xt7n5t3g1n98 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n5t3g1n98/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; The National Archives and Louisana State University, Cooperating Sponsors; Other contributors include: National Archives (U.S.), University of New Orleans, United States Work Projects Administration, Division of Community Service Programs; 4 leaves, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.13/23 books English New Orleans: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XIII Civil Works Administration, Number 23 Mississippi text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XIII Civil Works Administration, Number 23 Mississippi 1941 1941 2015 true xt7n5t3g1n98 section xt7n5t3g1n98 * I I I I°'YI“??T’i°iT7????F‘ I A I INVENTCDRY or E FEDEI<¢\L ¢\§&CH1\/E5 nm me SI/WEB S I ‘ E I gi - SIMS xm wémvnn w0R1<$ A0M1M1$TRAT1ON I NO 23. _ [ I M1$$e$$1Pn>¤ ; _ SWVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES C ~ WORK PROJECTS ADELINISTRATION _ DIVISION OF COIEMUIIITY SERVICE PROGRAMS NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA I A ~ ` ' O » . A INVENTORY OP FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Com unity Service Programs ‘Ncrk Projects Administration _ The National Archives and , Louisiana State University Cooperating Sponsors _ SERIES XIII S THE CIVIL WORKS ADMINISTRATION SNO. 25. MISSISSIPPI New Orleans, Louisiana The Survey of Federal Archives 19LIl ,r,,.... ·*°' ! ` 5. The Survey of Federal Archives Philip M. Hamer, National Director 5 Stanley C. Arthur, State Supervisor it gi Division of Community Service Programs a i Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner i Alma S. Hammond, State Director F Y? WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner James H. Crutoher, State Administrator i Q 5 i 3 1 M F — ii I A \ PREFACE The Inventory of Federal Archfggs_in the States is one of the prod- ucts of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a naticnewide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to June 50, 1957, and has been continued in Louisiana since that date as a state project of that Administration, and of the`Work Projects Administration with Louisiana State University as its local sponsor. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: j Series l consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, ac- knowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inven- tory form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the ex- ecutive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. "Nithin each series No. l is a gen- eral introduction to the field organization and records of the govern- mental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. M, etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, in- clusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the in- formation was secured), general description of informational content, description of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form.of the record itself (bound vol- umes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfac- tory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 58SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." In Louisiana the work of tho Survey was under the direction of Mr. Stanley C. Arthur since its inception. This Inventory of the records of the Civil Works Administration in Mississippi was prepared in the New Orleans Office of the Survey under the direction of Mrs. Norris B. Fazekas, editor-in-chief and assistant state supervisor. Stanley C. Arthur State Supervisor New Orleans, Louisiana Survey of Federal Archives June 50, 19hl in Louisiana iii é 4 CIVIL WORKS ADMINISTRATION y Page JACKSON A State and Local Civil Works Administration ............. 