘tillllnlll‘ll
to be loud."

But one liioro thing Monon-
dox and otlior students must
worry about in addition to the
plan is retaliation by tho otlond-
ing group.

“They throw puke on the
side of our house to get back at
its." Monondox said.

Some students try to tind
other ways to deal with
the problem.

Adam liipsehutz. a finance
junior who lives at Royal Lex-
ington said. “I would never
snitch on a neighbor. or any
one. for that matter. If your
neighbors are just trying to
havo a good time and they‘re


Doors open at 8pm - Lottery starts at 9pm

Purchase tickets for:
UK vs. Tennessee

being loud. just go talk
to thorn."

Ilut when it comes to re-
porting violators. neighbors. es~
pooially students. don't have
many options.

“I feel like the only thing I
can do is either talk to my
neighbors. or call the police."
said Darby Schulman. a psy»
chology sophomore.

Schulman says her neigh-
bors play loud music while dri»
ving into the parking lot. run
up and down their stairs and
talk loudly on their patio dur~
ing late hours.

Schulnian said she has
tried everything to prevent her
neighbors from being reported.

"I have gone next door
about six times and asked them
to be quiet." she said.

Sohulman said she has dis-
missed the problem with her
landlord but it didn't work.

Sehulman said that land
lords should help students out
so they don't have to report
their neighbors to the police.

ilut Kigo Kiger. who is a
landlord at Wassamer Proper
tios. said landlords are not re»
sponsible for dealing with un-
ruly neighbors ., that is a job
for the police.

()ne way to avoid “snitch-
ing" on offending neighbors is
to establish relationships be-
forehand. said David Cooper.
viee president of the Neighbor-
hood Association on Elizabeth

“If you‘re going to have a
party. tell your neighbors be-
forrahand. They will appreciate
it and be less likely to hassle
you." (‘ooper said.

"(.‘onsideration and toler-
anoo are two things that both
neighbors must have in order
to get along and have peace
with each other." he said.

Tuesday, February 19th @ 9pm,”


6. The winner of the Iennessee game tickets will be announced on 104.5 The [at on ‘

0Iednesdag, februaru 13th, between 5:00 and 5:30 pm.

i. If gour name is announced, pick up now tickets in [each Johnson's office,
Iloom 4200 Memorial [oliseum bg 4:00 pm. on iridau, iebruarg 15th.

[Hit "I

this long time “It emplogee is in a position to see all the comings and goings

of the athletics department.

look for clue #2 in tomorrow's Kernel classifieds.

Tickets are $5 for full time
UK or LCC students and can be paid
for by CASH or CHECK ONLY. ‘

UK vs. Arkansas
Saturday. February 23rd @





Ed itot


By Amy

Italy at

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Stacie Meihaus
Scene Editor
Phone 1’57l9l'1 I i 111ml kernelart wahoorom


Some students believe in chastity

Editor 's note: This
week the Kernel

explores aspects of sex

By Any Jo Gill


(,‘liastity belts. the devices
which enforce abstinence.
originated in llth century
Italy and became increasingly
popular throughout Europe.

(‘enturies later and minus
the onesizefitsall wrought-
iron belt. some students still
remain chaste.

“l have too much respect
for girls and for myself." says
Matt Wheeler. an undeclared
sophomore. “I‘m looking for
more than sex out of a rela-

Shaun Cook. a communi»

cation junior said he remains

“It‘s giving a piece of your
heart and it seems too spe-
cial." he said. “It seems like
sex outside of marriage tears
down the relationship and
you've got nothing more to

For some students. chasti-
ty is a way of life and it doesn‘t
always 1efe1 only to the choice
of not having p1 e- marital sex.

Hannah Kunz. a hospitali-
ty management senior. said
that chastity is keeping your-
self pure until marriage.

“It's not just sex but how
you conduct yourself under all
circumstances,'.' she said.

Kunz also said this comes
directly from a respect for self,
and not clinging to a false real-
ity she says physical intimacy
can sometimes be.

Les Roll a journalism se—
nior. says he chooses to re-
main chaste not necessarily
for the moral purposes. but for
his fear of an unwanted preg-

“I‘m not ready for kids at

this age I used to work at a
day care." he said.
, Although unplanned preg-
nancy can be a reason for
chastity, some students. like
Emalee Listerman. said their
fear of diseases is another rea-
son for abstaining from sex.

“AIDS is the only disease
we have complete control
over." said the landscape engi-


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The industry
- a porn
star's view

Theories on

\Friday: STDs

Barbie and Ken, sitting in a tree

Barbie and Ken aren't the only ones that can be chaste. Many lill students also abstain from sex,

neermg junior

Heather Gregg, an elemen-
tary education junior, said de-
spite her religious morals. she
looks at sex as a dangerous
thing. But she understands
those who don’t choose absti-
ne ecen

“You shouldn’t try to im-
pose beliefs on other people"

she said.

