xt7n028pd99k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pd99k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19521121 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1952 1952 2013 true xt7n028pd99k section xt7n028pd99k The Kentucky Kernel VOLUME XLIV LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1952 NUMBER 10 Jaroff Male Chorus, Dancers Will Appear At Coliseum Dec. 3 Group Gave Performance Here In '50 II JAROFF MALE CHORUS AND DANCERS WILL APPEAR IN MEMORIAL COLISEUM DEC. A Dollar A Student9 in 1950. The concert ensemble has presented programs which include folk songs, liturgical music, and classical music. In addition, members of the group perform sword dances and execute a "kazatski," a popular type of Russian dance. Serge Jaroff Is Director Under the direction of Serge Jaroff, the singers and dancers begin their tour across the United States and Canada each September and continue giving concerts until spring. This season the group has scheduled appearances throughout the country which will compel them to travel 40,000 miles. The term, Don Cossacks, originally applied to a group of Russian horsemen. Recently, they changed their name to the Jaroff Chorus and Dancers. Troupe On Tour Since 1921 Since leaving their native land in 1927, the singers and dancers have covered more than two million miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. In addition to making records, the vocal group has made choral arrangements used by high school glee clubs in this country. Is WSSF Drive Goal By CAROL DORTON With the goal set at one dollar for each University student, the World Student Service Fund will close its campus drive Saturday. The purpose of WSSF is to pro- vide material aid to students of foreign countries, to help them obtain text books and equipment, to help them help themselves, and to give students and teachers a feeling of international unity. Bill Kitchen, national WSSF chairman of Atlanta, Ga., spoke to the solicitors Tuesday evening. He discussed "What WSSF Means to Me." At this meeting 80 of the 250 solicitors made their pledges, which was an average of $3.50 foV each solicitor. Last week various members of the Cosmopolitan Club spoke about WSSF at sorority and fraternity houses. Those who spoke were Collis, to Alpha Delta Pi; Vu Tan Ich, Alpha Gamma Delta: Chandra Amarasingham, Alpha Xi Delta; OlUe James Akel, Chi Omega; Constantine Collis, Delta Delta Delta; Alfredo Caballero, Delta Zeta; Fritz Diehl, Kappa Alpha Theta; Manocher Ganji, Kappa Delta; Manocher Ganji. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Beria Berker, Alpha GamFive representatives from UK ma Rho; Diana Rudzitis, Alpha Tau have been appointed by President Omega. ,; . Tnlrlnvilnil Totto Tail Herman L. Donovan to attend a conference of leaders of higher educa- Delta; Primitive Peres, Farmhouse; tion Sunday through Tuesday in At- Melahat Ahiskali, Kappa Alpha; lanta, Ga. Julia Van Gelder, Kappa Sigma; Members of this delegation are Dr. Melahat Ahiskali. Lambda Chi AlLoo M. Chamberlain, vice president pha; Beria Berker. Phi Delta Theta; of the University; Dr. Amry Primitiva Peres, Phi Kappa Tau; head of the Political Science Department; Dean Elvis J. Stahr of the Law College; Dr. James F. Hopkins of the History Department, and Dr. Herbert W. of the Economics Depart- Con-stanti- ne UK Delegates Will Confer On Education A i College Employees May Get Benefits Of Social Security The conference is one of a series consider the role of colleges and universities in the conduct of world affairs. The Southern Regional Education Board is studying ways and means by which southern colleges can contribute to this program. The Board is interested in learning about the current status of insti- tutional resources and plans for worn in mis neia. These surveys deal with matters of instruction, research, living, interchange of students and faculty, and off campus services in the field of adult education concerning international relations. ar UK Library Given 16 Hooks Chosen As Soullfs 'Best' The Margaret I. King Library has been selected as the official reposi- for books chosen as winners in the first annual Southern Books Competition, Dr. Lawrence Thomp- son, director of libraries, announced Competition' The Southern Books was started this year under sponsor- ship of the Southeastern Library Association. Sixteen books are pick- ed as representative of the best of Southern book production each year. Beginning this year, the 16 top books selected will be exhibited in libraries throughout the South and then placed in a special permanent collection in the UK library. The unanimous