xt7mw6696394 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mw6696394/data/mets.xml Arizona Arizona Historical Records Survey Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1938 iii, 63 l.; 28 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.11/no.3 books English Tucson: the Survey Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Arizona Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Labor -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Arizona -- Catalogs Arizona -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XI, The Departpment of Labor, no. 3, Arizona, 1938 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XI, The Departpment of Labor, no. 3, Arizona, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt7mw6696394 section xt7mw6696394 \ 1:113:10”? ' * ' 12¢: ‘ UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 4 1 ~ 1 11ll‘llllllllllllll111111 . 1 1 3 [11125 11131157011 5 . _ 1 » 1 1 ' u.s. GOV. 1 ‘ V 1 PUBLICATIONS . . _ 531 COLLECTION ' 535 INVENTORY OF _ _. 1:1 FEDERAL ARCHIVES . IN THE sures . 2 , 1 SERIES XI - - f gig . THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR , . ' 212 , NO. 3. ARIZONA :Liz. 1 D??? ' 7 (10H. EUBS.» 1:..2. . ; - THE SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES iii . WORKS PROGRESS 1.1131111131111131: - -. , . , 1 1?. L ' 1 ’1 1 . ' 1E1: ' . - 1 1 . 1301111111111. 1:15.111. 1 1 _ 2 11:12:;- " ' ' M5 1* “*UEWTNJLY , , 1‘ ‘ 111111‘W 2 ~ , 1 T1521 - 'i 1 11' '1 , 113.: 5",: . . I 1 1. ~. 1 1 ' - 11.189111 1 I - 111,180 - / ' “115111.“ , ‘1» 1 s ' - . ‘ I?" .x\ xx; \ ' > 1‘ . .' iz,~’ . 1 ':..'."':#’1 ’7 ”will: lé‘ - - . 11f; ”:31? .11 ‘ ‘ 1,7. 1 p511" ‘ 1 . : ‘ ‘1 .. . / 3 3 -' 2 . 4‘“ 7 131-3 . 3i; 2, ; ~24." 52,, .4 :; {E’i '4,” V 5;, j '-' E51. 3 .1. - ‘ 'u‘i‘Vl 1;, _ . giga- :‘ii a" M. - 5-23 "age: , , 3 , eel. ~:~. "‘7'“ “‘"-’ “ ' ' ‘ "‘ - "‘ ’ “ ' I ,i lIIVDIIl On; DE 1 EDLRAD ARCanLD 1.. Ella ,TIII’E a I {iii-EL? ' , l i . ;;:;\,;§ “535 j '_ {ESQ , . . at? ‘2' ; Kit: g, P rep ar e (1 b3, 1 ‘hd'i'y - . 7 iii»; ‘3 '>~ , =- . 1 r. . , . . _ The Survey of Federal Arculve s ‘ j» _ a, Dlv1Sion of Women's and Professional Projects . u; 150 rite Progre s s Admi ni st rat 1 on , I 3,311.; 4 ‘_ . _ . , 1 , The N at i onal Arcnl ve s 1 - Cooperating Sponsor ‘ 5 ‘ Eisz’.’ ‘ E ‘ < . } :3 URI ES XI . THE DEPnlfl'b/{Eni‘ Ci‘ LAB“; I » '3. 33:35.51; ‘3 1%“, LL: . Q . .LILJ. L» . :1 e iii-f ‘ , {Hg-Pl: , as: j ti . 53.533.931.34". ' ~ - ’ . 3 ‘ 3 . "3 3“ 3 i 3 5‘ ,‘:~'5,~"?7‘:r‘5' ' I 13$: if: F :{ 3 . ‘u .Y.‘.-"n‘ ‘ aw; 1': , disten- , ,. 1.3354351?“ ‘ .mli'f’t’vfi ‘ J mien": r, 3,4, .~_.v‘§ I l w . ‘3” L“ ‘32, . ~ {ii-Edges; : », 51:57:...‘37. i - u ’ . , Ib-{fiwd . ii . , — ' ‘ ~ ‘ .. , THC/SUI: , ArlZona ES The Survey L1 loner/:1, archives . ' {:"Al'.'2":'~‘ "\";1‘~'§.‘F:'~~' r' ", '5: . Megan-,3“. i 31‘ l i 3 ’ - ' 'j * m» . ‘ 3 : 1.6. , . ,. gen-13.... . . ~ .33, . :A¥.\'f’ig:.‘!2. (74) 1 5', 57. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. ( j (Seldom, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 in., in wooden filing case drawer. ) .- R. 5. (164) _: 58° CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. ( 1 (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 in., in wooden filing case drawer. Rs. 1 and 2. (2) ' l p 59. CITIZENSHIP OF INHABITANTS OF VIRGIN ISIAEDS,_1908 to date. Fil- - ed numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, Z in., in wooden fil- ing case drawer. Rs. 1 and 2. (114) 1 60. CONTRACTS AND LOSSES, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. (Daily, ( = official.) 