xt7n5t3g1w7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n5t3g1w7z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-08-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 2004 2004 2004-08-27 2020 true xt7n5t3g1w7z section xt7n5t3g1w7z Friday

August 27, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915


Celebrating 33 years of independence

Call to post: Hollywood seeks
UK extras for racing movie
Features, Page 6





in cross-campus chase

By Rebecca Neal
tki' KTNTUCW mm

A UK police officer was
hit and three students nar-
rowly escaped injury dur-
ing a police chase through
South (,‘aiiipus yesterday
morning that ended with
the arrest of :1 Georgetown

Police arrested (‘htii‘lt‘s
Nathaniel Buchanan. 12.
and charged him with four
counts of wanton endan-
1 l1 1‘ e e
counts of
ing a hat
fie device.
and one
count eai'lt
ot lleeing
and eyail
in: polii e.
pended ilt‘i‘llse and no in
stirance. said l'l\' l’tillt’l'

The i‘liiisi‘
lll lli a in .n (0111111011
wealth \‘tidiuin. Monroe
said. when :1 traffic control
officer became suspicious
of a green i‘hrysler (‘ii‘rus
moving through the park
111).: lol The officer tried to
stop the ear. bill the t irrus
sped onto l'niversity llrive.
Monroe said

He said Buchanan. who
was driving, the car. struck
.‘iliotlier l'K Police officer
working traftic duty on l'ni~
yersity Drive The officer.
who Monroe \aid was



began at

"grazed" on the leg but not
injured. jumped in his car
and joined the ptirsiiit.

Monroe said Buchanan
ran a red light at the inter
section of l'niyersity Drive
and (‘ooper Avenue. Three
students were attempting to
cross the street. but .‘tloniee
said they heard the police
sirens in time to get back
on the curb

Buchanan rm .1 stop
sign at l‘ntyersity and
lluguelet drives and aiiotli
er as he turned left onto
lilllliip Avenue. Monroe
said. The (‘irriis stopped on
a patio area between K Lair
(it'lll and Parking Structure
No 2. he said. Additional
police cars drove down the
patio from Rose Street.
blocking the ear in. he said.

Buchanan was arrested
at the scene, Monroe said.
while another tiiaii in the
car was released. Buchanan
is not .i [K student and po
lice are still investigating
why he was on campus lie
was beitig held last night at
the Le.\ington l-‘avette
(‘ounty Detention (‘enter
till Sillfiill lLtll

Monroe said police are
investigating whether
Buchanan was itiyolyed in
any of the 15' break ins on
campus in the past week

The chase occurred
while tew students were
walking to class. said one

"The [Iiilli‘e were
searching the cat: sitting
in front ol K Latr." said
philosophy senior and K



mm 1 sun

UK Police officers search a Chrysler Cirrus. Police chased Charles
Nathaniel Buchanan, 42, from Commonwealth Stadium to K-Lair Grill.
He was arrested following the chase. No one was injured.

Latr employee .lason

“Students were walk-
ing by; looking at it and go-
ing on ldidn‘t think much
.iboiit it."

Wes Thomas. who
works in the parking struc»
titre. was on break in the
patio area between K-Lair
arid the garage when the
chase eitded. He said the
police were in control of
the situation so he was
never scared His Wife,
Lois. who works in the Be»
it rson Service Btiildtiig.

had a different opinion

"She said. “Be careful:
next time you should go iii-
side instead." he said.

Watching the chase and
arrest meant he was late to
work. but Thomas said it
was a inetnorable event to

“This is the most excite-
ment we've had in a long
time.” he said “It‘s otir ver
sion of ‘(‘op.s' on 1'l\"s cam

E mail
rtieii/ Aylici ne/ com













v rs"





Police issue alert after boy assaulted ‘

By Rebecca Neal

UK Police issued a cam-
pus safety alert yesterday af-
ter a juvenile reported being
grabbed by a man at the UK
(‘handler Medical (‘enter

Maj. .loe Monroe said the
juvenile was standing in a
smoking area next to the ('ol
lege of Dentistry at .‘r to p in