choice of the judges in the competition this year was "The Comanches, Lords of the South Plains," written by Ernest Wallace and E. A. Hobel. The book u:is nulilishfd bv llie Univer.siLV of Oklahoma Press. Dr. J. S. Horine, professor of engineering, and Dr. Lee H. Townsend, professor of agriculture, have been appointed faculty representatives to the Student Government Association, George Lawson, president, announced at a meeting Monday ni);ht. Jane Stockton was elected secretary to fulfill the vacancy left by Zoe Parker who was recently married. The Assembly elected Wayne Carrol as representative of the Commerce College to fulfill a vacancy in college. Pete Carter, chairman of the Judicial committee, swore in James Kostas, who was elected last week as representative to fulfill a vacancy in the Law College. SGA Elections Scheduled The Registrar's office has begun making application blanks for SGA elections to be held Dec. 17, Fred Williams, chairman of the election committee, said. Candidates must ppply by Dec. 10. In next month's election, students will elect one lower classman, one loer class woman, one upper classman, and one upper classwoman from the College of Arts and Sciences; one lower classman and one upper classman from the Agriculture College; one lower classman from the Commerce College; one upper classman from the Engineering Col one man at large from the Graduate School; and one man at large from the Education College. Jane Truitt, chairman of the student directory compiittee, said she has received several requests from radio stations, companies, and other groups asking for copies of the directory. After a discussion Dr. Albert Kirwan, faculty advisor to SGA, suggested that the Assembly not send copies of the directory to such groups. Question About Directory Requests "I would be careful before sending them out," Dean Kirwan said. "A lot of companies would be glad to pay for them, but it would plague the students with a number of advertisements." Elaine Moore suggested that SGA appropriate some money to the World Student Service Fund, but no motion was made to that effect. "We can show our interest in students of other lands," she said. "It gives a student a chance to help himself. Individuals are being soli' cited on the campus, but organiza tions are also responding." Carter said that if SGA donated money to WSSF, they would be morally obligated to appropriate money to other drives. President Lawson said the next meeting would be held Dec. 1. . Prof. Mock Held To Grand Jury; Denies Shooting United Students Taking Nominees The United Student's Party is accepting applications for nominations in the fall SGA elections. Requirements are one semester's residence and a minimum 1.3 overall standing. Applications statin g activities, standing, and status (Greek or Independent) should be mailed to United Student Party, 509 E. Main St. then came the judge. War has set the pattern on which man , builds society," he said. He described instances in the past where we have attempted to take the lessons of war and apply them. He emphasized the fact that these lessons were not applied fully en ough to recognize the effects. Western man must realize that war does things to society and the only way to attempt to stop war is to study the wars of the past, the Blazer lecturer said. Prof. Wolf answered questions from the audience following his talk. When asked what effect the Hydrogen bomb would have, he said he could not answer that question be cause every time a new weapon was invented people thought that the world was coming to an end. Whether or not the bomb will prove to be as disastrous as claimed, he could not say. Speaker Is Author Prof. Wolf is the author of "The Emergence of the Great Powers," which is included in the "Rise of Modern Europe" series published by Harper and Brothers. He has also written several other books including "France, 1815 to the Present." At present he is working on a detailed biography of Louis XIV. He gathered the material for this book last year while in Paris on a Fellowship. Prof. Shelby T. McCloy, in introducing Prof. Wolf, described the speaker as an "authority of European history and a magnetic speaker." The Blazer lectures are made possible through a fund established by Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer of Ashland. The next lecture will be given on Dec. 16 by Dr. Rupert Vance who will discuss "Problems of the New South." -- Ful-brig- ht de-to- iy - UK CoilCert I5ail(l j rJ) erIll TIilCtie. First rehearsal of the UK Concert Band will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 3, in Room 22, Fine Arts