xt7n028pgc0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pgc0f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-12-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1977 1977 1977-12-13 2020 true xt7n028pgc0f section xt7n028pgc0f luluttie LXlX l‘t'ztmbct tit)
l'uesduy. Deccriiber i'i, 1077

UK, U of L oppose
state practice hill

’4' litll‘lt‘d. FIELDS
Kernel Staff Writers

luditor‘s war This is the second
part of ’1 story on a pi'cpost'd bill
aimed at getting medical students to
begin their practice in Kentucky.
This article is about the l-‘itt‘iloll of
officials to the hill.

\ledica‘ hilitii'nl“ and animals at
l‘K and tit-2 l inversit}: oi Louisville
are lllli’dllllitlll:~ in then opposition to
Easterly‘s bill. 'l‘iie bill. they say.
would not bring doctors to rural
areas anti it may ti‘i"\‘t.‘
medical students to oth‘r states

In addition. l)r i). Kay Clawson,
dean of the 17K t‘ollege of Medicine.
denied that l'li niishandlcd money
apprnpi iatit' Lair .1 residency
program. which liasteriy had
charged Easterly does not un-
derstand what is involved in
«stablishing Such ii program. he

"The general consensUs among
the faculty and student body is that
rl'is'crly's hill all told lit opposed for

\l 1
p.15.» ii

a "Hill-lid} at said
t'lau son

"First. while it tthe bill; sounds
like a good idea. we are placing our
students in a contract agreement
where they may not realize what
they are signing

"What happens if you iiili in lou-
with someone whose lather has a
pi‘actme chl tip foi you iii Ten-
nessee?" asked :‘la'wsor.. “Those
students with not ens th go other


5 fl


one for every five."

P rdon me “i


an independent student newspaper


places will leave the state."

in. James (,‘. Moore, associate
dean of admissions at U of Us
Medical School, said the general
feeling there is that the bill doesn‘t
address the actual problem of
llllL‘Vt‘n geographic distribution of
physicians in the state.

Moore added that he thinks it
would be diff icut to collect the cost of
education should the graduate leave
the state

t‘lawson agrees with Easterly that
there is a shortage of physicians in
Kentucky. but says the is that few
doctors come here from other states,
rot that Kentucky medical students
go elsewhere.

in support of his position, Clawson
claimed that over 50 percent of UK’s
graduates practice here. According
to John McCormack. president of
the American Medical Student
Association tAMSAl chapter at U of
L. this figure is around45 percent for
that school. Both figures are above
the national average.

(lawson said UK is taking as
many medical students and
residents as it can and it is not the
school‘s fa alt that there is a shortage
oi doctors

He claimed that the Medical
t‘enter‘s physical plant and the
number of patients available for
medical students limit expansion.

“\Vh on we were last accredited we
were told that because of space
limitations we couldn't admit more
than too students. We‘re now at 108.
We should have one patient for every
two students. Instead, we have about


Anew-rt lawman


("K‘s Rick Hohcy lungtw. for position against Mark Connaughton [45] to
snare a rebound in last night's clash with South Carolina, which the

Wildcats won hi- 0.‘..

Distribution set for
UK holiday basketball

Student tiv.‘.kct,-, for LK basketball
games during the Christmas break
will be distributed this Sunday. Dec.
lit. from 2 pm, to 6 pm. and on
\londayfromsam, to4 pm. Those
games are against loria (Dec. 23;.
Vanderbilt (Jan 3. and L817 (Jan.

During these limrs. any student.
may get as many as two t2) tickets.
or get one ticket and purchase
another. A student must have a
validated if) and activity card for
each student ticket

Prices for guest tickets will be $5
Ifor seats in the lower arenat and $4
I upper arenat. This will be the only

. -. ,.

ml-‘.-.Ol.-fin9‘~h .

time during the season that students
will be allowed to purchase lower
arena seats.

Student tickets for the Jan. 16
\lississipp' St. game—thefirst game
of the spring semester—will be
distributed on Sunday, Jan. 15, from
2 pm. too pm, and on theday of the
game front 9 am. to noon. At noon,
the remaining tickets for that game
will be. sold to the genaal public.

Beginning with the lone game on
Dec. 23, there will be a new dropoff
and pickup point for the game
shuttle buses. Passengers will be
dropped off and picked up on Vine
street at Bmadway, behind the
Hyatt House.