The boy leaned his head back
against the wall and closed
his eyes for a minute when an
unknown man grabbed his
right arm. Monroe said

It took the boy three tries
to shake free and run into the
dentistry building. where he
called police to report the
menacing. the officer s.ll(l
The man iled toward Rose

Street on a bicycle

The man did not attempt
to take the boy‘s wallet or
any belongings. Monroe said

The suspect is described
as a white man in his mid»
.llls. Stool-9. with brown hair
and of medium build. lie
was wearing blue jean
shorts. a blue shirt aiiil a
white baseball cap

Police advise anyone on
campus to stay
their surroundings.

travel alone and not to rest

their eyes or sleep unaccom
panied in public areas.

Anyone with informa-
tion about the incident
should call UK Police at 257-


meal a kykernel. com


aware of i
not to :1


arty's hosts
face possible

By Dariush Shafa

A UK student who signed for Brian Muth’s release
from jail and those who provided Muth With alcohol could
face charges related to his death.

Muth. 19. was arrested early Tuesday

and charged with alcohol intoXication.
Under a state law. KRS 244.085. the people
who hosted the party at 422 Gibson Ave.
could be responsible for providing alcohol
to someone under 21,

A resident of the Gibson Avenue
home declined comment Thursday after-

Susan West. assistant dean of students
and director of sorority atfairs. has been in-
volved with educating fraternity and sorori-
ty students on the dangers of underage drinking and said
that the law is ten; clear.“lf you‘re providing alcohol to a mi-
nor. you're breaking the law." West said.

Several UK students said they knew of the law prohibit-
ing the distribution of alcohol to people under the legal age.

Alexa O‘Brien. an 18-year-old pre-pharmacy freshman.
said she didn't think the law was a deterrent.

“It hasn't stopped arty of the people 1 know from hav~
ing parties with underage drinking." O'Brien said.

Kirk Laird. a 30-year-old telecommunications senior.
said he learned about the responsibility from discussions
of keg tagging.

“I wouldn‘t have [a
party] just for that fact
because 1 know underage
people are going to show
up. and that‘s bad news."

Laird also said he
doesn‘t think Muth‘s
death will change any»
one's mind about throw-
ing a party With under-
age drinking

"l‘m stire this isn't
the only iincidenti. it's
just the only one people
are talking about."

UK law professor
Robert Lawson said the
owner of the property Phil
Henry. would probably not
be held reswnsible for the
actions of his tenants.

Lawson said that by law. Henry did not commit a crime
of negligence or omission.

”The only time you can impose liability on a person is
if they have a legal ditty to act.” Lawson said

['K student Aaron McNulty. who paid a $4 fee and
signed for .\1uth's release, also could be held criminally ac-
countable. said I'K law professor Sarah Nelling.

According to jail documents. McNulty signed for Muth
and accepted responsibility for him. Attempts to reach Mc-
Nulty yesterday were unsuccessful

Because Muth was struck by a tiactor-trailer on New
Circle Road while he was supposed to be under the super-
vision of .\1c.\'ulty. Welling said a crime might have been


Funeral information

Visitation for Muth
will be front 2 pm. to 9
pm. today at Pearson Rat-
terson Funeral Home at
12900 Shelbyville Road in
Louisville. The funeral
mass will be at 10:30 am.
Saturday at St. Albert the
Great Church 1395 Gi-
rard Dr in Louisville. Do-
nations may be made to
the Trinity Annual Fund
at Trinity High School.
4011 Shelbyville Road.
Louisville, Ky. 40‘on




E mail ds ‘irif'u .1 A‘rkci'nelcom

Food service promotes
low-carb meal options

By Samieh Shaiash

l'lx' dining sei vices \\ ill soon roll out a new advertising
campaign that highlights low carb options and promotes
the availability of healthy eating on campus

Low-carb eating options at [K may seem scarce
they‘re .is easy to find as stopping at K-Lair

“There‘s roast beef. they offer vegetables and salads.
But you have to be low-carb savvy in order to take advan-
tage of that." said Robin t‘abbs. director of dining services

(iibbs said the adyertising is needed to make students
more aware of some options already available to them.
Food service employees will be trained to offer customers
the lowcai'b feature of the day in some cases. she said.