building. Director Warren Lutz announced this week. He said the group would make a three-stat- e concert tour in February. Both men and women may belong to the group, with or without credit. Interested students should contact Mr. Lutz, Room 30, Fine Arts, or at Ext. 2243. , Fall fcsliral kinfi and queen candidates Two of these contestants will be crowned king and queen of Block and Bridle s Fall Festival tonight at the UK Stock Pavilion. From left to right. hey ;ire Hob Shipp, Carmen Pigue, Clcn McConnack, F.. C. Adams, Jean Whitworth, and Jane Clark. I I lege; Military As Stimulus Discussed By Historian Miss Elizabeth A. Mock, the professor's sister, testified at the hear- III 1 Three Student Vacancies Filled; December Elections To Be Held Aspasia Tavlaridou, Phi Sigma Kappa; Diana Rudzitis, Pi Kappa Al- Pha: Julla Van Gelder, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Beria Berker, Sigma Chi; Diana Dudzitis. Sigma Nu; Melahat Ahiskali, Tau Kappa Epsilon; and Primitiva Pere. Triangle. By JEAN GRANT of the drive are YWCA, YMCA, Neyman Club, WesThe military has always been a ley Foundation, Baptist Student factor that has stimulated economic Fellowship, and structure. Prof. John B. Wolf of the Union, Westminster Canterbury Club. University of Minnesota Department Chairmen of WSSF committees of History said Tuesday night In the are Joyce Williams, overall chair- second Blazer lecture of the year. Recognized as one of the outman; Ken Blevins and Janet Payne, education chairmen; Arch Mainous, standing men in the country in the Helen Gum and Sally Maggard. per- field of European history. Prof. Wolf sonal solicitation chairmen; Emma stressed the need for historical study Belle Barnhill, publicity chairman; in order to control wars. "If the Western European man and Ann Craig, special events chairman. Members of the advisory com- does not understand the process, ot. mittee are Bart Peak, Barbara Hall, the 'greater world, he Is doomed,' the" historian said. "He must not be Lyle Sellers, and Bill Cody. satisfied with unhistorical analysis, but the whole picture of world process." Prof. Wolf said the problem of war has distressed our generation, thus we have become the disillusioned generation. He did not attempt to say how wars could be stopped because he said he did not believe that people of this generation have Prof. Clifton O. Mock of the Engineering Department was held to the the answer. He added that study was the only possible solution of Fayette County Grand Jury Monday in connection with a Halloween ending war. 'Society Is Built On War eve shooting. "You can not achieve politically if The professor, after a lengthy you do not achieve militarily. The hearine in Maeistrate Frank Brom- - soldier appeared first historically, ley.s courti was held on charges of mflliious shootine and WOUndine and flourishing a deadly weapon. He was released on $1,000 bond. Prof. Mock denied the shooting. ing that she fired the shot that wounded one of two youths that she said were throwing oil on the Mock's front porch. The wounded youth, Glen T. comMason, 18, and a The Social Security Administration appeals board is expected to panion testified Prof. Mock did the reach a decision on the rights of shooting. Mason was wounded in UK employees to receive federal the heel. Social Security benefits before long. The board this week had tran scripts of testimony made at a hearing of a test appeal case Tuesday in Approximately 15 UK Louisville. employees, representing various col leges of the University, testified at the hearing. Witnesses testified both as to the general operation of plan, and its the change-of-wor- k operation in specific cases. The question before the board is whether the University's new plan constitutes a retirement system. If the board holds that it does. UK employees will not be entitled to receive benefits; if it does not. Social Security benefits will be paid. The hearing Tuesday was on an aDOeaI bv three UK emnlovees from a Social security Administration cision denying their applications for benefits. Har-greav- es extra-curricul- Faculty Delegates Appointed To SGA that The Jarofl Male Chorus and Dancers will perform at 8:15 p.m.; Dec. 3 in Memorial Coliseum in another of the Community Concert and Lecture scries. The chorus, formerly known as the Don Cossacks, is on its 3(Hh anniversary U. S. tour. Since 1921, as the original Don Cossacks, the group has given performaices throughout Canada, North and South America. They appeared at the University HUII.II1II .Ml m e Practicing up for the game in Knoxville Saturday are the University cheerleaders. Pictured alxwe, back row, are