He added that he thought UK‘s
Medical School was in serious
danger of losing its accreditation.
Despite Easterly’s views, said
Clawson, lack of money for ex-
pansion of facilities is a major
reason for that danger.

According to Clawson, the UK
Med Center needs about 166,000
more square feet of floor space in
order to be competitive with its
benchmark institutions. The
planned construction of a $6 million
Pharmacy center that would
alleviate space problems is the
University’s highest building

Concerning the residency
program, he said, “Sen. Easterly
doesn‘t realize legislators can't
legislate pe0ple into positions (such
as residenciesl.“

Clawson explained that residency
positions are selected by the student.
“Once, we advertised four
residencies, but nobody would take
them. They felt it wasn’t as good an
academic Opportunity as they could
get elsewhere.

Continued on page 8


Director opposes bill
Campus leaders seek council seat

Kernel Staff Writer

The discussion concerning placement of a
student on the state Council on Higher Education
resulted in strained relations between student
leaders and the council’s executive director,
Harry Snyder, who met in Louisville Sunday.

UK Student Government President Jim
Newberry, who attended the meeting, said the
discussion centered on a bill requiring a student
to be placed on the council which will likely be
introduced during the upcoming session of
Kentucky’s General Assembly.

The student leaders, who represented each of
the eight state schools except Kentucky State,
had decided previously to introduce the bill,
Newbcrry said. The Student Government
Association of Kentucky, in a btsiness session
held about two weeks ago, made the official
decision. Passage of the legislation will be part
of the UK senate's lobbying effort. _

The groups believe the addition of a student to
the council is the best means of guaranteeing
student input into policy~making for state

Snyder has said previously that he is opposed

to installing a student on the council. He
suggested that such action would encourage
other “special-interest groups"~faculty, staff
members, alumni, etc.——to seek representation
on the council. Snyder prefers setting up a
statewide student advisory committee.

Snyder indicated that. if the student groups
insist on introducing the bill. no advisory com
mittee will be formed, and that he Will make no
effort to meet with the student leaders in the
future, Newberry said.

Newberry said the students asked Snyder.
“(‘an't we have a difference of opinion?" “He
informed us that we weren’t qualified to have an
opinion on the subject of students on the coun—
cil," Newberry said. Snyder said that. if there
exists a difference of opinion between the
students and himself, he could not feel com-
fortable in the informal talks and that there is no
use to continue them. Needless to say. no future
meeting date was set at Sunday's meeting, said

The students’ mood, Newherry said. was one of
“disappointment.“ He said that, in a previous
meeting between Snyder and the students,
Snyder “seemed more sensitive to students. He
is in a position to help students—he’s not likely to

Moment of mourning

The UK majorettes and 23,000 other people shared a
moment of silence in honor of Adolph Rupp at last
night‘s UK-South Carolina basketball game. Services
for Rupp, who died Saturday, will he held at 1:30


L’tilt'r'sti’y o- h ct huh

Lear-trigt'tm t. "ital .‘2.’


~-<| will.) ii ..

today at (‘entral (‘hristiatt ('htitch. 291?. E. Short ~t
Some of the Baron's further player-
colorful coach's career in a story today on 04;. J;

- 2
MN It: '!.i l:

he as helpful now "

in other discossion at Sunday s 1:121:44.
Snyder said he anticipates an increase lii tint-0;:
for out-of—state students to become ethic-lite :2
the fall of 1978. Newbet'ry said rii} 'ii i‘isii
anticipates a tuition increase for Ktilltl‘.i\'_\.‘
residents to take effect in the tail. ivi'.‘

A Withdrawal policy reform proposed '1)
Student Government. was approved iv the
University Senate yesterday in its it-;t.I.iriy
scheduled meeting at the law school

The new rule allows students to withdraw front
a class before the following time periods: zit-e
class days after the :riidpoint of the iii“ and
spring semester's; three class days after the
midpoint of the eight wcck summer session. .‘lllt!
two class days after the midpoint. ')f tiit “tor
weck interscssion.

The name of any student who \M‘lltll'id's
during the first third of a course \\ " he (iOit'lUl
from the class roll With no grade or record of
enrollment appearing on tic student! ll‘Hll
script. The name of a student who withdraw-
after the first third of a class but bet-ire ”it
above mentioned deadlines Wilt i-c delete.) from
the roll. and will appear on the stitdrn? s trazi

Downtown tree-planting signifies
group's efforts to improve Lexington

Kernel Staff Writer

A Zelcova serrata will be planted
tomorrow during a ceremony
downtown. The tree is part of a

project by the Land and Nature
Trust of the Bluegrass (BLNT) to
have more trees planted in the
downtown area.

