xt7n2z12rv25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n2z12rv25/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1797-03-20 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 20 March 1797 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 20 March 1797 1797 1797-03-20 2023 true xt7n2z12rv25 section xt7n2z12rv25 'UIIVC nnc ril-
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Mal/.‘m/[u/z ex (/55 (luv/rd; (1m \le m‘lm'ral Buonmmrlu ll‘ungéu-w , (lam lug mains do [it cmnmiSsion.

,1 -dm1 -. - . . ., b j t‘ . - ‘ I v . .

H Pi“; 'mozg'nu a, [‘i'gmul (In papa ()5 (/5 la rel/gm” (wt/u)— lll‘ Fuulus lo: wnmnmzmhrs qux nauronl pas rmnmli

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alcs excmpmu [m1; a'JlH/m..-i/[ons [)UI‘ ['mlru'il- azu‘vmzé d’unc A-llm ; M Na d0 gucrrc, 8.; on cuverra uuc colonnc mubilt‘ 131w:
Iva/luau (1.», jiy’i/mz. (/42 25 fE‘r'r'I'w‘. ‘ lcs soumctfre.

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ngue gum“? J m. Imolnhomlgurcs ntlomlmcnlavccxmpnfmncc la nou— [ .l \ . L [mun-13c! (ls la t'zrlug'lmL conlmur‘rz. commc u l or—
‘ 1' [1 A? i x . ’,. ' ' ' ‘ ' .. ‘ .‘M.' ‘, ' ‘ ‘ ‘

ML" W L (lb lanuvuc du 'rénvl'al lluonu "INC :1 l‘lomo- ][‘~ me (lmun), mus ' mflmlml‘c {111mm vlunnc m- f
,1] (1. ”um. 11! l h ) , ‘ 7; 1 . h 1 H .
I Y ‘- , ‘ 7 l I V. ‘1 > , x.-‘- . ‘ V , '
yl (“my Hut 3" IULHL‘pds , daprcs lus lellrcs dc (tc gmuml, quc lc \ . L dulhlulxlldllfin pwmlm lame: lL-s Mysnrummur ms—
! I u ‘ ‘ ’ ' ‘ ’ . . H...‘ ‘ ‘ , ,. , _ - .,
suns‘tluulfllma ,llx [HI (ltrln‘me [5: l0. lxbcrlc [lu penplc 101: am pm— sulll l[ ‘gnyupln [K 1mm qua l4 lmnqmllue Imblufm: 11e-
lc lncnflcl m,- au cupn'olc. Qnel a (‘15? lvur suvpnsc, en appro~ 50.11 'lhn'hlé‘c. I33 .‘u‘H-‘Hll..‘ manicre.
r» 5 (AH . . ; - - \. ~ ' . . , '
ulfdju’dmcuy Plv-‘allld en memo—Linus la nouvc‘llc dc lzu‘mxshcu 51 \1. ll 3’ sum ml zigcnl. [mngan pour aulz-rl‘: cmmmw
- curd ‘1 "- mmlt1.»-1011 [la la psux .' lls sommcnm-m. u cram: ‘1'“‘3 sum dzm. SC» fan-[CliUllj7 {L pour YClllcr um: “Huh-{5' (In
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101mm; » Hrmxn'c naval! pas rocllcmcnl ll) ])1(),i()[' dn (l-I‘h‘llll‘c ; ld mpulmqnc.

l ...' [I'mpm'cl (lu pupa , [i (“Nil (toil. prtrli dc Bolngnc '
l’llll<,~21'lm:(lu (21in; ld pflix , )-}tll\‘({!i(‘ [lwux imn's ugm‘w

””1 [V Ciluyml Cucault , aqua}: dc lfv. l‘lZ‘JnllilJ-(lllc frau—

mmms. '_ “'1 [[(tlic‘. Duns lcs proviuo s (xnngniém pay has Fran—

lCIHl ‘1“,"‘i.,11r5( ' (”l )’ "iuii, gén‘rzllullwm pursuuilé qn'xm nc rcnlrcmil.
.rit sup“

I Vll. Lu wmmi» :11 sent cnmposw'w‘ (l9: cilo‘run; J. B.
! Annaldi d‘Ll-bin, Mammals Bfmm 8; Dominiqu‘e fifdndni
I do I’d-112".» , Philippc ifxi‘rnlucui d3 Faun,- [lbdlllL‘ GLLIEUUHJ-
in]; Galbbiu , Anmin.) Unnsi do Sinigaglia 6: .l‘icrrc l’du—

lomn‘ (lo [“05 umimmv.

