xt7mw6696727 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mw6696727/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 1999 1999 1999-09-09 2020 true xt7mw6696727 section xt7mw6696727  





I 9““!
; 7 . J
«emu» - ,


Why stay

Although the health ’ "
professionals have

Fencers' W
. Extreme club sport I

, m . - "a . . u , _,
mamas“... ’» m





999 I

long been advocates
of stress
management, stress,
tension and burnout
are still common
complaints of
students, faculty and
staff alike.

On account of this, we
have come to the
following conclusion:
You all must want to
stay stressed! The

remain as stressed
as possible.



A message of peace


Born Orr I951.

Bantu High School.
1951 1953 Teachers
Diploma at Pretoria
Bantu Normal

following provides College.
you With a few 1954 » 1958 Teacher at
,‘ reasons why you Johannesburg
; should want to Bantu and

Krugersdorp, High

5 “ Schools, .

3,. ' Stress helps you seem I960 - Ordained as
1 important. Anyone as Deacon

stressed as you must 1961 ~ Ordained as a
g be working very hard Priest.



and, therefore, is
probably doing
something very

- It helps you to
maintain personal
distance and
intimacy. Anyone as






1962 ~ I965 Part-time
curate, St Alban's
in London.

1970 - 1972 Lecturer.
Department of
Theology, U.B.L.S.
Roma, Lesotho.

1972 « 1975 Assooate









busy as you are _ .
:‘z certainly can't be education Fund of
.1 expected to form the World Councrl
a: emotional ot Churches based
7 attachments to IIIVELOIEIEIBSEM-
Ianyone. And let S Park, London and
ace it, you re not was honorary
much fun to be curate of St.
around anyway. Augustine’s.
7 .

- It helps you avoid '9' johggniiéegtffigm
responsibilities. 1976 ~ 1978 Bishop of
Obviously you’re too tesotho
stressed to be given 1978 , 1985 General
any more work. This 5“,“an South
gets you off the hook African Council of
for all the mundane Churches.
chores; let someone 1985 , named Bishop
else take care of . . c of Johannesburg.
them. I ASSOCiAiED ”(LS 1995 5 amounted to

. . I Archbishop Desmond Tutu talks of peace and humanity during a speech at Coastal Carolina University Thursday, Feb. 18, 1999 in Conway S.C. the Truth and

- It gives you a chemical i Reconciliation
TUSTT. STI’ESS might be I 0 0 A 0 a Cornmissmn.
Iggfl'daerjgdygucgggp : Nobel Prlze wmner to speak at Memor zal Hal Z Th w sdav £53511;

. . v d.’ L ELISI GI L
’ H ‘ v' I 1
give'yourselfa m I By Mat Herron No need to trumpet to the norle ho he is or how and Item raulraiioii I that -- a '. Iv .7 'O'W' nameo
anytime you choose. I ._.,,..._ ’ ”', r important he is." two hooks. iiicluilrn: o::~ on ‘: (2!. It .' '; .rzi ,,- archbishop
But be careful you . SEN'ORSTAFFWRW ,. ,, . - . .. - . .. .. .. , . r, . t . . emeritus
, ,’ I lutu was born in kit‘li\\(ItllIi South Ah ita. in Iliiise who Iron no. lieu . .. or ._ .,‘ .
""th get agdldid to I Hi t‘ t n .. ,. 19:11. He greu tip to become one ot the country s son people can rail]. around
your OWHB renaine. I 5 I” ””1”“ will” (‘IIIII“I¥“"“~‘- most compassionate and outs ioken leaders “You really do gi-i l V we no: iios IE; it ..
I . Unbeknownst‘to his pareiitsat tlictmle. AW“ against apartheid. the imzal racial] separation in could represent the aspira'ioizs .i o-opie w 1.1- Awards/Writings

_ It helps you avoid I bishop Desmond Iutu who visits Il\ next week the country oppressed and (I'm “HM“, \th i Elected Fellow of
SUCCESS- WhY TISk I “("11th“Im’th’” I’IIIHWHI Ii“_“I‘»V.“”I“‘- ’l'utu dedicated many or his years to ending Grundy. I'K's director oi .\l; it u: \Tllt' King‘s College,
being "successful" I . , H“ IIWIII I’I‘CI’III“ i’I’I ”ISIIIR I'II’II‘III“: :I’I'II‘I‘ apartheid in South .\l’rica .\t one point. he even dent attain "lie has a voiiigfassion'im Viginilih London (1973),
when by simply I (IRE IIII‘IL‘I ‘1’ I II§IFIIIIIII~k'I‘ U ll“ SIUIHI IIIEIIIII‘III” supported economic sanctions against the coun lutu s coiiiria nor. to l l\ iris tho-girl that. Prix d'Athene (Onassw
staying stressed you I torchinrryotl'gift-Sf? (IIIJIUHIIf ”IQIQW ‘ ‘1 ‘ try. a move that was iilegal under the South caiiipus ‘v)l.\ll.\. III5‘IIJIIIQIIII‘1'. \;.llllill. uraairIiwi Foundationi(1980).
can avoid all of that? i " \I "‘f “Tim?“ 21‘.” I 1‘ ‘15 ””19“”: ’ .. Atrican government _ lroin the I :itierson School o. liigvateiarx III the .1. Author of Hope and