1 Records in Custody of Office of Custodian of Old Records ...·..........•........................... 2 Records in Custody of State NPA Office ................. 2 4 Records in Custody of`WPA Offices {District 5) .... ..... 5 1 CIMIL“WORKS ADMINISTRATION JACKSON ¥ STATE AND LOCAL CIVIL WORKS ADMINISTRATION (A) Tower Bldg., Cor. W. Pearl and S. Roach Sts. (B) cottage mcg., 255o 11. state st. (C) Mississippi State Hospital, Whitfield, Miss. m Included in this section are old records pertaining to the former 1 relief offices which operated in the State of Mississippi. Records in the Cottage and Tower Buildings are in the custody of the WPA Ad- ministrator. Those in the Mississippi State Hospital at Whitfield are in the custody of the acting ERA Administrator. These records I were placed in a separate section, due to the fact that they, with 1 few exceptions, are never used. The relief program.was first begun in November 1952 and was known as the State Board of Public Welfare of Mississippi, financed by a loan obtained from the Reconstruction T Finance Corporation, and operating under the direct supervision of f the governor. This office was succeeded by the Emergency Relief Ad- ’ ministratien, State Board of Public Welfare, in 1955, which was fi- nanced by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and operated I under the authority of the governor of the state, but general rules of the FERA were followed. It assumed the responsibility of dis~ I bursing relief funds to all unemployed in the State of Mississippi. In November 1955 the Civil Works Administration was organized and took ever many of the responsibilities of the ERA. This organization appointed the same administrator, and the personnel was affected only- I because it was necessary to place men in charge of road work and con- struction projects instead of the women who had staffed the relief organization. This office operated only a short time, and in the spring of 195h the ERA again assumed the entire burden of responsibil- ities until January 2, 1956. The Cattle Division, the Transient Bu- reau, and CCC functioned as subordinate offices of the ERA. On January 2, 1956 the Emergency Relief Administration of Missis— sippi closed and all records belonging to this office were transferred from the county offices to the Mississippi State Hospital at Whitfield, Mississippi, about nine miles from Jackson. These records are stored in the Sasement ooms of the hospital, in paper cartons, with no regard as to method of storage or arrangement. Certain local records of the CWA were left in the county seats, as not worth the expense of transfer. These are duplicates of originals in the archives of the state office. Certain financial records of the CWA have been taken by accounting officers of the Federal Government. The balance are stored, most of them in disorder, in Basement Rooms of the Hospital for the Insane at Whitfield, and the old Hospital for i the Insane at Jackson. Some of the CWA records were later removed to the Cottage Building of the old State Hospital for the Insane at Jack- son, to facilitate reference to them. YT . 