Madison Scott, community liason
administrator for lamb inventory
said trees are important to an urban
area because “they alter wind
patterns, reflect sound waves,

capture light waves and reduce
glare, and add visual diversity and
contrast." The ceremony at 2 pm.
at the Connie Griffin Manor, is the
first of its kind but more are plan
ned said Scott.

The BLNT is a non-profit
organization of citizens who are
interested in the appreciation and
preservation of the beautiful land-
scape of the inner Bluegrass region.

The BLNT is currently working on
several projects.

One is scenic easement-an
agreement by which a landowner
promises to protect the existing

character of his property binding
future owners as well. Another is
publication of pamphlets on the care

of trees for people tapping onto a

new sewer line.

Uneof thelargcst undertakings by
BLNT concerns Haven Run, an area
located off Richmond Road, which
was a proposed dump site. Ac-
cording to Scott, Raven Run is a
“miniature lied River Gorge " Scott
is trying to establish a nature center
with trails and paths in that area. He
said he was interested in holding
classes there for students.

The BLNT is also involved in a

visual analysis of the ialltt~t'iii;:3 in
Fayette t'ounty itvpugi'ugttiicnl
mapsand df‘ll,1l photos of th: e .I-it-
count»- are used to mid opt-i. 54nd
areas in the county that limit.
prescrv at ion

Scott and six "the: p...l staff
members lint'ctinisficdia lit‘f (: 'l' of
the county and l."-pc to etci'iiiiaiiy
havea leciimtrii tepurt available tor
those l.’lf.'l"."~it‘71

’l‘hc prawn):
federally ttiiidc-l .wr'ti ii'r'-.:!i‘ti i:
grants llesaidaddwuni‘. li’iitl"'\ t -:~
the organiraiioii comics l.t it
membership fees.

Mutt ‘ilii .'


.‘ ...._ -~ -.-.n.'


memory of Adolph Rupp, the university's
longtime basketball coach who died
Saturday of cancer.

"This new fund will support cancer

. programs at the university, including basic

and clinical research, patient care and
programs of the Ephraim McDowell
Community Cancer Netw ," said Dr.
Peter Booomworth, vice president to the
med cutter.

All gifts will be recorded and
acknowlethement: made to the Rupp
family, the university aid in a news
release moot-icing the fund.



POLICE were called out yesterday when
more than 200 striking miners gathered at
the Stearns Mining Co. in southeastern
Kentucky, officials said.

Stearns employees left the picket line at
the arrival of the crowd of traveling
pickets. apparantly United Mine Workers
from various southeastern Kentucky
mines, officials said.

State Police Commissioner Kenneth
Brandenbu'gh said large numbers of state
police were called to the mine in an effort to
enforce a court ordered six-picket limit at
the mine withait violence.


PM": TALKS between Israel and Egypt.


He made the statement yesterday .iht'
meeting wtth Secretary of .‘it.:‘.e Cyrus i‘.
Vance. who went To .iorden to pt :st: ide Ili-
king to take part.

Hussein said at a news <~oiiitiii.es .ittvr
the mcceting he had not changui his
position on the (‘airo confernece. which i
opens tomorrow. -

The king said an oVerall scitlct‘n‘n?
depend-d upon total Israeli {silhdriibhti
from all Arab territory occupied .r: thi tilts?
Middle East war.

_.. s--. ..._4‘

TIILINnrcrtsnowtarts likely tnrougi‘

tonight. Highs in the mid 505 Low tonight iii
the upper 305. High tomorrow in the iovt
509 A little cooler with showers ending

Compiled from Associated Press dispai chcs



1.! .n .. A --

c. ..‘-_..-..a49-s-c

{3};wa 54?"; ;.

$§afi£4¥L ; .' .