Katie MacDonald. an un-
declared freshman. said she
stays chaste by limiting her
relationships with men which
she says keeps her away from
potentially bad situations.

“I try to stick to my beliefs
and not be lenient. but I can
mess 11p. like everyone else."
she said.


According to the American So-
cial Health Association. almost 40
percent of teenagers have had
sex by 9th grade, and 70 permit
have had sex by thh grade. at
the second group. 27 percent
have had four or more partners.


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511111111 5 run—(loge, $100 Off Mien) 5, Ms Jumbo (hear-113
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(‘att h All The. Big Blue Action 011 Palm’s? TV’S!

‘ "‘Z’/ 7;
J”JJ'W” /


in. 151111 0011111161! 11mm

058.50 - 395011131 hour
0 203.5 hours per wcck
' No weekend work
0 Paid 1acution. h1)IldLl_\\. plus medical hCllCIll\
° Parttimc management Upptirllllllllt‘x

can 1mm


$2000 Night Sort
Tuition Reimbursement
per year

Ilzllll u.m. - 4:00 p.111.
5:00 11.11]. ~ lllzllll p.n1.


Equal Opportunity F mploy er

(lllllii (Illllllll

Week of February 11— 17, 2002

”1955 #111118 wtiflu’t‘d be the OWL? “11‘ ‘5‘, NIGHT. Aiiwdws Regsle'e’l
Shylpnt ’ K Dept n QHIHHII iritnrmatrm ‘rir FREE 1 ne {NE WEE "
9P1f1PIr11'»~ MONDA r1ritorrv71ation is to appear at http lwwwukyodu/Campus
Calendar. Sail 257—8867 for more Norm-111nm

'Socioty for tho Prevention: of Cruelty to

Animals Mootlng, 7009171. Student Center. Rm 106 Mon
'Arnovlcan Civil Liberties Union Meeting.

8:30pm, Student Center. Rm. 203

'Math Tutorin',
065 Classroom
“Moth Tutoring, d?108l109), 6 00pm- -:8 00pm. Kiman Tower

’Moth Tutoring.8:00~10:009m Kirwan- Blending Complex Common51 ’1'“ ll00r

“History TutorlngITOC, 105, 107).7:30110.00pm. Kirwaanlandiog Complex
Cornmonslii"1 floor Ballroom)

‘Chomlnry Tutoring, 7:00-10:00prn, Kirwan Tower

“Ito Tutoring, 6:00-8:00pm, Kirwan Tower

11:008m1:,000m snd300-:.500pm

'Kompo“... 6:30pm, Alumni Gym Loft

'Tlnh. a Vietnamese guitar player telling his lite story 111 Vietnam through Music,
7. 00pm, performing in Worsham Theatre Free and Open to the Public all 257
8867 for information

“Swing Dunc. Lolaona, 7: 009m Alumni Gym
'UK Judo Club 5 6 309m Alumni Gym Lott

‘Alpha Kappa Psi 730 BI“ Pm TAR
'Appalachoin Student Union 7 001m S1 view
[enter Rm it}
'Alpha Phi Omegalsorvice fraternity),
Student Center Pm 3‘19
“Leftist Student Union Meeting :3 1313117"
(prim Rm: 2211
"Tuesday Nights Together 1 11711.11: 8°11.
'Gvoon Thumb Environmental Club 711

‘Muth Tutoring 2 00 5 now "

‘Math Tutoring S to 7 1'ltirr >13

‘Moth Tutoring, 8 00 ‘0 00:1 7

'Math Tutoring (108 l q

‘Moth Tutoringll23

‘Hiatory Tutoring,

'Hiatory Tutoring, ‘ 117 198 “19
‘Chomlltry Tutoring 7 309

'English Tutoring. 6 00 l ’1 "1

‘Comodv C ovnn. Sprr (am .9
'UK Tao Kwon 00 Club, 6 301117 7 f1 . 3717‘ ..,t7

Pro-Phy alcal Therapy Student Association,
7 oo 8 00pm Old Student Center Rm 203 Weds

'0“ Drum. Tum, 4 00pm. Garrigus Bldg. Rm

'Book of Mormon Clots, 12 00 Student Center

Rm. 231

'UK Fomlniat Alliance Meeting. 8 00pm.

