xt7n028pgc2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pgc2m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-07-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 31, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 31, 1980 1980 1980-07-31 2020 true xt7n028pgc2m section xt7n028pgc2m c g - . . .M 1
"0L LXXII. N‘I- '66 Kern e] l'niversity o‘=* Kentuck)
Thursday. July 3|. I980 an independent student newspaper Lexingtor' Kentucky
# .,

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- ' . . a” -'
UK budget adjustments announced . . -_ '
" ‘ , A
~ 4'? 1' '3 . g ’é
By JA('KI Rl'Dl) ies. Singletary protected this area when ‘2 _ _
Managing [ditot designating budget cuts. 5 3
“first ol all. I didn‘t want to get into ,. w i’ »

In order to make an SI l.2 million cut litkulls oli personnel. and secondly I y" ' _
in state lunding. President ()tis Single- didn't want to cut out existing academic imfi I '
tar} has ordered a hiring tree/e at [K programs. Ihirdl_\'. I didn‘t want to cut M” I
and put $5.5 tnillion worth ol construc- salaries." Singletar} said. adding. "In : i /
tion and renoxation protects on hold. order to protect laciilt) and stall. e\er) ' a”: ' all” g); ‘-

In addition. Singletar) announced othei prograrii in this institution ‘ q, _, .

' the cancellation ol equipment pur— became utilnerable. It was ‘open season‘ fizz: £7 .
chases as well as a cut in uiii\ersit_\ on e\er_\thing. What it tneant was we 1/ ~’§§’~ "9 -.
printing and trawl. were going to lime to squee/e lots ol ’4 I», .

lhe SI l2 million is l'K‘s share ol a other places," :3 ”I fly"; , .
$30 million cutback in the state's 5.150 3 He said the budget slashes included a ' a a, 233% f
million budget lor higher education permanent loss ol $4.9 million a year in " fl ”.3171: g” .
Ihe cutback wasorderedtwoweeksago state lunding. 55.x million from this . . ”I"
b} ( im. John Y Brown Jr _\ear's budget. and 8557.000 tor the pur- f (2;? . 6 g

(m Jul) I6. Singletary. along with chase ol construction bonds to Iinance . ”z? ' A
other state unnersm presidents. was the proposed primary -care center. , 2333, “My”; .4
told that ceitain budget cuts must be In addition to the 5557.000 lor bond ( g - . H - i i " ’
made, ,. ~ . “W W procurement. the btidget’cuts include. ~ a“ "z: ”

)ut ol I Is s record 5- 5 - million ./ the delay ol 55.5 million in 4:34» " 2:; '23.!
. ..../ m, . - «ma-W
hllklgcl lot the Igts’U—b'l liscal sear. SIRK capital construction and rcno\ation ..,41w ”4”,, .... 5 , .. .
million was state appropriated i'lIlLtIIL‘L‘ protects. including the SI) million lor .: » :»i;;,;-'€?«»;--. _, V
Secretary (ieoigc \tkms ordered l K's completion ol the Sanders-Brown M 43" w .
state appropriations be reduced to S | 2" Aging Budding; 8800.000 lor upgrading 9a,)? "fughw ”'7‘" ’2'
million, ol the I'unkhouser Budding; 5590.000 . ; 7,35% -

Ihe entire state must reduce spending lor the e\pansion ol McVe} Hall; and 4' ”‘ " ' 1‘

b) SI l4 million because ol a decline in 3500.000 tor alterations ol space in - l:hoto by BENJIE VAN HOOK
ta\ rexeniies lor the tiscal year. which Alumni (iym to meet litle IX Gone flshln’

began .Iul_\ l. Ihe decline was blamed requirements.

on the sagging economy. ,1 cancellation ol equipment Six-year-old Amy Sallee found that yesterday was a good day for fishing.

Atkins also ordered a capital con- purchases \alued at Sl million. despite having to mess with the worms. She chose this vacant spot on the
slruction lreele lt)!’ HMO-ts“ l. I herelorc. V a $4.2 million reduction in banks of the reservoir at Jacobson Park on Richmond Road for the day's
[3K cannot commence construction on the operating budget. including the hir- fishing. Amy is the daughter of Jay T. Sallee. Her family is from Phoenix.
its planned Sl2.5 million primary ~care ing tree/e. a It) percent cut in unnersity Ariz. and is presently visiting grandparents here in Lexington.
center and $8.2 million (‘ollegeoli I’har- printing. a l0 percent ctit in in-state
mac) building lor the l'K Medical tra\eI and a 20 percent cut in out-ol- -

(‘enteit state tra\el. constructlon freeze affects

Singletar} called the budget slash Approximately 200 laculty positions
I’K's “largest single cut." are meant at this time. Singletar) said. a -

“Ihis is the most seriouslitiancialcri— “ll someone lea\es a position. it will MedlCIne Pharmacy COIIegeS
sis in the history ol the l‘nitei'sity." he become lro/en. Vacant positions will I
said. not be "a\ailah|e lor Iill-in" unless they . ,

When l'K‘s IQXIl-KI budget was com- are prown essential to an mdindual :31" JAST: In no 0‘ Pharmacy were I’mh‘lh'} m“: hardest
pleted "I was leeling prett_\ good. I program. he said. "WWI" "“"_ _g , ' h'k h} ‘h? f"”-“Tu“'0n ”"5.” d‘ K‘
didn‘t know that the euphoria would be Ihe state (‘ouncil on Higher I-duca- A construction lreele.allecting l’ K 5 Tu." H the lree/e was “fled‘ we no
shortlixed." Singletar) said. tion has recommended to the state proposed primary-care lac'l't-‘V and Iongernhave‘the dollars)to d,” the“ W?“

