xt7n2z12rm9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n2z12rm9d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-09-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1992 1992 1992-09-25 2020 true xt7n2z12rm9d section xt7n2z12rm9d  



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Vol. xCV No. 22

Governor only ofi‘ic elzola’er
to keep complimentary passes


By John Kelly
Sports Editor


Most goyerttttietit oi’t’ictals who
previously have received compli-

mentary l'K t'ootball and basket-

ball season tickets ttow will hay e to
pay tor them. lhe governor. how-

ever. will continue to receive tree
The l'ls’ .-\thletics .-\ssociatrorr

Board ol~ Dii‘cctois yesterday voted
tiriariiiriotisiy to ttppt'oye changes

Faculty meetings open
until state rules on law


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


l'nsure about lrow a change in
Kentucky‘s open meetings law at-
lects l'K. administrators have 15‘
sued new guidelines that open to
the public departrriental and laculty'

meetings until the state attorney
gerteral clarities the law
Among other things the new

guidelines call t'or young at depart-
mental meetings on issues like ta-
culty texture aird tiring to be made
iii open session.

The Kentucky Open Meetings
Act was changed by the 10‘): (len-
eral Assembly turd took eti'ect tn
July. it requrres all meetings iii-
voltrng public policy decisions be
made open to the public. incltrding
meetings ot' “every state or local
government agency. including the
policy-making board of tilt institu-
tiotr ot education."

t'K sent a request in June to the
state attorney general‘s office. ask-
iitg t'or an opinion on how the law
applies to various l'nrversity corn-

litll‘ lltc


attorney general‘s oii'ice
said she didn't know when the
opinion would be ready or what
was causing the delay.

in the meantime. l'K decided to
issue the new guidelines to be on
the sate side. llK President (‘harles
\‘i’etliington said.

“There is some question oi the
extent to which department and col-
lege meetings are open. and so we
sought an attorney general's opin-
ion." Wethmgton said “l'iittl that
time. we wotrid rather err on the
side oi being iii compliance "

The new guidelines require that
all deptu'tmerital coirimittees arid
subcommittees discussing tenure
and protnotiou issues provide a
schedule tor regular nteetirrgs. l-‘a-
why must be notified ol‘ special

When discussing

A spokeswoman

"specit'ic per

sonnel matters" like tetrure. t‘irings.
appointments or promotions. the

guidelines allow the meeting to go
itito executive session. (‘ommittees

See OPEN, Page 3

. ,Untversityotjttentuolyye Lexington ‘ “Kentucky

proposed by its ticket committee.
which was revising what .\llllkllt\
Director PM. Newton called an
"outdated“ policy.

The policy clitmge became ett'ec—
use yesterday turd will begin with
the l‘NZ-‘B basketball season.

Individuals affected by this deci-
siort include local and state ol't'i-
cials. state arid federal legislators.
torttier Kentucky governors and
non-working media personnel, The

groups were listed utider Section I

ot‘ the l K \\ s ticket allocation
guidelines turd were eligible to re-
ceive complimentary l7K i‘ootball
and basketball season tickets

Under the ttew policy. otily
"member‘s ot the l'K.t\/\ Board.
members ot' the l'niversrty ot Keir-
lucky Board oi key ad-
ministrative ott'rcrtrls ot the l'niverr
sity. the (ioverirot oi tlte
(‘ommonwealth ot Kentucky and
I—‘uests oi the l'niversrts" will coir
tititrc to receiy e tree tickets


Independent since 1971

We cc;ytttrtil thotr ht tlitt this
was a tune. with all- or the interest
atid discussion lli ticket matters that
we review our policies ” l'K l'lc‘sl‘
dent ( harlcs \\ t'thins'ttti said “ I he
ticker torrrntitt.. iias ltcttlltlllk'lltlt'tl
a change. and 1 till \ety supportive
ot'that change "

Newton said the tier rsron \\lll . rtd
arty \‘t‘lll'rl‘sluil or appearance or llll‘
propriety on the part ol the l taver-

Srar TICKETS Page 3







The UK Air Force ROTC and the Junior Air Force ROTC from Bryan Station and Harrison
County high schools lower the flag in front of the Administration Building yesterday.





SNL opener
may include
Tri-Delt skit


By Joe Braun
Editoral Editor


“Delta Delta Delta. (‘an l help
ya. help ya. help ya l"

last year. people across the ria-
tiort laughed as Saturday Night
l rye gave birth to its latest spool

(ill liic . the Delta Delta Delta
social sorority.

The skit involved several tic-
male actresses who portrayed

wtiat they perceive to be life in a
Tri-Delt sorority house.

