xt7n2z12p38h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n2z12p38h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19010510 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1901-05-dec10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1901-05-dec10. 1901 2011 true xt7n2z12p38h section xt7n2z12p38h Irregularities MINUITES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDece 10, 1901 - page 61 Semi Annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the State College of Kentucky held at the Presidents room in the College at 2:30 O lock Po M. Dec. 10, 1901o Present: Messrs. Frazee, Kennedy, Todd, Barker, Nelson, Hager, Ramsey, Fergus on, Bradburne Kinkead & Stoll. Mr91r Frazee in the chair. Mr0 Frazee the first thing in order is the selection of a chairman, and nominations are now in order. Mr. Todd, I move that Mr0 Frazee be selected to act as the chairman of this board. Said motion was seconded, put to the Board and carried. Mr. Frazee, I believe the first business in order is the appointment of the Committee, but I have not prepared the list, and will do so later0 The next thing in order is the reading of the minutes of the last meeting0 Mr. Barker moved that the readings of the minutes be dispensed with at present0 Motion seconded and carried. Mr. Frazee - The next thing in order is the reading of the minutes of tbe Executive Committee0 Mr0 Stoll, I move you that the reading of the minutes be dispensed with, and said minutes be referred to the MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec0 10, 1901 - page 61-62 Committee on the Minutes of the Executive Committee, said motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Frazee, the next the minutes of the faculty. Judge Hager9 I move you that the reading of the Minutes of the faculty be dispersed with, and that they be referred to the Committee on the Minutes of the Executive Committee - Motion seconded and carried. Mr.0 Frazee, next the minutes of the special meetings of the faculty0 Judge Hager9 I move that the reading of the same be dispensed with, and they be referred to the same Committee, said motion seconded and carried. Mr0 Frftzee, the next in order of business is the President'es eport, and action thereon0 Judge Kinkead As you are all aware the President is confined to his room, and bed with sickness0 He sent for me this morning, and handed me his report, which he requested that I read to this Board0 Judge Kinkead reads said report0 See page 77. The Board then entered upon an informal discussion of the matters presented by his report as follows0 Upon the question of Professors of the college giving orders on the Business Agent of the College, it seems to be the sense of the Board that this practice should not be followed, but as the Board could not control the matter and as the notice to the Business Agent of the College, of the giving of this notice had the same effect as an acceptance of such orders by him no definite action was taken. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec 10, 1901 - page 62 Upon the suggestion as to the power to suspend professors for his conduct, an explanation was made to the Board by Mr0 Stoll, of the facts which lead up to this part of the report0 As follows, that prior to the beginning of the present collegiate year rumors were current to the effect that Prof0 Blanton had became involved in debt to such an extent that he could not meet his obligations, that he had been drirnking, that he had been gambling, and that he had committed forgery. A special committee from the Executive Committee had been appointed to investigate these charges, and said investvi gation had shown that the rumors as to forgery was without foundation in fact, that the rumor as to his gambling was unfounded - that the charges as to his being in debt was true. It was further reported to the Board that it was the intention of Prof. Blanton at the end of this collegiate year to hand into the Board his resignation, it was recom- mended to the committee that no action be taken in the matter which would place a stigma upon Prof. Blanton . and injure him 4ereafter upon mere rumors. A general discussion ensued without definite action with reference to Prof0 Blanton. Judge Kinkead made the following motion. Resolved that all questions in reference to misconduct on the part of the Professors and employees of the college which hereafter arise be referred to the Executive Committee who shall be empowered to have proof and act at onee with the right to the party so accused to appeal to the foard of Trustees9 and the judgement of said Committee shall be final, unless an appeal be taken and a revisal be had before the Board of Trustees, said motion was seconded, put to the Board and carried by a unanimous vote0 Judge Kinkead, I move you that the report of the President be referred to the appropriate committee0 Said motion was seconded and carried. MIN4UTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 10, 1901 - page 63 At this point Judge Kinkead presented to the Board for the President a letter with reference to the conferring of a degree upon one Benode Behary Bonergee. Upon motion of Judge Kinkead this letter was referred to the Cormittee on the Minutes of the Executive Committee. It was suggested to the Board by Mr. Stoll that Mr. John Patterson, a gentleman upon whom a degree was conferred last year had not been notified of the fact, and that no diploma had been sent to him. Mr. Stoll then moved as follows. It is moved that the Secretary of the Board of Trustees be directed to notify Mr. John Patterson of the conferring of this degree and that the President be requested to send him a suitable diploma for that degree. Said motion was seconded and carried . Mr. Frazee, the next business is the Treasurerts report to be read if required. Mir. Todd, I move you that it be referred to the Committee on finance, said motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Frazee, The next thing is the report of the Business Agent. Mr. Stoll, I move that the Business Agent read only that part of his report which shows the actual financial condition of the college at this time. Said motion was seconded and carried. At this point Gov. Beckham came into the meeting, accompanied by Senator Allen, Upon motion duly carried Senator Allen was requested to remain at the meeting of the Board with the Governor which he did. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 10, 1901 - page C4 Mr. Frazee, next is a reading of the minutes of the Board of Control. The Secretary here read said minutes. Mr. Stoll, I move you that the minutes of the Board of Control be referred to the Committee on the Minutes of the Executive Comnitt-ee. Said motion was seconded and carried. At this point the Business Agent read to the Board that part of his report called for by the resolution above0 Mr. Frazee, Without objection we will ncw proceed with new business. The question of the employment of an assistant Physical Dir ector, to give instruction in Physical Culture to the girls of the College, was taken up and discussed at considerable length. The part of the Presidents report bearing on this point was read, and the question of obtaining means to de- fray the expenses of such assistant thereupon. The following motion was made by Judge Kinkead. Resolved that the office of assistant Physical Director of the Gymnasium be created. That this office be filled by a woman, who shall have entire charge of the instruction of women in the gymnasium, and that a salary of eight hundred ($800.00) dollars a year be attached to this office. Said motion was seconded and upon the call of the roll the vote stood twelve votes for the motion, and none against it. Said motion was carried. Thereupon Judge Kinkead made the following motion0 I nominate Miss Offutt, for the office of assistant Physical Director, with the understanding that her services in matters of this sort shall be exclusively given to this Institution, and her services begin Jan. 1, 1902. MINUTES OF IHE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 10, 1901 - page 64-65 Said motion was seconded, and after a short discussion the motion was put to the Board and carried unanimously. M1r0 Stoll, I move that young ladies who are not students of the College shall be allowed to take classes in the Gymnasiun upon the payment of a tuition fee of two dollars a year. Said motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Stoll, I desire to make a report to this Board with reference to the employment of a man as assistant ino Spector of mines - Mr0 Stoll here read said report0 Cole Nelson, I move that report be received and Mr0 Spillman be elected assistant Mine inspector. Mr. Todd, I move that Mr0 Logan be elected to that office0 Upon a call of the roll, the vote stood as follows0 For Mr0 Spillman, Messrs0 Beckham, Kinkead, Frazee, Ferguson,, Hager, Nelson, Bradburn & Barker. 8 votes for Mr. Logan, Messrs. Kennedy, Ramsey, and Todd. 3 votes0 Mr. Stoll not voting. Mr. Spillman was declared by the chairman to be elected assistant Inspector of Mines. Mr. Stoll, I move you that the election of Mr. Spillman be made unanimous. Said motion was seconded and carried. At this point Governor Beckham stated to the Board that under the law it was made his duty to approve the accounts of the inspector and assistant inspector of Mines for traveling expenses. That while he did not desire to intimate that any of these accounts had been incorrect when presented to him that still he was without any information upon the subject and was unable to make asxq investigation of said accounts , and that he would be glad to have some investigation made by some officer of the College, as to the correctness of thos expense accounts before t1he bills were presented to MI-MUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 10, 1901 - page 65-66 him for his approval, thereupon Mr. Stoll made the following motion - Resolved that the bills of the Inspector and Assistant Inspector of Mines for traveling expenses must be signed sworn to by these officers, and then approved by the President of the College before being presented to the Governor for his approval0 Said motion was seconded and carried. At this point the secretary read a communication from Mr.. Fowler.e It was moved, seconded and carried that his excuse given therein for his absence from this meeting was satisfactory to this Board. A communication was then read from MrP Lindsey. Upon motion duly seconded, and carried, he was excused for his absence from this Board meeting. Upon motion, duly seconded and carried Mr. Marcum was excused for his absence from this meeting from this Board. Upon motion duly seconded, and carried President Patterson was excused on account of illness. At this point the matter of the appropriations to be asked for in the Legislature at the approaching session was taken up and discussed fully: Statements being made by the Governor as to his ideas of the best course to be pursued, and the best form in which to present the matter before the Legislature, it being the idea of the Governor that it was best to determine upon what was most needed, and to fix the request at an amount not too large and present this with vigor, and possibly to ask the Legislature to increase the general tax levy on the property of the State for the college from 1/2 of one cent on the $1OO. to 1 eebt on the Elto. Opinions were expressed by various members of the Board upon this head. After the above discussion the Governor and Senator Allen withdrew from the meeting, he having to leave on a train due shortly thereafter.. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 10, 1901 - page 66-67 At this point a committee from the students consisting of Messrs. Tandy, Martin and Evans appeared before the Board and presented a petition signed by a large number of the students. asking that they be given permission to use the gymnasium on two Saturday's of each month for the purpose of giving a cadet hop. Said petition was approved by Wm. Kiler, Director of Athletics, and recommended by Robt. A. McKee, Commandant. Mr. Barker, I move that the petition of the students to be given permission to use the gymnasium on twe Saturdayes in each month to give cadet hop be granted. Said motion was seconded and carried. Mr. Stoll, I desire to call the attention of the Board of the death of General Hobson,, and I move you that a com- mittee be appointed to report to this board suitable resolu- tions concerning his death and that they report their action to the Board tomorrow morning. Mr. Todd, I move that the chair now appoint the various committees after which we adjourn until morning. Said motion was seconded and carried. Thereupon the chairman appointed on said committee the following members of the Board. Messrs. Todd, Stoll and Ramsey. Mr. Ferguson,, I desire to place in nomination the name of Mr. John MeChord, as a member of this Board to succeed Gen. Hobson. Said motion was seconded. Mr. Stoll, I move that the election of Mr. McChord be made unanimous. Said motion was seconded and carried. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES9 Dec. 10, 1901 - page 67-68 Mr. Stoll, It is moved that the Secretary of this Board be directed to communicate with Mr. McChords by telephone, notify him of his election, and request him to attend a meeting of the Board of Trustees tomorrow morning4. Said motion was seconded and carried. The chairman then announced his committees which are as follows: - (Mr. Frazee here insert Cormittees) Upon motion the Board then adjourned until tomorrow morning at ten O'clock, to meet at the same place4. Board of Trustees of State College met pursuant to adjournment at ten 01Clock As M4. Dec. 11. 1901. Present: messrso Frazee , Kennedy, Todd,, Hager, Nelson, Bradbuirn, Barker, Kinkead, Ramsey, Ferguson, Stoll. Mr0 Frazee in the chair. Mr4. Hager, I move that the call of the committee for their reports be made. Said motion was seconded and carried. and