1 5 ( ‘ The Civil Works Administration, Jackson 2 i 1 Mr. Buford Yerger, acting ERA Administrator, was placed in charge I of these old records at the time of the close of the ERA. 1 ` The storage facilities at Whitfield ar most unsatisfactory. The basement rooms are very damp and infested with vermin which are . attacking and destroying these records; many papers are scattered I 1 around loose and have become dirty and damaged by careless handling. There is an urgent need of more satisfactory storage facilities being T a supplied at once if these records are to be preserved. The organization of the WIA was begun in July 1955; however, actual employment on projects did not start until late in the year, and the 7 ERA could not be discharged of its functions until January 2, 1956. ` , The WPA is related to the State Board of Public Welfare, ERA, and 3 CWA, in that it assumed the entire burden of assigning jobs to un— 1 employed persons in the State of Mississippi, the work formerly under» I taken by the above agencies. Records in Custody of Office_ef Custodian of Old Records E 1. CWA COMMODITY ORDERS, 1955 — 195M. Commodities for clients' families, for small amounts of goods. (Never.) 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 loose sheets, 27 ft., in barrels, and wooden and pastebeard boxes. Damaged E by vermin, careless handling, faulty containers. NW. room, 2d floor (siag. B). (591) _ Records in Custody of State`WPA Office ) 2. CWA CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 — 195h. Of state and county admin~ I istrators, relative to the administering of CWA in Mississippi. T - (Never.) 9 1/2 x ll 5/L folders, 10n ft., in barrels, pasteboard l cartons, and transfer files. Scattered, damaged by vermin, careless 7 handling, faulty containers. NW. room, 2d floor (Bldg. B). ($95) I 5. CWA MISCELLANEOUS FILES, 1955 — 195h. Work cards, alphabeti- cal list of clients, fund control records, service project assignment ~ cards, personal record cards, project assignment sheets, etc. (trip1i~ cate). (Never,) 8 x 15 and 9 1/2 x 12 bound vols. and folders, 12 ft. 8 in., in 7 pasteboard boxes. Damaged by vermin, careless handling, faulty containers. S. room, basement (Bldg. C). (155) M. CWA PROJECT APPROVAL FORMS, 1955 - 195h. Showing nature of _ project, local estimates of cost, approval of state and national of~ ` fioes, etc. (Never.) B 1/2 x ll loose sheets, 15 ft., in 6 transfer eases. NW. room, 2d floor (Bldg. B). (596) 5. CWA PROJECT REGISTER 1955 ~ 195h. Form CWA-A—5, estimated date of completion, date approved, started, and completed; location, do- scription, number, and type of project. (Never.) lh x 17 1oose—leaf books, 2 ft., in pasteboard cartons. Damaged by careless handling, vermin, faulty containers. E. room, basement (Bldg, B). (581) r 6. CWA WORK PROJECT REPORTS, COMPLETED, TRANSFERRED OR DISCONTINUED, I 1952 - 1955. Final reports, showing number, cost, final status ef_ ` ro'ect when office was closed. Filed bv counties. (Never.) 8 1/2 x ll E §§%§$rS, 12 ft., in 5 transfer cases. N. room, basement (Bldg. C). ri The Civil Works Administration, Jackson 5 { _ g Records in Custody of District 5 WPA Offices S vi 7. CWA COM LETED PROJECTS, 1955 — 195U. Showing data in regard . ` A 3 to project, cost in detail, and source of funds. (Never.) lh x 17 i 1ccse—leaf books, 56 ft., in barrels and pasteboard boxes. Damaged § by vermin, careless handling, faulty containers. NW. room, 2d floor ( (B1dg· B). (598) 7 Q 8. CWA MANAHOUR REGISTERS, 1952 — 1955. Form CWA—S-h-A, weekly ( report on employment, hours, and wages on CWA projects. (Never,) ( ~§ 17 x 2h loose sheets, 1 ft. b in., in pastebeard box and cartons. . 