E. T. Kash, Ted Bennett, and Buddy Greco; front rowBcverly Hagan, Susan Druley, Lois Smith, and Mary Ann UK clieerleaders in action Kentucky-Tennesse- Miley. Wildcats, Vols Set To Clash; Kozar, Haslam Will Not Play By CHARLES ARCHER Tennessee's Cotton Bowl- bound football team will rule a favorite over Ken tucky's improving Wildcats when the teams meet in the 48th renewal of their colorful rivalry tomorrow in Knoxville. Came s time for the clash on field is 1 p.m. (CST). ten-poi- Shields-Watkin- Typical Kentucky - Tennessee weather will prevail if predictions made Wednesday by weather authorities at Blue Grass Field hold forecast called true. Their five-da- y for showers with average temperatures in the Kentucky-Tennessarea for Saturday. d' Coach Paul Bryant's Wildcats left Lexington by bus this morning for Winchester where they will board a Louisville ,and Nashville train that will put them in Knoxville in time for a workout this afternoon. Wildcat headquarters will be the Andrew Johnson Hotel. The Cats will return to Lexington Sunday on the Southern Railroad. Harvey Hodges, UK ticket sales manager, said that over 5,000 tickets had been sold in Lexington to Wildcat fans Kentucky followers. are expected to converge on Knoxville today and tomorrow by auto, bus. train, and airplane. UK Has Everything To Gain Kentucky has everything to win and nothing to lose in tomorrow's team clash with the seventh-ranke- d In the nation. A victory, by the Cats would: 1. Give Coach Paul Bryant his ee upset-minde- State Board Cites Places SAS Accused The State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board has announced citations against the two establishments accused of violating state liquor-contrlaws by the Student Action Society last. week. Jesse Wright, head of the SAS, filed the petition last Friday against the establishments, Robinson's Liquor Store and Crain's. Restaurant, charging them with "permitting gambling." First news reports on the SAS action gave Andrew Wallace's name as one of the members who filed the petition, but Wallace has stated that he is no longer a member and that he had no idea he would be listed as a plaintiff, i In the suit, which never appeared in court, SAS was described as an organization dedicated to helping local and state authorities in "securing evidence and obtaining convictions" against persons violating gambling laws. The suit stated that gambling devices were in operation at Robinson's and at Crain's on May 6 and that an employee of Robinson's was arrested, convicted, and paid a fine in police court: that the gambling device in Robinson's was confiscated and ordered destroyed. Police court records in Lexington show that two persons were arrested on May 8 for violating gambling laws and that both were tried and limed $100 and costs each. Complaints against each of the arrested persons were signed by Wallace, who was then a member of the SAS. Charges against the arrested per sons were paying oil' mi a pin ball machine. ol first victory over a Tennessee team since he first began coaching at Kentucky in 1946. . 2. Mark the first time that the Wildcats have scored on Tennessee since 1947 when the Vols won 13-4. Reverse the situation which happened two years ago in Knoxfield when ville on a 0 to the Vols upset Kentucky knock them out of the SEC championship. A Wildcat victory tomorrow would practically clinch the crown for Georgia Tech. 5. And finally, a Kentucky victory over the Vols would strengthen possibilities of an invitation to play in the Orange Bowl on New Year's 6. snow-cover- ed 7-- Day. The Wildcats, who used a lightweight, second-strin- g backfl.eld in 4 decision over sputtering to a Clemson last week on Stoll Field, will not be in peak condition tor the Tennessee tilt. Meilinger May Be Ready Steve Meilinger, junior who was switched from end to quarterback, has sparked the Wildcats in three of their last four victories. A sprained ankle forced him to the sidelines for the Clemson game and his activity in practice during the week has been limited. 