xt7n5t3g1j6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n5t3g1j6v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19690203  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  3, 1969 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  3, 1969 1969 2015 true xt7n5t3g1j6v section xt7n5t3g1j6v Chicago Protest Raises New Student Issue

Editors Notes In Chicago over the weekend. Kernel marv
King editor Guy Mcndcs visited the University of
Chicago administration building which had been taken
over by students two days earlier.
Managing Editor
student put it aptly- -" It's like
World War I
with both sides In their
trenches and waiting."
Ever since the "Under New Management" sign was
hung out Thursday when 400 University of Chicago
students took over the school's administration building,
both sides in the controversy have been playing the
waiting game the administrators waiting for fatigue
and factionalism to bring the occupation forces out



and the students waiting for the administrators to meet
their demands.
The occupation was originally triggered when it was
learned that the university would not rehire a very
popular and radical sociology professor, Mariene Dixon.
The four demands made by students are:
the rehiring of M rs. Dixon
y acceptance in principle of equal student participation in faculty hiring and firing
y unconditional amnesty for the demonstrators
y and full compensation for university employees
could not work because of the demonstration.
The main issue, one Just recently coming into the
focus of the student power movement, is the one concerning student voice in faculty selection. Students





Monday Evening, Feb. 3, 1969

at many schools across the nation have been attempting
in the granting
to gain such a voice, including say-sof tenure to professors.
Last spring demonstrators at another Chicago school,
Roosevelt University, demanded that the school rehire
controversial history professor Staughton Lynd, a New
Left spokesman and historian, but were not successful.
At only one school. New York's Queens College, have
students made any headway on this issue. Students
at Queens are to be represented on departmental committees which make tenure decisions.
How far students will get at the University of Chicago
is questionable, with even some of the student leaders
doubtful of administration acceptance of the demand.
Continued on Page 2, Col. 1

Vol. LX, No. 87

Plane Crash Kills
Dr. William Seay,


Black Arts




Ag College Dean




William A. Seay, dean of the UK College of Agriculture since
1962, was killed Saturday when his single-engin- e
plane crashed
nearMartinsburg, W. Va.
Dr. Seay, flying under instruleader . . . This rare man will

ment control due to bad weather, be difficult to replace."
Dr. A. D. Albright, executive
apparently crashed shortly after,
refueling and takeoff from the vice president of UK, called Dean
Martinsburg airport about 9 a.m. Seay's death a loss to the UniCivil Air Patrol searchers versity's agricultural teaching, refound the wreckage of his Cessna search and extension programs.
150 in the afternoon on a wooded
Dr. Seay attended high school
mountain about six miles west in Hickman County, Ky., and atof the airport. The searchers said tended Western Kentucky State
one wing of the plane was loCollege before coming to UK
cated on the slope of the mounto finish his undergraduate work.
tain nearest the airport, and the In 1946 he received his bachelor
rest of the plane was on the of science degree at UK, and
reverse side. Dr. Seay's body was six years later earned his master
seating of a new Rules Committee.
found in the cockpit.
of science degree here.
Bright speaking for the ComAs of Sunday night, the cause
Continued on Page 3, Col. 1
mittee on Committees said a
of the crash had not been denew Rules Committee, chaired
termined, according to a spokesby Jerry Legere, would replace man for the Federal Aviation
the old one, chaired by Monty
Agency in Lexington. The dean
was returning to Lexington from
folIn the controversy that
a meeting of the Graduate and
lowed, Bright's decision th? the Professional Student
Committee on Committees had
to take such action Association in Philadelphia.
the power
was overruled, and the Rules
Flew Often
Committee retained its former
Dr. Seay, 43, frequently used
his plane to travel to educational
Maguire later accused Bright and agricultural meetings.
of attempting to "pack a comDr. Charles E. Barnhart, asmittee.' Some assembly memsociated dean of the college, said
bers considered the action an
agriculture in Kentucky,
attempt by Bright to back SG the nation and the world has
i; u
Vice President Tim Futrell's
lost a dedicated and imaginative
candidacy for the 1969-7- 0 presidency.
Bright denied the charge and
J-Bo- ard
said he doubted that any assembly members thought it was
"If some of them did, they're
going to be mighty surprised
before long," Bright declared.
Assistant Managing Editor
"There was no truth at all in
The Interfratemity Council Judicial Board Thursday night found
Bright said he did not take Sigma Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternities
the action to overhaul the Rules guilty of rush rule violations.
Committee on his own, claimThe chapters were fined $3 and IFC vice president Bo
upheld claims that it was
the per active member and an ading it was a group action by
ditional $30 for each pledge who not legally constituted. The IFC
Committee on Committees.
He said the reason for the fails to make a C average or Executive Board then met and
better this semester. Two of the did not refer, or press, the charges
action was that "Jerry (Legere)
is one of the most energetic
fraternities have more than 100 a second time.
Bob Elder, IFC adviser, wrote
members of the assembly."
"It wasn't an attempt to help
It was alleged during the first IFC President Barry Ogilby that
action should be taken on the
anybody," he said. "It was an week of school that the fraterniserved alcoholic drinks charges, and they consequently
the comties had
attempt to strengthen
to rushees in the fraternity houses were referred to the
ruled on the cases last Thursday
Asked if he had any plans to in violation of rush rules.
convened at that time, night.
run for SG president or vice
Seek Improvement
president this spring, Bright found the chapters guilty, and
said his first thoughts after ruled they could not pledge new
Ogilby said the possible fines
Thursday night were not to run members until next fall semes- for
pledges' grades were added
for anything.
"as a rider, to cause improve- He declined to state his presThe constitutionality of the
ent plans.
Contlnued on Paje 3, CoL 1
ruling was challenged,

