xt7n028pgn21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pgn21/data/mets.xml Poujade-Ladevèze, J. H. Alexandre Dupré France Poujade-Ladevèze, J. H. Alexandre Dupré 1797-05-23 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'imprimerie de LE NORMONT, rue Des Prêtres S. Germain- l'Auxerrois  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Véridique ou Courrier Universel, 23 May 1797 text Le Véridique ou Courrier Universel, 23 May 1797 1797 1797-05-23 2023 true xt7n028pgn21 section xt7n028pgn21  









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