xt7n028pgf5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pgf5g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 2000 2000 2000-10-27 2020 true xt7n028pgf5g section xt7n028pgf5g m

Campus life

Get stupid

By now, I am assuming
most of you have



Mad for jigs and reels
Riverdance steps
into town- I 3

95 ’

is“ ”


seen or at least
heard about MTV’s


new show "Jackass."
The premise is
basically people
being a jackass or
doing stupid things to
see how people will
respond. Be it urban
kayaking or leaving a
baby carrier atop a
moving vehicle, the
show seems morbidly
and disgustingly
entertaining. The
Kernel does not
condone doing
anything illegal. But.
most of these could
be on that MTV show

Streak through campus
during a class change
yelling how much you
support Jimmy Glenn.

Cover yourself in peanut
butter and then roll
around in birdseed.
Stand in a park with
pigeons in it for 10
minutes. Protect your
eyes. Yell about how
much the pigeons
love you so why can't


Chelsea Clinton?

Extreme swimming. Get
a pair of Speedo's
and those water wing
thingies. After a UK
basketball game lets
out at Rupp, go
swimming in the
fountain at Triangle
Park. After a while
act like you are

Dress in skydiving garb
and prance around
POT. Talk to yourself
loudly. Say things
like, "I hope I can
make the jump,"
“The tower looks
high enough." and
"Maybe for my first
jump ever l should
try something
higher." Then try to
gather people to
form a human safety
net to catch you in
case something goes

Sit at the end of a long,
crowded hallway or
other space with a
friend. Roll grapes
into the crowd and
see how far they get.
Roll many at a time
and occasionally
throw one at
somebody who gives
you a weird look.

to a class that you
are not enrolled in
for a test. Continually
moan and groan.
Sharpen your pencil
three or four times,
Try to peer onto your
neighbor’s paper.
After awhile, wad up
your paper, throw it
at the teacher and
talk about how little
you know about this
because they didn't
teach you anything.

-Ron Norton


E-mails to date-66

Only a couple of e-mails
recently. I won't beg
for any over this
weekend even though
there is no UK
football game.

7Hi1 4Lo7

Grab a frisbee and
blanket and head to the
park. It's gonna be a
great day.

$53. ’ we}: :


VOL. $3106

ISSUE #346


News tip-i


Call: 257-1915 or write:
\ kernel®pop.uky.eoo


Freshmen senators enthusiastic

The new kids: Freshmen four bring history of high school
leadership to the table, ready to tackle college issues

By Kim Armstrong

The race is over. The posters. banners
and other remnants have been stripped
from campus.

Remaining are the four new Student
Government Association freshmen senators
who were chosen in this year‘s election.

The senators. Robirr Bryant. Beir
P‘ranzini. James Monroe and Leslie Protlitt.
said they are ready to take hold of any rtew

“I‘m excited to contribute enthusi»
asm and I plan to work as hard as I can to
represent my class.” said Bryant. who is



The freshmen senators said they want
to respond to issues that are important to
their classmates and help them resolve

Several freshmen told Monroe they
would like to see visitation hours in the
dorms extended to 2 am. on weeknights.

Protfitt. a biology major who received
the most votes with 113. said the CATS bus
system needs to be more efficient in trans
porting freshmen from the K—Lot at (‘onr
monwealth Stadium to the dorms late at

She and Bryant said more freshmen
should have attended orientation this year

and that they need to unite through campus

More campus activities. such as dances.
should be held to provide alternative criter-
tainrnerrt for freshmen who aren‘t involved
in Greek life. Bryant said. She also said she
wants to work on better parking for fresh-
men. especially on North (‘arrtpus

Monroe and Proffitt said they wished
more freshmen had participated in the elec-
tions. "I didn't know the elections were go-
ing on." said freshman Sarah Law. adding
that she only saw a few signs in her dorm.

“Out of all the posters on campus. I only
saw two candidates. one of which was
mine." Monroe said.

He said more students need to know
about the elections and the issues facing the
student body because they need to become

involved on campus.