I-ourteen million dollars ol the SIS.” i‘lltillICL‘ Department that the SI I,2 mil- pharmacy hlllldlfig. has lclt (ollege oI peers. said 1: K I resident (”is
million increase met last year‘s budget lion budget cuts proposed by President MCd'C'nc and ( ollege m Pharmacy Singletary. .
was allocated Ioi' lacult) and stall .saIar— Sitigletar}. he apprtned deans 3“““ng about accreditation. lhe deans ol these colleges are con-

lhe Sl2.5 million ambulatory- cerned about accreditation. Both col-

primary care lacilit) lor the [FK Medl— leges were critici/ed {or lragmentation

cal (‘enterand the $8.2 million building ol space and lack thereol during their

CUban refu ee tel/S 0f fear lor the (‘ollege ol' Pharmacy were last accreditation re\ iew‘s. Ihisl‘althey

g I included in the construction l'ree/c will be up for new accreditation re\iews

- . issued by the state Finance Department. as part ol a campus-wide accreditation

uncefialntles under @Stro lhe lirce/e is in addition to an SI II by the Southern Association of Colleges
million cut in I'K's l9K0-i'll budget. and Schools.

Budget cuts were made mandatory for Ihe ('ollege ol Medicine‘s accredita-

B." (iuN(i"'T/\ Rl'll West boatlilt. which lasted around two all state unhersities in order to trim a lion reyiew in I970 pointed out that

\M” “WU months. brought more than ”4,000 total ol $30 million in state appropria— “space constraints are our biggest prob-

‘ COPyrlth H" K'“'“"‘3 K""" ”‘0 (‘ubans to the l'nited States. tions liom higher education. lems." said I). Kay ('Iaw'son. dean 0| lhs‘

P‘H'I'C‘II UI‘I'WC-“l”n and "““m‘lnfl Ihe mass exodus trotn ('uba began Ihis cut was made to help eompcn» (‘ollegc ol Medicine.

”'NWW‘” hr“ L“I"lm“ “I“ JIM” when (‘astroremoyed the sccutih Irom sateloranunanticipated decline oliSI I4 “We had made plans to overcome
(‘I'N‘L and ”“Hl‘imd‘ "l (‘l'him‘ MW the Permian I‘mbass\ on .API‘II": I980. million in tax re\enucs lor the liscal those constraints and the state legisla-
him. lmm‘tl “IN" hi" ht‘t‘“ ””9“ ”W ”is action Iollowed an incident at that year. which began 11in I. tore had approu‘d them." he added.

“lrccdom llotilla " lhe Mariel to KC) continued on page 4 lIic ('ollcge ol Medicine and ('ollegc continued on page I3

