xt7n2z12rm4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n2z12rm4g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-01-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 13, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 13, 1988 1988 1988-01-13 2020 true xt7n2z12rm4g section xt7n2z12rm4g  





The Wildcats forget the past, prepare
for the Crimson Tide. SEE PAGE 12.





A reflective look back at the
’87 rock scene. SEE PAGE 6.



.Today: Partly sunny
'Tomorrow: Sunny & colder





Vol. XCI. No. 85



of 1

The University of Kentucky took a big breath in 1987 on its way
toward planning the school's future. Even before new President David
Roselle unpacked his bags, UK took steps toward improving the
school’s academic outlook.

New research and constructirm abounded, as usual, but this year it
seemed different. Roselle’s arrival brought an increased determin-
ation, a new motivation with an eye to the future. Under Roselle's
leadership, academics and research seemed to gather a purpose. A big
man with computers and academics in general, Roselle pushed for the
purchase of a “supercomputer” and a new robotics center to bring UK
into the technical age. Grants, awarrb and other plans followed.

UK continued to look to the future as the UK budget, the Council on
Higher Education's tuition-increase proposal and the state’s budget
problems brought the issue of money and education to the forefront for
students. Alcohol, condoms and basketball were other concerns this

To remind our readers of these stories and set the stage for this
year, the Kernel has compiled a list of its top 10 stories of 1967.

By far the big- . '

gest story was

the emergence ~
of David Roselle as
the school's ninth .
president. Roselle
was selected March ‘
3 over UK Chancellorfor Community Colleges Charles Wethington.
Roselle, the academic provost at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, replaced Otis A. Singletary, who had served as UK
head for 18 years.

Roselle, a former math professor, was praised as being an academ-
ies person, and he spent the next few months touring the University’s

Also last year, James Kuder was named the new Vice Chancellor
for Student Affairs, replacing Robert Zumwinkle, who had retired in
spring of 1906.

meeting Kentuckians. Roselle said he was enthimed with the over-

whelmingly positive response people had about the University of
Kentucky and higher education. But later in the year, the education
picture didn’t seem so bright.

In September the state Council on Higher Education, which goverrs
the state’s eight public universities, announced that it was considering
an unprecedented midyear tuition increase to help offset a projected
$9.4 million shortfall in funding for higher eduation. It also was outsid-
ering a change in the way tuition is set.

After holding three hearings across the state to gather input on the
issue, the CHE unanmiously voted against both changes. While the
council’s decision was a welcome one to students, faculty and adminis-
trators across the state, it painted a dark picture for higher education.

2Roselle also spent much of his first few months traveling the state

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Condoms to be put in candy machines

Executive Editor

Snickers, Milky Way, M&M's,
Three Musketeers. . .condoms.

Campus candy vending machines
— at least for this semester — won‘t
be the same.

In addition to the ordinary fare of
candies or chips, students should be
able to purchase condoms in dormi-
tory vending machines by the end of
this week.

Because of a contractual obliga-
tion with Canteen. a multi-food com-
pany with a local office in Lexing-
ton, there had to be a change in the
way condoms will be distributed on

The move to place condoms in UK
dormitories began last semester
when the Student Government Asso-
ciation recommended to the admin-
istration the placement of condom
dispensers in a select number of
dormitory rest rooms on campus.

While approving the SGA recom-
mendation, the administration mod
ified it, saying the condoms should

be in multi-unit health vending ma-
chines, rather than simply condom

The health machines — containing
condoms along with other health
items such as Band-Aids and combs
— would be placed in every dormito-
ry basement rest room.

But representatives of Canteen,
which has the contract for UK‘s
vending accounts, said placing sepa-
rate health vending machines in dor-
mitories was too expensive.

In fact no company makes the sort
of multi-health machine that UK
was looking for, according to Allen
Rieman, director of Auxiliary Serv—
ices. Many companies have the
basic truck-stop condom dispenser.
but the UK administration didn't
want that sort of machine.

SGA President Cyndi Weaver said
the University is “dodging the issue
of condom machines" because the
administration doesn‘t think that
condoms by themselves would be

Rieman said that cost was a fac-

Independent since 1 97 i

tor in deciding to go the route of the
multi-health machine.