Bryant. Monroe and I’rottitt became in

UK decries bus fee options

Get on the bus: Fees not
an option, officials say

By Lamin Swann

is-sisrinr NEWS EDITOR

[K has no plans to add a 85:5 student
fee to tuition for unlimited bus rides on
LexTran. the city's transit authority. ail-
ministrators said.

“We Irave no intention to implement
a student fee." said Joseph Burch. ITK
\‘icevpt‘esident of l'nivcrsity Relations.

An article in The Lexington Herald-
Leader Thursday reporting talks between
L'K Parking and Transportation officials
arid LexTran officials prcmtpted the ad»
ministration‘s response.

The Herald Leader reported that
Parking and Lex’l‘ran will meet Nov. 1 to
discuss two plans. including one to
charge students a 85%.”) fee to ride LexTran.

That meeting has been canceled. ac»
cording to Jimmy (llenn. Student (iovern-
ment .»\ssociation president.

l'K administrators said they have not
met with LexTran officials to discuss any
plans for student transportation.

The idea must have been discussed at
a LexTran board meeting. Burch said.

The student fee plan would not be
beneficial for l'K. Burch said.

“The idea is good. but accessing a fee
would not be feasible." he said.

If LexTran were able to implement
the student fee with l'K. possible plans
would be to extend the free bus route on

“If the l'niversity adds a student fee.
LexTran would put an extra concentra-
tion on a route around student housing."
said .lenny Williams. director of market-
ing with LexTran.



Williams said LexTran has not talked
to any officials at the administration level
at l'K. but has discussed the issue with
l'K Parking and Transportation The
talks are preliminary.

Don Thornton. director of [K Park
trig and Transportation. was unavailable
for comment Thursday.

Lex'l‘ran also is planning other op-
tions regarding students. ()ne plan would
allow l'K to purchase unlimited semester
Lex’l‘ran bus passes and sell them at a dis
counted price. (‘urrent semesterlong


Cole blast linked l0 ‘ ‘

i541 L“ riflm“ 3w ”‘4‘“

Anmlolhlbw \‘isks'vovibu .
‘ “wean-mam,


UK Parking and Transportation and LexTran are considering plans to extend bus service at UK.

passes with Lex'l‘ran are 8:30.

(‘urrently they are four accessible
Lex'l‘ran city bus routes on the edges of
the [K campus. but no routes directly
cover the campus streets. LexTran city
routes are not the same as the free route
available on campus for students travel
ing from (‘omrnrinwealth Stadium and
Greg Page .-\partments to campus.

Glenn said having a bus route on
campus would make the campus and Les
ington more accessible for students and
the community.

President coming to Louisville

'A tremendously invaluable endorsement': President
Clinton will support 3rd District candidate Eleanor Jordan


LOUISVILLE President (‘linton will
visit Lotiisville one week before the elec
tion. trying to boost Democrat Eleanor .lor
dart over the top in her race against Repiib
lican US. Rep. Attire Notthup.

(‘linton's appearance Tuesday shows
that Democratic leaders think Kentucky‘s
3rd District seat is attainable. .lordan
spokeswoman Martha McKenna said
Thursday. The election is Nov. 7.

Details of(‘linton's visit were not irri-
mediately announced

(‘linton narrowly carried Kentucky
twice. and each time Louisville provided
him his strongest base of support.

Terry (‘armack. Northup's chief of
staff. questioned how much effect (‘linton
would have. The president made two visits
in 1996 for then-Rep. Mike Ward. and
Northin unseated Ward. anyway. (‘arrna


ck noted.

But Laurie Rhodebeck. a l'niversity of
Louisville political scientist. said (‘Iinton‘s
visit would make an impression on blacks
and other important Democratic corr-

“This is a tremendously invaluable en-
dorsement for Jordan. and in a close race I
think that could be an important factor."
thxlebeck said.