Art student James Gotfrey displays some of the works of art now being
shown in the btudent Center Art uailery. me woncs, many Dy stuaems
here, will be on display through this week. The Black Arts Festival
Kernel Photo By Russell King
is sponsored by the Black Student Union.

Despite Resignation

Bright Will Keep G Job


Assistant Managing Editor
Despite his resignation to the
Student Government Assembly
last Thursday night, Steve
Bright said Sunday he would
continue in that position for the
remainder of the semester.
Bright, whose resignation was
rejected by the assembly, explained he did not think anyone could receive more support
than a vote of confidence from
the assembly apparently gave
"I've talked with most of the

people and I think we've come
to an understanding," Bright
said. He added that he hoped
to talk with members of Students for Action and Responsibility (SAR) before the next
assembly meeting to iron out
It was an SAR member, Joe
Maguire, who started a move
to oust Bright last Thursday
from the speaker's chair, a move
which preceded Bright's resignation.
The impeachment motion followed a controversy over the

Enrollment To Be Cut
At Community College

Kernel Staff Writer
The director of Jefferson Community College in Louisville says
the number of new students admitted for the fall 1909 semester
will be cut drastically because of a lack of funds and classrooms.
Dr. Herbert M. Jelley said
Friday the school probably would ford says the decrease would come
admit only 300 new students next about in order "to case the pain
fall, compared to 1,400 taken and pressure on lounge and study
last fall.
Dr. Jelley agreed, saying,
The report from Louisville is
misleading, however, according "Our crowded conditions haven't
to Dean Ellis Hartford of the made this a very pleasant year
Community College System Of- for either the students or faculty.
fice in Lexington. The 300 figure, Our classrooms are in constant
use and the students have no
he says, refers to
place to study."
Dr. Jelley said about 1,000
he explains there
are many students attending applications for the fall semester
making pro- already have been received. He
enrollment about six or did not say how the college would
limit the number enrolled, but
seven hundred.
Hartford said it would probably
cut In Jefferson's enrollThe
"first-comment is not yet definite, accord- be limited on the basis of
and would
ing to Dr. Hartford,
The school, one of UK's 15
not be decided until the next
somecommunity colleges, has a total
Advisory Board meeting
future. Dr. Hart enrollment of 2,100.
time in the near



first-served- ."