 ' [ ‘ Anne \\. ( harles SJI'. Robinson l‘lulil Anderson
. I 21 n e ll/lll'l lJIII'rIum/m'n/ I.(/IIHI' ( n/n I.t/Ilur
Jacki Rudd Benjie \ an Hook David ( imp"
Hum/mug III/1w l’liu/uumphi Ill/I!!! .S/tmli him”
I ’ ‘ L
, . , editorials 8: comments
, 17,777,“-.W ,_ ,cc cc , , ,, c, , c 7 7 ,_ ,-ccvcc7...___vccccw_cw#-cc w__-___,,,,, , ,
G ' ' '
ood ol brother Billy causes trou e - again
I What would mu do it you had a brother “ho clsc. thc Libyan al'tziir raiscs lcgalt c\cn cthical qucx- ('hristian. posscsxcd ot aisqucalx'yclcan nosc (not
upstagcd .\"‘U by exploiting your media presence. tionx. about thc rulcvol thc prcxtdcnttal lamil}: . counting an ()CthlUndl tmngc-ol lust). “ho docmt
‘ rclimcd himscll on public runways. made morc than Hut anothct' quc~tion rmng-lrom the BI”) allatr Is allcgcdl) \\\cat (likc lI‘Ick} Dick). 1101:nt allcgcdl‘)
tmcc as much monm in \()II 1” doing hall thc pm“ thc rolc ol thc uatchdog tncdia sincc “atcrgatct inc» around (likc dcur .ll‘K). and docxn t allcgcdl} \ll ’
‘ ' v ‘ , ‘ ‘ , Idh h\ \xliilchis hrothcr catchcs bUHL‘INInth‘ iorchcad
conlcrcnccm madc a public spcctaclc ol hlntxgll h\ In thc last ten \carx. (‘Iipnol Hill has hccn cxpowd ll; _ I. Bl H' H h‘l , , l" B ‘ l -
. ' hccomtng Alcohol Anommoth‘ higgcxt Customct' and A“ ,i l1ornct\ “CHI! 0’ undcrhandcdt actindalous dcul~ ( ‘ k - ~ ’- ‘ \ccmsto L "”l» on d at oom ‘l‘u'd -
'~ ‘ > , 1 ~ . .
/ thcn starlcd running public rclations h" xomc other V 4 W" -‘.- . dl d , ’ H! l _ ()n thc othci hand BIH} might hL thought ol ax thc
‘ ..-) Ings. \I\on and “HEM" “Hm '\ ”5mg“ ”k John Belushi ol thc Old South. at g()()d‘0l-h0\ It c\ct
countr) uhilc _\ou \wrc xtill In 0”th sanctilx ot prcxidcnthood. and lord l\lHH\\. \ic‘u‘ v 4 _ _. ‘ . ’ V _
' ’ l'or .lImm) (‘artct'~ a \Implc peanut—grin and ban It _‘ . V. 7 _' 'h) t ,1” ml”- r\nd ~Incc tlIcn. ”1““ “M ”m'. ”L ‘ h“ h'””‘“ -‘ d'lLLl-“PP‘N‘V
. - - V . . . . , , . . hhud L” “)0 muc 1 d ‘ u ‘ ‘ And In a nation \\ hct'ctltc clticlc\ccuti\ c must daIl\
\\on t stillicc. lot hlnlllLl Bill. ma) ham gonc on; \ILP thcic liaxn’t hccn a budding Bcixtcin m thc cub ”PUP . V > . -
' ' ' , .. ' . dcal “llh a c\nIcal. \illlllL‘ill national attitudc and a
too 1‘” 'n h" “hCChng‘ and dcaltngs “”h I 'h-M" tcr'x lcauuc “ho haxn‘t had hh cat tight!) “rappcd ' .
~ .. pack ol iournalistic uatchdogs. thn IN not thc \Ull cl
' COD-“d“? around thc doorknob 0' thc 0“” ()tlicc thing hc ticcd», In a mum \ihcn. all kidding asidc. thc
, ~ A total of 5220.000 In tuo loanx madc to Hill} (‘at‘tcr l’crhapx ” i‘ morall} good and right to lta\ca nation nation I‘call) n in tt'ouhlc. ”K xomctlting H ‘. don‘t '
‘ h_\ thc l Ih_\an gowrnmcnt. ol Woodwirm and Bcrmtctns “inching ('apitol Hill'x nccdt
. \ttortu‘} (icnct’al Bcniamtn (‘I\Ilcttt‘~ dtxcloxut‘c mgr} Inmc. Although "Mm lia\c ”,3“ch \uch m l’ci'hapx Bill) (‘artcr H Innoccnt “N tltc pt'o\ci'htal
. that hc had talkcd tt.(ui'tct'1ihtittt thcatlairaltci pruc Spito Agncu. that thc WC“ gncx addcd prcxxurc m lamb. lhat\ tor (‘ontll'C“ to ~a_\. l’crhap~ hh intcrmh
' \H‘U‘l} dcnyng ‘U‘Jh 1‘ d“““"“” “Mk PM“? thc alrcad) prL‘\\lll'Cdlt)h\til(»ilpl10lHlll.lhk‘nilllul‘l.\ [tonal dculings arc c\cn In AmCIIca‘s bcst IlllL‘lC\l\
choth that Roxalinn (‘artci' tmoi'cd thc “W ”I (:0th hil\k‘i.‘t)l1\l\lL‘llll} uphcld thc right ol thc pt‘Llet) somcho“.
> ' 8,”) ”c an agcnt m [ my“ Pl”? ”W adu‘rxat’} “”9 ”CL'dCd “‘ PW‘W‘L‘ ”1" WWW Hut thcattcntion ltc “art'anh h} \Irtttc ol hhlillnll)
~ lhc (“mug "clow lamtlt " \\ hIclI cainpatgnx 1"} ‘ “WC“ and billlmfl" ~_\\lcnt ticx makcx him a \itld card In thc national mcdia sccnc.
togctlicr. gocx to church togcthci and CtHhtllh “11h “‘ h" llmm.‘ (lillk‘l- hmlht'l‘ Bill} wncx to an llc dcscncx it!)}lhlng hc gut»
Ir onc anothct othcr. ”dd'm‘” " not *‘ U”"l‘k‘llllll 1“ ”W “UK“ 0’ ”10 llix hrotltci’K cmhai’asxmcnt I\ an addcd dtxti'actton
-\ll thcxc lacloh gnc Impctth to [hc conigt'cxxional PW“ In tltc prcxxing light 0! twat-nationalduoi'dct'. llc ma)
~ Imcstigation into hltflhcl’ Bill} \“ticx“\\itli I that and ”3 ”1"” ”mm-c“ .limm_\ ““1 ”ml “'5'" “"” upand L“ ‘3" “‘5‘ 3‘ “WNW" ‘lllmbllnll MUCR ”1 -""lm.\ ~‘ “WC
' thc cl‘lcctx thcsc ma) Ul’ that not haw had on hIotth lwu to be \dlllI/L‘d and Comparcd loI' I'c-clcctton .
7 ‘ ,ltmm)\ tclatiomhtp mth that L‘Ollnll}. ll nothing ()n onc hand thcrc |\ .lamcx l‘ill'l. an cxangclical “Mb" ht‘.‘ "m 1'“ I’M/I héld - - I -
. ‘ A 7 I l I
re all men created equal - variety the spice of life
., a
, 3) NEIL R- “ROB-MAN \L‘t‘m‘ l0 mt‘ that 1|“ 0‘ ”10W klm“ 0‘ tltc color ol thcir slum. \\Ut‘l\ tor a lntng animorc‘.’ ll nohod}
' Biblical wholarx. \L'CH. prophch~ qllcfllnlh lall undcr a tundamcntall) ln othci \xords. pcoplc arc \uppthcd uorkcd. tlic cconotn) and out “holc
‘ ‘ \\llilld\. CHIICN. and analph ol all \ai'— much largci muc l~ litc tair'.‘ to hc ditlcrcntt ()thcmisc. tltc uorld lrcc cntcrpruc \_\ stcm “ould lall. lhct'c