While: domination (lu palm; [‘1 beauconp [[6 PM" V‘U' "Jag" S "3"“:"155 “L a l‘agan Dorcf.
“ Wink-11!, dfija JEL 'u‘Cus cu fave-m- (l mu n-mnsl ]\‘.. Ludiicwmmiwinnalum lous lcs pouvoirs au‘uvoicnt
wjm'jg ' “‘- Chums. Les; PRJ'I'OtCS no mmqmml. pus d’ae— lc lt"g:!i [K lat h‘t‘mn'vz‘iv‘ (ln licmc. A
‘ . ‘ .2; "runwis dc Aumuvuisc .l'oi Sc d'jujusticc , Jallie- X. La Villa [i Lrézuuriu do Fauu soul unis it la légalion
:s J'U[I¢’“1’””‘ ' “19111101“;an lcs P1)“ cpmluis 5L la vengjzumc pu— ' el’ULbiu.



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(111115 11: 10111‘, 11: yep'1‘1351111111'111 scroii 111511113 avant (11111
no {111, (1131:1111: 5711 1101111111, (“110. 111.1113.

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5’ .1. 1115:111‘ 11.1115 11111: 111111111: 1111111111111: ', :2”. (1111: 111 111111.
11011 esl 52111-1 11111101311: d’uuLhcmiciLé, 111111111
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(:111111111<,<1(111. cunipusi‘c (105 cilovwm , '1‘1‘13111111‘d , 5.11111»)
1.71'1"g::\'i11c , Dubois—Urancé K 13111110111111 3 1111: 11:11.1 1.,1
11111111111. 111-11151111. .

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5451111118 ‘, C111) conliuucru (1c11111111.

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11111111111 011111.. . .131. ‘. 111111111211. .39 s. , 5G ,3 ,3‘;
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(1111117; c111rc11v..e. .151. 5 s Li1’1g.11'a1‘g...50 1. 11 s. 311.
(human . . . . . . .92 r: , 91—:2 1’1a511‘1‘...... . . . .514 5.911.
Livoilrum.... . . . . . . . . . 10:2 ()1111111'11111c...... . . 37111.51 .
1311110.. . . . . . .1 5 pcrtc , 3i. l111c111d".1*101....11 1. ‘7 5.
1411111.. . . . . . . . . . , .1111ps111‘. Solwm‘ain.. . . . . . . . .31111'.
1111112111112. . . . . . . . .1111 pair. Guiuéc...” . . . . . . ....251.
Bordeaux” . . . . . . .1 bénéf. \

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l.1111111~c5.211.,231. 1‘1. 3

1111191111.. .8 1. 17 s. 3 ,151.

25151112, 482 111‘. 10 s. —— 1‘1-3114111—1'10 22 (195.,
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—— C1115 5111111913011111111110, 1 11V. 15; s. — Sucre 111-1.1-
1111u1’g, 2 11v. 7 s. —— Sucre (1011611113, 2111*. ’1-14.
(11: Mara-i111: , 21 s. i —— (51141111113110, 15 s.

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Dictiommire franmis—anglaix et (Ulg‘lal-Sf/‘I‘flf‘f/tl'S abn‘gv: . 1’1
A. Buyvr, 11veu 111:5 1111:9115 puur-fuci111c1‘ aux {111111315 111 111111111
1:1;111011 do. 121 131134111: 1111151111591; dix—supticme 1511111011 51 ' 1 113115111.
1131-13 8: enrichie 11c mus 11):; tonnes (11: 1111111111: , L
1'11utrc 13113111), 1111151 11:10 (1’11110 111111c 1111111111112111111c 81 1111811111
11111'11c111cs :11151111415, 111055111: d’upri's 1115 11101111111. 11111111113; '3
1.,1‘1111fi 111-1i". 1’1‘11, 1). 11V. 8: 15 11v franc dc port. A Pans
(111111915, 1111111118, 1110 Sei‘pci’nc, 11‘). 17.

fifwmml ([1: Id. I’ll/a (Id [hum—Cour, (‘0.‘1611E1111 (1125 131531‘L1’“
pour (-lnvcr, nuui‘rir, Migraisser tous 1(‘5 animuux 116 in 111 0'1
1111uvc‘1‘11: (-(1itiun; 118111.111—1’). 1111 101) pages, 1);:11'1‘1‘ couro .“"-'
1’1'ix , 1.5 51115 ii 18 3:115 franc (113 port. \. 1’211'1 111152 10 11h
11". 121 1‘c11i1i1‘, (M Cull/111113111, r111'- 1dr; T115535 5:11111-1'1L101‘119'
311111111111, libi'uirc, 1111: 11c 111 11311:, 11“. at).




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1’1'0111‘iéla11‘cs 8.: Il-lilcurs «111 Journal (1165 31):“?le 1“ol/l.'gi!=¢”‘1

1111: dos Muul'ms, n". 500.

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