Three Fraternities

Fu-gaz- zi

* KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, FcK 3, 10G9

2-- TIIE

Chicago School: 'Under New Management

CanUnard from
At it has clone many times
since the late 1950 s, the administration of the liberal Institution
is merely waiting.
"We just hope they will come
out sometime," said Wayne
Booth, dean of the school.
There have been rumors that
the school officials will seek a
court injunction which might
bring in the Chicago police to
dear the students out. This
thought a somewhat frightening one, they admit has occurred to the students, but most
believe the university will not
take such a move.


One of the carload of mimeographed sheets plastered around
the building warns that "No
dope will be permitted in the
building and anyone with dope
will be excluded."
The occupying students are
very aware of the reasons past
UC demonstrations have failed
fatigue, factionalism and the
university "screwing our heads,"
which means to be talked into
compromises and they are trying to prevent them from reoo
The strike steering committee
to comis periodically
bat fatigue and the demands
have been made
to prevent any
But if a prolonged stay is
ahead, factionalism may prove to
be a problem.
One division came Saturday
after a former UC student and

handled' these

things many times before," said
one student. "They're smarter
than the Columbia or San Francisco State officials."
Wayne said the university will
only call in police as a "last,
last ditch effort."
"At that moment we would
cease being a university where
reason and thoughtfulness and
rational discussion are supposed
to prevail," he said.
The students are well prepared for a long wait. Each floor
has collected money with which
to buy food (large quantities of
peanut butter, jelly, bologna,
bread, cereal, coffee and Cracker
Jacks) and tight security measures have been taken.
Strike marshals check everyone entering the building and
allow only UC students and
friends above the first floor. Commensal pressmen are restricted
to the lobby of the building with
a press relations committee keeping them informed.
(Some of the press were angered at the restriction; one cameraman constantly took shots of
demonstrators as he shouted,
"Look mom, look where my tuition's going." This reporter was
allowed to go to the upper floors.)
University security police are
allowed to remain in the building, one on each floor, to see
that no damage is done. Marshals with walkie-talkiealso patrol the building.





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"head-screwing- ."


Editorial Page Editor
University students will have
an opportunity Tuesday to hear
an inside report on the student
and faculty strike at San Francisco State College (SFSQ.
Erwin Kelley, a. professor of
economics at SFSC who is now
on strike, is coming to UK under
the sponsorship of the campus
chapter of the American Association of University Professors,
He will give a talk entitled
"Report from the Battlefield: The
Crisis at San Francisco State" at
12:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Student
Center Theatre.
Kelley himself suffered a
broken finger in one of the clashes
between students and lawmen on
the campus. He feels the major
disturbances there have been
"police riots," which he says
have set off a wave of hysteria
among students and faculty members who have been "clubbed
The strike began Nov. 6 after
San Francisco's State's Black
Student Union presented a list of
demands it said was not negotiable. The demands were augmented by others made by the
Third World Liberation Front, a
coalition of other
minority groups.
The situation preceding the
st rike wo rsened when the school' s
chancellor demanded that George
Murray, the Black Panther Minis-non-whi- te


Coiffures Americana
Beauty Salon


national secretary Clark


(who is originally from
Kentucky; both his parents are
honorary Kentucky Colonels) met
with the steering committee Friday night and suggested a bold
plan of action.
Kessinger urged that since
waiting had led to the failure
a new direction
of past
should be taken. He suggested
that the demonstrators should
begin operating the university
themselves, starting with the hiring of a new set of trustees.
Some students backed that
plan of action, but most looked
upon it as unrealistic and undemocratic, because not all UC
students support the strike.
"We have to decide whether
we want to change the university as it now exists or whether
we want to begin our own institution," one student said.
sit-in- s,

After some debate in a general Besides beinc a radical and riv
session on Saturday, the issue ing more time to students than to
the "publish or perish" doctrine,
was pushed aside.
Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Dixon is of course a womThe
socialist and Marxan, one of the 50 female faculty
with the demonstra- members out of a total 1,500.
ist, spoke
tors and with the press. She in- (Out of 600 tenured faculty, only
sists that she is not the central nine are women.)
The campus Women's Liberaissue, only the triggering mechation Movement is demanding that
The decision not to rehire the school end discriminatory
Mrs. Dixon came after two practices against women andhire
an equal number of female prosources had turned in recommendations on the issue. The so- fessors.
There has been no official
ciology department gave a unanimous recommendation that she dialogue between the adminisnot be rehired but the Committee tration and demonstrating students, only an administrative anon Human Development recommended that she be retained. nouncement suspending 61 of the
Mrs. Dixon has a joint appointprotesting students. Students
ment from the sociology depart- have ignored the suspension.
A Saturday meeting of nearly
ment and the committee.
One issue which has not been 1,000 students and faculty voted
played up is that of university overwhelmingly to recommend
discrimination against women. amnesty for the demonstrators.