I t on. Tutu is spreading that ritessage ot pearl (.row'ing up in south :\il'lt'll during apartheid .tls. Suffenntheptt.
Stress can keep your I and gentility ”1 "‘"II‘I‘IV‘L ”5 ” "I-"Im-‘J I"“‘I’»‘-‘~‘"I' ”I in the 1.970s and this was like grow in}: up in the It's tunes lilo: that. :‘oIIe ill.” -. said. uliez. ‘E ‘9831 and several
performance level I Emory University I” "VI“HM- . . I'iiited States during the (ireat liepi'essioii in the world leader turned on i ,-. :‘alu did "i I t‘ l, d
low enough that I 0”" ”I “”113 hIIIII‘I‘lUI IIUIIIIW‘N "”IIVIWIW‘ Willis. l’ollard said. ' down w iili liiiii during thew Tiilir'- A. Ili'll I!" ar 'C es an , .
success won‘t ever I ”“57 I5 his ITUINIIIUI This is ironic considering his "Sanctions were rlil’l'iciiit.” he said. "But II iust ill tlie l'l‘.'llill and sweet ti uti'oirJi Lore . s revrews. mmqu
be a threat. I acconiplishments._most notably the IWI NITIIF‘I your life is on the edges anyway it‘s not going to it lier.‘ Iil'tllltI\ said ”VIII .; .i iii ._ h ti- tar; ~r Crying m the

I l"eace Prize tor his work lighting apartheid in (shnngv your lit‘every much." I hisdziuglirer ‘ Wilderness '

— Stress also lets you I 50””) A‘VI‘H'G- . _ _, Along the way. ’l'uto earned smeral presti This is inst one more example. s IIII I‘IrII‘il d ”‘9 Family Of Man
keep your I . 9‘?“ wouldn I know h“ ““5 IITIII‘II‘I’I'II) II “I“ gious accolades and awards. Among them are the protessor at Ix'niort . e1 'I‘uiii . Inuiii:I~ nation "I:: Gold Medal Award
authoritarian I saw him walking down the street. Alton lollar'd. Nobel Peace Prize in 1.981. the Order ol' Meritori South :‘til'lt‘tl. the_\ sa\ lie was 'oii the LII’IIIIIIII (December I983I‘
management style. ‘ fIIr“_(‘I‘_’I‘I)It ”RICK ( IIUH'II MIMI” ”IVI‘AIIII’I‘M ”€1I‘I~ this Service Award by South Alricaii leader Nel with the people.” I’oIIai‘rl said 'Ile s so In e. . \ Martin LUIIW King Jr.
The authoritarian ”05.11151 an UW‘IIN humble ”MIT 3" “WWII-“ll” son Mandela. and an appointment to the Truth traordiirarily regular person Humanitarian ‘
style of "Just do I _ Award (May. 1984i.
what I say!" is I 3 - . Noboelil’egcer Prrze —

I He 3 Just an utterly humble man. N o pretensmn.
under crisis I
maintain a
permanently stressed I - , .. 7' , , ~ , —~ *
crisis atmosphere. I
you can Justify an I -SIUDiNT MEDIA.
authoritarian style all g
I C t CK h'

Source: I our S censors 1p
http://www.geocities. . _
com/CollegePark/Hall I By Mark Vanderhoft ed... that it the school did not in- sity arlministrators .hfm' beer.

/2239/humor/misc/st I {filfimulp '''' tentionally create a public loruin. very supportive ol l‘k students
ress.html I then the publication remains a and their rights to tree expres

