xt7mw669669s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mw669669s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1997 1997 1997-02-04 2020 true xt7mw669669s section xt7mw669669s  

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Conflicts surround Memorial no

By Mal Herron

Feature; Editor

A high school swim coach said UK could have
fixed the .Vlemorial Coliseum pool it shut down.
“If they have enough money to fill it up with con-




Freedom Hall Sunday night. Rez'iw‘, page 3

"“1"“! 'I‘bunderxtonm
today, big/J 58. Rain tonight,
low 32. Partly sunny ton/mow,
high 46.

mm METALLIC“ James Hetfie/il and

his band played an ear-shattering (0114171 at


ington community. (UK‘s) number one priority is
taking care of the athletic department."

In December the Kernel reported on the closing
of the pool, the only aquatic recreational center on
North Campus, to add 6,000 square feet of space for
the CATS program.

crete and add on to the (Center for
Academic and Tutorial Services),
they could have fixed that. Be real,”
said Phil \\'ilder, a swim coach and
math teacher at Paul Dunbar High
School who swam for UK.

“I think they are using it as an
excuse to shut down the pool,” they

\Vilder has frequently asked UK
ifhis team could use the Lancaster
and Memorial pools. He said his
request, and requests from other
coaches, have been denied, often
without a sufficient answer. The
University of Tennessee, he points
out, lets all the surrounding public
high schools use its pool.

“The public helps support UK,”
he said. “we ought to be able to

use it. (The refusal) shows a disregard for the Lex-





According to Jack Blanton, vice
chancellor ior administration, UK
could not afford to fix the pool:

VPhysical Plant fund contained
$90,000: $30. 000 from athletics
and $60,000 from Lexington

VThe repairs required to the
pool by the health department
totalled almost $300,000.



Herbst ‘nericct’
tor Center ioh

By Nicki Sullivan

(fonmlmting lil’ritrr

UK said goodbye to former
Student Center Director Frank
Harris last week. Leaving behind a
strong legacy, Harris said he felt
great about turning over his posi-
tion to the new Student Center
director, John Herbst.

“(I'Ierbst) has a way oflistening
to people and involving students
in all aspects," said James Kuder,
vice chancellor of student affairs.
“(He has) innovative ideas to make
the Student Center a lively place.”

Kuder said Herbst’s experience
andfplans were immediate reasons
for is appointment to the posi-

The search and screening com-
mittee, composed of UK faculty
and student affairs staff, selected
Herbst after advertising the posi-
tion at selected colleges and uni-
versities across the United States.

Herbst received a unanimous

He grew up on a fruit and veg—
etable farm in west New York
thinking he would inherit the
operation. However, he had other
operations in his future.

Graduatin from State Univer—
sity of New ork at Geneseo with
an undergraduate degree in
F,n rlish, Ilerbst’s first experience
wit student centers began in the

ame room where within a year,
Se was promoted to supervisor of
the game room. Herbst served on
a committee which designed a
new student center, he decided he
wanted more.

After receiving a master’s
degree in college counseling psy-
chology from Boston Colle e,
Herbst went back to Geneseo or
one year because of his familiarity
with the o eration of the student
center. erbst's eager mind
sought broader realms, and he fell
in love with UK after visiting the
school for an interview.

“I was intrigued with the inti-

mate settin and impressed that
faculty ant? staff (were) really
interested in the students," Herbst

Student leaders on campus
hold a high opinion of Herbst.

“Herbst is perfect for the job
and already molded into it because
of the 23 years he has lo ged with
the University," said S A presi-
dent Alan Aja.

Herbst began his UK career as
program adviser of the Student
Center in the fall of 1974 and
within three months was promot-
ed to program director. He finally
moved into the position of associ-
ate director of the Student Center.

Herbst admits feeling a
“healthy anxiety” about the selec-
tion process, but he said,“I am
very proud and pleased to have
such a solid groundwork to build

“The Student Center is for stu—
dents and there should be a team
approach where everyone is wel—
corned, respected, appreciated,
and able to leave a mark,” Herbst
said. His primary goal for the Stu-
dent Center is to approach the
needs of the students with staff.
Herbst wants everyone to be
“interdependent of each other,”
and said that can be accomplished
by bringing together the entire
staff as a team for the students,
University and faculty.

Not only does Herbst oversee
the Student Center, but he also
finds time for his seven-and-a-
half—year-old son Marshall, his
“co-administrator and co-pilot.”

“It’s necessary to re—learn a lot
of lessons,” Herbst said.

And when he isn’t devoting his
time to the students of UK or to
his son, Herbst finds time to pilot
a hot air balloon, which he says is
a totally exhilarating experience
——- not unlike running a student
center, he said. “You never know
where you’re going, where you’re
going to land, or who you’re
going to meet,” he said.