(‘linton was invited to Louisville by
Jordan. a state representative seeking to
become Kentucky's first-ever black coir
gresswornan A spokesman for Al (iore's
Kentucky campaign said other Democrats
should benefit as well.

“It definitely will energize the Democ
ratic base in Louisville." the spokesman.
Jonathan Beeton. said. “Inasmuch as it
does that. it helps all Democrats on the
ticket. including Al Gore."

Terry McBrayer. a Democratic nation-

al cornmitteeman. said earlier this week
that he thought Gore was trailing Republi
can (leorge W. Bush by 3 or ii percentage
points in Kentucky

McBrayer. a prominent Democratic
strategist. said a (‘linton visit was one way
to try to swing the momentum late in the

"Plaws. warts and all. he's the best
there is McBrayer said. ”He‘s entitled to
take substantial credit for the economy."

McBrayer said (lore needs to carn-
paigu in Kentucky to try to catch Bush.

Beeton said Thursday that he had no
word of an impending (lore visit. “but that
does not preclude it from haptwning."

Bill Stone. a prominent Louisville Re
publican. prerlicterl that Bush was poised
to carry Kentucky by a comfortable rnarr
gin. “l'nless George Bush does something
monumentally wrong. I cannot conceive of
a set of circumstances that would allow
Gore to come back." Stone said earlier this

As for the 3rd District. where Democ
ratic outnumber Republicans 271. (‘arma
ck said the Northup campaign remained

volved with S(}.-\ because they were in
volved iii leadership roles irr high school
and want to help students resolve problems.

"I don't like to see problems. I like to do
something about it." Monroe said.

Bryant. who also was involved in her
high school's student council and was a
class otlicer. said she is excited about tit"
cornplishing her goals as a freshman sena
tor for SUA.

“I want freshmen to know that ifany is-
sues are expressed to tire. I will always take
them to SBA." said Bryant. who also is a
ntember of the .Iiinior Panhellenic t‘ouncil
and the Freshmen Representative (‘ouncil

Proffitt enjoyed learning about gov
ernment in high school and hopes this
year to apply what she learned now and in
the future.

"My eyes are wide open. ready for a
learning experience."


Met auditions
come to

A big break: Professor
brings most prestigious vocal

competition to UK
By Tracy Kershaw


l'K vocal professor (lail Robinson cred-
its her career to the Metropolitan Opera
(‘ornpany of New York auditions.

In 1906. she auditioned upon a stage in
Memphis and broke into the opera world
with a win at the audition. Only 19. she was
one of the youngest singers to win the cont-

After two decades of performing with
the Met and other opera companies world»
wide. she spent 1:; years as director of the
Met auditions. giving other young singers
the opportunity that the Met afforded her.

This Saturday more than 16 Kentucky
singers. including two l'K students. will test
their opera skills at the Met auditions in
Memorial Hall.

Robinson. who now holds an endowed
chair in the [K School of Music. is credited
for bringing the auditions to Lexington

The competition is perhaps the most
prestigious vocal competition in the l'nrted
.‘tates. she said.

"The fact that one is declared winner
signals that they possess a voice of operatic
proportions and potential." she said.

The program‘s aim is to identify excep-
tionally talented opera singers and to assist
them in their development. to discover new
talent for the Metropolitan Opera and to
search for possible participants in the Met‘s
Young Artist Development Program.

Winners of the district competition.
which includes competitors under the age of
:i’i. will advance to the regional Metropolitan
Opera competition to be conducted at Butler
l'niversity in Indianaixrlis. lnd.. Nov. 18.

(me regional winner will then be eligi»
ble for the national competition anrl a final
concert for the 10 winners to be held April I.
2001. at the Lincoln (‘enter in New York

The national winner performs in New
York (‘ity for a more than 4.000 person-
crowd. Among those are many influential
agents. conductors and opera company man-
agers. Robinson said.

Gregory Turay. a voice student of [K
Opera Theatre Director liverett I\Ic(‘orvey.
and who graduated in 1996. won the Metro-
politan ()pera competition and has gone on
to an award-winning and internationally ac-
claimed opera career. Turay returns to Les»
ington periodically to perform in l'K‘s Sin-
gletary (‘enter for the Arts.