Striking San Francisco Teacher
To Describe Situation Tnesday




ter of Information, be suspended
from his SFSC teaching job for
making militant speeches outside
the classroom.
The black students added
Murray's reinstatement to their
list of demands.

The strike began with
disruption tactics by some
striking students, Kelley said,
and eventually resulted in police
being brought to the campus.
Kelley describes the first
"police riot" in which he received his broken finger this way:
"You cannot hope to know
what it was like without having
seen it. Between the pain in my
hand, the revulsion in my mind
and the sickness in my bowels,
I felt the kind of rage that made
all too clear much of what the
students and Blacks had been
trying to communicate about the
'police problem.'
"Two to three police officers
at a time were getting their vengeance in scattered clusters around
the campus on whomever they'd
succeed in capturing."
After the strike had begun,
Dr. S. I. Hayakawa was named
SFSC acting president after the
resigning president announced
his Intentions to cancel classes
because of the disorder.

Dr. S. I. Hayakawa was made
acting president by the school's
board of trustees without going
through the normal procedures,
apparently on his promise to
keep the campus open through
the continued use of police action.
He has since worked closely
with California's conservative

governor, Ronald Reagan, in at
tempting to do just that. As the violence continued to
escalate, the American Federation of Teachers local decided to
call a strike of its own to
"soothe" the situation and, it
said, because learning was almost
impossible on .the campus. About
of SFSC's faculty
holds membership in the AFT.
Kelley and other striking faculty members now are traveling
around the country to raise emergency strike funds and to correct
what they feel is a distorted and
simplistic view of the events occurring on their campus.
Kelley says Dr. Hayakawa has
received funds and services of a
public relations man from a
And he believes the press has
largely "swallowed" Dr.
side of the story.




The strike, he says is really
the result of inadequate finances
and an unresponsive board of
trustees and bureaucratic structure within the college.
Kelley feels that from 70 to
80 percent of the student body
supports the goals of the strike,
although some are not participating because of the violence
and "risks" involved.
The situation is becoming
crucial, he says, because Dr.
Hayakawa has indicated he plans
to reopen the campus despite the
striking faculty members, students and college employes and
gradually to phase them out of
the school.
Kelley' s presentation will be
followed by a reception afterwards in Student Center room
2QfLTLe reception is being sponsored by the UK Black Student

Student Rebels Hitler-Lik- e,
Hayakawa Tells Press

new kind of Hitlerism from the
left" is behind troublej5at JrjLFrancisro State College, according
to Dr. S. I. Hayakawa who says he took trie presidency to halt it.
"Hitler showed us how you can get power over a great nation
by gangsterism and confrontation," the acting president told a
meeting of the American College Public Relations Association
"I took this job because I felt a new kind of Hitlerism was
starting all over again in this nation," he said, "but this time
from the left, not the right."
The noted semanticist said he has been disturbed about events
on American campuses since the Free Speech Movement at the
University of California at Berkeley in 1964.
"I saw that the professors, thinking that all of the trouble was
based on idealism, were supporting their young students just as
professors in Germany supported the young Nazis of the 30s,"
he said.








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* THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, Teh. 3, l9-- 3

IFC Punishes Frats For Ruish Violations
Continued from Tare One
ment, rather than just to punish."
Elder said he believed the
ruling's effect would be
positive. "It has shown the IFC
has authority and has given fraternities the opportunity to improve their internal functions."
Pi Kappa Alpha has 68 active
members, Sigma Chi has 111

Foul-Weath- er
Continued from Page One
After serving in World War II
as an infantry officer, he became
a graduate assistant at UK in
1946. In 1950 he received his
doctoral degree from the University of Wisconsin, and in 1954
was appointed associate professor in UK's agronomy department. He served as director of
the University's cooperative extension service in addition to serving as dean.