Evan Robertson. who eats on campus about three
times a day. said he's never noticed any healthy eating op-
tions asttle from the obvious

“The healthy alternatives now are basically salads."
the first-year graduate student in diplomacy said. “Just
about everything is fried or greasy or some combination of
the two “

While campus menus won‘t have a drastic change in
offerings. recipes Will be tweaked to include healthier in-
gredients. said Libby Allen. assistant director of dining

"We're not going to be inventing the wheel here and in
venting new products.” she said. "It's simply eliminating
certain things and using whole wheat pasta and brown rice
instead. for example."

People nixing carbs from their diet can still find some.L
thing to eat. too.

“We cotild do a stir fry without the rice." Allen said.
“You can do that with anything. it‘s easy to make recipes

Using fresher products in menu items will be another





Friday,Auq. 27, 2004 I PAGE 2


CATS routes renamed

Some CATS bus routes have been changed for the be-
ginning of the semester.

The L‘ixiperstown and l.(‘(‘ routes have been combined
to form the Blue Route and the White Route These two
new routes are essentially the same. The lilue Route be»
gins at 7:30 am. and runs every :ltl iiiiiiittes on the Iiour
and half hour. The White Route begins at 8 1:3 a tn. and
runs every 30 minutes on the quarter Iiours.

The Commonwealth Village Route was renamed the
Red Route. The route now starts at ‘7 .lll a in

The Night Route is unchanged. \\llIl the addition of a
Commonwealth Village stop beginning at Ii. 1.3 pm

The Medical t‘enter Shuttle and the Lex’l‘raii Stadi-
um Route remain unchanged

CATS buses are free for l'K and I.e\ington t‘oniinu
nity (‘ollege students. faculty and stat‘t For more int‘or
mation. visit wwwukyedu parking

Historic cars come to Keeneland

The Lexnigton (‘oncoiirs d’lilegance \\III host loo
historic automobiles at Keeneland Race t‘ourse Aug ‘28
29. The event will be 9 am to l p in. .~\ug ‘28 Admission
is $10. A portion of all proceeds will benetit the l'K (‘hil
dren's Hospital. Volunteers are needed and prospective
volunteers should call (8.3.9) Boil l'_’l

The weekend also will include a black tie gala atid auc
tion Aug. :29 For information on these events or to register
an automobile. visit wwwlexingtoiicoiictiiirsi'iiiii

Census: More Americans in poverty

WASHINGTON The number of .v\lilt‘l‘lt‘.‘lll_\‘ In ing in
poverty and the number \‘tliIltlllI liealtli llislll‘lli‘it't“ in
creased in 2003 for the third straight year. according to sur
vey results released Thursday by the l'.\‘ t‘ensus Bureau

In addition. the nation‘s inflation atlnisted median
household incotne the amount at which halt the na
tion earns tnore or less .l[)})i'.ll't‘«'l ti . tall slightly tor the
second straight year Since goon. inflation adiusted tiiedi
an income has declined by 31.3.". .ir . . percent

The dismal numbers \\t‘l‘t‘l‘i : .i. slll'pl'lsv but with the



“It‘s difficult to do that in

c b batch cooking." Allen said.
ar 5 "()vid's uses a lot of fresh vegeta-
bles. we're trying to incorimrate
that in other units."

Dining Services is currently
working WlIIl vendors to bring at
least one new product to campus the low-carb wrap.

"Arby‘s and a lot of surrounding competitors advertise
the same wrap we are working on getting." Gibbs said. "We
want to bring it campus and stay within the trend of what's
hapix‘ning." The wrap is slated to be available near mid-Sep-

Allen said she's noticed one problem students have isn't
too many carbs it‘s simply too much of everything.

"You can't eat a lot of food and not gain weight." she
said. “We talk about binge drinking; there's binge eating."

