xt7n8p5v9x9h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5v9x9h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1939 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1939 Vol.10 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, March 1939 Vol.10 No.9 1939 2019 true xt7n8p5v9x9h section xt7n8p5v9x9h ary,1939 s! EEEEEEEEE
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 1 Hi:
, i Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS March, 1939 i Ma
., , littltt 5i .
i ii it
. i i A I know that unless publishers use words Th
. , iii BC dopts eW Plan To pp y and terms with identical meanings cont; A net
, i ii parisons are impossible. I week]
i i h I i . W kl F. Id It was this fact more than “ lcI
, ‘ :2, it 3: . any one ua
', i it 0 0mmumty ee Y 'e thing which caused the remarkable sue’ comp
I, . ii cess of the Audit Bureau of Circula.l memi
‘ " is; . . . . tions. It 511) lied an accurate of W»
~ , :i‘iu lhe adoption of the new plan by the to the local prestige of the newspaper. . lP . language
1.91%: - . - 1 . f which all publisher members must use newst
. w i "€11 Audit Bureau of Circulation that It gives the publisher a heap of per- . . ,-
‘ :i -i - . , . " . an dall advertisers understand. pioxl
.1 i: should result in increased membership sonal pride and confidence. Regardless 7 _ i cernii
of weekly newspapers in A.B.C. is 'wel- of: national advertising results, a circu- “ hen the advertiser COhtCIhPtatCS the _ how
i if come news to the weekly newspaper lation audit is a real business asset. weekly paper field he feels the htCk 0f )lied
'V i publishers and newspaper association -————— thts univeisal undeistanding..He (1965 iorin
_‘ 3 . Officials and managers who have been Audit by ABC Good. hOt know what a thousand Ch'chtatlfm g he
3 ‘ campaigning for A.B.C. audits for week— Investment for All Week/{cs means. Ahel he knows that he I? “”11" hing,
i ; Mtg. lies ing to concede that a thousand Circula-i , ‘
1‘i,.1=,:i§= ' ' s I ~ .. ‘ - ' ‘ 7
, :.,1v"‘i.i Reduced cost of membershi and hht newspapei field generally 15 con- tion of one type of medium maybe Dlhe
' i 'ih‘t" sim )lified record forms now rhivided dualhg 3h aggresswe campaign to Wth worth five times as much as a thousand '
. j t b , ihe bureau for membershi if) f week— increased attention .from national ad- of another but he always first wants to | i‘i’eeit
i ijtii‘i lihs Should ive encoura emenpt to many vertisers and advertistng agenCies. Re- know exactly that he has a thousand Their
.ii f tl €613, ws Va eihs vh have a 1 ports indicate that thts combined effort counted by standards that he is used to, i ~\d\
ii“ 0 ,]e W i ne 13 p , I O P is obtainina results and that advertisers ,7 , - ‘ ‘
. , it, )reCiated the value of importance Of P , _ _ Next, he wants the quantity ceitiiied , weekl‘
, .. i; i ; _ , , are becoming increasmgly c0nsc10us of , - - . .
I ' ‘11: . audltlnw weekli news 33 )ers c1rcula« , to bV a disinterested paity. He wants hwould
: 'i '1‘ ‘ D 3' i 1 the speCific advantages of newspaper ad— ’ ~ ~ ‘ .
i titii tions but have been reluctant to apply . . . 0th€T CSSCDtlal taCtS certified to by the: nattor
i; Mi" , . vertismg as featured by the campaign. ' - , . . , . ,
i , Win for membershi , sam edismteiested p.11 t). er Sa
1 i ih p~ Publishers 0f weekly newspapers \Vhen he has thesc fundamental thins Ericks
‘- i- LU“ h 7' r - . i ‘ “ t y ‘
i ,;,i ii bound aduce “5 to what to expect should take cognizance of this move« t start with he is read to considEr S’IU‘
‘ h it h from auditing Of weekly newspapers ment and take advantage Of the trend. 3‘ ntation df all the ar tyiments which ticlet
h i it Circulation was expressed m a recent “ll-[h very little extra effort they can pailsiC tblishei has to 0113i f01 his in i )i St'.