Compiled by: Samantha I ‘ _ nonpublic torum. and school otti~ sion. . . ,

Essid / Ron Norton l . A “WIN?” Hl’lN‘HIS (‘OUI‘I I” cials may impose any reasonable. [I an incident such as the one
I Cincinnati yesterday upheld the nonw'iewpoinl based restriction at KSI] ever arose at I'K.
I ("‘ITSI"“ITIP ”WI ("lllI‘IFITIIIII'H ”I on student speech exhibited "l‘d light it with everythingl
I Kentucky 5‘5"“ I‘ITIV‘"‘»\'".\7\ IW-‘I therein." Judge Alan H. Norris have." hesaid.
94 .‘t‘ill‘htlltk. NWIITL' IIH‘ N't‘lil‘ll‘lttk wrote for the majority. Which is what (‘ullen did.
“'85 ”0‘ a PUNIF I‘til‘uni tor stir Many critics say the applica» and she was tired. Yesterday's de-
. (INTI expression. tion of lla:clrcoo(/. a high school cision presents problems for advi-
I Th“ ‘IN‘ISI‘IH “€15 (II’IIWII ('I'III' case. to a college publication is sors and students alike in protect
‘ ‘ I l cism t‘rom ”WITH “(IUWIW‘S- m“ dangerous. and have said the do ing their l’irst :\llT(‘TT(TlT]t‘t1i
'. I (IIH students. III“ StiltIt‘lII I’I‘I‘SS cision poses serious threats to rights. Iliestandsaid.
f MW (WWW “WI III“ llIIlimitl‘s. tor First .»\niendnieiit rights lliestaiid received a phone
{ trier KISU student editors tTharles “’l‘hey‘re applying Hazel- call this week from a student who
E I “11031“ ”WI ( ”in" I ‘IIIf‘I‘ ”WI wood. a high school decision. at a is currently experiencing censor-
t 83 66 I IIIL‘H‘ "WI!” SUIII‘FVISW 4” Th“ much ditt‘erent level. We‘re talk- ship problems at her college
i Hi to I “"19- I139!“ (‘UIIWI- . . ing about substantially more so- newspaper in Michigan.
Q “We ve had thirty ,Vt'éll‘S‘ “I phisticated folks in college." said “In the past. I would've been
1'— Partly sunny. partly significant (“”1990 (FIT-ht AIWWI Richard (loehler. the journalism able to fax her copies of case—by-
? cloudy, you make the C3" "H‘ITU protection. and ”NV IL” educator‘s coalition attorney. case ways to defend herself. As of
’ “‘5’ —_’ ‘**"“‘" nored the. cases that set l’l't‘ce: “There could be datiger on a today. I can't do that." he said.
. 133“? ”g ‘3 V (ION-5‘." $819 Mlkf‘ Hlt‘SImI‘I- Sm“ wide scale if censorship creeps The plaintiffs can petition the.
"W “7‘ ‘ attorney for the SIWIPM I’Y‘PSS into academia."he said. appeals court to hear the case
P - ~—W~*— Law Center._ . The decision disappointed again. this time by the entire 6th
5 VOL. #3105 lSSUE #12 . d The trilatgrirglty' on thchlht‘t‘f‘} Mike AIginJiK‘s media SUM}!'\'IS(}II‘. (‘ircuit plane} olfiudgcs. limimlm
2; ~~—~~~n~~——- .111 f-ZC‘ pane 0" “"0889“ "WI" “'T‘iis )oses a danger or t ie said. lft ey ai out at eve. tie

ESTABLISHEDINI892 1'5- 01-1380" “It‘d an t‘fil‘Ilt‘l‘TIt‘t‘I‘ rights of I students to express next step will be the ['nited States ”M0 "mm

mogpguogm smcg 1971 sion; Hazelrcood t’s‘chool District themselves without adm inistra- Supreme (‘ourt Chris M", W! "I!“ M,_ “I, W“ m .1 [m

...W__-w.._.~. ~~~~ 1*)? .I‘Uh/"N'IW‘. to .lllStlIN Iht'll‘ (Il‘ tive interterence," he said. The students' attorney. Bruce II mi, "MI USO." . m h H! y“. M m MI

MN» :9 s' 2’ “SW” Arrin is confident the decision Orwin. was not available for com lunar-w I!" m

. ILL . “The court in anclrl‘oed not word-am l'K. and said univer- merit. M h“ ‘ It“ H”. m I” ' "F‘
; Call: 257-1915 or write:
4' kernel®pop.uky.edu
I The Student Newspaper a Kentucky, lexi
‘ i
C T ‘ 9 ‘





The Low-down

Dow Rises 2.21 to 11,036.34

.\lfi\\' \‘lllx’lx' t.\l’t ,\ barrage of conflicting
\l.!ll.|l\l1li interest rates kept lll\t'slttl's off bal
lfit’t' todt‘. l-‘.l\llt'_’ the Dow lliilll\ll'l.lls little

in :t d \\lllli’ most stocks ended \\llli modest
tosses .\t the close of trading on Wall Street. the
Dow. .lones industrial average was up 2.:1l at

m H law'i's till the New York Slitt'k l‘:\

l'titfr'li'il'.!1l|lit'l\ l,’:‘ftl-—f'l.lii;) 'l‘he .\.'asdaq (‘oni
.o, Intl \ ~.:.tsdo\\tiillitJaI113M: ,‘l

