xt7n028pcw53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pcw53/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19281026 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-10-oct26-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-10-oct26-ec. 1928 2011 true xt7n028pcw53 section xt7n028pcw53 

     Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
tucky for Friday, October 20, 1928.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky met in regular monthly session on Fri-
day, October 206, 1928, in the President's office at 11:30 a.m.
The following members were present:  Judge R. C. Stoll, Mr.
Robert G. Gordon and M1r. James Park.  Meeting with the Com-
mittee were President Frank L. PbicVey and Wellington Patrick,
Secretary of the Board.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were aporoved as

     1. Report of the Business Agent.    The report of the
Business Agent was presented and ordered received and filed.
The report was as follows:

                                       EXHIBIT "B"

            Statement of Income and Expenditures
                    Month of September 1928


Current    Fiscal
Month      Year
    ______ To  Date

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation       42,750.00
  State Tax                   46,380.58
  Interest on Endowment Bonds 4,322.25
  Student Fees                   179.28
  Student Fees - Summer School  , 293.95
  Student Fees - Univ. H, S.
  Student Fees - Univ. Exten. 1,766.80
  Miscellaneous Receipts         800.22
  RPntals                        660.00
  lMen's Dormitory             1,237.50


I30,390. 58

45, 216. 33


    613. 50
    635. 73

54, 41.28
1, 435. 95
_ 3,862 50



  Instruction               76,397.71
  Adm. Expense and Main.     32,701.24
  AdditiDns and Betterments  38,201.84
              Total       147,300.79



Excess of Expenditures
  over Income

(16,910.21) (21,891.34) (38,801.55)

Patterson Hall Income
  Room Rent - Summer School


  Excess of Income over

General Fund Income
General Fund Expenditures










 21,456. 50




Excess of General Fund
  Expenditures over


(8,795.32) (25,123.01)

Excess of Receiots over
  Expenditures for Gen-
  eral Ledger Accounts     (2,854.46)

Excess of Expenditures over
  Receiuts for the fiscal
  year to date - General
  Fund                    (19,182.15)

Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts for the fiscal
  year to date - General
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928,
  General Fund
Cash in Bank September 30, 1928,
  General Fund










Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
          Tota:l Receipts

  Student Notes


Excess of Receipts over

  894. 34



  Excess of Receipts over Ex-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to dante - Trust Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
  Trust Fund
  Cash in Bank September 30,
  1928 - Trust Fund

Experiment Station Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.      3,750.00
  Milk and Butter - Cash Rec. 2,752.85
  Beef Cattle Sales           4,477.20
  Dairy Cattle Sales            193.75
  Sheep Sales                    20.52
  Swine Sales                     9.90
  Poultry Sales                 408.93
  Farm Produce Sales            175.97
  Horticultural Sales           227.05
  Seed Test                       6.00
  Rental s                      219.34
  Miscellaneous               1,270.00
  Fertilizer - Fees           2,207.50
  Feeding Stuffs - Fees       9,446.31
  Adams - Federal Appro.      3,750.00
  Serum - Sales                 809.78
        V- irus Sales          48.45
        - Live Stocl  Sales       2.28
        - Supply Sales           28'.85
        - Miscellaneous          12.29
  Creamery - License Fees     6,153.00
           - Testers' Lic.    1,184.00
    "I    - Glassware Tested    241.48
           - Miscellaneous
  Purnell - Fed. Aporo.      12 500.00
  State Appro. - Pat. Farm

Nursery Inspection - Fees




2 717.07

1,326.32     4,079.17
  380.00    4,857.20
  184.061     378.36
  163.00      183.52
  4195.79    505.69
  121.95      530.88
  305.60      532.65
  135.686     355.00
  47.00    1,317.0(0
1,096.25    4,203.75
4,824.25   14,270.56
  773.51    1,583629
  48.45       96.90
   11.95       40.80
   1.00       13.29
   177.00    6,330.00
   142.00    1,326.00
   178.84      420.32
   168,58      168.58

  370.00      700.00

739. 65
811. 51

855. 00
002 .00


2 657.47

1 ,095.00




Cream Grading


Expense                    73,594.88
Additions and Betterments   1, 388.74
           Total             74,983.62

300.00   1,500.00
12,151.76 83,577.21

25,335.72 98,930.60
   90.42  11479.16
25,426.14 ]O0409.76

Excess of Expenditures
  over Income


1 _,274 .38) (s1, 832.55)