= . i, - ' . . , . . . . 1 “ ‘ ‘ c
‘ i‘ g,:i bulletin by Malt” hiuce R' MCCO}! place themselves in posrtion to Win e p‘ . . “hi i t‘
1 , ii ii'iiii manager of the LouiSiana Press assoc1- greater acceptance for the weekly field. Practically all national advertisers use i 5;“;
-, , ii Lip atiori, to the L.P.A. membership. This The weekly newspaper possesseS, to 5.30 standards as the baSis for then ’ 'tdvert
i {.j adv1ce from one of the countrys author— a high dgree, a factor on which both Judgments. ."Ioday over 90 per cent of iia f
i i‘ “ii ities on newspaper circulation problems national and local advertisers place a the Circulation of daily newspapers and{ 81:11
. t‘, I. .; . . . . . . . . . . i
, i ii iii we pass along to the weekly newspaper high value m their consrderation of me an equally high percentage of the gel? , based
i i it members of the N.E.A. dia, reader interest. Community inter- erally used magazme Circulation'in tbs i Saussy
2 ii i, . “711th the greatest demand for aUdlt' est and the close relationship between Uhlted States and Canada ‘5 audited i : $10 to
, . it t ed circulation has come from national blisher and subscriber make these A.B.C. It is ewdent, therefore, that i.‘ ‘
i ’ iii“ ‘ ‘ ' pu. - - A b “h‘ ‘11 " tl faali- ll)el hi
I i, advertisers and agenctes, 1t ShOUId DOt qualities p0881ble. Advertisers can be * 'B-C- mem 615 1P W1 $16? y , , irel be
l : 'i 1 be assumed that the satisfaction Of this convinced of, this fact by good salesman— tate the progress 9t weeklies 1h gaming 3 més 1
. 1 i (i1 demand is the chief value to the pub- ship. serious constderation as an important im set
t '2 121:1 - . . - - . ‘ ~ ‘ ' , - n iin . .
‘ il‘ hShet- In fact, a circulation ah‘ht on Also, the importance of rural mar- factor In national mercha ds g 1d and th
1 ii i a small newspaper in no way Wlll guar- kets can be brought home to advertisers . it is not held that publishers shou I is care
, i ii it i . antee that 1t “”11 get a 10t 0t new 1121- who have not hitherto considered them. ,10111 the Bureau thh the thought that " Mississ
‘_ i i iii; ‘ tional. ads at thih time: The audit Will Manufacturers of automobiles, tires, ci- their membership Wih automatically ahli illally S
i i ii hi g.“ blg results m bringing more 1121- garettes, cosmetics, foods, drugs—almost 1h1ht€that01Y btlhg more busmess. ti: . for M
( ii i, tional ads to small newspapers only anything human beings use—are defin_ though the publishers of several Ai- .- i States J
r when a large majority of small papers itely interested in keeping their pro- weeklies have stated that their mem e1 i‘problei
t , .,,i have audited their subscription lists. ducts before the tremendous market ship has more than paid for itself In PTOpor
. i‘,i . . . . . _ . ‘ _ ,
‘ ii iwijg That tlme W111 {mt arrive thlS year 01 that is covered by weekly newspapers. new buSiiiess, better collections and .bet ipl‘oblei
‘ E i i next. Sometime it has to come though. But, much as weekly papers have to ter system in their own busmesgi 131i“ ibe spri
i iii . ‘ _ _ . . . . ‘S
i Ii However, a Circulation audit has some otter the national advertisers in the way hot suggested that ABC; meirfn r? uni POWer
it I i it purely local advantages that are worthy of a profitable audience, they have lag— 15 ”1 itself a sales promotiorll 6 (the: toil ii‘Vee/cli
g 1: ; ii of consideration. It may prove to be a ged behind other media in an import- more than th? assuiance “at. 2 000 i ..