Davenport Reaches U.S. Open

\‘liW \'()l\’l\' t.\l’t Defending champion

1 1:. l«.t\ Davenport survived two match points

will tinall\ slipped past Mary Pierce today to

.. . 2:: into the semifinals ofthe l'S. ()pen. l’iercc.
I Shl‘lV'E‘l to fifth. (ltllllilt'lltllllt‘ll on match point to
, . , Da\enport the victory 62. :lo. 73. in l’riday's

Up 9VOI_\ . Insfmals. Davenport will pla\ the winner of

[llilé‘ weights quarterfinal lwtween No l.\lonica ,‘seles
"‘ml \,. 7 Serena Williams
mentions . . '
Star Yeltsrn Denies Part In
Wars to Scandal

\\‘.\.\il'\l i H t.\ t,\l’> Ril\sl'lll l’residec:



—q;gr in muggy ll "ls \ei's' . ii: if President ( liiitoti today and
85 yea. std »1w:'~l‘ "‘ ,1. ll' - irooived in Illllliitl

awry-$10 car; in ii .tl'vill‘\ i.:lll.tlr‘l'lll‘. scand n. a
fate: Cccwan We. ’t lions ,2? m'l'l l-lt;s~vt s eltzt-t prosecn
knob intbe t s is:\-"Etl ~ \teltsin in .\l itnh. an! 1it fit in



Qf‘Q'l'tdi 5&3” z..;-\:. "i. 'l=_ ~_-. ‘li t: Yt‘ltmt: M'Ill iii =l.ttl 'lll"l\
Wars mgwe ‘f'll'lltl it“ al‘. \' l '5 tltttl.‘ 'l>fle‘! 'lo".
. .v‘Wix’iiixlI.‘ vs': ~,~. -\'.' Issi “simulate
l'\ .ttt':w..'v i;~ :l ; 1e":'l'lliilt"
a" t or lv’its r .z..=t:: It lll- .tn’p llill
:ttl to \ie lob « .. l !. Int» 'twt -~o:tn:s
"- l. H! \Fn'. \wtz.
U.N. Fears More E. Timor
Hill Indette» t \l‘) 'l‘hel'nitrld ‘. firms on
'~\~‘.t;--svl'c tl~ la til tit: ctatit‘dtm. Ml mission
lint 'l‘tnim twain" tn~ v\t'lid:xa\'..t§tmtltl end
it. l',n‘~\ lilootlslo l ii: the lndohesi :1 mixture
\l t e f'frt" "s’tttu not}. liav‘ : ll 1 lair Elit-
‘\ 'lll’l 'tlliilllttlfi‘f"rt ',,'t}.\\
rite twt t s :3 mt a r‘o- *tt'llt‘l it ill
' lv ll \‘ ill illill.i.'l.' 'l “a“ ~
ytttlv. ,.r - . hull




1 e
-- ..





Leading rapper
and producer
Sean "Puffy"
Combs, accused
of assaulting a
record company
pleaded guilty
Wednesday to a
lesser charge of
Combs, 29, who
performs under
the stage name
Puff Daddy, was
accused of
Records execu-
tive Steve
Stoute at his


What a differ-
ence 19 months,
two Grammys
and 5 million
albums make.
The Dixie
Chicks soared
into the No. 1
spot on the U.S.
pop charts as
their new album
“ny" sold
about 341,000
copies in its
first week of


Dili. Rumors of mass slaughters swept through
refugee camps. Many said pro-lndonesian mili
tias would kill thetn ifthe l‘N. workers left. l'..\'
Secretary (:eneral said he is trying to keep a
small l N. presence iii the violencetorn province
to protect innocent civilians.

Congress Returns to Full Work

\l'ASllthi'l'UN (Al’) . ’l‘he chubltcan-con
trolled congress returned to work today. still at
odds with the White House on tax cuts. spending.
health care. gun control and other issues. Senate
Majority lieader Trent Lott. R-Miss.. predicted an

actionpacked" September and October. Lott
said that tax cut legislation approved before (‘on
gress‘ break would go to the White House next
week for its threatened veto. Clinton's rejection
of the measure will present Republicans with an
important derision: whether to set the issue
aside until next year's election campaign or at-
tempt to work out a compromise that also would
cover issues as diverse as spending and

Consumer Borrowing Surged
in July

WASHINGTON (AP) ~ Americans' rate of bor-
rowing surged in July mainly reflecting heavy
credit card use. which posted its sharpest in»
crease in two years. Consumers' credit outstand-
ing. excluding mortgage debt, advanced at a 7.9
percent annual rate in July to a seasonally ad-

justed $13.14 trillion, the Federal Reserve said to.

day. .>\ll told. consumers borrowed $8.8 billion
more in July than during the month before.
greater than the $6.3 billion gain many analysts'
had expected. The increase follows a 2.9 percent
gain in June and was the biggest jump since May
when consumers credit outstanding rose at an
annual rate of 9.! percent.