5 Damaged by vermin, careless handling, faulty containers. N, room, 1 f] basement (Bldg, C). (550) * Q 9, CWA PAY ROLL ANALYSES, 1955 — 195h. Made by the state office, § fi showing number employed, class of labor, expenditures classified, etc. 1 S (Never.) 1O x 12 folders, M ft., in 2 transfer cases. NW. room, 2d riccr (Bldg. B). (BB7) I 10. CWA PAY ROLLS FOR PERSONAL SERVICE, 1955 - 195}.;. For work on (l CWA projects, payment made by local disbursing officers on authority I j of county administrators. (Never.) 9 1/2 x 17 loose sheets, 69 ft., Y in 50 transfer cases and 11 pastebeard cartons. Damaged by vermin, Q A careless handling, faulty containers. NW. rec , 2d floor (Bldg. B). 5 n (Bee) _ 11. CWA PROJECT REPORTS, 1955 — 195h. Showing actual weekly costs, ) , in detail, of projects, with distribution, by cost of labor, transporta— ) Q tion, material, and other expenses; also source of funds. Filed nu- Q Q merically by counties. (Never.) lh x 17 loose sheets, 16 ft., in 8 ) T transfer cases. NW. room, 2d floor (Bldg. B). (59U) A j 12. CWA PURCHASE ORDERS, 1955 -195M. On merchants, for materials ) I and supplies issued by state office and local units. Filed numerically. I ji (Never.) 9 1/2 x 11 5/Lp. folders, 55 ft., in 28 transfer cases. NW. E room, 2d floor (Bldg. B). (590) £ 15. CWA REQUISITIONS FOR PURCHASES, 1955 — 195h. By engineers, { for equipment and materials‘needed for execution of projects. Filed numerically, (Never.) 9 1/2 x'1l 5/1;. folders, 2 ft., in transfer gj case. Nw. room, aa floor (Bldg. B). (Zea) ·V.‘ lh. CWA TIME BOOKS, 1955 — 195h. Containing name, case number, f number of hours worked each day, rate of pay per hour, for labor only. E (Never.) A 1/2 x 6 1/2 vols., 11 ft., in nine pasteboard cartons, { boxes and barrels. Damaged by vermin, careless handling, faulty con~ ) tainers. NW. room, 2d floor (Bldg. B). (58h) 15. CWA TIME SHEETS, 1955 -· 19511. Weekly report of timekeeper on Q the project, used in local office for making pay rolls. (Never.) .§ 8 1/2 x 1O 1/2 loose sheets, 10 ft., in 5 pasteboard cartons. Damaged § by vermin, careless handling, faulty containers. NW. room, 2d floor (Bldg. B). (BBB) The Civil Works Administration, Jackson L; 4 16, CWA VOUCHERS, 1955 - l95}l. Issued for various items in con- J nection with the administering of CTIA works or projects, mainly for ` payment of purchase of materials and supplies. (Never.) 8 l/2 x ll loose sheets, ll ft., in 5 transfer cases. IM. room, 2d floor (B]-dg- B)- ` 17. CWA WORK CARDS, 1955 ··· 195Lp. Issued to client for identifica- tion when assigned to a CWA work project. (Never.) lp x 6 paper slips, 506 ft., in barrels, wooden boxes, and pasteboard cartons. Damaged by vermin, careless handling, faulty containers. IM. room, 2d floor i I h, ke iii Ag; PUBLICATIONS PREPARED BY THE j~ LOUISIANA HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY Q DIVISION 0} COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS QI _ WORK PROJECTS ADIINISTRATION 1 INVENTORIES A A Q Series II. The Judiciary. ·y Nc. 2. The Supreme Court of Louisiana. (vii, 59 p. mimeo., i { April 1941) EZ INVENTORIES OF EARISH ARCHIVES 1 No. 2. Allen. (iv, 91 p. nimeo., June 1938) 1 No. 6. Beauregard. (v, 105 p. mimeo., October 1940) g No. 8. Bossier. (v, 295 p. mimeo., August 1940) § No. 10. Calcasieu. (iv, 115 p. mimeo., March 1958) ( { N0. 