t i 1 ii very good investment for the publisher ant particular. 0f C031 that IS offered contailns dint i .Tl‘lt
,. g ij :1; ii 51mph, because it will reveal to him very For twenty-five years national adver- standard Pounds 15 Ir} itself a $3 55013f ci1‘- lmilirie
‘l t, . ”i; clearly just where he is strong and where Users have been taught that they have BUt an ABC; audit statemen 16 way ,llewspa
i ; 2‘ i i he is weak in his newspaper coverage. a right to know the quantity of circu— culation certainly does Clealfittt g1C)ulat101
i i a t ' i-‘i It gives him simplified record forms for lation that they are buying as well as for good sales P01nt5 to take 6 or. t i een a
' F ”i accurate checking of circulation. It gives its quality. They are not insensitive to In order for weekly newspapers .3 ‘lihe Mi
i ‘1‘, i:}'i- him a strong argument with his sub- or indifferent to the fact that 100 of this win general recognition as a 'factorliar i ‘Rat
i 3: ti 1‘. ‘1,“ 1;; scribers in dstablishing a paidfin-ad— is preferable to 100 of that; they simply national advertising along Wlth‘Otgor izatlon
i 1 11 iii vance list. tl gives him new and pow- want to be sure of the 100, whichever established media, it is necessary c iSpot.
i i; hi erful arguments for use in local adver~ they choose. Nor is it that they believe them to show circulation facts In a . 'Rad
i i o . iii; tising soliciting. It adds tremendously publishers are prevaricators but they do cordance with accepted standards. Sissippi
' ii. i‘!
i ,. n i, .
t ' ' ihl i
ii»: I
,1 iii/i
:1 tiff . c
3:. ,. . E i \ __. _,-—-——‘—————’""'/

 . 2 2:27:22 2 . '2'2
ch, 1939 . March, “239 222'22222222 '
- . 22(22‘2222'
2122:: Words The way 15 Simple and inexpensive a th ‘ Page Three 22222222222222
. V - u . ‘ . '2 2.2 .22" '
gs mm; A 22:22 plan has iecently been opened to dail'enuc Circulation data of the ABC T - . 22222 22.2 2 - .
1 an !. wele 1y newspapers which cuts the us- Whoies and the Outdoor poster plants Deans Legislature 22a? '22'2 ‘2 ..'
. y one film cost m two. The small sum of "V9 . are members of nation . eflnes Legal Nezuspu MT.“ 2: 2222 22 ' 2_ .
kable my completely covers .23- tions are rim f dl aSSOCia. Tl . T 1 3 .2 g; is 22 2 .
.t C-. .. b .1- . ' weekly newspaper advep. P C aCtors. The national 'c ean legiSIature is m ‘ 222222222 '22
licula. mem mup m the Bureau for . .- itismg budget for M- . . , to define a ne < einpting 2222222 22 ~:
: language of two years This 11)] ii a peiiod be easily spent thro 1 185155113131 can was calledf l’vSPaPer. The definition 22222222.: .12: .
I. L 3, CS to weekl . l ugi concentrati . 01- in connectio . . 222;.2-222. .‘
{must use newspaper: with Circulation up to apy in these two rate-equalized Infidiumson to require publication in :Wlth a bill 2222 222.2
.. pi‘ox1mate Y ,000' Inform-t ' “Tl . . - of finan - 1 . newspaper .22. .; .2 ,»
. . . . . «ti _ 10 week - . . Cla re 0 I. . . “2'2 2‘ ‘2
iplates the2 cerning eligibility, necessary l‘ecgi‘lds 20221 Lhat are left b25513? the few dollars Sions. p m 02 l’Ollllcal subdivi- 2 2‘2 2222222 '
.16 . .- how to ma , .- . cnc . a ter ade uat ' 2 2222 2
lack of . . kc “IPP21cat10n Wlll be su 3— ne‘VSPaPer and outdoor q _e dallY Sen. Manley Head of ' '22 2222' 2 2 2
1 d b l adv ‘ Ste h '
.He does Pie. ‘ )y the Audit Bureau, Requests emge has been estab1'1 eitising C0v- author 02 the publicatiox m P enVIHC, :2 22221;: .
ill‘culatioii :01. 1111221111121th may be sent to the N E with a limited Sum fol'salgd. .After all this definition: 1 i 1, Proposed 2| 22 22 v} .