Star Blast Linked to Black

NEW YORK (AP) Scientists have found
some ofthc best evidence yet to support the theo-
ry that the cataclysmic explosions of giant stars
catt lead to black holes. The findings were to he
published in tomorrow's issue oftheiournal Nae
ture. lv‘esearchers analyzed the gases near a star
that wobbles around a suspected black hole. and
(lllll'llltlf'll that the chemicals could have origi~
nated only tn the blast of a neighboring superno-
va. Black holes are massive celestial objects
whose gravity is so powerful that nothing - not
even lILIlll can escape from one.

Old versus new
. in DZ battle



flight former members of

lTK‘s Delta Zeta social sorori
ty filed a complaint against
the sorority ill l'ifth Division
l’ayette ('ounty (‘irctut ('oitrt

The plaintiffs allege the
local chapter of the national
organization. which is reorga
iii/.ing on l'li's campus. vio
laled a contract with the
plaintiffs and intentionally lll'
flicted emotional distress

According to court docu
ments. the plaintiffs claim
that they were told that they
were no longer considered
members of Delta Zeta and
they could no longer wear the
sorority letters.

in addition. the plaintiffs
were not supposed to tell any
one they were affiliated with
the sorority. and when they
tried to enter the Delta Zeta
house. they were denied entry
as members of the sorority.
according to court documents.

“Delta Zeta just pledged a
new group of women, and i
think they have a right to
know this chapter‘s past be-

fore they sign in stone (initi-
atet.” said plaintithary flitti-
baugh. an arts administration

The complaint is also
asking the sorority to release
three plaintiffs from the
sorority and allow them to
pledge another sorority.
(Once initiated into Delta
Zeta. individuals were not al-
lowed to ever join another
sorority. according to the doc-
ument st

Denise W. Mc(‘tillars. na-
tional vice-president of mem-
bership development for Delta
Zeta. said that she was not
even aware of the civil court
complaint until this evening.

Mct‘ullars said that pro
vided that they were in good
standing. every active mem-
ber in the sorority at the time
it was re-organixml was sup.
posed to receive alumni sta

“No one told them they
couldn't wear their letters,"
she said

Mc('ullars said the plain»
tiffs were not allowed to enter
the house because it was utr
det‘going renovations.




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for taking notes in your class

apply online:



Study Smarter





:3 s




a. . _s..._~...‘... .. .. .-.._















; Roots and Heritage .
l e
" ‘ ' Festlval celebrates I'OOtS
; 1
: 4 Check out the Roots and
I . Heritage Parade on Saturday at
I . 10 m. The route beolns at Fun for everyone: Heritage festIval offers mu5Ic, art and culture at a good price
; Third Street and continues up
; Elm Street to Fifth Street. By Christina Zavos SIIIIIIMV III |)IIIII.I_l.I~> l'.II‘lI shirt (I II:IIIIII-I' IIIIII':IlI~I :IIIIl I: IIIlmI
l‘ _,-. III; muww \l\ll lI'IIIII .\I'l'ili)i\lltl}r (Il'IhI 1\ .I llIlIl\" IIII III :IIr .I _
A |)I'.\Illllllll 'l‘IIIII IIII.\I ’l‘lIIII'»II;I\ HIIIII llII .IIII-IIIlI-Il IIIIIII Roots and herltaqe
, 43’s? \\illlIIHt't'Ilt'Q;I[1;I\ pm III mm W, 1-,”. “I. ”I W” M“ ”M mm!“ “H W W H festival Information.
% lEI'l IlIlIIII'lIIIIIIl \H'Vt‘i IIII ullli HM mum-”II llI~ \uulw II.;IIIIII \I. . .I For more Information about these
a J? IIsII.IIiI ill lSIIW has I.:'II.I,II III .\,\ [mm III III.I IIIIIHWH; .\IIIIII'II‘;III\;I_~IIIIIIIIIJI IIm-II I and other eventsat the
or xl/I' .IIIIl I'IIIIIItzIIIIIII ‘I.‘III .. ”(“151)”,”1.,th II“ II‘HIHPIIH. lIIIIlI II III i: ill'I'HJ’Jt‘ .IIIII. ; Carnque Center, call 254—
‘? IIIIIIIIiI lIIII: t'IwII‘I'III III» 1'1\ I‘IImIIII. III girl \\ \I'I'tItlli \‘I_ II\I- ‘I-ltllitll! IIIIIIII ‘IE:I~I - 417510 Vgewdcomplete
‘ It!» hm.” ':'l",‘).u’]i/,“'l ‘I‘j‘WIIIII ..; l'IIIII- \IIll illiNl .‘I ill-’l' II I‘w.‘llllll;‘_ \“’”“* “ “V “t ,’3""l}’”.z ‘ lIstInII of all Roots 8 Heritage
. at “1"!“ \ l“.” 1"” l““‘l\'I5* 'I'I IIIIIIulII III:IIIII'III;_I IlII- .l;I\.I I‘ll“ III" IslIIll'll I‘ .. } IggIIydI events. Wm their
i J? m" “WHN'M'THUI'N“‘ " Ell“ 13 IIIIHN‘ l’IIIIIs III lnIIIm IllI- .IIIIt ”1“,!“MMDWHWH ’ websrte at
H ' I ~ -- ‘ ' III III I"_V _ I,
1 5W0 . ”1h \\IIII1\' III:II'l\IIIl IIII IIII‘ l.II\IIIuIIIII \ _\III'I|;II'lII:III l’IIIIIs. (‘;::fl()lwnlfw\z _ I ,_ L WVH‘I ItIIcq.com/roots. You can
' ummnu “t .m“ ””1 My. w H I” (““an '” m” “"4”““9 I-IIIIIII I lI‘IwIIhIII III. .‘ I. .1 also contact the lestival
‘ if Rlllil\ I\ HIIHII'tuII Ist'\i]'\?ll 1.II\ III-Night. IlIII (~(t"l]t‘j,_'ll‘ IIIIIIIIII mpll‘ ‘IV‘HIIII‘IVMIJII‘I K :II‘ ‘ thaIInI‘Irson. Catherine Warner,
i s In I'IIIII s l‘t‘lt‘hlI.’l[llill IIl \II‘I. III IIIII :IlsIIlIII ’III,\HI1‘.‘JIII minim “MUM W, H .. ‘ . HM ‘ at 3% 7815.
3 stage 9' .\llil‘lll'III1l'lllIIlI'I‘llil|\l|Il"I 'i'IIvI IIIIII IIII-IIIIIIIIII UH III-IIIII IIIgIII IL)“ 'ww‘i' ‘
l “WI-it'd] I‘IIIIsIfts IIl II \iil' III‘ -’ l’III IlIIIIII II IIII III: Iil\ lIIIII\\II [Mb ‘WI I, v- “.i ”ml-I'M
: V- “e_ .‘H'IlylllII-x‘ IIIIIIIIIlIII: l\\IIII'~.I \IIII III .\IIIIIII III III \I \ltli “I. “mph,“ WI ..l.|j\\‘.,.__,.I
} .45 W i1ti\lt‘(iil_\ IlIII ( :II'IIIIIJII- I . :I'I I‘ \\IIIIII_\ (lI:II lI\ i’:IlIIIII II. :IIIIi "III“IIIIIII ;. , ,m I it“ ,
‘ Ihi»I \H‘I'ln IlillIIII'I YIIIIIIu \\ ill lIII llit’l'illlLI III IIIII IIII'. '
SIIIIIII IIt'lhh NIH!“- \.‘.lI|l IlIII [)Uhllt‘ :IIIIl \l'Jl‘Illit': :\i«‘l!llII"'I~ K it“ I.-;IIIII..'
IIII-lIIIlII .I \Il‘l‘t‘! (L‘IIII'I‘ I,II l'II IlIIIiI‘ \\'Ul‘i\l_\ from 7 III II IIIII. III \IIIIII llllll\ {WHY} Il‘IIIII ‘I\.Ill'!II.I
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 Adam Spaw
SportsOaUy Ed9t999