The University doesn't expect the
sale of condoms by themselves to
generate the volume necessary to
pay for the servicing costs. Rieman
said. With the multi-health ma~
chines, “basically all we want them
to do is carry their own cost" by
covering the cost of machine plus

Weaver added that she didn‘t
think the administration likes the
negative connotation that condom
dispensers might carry for some

Vice Chancellor for Administra
tion Jack Blanton said that taste.
not profit. was the main concern
with condom dispensers.

Many students find condom dis-
peners hanging in bathrooms offen~
sive, Blanton said. That is why the
administration looked to the multi~
unit health machines.

But with only six months left on
their contract with the L'niversny.
Canteen didn't want to incur the cost

Wednesday. January 13. 1988

of placing and servicing the multi-
unit machines, Rieman said.

That left UK with two alterna»
tives. The University could either
place and stock the multi~unit ma-
chines themselves or stock the con
doms in existing facilities ~ candy
or cigarette machines.

It would cost the University
$50,000. plus the servicing to install
18 of the multi~health machines. It
would be no cost to the University to
place condoms in existing vending
machines, Rieman said.

However. there are only seven
dormitories which have cigarette
machines and it also seems contra-
dictory to place a health product
next to cigarettes on “the opposite
end of the spectrum." Rieman said.

All the dormitories except for Kir-
wan l have candy machines.

(.‘ondoms in vending machines will
be temporary. Rieman said. When
L'K takes new bids for contracts
next semester. any potential con-
tractor will have to agree to place —
along With candy vending machines

Scc('()\l)()\1§. Page I



institutions in the country by a national organization, the Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.The “Research I”

See STORIES. Page l l

3UK was named during the summer as one of the top 70 research



UK Bookstore offers
assistance to students,
credit for severe cases

News Editor

While some UK students may go
hungry waiting for their financial
aid checks to arrive, they won‘t go

The University Bookstore, in coop-
eration with the Student Billings of-
fice and the financial aid depart-
ment, will accept vouchers for books
and supplies from students who
have been granted credit by the fi-
nancial aid department, said David
Stockham, director of the financial
aid department.

But only about 30 students will be
able to exercise this option, Stock-
ham said. “We reserve these for
those cases that are really a hard-

“Financial aid is really kind of a
rolling process," Stockham said. “If
we can get a hold of students early

But this is not always the case,
Stockham said. There are some
cases where students apply late and,
consequently, their aid does not ar-
rive at the begining of thesemester.

Became of the delay, some stu-
dents have to wait to purchase books
became they have no other means
of purchasing them, Stockham said.

In some of these cases the amomt

of aid has already been approved,
but is held up due to various factors
on its way to the University, Stock-
ham said.

“For those students we can assure
the bookstore that this student has
money coming so they are a good
credit risk,” Stockham said.

However, not all students faced
with this situation automatically
qualify for a bookstore credit vouch-
er, Stockham said.

“It‘s for severe cases,“ said Paul
Little, manager of the UK

Requesting this credit “has to be
done through consultation with the
student's (financial aid) counselor,”
Stockham said.

“Our counselors have a pretty
good knowledge of who is severe.“

The students who qualify and re-
cieve a voucher are limited to a
maximum purchase of 8100, Stock-
ham said.

The monies will then be collected
from the student’s aid check when it
is received by the student billings of-
fice, Stockham said.

Then, after all unpaid fees have
been deducted from the student’s
aid, the remaining money will be
given to the student, Stockham said.




Gore. who came to Kentucky to meet with Gov. Wallace Wilkin
toflnaupporttorhiapresidency. shootsaiurnpshot.


Gore stops to shoot with Wildcats while on campaign trail

"\c ”i


HANK ZEIOF Kernel Stall

Presidential candidate Albert Gore of Tennessee plays basketball
with UK player Richard Madison. also from Tennessee.

Editorial Editor

FRANKFURT ~— During the
UK basketball team‘s practice
Monday, Democratic presidential
hopeful Sen. Albert Gore of Ten-
nessee teamed up with forward
Richard Madison to nip guards
Rex Chapman and Ed Davender
in a pickup game. 76.