Keith Dean. a vocal tx‘rfortnance senior
and Patricia Andress. a vocal twrformance
doctoral student. will audition. “I think they
are botlt very interesting singers and cer-
tainly cornrwtitive." Robinson said.

The exiwrience alone is valuable.

“It is good to put yourself in company
where everyone around you is good." she
said. "because that is how we stretch our-
selves and how we grow,"


The Metropolitan Opera auditions will begin at
noon Saturday in Memorial Hall. Admission is free.





2 I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 2000 I manna.


The Low-down

It’s time
for me to
go to
is going,
as far as
and I’m an

«Dick Van Dytre.
74, telling AP
Radio that he's
ready to retire
after this season
of "Diagnosis
Murder," after
having been a TV
star since 1961.

Bush criticizes Gore on leadership

PITTSBURGH w In a speech deeply critical
of the Clinton~Gore administration, George W.
Bush said the Democrats have made little
progress in eight years while Al Gore cited a dire
report on global warming and said that Bush
won't move fast enough on the problem. Bush.
speaking at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial
Hall in Pittsburgh. said Gore “would add four
years of drift to eight years of failed leadership."
Campaigning in Missouri. Gore called global
warming "a moral issue" after a United Nations-
sponsored panel of scientists concluded that
man-made pollution has "contributed substan-
tially" to global warming.

23 Kursk seamen alive after blast

MITRMANSK. Russia Huddled in a de~
stroyed submarine on the sea floor. a Russian
sailor wrote a terse account of how he and 22
comrades tried in vain to escape. then scrawled a
last message to his family. Russian naval officials
said yesterday. The note was found in the pocket
of Lt. Dmitry Kolesnikov. whose body was one of
the first to be recovered from the nuclear subma-
rine Kursk that sank Aug. 12 with 118 men
aboard. The message was the first firm evidence
that any of the crew initially survived explosions
that shattered the submarine.

Hearing held on alleged bomb plot

MONTREAL - With the accused staring out
of a video screen and a US. judge conducting the
hearing. prosecutors and lawyers questioned

(‘zan 1dian witnesses yesterday about an alleged
plot to bomb I tat gets dur ing millennium cele
brations. In the unusual proceedings Ahmed
Ressarn sat in Seattle between a lawyer and in-
terpreter. who leaned over to translate the pro
ceedings from the Montreal courtroom. When
Ressam was arrested. bombemaking materials
were found in the trunk of the car he was dri-
ving. The charges he faces include plotting a ter-
rorist attack and possessing explosives.

Senate passes health legislation

WASHINGTON , The Senate passed an ex-
tensive bill yesterday intended to improve the
nation's ability to respond to a bioterrorist at-
tack. modernize federal disease laboratories and
move toward placing heart defibrillators in all
federal buildings. In separate action. lawmakers
were poised to send the president a package that
boosts outreach programs for the elderly. But the
health care action was overshadowed by Presi-
dent (‘linton‘s vow to veto a inultibillion dollar
Medicare package.


An arrest war-
rant was Issued
for Russell
Tyrone Jones.
the Vlu Tang
Clan member
who goes by
ODD, after he
tied a court-

drug rehabilita-
tion center and
didn't show up
for an Oct. 17
hearing. Jones,
31, was sen-
tenced last fall
as part of a
plea bargain on
a charge of
matting a ter-
roristlc threat.

The 13-year
marriage ot
Bruce Willis and
Deml Moore is
officially over.
Citing irrecon-
cilable differ-
ences, the
actors' divorce
was filed last
weelr at a cour-
thouse near Sun
Valley. The two
separated in
1998. Willis and
Moore lived on
a $6 million
estate In
Hailey, Idaho
with their three
young daugh-

Islamic groups crash Israel web sites

JERUSALEM — Several Israeli web sites
containing the government’s perspective on the
Mideast conflict crashed after Islamic groups
abroad jammed them with fake traffic, Israeli of-
ficials said yesterday. The cyberattack is the
most intense since Israel's government launched
its Internet sites several years ago, and opens a
new front in Israel’s confrontation with the Arab
world. The first shot in the cyberwar was appar-
ently fired by some Israeli teen-agers, who
bragged to a local newspaper last week that they
had sabotaged a Web site of the Hezbollah guer-
rillas in Lebanon.