_ Icticx and l haw dchatcd ”It“! ol tltc l’crhaps E can anuicr this. it ~omc- would hc pt‘ctt} boring il cwr} bod} would hc nohod} to collcct thc yarhagc
‘ ‘ , rclc\ant \\C1ghl} philoxoplncal Ixsucs \\ hat cuisncl}. b} Introducmg _\ct talkcd and uclcdhkcll“1“}(lruhilnLUI or clcan tlic \trcch. Dcmocraq ax \sc
“ o\cr ”W )carx. oltcntimm concluding “"“H‘C' I‘clatcd ‘lUC‘lW'L A“: J“ PC‘W‘IC a Hill} ('artcr lor that mattct: ll “C “crc no“ Into“ It \tottld ccasc to cuxt “hat
“'1“ “(’rd‘ 0‘ CUNCN“ and dC‘Pilll‘ ”€3le “WM" lhomax JCH'HM‘“ all thc \amc.thcrc wouldhccithchood chaos atid turmotl.’
‘ I Ql'C‘le‘ WC“ é" lhk‘ ””0“”111 cmcrgc ‘hllUL-‘hl W~ bl” Abraham l-lm‘m" had 11 or l"\ ill comcd} or tragcd). ioic dc \ ixt‘c lhus. thc Inc\ itahlc conclttsion I\ that
Why docs (iod Ict [\Il co—cxht ulth -————__——— or “cltxchmcrl. no polar oppuxtliolh lilc h lair altcr all. Mouly “C cach gct
_ (“’wa Wh} don ("W "C“‘ht‘m Vhlld commentary and nothing m-hcmccn to ltccp u~ ”UC- zthotit \\ hat \\c dcxcrxct Sotnc gct a hit
dtc and another onc lI\L".’ “m d“ Wrmt‘ _________— tuating. \acilluting and unchanging. morc and somc a hit ic“. but it all hail»
' “orthi gcnmsm li\c onl) a xhort timc \crt uniquc \ui} ol rcsponding to this mm It pcoplc arc \ltpptHCd to conic anccxout intlic cnd.|ina|l) addingupto
' ‘ , and xomc rottcn criminal dcgcncratcx ,“uc during thc l Incoln»l)ougla~ In all klnd\ ot \hapcx. si/cx. colorx and Icro, And it _\oti lccl that you \impl)
‘ ' lot too long. llNlU”) and lucratncl)" dchatcs Hc pointed ottt that \Umc pco- uorld \IL‘\\\.th'nlllClnlhll1£t\L‘ll\it))\ cannot acccpt thix. C0ll\ldCl‘ tltc lol|o\\-
' Wlu l~ lht‘ l‘mPH'C XIHUW-‘d ‘0 ‘Ulkt' plc \ict'c lat. othcn “crc thin, Somc and “on too Mtcr all. tl mcr) bod) Ing' In \o\cnthcr. a\ “c all pt’L‘parc to
' hack‘ pcoplc “crc Intclligcnt. othch “L‘IC “crc happ). tltcn what would happcn to \otc lor _\ct anothcr I’rcxidcnt ol thcxc
Mm hc tor a cu) lrom l’cnnu hamal Ictavdcd Wm lh|\ cqtnuwaliun'.’ \Ul tlic L‘OlllllL‘h liom “hich gt'cat art. muxic l ‘nitcd Status. tlic L‘\\Cnllul choicc(\\ itlt
, .t\k too mam qut-MH‘H‘A But.rcmcmhct rcall) lincoln “as right It doc~ not and litcraturccmcrgc‘.‘ lhcgmcrnmcnt. lltc cwcptmn ol an lndcpcndcnt and
“hi" ”k‘.‘ ‘1‘)ilhl’l'lh‘m "1“") PC""‘.‘" lukc Initglnl‘~l10!‘t pcoplctorcalI/cthat la“ cnlorccincnt. and thc cnttrc ludicial othct minor part) candidatcs) l\
\amam ll HIM“ 10 WW“ In AI “11'" hlllh the} ma} ncwr slain-dunk a htlxlu‘lhil” \_\ \Icm uould all collapw lor lack ot hctuccn a lornicr B—mmic actor and .t
; \onc. lhc_\ do not nccd light hulhx mu- [)r‘ l _ but. at thc \atnc timc. this an_\thing to do ”all ol ux “crc rich and pcanut larmcr. llaxc )0“ huggcd \Uul'
lhk‘.‘ glo“ ”1 ”W dark \L'V-‘llht‘lC‘N ll tact ha\ nothing “hatsomcr to do \uth lullillcd In our ||\L‘\. \\ ho “ould nccd to kids toda_\’.’ -
- “c lirst train out cltildrcn to Inc lhc a mcanntglul \\a_\" “'otild out congrcxxntcn. land dc\ clop—
' A f I 'd \oundx that lltc) uttct to lorm \)iithtilIL‘ fine”). I “I” ltxt \omc ol tltc Itcnh Cl\ and rcaltorx hc \o cagct to ntakc a
rt part O [‘88 WOl' \titngsol \Olllld\ callcd \\ord\and xcnt- that cducatton in \I\lllll ~_\mhol\ could buck “hilc “\Isualh comniunicatinc"
cnccx \\'c arc ax humam blesxcd “Ith changc In out \UL‘IL‘I} ads on l\'. di~a~tct to our lttttdu‘ttpc"
llcrc “c go again uith thc ages-old lhh ability to ctcatc ~ound~ “Ilh otit maganncs. ncwxpapcrx. ctcctcra.atchl- So ma_\hc “c should Inctcaxc m“
argumcnt hi \1r (irohman that thc \ocal cordx ”In communication ~_\~- tccturc. intcrior hung xpacc. clothing. Intcrcst in “l inc ‘\l'l“llllncllldc a lai'itcr
, I Inc Arts \hnllld hc thc lll'\l to go uhcn tcm I\ pt'acticcd and polixhcd lrom lun— L'll} planning. to mom: a Iv“ impottant population Irom ktndci'gartcn to highci
, ‘ thcrc l\ a linancial crm~ II \Ccnh that dcigartcn through a doctoratc dcgrcc oncx cdt:cation m a umplc “communica—
pcoplc tail to tcalt/c Ihc impoitant‘c ol W'c atc al~o hlc~~cd with \l\llall \lxillx \o\\ moxt ol thcw thingx arc plllch lion" t'cquitctncnt. tathci' than £l\ It
art in c\cr_\da_\ ltlct .‘l\ ll\ll.|l \\c \cc our \urroundinih ncat'l} In nlat‘ncd h_\ "dL‘\l)__'l1Cl'.\ and cnginccn" \ulltottt tum,” ado.
I lct‘x call it "\utial totntntinication" \imn an “c makc xoundx But do “c “hicli Ina} oi that not tindcrxtand lltc lct‘s takc thc “clitc” out ol art and
and parallcl II to \cthal (Ulnnlllnlt'lr Ham our chtldrcn ho“ to uw tlm \Nial \miul utnhol‘ who ~cnd out. put .I back mm (hc rcal \\or|d
. tion Ihc\Imilanticsarcn‘t total htit thc honihardmcnt that w: icccnc lrom ”0“ much more Cl]i()_\alhlc out wr-
oncx that c\tst nia_\ hc helplul In ttndcr- ““klnll l“ ”W “"‘C' “' "WP" \” “l“ Ioundinpx could be it c\cr_\onc “AM Julie Brent
xtanding thc nccd lot “art“in ou: cduca- ”"1" I‘ I‘ 3|") '0“ important "" P'N‘P'L‘ lraincd to "wc" tltc dillcrcncc in a “cll- Art Education
tton \utcm to hc ahlc to Intcrprct \l\llill sytthoh in planncd and a poorh planncd htnlding \Iggger‘g ( undid-l9

