xt7n8p5v8944 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5v8944/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19830916 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 16, 1983, no. 414 text The Green Bean, September 16, 1983, no. 414 1983 2014 true xt7n8p5v8944 section xt7n8p5v8944 i ” UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES’ NEWSLETTER ( j = 9-16-83 ' No. 414 ( CALENDAR Q September 16 All-Day Library Faculty Meeting September 19 ,· 26 Living Systems Seminars ' A September 20+ Training at UK (Details in issue No. 413) _ PLEASE NOTE: The next Green Bean will be issued on Friday, September 30th. Any items submitted for this Green Bean must be in the Director's Office ~ I no later than 10 a.m. on Tuesday, September 27th. Emergency items can be submitted to the editor by phone after the deadline. Contributors: Faith Harders, Cecil Madison, Ann Short, Teresa Smyth, Paul Willis, and Gerry Webb (Editor) PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506-0039 $ LETTER OF APPRECIATION C i ` Dear Dr. Willis: _ For the last couple of months, we have been in the process of taking an existing documentation center ~— filing cabinets, piles of periodicals, _ F books filed alphabetically by title, and making a Technical Reference Center here at Ashland Automation Services. I have been over to MIK many times to use the Union Catalog, Reference Section, etc. Wherever = I have gone, I have been treated with excellent service and endless patience. The best reference source you have at MIK is in the Business Library. His name is Paul Thompson. He is patient, kind, and knows everything. His suggestions and encouragement have meant a great deal to me. Someday I hope to be a librarian of his stature. Sincerely, ’ 3 Sandra Young, Librarian Ashland Automation Technical Reference Center Ashland Services Company Lexington, Kentucky i LIBRARY STAFF ACTIVITIES Constance Mulligan, Extension Services Librarian, spoke at the College- University Libraries Section, Tennessee Library Association Fall Conference ‘ on September 9, 1983. Her topic was "Perspiration, Innovation, and . Information; for _the Non-Traditional Student? 1 f LIVING SYSTEMS SEMINARS 1983 l V ` September 19 Some gonsequeryiels critical thought and _ literary criticis1_n_ s September 26 Critgal thought and literary criticisjn The above programs will be held in Room 137 of Ure Chemistry—Physics Building from 7;30~9:3O p.m. They are open to the public. KLA BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION ROUNDTZELE WORKSHOP "Teaching Librarians to Teach, " a workshop sponsored by the Bibliographic Instruction Roundtable of KLA will be held from lO;GO a.m. ~ 4:00 pan. on October 12, 1983, at the Bluegrass Convention Center, louisville, Kentucky. The leader of the workshop will be Ms. Joan Ormondroyd, Cornell Ifzriversity Library, Reference Department. The deadline for registration is October 1 and enrolhrent is limited. For further information contact: Ms. Phyllis Hugher, Head of Reference/Ins tructional Services, Hutchins Library, Berea College, KY. 40404 (606) 968—~93@l, ext 289. u /» A -2- KLA.WDRKSHOP "Manage Your Time," a workshop sponsored by the Kentucky Library Association will be held on October 12-13, 1983, at the Bluegrass Convention Center, louisville, Kentucky. The leader of the workshop will be Dr. Marsha Anderson, Chair of Department of Vocation Education Studies, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. The registration deadlin is October 5 and the fee is $25-KLA nember, $30-non-KLA member. For further information contact: Ms. Jeannie S. Boyarski, Paducah Counmnity College Library, P.O. Box 7380, = Paducah, KY 42001 (502) 442-6131, ext 132. UK LIBRARY SYSTEM OPPORTUNITIES Positions listed in the Green Bean are to solicit interest only fr m current regular em loyees of King Library and the branches. All other people must apply through University Em loyment. Grade 4 Cataloging (half time) A If interested, see Ann Short. 5 PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Architecture Librarian, Clenson University Library. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Deadline: October 31, 1983. Cataloger, Martin P. Catherwood Library, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. Salary: $16,500 minimum. Deadline: September 26, 1983. Reference Librarian, Nartin P. Catherwood Library, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. Salary: $18,900 ndrnnumt Keadline; September 26, 1938. i Catalog Librarian, Albert Rl Mann Library, Cornell University. Salary: up to $18,900. Deadline; October 7, 1983. Chinese Agriculture Subject Specialist, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University. Salary: up to $23,400. Deadline: October 7, 1983. Reference Librarian (2 positions), Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University. Salary; up to $18,900. Deadline: October 7, 1983. Administrative Librarian (Chief, Shared Cataloging Division), Library of Congress. Salary: $48,553-$63,115. Deadline: September 29, 1983. Head Librarian (2 positions), Allentcwn and Dubois Campuses, Pennsylvania State University Libraries. Salary: $18,500 minimum. Deadline: October 28, 1983. Catalog librarian for Special Formats, Rutgers University Libraries. Salary: $18,144 minnmrn. Deadline: October 15, 1983. Head, Circualtion Division, Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A&M University. Salary: $23,000 nunimum. Deadline: not given. _. ( '3* .. . K Reference Librarian, Science and Technology, Sterling C. Evans Library, `" " \°*· Texas A&M University. Salary: $15,000 Deadline: not given. Catalog Librarian for Far Eastern Languages, University of Arizona Library. Salary: $16,500—$22,000. Deadline: November 30, 1983. Art, Archaeology, and Music Librarian, University of Missouri—Co1umbia Library. Salary: $16,000 Deadline: December 1, 1983. L Library Instruction Librarian, Univeristy of New Mexico Library. Salary: $16,000 Deadline: Novenber 1, 1983. Assistant Librarian, Business Library, University of New Mexico Library. Salary: $16,000. Deadline: October 15, 1983. Busi.ness/ Economics Reference Librarian, University of Oklahoma Library. Salary: $16,000-$20,000. Deadline: October 15, 1983. The New York State Education Department has announced Civil Service examiniations for various Librarian titles. The following positions exist with the New York State Education Department in Albany with an application deadline of September 26, 1983: Beginning Salary $28,772 Beginning Salary $22,132 Associate Librarian (Blind) Senior Librarian (legislative Reference Associate Librarian (Reference) Senior Librarian (Reference) Associate Librarian (Technical Processes) Senior Librarian (Technical Processes) The following positions exist in several New York State departments and agencies at locations throughout the State. The application deadline is October 3, 1983. ,; Assistant Librarian $19,110 Senior Librarian $23,903 Senior Librarian (Medicine) $23,903 Associate Librarian $31,074 Associate Librarian (Medicine) $31,074 A If interested, contact Faith Harders.