Political battles erupt in Abidjan

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast —— Ethnic and politi-
cal street battles erupted yesterday in Abidjan, as
angry supporters of Ivory Coast’s new leader
fought followers of a rival politician with clubs
and machetes. Less than a day after former oppo-
sition leader Laurent Gbagbo was swept to power
by massive demonstrations, neighborhoods
across this coastal city were wracked with Vio-
lence by militants calling for new presidential
elections. At least three people were burned to
death. witnesses said, and three mosques were

Lockheed's 30 earnings down

BALTIMORE - Lockheed Martin Corp.‘s
third-quarter net earnings dropped precipitously
because of a onetime loss of nearly $1 billion
from the sale of its aerospace electronics unit.
Excluding onetime charges. the company beat
Wall Street’s expectations. For the quarter end-
ing Sept. 30. the Bethesda, Md.-based company
had a net loss of $740 million, or $1.74 per share,
compared with net profit of $217 million. a year
earlier. Excluding a $980 million accounting
charge from the sale of its Aerospace Electronics
Systems unit to Britain’s BAE Systems, as well
as other charges, Lockheed said third-quarter op-
erating earnings fell 37 percent.

Dow up 111; Nasdaq up 25

NEW YORK ~- Just before 4 pm. EDT yester-
day. the Dow Jones industrial average. which
flirted with moderate losses throughout the after-
noon. rose 111.35 at 10,437.83. The tech-focused
Nasdaq Composite Index was up 25.39 at 3,254.96.

Compiled by wire reports.


.-.."_..- - ' -


«. .‘1

Up, up, and away

Democratic prestdenflatcanfldateVicePresidoatMOwemas


What you need to know

- Priority registration begins Monday and will continue
through Nov. 22. If you have not scheduled an advising appoint-
ment with your adviser. do so now. The spring semester UK
Bulletin can be viewed at: http: ’www.uky.edux"Registrar/but

- Don‘t forget to set your clocks back one hour this week
end. Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday.



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Campus Calendar H

October 23 - October 29, 2000

The Campus (alendor is produced by the Ollite ol Student Artiwties Registered Student Gigs and UK Depts. (on submit inlormolion for FREE online ONE WEE I
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'M-rrSorraratohmhui Il‘ipnr
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'ttobnui Int Humanity Now I‘d; loin Spin Man in rd 7% that unit ‘
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‘UII Opera Theatre Metropolitan Opera AUdIIIOM 9am-9pm Memorial Hall


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’ 'Newmon (enter Muss 90m Ii 30am Spin and 830pin
‘Nooii Bagel Brunrh Hillel Iewrsl't Stud Org IYOOpm Manhattan Bagel or tiirrirnomt PC

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'Sonduy School Uplinli (nmput Ministries 945nm (ahury Baptnt (hour


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Fl gtrn I’hill’rn nonir L'iinily Set-e: hniionen Spooltorulur 3pm

Sun 29

‘(ollege I‘iuver Group Uplinlr (atrium Ministries oprn (ulvury Baptist Thuirh ~. IDIleDP House “WWII” (" I."

. '(ollege Worship Semre UplinIr (umpus Ministries 7pm (ulvorv Iiriphsl (hull-

Sonnuory Basement

» ”Study olItyrnm UplinIr (nmpus Ministries Tprn (ulvory Baptist (ho'rh‘ (nllege douse

'iiininr Reii‘a H
"ubaweer Barr 1 Q
'J' Optic 'hent‘e Metropoliiar Opera Audition: IOum 39in Memoriu‘

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. ‘MeniSorrer {Z (olumhui IZprn

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 Tim Staley
Scene Editor
Phone: 2574915 | Email: kernelartfityahoocom







unrucityitcancui "raininociciacn 2?,zooo | 3



A wee taste of Irish dancing

By Brandio Bright


If you thought that the Irish
were best known for their
drinking abilities, after experi-
encing Riverdance it becomes
quite obvious where true Irish
talent lies.