Following the workout. Core
told a group of reporters that he
hopes the state of Kentucky will
team up with his home state on
Super Tuesday to help give him
the Democratic nomination.

“There are no two states more
alike than our two states." he

Before he dropped by Rupp
Arena to shoot hoops with the
Cats, Gore spent about 40 min-
utes in Gov. Wallace Wilkimon‘s
office asking him for his endorse-
ment. About a week earlier. it
had beem reported that Wilkin-
son was leaning toward giving his
support to Massachusetts Gov.
Michael Dukakis for the Demo
cratic nomination.

Although he stopped short of
coming out and endorsing Core
for the nomination, Wilkinson

sonsaid that "Al Gore is certainly

someone I could support.“
"We are looking for someone to

work hard for who will in turn
work hard for this state." he

Following his meeting with
Gore. Wilkinson said the junior
Tennessee senator “completely
satisfied" all of the concerns he
had. Wilkinson said some of his
concerns included devismg a
“sane” national energy program
and a “sensible" agriculture pro-

In fact. Wilkinson said he found
no “striking differences" be-
tween Gore and Dukakis on the
way they stood on many of the is-

“On most of the basic things
we talked about, both approaches
are similar.” Wilkinson said.

What Wilikinson said distin-
guished Gore and Dukakis was
the approach they had to handle
the problems.

During his meeting with Gore.
Wilkinson said he received a
phone call from Gov. Dukakis.
When he informed Dukakis that
he was meeting with Gore. Wil-
kinson said Dukakis said. “I was
afraidof that.“

Friday, Wilkimon said he will
meet with about 150 of his sup-
porters at the capitol for dimer
where he said he will discuss his

Sec GORE. Page 2




 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. January 1 3. 1088


Time to add


Angie Broughton, a health care administration junior. takes time
to go through the procedures of adding and dropping classes


while others rush around Memorial Coliseum during the semes-
terly hectic day known as Add-Drop.



0Gore hoping for endorsement from governor

Continued front Page l

impressions of Gore and Dukakis
with them. Wilkinson said he plans
to make up his own mind on who he
will endorse sometime early next

Ultimately. Wilkinson said he will
make his decision on who to endorse
based on who he thinks “can finance
it and who can best beat the Repub-

Wilkinson added that “if the elec-
tion were held today. I think Al Gore
would carry Kentucky. I think if our
guys went the other way ‘for Duka~
kis) it would make a difference.“

When asked to evaluate the im-
pact Wilkinson‘s endorsement would
have on his Kentucky campaign.
Gore said: “His endorsement will
have a major impact on what hap-
pens in the primary."

According to one of Gore‘s cam-
paign aides. Gary Ginsberg. Gore
has all but pulled out of Iowa where
the first Democratic delegates of the
campaign will be chosen on Feb. 8.

Much of Gore‘s strategy on receiv-
ing the nomination has been placed
on winning a majority of the dele-
gates on Super Tuesday when 14
Southern states will hold presi-
dential primaries on March 8.

However. Ginsberg said it is also
important for Gore to at least show
well in a primary race between the
New Hampshire primary and Super
Tuesday in order to show that he is
more than just a Southern candi-

Gore said that Super Tuesday
gives the South an opportunity to
“dramatically change the (nomi-
nation) process" by voting for some-
one else than the winners of the
Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire

“Kentucky is going to play a more
important role in the national electo-
rate than it has in a long time," he

But if Richard Madison is any in-
dication on how well known Gore is

in Kentucky. his campaign has a
long way to go before he becomes a
household name in the Bluegrass

“Albert Who?" Madison respond-
ed when he was asked about how he
felt playing basketball with Gore.
When someone told Madison that
Gore was a senator from his home
state. Madison said. “Oh yeah, I
think I heard about him one time.“

Gore played basketball on the
freshman team at Harvard Univer-
sity, but after the 39-year-old candi-
date hit his first three shots from
the field, he went cold._

Later that evening, Gore attended
a fund-raising event at the Hyatt Re
gency hosted by Lexington invest-
ment adviser Don McNay. Joined by
about 25 UK students, many of them
members of Students for Gore, Gore
met with about 50 Lexington area

Evoking the memory of former
President John F. Kennedy as many


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of his Democratic opponents have
done often during the campaign.
Gore told the audience that the 1988
election is similar to the 1960 elec-
tion in many ways.