27-1- Freshman Dick Shatto and junioi Ralph Paolone. a pair of Cat halfbacks who also missed the Clemson game, are expected to be in action against the Vols. Shatto should be in good condition, but whether Paolone. who has been laid up with a nose infection, will be in tcp form is still doubtful Paolone, formerly a fullback, is an explosive runner in addition to being a powerful blocker. Other than these three ailing key personnel, the Cats should be ready for the Volunteers who have lost only once in eight outings this fall. Kozar And Haslam Out Following the Florida game Saturday in Knoxville. General Ney-lan- d, Tennessee athletic director and head coach, announced that fullback candidate Andy Kozar had chipped a pelvis, bone and would be out for' the season. Kozar was the spearhead of the offense. He has tar- Vol single-wi- n ried the ball 12 times' for a- het gain of 660 yards for a 5.4 average. He was always dependable 'r.'the one or two yards needed for rtie first' down or the touchdown against a massed defense. An announcement came from Gen. (Continued on Page 8) UK Band To Perform At Tennessee Game The UK Marching 100 will perceremonies at form during half-tim- e the Kentucky - Tennessee football game Saturday in Knoxville. The band, under the direction of Warren Lutz. left Lexington this morning and will stop in Corbin this afternoon to present a marching demonstration for Eastern Kentucky high school bands. They will leave for Knoxville immediately following this program. Saturday's show will include numbers presented by the band at home games during the football . season. These will include the regular entrance onto the field with the "Providence Drill," followed by the Trio of "Lights Out," and "Alexander's Ragtime Band." Routines for these formations will be the same as those used at the Clemson game. Another drill formation will lead into a medley of "Barnum and Bailey Favorites" featuring numbers played frequently by the circus band. to The band will spell out the tune of "Dixie." A jazz march off the field will end the program. The band will use three busies on the trip. One bus will leave Knoxville on the return trip immediaiely after the game and the other two will leave for Lexington later that night. All members of the band will go to Tennessee, including Kay K.ns. the band sponsor, and twirlers Doa and Donna Wilson. Kentucky Novelist Speaks On Writer's Qualifications By LOUIS DeROSETT "A writer must be like a dragonfly and have a thousand eyes with which to see everything that goes on about him." Ben Lucien Burman, novelist and literary critic, said last week in a speech sponsored by the English department and the Margaret I. King library. Mr. Burman, a native Kentuckian born in Covington, told a crowd of students, teachers, and Lexington-ian- s not to be discouraged if a manuscript is returned a few times. "My first novel, 'Minstrels in the Mist,' was returned 43 times before being accepted for publication,", he said. According to Mr. Burman a lot of writers must go through a "garret" period before their writing amounts to anything. He stressed that the successful writer must know the people and region he is writing about. 'Good Writer Can't Be Snobbish' "You can't be a snob and a good novelist," the speaker pointed out. "If you want to be a writer you must be observant, and understand people.' Mr. Burman told of his cvn cae in the writing of the novel "Roooter Crows for Day." where he spent some time with the free French in North Africa. He said that when observing people, one must make a composite of their characteristics in drawing up the characters fur his own writings. He cited an example of the Ozark mountain preacher he saw on the North African cicvert playing a musical saw to a group of completely "dumbfounded and uncomprehending natives." Began As A Newspaperman The novelist, who bean his writing career as a newspaperman, said people of today are bored with bad books, and that a successful buck must be different. "Don't be conventional", he said, "and write like everyone else, but be yourself, and develop your own style." Mr. Burman was asked. "How do you know if your writing is good or not?" With a smile, he replietl. "You just gotta' have faith." * THE Pa ire 2 KENTUCKY The Frying Pan Our Moral Code Lags Behind The Realities Of Athletics Isn't it about time we stopped playing see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil with college athletics and started fating facts? Back in the days when a sentimental warhling of the Alma Mater brought tears to the eyes of graduates and undergraduates alike, the major college sports football and basketball may have been played purely for the glory of Old Siwash. That's hardly the situation today. Mpdern. youth has a realistic, at times, even materialistic approach to life. It matters not whether our attitude stems from the depression of the '30's and the current state of unending war or from some other series of causes. It exists. It's natural then for athletes who are generally just as bright as the nest fellow to expect value returned for value given. An Idle Query: Who Gets Loot? One of the more interesting subjects for idle speculation is the question of what Incomes of all the