1 ‘ editorials 8: comments

" h w Non Editor ('Mri Photograph” (‘opy Bolton
he lei... Sums. Durham mu Right
Judlth Eurton
m m Annotate utter spam Edltnr ly m rm
M Cabrini Marie Mitchell David Httiht'u noisy Puree
Phil Ruthdu
w a. sun Ant-l Art. editor
Jam William [unto Thomas L‘lm



It’s obscenity laws that are obscene

.|'..\ - 7.. man “as submitted by
, of lFiri-cl-n's ol thr t't-trtl al
. . rxi Liberties Lirion

.. \ who“. make no law..
.‘ ..;:'2_ 1?: tt'ectii‘-n;_. of the

-. lit" clearly stated
‘ tam). grotm‘tron 01' the
tin-"no: court: have per-
‘..irit‘)Us oh
.. "turn prohibit
‘ ‘ziigs or pictures

unlit. "lift‘fi,



' hiatus have made the
at: '1) :ratcstics of justice as
«it '..n'.;. Flynt in
--‘ ‘2). m'i‘iollnl; of seven
or publishing a

t" .1"
-\ '1‘ ". .‘l‘\‘l

* ,\ f- ~ " prosecutors
;. trifct‘lb Of
, ‘L'lfal‘u the

‘1--'- .- ' .zn;i Knowledge
, tn Georgia.
- : t'Eiln )7.“ ' - has been

. . -t7'~~=7.. in l \t‘u‘r
m-d ion a How tiurdcn in

‘-: > 'x ‘i’filllici


lit‘t"‘l:~ an actor hired to

. . ; "its. was convicted in

- . . is. .irid ‘ncpubiisher of a sex-

). mi \tt‘t‘Kl}; newspaper was
vacant-ti for filling mail orders
u .31.). :r'c‘ .iganis' the First

.. . : to! m p.22 0 severe impact far
. j~ "fill “ht cases brought to court.
i z-ni'iazig t‘lit‘t‘i of these decisions
. om» 'i‘t'ui aorce for censorship.

Because of the stiff jail terms
meted out. writers, publishers. film
makers. actors. cinema owners,
pro jectionists. bookstore owners and
librarians are terrified.

To be safe they must avoid having
any contact with anything in print
which some prosecutor or policeman
might think obscene. Thus the
bookstore owner and the librarian
are facedw ith the impossible task of
being familiar with every paragraph
of every book on the shelf and must
remove anything with a sexually
explicit passage or face the threat of
prosecution or jail.

The new Lexington ordinance has
swept away the very popular
magazines Penthouse. Playboy. and
Playgirl off nearly all magazine
racks in the city, and at least one
retailer has put (‘osmopolitan under
the counter for fear of being fined or
jailed. Where will it end?

The word “obscene" is defined in
the New Webster's Collegiate
Dictionary as “foul; disgusting.“
The courts have ruled, however. that
only sexual material can be
prosecuted as obscene. The US.
Supreme Court has made several
attempts to distinquish between
what is. and what isn‘t. legally
obscene Each attempt has failed

The latest ruling says that to be
obscene a work must be “sexually
explicit" and “patently offensive.”
One could not coin a more personally
subjective phrase than “patently
offensive." Sexual materials that
would be patently offensive to some
must also be that to others. No
magazine that is successful could be
patently offensive to everyone; a

End of semester

". :)~ :t.~t‘ “motion at the end of a
«in sit-r is a bittersweet com-
'..:';»".". «it ro-lrct and despair this

‘ chafles
' ' main



‘n product of just that

.. .zl‘ri.r'io:~ilCh 7sac0p0ut

. :2 a typnaliy sophomoric
‘ . ' w. it goodbyes and loose—

2-. it sounding like a l).G.
, . and tirip me. i would
.. ti).:~ pace to do a sort of
f- : a r» ‘st-vrtcstcr cleaning.
-.. personnel
during the
r -' it’i!‘ Lit the Kernel;
_. all we reflected in
w or min t read) here



\. 11‘ Lj‘Y'Il‘ ‘
.. r:

- are into the position of
yimr to replace the






departing Joe Kemp; Joe has donea
lot of good writing here over the
years. and he will be sorely missed.

Harry B Miller, [11 will be
departing also. Harry, the arrogant
rich kid-columnist-guitar player
that you have all read and loathed as
the author of “Growing Up Rich”
will be moving on to graduate
school. He has stubbornly declined
to continue writing his column. but
it's all right because he can afford

i would like to thank all the people
who called to wish me well after the
accident last week; don't worry, it
could happen to you next.

Confidential to E.R.: in reply to
your letter. yes; Speedia got her
frog. It was the last one in town. too.
Hope you found one for your kid

Judith Egerton and Walt Hixson
will be joining the Kernel columnist
rotation next semester. They will be
co-authors of a humor column which
is tentatively to be called “Chas
Main is Full Of Shit, And Here’s

My column will be retitled next








son would not buy anything \ .
pa 1 _ \t

which he or she found offensive.
Sexual materials are offensive only
to those individuals who are of-
fended by sexual materials.