 . I I ‘ . . I , ‘Ii I II; I
' 'i V . ‘IV. ; l '. v‘ , I i .
it ‘: -‘. V
Kuixit-cin I " :. -
21122 Letters to the Ed/tor I ,
_ aitx.ldotiotdixaeiee \\hat \‘Iix \lIIir l\ll\PL’\lZlIllixl!xl it‘limgmc I“; xkk*[3["\‘\rn A II ”“th .i- .i'nmi \I: if 'I
well‘tfaln6d one\ xhotild ttziii/e Ix tht ;\tent to iioit, hittihxliile‘xI ”emit doiiai'x “Mm (”lit-go ”a“; ,1 e5 Imd Iti‘ III M.“ I. -‘_ tII i"
\\ll|L'll the liliL‘lIll aitx ate not heiii}; JUL” .Iiid \cx e'\e'li l_|\llll‘t x.i1.titex the ‘l'illl'x‘lih .ititt '.it u::‘ .Ix up ,I IIx or too " -‘ K ."
domt Illan Educated lttctited hlll‘lcd‘hl‘ ‘lll‘l‘li‘lilk‘l dl .liltttcltoi;tolitititiiII"x.Ilixlicd xtitdetit littilie.il‘le\(I \lx x.lil w vomit} iiIt\e.I I f '
l l\ h\ [ilactical .Iitx It 1x itot "nondei hod\ and It "xatixited" xtlllil‘lIN \tliii ivmlk‘i \t 3‘» it! TX Ii titiixc Zion oItixItie ," . 5 ~-
liil" to lta\e the lihcial Alix ii \ott \\aiit liitlllll\, a \Illll coniplaccnm \\l11c‘li I‘toicxxioiia: iil‘cial education \\ izo xeck ."’ 5‘ '
”W [\""”"/ ‘ liottt‘page ml“ 0' JUl,‘ I\ottt tiained xtIIdent \\ ho iillx a Ioh to xocial ciiticx ha\c \\ained iixtocxpect in Iii \ltat‘a' itx itttt‘ittai pohu. «'\[‘L'L1elll\ '
I "lii'tmn x 'cIean—Iip xpaikx \aiied thiiilx ax \\cll ax llll a ioh libeiai the ‘Mix \\ith inch peiiiix pliiioxophiex ax \1ix ." ' . ’.I '
W‘F‘WI‘V‘ " ”“1 i‘WUWlC i” d“ lhk’ aitx are ahxoltitcl) \itai. the haxix lot \ontethine lilxk that conipiacenu \laloner and xiicha\extogtind ax \lt ' ‘ I' ‘v
atticlc CHIN i‘lil} [“0 \Ul‘i‘ldlillw‘ am piactical. Iitilitatiat‘. oi ptoiexxional hothcix itte iii the i‘llAlLtittl, Iittptecixe l'ctktnx' 0“ I: '» \
iexponxcx to the IL'HtthiitI/illliin (Pl lhk‘ education iitie ol the [\tiiiie/K article. and iii the llix ixxtiex ate xiiiipi\ itiiIch tooxiiiai It j , ‘i'
(”I 11h“) ”Wth'li‘mnC“ ”R'thH Higher education cannot he highei ilat. tIIiciiticai iepoitage oi the laxt xe\- tot the ( HI I the\ .iie inatteix ol Iiiici "I‘ 'v '
‘ and ate almoxt identical -\nI\one \\lio “IlliUUI a hioad haxeol dixcipliitai) xtti~ eial [\t'HIt'/\ l hau- xcantied \l.I\he ital taiitptix contei n. oi xhotild he \1tx l“ _' ' I‘
”Nth“ ill I K H‘L'Uilnl/Cd Iliimk'dléllk‘h diex xhaped to inxtill intellectual xlxepti» xIIinittcrx ate itIxt dtIIl heie. hut It xL'L'llix \lalonex ~x \ ieux ate a diiect contiadic~ .' ..
”1C” ‘dmlllm bl” illiilmmtx‘ th‘llllc cixnt. logical and attalttical xlxillx. and that am l K huxinexx Ix good nettx \Ii\ tIoiI oi the title. and. l piextinte. the ,‘ I I’
“C“ ”' “”"C"'U “11“?“1'0” iiidictotix peiccption \ college xttideitt change iii opet’attonx ix inipimentent iiidiitltitc. oi the council xhe xci\cx Bill ‘ I ‘ '
llte [\t'lmil iepottx that l’eikiitx_ a \\ho Itetx a nice lob \\ith hix degtce hax lheie ix a bland \Iic'ldl’pdgr- tone. then. the diiection ol (io\ Hioun'x -, , ‘
xttideitt ineitthei o! the (H! ,\\I|| "con— L‘Cll.l|lllI\ been “ell—tiained htit itta_\ “ell indicating l thinlx a tacit \iilliiignexx to H'ULLHHH/Illnill doexn‘t xeeiii to lit the " I" ‘
centiate hix elloitx In xtich aicax ax llll’ not ha\e been educated Iteai that \\ hat helie\e_ lot inxtance. that thc( lll liax iiiiIlIiL‘ ”1 liiylik‘i :‘dliLkillotit pit1\\\-1\I 1hr ,' ,v ‘ '
tion. Iiiti\eixiiI\ hookxtoiex and the makex hint attiacti\e to thextate ixthat been ntai\eloiixi\ imponetl \iitipl\ hoth xhotild ptohahh he ieiiained [lie p ‘I I';,‘
‘laciilt_\ itot going the dollat‘x \\otth he ix piohahl) hotli docile and giateitti hecatixc xoitteone Intended that it he ( i‘iiiixil iii lliiiiii‘yk'iil/k‘il lklli'iliiii‘ii , " ' ,5
\ In} ITIL'mhL‘I til the (”l I “UHF-4i Viil' making a good IllctilliL‘I coiixtiniiny inipio\ed .Ind xaid it had heen ’ V I ' '
””0 ihwth. "I‘m iitieiexied Iii iiot mil) uoodx and P;I\ilit_‘ i.I\ex obedieiith to lltat \Iiiliiiuiiexx to l‘t'llk'\L' ix itiil . "' .