16 . I { ‘ V lea H r ‘ 2 . _ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ V€1~tls- . . u . . :22 .5 2 .- .
1? Will. B ~. q2la‘ffeis oII diicct to the Audit 2931“] to concentrate news 222g 2t 25 The 262m H€Wspaper’ shall b 22222222 222 2
1d Clrcula- 22.26"" Of-CII‘Culthlons, 165 W VV'icker tiSing on the ke 0. papei adveh to mean a publication b . I 6 held 2.122222! 2 :2
i may be ‘ DerC, Chicago. est purchasing 132205742123 where the larg- 01‘ name, Published at a Eallng a title 2222 2 2 '
thousand . ——- M . is Concentrated business, regularly issued xed place 0'2 2222222 ’2" '
:wams ml Wee/{11.631.11.51 Emmy“) 1 mt Sell as Unit tervals as frequentl at fixed in- 32222212,".
thousand ‘ The." Rates V “Now t1 . having; a 56C0nd. 1Y as 022C? a Week and 15.22 22.2 23:22
is used 1616 are only two w - be' .‘ C ass mallmg privile- 2222 2222 222222'
to. Adverti- . the weekly news . aYS £01 ing not less than f0u* ' 862 222 22222 22 2'2
Y certified 2 week} Sing rate equalization among correct this unfopapels to proceed 20 (20222222228 or more eaCh 22 2 pages 02 five 222222222222 2222
He wants 2 wouldy bnewspapers in any given state ther way is rat rtunale intuation. Ei- To be classed - ' 2 222 2 2'2 22
t Y . e a great boon t . I e equalization, not b _ . as a newspa )er f _ .-."222|2 2212.2.
0 by the, mammal advertiser C2) prospective Slngle paper but by mOie th Y a eral Publication the Te 2b2110 gen 2222-: ~_ 2;
5, EICCOr ing to Walk ity of , , _ 2 an a ma- _ 1w '. . i xas 1 W0 Id 9224221 ti. '22:
, . - the - - J01“ t une [u ‘ 212222 2'222W2'
Italthings I Eiciigflsy,drepresentative of Mccam} ers. The Nfigiismppi weekly newspap. began publitfilalfilo that there must have r2 222.22;
, ' a vertising a en , Slppl weekly )re- . n at regular int ~ 2 23:22: :1
t conSIder Saussy mad . g C). be sold as a L - . 1. 55 must C0nt1nuousl f 62222125222222 22
I e thls Statem ' mu With equalizel ‘ . . _ Y or at least 24 montl 2 .2222
‘nts which ticle he re ent in an ar— gum‘antced g . . C iates, distribution t 2s and 2 2222 22
. centlY wrote to . . . Cllculation—it must b ' 0 readers generall '22 2222
r hls Pap . Pi State P r the MissisSip— as the bi est 1 fl . _ e sold classes in the Y of all 1'? 2 2,» ,2;
ress association ub ' . - . . gg ‘ ac vatlsmg (101131“ Vall 12E 2 2 county 01‘ counties Wh 22222 2 22 2 2222
.- ., ~. L ' 2 e 222222222
rgisersluse I [iomting out how rate stabilliyatigclftgg m£2\;22552852pp12 16 1: Cilicgilated, re 22 g .2 22 .3 22222
or tieir tie advert’ . . . . . ‘ i s ' 'ou Illa , , A (e nite )ri 2' 2 22222
=r f' “idv .- , 1561 In establishing his yearl to d Y 351» How can we proceed Each e0 . ‘lf Ce must be fixed for "22222222"2 2222
. cent 0d 2t Eltlslln g budget based on sales quoy 0 as You 5213’? and thepY 011 0r annual subscription 22'2222
a ers an ‘ as or t1 2 . . . u c circu atio 222' 22 2222 22'
. . . “15mg udget is ‘ want to co-o er ‘egu ar subscrib_ ’ 2., 2.’ 2!
on in the 2 based on an asse . I L2sually velo an . . . PCrate can de- 5 or through news-dea 222 22' '22 222 2222
udited b2 2 Saussy’s article 3:112:32 pell 1222122 02 52212:” dingpa cirEiCilaaiibzed(22uhne rate by buil. 122 mu“ publish at 16236525225 2921 2‘ 22 "12.222 £
. . : . ii tie rase f n tiat can b . news . u . per cent 2-‘2 '21
Ole, tha. . $10 to $25 per car f L 0 ed b I h _ . 6 support- mattei which h . 2: 2!