Excess of Expenditures over
   Income for the fiscal
   yei.r to date - Experiment
   St at ion
Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 -
  Experime it St ation
Cash in Bank September 30,
  1928 - Experiment Station

Extension Division Income
Federal Smith-Lever
Federal Supplementary
County and Other

315. 81




76,120.65. 76,120.65
27,321.28  27,321.28
.* SS4.348      870.26
1032996, 38 104, 312.19

Excess of Income over

59,636. 35


(59,320.54) 76,156e01'



Excess of Income over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Extension
Cash in Bank Jul- 1, 1928 -
Extension Division
Cash in Bank September 30,
1928 - Extension Division




General Fund Income        134,608.33 122,832.56
  Trust Fund Income              951.62      71.86
  Experiment Station Income   71,425.45  12,151.76
  Extension Div. Incoine         315.81 103,996.38
           Total             207,301.21 239,052.56

  83,577. 21
104 3 312.19
446, 353.G7



General Fund Expend.
Trust Fund Extend.
Exp. Sta. Expenditures
Ext. Div. Expenditures

Excess of Expenditures
   over Income

150,936.02 131,627.88
      91.00       47.00
 74,983.62  25,426.141
 59,636.35  27,84-0.37
285,649.99  184,941.39


    141 . 00
470 591.38


Excess of Receiots over
  Expenditures for General
  Ledger Accounts


Student Loan Fund - Notes     654.34


  (115. 35)

Excess of Expenditures over
  Receints for the fiscal
  year to (late - Combined
  SFund                   (80,-48.90)


Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts for the fiscal
  year to date - Combined
Cash in Bank and on hand July 1,
  1928 - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand September 30,
  1928 - Combined Fund





Abstract of item shown on
Statement of Income and
Expenditures as "Excess
of Receipts over Expendi-
tures for General Ledger
Accounts 4?21,373.49"'.


Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance

Sundry Accounts


22,846* 30



22, 846.30







     2. Payment of Note.  The Business Agent reported to the
3oard that the University owed a note for t26,000 to the Phoenix
Trust Company which is secured by Liberty Bonds belonging to
the Peabody Fund.   Advice was asked as to whether or not it
should be paid.  Motion was made, seconded and carried that
the note be raid.

     3. Gaseous Condition of Scovell Park.   President McVey
reported that an analysis had been made of the gaseous condi-
tion at Scovell Park to determine -whether or not there is
sufficient amount of poisonous gases arising from the areas to
make it unsatisfactory as a building site.   He indicated to
the Board that the chemical analysis indicated thet the amount
of dangerous gases arising from the area is negligible at the
oresent time.

     4a. Report of Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds on
the Flood Situation.  A report was received from Mr. M. J.
Crutcher, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds indicating
that the area around Scovell Park had been flooded during the
past summer and that floods are very likely to recur in that
loc-?.lity unless the  storm sewer in that section of the City
is made adequate to take care of the surplus water.   He indi-
cated that the nrooosed bond Issue in the City of Lexington
will probably take care of the situation.

     5. Refrigeration Equipment of Cafeteria. Bids were re-
ceived for refrigeration equipment for the cafeteria and motion
was made, seconded and carried authorizing the acceptance of
the equipment from the Frigidaire Corporation at t3O65.00O

     6. Plans for Dairy Industries Building.  The Committee
considered plans for the Dairy Industries building and a motion
was made, seconded, and curried authorizing the President to
advertise bids for the construction when the plans are com-
pleted by Frankel and Curtis.

     7. Plans for Training School Building. Motion was made,
seconded and carried authorizing the President to advertise
for bids for the erection of the Training School Building
upon completion of plans.


7 ,

     8. Ldave of Absence of 0. B. Jesness.  President McVey
roportcd to the Board thnet Professor 0. B. Jesness was on
leave of absence on one-half nay during the last year, but
that -at the expiration of his leave of absence. he resigned
and accepted a position at the University of MJinnesota.  The
President stated that the regulations covering sabbatical
leave of absence contemplated th--t persons granted such leave
will return to the Univorsity; and that Professor Jesness
had indicated his willingness to return to the University the
amount raid him during the le-ve.   A cheek: for 11640 for the
amount dudl- wMat.returned by Professor Jesness.