L K V L , I
kll‘i‘mV h‘” l-‘L'H'Hll ”‘L' ”1‘"! l‘” ”19“" the hodt politictltat ntade hittitIiialiiied IL'IHttl iotitiiaiixni. it'x iiIxt plain iiaixetc. Shearle l‘lll’nhh ' . 3I -
dollai " l)i Single-tat). \\lio liax hetii to gut hlx lob .I lack oi xhg’pllc'lxlt, and .i iack oi l'nglixh Doctoral (andidate W ' V ' ‘V
I'enio\ed limit the council. xlio\\ed \II l’elkmx‘ attittide ix [I\Plt'Ill oi ,' ,
adiitiiahle lL‘\lld|liL I think. to not inan\ oi ltlx eomempoian xiiideiiix d b k 3, l". "
coining-tiling l)i \1illei. aixo tento\:d. leachetx xee xtieh pioxaic .Ittitttdex HUI l lan Resources BY'Care CUt ac , , I
\llU\\L‘(l lltlliill‘ilhl) hlltlkl liltl ll] ltl\ lt)\\itttl lCdliiiliy ewe“ Il.’1\ \J]|\tl|\ 'I‘ ' ‘ II'
continent \eithei e\peit in highei edii- (\plcxxlttlix oi “I paid ni\ IIIitIoii. \oit ”“"”“" “‘H "‘H h”““ H" “'“V‘” NH" . ; _ ‘ .
.. I .. .. lhe keiitiiclm l)epaitntent oi tlill)lll{\\illlil\‘li‘t\‘ i ,.‘ . .- ‘ , ‘~'
Ltlllttl] lL‘\k'dlL'(l«lll\ \.tliL‘Il IC\Pttll\ClU [cunt kntiolyduc l‘ll t'lL‘Iltl, It] It tie-pipe] H R l l l l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ U ‘l J “'3‘ l‘”i . . I ‘i
.I ‘ ‘ an 'x itII '* tint x a tit iaxc i ,. i ,- _ ,..- 1.
lltL‘ lttllltHL ltt‘dIL'li.tll\llL‘ (Illic‘t‘llh til [II ”it, tilt] L i Itth I\ g‘ k Ii til lllc tl.i\ mitt Liixl titt\\\.t\ \lxti. lot , ., ,
. I }ll‘ HUL'IIIIH \\ tic i nta ex t .I\ ~eaie «it ,_ , . t ,I p . I
”if ”U“ liik'liih'x‘“ Int xoii\. but that x iiixt not liU\\ L k [i ‘ I , Ii tt i hi I I I \\ inam ol lllx‘k aditii xitidtiiix th.x pm I I , .'
~ . tie-xe too. cm I ien II on I e o o , ,, , I I ., , , .
lL‘xl tt‘-\ dhlmlc 1"! l’x‘iklih Mid ieai‘ninu \\oikx lcainiiiu Ix an actiu‘ [I l l l t] \‘ ntl\ th MN” ”I [\HHMHU dwmlmu up!“ ' ; , ‘ I '
U ‘ ‘ iiicoittc anti iex n i \ei iccc . e . . -. , . . , V I ,
\laloitc\ x ieinailxx he talxett ax eliiixnt pioeexx .Ind ueneialh more iahoyioux t t l l th h II it "1“ 1'“ “”l‘ l“"“l‘lk “i" ”‘U‘ 1"” H“ .v -
I ‘ ' Ltiett oi \aictt x tat L' c t (e t .. . _ . , ' I
atid dcleiixnenexx. let me CHIN)“. ”W‘" than teacltiitu \o\\. Il \h l’eiLinx l I lI I I k “III ILct an education and hLLUlllL \«itillil‘li If ) . .
‘ '11 t ‘l L'UIHL’ o xc too. oi \\oi iliL‘ , , . _ _ - . I, . ,
tlieii icpoi'tcd i.ie\\x \1rx \1aloiic\ nicanx hx thc"lactiit\ not utttiiethedoi : k ‘ IA th k DHR itinl 1“" " "”h” ”1“”l"”"‘”‘“”“‘*"“ . . ,i, .
.. ' . ' .. ', ‘ ‘ 1' atixe i a 'li ac itt I x . . . . ,. > ‘ ,. ' g
i‘dm'l‘i “050mm? 1” 'L‘Pi‘ii- ”‘3” WC Ia: x \\oith that l k depaitineiitx itia\ Hi ‘I Lh t \ \ I \\ (iiiixtnatton Iii gthllililcttl xpcitd- L , ‘ I
u ' xttit L’ttl\ t.i\e een ”til till a Ct Ii ‘ , ..e . , . I . It _
hi“ ”“ C‘l‘cncncc”"Jll'k'dl'U'L ‘91 “”K‘ L‘ttipltaxt/L' lexk'tltc‘lt lo lllL' L‘\clltxltitt til ‘ F 'HxL " ”“LUVHN ht” “UHHU- h‘ul‘ “” ,. > ‘ " _,
. piioiit\ attd \Hll ptohahh be ineligible no ,1 m“ “h. 'h h ‘| ‘ 'itl- . _ I. '. , ,. '.
iioticex the hioad iaiige oi hei cdiica— Liood teacitinu, oi xome othei xueh I | ' l i- . ii i i PUl k ”Milk ,, .. , , '
,. . ~ * oi tie ‘liiL‘lillti . . ,. . . a . -
“”"i'l Ph‘l‘m‘l‘h‘ I“ “““dk'llll ‘0 adminixtiatnc piohlent. then he itta\ I ‘ . “"m ‘I‘lkml‘m “““Hm'l‘ “H“ "”" . . .
' - \1an\ ol the men and “omen CllL‘Llel m hiced ‘hhlml mm” ”M HUI“. ol I . i ,
lta\e liberal aitx. htit piactical .ii'tx ate lta\e a point lxtixpcct. lio\\e\ei ltom ' l . . l‘ . . .I I ,p
h\ thix cutback \\lll Ie textiicted to to“ Hmmml haiikitiptn iI , . _ .I
”HPWUN" “’0 I “ill" I“ “T ‘lllklk‘iiH the cotiie\t ol liix otlth t'eiiiaikx. “hich ‘ . h i , .‘ g - ,
~~ pantie iohx hccatixe oi theii Iaclx oi io . . . . .
\\ith xlxillx to Lio iiitoa Iohaltei colleue all [mu like an tiltl‘lil\ltlttllctl \atioital ’ . . . . _ i . _. =,
