The University Faculty met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
May 8, 1961, in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, President Dickey '. g,


1 k presided. Thirty—seVen members were absent. g.,*
.S U '> y
r The minutes of April 10 were read and approved. ;
1e r :
‘ I , . . . . . L
Dean Shaver presented for the College of Engineering recommendations ?
3d concerning dropped courses and a new course which were approved by the '

- Faculty.
l Courses to be Dropped
’ General Engineering 351 u FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING — 2 credits

rds General Engineering 555 — SA‘ETY ENGINEERING — 2 credits


? New Course to be Added

Mechanical Engineering 550 a SAFETY ENGINEERING - 3 credits


A study of industrial accidents prevention, accident
statistics, industrial and general hazards, fire protection,
codes and standards of safety. The course is designed for
those who may enter the fields of design or production
engineering. Lecture and recitation, three hours per week.
Prereq: ME 251 and Chem 101 or 106.


-’ ‘., ——-\-

. - f
’t , Acting Dean Dawson presented recommendations from the Graduate

Council for approval of graduate credit for certain courses, approval of
strictly graduate courses, changes in courses offering graduate credit, and
the dropping of certain courses for graduate credit. These recommendations
were approved by the Faculty.


I. The Graduate Council recommends approval of graduate
credit for the following courses.

1. Botany or Zoology 400-401 - Fundamentals of Biology for E‘E :
Secondary School Teachers (4) 3 p 1
A Course designed to aid the 5 1"
teacher in the selection of subject
matter and in the presentation of
7 modern biology to high school stu-
dents. Lectures, discussions,
laboratories, ten hours per week.
w Prereguisite: Employment as high
school teacher.



2. Botany or Zoology 402 — Advanced Topics in Biology for T. Hfflffl
Secondary School Teachers (4) 1‘ -fi;,§fl
A treatment of selected topics from ‘ fi,fi‘f
the point of view of modern develop— ‘ ffifiltfi,3
, ments designed to aid the high ‘ i; fix
2 school teacher to keep abreast of "
7 changes in thebry and practice, to
; increase his knowledge of subject
matter, and to provide better motim ,
vation for his students. Lectures, ‘ f3 1 ;
discussions, and demonstrations, q tTfiw
eight hours per week. Prerequisite: I W ’
Employment as high schooI teacher ‘ i
and consent of instructor.