Navy Nurse Faces

Hard Labor For

Anti-Wa- r

J.C. Susan Schnall, a Navy
nurse, faces a possible five years
at hard labor after being convicted by a general
She was accused of throwing
antiwar leaflets from an airplane
over four Navy bases and participating in uniform in a"CI March
for Peace."
The same
court that
found her guilty Friday will reconvene Monday to fix sentence.

and Sigma Alpha Epsilon 100.
Pi Kappa Alpha President LarWood said his fraternity was
guilty and admitted its guilt at
meeting. Still, he
says, the fraternity also feels it
and the other two were used as
scapegoats to demonstrate to all
fraternities that IFC rules were
going to be enforced.

"The fine is not entirely out IFC but feels that in some cases
of line with what we did," he agreement among chapter presiadded. "It may solidify the fradents, and the word of each
ternity system and clarify rush president tint certain procedures
rules." He said, "We were strong- would be followed, would be
more effective than formal, writly opposed to the original penit was wrong . . . and ten rules.
Brandt McCool, president of
we would have fought it in any
Sigma Chi, agreed that the penway possible."
He said he favors a strong alty was a fair one, and said his


Air Crash Kills Dean Seay
During Seay's administration,
UK's Agricultural Science Center was dedicated and a new
animal science complex is now
under construction.
Research facilities were expanded at UK substations at
Quicksand in Breathitt County.
Seay, involved in UK's development projects in Thailand

and Indonesia,

last December

made an inspection tour of the
Thailand project.
He also was involved in the
development of a School of Natural Resources within the college.
The dean was a member of
several state, regional, and national farm advisory boards, committees, and professional

He is survived by his father,
William Arthur Seay of Clinton;
his wife, Lyda, and three
children, Edward and Sally, UK
students, and JefTery, who attends Tates Creek High School.
Funeral services will be at
11 a.m. Tuesday at the W. R.
Milward Funeral Home in Southland. Burial will be in Houston-ville,


Columbia Mediator To Speak Tuesday

A mediator in the student rebellion at Columfrom both the right and the left of the
bia University last year, Dr. Walter Metzger, will political spectrum.
be the featured speaker at a banquet Tuesday night
The Columbia
of the local chapter of the American Association of in the AAUP and history professor has been active
in the American Civil Liberties
University Professors.
Dr. Metzger will speak at 7 p.m. in the Student
Tickets for the banquet are available through
Center Grand Ballroom on "The Challenge to
Academic Authority." His talk will deal with Miss Connie Wilson of the School of Social Work.


"pretty well accepted

"It was a misunderstand-

ing," he explained, "I didn't

that rush rule existed.

stantly being revised. They
should be sent to each chapter
every semester before rush."
Supports IFC
"The enforcement will cause
a better understanding of the
rules and the enforcement behind them," he said. "I'm definitely for a stronger IFC."

The presidents said they expected all their pledges to make
grades good enough to avoid
further fines. Sigma Chi's pledges
had the highest grades of any
fraternity last semester, and the
actives were second-higheof the
active chapters.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon president Jim May echoed Wood's
and McCool s support for a
stronger IFC. "In the past we
may not have taken steps as fast
as we should have," he said of
the fraternity system.
He said 28 of 29 pledges "made
their grades" last semester, so no
difficulty is expected with the
threatened fine this semester.
"Under the circumstances the
final decision is a fair one,"
McKay said

court-martia- l.


The specifications against
Mrs. Schnall, 25, charged she
failed to obey a general order
issued at all Bay Area military
bases last October on the day
before the "GI Peace March"
forbidding personnel to take part
in it in uniform.
The prosecution produced a
television tape it said showed
'Mrs. Schnall appeared in uniform as a speaker during the peace


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didn't get a copy this semester,"
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* Nixon, The Draft, More Respect For Human Lives
President Nixon's apparent sin
ccrity in acting to fulfill his campaign promise of abolishing the
draft comes as a pleasant surprise
to many. No one can say as of now
what his motives are or exactly how
sincere he is in ordering the Defense Department to come up with
the plan, but he should be given
the benefit of the doubt.