money that's forked over by students and faculty members each year in traffic fines! lodging from personal experience and the sad tales of others, the sum must be immense. The secretary who graciously accepts the fines doesn't get any of iL She's paid out of an annual appropriation from the Student Government Association budget. Likewise the campus policemen who give out tickets with such laudable abandon don't reap any gains. They draw their salaries from the Maintenance and Operations department. The SGA budget doesn't show any indications of swelling from such lucrative operation. Of course the University wouldn't le so lax as to allow the money to just lie around doing nothing. On the off chance that it is K ing around, however, we have a suggestion. Why not turn the traffic fine proceeds over to SGA so the organization could have a budget that might be able to stretch over some of its student obligations. After all, SGA gets stuck with the bill for the secretary. VK Library Discourages Studeiits From Studying Undoubtedly the UK library is one of the finest places in the South to store Ixx.ks. It certainly isn't much good for studying, however. The clever policy of the powers-that-b- e must lie designed solely for the lxmefit of those students "who need sleep after week-enexcesses. Evry morning before the doors are opened to the public, someone religiously sees to it that a full head of steam is up and all the windows are fastened down. Sleep is a good thing, but it's not much help when you're trying to study the small, rather dim print of some thick volume in preparation for a nasty Would it Ik sacrilege to suggest that more students might evince an interest in books and learning if once and awhile a few cool, stimulating breezes were allowed to sweep gently through the library's majestic rooms? d mid-semest- The wise high school basketball or football player, knowing that society will give him an education iii return for the use of his muscles, is careful, like all shrewd shoppers, to pick the bargain that oilers the return for his time and talent. For some reason, however, many of us try to ignore the realities. We attempt to live in a dream world and it just won't work. In many respects our thinking is as antiquated as that of the people who passed laws requiring early motorists to post signs on the county courthouse warning the populace when they intended to take their "devil's out for a drive. This week has seen revelations of moral laxity at two more large institutions Tennessee and Michigan State College. The fact that one of these is a Southern and the other a Midwestern university indicates the falseness of the old claim that athletic programs in one part of the country are more pure than they are in another section. Although the activities exposed at these schools would be wrong from any standpoint, we think they are a result of attempts to cover up other, less evil practices that are common to any university athletics. that engages in e Let's face it sports is a money maker. Those who take part in it are entitled to pay just like any other group of lalxirers. As far as absolute morality is concerned, we don't hear any of the advocates crying out against the sinfulness of some "sugar daddy" putting a Ixjy through schxiIwho has unusual ability as a scholar, musician, or debater. Why then discriminate against athletes? Friday. November 21. 1052 KERNEL 'lF:-;t?- 1 k tesfibeh Victory Holiday Is Legally Out, President Rules l tj ST. v'; i.' v A By KATHY FRYER Ix-s- t What would happen if the Wildcats beat Tennessee Saturday? Besides making history and thrilling even the most lukewarm sports fan, would would it automatically mean a holiday on Monday? It wouldn't, said President Donovan when I asked him last week. "The faculty committee makes up the calendar, and I don't have the power to change it," he ex plained during our meeting. There are certain powers the not have, contrary president to popular student opinion, and calling a holiday seems tobe one of them. Dr. Donovan laughingly called mv idea "a little optimistic,' but thought that if such a thing did happen, we would urobably have a spontaneous celebration in the Coliseum Sunday afternoon. However, as a friend of mine shrewdly commented the other day, if we beat the Vols and no body shows up for Monday classes . . . Well? v 'Ay rF4i ' d;s 1 big-tim- e big-tim- "Leggo' my arm. I tell ya' I don't wanna' study astronomy." Pioneer Is Honored This Week, Genius Has Job Frustrations By PAUL KNAPP Speeding Traffic Endangers Lives Students literally take their lives in hand whenever they cross Rose Street anywhere