Dining services is in the process of partnering with the
wellness department and student health to promote healthy
eating and lifestyles. she said.

LaShauna Smith said she already knows how to eat
healthy. but hasn't found many places to do it for the past
three years on campus.

“I know it would probably be cheaper (to eat) in the stu-
dent center." the integrated strategic communication junior
said as she lunched on a salad at Intermezzo. "But it's all
tried fisli and KH‘ and pizza. It‘s worth it though to eat
healthy you live longer”

Continued from page 1

Email sshalash .i A'_vli‘ei'/iel.i‘tini

Some states
voting early

By Jo Becker The number of states
intwi'snmcion 9051 that offers noexcuse early
voting has nearly tripled in
the past eight years. fueled in
part by the demand for elec-
tion changes that followed
the deadlocked 2000 presi-
dential race. Early voting is
transforming the way cam~
paigns do business. and be»
cause this presidential race

Iowa. voters will begin cast-
ing ballots a week before the
first scheduled debate be»
tween President Bush and
his Democratic rival. Sen.
John Kerry

The battleground state is
part oi a national trend that

l’liig mint i-iiitmlc


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is so closely contested. it


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White House up tor grabs in NUM'lllIH'l’ IIiM triggered a
lively round of tinger ittilll'llli i’residetit ltiishs critics
blamed adtinnistration polii'u s llis siipiwrters blamed the
economy. especialb aspects 'I‘m’ presidents can't control
The number ot people lat kin: Iliulilfl cmerage rose
from 4:» i» million iii '20”: to ‘6 million In zoo}. the largest
amount since the» census tie-w reimr'm.‘ the data in lititT
The IllllllIn'l et poet .\:ie I .- .iTl~ leap! in I .. million to
15.9 million Most oi that llli mis- 7 room uasaniong
children Their poms ‘. level res» turn in pert em to IT ti



otters voters ati alternative to
standing in lines at the polls
Thirty states allow residents
to cast their vote early. either
in person or by mail. and do
not require voters to provide
.i reason .-\n additional 10
states haVe policies that allow
voters to cast absentee ballots
tor a variety of reasons. such

could have a significant im»
pact on the outcome.

In some battleground
states. voting will commence
nearly six weeks before Elec-
tion Day. For the Bush and
Kerry campaigns. that
means an earlier start to tele-
vision. radio and mail adverv

25¢ Irummtos



tising. adding to the cam-
paign's overall cost.

The effort is selling well
among minority voters who
felt disenfranchised by the
2000 election and are worried
that a vote at the polls will



percent. the largest one \i-ari lYf‘igi s.i‘:i'i~ 1991
The findings rll't iron: ‘.:ie i it was Ii'al'iilll st tii'rent
Population Surxi-x uliirl‘. tuiei’ies liioooo households an
nually nationwide in piio‘w ‘l. person in'ervevis
Most experts sec. r: l:t.Iia'l‘~ as iriiwators oi indi
vidual and I;i“‘i!I\ ai- ‘ r: ile't'l the na

as a long commute.

"A revolution has taken
place." said Brian Lundy.
touiider of Helping Ameri»
cans Vote. a group aiding
businesses and trade associa-


,,, .i, y .. I,
M L 11‘ l.i.t

tion‘s slu 'gish ei vii-em ~ row The xese \\.is in irked bi tions m (idtlmtmg their gm. s ‘ ~

, . . ‘ - ~ , L s not count. (.as ard said. 0 -
tepid )UIt growth : mid to. tinitaiiioi: Ittss oi niaiiulactzn'v plovees about the new laws. "People ufiéprqtand that 8‘6 Euclid “"8 anew chase . 269 5701
mg .ltilis. (leclznes lrl HNR Wire -f~' i W i"~ All” lli‘iillll i“’\ "The concept of Election banking their vote early will

erage and tutiiiizi; cuts 23' unit i;.-; ieiiiill health insur
ance progianis

Dav is history. Now it's just

‘ .. help protect it "
the final day to vote.