Tomorrow night. SNl. will open
its 1002-03 television season. and
it‘s possible the Delta Delta Delta
skit will appear. Producers in New
York would not reveal whether
this particular skit would be in—
cluded in the season opener. They
said shows are edited right until
showtime -~ because it's a live

Paula lrurne. the executive di-
rector at the real lri-Delt .s head-
quarters lll Arlington. Texas. said
that. while she believes the skit is
a “satirical view ol' greek lite."
she also believes it is “entertain-

”You SNL

have to consider

See TRl-DELT. Page 3


Tri-Delt Carrie Larkin, a business sophomore. eats at the
Kirwan-Blanding Complex Commons Cafeteria yesterday.






Monday- -T'huIdI tawLIm Twp"!

FndI y loern-t.&pm

M [nanny-1309."!


mmy-Fflay 7.00Im-1t00 rn.
“my tOMIm. - 11 pm.
May renown-"00¢".

715mm. - 7609"»
7:!5Lm ~0309rn.


Mom-y- “My

Homily-Friday ‘90 p.m -t100p.m

“way 7.1‘0p.m -1100pm



Mooney-My 790Im-I‘30pm.
Fwy 700Im.-200pm




Open times for UK Food Services

My- Thur-“y 790 I m. - 7'” p m.
FndIy 700Irn ~01!) pm.
Sawfly 71wIm.-O'wp.m.
SundIy Tern-tflpm.

My- Thur'IaIy 830- In 41%;"!
Friay 3-0 m - 000 p m
ImumY éao pm I no N.
Sunny camp H p m.


MondIy- Fr‘ldIy 1030..m.-Hmpm.m
OnturuIy ampm-HOODM
SunaIy 4009m.-ttmpm
Way-Thuruy 7wIm.-Impm.
FrtdIy inIm -l.oOp.m
Bunny imam -Iw,.m

Wy-Fnay .mIrn - tongue»:
MurmylaunQV tampm ~10 pm.
My Thur-my 7NIM 7mpm



TIDIM- tmprn
730Irn ~0009m
In 2009M

Ky. sodomy restrictions
overturned by high court


By Mark Ft. Chellgren
Associated Press

l RANKl’t iR'I . Ky lire Kenv
tricky Supreme (‘otiii embraced a
sweeping view oi individual prtya»
cy rights granted in the state consn
tution yesterday as the corzrt struck
down a state sodorriy law


the decision. which torrid hayc
irrrplicattons tor the harm it tedetal
court rulings legali/ing abortion oti
privacy grounds are overturned. re—
vealed deep tll\isltills among the
seven justices on the court.

But the maiority opinion. en-
dorsed by tour members. is a
lengthy arid almost unequivocal en
dorsetnent oi a right oi priyacy un-
der the state constitution well be
yotid any such idea under the
t'edcral constitution

“Kentucky cases recogni/ed a le-
gally protected right oi privacy
based on our own constitution and
cotnmon law tradition long bciore
the buried States Supreme ('ont't
first took notice oi whether there
were arty rights oi privacy inherent
lit the l‘etleral Bill ot' Rights." .lns<
tice (‘harles l eibson said in the int
toi‘tly opinion.

leibsou said the sodomy law
does not withstand the right to pit-
vacy and another constitution right
to equal treatrnetrt under the law

it which arose in l-ayettc
(trinity tinting .t local police tinder
coyet sweep has. drawn wide atttrn
tron Dir/ens oi groups arid organi
xairons across the political spectrum
lltt\c‘ lili‘tl hilt‘is lit lli'c‘ cast

lllltct'rs in plain tlotits would
[vuk ill it downtown (ilcii .llltl lttlls lt'
Putt l. to KC it ttr.y .youitl is solic
itcd tot \c\.il.tl totittitt lettic. \\.rs
son spoke to on. such ollttet
about .‘li minutes and asked one ol-
“comt home“
tlk'lkt'. .tv'Uittli't‘J ltt tltK‘tl
merits. llrc ollicci asked lot details
and \kasson succestcd sesnal activ

it‘ saw.


[tut to to his test


lctbson's opinion said there was
no suggestion the scytral activity
would take place anywhere but
\Vasson‘s home. it was intended to
be between consenting adults and
no money was oiieicd ot solicited

Wasson was charged tor yroiat
trig a state law that lots “deyiatc
se\tial intercourse with another per
son oi the satire scs H ling law spec
rites that consent oi the parties is
litil it tlv‘ic‘lrsy‘
l. ibsoir said lllt law steks to rrrr
pose moral values and that it was
clearly aimed at lltililtt-~t'\ll.li\ be
Litilsc' the state no longer rnakt s it a
crime tor adultery tornitatron or
dcytaic se\ti.r| intercourse between

Students prefer burgers to health


By Kathryn Abney
Contributig Writer

Students have indicated all inter
est in eating healthy iii the past. but
that is not the case this year. said
llK liood Services Director Robert

“Sales are tip iii the grills across
cruupus. and more students are buy-
ingjunk food this year." he said.

The K-l.air (irill. Wildcat (trill
arid Kuwait-Blending (‘ompiex
(‘ommons (irrll report increases in
hamburger sales this year.