from Euclid Avenue on up past the men's dormitories. Heavy traffic during morning and evening rush hours makes it even more dangerous for unwary pedestrians. Although there are definite speed limits for Ixith residential areas and school zones, neither the city police nor campus officers seem to Ix? even trying to enforce them. Cars, buses, and occasional trucks completely ignore the large number of walkk ing students in this area and often reach speeds of 30, 40, and even 50 miles an hour. The marked cross walk and signal light on Limestone at least give students some slight chance to chxlgc speeding automobiles, although the situation there is far from satisfactory. It may be that city and campus police are so shorthanded that they can't spare men to control traffic around the University. A minimum amount of protection could be provided, however, by putting up a signal light and crosswalk on Rose Street. Large warning signs could Ix? put up too, announcing that the area is a sch(x)l zone. If something isn't done about the situation soon, some unfortunate student may be seriously injured or even killed Ixeause he failed to jump fast enough to escape a recklessly speeding motorist. two-bloc- A small boy ran This week has been set aside to commemorate the 200th birthday of that indomitable frontiersman, George Rogers Clark. While paying tribute to the famed Clark, we shouldn't forget that group of fine old Southern aristocrats who proudly claim lineal descent from him. It is indeed a distinction to be related to one of history's more colorful characters. Those who claim this heritage should have the privilege of installing white "If'! colonial columns in front of their modern colonial mansions. By the way, it's a pretty well established historical fact that Clark never married. ., dis-tin- ct ? f"" i :, 'is .... !'!' I The epitome in frustration was reached recently at one of our leading educational institutions. Of course, it couldn't happen here. The situation concerned a certain intellectual who keeps his billfold well padded by writing term papers, English themes, and other research papers for those not so well endowed as he is with brains and patience. . In order to keep his business from, being discovered by the teachers, he writes these papers in accordance with the grades that the student hiring him has received all along in the class. In other words he writes a C paper for a C student, etc. Of course for a D or E student, he writes a C paper, hoping that the instructor will think it a stroke of genius. The pay for the services of this brain runs from an E paper guaranteed for only 35 cents to enormous undisclosed amounts for doctoral dissertations. The frustration that was mentioned comes from the occasional quirk of fate that causes one of the instructors to place a lower grade on a paper than the professional writer thought it was worth. In these few instances the student comes back to him demanding that he refund the difference in the rate of the grade that he wanted and the grade that he got on the paper. This causes no end of professional embarrassment. How frustrated can you get? He can't go over to see the instructor of the course and say "I was writing English themes around here when you were in knee pants, and I know a C paper when I write . one." Alxxit the only consolation he has is that he can make a nice memorial plaque in remembrance of the numerous Phi Beta Kappa's he has gotten '' through school. o You only go to college 14 days a year, according to some fancy figuring done by the student newspaper at Southeastern State College in Oklahoma. A third of each 365 days is spent sleeping eight hours a day. That leaves 243 days. Count off 52 Sundays, three months of summer vacation and half an hour a day for lunch. That leaves 91 days. Now subtract 52 Saturdays because only freshmen have Saturday classes, two weeks for Christmas vacation and the odd clays for Thanksgiving, semesters. That brings it clown Easter, and to two weeks a year of actual class time. up to a cop yelling, "Please, of- ficer, come quick. My daddy and another man are fighting." Rushing to the scene, the cop asked, "Which one is your dad, sonny?" "I don't know. That's what they're fighting about." Sidelights of the Clemson game: Sharing cheerleaders with the friendly, drill squad from Clemson . . . watching the flurry of coke cup lids spinning through the air watching the Wildlike miniature flying saucers cats not only preparing themselves for a single wing attack next week but also getting used to the glare of orange shirts . . . hearing some characters singing the Tennessee school song a