‘ ‘ . * e\peiience and tiaiiiing \o L\Lll .llILl lihh\ [hacker , i
\x long.i ax thix xeittinteitt doex not (axh Reuixtei tltat \li l't‘ikiiix , ' ~ i‘ ,. , - I,
- ‘ emplouttent ix lotind inait\ iaittil\ le\ington K\ . . I , . I
accontpan) an} contempt lot the liberal uaiitx htead and ciictixex, ‘ ‘ p' , - ' ' . ,
WW I t .
. . l-t ('hai‘lex R \exxon. .ixxociate dealt itl Selectne \ci\ice ix \Iolatingthe l’ii\acI\ lheitixelwx to .i poxxihh itiicoitxiitti~ ‘I. ~ ;
constltutlona I Y Hanai‘tl la“ School. “ax quoted in -\ct .c umgeuhcd iioiiai pioeexx .: .i '
f h d It Sundafx [mm ax WHILE that "h” l xe ol the \ocial \ectiiin niinihei ix . H
O t e ra .‘UUHF ”W” “hi’t'lm‘k‘ “dd-U Wl—‘Nm' an intpoitant aid in coittpiiteii/inu the l ‘ . i.
‘ - - 'l '.
Iion it “ottld he \eiI\ deienxihle that ”thumdytk.” (”Hydra .m H-phudthm Sit-w" A. llirxcli ." i'. I i-. .
v . ‘ . , , . ' l i ,
laxt l l'ldll}I a Philadelphia ledei'al there ixa cotiit xdcclaiation that tlte la\\ it” me ( ommiltee \gainxt chlqramm and i', ; i
. . . , - I : I . I
court ruled that the Selectnc Seinee ix tiitconxtIttttional, againxt a xta\ the Draft :i‘” I: .» III
.-\ct ix tiitcoitxtitiitiottal hecatixe it mcrel} poxtponiiiI.i a linal iiile ” Selectne \eince “Huh” “CHM“! .I -I
e\cltidex “omen. lhix ittliitg peintatt- He added that "the gmciitment \\on|d Ruqku “dc qlltilk‘tl m the ~hm it [In , ‘. '
entl_\ enioincd the Selectne Senice ha\e dillictilt) xlto\\inI_i ctittiinal intent lime/ex l/mn.Ixx.i\ingthat H-Iumiamx ' I i‘ I, , I'
liom conducting the all»ma|e iegixtia- ll it choxe to pioxeciite .iiII\ lit‘li' “ho taii iotlixtilue their \oeial \ectIIm . I ~I I.
~« A li. ANN.» A p‘ ‘iii inn ‘ {I "".
tioit \\lllL‘ll “ax to begin Honda) .\ legiximmx numb“ m” ”a! he Immch-II tine IIII ‘ I I III\ II . I ‘ '. I I
NW)” In Saitirdat‘x M," )"’I‘ [turn '\l10[liL'l (”w I” i‘ l,h'li'dk‘ll‘h“l “‘1'” ptihlic xtatetnent llilillll iindetntiiic an\ M “N” I :i III, II__ I,I II I II . - 1 ,I-I .
‘il'd l‘k‘” 1‘ 4‘ l“‘““‘ “I ”W SUP'V'HC dCi'l‘ \\itlt ”W "‘“V‘” “huh“ \CICVUN' [‘lti\L'Llllltill ioi Iliix \iol.it:iiii, e\cii ii :ia will .- .m‘, -... ix .:I1.\ It . .i . I .t ’. '- ,»'
('otiit xhotild giant .1 xta\ ieqtiexted \enice can ieqtiiie dixcloxtiie ol one x [hg (”ml Iiilex in I.I\o: oi the \eiettite . m p ,, _ e v a ‘. .
latet iii the da\ h\ the .lli‘~IIL'L‘ l)epait- Social \ectiiiu iiiiiiihei \x pait ol thix \HHL-k- 'i" 'i ‘\i“‘ “'4’“ 3'” ~‘ “' "~i'“ "‘ " ", V
‘ ' ' iMI iii i x ,I i -,-. i- I: I.,
itteiit. the thice-itidge panel x itiillilica~ caxo the \nieiican ( |\|l liheitiex VII \IIIIIII a I II x'- IIIII II I a." . .II I‘,
tioit ol the dialt xtattite ineaitx that 1 Hum tried to eitioiii the IL‘IHCHHHCIH \o in xtiitini.ii\. the gimeiiiiiieiit ix ., i. I, I I III i. I. I ,
t'cuixtiation “ill be \tithotit loi'ceol la\\. lioni xtaititie icgixiiatioii tintil xienx hliiilinILi lit the niattei oi \ocial \ecin ‘. . .‘ I
hecatixc tlte xpccial cotii't‘x lllllliL‘ that new poxted In men poxt ollice \l.lllilIu Ii\ iiiiniheix, and III t'iilt'lLt'li‘Clll oi ieII; ”3'" ‘hi‘mml' . ‘ .
\ . i./ .i v ‘ ll'i ' ' . ‘ ,
the la“ “ax iinconxiitiitioiial cannot be that Ii.1l\lll_L' one x \ocial \ettiitn ixtIatIoiI itxell. \eIt-cioe \eixice in.I\ iuiu- Mn-ni i i. ~ - . ,
xtaI\Ctl nttttihei ix \oliiniaiI\_ oi Iiiitil tltc lk'IJh' not line a leg to xiaitd on ,t H , I; 'I l'. ‘I,i a
SattiidaL Stipieitte (otiii Illl\ll(C Iiatioii loiitix ueie .ilieied Ilttx \\.ix \iiieteeii and Siiweai oldx xhotild 'p t' "
\thliaiti l Iiiennan ixxIIed xiich a xt.i\ deleated liiii the haxic ixxiie oi “hethei lltllllx .ll‘itilll thix lit-tote coniniittine . _ I' -“
I“ “and l l’ieitt‘ , ~. I‘ .
I)R()I.I. I - c, A_I A p.
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 4-THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Thursday. July 3]. I980