\Vynn Paul, aquatics director at

the Lancaster Center, and Bill
Pieratt of the campus recreation
department, both said the money
was available to fix the pool. How-
ever, l’ieratt said, the pool needed
new filtration systems, heat
exchanges and “extensive plumb-
These repairs. mandated by the
Fayette County Health Depart-
ment, would have cost more than
what was available, said Jack Blan-
ton, vice chancellor for administra—

Blanton said the physical plant
fund, overseen by Jack Applegate,
contained $90,000: $30,000 that
came from athletics and $60,000
from the Lexington campus.

He said the repairs required by the health depart-

ment totaled almost $300,000, and the fund an cred
only the filter replacement.

Roy Fotishee. a health environmentalist .it the
health department, said, “The University liiadt' the
decision; we did not force them to close (the pool).

“It was an excellent pool, and l inspected it," he
said. “The reason it's closed is the filters were rust—
ing otit. It got to the point whcrc they couldn‘t
repair it any more."

Foushee said a special rubber epoxy was .ipphed
to the filters to fix the leak, but the metal had worn
so thin that more holes developed.

\Vildcat Aquatics Coach John Brucato said his
program has “not had any difficulties with campus
recreation," btit that the Memorial pool's closing
“affected lesson programs and swim programs."

The roup is a “self—funded, auxiliary organiza-
tion" o UK campus recreation for 7- to lB~year-
olds. Parents pay between $350 and $900 a year
depending on the swimmcr's‘ age and .ibility. Its use,
and that of the swimming and diving teams, leave lit—
tle time for students to use the at uatic center.

Brucato said he knew about t ie repairs necessary
to the survival of the coliseum pool, but his input was
“very minimal."

Information for tiny ytoiy um also gathered In [Cili—
toriul Editor Ttflimy (Ii/martin


JAMES cmsr It'mu/msz

lllllllillil 0“ john Herbst, new Student Center director, and bi: inten-and-a-balfiymr-old
son Marshall, spend their free time piloting a hot air balloon. Herbst my; bit :on it his ‘to-
administrator and t0—pilot. Herbst replace: Frank Harris who dirmed the Student Centrrfiir 3 1

year: before retiring [art week.


lllllBllllll Council holds party for Black History Month

By LaSlianna Carter
Stafl Writer


Students agreed that a party was a great way to

kick off Black History Month.
“It was a nice event because everybody

and support for their sisters and brothers by per-
forming several choreographed party steps.


“I enjoyed seeing the sororities and
fraternities step most of all," said



On Feb. 1, the Naturally United by Intelligence
and Necessity Council kicked off Black History
Month with a party in the Student Center.

This year’s turnout of 500-600 people was one of
the largest of the school year for a council function.

“I feel that this is the best turnout I’ve ever seen
— I work every one of them,” said security officer
and arts and sciences senior Ahmad Kalle.

Willie Jones, president of the NUBIAN Council,
said kickin off Black History Month with a party is
“a way of Bringing different people from different
colleges together in an environment that people
enjoy participating in.”

A party is one of the quickest and easiest ways to
bring people together.

“A party is usuall a good wa to bring everybody
out to have fun be are classes gin to get hectic,"
said NUBIAN Council Vice President Danny Cob-

\ 0 I

likes a party, especially when it’s on cam-
gus —— it is a lot easier to get to,” said
anielle Embry, a physical therapy fresh-


man- . I enjoyed seeing
Rancka Stovall, an electrical engineer- the sororities
ing freshman, said, “First being a college andfraterni-
student we have a lot of work on our .
hands, a lot of stress a party is a good ”a {up Waf
wa to get stress off our bacls.” -
he flyers were distributed to colleges V
in the surrounding areas. "a." '9'”
At UK the news got around b word of curriculum”-

mouth. Students from UK as we I as Ken-
tucky State University, Eastern Kentucky





University, Morehead State Universiy
and University of Louisville attend: the

electrical engineering freshman Pamela

“Seeing all the fraternities and sorori-
ties come to ether in one place and dis-
play their ta ents is what I enjoyed the
most,” Rynaria Murphy, a biology
sophomore, said.

The majority of the students attend-
ing the party were pleased, and some
were amazed by such a large turnout.

The proceeds of this party benefit all
organizations on campus who need the

The NUBIAN Council will hold
another party this weekend at the Stu-

party. dent Center from IO pm. to l a.m., and proceeds

Sororities and fraternities showed their dedication will go to the NUBIAN Council.





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0| closing

I/Voge increase forces
(1 core/156 in C671t67‘ hours
By Mat Herron

l’mttu‘ri I'Itlitw'


The minimum wage increase has led to .i decreasi-
in recreational facility hours around campus.