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Aug. 27, 2004

By Doug Scott

Lexington residents and
UK students w ill have a
chance to try out for the sil
yer screen Saturday

The l'K Fine Arts build»
iiig is hosting an open cast»
ing call from 10 ant to .3 pm.
in (hiignol Theater for
Dreamer. starring Kurt Rus
sell (Miracle. Buckdrali),

The film is slated to be»
gin shooting in mid-Septem-
ber and will be slltll partially
in the Lexington area. Ac-
cording to the Kentucky
Film (‘ommission bulletin
board. the directors "are
looking for lieople of all ages
and ethnicities to play towns-
people. horse owners and
racing fans in the film." l‘lx-
perienced horseback riders
also are needed throughout
the filming.

Local casting already
has begun for small speaking
roles. Auditions have been
held at the Marriott (lriffin
(late Resort on Newtown
l’ike for the past two weeks.
but have been by appoint


Call to post: Hollywood seeks
UK extras for racing movie

merit only. said UK graduate
and l)reamWorks prtkluction
assistant (lretchen Shoot.

Although the casting de-
partment is seeking a diverse
array of people to audition.
actors of Middle Eastern.
.lapanese and Hispanic de-
scent are encouraged to ap-
ply to fill specific roles, ()ne
scene. for example. calls for
an entourage to accompany
two Middle Eastern princes
who own a horse in a race.
Shoot said.

The open call will be
mostly intermational. but no
tors are asked to bring a non-
returnable photo to submit
with their information. The
directors will then call appli-
cants back based on their

The film. which is being
produced by DreamWorks.
tells the story of a down—on-
his-luck trainer (Russell) and
his ll-yeareld son. who res-
cue a horse with a broken
leg. The two then nurse the
injured horse back to health
with the hopes of running it
in the Breeders' (‘up

lhisis’ the directorial de


Casting call

What: ()pen casting
call for extras for
DreaniWor ks' Dreamer

When: 10a in.- 3pm

Where: T het (liiignol
'l‘heater in the UK Fine
Arts building (Rose
Street entrance)

What to bring: A non-
rettirnable photo of

For more information:




but for writer John Gatins.
whose credits include Varsity
Blues and Hardball.

“I‘m a big horse-racing

fan. and there are a lot of

amazing horse stories out
there." (latins said in a re-
cent interview with The Hol-
lywood Reporter: "This is an
amalgamation of a lot of dif
ferent stories."

Filming in Lexington
will rim through the tirst
week of ()ctobti Horse tac-

Crystal Little
Features Editor

Phone 2571915
E-mail clittieekykernelcom

ing scenes and crowd footage
will be shot during this peri—
od, said Todd (‘assidyz direc
tor of the Kentucky Film
Commission. Filming will
continue in Louisiana and
Los Angeles.

Crews are still scouting
locations in the Lexington
area. said Nelson Fields. an
associate professor in the UK
Department of Theater.

Kentucky has seen a lot
of action from Hollywood in
recent years. Seabiscuit. star»
ring 'l‘obey Maguire. was
filmed in the area in 2002.
and Elizaberhtewn. Cameron
Crowe‘s latest project, star~
ring Orlando Bloom. just
wrapped shooting in the re-
gion this summer and is slat
ed for release in 2005.

Fields attributed much
of the attention Kentucky is
getting from film producers
to Seabiscuit‘s success. lint
he also credited the region's

The Seabiscui't producers
were “very pleased with Ken
tucky." Fields said. They re-
ally liked the area.

G. Love' 5 eclectic album ‘Hustles' to please listeners

By Derek Poore
irfl' kfmlt‘k‘r “PM;

Who on earth is (1 Low"
()K. that‘s a bush way to bi»
gin a glowing ri-yiew When I
saw the name (3 Low on the
cover of his new album. The
Hustle. I tried to imagini- what
kind of lolly hiphop blues
music this guy pl'iyed

Judging a hook by its
cover is not wise. but the
simple image ot (i. Love
(whose real name is (iarrett
Hutton) with his guitar and
harmonica and the title The
Hustle snaking through the
background give way to the
album's simple Sinitllil‘ss.