22. Grant. (iv, 110 p. mimeo., April 1940) E *No. 26. Jefferson. (iv, 457 p. mimeo., January 1940) §` N0. 26. Jefferson: A Brief History. (Reprinted from "A Brief History A E of Jefferson Parish," in Jefferson Parish Yearly Review, 1959, § pp. l27»185; ix, 25 p. mimeo., April 1940) ~ g N0. 28. Lafayette. (iv, 118 p. mimeo., Harch 1938) E No. 55. Natchitoches. (v, 180 p. mimeo., September 1938) i *N0. 36. Orleans. (v, 172 p. mimeo., June 1939) 3 No. 58. Plaquemines. (iii, 228 p. mimco., August 1959) A Q No. 44. St. Bernard. (iii, 150 p. mimeo., Deeeamer 1969) j Q *No. 45. St. Charles. (ii, 117 p. mimeo., November 1957) Q No. 55. Terrebonne. (xiii, 169 p. mimeo., May 1941) y E No. 59. Washington. (vi, BC5 p. mimeo., March 1940) g INVENTORIES QE MUNICIPAL ARQRIVES l 5 Town of Franklinton. (x, 55 p. mimeo., April 1941) Jl I 2 ‘ Q MANUSCRIPTS PUBLICATIONS I """""'°"‘“"_""' ""i""""""""" 1 I Q "Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in Louisiana," ¥§ Louisiana Historical Quarterly, XXIV (1941), 505-$55. Not @1 distributed separately. _ E *Guide to the Manuscript Collections in Louisiana: Q?’ The Department of Archives. Vol. 1. (iv, 55 p. mimoo., y, August 1940) A? *Guide to lhnuscript Collections in the Department of Archives, Louisiana ek State University. Vol. 1. (2nd cd., vi, 108 p. nulti., _§f December 1940) Zi lg *Ca1endars of Manuscript Collections ir Louisiana: Q Series 1. The Department of Archives: No. 1. Taber 5 Collection. (12 p. printed, lmy 1938) a Q ;_£ Q | 1 gij An Inventory of the COll€Ct1OH5 of the Middle American Research Institute: 1; %; *1Jc. 1. Callender I. Fayssoux Collection of William Walker Papers. { rj; (ii, 28 p. mimeo., May 1957) tif ‘*NO. 2. Calendar of the Yueatccan Letters. (viii, 240 p. mimeo., l (ag October 1959) § iii *No. 5. Maps in the Frederick L. Hoffman Collection. (viii, 146 p. )§i mimeo., December 1959) iw? Transcriptions of Manuscript Collections in Louisiana: ;;Y No. 1. The Favrot Papers: lg, Vol. 1. 1695-1769. (iv, 12E p. mimco., February 1940) @9Q Vol. II. 1769-1781. (x, 184 p. mimeo., December 1940) l Vol. III. 1781-1792. (x, 166 p. mineo., March 1941) i( Vol. IV. 1795-1796. (xiii, 140 p. mineo., June 1941) jg Vol. IX. [1812). (ii, 108 p. mimeo., February 1941) li "Mississippi River Ice at New Or1eans," Louisiana Historical Quarterly, )§T XXI (1956), 549-555. Not distributed separately. )é` AMERICAN IMPRINTS INVENTORY PLELICATIOHS l i Location Symbols for Libraries in the United States. (v, 258 p. mineo., October 1959) . (E, Location Symbols for Libraries in the United States, Additions and j in Corrections. (56 p. mimeo., January 1941) 1 CHURCH IIRCHIVES EEQICJXEOEE I %, Church Qiregtorics ) iii *Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations in New Orleans. 1 A5 (iv, 96 P. mimeo., March 1941) 1 i, 1 ); TRANSCRIPTIONS OE_§AR1SH E§CORQ§_QQ Lgglglaig lil No. 24. Iberville Parish: Series I. Police Jury Minutes. QQ- *Vo1. 1. 1850-1862. (xlviii, 188 p. mimco., April 1940) (KQ *Vol. 2. 1880-1901. (lxxvii, 561 p. mimeo., lby 1940) ;§* *Vo1. 5. 1901-1916. (lxxxi, 468 p. mimeo., July 1940) )§’ *Vol. 4. 1916-1925. (1, 281 p. mimco., October 1940) ]¥J *V0l. 5. 1925-1956. (cviii, C15 p. mimeo., lhrch 1941) )§l No- 26. Jefferson Parish: Series I. Police Jury Minutes. wei. 1. ism-isis. (Xxxvii, 257 p. mirveo-, Juno l959) #§, *V0l. 5. 