     9. Purchase of Land at Western Kentucky Sub-Experiment
Station.   A communication was read from Dean Cooper requesting
authority to purchase tracts of land adjacent to the Western
Kentucky Sub-Experiment Station, belonging to M4r. O'Hara and
Mr. Luttrell, payment for the land to be paid for out of the
earnings of the station.   The matter was discussed and the
following resolutions were offered and passed:

     RESOLVED, that the University of Kentucky exercise the
option granted to it by T. W. Luttrell and E. M. Luttrell,
his wife, dated October 11th, 1928, fo purchase a tract of
about fifty (50) acres of land lying in Caldwell County, Ken-
tucky, about one mile east of the City of Princeton, and bound-
ed on the north by the Princeton and Hopkinsville Turnpike
Road; on the east by the University's Princeton Experiment Sta-
tion Farm; on the south by the way lands of the Illinois Cen-
tral Railroad Company, and on the west by the lands of the
Estate of J. P. Kevil, deceased, and being a part of the same
land conveyed to the said T. W. Luttrell by deed from P. R.
Hunter recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Caldwell. County
Court, at the price of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
(?1s500), cash, on the terms stated in said option, and that
said land be purchased from the income of the Western Kentucky
Sub-station for the use and benefit of the Kentucky Agricultu-
ral Experiment Station; provided, however, that with the con-
sent of the said T. W. Luttrell and E. M. Luttrell, his wife,
said purchase price shall be paid as followp,to-wit: Six
Thousand Rive Hundred Dollars (U, 500.00) in cash, and the
balance of Six Thousand Dollars (i6,000.00) to be evidenced
by the promissory, negotiable note of the University payable
to the said T. W. Luttrell on or before three (3) years after
date of deed conveying said property, and bearing interest
at the rate of five per cent per annum from date until paid,
payable semi-annually, and in such event R. C. Stoll, Chairman
of the Executive Committee, is hereby authorized and directed
to execute and deliver on behalf of the University a note
for the said Sim Thousand Dollars (X6,000.00) of said purchase
money payable as hereinabove stated.



    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Thomas P. Cooper, Dean
and Director of the Experiment Station be, and he hereby is,
authorized and directed on behalf of the University to give
the necessary notice of the University's intention to exercise
said option and to complete said purchase.

Approved as to substance:

Thomas P. Cooper

Approved as to form:

J. P. Johnston

     RESOLVED that the University of Kentucky exercise the
option granted to it by L. E. O'Hara and Augusta O'Hara, his
wife, dated October 11th, 1928, to purchase a strip of land
one hutdred and ninety (190) feet wide lying in Caldwell
County, Kentucky, on the north side of the Princeton & Hopkin s-
ville Turnpike and bounded on the east by the Universityts
Princeton Experiment Station Farm; on the south by the Prince-
ton & Hopkinsville Turnoike Road; on the west by the lands
of O1Hara and on the north by theSSand Lick Road, at the price
of Twro Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per acre, cash, and on the
terms stated in said option, and that said land be purchased
from the income of the Western Kentucky Sub-station for the
use and benefit of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Sta-

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Thomas P. Cooper, Dean and
Director of the Experiment Station,be, and he hereby is,
authorized and directed on behalf of the University to give
the necessary notice of the University's intention to exercise
said option, and to complete said purchase.

Approved as to substance:

Thomas P. Cooper

Approved as to form:

J. P. Johnston



     10. Expenditures for Heajing and Ventilating in College
of Engrineering Laboratory. A communication was read from Dean
-nderson indicating that the University of Kentucky had been
offered certain equipment for experiments in heating and ven-
tilating and that it would be necessary to erect an addition
to the Engineering building at a cost of about .,2,90 for the
installation of the equipment.  Motion was made, seconded and
carried authorizing the erection of such addition.

     11. Pirchase of Chairs and Tables for Cafeteria. The
question of the purchase of chairs for the University cafe-
teria was brought to t'he attention of the committee and after
discussion a motion was made, seconded and carried authorizing
the President to purchase such chairs and tables as may be need-

     12. Names of Buildings.  President McVey brought to the
attention of the Committee the matter of names for the dormi-
tories to be erected.   The question of naming the buildings
in general was discussed and the President was requested to
bring the matter to the attention of the Board of Trustees atQ
a later meeting.

     13. Retiring Allowances.    President McVey brought to
the attention of the Committee the matter of retiring allowances.
The matter was discussed at considerable length but no action
was taken.

     14. Organ for Memorial Building. President McVey brought
to the attention of the Committee the matter of an organ for
the Memorial Building.   The matter was discussed and President
McVey was requested to make inquiry regarding the cost and
kind of organ to be Purchased.

     15. Memorial Building Fund.  President McVey made a report
to the Committee of the status of the Memorial Building Fund
indicating that there is a considerable number of outstanding
pledged.   The matter was discussed at length bgt no formal
action was taken.