The Supreme Court also ruled
that. to be judged obscene, a work

must appeal to the prurient interest ‘

(came sexual arousal).

in listing examples of the types of
laws which could be upheld the
Court suggested prohibition against
works concerning human excretion.
The! is, to the ma jorlty of the
Supreme Court, human excretion is
sexually explicit material and ap-
peals to the prurient interest.

if many people find human ex-
crement sexually exciting then there
must be no limit to what could ap
pcal to the prurient interests of some
people and thus be iudged obscene.

Writings about boots. leather,
rubber. water, fire, etc., are thus in
jeepardy. .

The (‘ourt‘s ruling that local
communities can set their own

obscenity standards concerning '

what appeals to the prurient interest
encourages spurious prosecutions
and politically motivated

Unpopular people and political
dissidents can be harassed.
Bookstores and cinemas can be
driven out of business. for both are
dependent upon the popularity of
sexually oriented materials for a
substantial portion of their trade.

The courts have been in a hopeless
quagmire ever since the first ruling
upholding obscenity [am in the face
of the First Amendment. The
decisions of mm which emphasized


. .., “a -.-0


the phrases “contemporary com- knowrng whether or not an action guy-p.29 in“: my“ 0; interpreting :hp

munity standards." “patently Of- violates thelaw. This has gii or. rise 11,...

tiiizfiitifl. 9‘1’6 Supreme (Your?

{en‘ivein and “human exc’e‘im‘" ‘Oakind “terrorism ansd judislal sim‘ ltl l‘t‘iititllo l‘irst Amendment to
tyranny unworthy of civilized nit-an exactly what it says.

have only deepened the mess as so

many of us predicted at the time.
Obsceniy law is so vague and

subjective that one has no way of

risk: the cop—out

semester; 1 intend to call it
“Growing Up Still” in memory of
Harry the suggested it).

This last segment of this last
column is a special message to one
man. if you‘re not Joe Hall, read no

Joe. it‘s like this. You just can’t
keep James Lee on the bench like
this all season. You are spoiling the
entire experience for a great many
of us.

Lee is a symbol. Joe. Off the court
he's a quiet. sensitive man; but out
there on the floor of Rupp Arena,
he‘s an explosive force. When he
cocks that left arm. puts the ball'
down and heads for the basket, he
takes with him the emotions and
frustrations of 23.000 fans. When he
slams that ball through the hoop and
the very foundation of the arena
shakes, all of the energy of fifty
years of Kentucky basketball surges
into each and every fan in the
building It is a catharsis to end all

Joe. the sweet music of a James


» tum ..u y“ . .7

Lee slammo is an unchained
melody, Kentucky style. This year's
march to the NCAA title (that you
are expected to win) would be a
silent parody without the soundtrack
of Jamcs’ play. He is the spark that
makes the whole team run, the
personification of the energies
behind Kentucky basketball. With
James on the bench watching those
other guys play. Kentucky slogs
along, the fans get restless and
throw ice at referrees, the whole
experience becomes hollow.

Please Joe. heed our pleas; un-
chain the man from the bench;
unchain the melody that the 23,000
fans in the Arena (and countless
thousands elsewhere) long to join.
James unchained is the real secret
to your assured success. James in
chains on the bendr is a woeful
waste of an inexhaistable source of
energy and excitement.


Charles Main is a journalism
sophomore. His column will appear
every Wednesday next semester
under the title. “Growing Up Still."



The way out of the quagmire is l

The phrase “no law“ means no


Watch thieves

Well. it’s that time of year again.
We‘re supposed to love our fellow
man and give gifts of joy. Bah!

I just had an expensive textbook
“ripped off” so someone could sell it
for qu‘ck cash to a bookstore.

You say i probably carelessly left
it laying around? No way. i left it
where 1 Had to leave it at the en-
trance to Kennedy‘s Bookstore.
“Drop off all books here," they say

Well, it’s about time they provided
lockers or personnel to check your
propety before you enter; they can
at least provide a safe place to out it.

We only have two bookstores to
choose from now, but no matter how
they compare on book prices. [’11
take my business to the. one that at
least provides adequate protection
for private property while l‘m
giving them my money.

Don’t leave your books alone for a
minute. Thieves are thick this time
of year.

if you must stop at a bookstore,
either take your property home first
or lock it up—don’t leave it or. a shelf
or it will end up stuffing someone
else's stocking!