. 'ow dont start at me yet
I'm not a (i,
Love aficionado.
.\s a matter of
fact. I'm a (i.
l.o\.e idiot. as
my limited his
torical knowl»
edge of his
work. But I as
sure that those
intrigued by this
( ‘1). released
’l‘uesday: will def
initely' dig into his Special
Sauer- background
The news about this (‘l).
produced by Mario (‘aldato Jr
of lteastie Boys fame. is that it

out where it started with “
of the lhis.”

actually has a flow. Listening
from track to
track you can
appreciate the
care taken to
arrange the al-
bum. 'I‘lie Hus
‘ rle starts on
cloud nine with
and "Don‘t
Drop it." comes
down to the
lower stratos-
phere with the
The llustle." tops
and epilogues
"Stone Me" and
\\lill a few ear

slow. funky "

nicely with

pleasing detours along the way:

The sound candy of this
album is (‘1 Lov‘es * ability to
combine a little bit oi blues a
little bit of hip-hop ((‘aldato's
funk shows true) and a little
bit of crunchy rock. There‘s
even some reggae ("Give it To
You") and a throwback to Bob
Dylan (“Love")

For eclectic music fans
like myself. this record is a
in "Back of the Bus." he
says. ”Road trip runnin'. with
the music tip loud. check
your trip. from the North to
the dirty South wherever it
leads ya." Sounds like a fine
tagline for a tine album.



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Aug. 27, 2004


Women’s soccer kicks off
with ‘no regrets’ pact

By Leslie Wilnite
mt mm mm

The UK women‘s soccer
tellm will have no regrets this

"The team eame together
and chose that as their mottt l."
said head coach Warren lap-
ka. "They want to be able to
leave the field after eaeh game
with no regrets."

After finishing Willi a dis
appointing record of tie-i iii
the 2003 season. and losing
standout Elizabeth Ri’lllis‘t‘V.
the (‘ats have reyaiiiped their
otfens‘iye attaek. And liipka is
optimistit‘ about the unique
combination of talent.

"Last year We built our at
taek around Ramsey." 1,1pka
said. “But this year “e must
build our attaek with the poi»
ple on the team, We hare more
speed. so there “it! be more
players ln\‘ril‘.'erl iii the at

Sophomore toruard illis
abeth Jones yyill lead the at
tack for the (‘ats Last xezti‘.
she was an All Slit l-‘reshiiiaii
team selection and size h id
three goals. iiielxidiii: .il‘: ow:

time gaiiie-“iiiiiei‘ .itzsiztist

“Jones is tough. l.l})t\\i
said. "She is the one other
teams are Worried about "

Stepping up as leaders
both on and ot’t the WWW this
season are senior s ii: it
Witchey. Alli Hat-iissier and
Danielle Sliipski Shipski. “he
has torn her At‘l. three times
has inspired many
she continues to plat hard

Freshman loruard ( .iilit
lianphier has already :iiidw
her presence kilii\\ll 5“.»
scored the lone coal to! l K i:
its 2-] exhibition ‘ioss to had:
8113 Sarahtiaiiiif is i'ist :;)t‘\
sihle freshman
season l.‘lPl\ll s:i.d l. i:
aiid (itllzm would lie .. : ~