     16. Group Insurance.  President cVey stated to the
Com.mittee that the Inter-Southern Life Insurance Company had
asked for perraisQion to develop group insurance among members
of the faculty on the campus.  The matter was discussed and
a motion was made, seconded and carried that it be referred
to tlhe faculty for recommendation before action is taken by
the Board.

     17. Bill of Warner and McCornack, Archihtectsv  A bill
fOr 4,800 for Warner and McCornack on the new dormitories
was presented and ordered paid.

     18. Visits to Students by Hygiene Staff. A communication
was read from Dr. Chambers indicating that it was his recom-
mendation that members of the Hygiene staff make calls on
students at their homes in emergencies.   The matter was
discussed at length and motion was made, seconded and carried
that the  Hygiene staff be requested to make such visits
without charge.

     19. Appointments, Resianations and Leaves of Absence.
The following list of appointments, resignations and leaves of
absnnce was made and on motion duly seconded approved;

     Appointment of Mr. W. Brooks Hamilton as assistant bac-
teriologist in the Department of Public Service Laboratories
at a salary of `1800 a year, effective October 15, 1928.

    Appointment of Mr. Wallace R. Roy assistant chemist,
in Experiment Station, at a salary of 425 a month, effective
October 15, 1928.

     Appointment of Mrs. C. P. Bobbitt, secretary to the Bureau
of School Service at a salary of t100 a month, effective
October 1, 1928.

    Appointment of Mr. A. D. Rufer, stenographer in the Bureau
of School Service, at a salary of "100 a month, effective
Octcber 1, 1928.

     Appointment of Miss Ann O'Connell at a salary of $70
a month.

     Appointment (temporary) of Mrs. Pearl Bullard as assistant
in the Department of Home Economics, effective October 1,
1928, at a salary of $150 a month.

     Appointment (temporary) of Dr. J. F. Bullard, assistant
bacteriologist, in the Department of Public Service Laboratories,



at a salary of $150 a month, effective October 1, 1928,
and to continue until about February 1, 1929.

     Increase in salary of Mr. E. C. Johnson of "=0 a year,
effective October 1, 1928.

     Increase in salary of D. G. Card, of Y3OO a year, effective
October 1, 1928.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Mary Kate Ledbetter,
home demonstration agent, Madison and Rockcastle Counties,
at $125 a month effective September 1, 1928, to August 31,

     Continuation of employment of Miss Myrtle G. Jackson, home
demonstration agent, Fulton County, effective September 13,
1928, to September 11, 1929, at a salary of 1200 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mis s Leslie Calloway as
home demonstratton agent, Magoffin County, effective September
12, 1928, to September 11, 1939, at a salary of .l5O a month.

     Continuation of employment of Joe Hurt, county agent,
Boyd County, at a salary of tl50 a month, effective September
1, 1928, to March 31, 1929.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Harriett Ellen Cowan
as home demonstration agent, Perry County, at a salary of `^.175
a month, effective September 1, 1928, to August 31, 1929.

     Appointment of Mrs. Belle H. J. Robinson, home demonstration
agent, Oldham County, at a salary of 8186-2/3 a month, effective
September 1, 1928, to September 30, 1929.

     Appointment of Miss Isadora Williams, home demonstration
agent, Henderson County, at a salary of 1)183-1/3 a month,
effective September 1, 1928, to August 31, 1929.

     The appointment of MIrs. R. L. Slade as house mother of
Sigma Beta Xi Fraternity at a comnensation of $100 a year.

     Appointment of Mrs. Botts as house mother of Sigma Xi
Fraternity  at 10 a month.



     Dr. G. C. Bassett, associate professor of psychology,
to be promoted to professor of psychology.

    M. E. Potter to receive #300 for coaching freshman basket-
ball for 1928-1929.


     Resignation of Mrs. Vashti Cave Smith, home demonstration
agent, Olcdham County, effective August 31, 1928.

     Resignation of Dr. 0. H{. Pinney, assistant bacteriologist
in the department of nublic service laboratories, effective
with the close of business Sentember 30, 1928.

     Resignation of Mr; Fred B. Wilson, county agent, Pulaski
County, effective Novenber 1, 1928.

                       Leave of Absence

     Sabbatical leave of absence on one-half pay for the
first semester 1929-1930 and second semester for work done
in two summer sessions was granted to Professor J. E. Adams.
The total payment during leave is to be -2790.

                         Respectfully submitted,

Wellington Patrick, Secretary
     Board of Trustees