9 x 12 folders, Z in., in wooden filing case drawer. Rs. 1 i ;, and 2. (82) y I 61. COOPERATION OF MEXICAN OFFICIAIS, 1908 to date. Filed numerical- * , 1y. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, A in., in wooden filing case » drawer. Rs. 1 and 2. (127) ‘x . i ', 62. CORRESPONDENCE, 1908 to date. Incoming and outgoing letters re— 3 ”’ lative to applications for extensions, Board of Special Inquiry, contract ( .‘ labor, cooperation of Mexican officials, Immigration Act of 1924, invoices, ) »’, Mexican revolutionary activities, naturalization, return permits, and 1 'fi with State Department. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 , '1', folders, 7—3/4 in., in wooden filing case drawer. Rs. 1 and 2. (128, ' It 86, 21, 5, 154, 29, 75, 75, 8, 51) 1 ' 5: 65. DAILY TIME REPORT, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. (Daily, of— 1 g{ ficial.) 9 x 12 folders, % in., in wooden filing case drawer. Rs. 1 ,1} and 2. (22) a fi? 64. DECISIONS AND OPIYIONS, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. (Daily, 2C,fl official.) 9 x 12 folders, I in., in wooden filing case drawer. Rs. 1 fefifi and 2. (64) 3% 65. DECLARATIONS OF INTENTIONS, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. pffi (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1/8 in., in wooden filing case drawer. .Jgg Rs. 1 and 2. (80) .SEE ,I', 3}"; I gh. ImmigratiOn and Naturalization Service, Naco 10* W NT? 56. DEPORTATION or UNITED STATES CITIZEBS, 1908 to date. riled nu— t @9- merlcally' (Dally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, u in., in wooden filing l gfiél case drawer. R. 5. (163) in 5‘23; ' § Is% 67. DISPOSITION or USELESS EXECUTIVE PAPERS, 1903 to date. riled nu— , 5d? merically. (Daily, Official.) 9 x 12 folders, % in., in wooden filing fgfi case drawer. Rs. 1 and 2. (55) _ 1 was . LE; 68. EXCLUSIONS, 1908 to date. Index and manifests covering aliens ’ t;$: excluded from entry at the ports of Naco, Douglas, and Nogales, Arizona. ! tin Filed alphabetically. (Daily, Official.) 3 x 5 cards, he ft., in 32 i -33 steel filing case drawers. R. 5. (156) 1, iffi 69. EXECUTION OF CERTIFICATION OF ARRIVAL IN NATURALIZATION CASES, ' .fi 190g to date- Filed numerically» (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, “SE 1 in., in wooden filing case drawer. Rs. 1 and 2. (79) I . I“ . i ii 70.' FEES IN NATURALIZATION CASES, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. 3 i' (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, I in., in wooden filing case drawer. : ;f Rs. 1 and 2. (lot) 1 ’:F? 71. GENERAL SMUGGLING ACTIVITIES, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. ‘ :75 (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, l in., in wooden filing case drawer. ( Iji Rs. 1 and 2. (M1) N {1 72. HOURS OF ENTRY, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. (Daily, offi— % “Q cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 1/8 in., in wooden filing case draWer. Rs. 1 and . ,.j 2. (61) , 1 j 73. INDIVIDUAL REQUESTS FOR RETURN PERMITS, 1908 to date. Filed nnr J :.11 merically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, % in., in wooden filing t g ,3 case drawer. Rs. 1 and 2. (133) 3 ,ir} 7H. INQUIRIES on PERCENTAGE ACT, 1908 to date. Filed numerically. '1% (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, I in., in wooden filing case drawar. gfifi Rs. 1 and 2. (M8) , .‘ '5'}: ‘ 'VEE 75. INSTRUCTIONS, 1908 to date. Detailed rules, regulations