Mindy L. Howard
Agriculture senior

Thanks, Kernel

i would like to extend my sincere
thanls to the Kernel. on behalf of the
residents of Haggin Hall and the
United Way of the Bluegrass, for its
tremendius help with the United
Way Benefit Dance.

Due to the responsiveness and
cooperation of people like 'l‘ony Gray
and h's staff. the project was a
complete success for the United

It is a real pleasure to know that
we have “an indepaident student
newspaper" that works for the
students. Thank you again!

Greg Sommerkamp

President. Haggln Hall


'l'h's month‘s meeting of the Blue
Grass Astronomical Society will


iiorzin it prn‘iomorrow in room 179 of
thr- ('hr-iiiistry-i'lij sics building.

it attendance exceeds 20 to 25, we
will move to a larger classroom in
the building. but a sign indicating
the new location will be on the door
or blackboard of room 179.

The program will feature Dr. John
Hutchinson. UK civil engineering
professor, who will speak on “The
\‘clikovsky Controversy: What Did
llc Really Say"”

Hutchinson has been interested in
astronomy in general and
astronomical controversies in
particular since his graduate school

He will speak for about 40 minutes
tll’lClUdil’lg the presentation of some
slides) and field questions or
arguments from the audience.

Blue Grass Astronomical Society

English mess

"i m sorry, you missed five
('lilstst‘s this St’llit‘sic‘i‘. l‘m afraid l'll
have to drop your final grade one

Sound familiar"

A firm attendance policy will be
ioliowcd Why? if someone follows
the assignment. turns them in and
receives .v\'s :‘or his or her efforts.
the): why MUST one’s grades be
low cred"

.‘m :\ is difficult enough to earn.
why take it, away? Doesn't the
dcpartriiont which says that at-
tcutlantc is mandatory know we are
in college. not in high school?

it is choice whether to attendclass
or not, It is our money which we are
pox mg to legistcr for this class. it is
our loss it we do not get the notes in
class and do not do well on the test.
lint. most of all. it is tor should be)
our decision.

r'orcarg one. to go to class doesn‘t
help in keeping onc’s interest in the
class if the class is interesting then
attendance will be good.

So why does the English
“department have mandatory at-
tendance? i think it is time for the
English Department to look at their
courses and reevaluate their
program. it is time to drop man-
datory attendance and make
English lllit‘l‘t‘hill‘lg here at th's

Vince Caruso
sophomore. Business M-
m inist ration.