“We need to set some clear goals
that are large enough to be worthy
of America's heritage.“ he said.
“There are challenges we can face
up to. but we need to work togeth-
er. ‘

James Howard. a UK English se—
nior and treasurer for UK Students
for Gore, said he joined the Gore
campaign about 21 2 months ago.

One reason Howard said he has
been drawn to the Gore campaign
because he likes Gore‘s views on nu-
clear disarmament.

Information for this story was also
gathered by Sports Editor Todd

0Condoms in machines

Continued from Page I _

—— the health/pharmecutical ma-

A couple of universities have al-
ready expressed interest in the kind
of machine that UK wants to place
in the dormitories, Rieman said.
And a company in Arizona is plan-
ning to put a similar multi-unit ma-
chine on the market shortly.

But for now, that leaves condoms
in the local dormitory candy ma-
chine —- a move that surprises some
student leaders who sponsored the

Although the primary objective of
SGA‘s recommendation was making
condoms more accessible to stu-
dents. Weaver said this latest
change is not exactly the best way
to distribute condoms.

Along with the accessibility of con-
doms. discretion and privacy were
also factors in recommending the
placement of condom dispensers in
dormitory rest rooms, Weaver said.
Placing the condoms in open-area
vending machines takes that priva-
cy away.

Now every time a student goes to

the candy machine they will see the
condoms or see someone who may
be buying them, she said. The objec-
tive of the proposal was to get the
widest pouible distribution of con-
doms with the most discretion.

While agreeing with Weaver that
candy vending machines are not the
most preferable way of distributing
condoms, SGA Senator at Large
David Botkins said it may have posi-
tive side effects.

Somebody might think a student is
buying candy. when they're actually
going to buy a condom. said Botkins,
the condom proposal’s primary
sponsor. The “embarrassment fac-
tor” of buying condoms might be
lessened by having them in candy

Blanton said placing condoms in
candy vending machines is an “im-
perfect solution to the problem." but
it‘s the solution that is least offen—
sive to students.

After all, Blanton said. it's better
than spending $50,000 on putting in
the multieunit health machines.

Anti-lottery forces start
to lobby state’s leaders

Associated Press

FRANKFORT — A leader of a cit-
izens group formed to fight lottery
legislation in the Kentucky General
Assembly said Monday that a lot-
tery is “a suckers‘ bet offering more
than it can deliver.“

“Rather than facing the more
complex and difficult issues of eco-
nomic development, an overhaul of
the tax system and other sources of
revenue enhancement, proponents of
the lottery would have us go after
the quick fix," said Jim Holladay, a
leader of Citizens Against State Lot-
tery. “They promise the poor a bet-
ter day and the rest of us a painless
way to raise taxes."

Hollady was joined by religious
leaders representing Methodist and
Baptist churches in the state at a
news conference during which they
urged citizens to contact their law-
makers and express their opposition

Several bills have been introduced
in the legislature that propose
amending the state constitution to
allow a lottery, including House Bill
1. a measure supported by Gov.
Wallace Wilkinson. A key to Wilkin-
son’s upset victory was his support
of a lottery in lieu of higher taxes.

Rev. Howard Cobble. the presi-
dent of the Kentucky Baptist Con-

vention, said a lottery would just
postpone the painful issue of a tax

“If there were ever an issue that
promised more than it could deliver,
it is a state lottery," Cobble said.

Last November, the Kentucky
Baptist Convention voted to oppose
any lottery and urged individual
Baptists to express their opposition.

On Sunday. the 5,000 member
Highview Baptist Church in Louis-
ville adopted a resolution opposing a
state lottery after the pastor, the
Rev. William Hancock, made the
lottery the target of his sermon.

The resolution contended that a
state lottery would sanction a crimi-
nal activity, give gambling an “aura
of respect.“ subvert the work ethic,
exploit the poor and the weak and si-
phon money from the “legitimate
business community."