‘ t 'm "tlt‘illtn'lildlil .il99

Homer questions play calling

ByAdamSpaw . 9.9 'ail'fr ' (II‘99 9 (Itiflil I (I K I S 25
399'99'9 ,9 9. . ' ‘ 9 9:1'9 99-9 erne “per
IL 9 ‘9) WWI i‘I"9 t9 99I9 ‘ II I " 2‘ .1‘9
Il9999I‘ , 9 r~9<99» 9: i 9999.9 .599 999,999,999”... 9,9,9 9 9,999,999,. LPennState
919tII9:~ ‘ ' ‘9 9‘ I" ('19- 99 99 9.9.99... 9,999.3..99 ,.9 99 9I99 Z.F|0rldaState
(999:: 99' 9 9‘ 99 ~39; l. 9: _9, ,9 ..9 9_. 999,999 9 9,9999 9 99 9999 .9 9 9 3. Tennessee
[91(‘I\'\ 99999199999 1). l 5i - ‘2 993991‘99 I999.-. . ‘ ~ "\\9.99 9.9i 3 \999999.9.|,.‘9\W99,t999 99‘“. 9, 9 4.Nebfa§ka
l19itI‘9999‘9999 :99 9 9 .9 '9 ‘ 9-9 '9 9‘ 997 ' 99'“ 9. 9' 9.: 5.TexasA&M
‘.‘. i\I“ 992‘ ' " ’9: '-‘ ‘.‘ V (‘9‘) "999 .99 99/999 9 99; ') I)"9,: 9' i \\ 6.Miami, Fia.
"I“:9 9 99.3.19 - 9 "99999999I'I‘; 9 ,9, .99; 999.9999,\\999999,.9. 99 ';_.9.. 7.MIChlqan
9'919999999' 9" '9.-'i.rI \ ‘ ‘ 9.1‘9‘9,II99 ‘0.’ 999999” ,{99I99 999999'499Iz'r9319 ‘9“ -9 I9 8.F|Of|da
Izaiu!» 9.‘ '1' 9 9'9 9. 399 999 9 '\ 9"9I 9‘. '\‘.9 __ 9. Wisconsin
I999! '9 :9 ‘.9 ‘ 9 "' I" 9‘ 99 9' 9‘9, 9,.999999, 9999,99,. 999,99, 9 9 - 9 999 to. Georgia Tech
I i\9 9 ' 9' 9).9 *9 ' 99-93991)». 9.99.. . 39.99 999. \9999 -'9\_.9,. 9.99 9.9.9 ll. Virginia Tech
‘i'\"‘9 ' ' ‘ 1‘ ’I .99‘.9999I9'ii:.99999'-993-'9 *:9 9.99 12.Arizona
99‘. ' 9i“ ':I‘9 9 1.99! 92.999 9. \999,..999.\.,9999.99,,99‘199 9999 ‘9 999 '3. Purdue
1119917 ' ‘ ‘ ‘9 ‘9 “ ' “ 9 '9I7I‘" "999 .9 91:99993 999999999999, 9,999,: 9,: r9~ 14-0m05t3te
9999 9'99 ‘99 - 9 '9999~9'9999i 9,9... 9,, 99999.99 99.. 99. 15.Notre Dame
.\.9'. 99- .9 9 '. 9 .',:.‘9 999999 99 ,9 ,_ 9.99999_9_9.\ 999 9 9e _ 99, ,9 99.: 16.690rqia
3 ”‘5‘ ‘ 5‘ "It”: I ‘ “7 9999991'I9“ 9 9“VIIII‘IIIII!I~’|I.I"'I I9 99'. 9 >9.~' l7-UCLA
:fr- ' ' 9 9,99,99,99 9 99‘9999.,59999999999 18.Virginia
' ‘ ' “I ‘9‘. ,9 99I999999919 9999 999- '9. 999 9919. .999 19- Arkansas
9. - 99 9 9-9I99999( 9 9 9 9999- .999999999 99.9,;9- 9.99 999999 99,999.. 99 9,9 99999.9" 20. North Carolina State
~9 9 ' ':9 9. 99 :9‘9 9 ' '999 “9999,. 99 999.9 999..'9-,. 999 99,9 9-9 .9 :99 .99 .99 21. Kansas State
\9 9 9 '2‘. 9 _. ' . .: 9.9..99999- ... ,9 9.99 .99 9.9-.9... 99. _ .9999. 22. Southern Cal
9'19: 9 9 l9 99,. 9,9 , 99 9,9 9 9., 23. Colorado State
\\ \99 9')‘9'9 ,\I 99:99 999’I99-s 9|99999I9I '9 ‘999 24- Texas
\9999 L 999,999,.9- _;9 9, 9 25. Alabama
99 ' - " ’9 "I'iiis. ': 9-99'99999\tI't9rr9999.‘.;III-9 .'..99..99
‘99 99 3‘9 9:929) 9 9 'II99999999 99'9I ‘9)999999999999-‘9‘9-999I92'9999 99* the
99999 9 ' 9919 I999 9 9 9.999 I tI999ii:'I99 9(99)9119I‘\99 r'9999 Ins: .\9999Is.’


Last Week: 3-3

UK 42, Connecticut l8

9.9-; Georgia 34, South Carolina 9

‘ I Alabama 28. Houston 14

9 Notre Dame 30, Purdue 14

Ohio State 24, UCLA 16
Washington 23, BYU 20

Miami (Ohio) 20, West Virginia 14

" Last Week: 4-2 Overall: 4-2 (.667)

UK 55, Connecticut 10
Georgia 24 South Carolina 9
Alabama 23, Houston 13
‘ Purdue 36, Notre Dame 33
Ohio State 28, UCLA 26
BYU 36, Washington 22
Miami (Ohio) 26, West Virginia I?