"We have increase in
sales oi cheeseburgers and have
heetr keeping the hamburger-bun
man very busy." said Kathy (lw
ens. supervisor oi K‘l arr ( iflll

Khalil Karam. manager oi Siti-
dent (‘eirter l'ood (‘otirt. also said
more students are eating nrtik iood

"The Wildcat (ii'ill has made
ttrorc money than airy other section
oi the l-'ood (‘oun this year." Kar
tun said.

sL‘k‘ll it”

Although many students are buy-
ing grill l’ood this year. a large
group oi students chooses to eat
healthier lood eyery day irottr

many locations across i..tllil‘lt\
Braun said.
“We saw a trend toward healthy

tood about liye years ago and put
posely started setyrtig \cgctarian
entices daily Iltcy' are popular and
there is still enough demand to kill]
trrrtre this sentce." lirauir said

I'laccs that serve these healthier
alternatives include the (‘orrrtyatd
Restaurant on North (arrrptis .rird
(‘ommons l'ood Service on South

llie (‘orrrtyaid lv’cstattrant oilct's

See FOOD. Back Page

Kentucky Kernel

Established 1894

Friday, September 25. 1992

gislators to pay for sports tickets

the lollowrng groups wrll now have
to pay for UK tootbail and basketball
season tickets

State and local oflictals. lormer Ken
tuclty governors. state and federal leg
rstators. and ttonrworitrng news media

The toliowmg groups will continue
to receive complimentary tickets

Members oi the UK Board at True
tees. current Kentucky governor. key
UK administrators. members of the UK
Athletics Assocration Board 01 Dtrec
tors; and guests oi UK




Cup throwing
causes rules
to be stiffened


By Tyrone Beason
News Editor


\tudents iriigiit want to think
l‘-\l\t‘ about hurling lc‘C‘i'lllCtl cups
and toilet paper rolls dunng tomorv
tootball game at (‘ommori
\'-.c.illli \tathrim.

llccatrsc ot' new security procc»
dtrres ritnonrrced yesterday. any
spectator caught throwing objects in
(‘onrinonwt‘altli Stadium will be
subrcct to erection ironr the staditriri
and police alt’t‘st

lhe security measures
irtto eiiect tomorrow

ltcrns banned at the stadium in-
klllllL' bottles. therrtroscs. ai'ti
ltctal trtribt‘ellas and
.tivt'lltlllt l\"sk.'ltlf_'l.‘\

\nvoiic who attempts to bring
banned items into the stadium will
be t‘citised admission

llrc action
prompted by incidents ot obtcct
throwing at ttrel K~|iidtana iootball
‘.'.illtt‘ litsl “L'klsk'litl


“I” go

iit ll\\ tnakcts.

l. lil\\'l\ll‘\.s was

aided .tt the students
that \tett‘ motivetl tll that.”
\ l\k t ltattccllor ioi Strident .'\ll.ills
l;tttt.s Ktidet "i thought they \\ci‘c
way out oi line "

"it -. downright rude." he said

istider said he. along with trrern
bets ot the athletics department.
Dean oi Students l).t‘sltl \‘tockirani.
l'K l’oht'e t lriet Vi ll Mc(‘otnas
and \i i,-\ l‘tesrtlerit l’cte Notcinbet
incl Wednesday to .lisciiss the titer
dcirts at Saturday 's grime

[hey decided to enhance security
measures at (‘otiinronweaith Stadi-
rtrr: by adding security personnel
and to :r st ttement about the
polity on throwing obn'cts

l was dis


Iv llt'

i\iltlc'i said students caught throw-
lll‘ tbtct is also are sttbtcci to disci-
plan by the l'nryeisrtv

\t the .-\tliic Association
Bt'Jlll til l)ll't‘c‘ltll\ lllc‘c‘illlL‘ yt'slt‘l
day. \thl etits Dir ttort \1 .\t v
ton said the l tirversity will pursue
\iolators more \igilantly than iii the


'lirc throwing oi obrects is nrst
totally unacceptable," he said, “It‘s
llllwdlk' It‘s cla~slcss It's something
that we ttist can‘t tolerate.

“We're not going to search peo~
pie. bttt we‘re going to be rriore tig-
ll'llll "


Terry Blanchard in the spotlight
as tax: series kicks oi Sunday at
P it m. Story, Page 5.

. K t .t it: littt Curry wary of un~
it. rat h swung (Liamecocks. Story.
).1J. ’ t)


M tlczriior x thtSUHt’ieiSiOOd Col-
in‘s". Pita“ t‘


Partly sunny today, high between
70 and 7E Cloudy tonight With a
Jfit percent chance oi showers;
Iow between 55 and 60 Mostly
cloudy tomorrow With a 50 per-
cent chance oi showers; high

at :uttd 7‘)





Viewpoint .............................. 8
Classifieds .....

 2- Kurtudty Kml. Friday. W 25, 1002









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