Lawmakers must prevent a propo-
sal for a constitutional amendment
from ever reaching the general elec~
tion ballot. where voters most likely
would approve it. Holladay said.

“The constitution invests the legis-
lature with the power to protect us
from ourselves at times." Holladay
said. “The framers realized that
some issues, while popular. may not
be good for the state.“




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 Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, January 13,1988 — 3

Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday proceeding the
publication date.





‘590053 “”901 Japanese Martial M 999mm” 0Concert: Lydia DiMartino. flute recital; Free; SCFA
Classes; Free; Alumni Gym Lott; 8:30 pm; Call 266- —Recital HaikapmJCainagoo
0‘02 0Movies: Return of the Living Dead ll; Free: Worsham

OSports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Alabama; Away; Theatfe;8p.m.;Ca|| 7-8867

0Academics: Late registration for returning students
who did not advance register 8. tor new applicants
cleared for late admission; A $201ee is assessed

OExhibits: Paintings trom the Collection of the late
Charles Shipman Payson; Free; UK Art Museum; Noon

IAcademics: Class work begins




vLectures — 1915 Citizen Diplomacy in the Sowet
Union Lecture by Lance Brunner Free Peal Gallery
Noon; Call 7-5895

IMovies — 1.14 Return 01 the Livmg Dead ll. Free.
Worsham Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

OSports: Wildcat Basketde vs, Alabama; Away; 10



OSports: UK Indoor Track Eastman Invitational; John-
son City. TN; Through 1-16: Call 7-3838

0Concerts: Lexington Philharmonic. Earl Thomas.
Free with UKID: Center for the Arts; 8 pm; Call 7-

00ther: Trad. Martin Luther King. Jr's Birthday

OLectures: Citizen Diplomacy in the Soviet Union.
Lecture by Lance Brunner; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon;
Call 7-5895

OConcerts: Lexington Philharmonic Concert: Earl
Thomas. Clarinet: $12.50. $15. $17.50. $20; SCFA —
Concert Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900


~Sports Wildcat Basketball vs. Tennessee —— Home;
Free With lull-time UKID; Flupp Arena; 1:00 pm; Call 7-

OSports Lady Kat Basketball vs. Illinois State; Away;
TBA; Call 7-1818

~Sports: Kentucky Gymnastics vs. Georgia 81 Ohic
St: Free With lull-time UKlD; Memorial Coliseum: Call 7-

°Concerts. Guitar Society of Lex-Ctrl Ky: Eduardo
Fernandez gurtar: $7. $5; SCFA —— Recital Hall; 8 pm;
Call 7-4900




0Concerts: Center Sundays Series: Pianists featuring
Alan Hersh. piano; Free; SCFA Recital Hall 3 pm; Call


ISports: Aikido: Japanese Martial Art Beginner

Classes; Free; Alumni Gym Loft; 1 pm; Call 266-0102

-Exhibits: Eskimo 8 Northern Art from the Lantis Col-
lection; Free; UK Art Museum: Noon to 5 pm; Call 7-


~Concerts: Pianist Forum: Alan Hersh. piano; Free:

CFA — Recital Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 7-3145

0Concerts: Pianist Forum/ Alan Hersh: Free: SCFA —

Recital Hall; 3 pm: Call 7-4900


0Sports Aikido: Japanese Martial Art Beginner
Classes. Free: Alumni Gym Loft; 8:30 pm; Call 266-

'Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Belmont; Free with
UKID: Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 pm; Call 7-1818

OOther: Martin Luther King. Jr's Birthday

OOther Basketball Support Group — Members Only;
Free: Student Ctr Ballroom; 6:30 -9 pm.