. Cuban refugee tells of chaos under Castro regime
continued from page I tree to do and say what they “'I hat means it you get under— better way, When the relatives exclusion proceedings for the
embassy which left one wanted." In Cuba one is not wear one year. you hayeto wait came to visit. young people undesirable entrants.
‘ guard dead. Castro went on to allowed to speak his mind. he until the following year to get realized l‘idel had been lying. “Castro‘s attempts to rid
' announce that exit visas would said. the undershirts." Cristo After only l'iveor l()yearsinthe Cuba of its most undesirable
, be issued to anyone who asked It would be another four explained with a grin. United States. Cubans owned elements is a direct and serious
A for them, (‘htios ensued and weeks before Cristo was reu- But the economic situation ears. nice shoes and jeans." he violation ofinternational law."
[0‘000 Cubans crowded the nrtcd with relathes in Lexing- in Cuba is nothing to smile said.“lhe young people were President Carter said.
‘ . Peruvian l‘mbassy. ton, After only a few hours in about. It has grown increas- frtistrated They did not reap The special legislation is
' lhere were miried reactions Key West. he was sent to l-ort ingly worse in receitt years. the benefits of their studies. intended to relieve states of any
- to (‘astio’s decision. but the Chaffee. Arkansas. one of se\— Plagues have damaged the You could study and become a financial burden brought on by
maiority ot Cubans probably eral relocation centers designed island‘s sugar cane andtobacco physician or engineer. yet not the refugees "Congress will be
‘ shared (‘risto‘s sentiments. to handle theinflux ofretugecs. crop. The scarcity oflood and be able to own a car.“ asked to provide certain medi-
“My biggest fear was the Upon his arrival at l-ort jobs add to people's frustra- A large number ofthe newly cal. supplemental income. and
uncertainty thinking that Chaffee. (‘risto underwent a lion. said Cristo. arrived refugeesare young. sin— emergency assistance to the
they were lying I never physical examination followed Most Cubans agree that this gle males. This group is pro\— entrants. and to reimburse
thought Castro would do that by an extensive interview with economic depression. coupled ing the most difficult to states and localities for 75 per—
, (issue the ”535)." Cristo said. an l—Bl representative. 'lhere with visits from Cuban- relocate. cent of the total cost of other
i Cristo. who has been in l_e.\- were resettlement agencres on American relatives. prompted But Cristo is optimistic “We general assistance." the report
. ington tor ()ycr a month. hand as well, Cristo said that the outbreak at the Permian are young. we will not be a said.
‘ ‘ . . recalled how he first learned they represented several reli- Embassy. One year prior to the burden on the llnited States Dewey Wotring. officer in
‘ about the boatlrtt “A friend grous groups: lhe l .5. mcrderit at the embassy.(astro Of course we will make .some— charge at the Immigration and
.» told me we could leave if we (‘atholic Cttnls‘rfincfi “:35 decided toallow exiled Cubans thing of ourselves. this is a Naturaliiation Service in
declared ourselves as delin- responsible for reuniting him to visit relatives still in the country where anyone who louisville said about-10 refu—
' . quents , . but lam not a delin- with his family, ’l'heseagencicb country in an effort to revite wants to work and own nice ' _. I _ ‘ i . . _ - -
.t .. . . , . . .- - . - . . .. y . gees are. currently residing in
qucni. he said. lorin claimed also worked to rLlocdts rtlu~ the islands dying economy things can do so. he said. K'nt ‘kv aw, ) l