- p.».n.r..«.o .---





























ix'llet'tKY Kl tx’l‘r’ll in ..t., ”nymph” i"- 19;.
Memories of the Baron W i '
In. htiiiuih kiivil .ll tun-uni .n \t‘ul L‘Iii
.IHL‘NI‘ Intuiu'» "l h-utmh I-- "who“! 4..
U‘lu" K'llt. t» l M "all?“ '|\ I r‘.
."lll" “tn, .._,...‘ M. . , .,.|
lanolin. nut tun i. l‘tlIs .mi m \‘l‘vt I.. . tut .m-
mui» .m,‘ it- 4.... : . .. t,.- it... .
U K players recall Ru pp ’3 career ~
Mutton lil.| mn. i-l. l"li I.\I~\. .
imiiut i no i... illllvill D'l'tl p. I - .,, Ilt‘l
alumni M S. " Il'l Hill i.. am .iu i. I-l .
,II n..i Ilulllunlll‘fl .1. s
By DAVID HIBHITTS ‘tlth'tl it'll" Htttt'h WWW! ltell .lso l tilted about the
Sports Editor ' ltupp pt ps tut whirl. lie Is mm. H ”1 my”... ltutp ex
and1'llll.\l.t§tl..\ltk i'etrtl'tnlwred ‘ When i was 11 pwti-d ll‘ltllt lliS players "llt- TENTH GE R
Arts ludttur sophonmn. \u‘ were about t0 dcnmsulelt the most out of his
gotoNlatlistinSquate Garden luillplayers it hit” to be Hit 0
. Yesterday's story con- ‘0 Pitt} St .lohns.’ tH' Nlttt‘ percent lwt'uuse he wouldn’t BICyCle Shop
tauneil renternbcrances of l ._-\,c my,” a real bad .it-ecpl Jitttiiing else Ext-opt
jmt’ll’h Rupplt‘otn "'5 friends scrimmage two day: bettii'e Stlt‘tttt' MIWut lit- .dnays .
tn lht‘ Cltilt'hlnll "3“.“ and the Ram:- lcouldn'trebound. Witt ttk‘ ""Uttt Ilt’H‘l' it” Leave your Bicycle over atTenth
lrom some lormer l.l\ 4mm nr t ".tptl d puss. lie out percent Hill at llltll Gear "”5 Christmas Break
players. 'loday s conclusion ”it nhnok ”p “.4 ‘t"l)l!t‘(t my 'tt.- MW: ‘ “Me“, For our l5.00 winter overhaul special.
“.'"h“"'."t"""”°"l“” players ""t'tttt'5‘t-1“ Associated ltiinsell \‘..tli the —great gifts for Christmas—
ltill Spne}. (‘ecrl Bell and ”I . .. ., . x .' . , ,
K. . It Il‘ - .lc sum. hilt. those ltlvt‘t‘ls Le “uttl'. tall. ‘Mth 451 s_ Ashtand 2 9
mn) ours. It“, \... .., ti. l't’k" . 6‘5003
. p. M...“ t.. \otktts up mm. m. .. it). .i Ilt.‘.t.:tt (new location)
. there \mn‘t think the Barnum >0 ltei‘oultl needle them about
Bill Spivey an All- .t timing: t‘ti-t-us had been to their :i.:ut..ktv._ '\xsss\\\\\sxsvn«\“\\\xsc\\ssss\\\\\xuin;
1 American center coached by '."'“."1 but lthat the biggest 4....t..i_t.....-.-t...-ti~..~s....th 5 Taking a trip over the holidays’ S
Rupp and a member of the LtltJlimlll . ,iN. ll sutc hdh lt‘. lushellmll Until ling-gm 3 Get your (ur in shape! 3
1950.51 NCAA chmnplonghip f‘tl)l‘.'(‘\ tlslt lt'C'i'lt‘d ‘1 shift “VT -'."ltlltl I " ’ ‘ . ‘ ’
‘ \ L: t ~ ~ - . ’
squad, was stunnedas well as about Matte How. :1 member ileil also talked about the 4 Tune ups as low as 52‘5",“ j
moved by the news of RUPD'S oi" the undefeated lttfil learn (tlt'tt‘l't‘t‘t‘t‘ ttUPP ”Wt" m ”'9 SPQCidlS on brakework 5
| death. ‘ t'K basketball program utter l I
“As soon as I heard it. It "It ttt‘ couldn {l “.5“ P9t't9t't he came to the campus comp ete mechanical tend: 5 on ;
choked me u a bit," h lorm, he woultnt take a .. z" . i. m0 '3
admitted. “lt‘spa great loss if: shot." Spivcy laughed. ”so .l()ll[lll:)\l"§l(t‘(:'C(l)‘nl‘iL-f§t:r:l(\lélxlfilxl St foreign and domeSfiC cars ;
, me and t0 basketball." (‘oach Rut p told him. ‘ltose, came :lltd tie tau W the slow 5
. “When You played for the 51"“ ”m"! ”rmmd like ‘1 ‘~l\tt‘4 ot tlx kti‘kltll "‘4 I 'r I ALWAYS ON 24 “(NJ R C A” i
' m . . . stuihonhutyourenotningbut l ' . L h ‘3 ptr 5
an, it seemed like he ‘ ‘ . _ . . . ‘ I rectum \ou either shot the . a
wanted you to dislike him. it sheltatnotto‘n) H‘ a \u‘“ tutti-handed set shot out vou WI" even COIne “3‘ 51“” hUUSE ‘0 g