Student Center, Rm 106
'Inflituto,1200 pm, Student Center Rm. 231
'Altamativc Spai Brook Proiocl 3: 30 Student Center, Rm 117
'Toblo Froncoiu, nEmmott Conversation Group 2: 3041 00pm, Blazer Hall
Rm Private Dining Room

'Eneoumor, 7:.00pm Student Center Rm 230

:UK E uoflrion Tum 830pm Ag North Rm A8

mg 00pm Board Meet1ng,7 30 Committee Meetings. Rm 206

‘FoIIowahlp of Christian Athletes. 9 00pm Christian Student Fellowship
Bu1|din lCSFl

“Moth Tutoring 111003111 1 009m 065 Classroom Bldg
"doth Tutoring 3:00 5: 000m, 065 Classroom Bldg.
‘Mlth Tutoring (MA 123), 8:00 to 00pm Kirwan Tower
'Moth Tutoring, 6. 00- 8: 00pm, Holmes
rumour/10371091, 7 30 10: 00pm Kirwan Tower
‘Chomlatry Tutoring, 7 00 10 00pm Kirwan Tower



1 1mm

Q? 1197 '

v-lmr'nes Hall

7fir.Q1'lri{r7 HMO. up

'UK Judo Club, 5-6230pm, Alumni Gym



'Fronhmon Focul ‘ 1701117

'Lambdn Mootlng, 7 1
;Amnocty International Mooring,
.. pg


Itory TutoringltO'llT 087109).
"1.7.1 Q 1I‘n - .0177
'Biology Tutoring
’Kompo Solt- Onion-o. r1 1.111.17- .1 1 1 ..

Convocation, Singiotlry Cantor for tho Art: 1 p m

'Rocoptlon King Alumni Hanan 2 p m to A pm

‘lnouqurll Gala Concert. Singlotnry Cantor Io: the Ann. 4 30 p m

~131F. are ‘nn1‘11‘lmm‘1 1H 1K<1111cle s

.4‘ 11 T111" K '\ 11‘ Rn.- 1111‘14 '
in 1 mix" '1 .1117 qlaflflv‘l‘ 111,11)».

.,. ‘ ‘1.


2:004:009m. 065 Classroom Bldg.


t Todd's Inauguration, 1 1:00.011.
Memorial Colin-urn
‘Proaidontlat Inaugural Rocoption, Grand Ballroom Student Center tollowmg

Inaugural Ceremony
'Alpho Kopp- POI, Chicago IL
Sun 1 7
M T 123). SNIO‘OODM Kirwon Tower
'0“ T 1.0”1001011 3'00 '0'000111 Holmns

' Tm 11011113111101.1100 10m Kimon Tow
“Blown!“ Holmes Hall

'Cflholic Mon, F. 17171.1“ 1:" 1 9.


'Kompo So" Mon... 7 V11 17

'Chlnooo Nov- Yoov Colobrotion
)IHlIP 7i «all: wshir 30: 7 1 7

'Alpho Kappa Pat * 1

‘UI Too lwon Do Club "1:7

W '0'. 9 00am
Ron Ln

1‘! 30am 5009171 ti 300m 320

My Woe-Mp Iorvlco. R 1 20m snutnsuw
Church of Christ, Rm Audt'orlum

’ WTW‘INI. 6 1X3 8 00pm («wan Tova-v

"W 2002. oat-"l Lion Dunc. and $17-11th for opening on
mnyl 100901111me 5 Goodmm Advanci- Tit-transom Antw- 1100' $1000

° W m. ‘ooom. UK An Mulourn

. 5 rpm Lmnflm 44mm: Center ‘Mm 311
0" u. a 5-7001 Aiumm Gym ln't


 Ca rs


Finanaal freedom is

just around the
corner for most of
you, but ironically
that means that
you‘ll be shackled
to debt until you
die, or longer. If
you're going to be
a slave. you might
as well drive there
in comfort, But
finding a good car
at a fair price is
impossible for
minds like the one
most of you sport.
Be sure to find a
car with a
comfortable seat,
because you'll
need it after the
car dealer is done
with you.

What you need:
In a perfect world,

we'd all drive
Bentleys and
Mustangs and live
off beer le. but
us not perfect
and neither is your
credit The powers
that be will grant
you something
used and small.

Where to look:
While shopping online

is all the rage. the
shipping and
handling on a 1.5-
ton automobile
has got to be
outrageous. I’m
sure that UPS has
a regulation
against fuel-
injected packages.

Deciding factors:
If possible, go look at

the car in a group
of at least eight
people. That way.
you can get a
good estimate
about how many
dead bodies will fit
in the trunk. Just
in case,

Test-drive a car from

one dealership and
take it to a
different one just
to let them know
there is
competition. You
could potentially
go back and forth
and immigrate one
lot to the other. If
you're really
brave. see if you
can get a trade in
on them.

lf relaxed morals help

you sh