Cital; Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 8 pm; 7-4900

OConcerts: James Campbell/ Faculty Percussion Re-


OConcerts -— 1 18. James Campbell Faculty Percus
Sion ReCItal Free: SCFA — ReCital Hall: 8 p m 7-4900

OConcerts — 1 19. Stephen Keys Tuba ReCitaI.
Free, SCFA — FleCItal Hall. 8 p m. Call 7-4900

'Concert —~ 1 14 Lydia DiMartino. llute reCital. Free
SCFA — FieCital Hall. 8 p m Call 7-4900

OConcerts —- 1 15 Lexmgton Philharmonic. Earl
Thomas. Free with UKlD. Center for the Arts. 8 p m
Call 7-4929

“Concerts — 1 15 LeXington Philharmonic Concert
Earl Thomas Clarinet. $12 50, $15. $17 50. $20.
SCFA —Concert Hall. 8 pm .Call 7—4900

OConcerts — 1 16 Giiitar SOCIety of Lex-Ctrl Ky Ed-
uardo Fernandez gurtar. $7. $5 SCFA -— ReCital Hall. 8
p m :Call 7-4900

'Concerts —— 1 17 Center Sundays Series Pianists
featuring Alan Hersh, piano, Free. SCFA ReCitaI Hall 3
p m .Call 7-4900

°Concerts — 1i17 Pianist Forum Alan Hersh. piano.
Free; CFA —Recital Hall: 3 p m .Call 7-3145

-Concerts — 1,17. Pianist Forum Alan Hersh Free.
SCFA — ReCitaI Hall; 3 p m . Call 74900

°Exhibits — 1’13' Paintings from the Collection of the
late Charles Shipman Payson, Free. UK Art Museum.
Noon to 5p m .Call 7-5716

OExhibits — 1 17. Eskimo 8 Northern Art from the
Lantis Collection. Free; UK Art Museum. Noon to 5
p in .Call 7-5716



OSports — 1 18 Aikido Japanese Martial Art Begin
ner Classes, Free Alumni Gyin Loft 8 30 pm Call

'Sports — 1 18 Lady Kat Basketball vs Belmont
Free With UKID, Memorial Coliseum 7 30 p rn Call 7

OSports ~— 1 13 Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beam.
ner Classes. Free Alumni Gym Lott 830 pm Call

OSports — 1 13 Lady Kat Basketball :3 Alabama
Away: 5 00p m .Call 7-1818

'Sports —- 1 13 Wildcat Basketball vs Alabama
Away.10p m .Call 7-1818

‘Sports — 1 15 UK Indoor Track Eastman "whit-i"
nal Johnson City TN Througn1 16 Call ’ 38.52-

OSports — 1 16 Wildcat Basketball vs Terlriiissé‘w —
Home Free With trill-time UKlD Rupp Arena 1 00 l- r“
Call 7-1818

OSports —— 116 Lady Kat Basketball is Illinois,
State. Away, TBA. Call 7-1818

°Sports — 1 16 Kentucky Gymnastics vs Georgia 5
Ohio 81. Free With lull-time UKlD Memorial Coliseum
Call 7-3838

'Sports — 1 17 Aikido Japanese Martial Art Br-gin
ner Classes Free. Alumni Gym Lott 1 ii m Call use

~|ntramurals - 1 19 Basketball entry dt‘ril’ll'qr‘
$2" 00. Worsham Theatre. 5 p m .Cali 7 3928




OOther: Ml King Library Tours; Free; King South;

Noon 5 2 pm; Through 1/20; Call 7-8397

Olntramurals: Basketball entry deadline; $25.00;

Worsharn Theatre; 5 pm; Call 7-3928

0Acedemics: Last day to enter an organized class tor

the 1988 Spring Semester

0Academics: Last day to officially withdraw lrom the
University or reduce course load a receive at 80% re-


OOther: UK Dance Ensemble — Auditions; Free; Bar-

ker Hdl Studio; CHI 7-4267

OConcerts: Stephen Keys/ Tina Recitd; Free; SCFA

— Recital Hdl; 8 p.m.; Cdl 7-4900





OAcademics — 119, Last day to enter an organized
class for the 1988 Spring Semester

OAcademics — 1i19 Last day to officially Withdraw
from the UniverSity or reduce course load 8 receive an
80% relund

OAcadernics —— 1 13' Late registration for returning
students who did not advance registar 8 for new appli-
cants cleared lor late admissmn. A $201ee is assessed

°Academics — 1 ‘13- Class work begins

OOther — 1 18: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday

'Other — 1 18' Basketball Support Group — Mem-
bers Only. Free. Student Ctr Ballroom; 6'30 -9 p m