But a strong atiat‘k tar.‘


start " 'li's




be established uithoui a
strong deleiise
"(hir key to stieeess tor
the season is defense and
more deteiise." l.ipka said
.~\t'ter eiyiiig up the goals
in two e\hibitioii games last
weekend. the team has run
eeiitrated more on iiiiproyiiig
defense and not emu; up so
many 3.11 ials. And the prartiee
is pay in; ot‘t'. lapka s.tl(l
sophomore goalkeeper ;\llllt'
()guiidele had her best presea
soii yet She started in eight
games last year. llll'llllllll: eeii
set‘utiye shutouts against \'.i:i
derbilt and Louisiana State
l.ipka said another possi
ble l‘i‘es‘hiiiaii startei is
Nathalie ltoldei' She has
gained t-ozitideiiee throughout
praetiee tilltl muld otter a
strong deteiisue present-e .lii
iiioi Kristin .'\lo\'er has espe
rially stood out this year
".\lo\er his iiiiproted
eyery wait but this year she is
iihysieallx more 1:: shape than
eyer and read; to :o.‘ Lipka
The tats must also work
through some iiiiui’ies i‘resli
:iiazi terasii'd \siilex \lt‘llli‘h
Ylit‘l‘ilst‘ih illll‘lllL’ the
i'\ltllii’.lttl‘ tam-Mud and iii
tiior' torutii‘tl .\shli-\ St'litlli;
l‘ ixith Fiiisriiiies
“\\.- fiaye iii the
r. t\\ av tus'. litt\~' to put them
‘1»:e‘hetf liiiki said "it ue
to i‘oiild
'_ It' 1, \ litt‘s‘i

.i-{t l‘erm'l iv rm

‘tll'v lit"

has be. :1 < .-


" tose'he!



; the season
‘ \o. if» \\'esi Virginia

(kits :


I ' todin at |





l at 1:30pm
i the l'K Sorter (oili-
ple.\. 'l'hey “ill take
on \Viseoiisiii Sunday
at 2:00 pm.


Jett Patterson
Assistant Sports Editor
Phone 257495 I [malt Menormtvterw com


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 Johnson, Fontaine
ready for season

Editor" 3 note ”.I/ii's is (lit
third of eight stories- ittrimrri
[rig L'K‘s fiiothall (HI/ll [)ml

By Jed Patterson

Dennis Johnson was sup
posedly "too small" to play
linebacker at the Divisionl

Generously listed as a ti
f00t~tall inside linebacker. he
arrived on UK's eampus this
spring, from Valley liiilgi‘ Mil
itary Autdeiny with no sehi ll
arship. no hype and no expir-

But after the speedy
Johnson‘s lmpl‘t‘ssive pettin'
manoes earntd eveiyoite's re
Spect. his presence lxmnie in»
valuable to junior inside lme
backers (‘had Anderson and
Dustin Williams.

"Me and Dustin played
like 99 percent of the snaps."
Anderson said. "I playtd like
108 plays that Al‘kims‘ls game.
and that was terrible.

“We didn't really have an
established rotation. We had
no notation."

Johnson's speed will be
an asset to the linebackers

“hilt it \illi \ l‘til‘W‘. lie
mottled lili tatkles and It
sarks in twr l seasi ins.

liven \Hlli Williams re
i'oyeriiig tiiim a paitially toi'n
hamstring, -lttl1lthll has given
l'K‘s linebaekers stillli'ililllt'
they didn‘t have last year

"My (‘Ulllltlt'lltft' grows
t‘\’t'l'\' day" Johnson said
"When Dustin gets hark we'll
still be strong. and we still
haveiseniorJon) Sumrrtll "

Alitli‘l‘snll lines up beside
.Iohnsoneven day in pi'artire
telling him to be patient w ith
his rung 'aps

Hes )‘iilllL’ to help us be
rause he wasn't a part of ilie
rotation last year." Anderson

Raymond I’ontame has also
stepped up to sitlltllly llils
gioiip. liven llll iugh he staited
si.\' games last season l‘H‘tiin
mg :i“. tarkles. he is a lilllt‘ll
diilei‘eiit player He has added
to to 1.") pounds oi~ must-lt-
siiite last season, He still gives
up about To pounds to the Km
plus pound oli'ensixe lineman
ot the Southeastern ('onlei
enee. but the addid strength
ltasnt hurt his spied

, W »m»‘l— s..


Friday, Aug. 27, 2004 I PAGE 5




lkiie M l li. ltl the speed
but uith tlii e\ll: i weight it
does help. ' l~‘oiit:tiiie said
l-oiitaiiie \‘Ull start oppo
site ol sophomoie lium-ll
White~ one of List season's
Sl-Lt' \ll l‘ll'sllllldll team selei

this time last year: detei