Riverdance opened Tuesday
evening in Cincinnati‘s Aronot‘f
Center to a toetappin‘. hand-
clappin' crowd. Although the
“Lord of the Dance“ Michael
Flatley is no longer with Rivers
dance. this shows star. Michael
Patrick Gallagher. impressively
fills his shoes literally.

Tara Barry. also in a lead
ing role. captures the admira
tion and envy of everyone

watching. Within the first three
seconds. she soars across the
stage. Gallagher and Barry
both have been Irish dancing
since they were toddlers and
have won numerous World

Barry has been with the
show since its 1995 premier in
Dublin where the t‘i\'e»week
sellout run astounded unsus
pecting audiences. After the re-
lease of videos. (_‘I)s and a
Broadway run. the world be
came consumed by these mad
Irish cloggers who can move

their feet faster than Neal
Peart‘s drumsticks.
Aside from the talented

Irish dancing troupe. there are
other factors that contribute

equally to this intoxicating ex

perience. The lighting and
scenery whisk the viewer in to
a dream-like world where the
background itself becomes a
character choreographing its
own dance. Audience members
are enchanted by the deep reds
and ghostly blues that are remi~
niscent of Irish ancestors.

The other contributing
pseudo character is the int‘il-
trating and mesmeri/ing music.
Violins. tlutes. multiple percus-
sive instruments and guitars all
combine to create the perfect
mixture of Irish folk and a
splash of rock. In a matter of
minutes. the melodic under-
tones can erect tear-jerking sad-
ness and then overpowering




Feet of fury

Iith toot that soon to move
Independent of their body,
those crazy Irish (and Irish
wannabes) are at It again as
RIverdancc makes its way
back to the stage.


Where it's at

Riverdance-the Show

Where: Cincinnati's
Aronott Center

When: Tonight at 8 p.m.,
Saturday at 2 pm. and
8 pm. and Sunday at 2
pm. and 7:30 pm.

Tickets: $20 -$57

Box office: 5i3-24l-7469

urges to jump out of your chair
anti shake an Irish tail feather.

Along with Irish dancing.
there are Spanish. American
and urban influences involved
with the show. In fact. in one se-
quence there is a dancing duel
between Gallagher‘s straight
and tall Irish jig versus three ur-
ban "step" dancers. What one
comes away with is a deep ap~
preciation for all variations of
this percussive dance. whether
it is traditional or modem.

Rit'erdance leaves a lasting
impression that is like no other.
Next time. instead ofjust going
to a pub to absorb a little Irish
tradition. go see these phenom-
enal people who love to get jig
gy with it.

9.2 tr: {toad

The Actors Guild pertormance oi
This is Our Youth runs now through
Nov. 16. Showtime: are 8 p.m.
Thursday through Saturday and 2
pm. Sundays. Ticket prices are $15
for the general public and $10 for
students and senior citizens. Sun-
day Nov. 29 Is pay what you can
night, where admission is whatever
you decide to pay. The box office
will open 45 minutes before the

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 Editorial Board —

Amanda Thompson, dialogue co-editor Chris Emmick, senior columnist ——
John Wampler, dialogue co-editor Jenny Robertson, at-large member

Andrew Grossman, asst. dialogue editor Jennifer Kasten, at-large member 1“
Amanda York. editor in chief Alan Slone, at-large member


