“'ynn l’atil, aquatics director at the l..inc.istci
l’ool, said the operating hours at the pool hit c been
cut as a result of the Oct. 1, WW). minimum \\.igc
increase with no compensating increase in the budget
for the facilities to maintain regular hours.

This measure, Paul said, could have been avoided
“ifthe University would have increased the budget by
the amount ofthe minimum wage increase."

Paul said in his 24 years at UK, this has nevcr h.ip~
pcned before.

llowcver, Jim Kudcr, the vice chancellor for sin--
dent affairs. said a similar situation happened in WU}
()3, when hours were reduced .it the Scaton Center
and the Student Center.

“The state did not get the revenues they project
ed," he said. “\\'e never got the money put back in
the budget (from last tiinc).'~



mum Dean finds new
job in Bornhuskcr state

Dean of Arts and Sciences, Richard lidwards.
was named senior vice chancellor .it Nebraska's
largest university, L'nivcrsity of Nebraska—Lid
coln, yesterday.

lidwards was approached by the University of
Nebraska—Lincoln to succeed Joan Leitlcl, who
resigned last summer to become president of the
University of New llaiiips‘birc. As senior vice
chancellor for academic affairs, lidwards will be
Nebraska's top academic officcr and will be sec
ond to the chancellor in the university‘s organiza
tion chart.

His appointment begins April 15.

“l was attracted to the opportunity to be the
top academic officer for a major land grant univer—
sity and the chance to play a leadership role,"
Fdwards said.

As dean of UK's largest college, he believes his
biggest accomplishment is giving the college a
sense ofidcritity “as a community of scholars C(illi‘
mitted to academic excellence and diversity."

Edwards was offered the job ll) days ago and
made the decision to take the leadership role at
Nebraska this weekend.

“I am really rcgretful of leaving my colleague»
and friends at the University of Kentucky,“ he


Nominations for the sixth annual Frances J.
Ockcrman International Award, honoring voliinv
teers who befriend international students at UK,
are due Feb. 14.

Faculty and staff members whose jobs duties
are not in the international area, University spous-
es and all Lexington residents are eligible.

To nominate someone, write a onc~ )age letter
describing the nominee’s efforts on behalf of UK
international students and send it to ()ckerman
Awards Committee, 11] Administration Building,
Lexington, KY 40506—0032.

English department seeks submissions

Poets and fiction writers are encouraged to
submit manuscripts to the annual Dantzler-Far-
quhar literary competition, sponsored by the
En lish department.

eb. 14 is the deadline for submission. Entries
should be sent to Gurney Norman, Department
of English, Patterson Office Tower 1215.

The competition is for undergraduates only.
Entries should be neatly typed, double-spaced,
with 20 pages maximum for fiction, IO pages max-
imum for poem or group ofpoems.

SAB selecting new committee chairs

The process of selecting new Chairpersons for
spring, summer and fall 1997 is in cf ect for the
Student Activities Board.

They will be selecting Chairpersons to fill the
following positions: spotlight jazz, performing
arts, Homecoming, Family Weekend and a multi-
cultural co—chairperson.

Applications for these positions can be picked
up in 203 Student Center. The deadline to apply
is Feb. ll at noon. All ap licants will need to sign
up for interviews when submitting applications.

Sullivan lliiiiarls accepting awards

The Sullivan Awards Committee is accepting
candidates to receive the Sullivan Medallions.
Awards are given in three categories: one
undergraduate woman of the graduating class, one
undergraduate man of the aduating class, and
one person who is not a stu ent of the University,
but is connected as an em loyee. alumnus or
friend. Nominations should sent to Phyllis P.
Nash, Chair rson 1997 Sullivan Awards Com-
mittee, Vice hancellor for Academic and Student
Affairs, A30] KY Clinic, UK, Lexington, KY
40536-02 84. The deadline is March 14.
Compiled/ion ”my.








w. my . W"..-






2 Tuesday, February 4, I997, Kentucky Kernel



1. Kansas (6)

2. Wake Forest
3. Kentucky

4. Minnesota

5. Louisville

6. Maryland

7. Utah

8. Clemson

9. Cincinnati

10. Duke

11. New Mexrco
12. Iowa State
13. Arizona

14. Michigan

15. (tie) Xavrer
1.5. (tie) S. Carolina
17. Stanford

18. (he) Villanova
18 (he) Colorado
20 Texas Tech
21. N. Carolina
22. Tulsa

23. Tulane

24. Illinois

25. Iowa



MCI" P18
22-0 150
18-1 142
20-2 140
19-2 132
18-3 115
17-4 112
15-3 107
17-4 108
15-4 102
17-5 97
16-3 96
15-3 89
13-5 74
16-5 66
15-3 60
15-5 60
13-4 59
16-5 52
16-4 52
13-5 35
13-6 27
17-5 20
16-5 19
15-6 15
15-5 7

Others receiving votes: UCLA(3),
Marquette (3) Indiana (3)

2) Ole Miss (1)
Florida State (1), Princeton (1).