You had such respect for him “”59 ””51“" .tidr't pl'l\' . " ' .
. . . . i. work on your car at no extra cost ’
that you put up Wlih him. His \lthough syn-m. Stlld m. ‘ Tl‘lt'“ littpp ltt‘t‘dlllc head S d ‘ :
greatest asset was the \V'usi‘titt"t.‘.' 'i‘.\"l't'“lll{U' .‘~ “1th 'th t‘ t' it ll“ 0" u" 3‘55 f
” "*“.‘ ‘l “93 i r digl ld\ . f
I psvchology he used. L't)ll(ll'ti()n Ill the last i'ew day s. ‘1“5 We} WU “Witt th‘t tttt’t’i‘tt Dan '5 Auto Repair 25-1-9026 5
— The game that catapulted he had «.I suspteion about the art the basket was alright " . . . ‘
‘ ‘ ‘. . . . ‘ . .- - sx\\m\s$&§\\mxms\\\\vs\x\\\\swayvuf
bpivey into the All-American timing et his ileaih .‘.t‘.‘t;:tllllg tit lten. Rnpp
- . . . . .. , slum. lltllidll‘t‘tl that ms , . ”' ”"
i§§tll§ihée§sil 33% £132: . ............. ‘llewassostrong-\Villed.” 5.1.4”). 'glg‘hng'h, W me EéENfifieL GWEN” THEATRES
. ‘ . . 5 MW .itided “l think he was . t . - . . . ft ALLCINEMAS-EVERY DAY ‘TlL 230 PM ~51 SOJ
brought its highly-acclaimed t - .. .stltt tilVii.pic basketball . '
center Clyde Lovellette [0 “Mt dream tvus to be the llovedtnn.isthathcbehex‘ed :F‘zhlilisutth' 1 thread 9"“! “w” H“ “”5 the team‘s "Wm ”All ‘- u:
'. Lexingtonforagame against UlttStHHdmtl player in the in my tritium-nee and con _‘l\dt‘-d'mt\_ Huh}? J1” “mm”: ""3“” undtiVe U‘ “Wu-firm W“ DarbyOGittand hf
L: Kentucky. nationandne madc- me that " tributcd $500 to my defense ‘1” “1““ a" “N L‘d" up tttitlt‘” \Vt'tt‘ “’1 tht’ tttfitttPiU Win: .0. t theblttte . 1"
5 "For about a month ht- addt'd. .“l coutdnt hut.- \tillltittl no} questions t‘teii ill-It played on the Nlttittt- ‘ Gt 3"'“”"'““ MUMWWS peopw "
: someone kept putting pica made It Without llllll. '(lnepait (n my K:onsuence tlt‘s‘? ttht t‘ “11105 that RUDD it'lpp‘“z”“fl(j“on that the
i lures andwriteups about how , "llewas such a hard mun. l «it. live “tilt is that t was L'llut‘llt'tt ,ztlil later became 21“”9‘5t”lttlm_t]." “"‘h'm "‘“5 1.0wa “All maitmnn
~ gt‘eatLovellette was." Spivey he didn‘t want to he the the instigtzttzr or the move to tftwt' tilt‘ttd.‘ with tnm alter “"‘tttFt “V" "t “‘5 t’ltt7‘"r“ "'t "Him "Ru-tn“ ““
_ said, "And everyday I would backslapping type who. when get thet‘ltiennizmtlunged to guittsth ll Tlli'il association "t‘t' ght'tftt'm'tdmt‘l Mt”? 0‘ the """ V 1II". M 5m
__ rip them oft. I asked him youlmadc a mistake, \U‘uld ltepp \itn.i “ lu- explained in hmimtlull L"ll'lll.".u9d with send: Bell described lt. , ,w ”3'“
hp (Rupp) about it about two sayitwasallrtgnt.ilovedtne i 4-. dint hm this? on the Bell runnnnt the scoreboard “NW“ ““5 a “‘“tt‘m‘t' ‘t a Md l H' I
m l't‘at’satgttandhcztever would ”Uh. . to mantle e .tntl told him that m tiotlt Alumni t{Vintiasiutu ”W- "t3 ”'4‘“: "‘l'tad “Ht “Wt ,
to admit he did it. “;fl‘it'lttiiaigléiiat bothers n..- inis donut ht :i [i :n: it tituld ' 'Tlit‘t‘tily t- sf: to get in “as NH” it” ”t‘ “'5 'ttUPP‘St -“L E
.. . . is Hat ie to me sometime tin lire-tn; lllil not name it 1.; Wt‘ik . Lnt‘ .‘cmoria‘ ‘-"“"t't't1-tttot his players
.. By gametime.hehadmy ago he wanted to Hit in iillt‘l' 't‘irt ' t‘=l‘ I ‘ ' K ‘ ""ttlkmt 1" t“ 3t“ "“7" “M —"°“"'3““"‘“'“ y:
adrenohn flowmg and I - a - " I t.~e.nn. ‘ ' ., L‘ t 0R [BURNS t
no .. . private with me and l teel \ttiveytx'iit-zi thatitutipwas , _ tmdats :it tilt' \Vtmhletni. 4‘ ° . '9’ '
wanted to rip Lovellette up . . .. ~ - . tat-ll tilled M p“ the (m ~ - . . J-‘rt ttvterVtti
Asacout'tes to his ex-coach real bad abouthut inaltingtnc not liltcrl t