00ther — 1 19. Ml King Library Tours; Free. King
South. Noon 8 2 p m . Through 1/20; Call 7-8397

corner — 1 19 UK Dance Ensemble — Auditions.
Free. Barker Hall Studio; Call 7-4267

OOther — 1 15 Trad Martin Luther King. Jr ‘5 Birth-




01 27 — Sports Lady Kat Basketball vs Vanderbilt
Away. 7p m .Call 71818

01 27 — Sports Wildcat Basketball vs Vanderbilt —
Home. Free with lulltime UKID. Rupp Arena 8 30 p ii:
Call 7-1818

'1 30 — Sports Lady Kat Basketball vs Tennessee
State. Away. 7 30p in .Call 7-1818

01 26 — Academics Last day tor payment or regis
tration tees B or housmg 8. dining fees in order to mom
cancellation of registration 8 or meal card

0127 — Concerts UK Opera Theatre Free CFA
Concert Hall.


 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. January 13. 1988

Committee recommends Dick
as journalism school director

News Editor

The search committee assigned to
recommend a director for the UK
School of Journalism found that
David Dick was the only man for the
Job —— he was the only applicant for
‘he position.

The search committee. which was
commissioned by Douglas Boyd.
dean of the College of Communica-
tions. unanimously recommended
Dick for the position.

Boyd said he has passed that rec-
ommendation on to Chancellor for
the Lexington Campus Art Gallaher.
(.iallaher. in turn. will report the
proposal to the Board of Trustees at
their next meeting. Jan. 19.

The BOT will vote on the proposal.

"This is a recommendation I en-
thusiastically support." Boyd said.

Dick. a former CBS News corre-
spondent came to the University
July 1. 1985. as a tenure track asso-

ciate professor. He received his ten-

ure as an associate professor in July

of 1987 and was appomted acting di-

rector of the school

Dick. 57. said that his original in-
tention was not to apply for the posi-
tion. but to do all he could for the
school in an ”acting“ capacity. But
he says he changed his mind after
observing the situation.

"I wanted to be absolutely sure
that the journalism school really
wanted me. that the faculty really
wanted me and that the new dean
would support me." Dick said.

"I decided that this is something
that I wanted." he said.

The search committee decided
that he should have it.

Jeff Baker. chairman of the
search committee. said he is pleased
with the committee's recommenda-

Dick is “very.
ified." Baker said.
just incredible.“

The search. which was only adver-
tised within the College of Commu-
nications. resulted in Dick being the
only applicant. Baker said that
w Iisn't a problem

"My feeling was that we could
have had as many applicants as
there were faculty. " Baker said.

very wellqual-
"His resume is

The internal search was chosen in-
stead of an external search for two
main reasons. Boyd said.

By hiring an existing faculty
member to the position of director,
the school would not have to gener-
ate a new salary. Boyd said. “Bud-
getary consid'erations are always a
consideration." he said.

Boyd also said that by hiring an
existing faculty member. such as
they were getting.

"There seemed to be a feeling that
David would be an excellent lead-
er." Boyd said.

Roy Moore. a member of the
search committee. said that be real-
izes it may appear that the commit-
tee was fixed. but says it wasn‘t.

"I can assure you it was not a
kangaroo committee." Moore said.
“If there were other applications
they would have been seriorsly con-

This situation didn't bother Boyd

“It might have bothered me or it
might have bothered anyone else if

* Kuder delegates duties
of student services post,
seeks to fill vacancies

the department knew what ‘


the only one applicant wasn‘t suita-
ble." Boyd said.

Moore said that Dick is very qual-
ified for the position.

Maria Braden. a professor in the
School of Journalism. agreed saying
“that David is well able to represent
our interests to the school." Braden

And Dick says that those interests
are important to him.

“The students always come first."
he said. “But it is extremely impor«
tant to be supportive of the faculty. "

Bills would curb state PACs, debt recouping

Associated Press

FRANKFURT — Bills to bar can-
didates from recouping the money
they spent to get elected and to put
a clamp on political action comm