(which can be no sooner than the
Undoubtedly the plan the DeVietnam is ended). One' fense Department will put forth
war in
would wonder how much chance must entail making the armed serthere can be for its passage, but vices more attractive in order to
draw volunteers. Pay raises, bene-perhaps there is hope.

The move most likely will have
no effect on those young men facing
an immediate threat from the draft,
but the fact that a man of Ni son's
mold would act so soon to end it
is encouraging for the future of the
country. Of course, whatever plan
is evolved must be pushed through
Congress before it can go into effect


The Kentucky Kernel





Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University.
Lee B. Becker,



Darrcll Rice, Editorial Page
Guy M. Mcndcs III, Managing Editor
Tom Dcrr, Business Manager
Jim Miller, Associate
Howard Mason, Photography Editor
.Chip Hutcheson, Sports
Jack Lyne and Larry Kelley, Arts Editors
Frank Coots,
Dana Ewell,
Terry Dunham,
Larry Dale Keeling,
Assistant Managing Editors


fits and perhaps a reduction in the
authoritarian training practices utilized by the armed forces will have
to be made. These should be made
One cannot repeat often enough,
however, that the results of doing
away with the draft are worth almost any price. The draft, in addition to presenting a moral dilemma
to many young men and, of course,
seriously inconveniencing almost
all of them, has the added stigma
of abetting a militaristic and
foreign policy.
The ultimate hope in reducing
the prevailing militaristic posture
is that one day mankind will find
itself able to live in peace without

Kernel Soapbox: Draft Violates Civil Rights
the good of all the people," then you
have no argument against such a governGraduate Student
In any discussion of the draft system ment taking your land or your car or
we must determine if a man's life is anything that it desires "in the good
his own to do with as he sees fit under of all the people."
Daniel Webster, when speaking of
the laws to which he is subject, or if
a man's life is the property of the state a proposal to establish a national draft
to do with as the state sees fit. Under in 1814 said, "The question is nothing
the present laws in our country, the' less than whether the most essential rights
state has legislated (through the draft of personal liberty shall be surrendered
system) that all young men of the age and despotism embraced in its worst
of 18 shall register and be subject to form."
Personal liberty is the guaranteed right
military duty. I contend that this "obis a violation of the basic rights of democracy as outlined in the Declaraligation"
of the individual, slavery at best.
tion of Independence, and conscription
from a strictly moral point! into the armed forces is involuntary serviSpeaking
of view, the draft is a direct violation tude, nothing more nothing less. This
of personal liberty. Must loyalty be coerced discussion boils down to the question
and forced upon the citizens of this of whether we have any rights if the
country? What right has any man to government should decide to deny them.
exact two years of my life in service to For example, I have always regarded it
him? No more right than the state has my right to express my opinion in print.
to exact two years of duty from me in I seriously wonder how far the government can and will go if allowed to conservice for the state.
If you agree that the state possesses tinue as they see fit. At the present
the right to demand your service "for time the government has the right to


require its male citizens to serve two
to four years of their lives in its service.
My wonders are multiplied a thousand
times when I read statements such as
the following from Lt. Cen. Lewis B.
Hershey, "I do not want to go along on
a volunteer basis. I think a fellow should
be compelled to be better and not to
let him use his discretion whether he
wants to get smarter, more healthy, or
more holiest . . .
The impact of this statement ccmes
only when you realize he is talking about
YOU. Even more alarming is that this
is not just one man's opinion, but the
opinion of a man representing the United
States government. Why does this monthly
call for bodies have no concern for the
rights of the citizens of this country?
Just as it is our duty to uphold the
government and its laws, it is also our
duty to change that government which
denies basic freedoms to those people on
which it is founded. Why does a government not encourage its citizens to point
out its faults, making this a better country

to live in? Why instead must our government issue a most severe penalty of five
years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine on
those who refuse to be slaves, driven like
sheep for the "good of all of the people."
A government is only as strong as the
people who make it up. In a democracy
the individual is the source of authority.
Each individual must abide by the laws
that exist and resp