Big time 00W." FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27,2000 KENTUCKY KERNEI. ‘ i . 1 "" -‘ ’- ' ' uzrsday
' ' *— game.
90 J!
Nike makes mom
apology for _ 15?:
tasteless ad 4111 Final Word .2111
BEAVERTON, Ore. — For . ' ' .' r f ‘a _ ~ , g l . “‘1'“.-
the second time in a ‘ ‘ ' ' 1“ ” The Quesuon: is:
month, Nike has . . , 1 1 .. —“'—“ c——"—s
withdrawn an . ‘ 1 " ‘1 ' ‘ 11 ' 1 7 . . ' n ' . . ' 2311‘s
advertisement and 1 " - - 1 ' 1 According to a story published 1n Tuesdays m
BDOquized to those edition of the Lexington Herald-Leader, nearly 1.0....
"I” ’°“"" "‘9 . 7,000 Kentuck students who a lied for financral LN
material offenswe. . . . . . . mm:
1 aid this ast fall had their a llcat1ons re ected or .
The magazme _ _ price
advertisement dela ed because of ast drug conv1ct10ns. —
. , 1.51 1
Sl‘lofllq the dancers A new law imposed by Congress that took ef— 0111119
anggfiawg‘gmrwas fect during this school year states that students lggg‘
complaints it mm can lose one year of federal aid el1g1b111ty for a W
the disabled. _ . first conv1ct10n on a drug-possessmn charge, and 3'35”:
Thecadetp 132'}? iegnlr': 0’" two years for a second conviction. They can be i331
° “ . ° . . » y sus ended indefinitel for a third conv1ctton. en in
shoes and claimed . , 1 ,. -1 - - 4938
they would prevent A$+rr decal... +2.1 KHEP remade“ Hall or»... another- 1 or‘ Whtle the total of the two groups is actually -
the pictured runner UK slew.” lg Womier wig residence humberj less than 1 percent of those who applied,.oppo-
{:22‘5'femngglr‘31énfn093 nents of the law claim that the law 18 discrunma- P‘
a dréolmq’ tory and denies an education to young people who m
misshapen, non- WEQRUM need It most. w
extreme-trail-runninq 1 - Is this a fair attempt to ensure that college aid mo
“”5“ °' ”W mime“ goes to he] students who truly deserve it? Or is M
self. forced to roam . . . . . 1 an
the Earth in a the law discrtmmatory. and unfa1r, denying every- 5323
motorized wheelchair one With drug conv1ctions (regardless of 1nd1v1d- 11111
in nam . . . ' ' ”KW
:mboTsyed oneone of Nader don't fl ht to They had a table set up and not fight for the inclus1on. then ual cucumHStanceS) a deserved Chance at a h1gher lv.lll
those cute little ' 9 were passing out fliers. I won't abandon the third party as it fights educat1on? m
license mates you be in “main" debates cycn go into the fact that ['K has a true tight for respect. Browne. fl
get at carnivals or made it clear that. this is a \‘iola Huetzlm and Phillips did show. _At What 121mg . 13%;» 11001
state fairs, fastened and then abandon m,” of mpg» and “.5. 1 did 11...] a tnneslthet}: yigyyl'shteeteltl‘e(11011 in- _____._U. fl
to the back." ' bit harassed. 'l‘his disregard to sane. “I” 93" K “WI HOCBHCY 12“‘
Nike spokesman Lee thlrd party debates l'K‘s policies did nothing to curry If) show. ‘N‘ader dropped the ball. Th 13 ° 1 1 f ' 1 212m
Weinstein said the ad t‘ayor in my mind to Mr. Nader. (“1‘11’Srgglgfiéfifildfl: 23213233: IS W IS comp ete y alr- Peop e m
appeared in several To the Editor: I did however. take the oppor1 .. ‘ 5‘. . . ‘ . ,V’. . ~ ties i
0...... W -r--_,___ -- ......._.- 11...... .1 1...... 3111551111....» .1... ... de- need to learn that there are 2.._.
“Wethhlesivrgznlghq and A funny thing happened to gltllitlf‘lliil“ “mill 1 0:153“ (1)111} ( ‘ ‘ JAMES ORTON consequences for thelr aC