1858-1870. (liv, 519 p. mimeo., November 1959) )@. *VOl. 5-A. 1871-1884. (lix, 547 p. nimeo., January 1940) 13,. *Vol. 4. 1870-1870. (lxix, 570 p. mimeo., March 1940) ;.‘ *Vol. 5. 1879-1888. (lxvi, 586 p. mimeo., April 1940) ii; *VOl. 6. 1889-1895. (lxvi, 4OO p. mimeo., April 1940) QQ. *Vo1. 7. 1895-1904. (liii, 480 p. mimeo., June 1940) I Q}; *Vol. 8. 1905-1912. (lvii, 342 n. mimeo., July 194C) §$, *Vol. 9. 1912-1018. (1v, 492 p. mineo., September 1940) I 1; 12 1 1 13 A 1 11 1 121 *V01. 10. 101851924. (lxxx, 532 p. mimeo., September 10lO) 131 *V01. 11. 102€~10L9. (lxgxv, 650 p. mimoo., Supt©@b¤r 1P{0) 1 _ 1Q{ *V01. 12. 1930-IVLE. (1 iv, 622 p. mimcc., Novcwbcr 1?q0) 1fi *V01. 13. 1935~13?€. (xliz, 515 p. mimco., February 1i11) 1 1 . . 1 1 . 1 1f1 N0. 4%. St. Bernard bor1sh: SOTIOS L. P011c0 Jury M;nut0s. Eff V01. 1. 1870-1877. (x1, I07 ¤. mimcc., July 1941) 11 1$* M1SCELLA1EOUS PUBLIUAT10NS 1 1 Z; -·~·——·—;·—····•······—·*····* -·*‘*‘*"""·*'*";"" 1 _.·· . 1 = ; . . . 1 . . . . 1 VQ *C0unty—Pur1sh Roundurxcc LH ¤cu1s;av&. (v1, 139 D. N1MOO,, V1, October 1039) L 1} *Judicia1 and C0ngr0ssi0na1 Distwict Buundary Law in Louisiana. j 11i (ii, 90 p. multi., Octcbcr 1€39) 1 13 1 1 " 1 "¤ ` 1 1 T1 1 . . 1 1m * Denotes out of pr1nt. 1 2 15 1 { 1 1 1 gk J Q1 1 1 S· z 1 -5 ' 1; 1 1 L1 _ 1 1 1 11 1 Av 1 §; Vi 1 1 1, WL 1t 1 ’» 1F~ 1, 1& 1 "$ _ 1 "~ 1 T? 1 ` ` ‘ if iS _ `j $2 1 u PUBLICATIONS PREPARED BY THE ` L SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES F DIVISION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION » JN LOUISIANA j ~ INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES: T s; ) EgQ$ Ns. 4. ARKANSAS I Zi ~ I wip Series II. The Federal Courts (vi, 46 p. mimeo., December, E TQ 1959 p)? Series III. The Department of the Treasury (iii, 22 p. mimeo., E gq August, 1958) ‘ ijf Series IV. The Department of War (iv, 125 p. mimeo., June, r IA} 1958 gy s`I Series V. The Department of Justice (iii, 12 p. mimeo., July, 1958) T \@e Series VII. The Department of the Navy (iii, 5 p. mimeo., Q ypf June, 1958) y§& Series VIII. The Department of the Interior (iii, 8 p. mimeo., { )§g June, 1941) jww Series IX. The Department of Agriculture (v, 161 p. mimeo., fi I_‘ . October, 1958) Q yéf Series X. The Department of Commerce (iii, 5 p. mimeo., ’ §. _.·” July, 1958) { VQ Series XI. The Department of labor (iv, 6 p. mimeo., December, VS" Series XII. The Veterans' Administration (iv, 42 p. mimeo., f" September, 1940) i tg Series XV. Works Progress Administration (iv, 68 p. mimeo., 1 (f;A June, 1941) i g]1 Series XVI. The Farm Credit Administration (iii, 8 p. mimeo., i X?. AApri1, 1941) E Q§Y, Series XVII. The Miscellaneous Agencies (iv, 29 p. mimeo., lff April, 1941) A 1 1 =‘ {f; No. 17. LOUISIANA _ jfAZ Series II. The Federal Courts (iv, 51 p. mimeo., October, 1g¤‘ 1959) I 1f}* Series III. Department of the Treasury (iv, 557 p. mimeo., )?= .‘·_ July, 1958) ( XQQQ Series IV. The Department of War (iv, 228 p. mimeo., July, @35 19%) A i§ 5 Series V. The Department of Justice (iii, 20 p. mimeo., LAY August, 1958) IE]? Series VII. The Department of the Navy (iii, 46 p. mimeo., May. 1958) A Y,' ,i,‘ Series IX. The Department of Agriculture (vi, 501 p. mimeo., A W i May, 1958) A $$1; Series X. The Department of Com erce (iii, 88 p. mimeo., = g-Q July, 1958) ? Si? Series XI. The Department of Labor (iv, 19 p. mimeo., Q`? February, 1940) A Jkt gép Series XII. The