Overall: 3-3 (.500)


Chris Campbell


Last Week: 2-4

UK 53, Connecticut 14

Georgia 28, South Carolina 10

9' Alabama 40, Houston 7

'- ‘ ' Notre Dame Zl, Purdue 17

Ohio State 30, UCLA 27

BYU 24, Washington 14

West Virginia 33, Miami (Ohio) 21

Last Week: 4-2 Overall: 4-2 (.667)

UK 42. Connecticut 14

Georgia 35, South Carolina 13
Alabama 23, Houston 13

Notre Dame 42, Purdue 24

. 7 - Ohio State 31, UCLA 24

Chris Rosenthal WSShInqton 24, BYU 13

West Virginia 38, Miami (Ohio) 17

Overall: 2-4 (.333)











l'K ()ll'iee 999‘ Internafional Affairs (OI.\) .\cti\ities

l'iilhriuht Scholarship Information Session
II9999~99I999. \t'ple'ii‘wi -’ I‘I‘N
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. -v «9  - . « , s ‘
‘ . . . ‘ ‘ * A ‘ _ ‘ . , 4 | '
hotter(lolonsiw teams in M'htm] hilnsvlf‘. “-1“, is now in tho unta (IR . \ I )l /\I I. S I L [)fNTS :
“15“)er ”1".“ know ”WV “M“ 5’ miliai‘ l'Ult‘ as a stai'twr (lilt‘l' t
long way to go. beginning \\ uh plaving behind Ming,“ Man m f
the Division 1AA lluskios \laior and \lark .l'u'oln i‘t\l , . . t. t V 1
"For tho most part tin-n” Mg,” \(H '\l.\l‘ I\\Vl 1/ I: l_) “)4” H" \l) "\ I
onoknows (We played poorly». Mrhpnt 1s mm. [li't‘\\lll‘t‘ H” (,R.\|)[ _\| |-‘ |<()R[ fl] ;
50mm” linohat‘kor .lt‘tl bitmiogai' me now." M1155t’l' 511ml "Y1,“ *H) l)l\( ‘l \‘g [RSI l S R! i I \\\l i“) Y( H R %
Silld. "l (lidnt han- to .\.‘l\' too . u l . t 1 ill '* ‘l in k ’ ' ' ’ ’ . ' I
H -. an [it our 1t < itsttonxtt V . I
much. 'I 110511;“ was (Hit) of tho when Ntmpmmg gm‘s “rung." (IR\[)[ \5 i ( \RIIR I
host ptnrtiros sinro l‘w- hwn Not murh “out right :
hero. 1‘ ““5 i‘ 1‘” ”WW “""HV “ against l' of l“ soinwthing :
Intensity W” Will} PM" {W Snvtlvgat‘ hopes will rliango 3
the problem “’1' l k- ““11" H this \\'(‘t‘kt‘llti. (impito not know f

"(mm 1’“ “NPW'Wl [‘K (WVHN‘ ing murh about (‘onnot-tir-u!

“'UUM L'W“ “it 3547 HMS “We haw \Un'kwl on our
through 1h“ air. 1h“ ltil RIH‘H alignnwnt and assignniwnts.”
upon the ground was surpri» Snwlcgar said. fight” ”m- ”MM.


in}: Run (lt‘i‘t‘llst‘ \\':l5 Unt‘ Hi ”11‘ p"('[)](' \"(ll"lf]" linpd up hit—{hi .
Cats‘ strengths in 1998.1)UI the tagging i' ot~ L). \\'t- (litln‘i
squad watched as unlwraldoil l' know “-11”; to (in,
of L running hark lt‘rank More All m. know about l't‘onn . A N
au wont over. through and is from tho him if their first \\lll \; September lfi. NW". lit aui. - !; out
around H‘ tor 18" ‘7”“15- m“ .L'amv." \\ Ill Rl . l’chith‘utK Rot-in. \Inglctar} ( cntct‘
tourhtlownsandstl yardsarar And what w“ last Satur
”- (l't\"’ , .
‘ ,. . u - » ~ 1 ) ~l. - ~ .
lho oaso n'ith whit-h Moro- "It was a walkout) call to ll‘l\)1st1 l _\1 III" (\IJL‘; M ,|\' :Idfkl'
au and tho (ardtnals ran t‘\'<'t‘.\'l>0<1.\'." Silt‘ttt‘iz-‘H‘ MW] mu o the hat uau t ion

against ”1“ (V115 1““ ‘lt‘il‘lNW “We have the potontial to ho
coordinator Mike Major grasp» good. but we