. Kansas (70)

. Wake Forest (1)

. Kentucky

. Minnesota


. Iowa State

. Maryland

. New Mexico

10 Clemson

11. Loursville

12 Cincinnati

13. Michigan

14. Arizona

15. Colorado

16 Villanova

17. Xavrer (Ohio)

18. Stanford

19. S. Carolina

, 20. N. Carolina













Team statistics
lllt Opponents
.473 Field Goal Percentage .392
.697 Free-Throw Percentage .655
.363 Three-Point Percentage .314
84.1 Points Per Game 61.2
40.3 Rebounds Per Game 34.0
15.5 0ft. Rebounds Per Game 13.1
19.7 Assists Per Game 12.6
15.1 Turnovers Per Game 23.6
5.0 Blocks Per Game 2.7
12.0 Steals Per Game 6.3

(I()|,l.l{(}|{ ,1)



Ii 1.





_and Ideas - Former (MI rights attorney










By Chris Easterllng
Sports Editor

Can it get any worse for the

Already short one key pla er
for the season, the team took]
major hit to its frontcourt ester-
day when Jared l’rickett suffered a
severely sprained ankle during an
individual workout. The injury
will sideline the 6-foot-9 senior
for “anywhere between 10 days to
two weeks,” according to UK
C oach Rick Pitino.

Pitino said the injury happened
while Prickett was going against
Anthony E pps. Epps was trying to
take a charge, and Prickett came
down wrong on l‘ipps’ foot.

“He had to be carried off the
court,” Pitino said. “And Jared
Prickett is probably the toughest
kid on the team. It was a big break
for us, one that will be difficult to
overcome, but we’ll give it our
best shot.

“VVe’ve been very lucky with-
out injuries last year, and we’re
getting a lot of bad breaks this
year,” he said. “So we'll take the
good with the bad and you go
from there."

UK has already lost senior All-
Amcrican candidate Derek Ander-
son for the remainder of the year
due to a knee injury.

The loss comes at a most inop—
portune time for the Cats, who are
preparing for the much-anticipat—
ed showdown for Southeastern
Conference supremacy tonight at
No. 15 South Carolina (15—5 over-
all, 9—0 in the SEC).

“Unfortunately, we’ve been
saying the last few weeks that he
(Prickett) has been playing the
best on the team," Pitino said.
“The unfortunate thing is that we
have one less body, which we can’t
afford at this time. But then to
take aw av your best frontcourt
player is the other (problem it cre-

The loss of l’rickett leaves the








8W! MOLE Kernel MIT

""11"", jared Prirkett will be out I 0—to- 14 day: with a sprained ankle.

Cats with only eight players who
have a realistic chance of seeing
action against the Gamecocks.

“\Ve’ve gone from the deepest
team in the country to maybe hav—
ing the shortest bench in the
country, in one year,” Pitino said.

Pitino said the loss will affect
the Cats’ style of play.

“The chance of pressing, the
chance of playing up—tempo are
probably forgotten for the next
two weeks,” he said. “We’re going
to have to try and finish the game
with five people, and we’re oing
to have to play a totally dif erent

“I think we can stay positive
(mentally),” he said. “Whether or
not we can play that style I’m talk-
ing about. I don’t know, I have to

call (Tennessee Coach) Kevin
O’Neill this afternoon.”

The biggest chore facing Pitino
and his staff is the limited amount
of time they will have to prepare.
UK had only three hours to prac-
tice yesterday for the Carolina
game; the team will have to take
the mandatory day off on
Wednesday before facing Western
Carolina at Rupp Arena on Thurs-
day night.

After facing Western, UK will
get two days of preparation prior
to Sunday’s Top 20 showdown at
Rupp a ainst N0. 18 Villanova.

PricEett’s teammates seem
ready for the challenge.

“We have to come together and
everybody else has to step it up a
second notch,” Ron Mercer said.

UK and use battling
tor 8E0 supremacy

By Chris Eastorilnp

South Carolina, ranked No. 15
in the latest Kentucky Kernel
To 25 poll, will find out if it
tru y is the kin of the hill in the
Southeastern nConference when
UK visits Columbia tonight for a

the break — maybe the best fast-
break team we 've faced this year,
both on a made basket and on
transition because they’ re