Veterans‘ Administration (iv, 40 p. mimeo., fe February, 1940) ;E Series XIV. The Emergency Relief Administration (iii, 14 p, 5 Q§ mimeo., June, 1941) [ [31 Series XV. Works Progress Administration (v, 103 p. mimee,, { » lgi June, 1941) jg Series XVI. The Farm Credit Administration (iii, 13 p. I ,Qé mimeo., April, 1941) ,Sg Series XVII., Miscellaneous Agencies (vii, 127 p., mimeo., if June, 1941) Qi No. 23. MISSISSIPPI E »n 5 Q? Series II. The Federal Courts (vi, 53 p. mimeo., November, E j;» 19ee) Q to Series III. The Department of the Treasury (iv, 49 p. mimeo., if, December, 1939) ` .y` Series IV. The Department of War (iv, 95 p. mimeo., June, ,{ 1eee) § fyi Series V. The Department of Justice (iv, 13 p. mimeo., Q Q; September, 1939) I ij) Series VII. The Department of the Navy (iii, 1 p. mimeo., ! gp June, 1938) 1 Q Series VIII. The Department of_the Interior (iii, 21 p. mimeo., 1 if March, 1941) E E, Series IX. The Department of Agriculture (viii, 232 p. fi mimeo., October, 1939) A §j Series X. The Department of Commerce (iii, 7 p. mimeo., § August, 1938) _ §, Series XI. The Department of Labor (iv, 28 p. mimeo., March, A fl 1940) { { . Series XII. The Veterans' Administration (iv, 31 p. mimeo., ;· mane, 1940) E if Series XIII. The Civil Works Administration (iii, 4 p. mimeo., » EY June, 1941) · Q Q Series XV. Works Progress Administration (v, 81 p. mimeo., ff June, 1941) ._ Series XVI. The Farm Credit Administration (iv, 5 p. mimeo., 1 34 March, 1940) EY Series XVII. Miscellaneous Agencies (v, 27 p. mimeo., June, p ft 1941) I gv No. 41. TENNESSEE 1 §{ Series II. The Federal Courts (vii, 89 p. mimeo., December, 1 -5 1939) f‘ Series III. The Department of the Treasury (iii, 94 p. Sv mimeo., October, 1938) {Y Series IV. The Department of War (iv, 87 p. mimeo., May, Q 1938) Ei Series V. The Department of Justice (iv, 33 p. mimeo., f ·.i, October, 1939) li, Series VII. The Department of the Navy (iii, 6 p. mimeo., ~ §Fj May, 1938) i 5 L§_ Series VIII. The Department of the Interior (iv, 53 p, mimeo., 1yj February, 1941) 1f§ Series IX. The Department of Agriculture (vi, 181 p. mimeo., 1 ii? A June, 1938) { 1Qg Series X. The Department of Commerce (iv, 6 p. mimeo., iQ January, 1940) 1 · QQ Series XI. The Department of Labor (iii, 25 p. mimeo., April, 1 it 1941) 1 1 QQ Series XII. The Veterans' Administration (iii, 36 p. mimeo., 1 EQ June, 1941) 1 ‘f Series XVI. The Farm Credit Administration (iii, 51 p. mimeo., 1 QQ April, 1941) 1 ff Series XVII. The Miscellaneous Agencies (vi, 85 p. mimeo., cg . ·1 May, 1941) I gg MISCELLANEOUS , a‘ i .‘ 1 fi ` A History of the U. S, Custom House, New Orleans (ii, 58 p. ,§’ mimeo., June, 1941) E éw Ship Registers and Enrollments of New Orleans, Louisiana, Vol. I. Q 1804-1820 (xv, 171 p. mimeo., August, 1941) 1 4 1 1 ‘ 1 1 1 ( 1 » 1 1 ? 1 l Y 1 111 1 1 i n 1 1 ° i_ ’ 1 · 1 I 1f; 1 tg ! L ;~ Q _ V I <.. ,?5 is io av j ,1 L. A 3 · ji, ~; Q -;:3 V. " 23%* ' ·.)§ *‘¢L >.}· ifi? i ` 1.5; xiii ¤ 1 ·_ J; . z V .3 ‘ - 1 · .r 6E ]Sg.g’S . Q5 *2:; Qi`? — LQ FE; . C? K? l ??é »'~I§ zi-1. To il .’‘. 1% '_ L 4 £V iii , } ` 2 ·. i 2 § V.! ‘ *3;% - 2 g ‘ f .3.} { » = ] 2 2 fi ¥ Z . 4 · E 7 ` 2 2 2 2 2 i 3 .:,29 E ‘ . ir [#2 { 2 2 E ~ r z ·. 2 2 2 I .C* * · . ,2 _ 2 2 i { 2 . 5; § 2 2 · 2 E I F 2 2 = 2 E 2 I 2 .2 2 ? 1 2 24 1 1 *1 ZN Z: yl 2 ..2 .. ‘2 ` EE {T J . fi AE 5 `1 A . } `.'1 E { .¢ 5 ,- v 1 · 1 2 . i i _} ···——-·» 2 `Q ""‘·· . i . - ”"·‘···· . .... - .-.__.__A __ _ §