., .. . ' , or ‘asolin 102 . Y cUt entic Circul t' t as SUffiCICnt me‘2t 222 22222 22 222
. l e ~ . g 6 cent a ion data 0 have 2 2 22 '2 '22 22 '
tly {.8921 .2222 bairel, motor 0115’ $1.50 ‘5 pOint where your milin , ) t0 a . ,I CleFitted a following of 'd 22222 22‘2222
n gaining .161, beer 75 cents , ‘ . per bai- your present . I I6 rate based on leaders. 1321 2222 222 2: 2 ' 222.
.mportam . ettes 1 cent er 1:31 barrel, 01‘ cigar. $10 Per “11 lnC1 rate 15 apprOXimatelv % 22'22 2 2 22'22
are 5 t p pac . The sales quotas E2 2 The S 2 2 2222 2'22 22 2'2 222
mg. < e up for eaCh State in th . “on the Other h d ma 1 Adi/ems” 2?: g : 22 22.
m should and the advertisin ~bud e UmOn inch rate - _an ’ you can cut your An advertiSin 2 2222 2222 2 22 222
Light that 2 ‘3 Carefully calculgat d git for each state rate ba c120 21 point Where your lniline Of Editor and Pg2 £2123? m a recent issue 2222 2' 22' '2' 22'
. .Mi - . , ‘ e . n the case f 56 On an authenti d' U 15 er advocated h 2222' 2222
icall and A $51551 1 th . . O . . I C an it of our the smal ‘ 2 t at 2 2 2222 2 22
y I ital], PP e advertismg budget is us— present Clrculathn is a )rox' Y 2 ‘ 2 adveltlser, Who often 2222 2 2222' 222' 2 2'2
ness. Al‘ 2 21222222221 because the per capit 1 Per hiie. p1 InnatelY $10 Shghtly higher rates became fh' Pays 2 22' 22 22 22 22
.al . .C, 01‘ iSsis ' . a sa es “ lina ~C, ' . 0 IS small '22 2 2' 222 2 22 22
AB states SlPpi are lower than other It takes Vigorous m 1 g. still can outWit and outsm . 22 222'2"'
member- and total sales even 1 good aier t . anagement and a 2'6 b'g advertiser, Who br' 2 a” 22222 22222 2
itself in 21 PrOblem of SPflnding the OVVE’erI. The It onlp tIak 0 equalize on the first plan down With V01um€ mgs hls rate 22 2'22 22222 22 2222
i and bet- Proportion tlier f ~ 2 155155113231 Y es a penal to equalize on th The Chem 2 22222222222 2222
less it is 2problem It . 6‘ Oie becomes a seri0us SeCond plan. The first plan will 6 ”little fell e or teChmque Whereb)’ the “222222" 22 22
s 1 £ Is a sn 1 - ,, reat- 0w" c - . , '22: "322-2
‘mbership .be Spread Over a laid? Slum that must tlielfil'ca-se-the sale of white spaci for more 1101‘ lesg tigndcghthls ls r1Othlng 5232222 2.212 :2
- . v I . . W2 ‘2' J
Eort, any POWer area, g ’ 0W purchasmg both cilsslsilpPi weeklies on a parity in formula used by retail ed technique or 22222 22 22 2 2 22
. the ton Wee] - a . fcu ation and rate with the . to 100 a vertlsers Of 75 2222222 22222 2 2
6.1165 0 medi othei years ago—na 1 ' I 2'22 2'222 2
ins 2,000 2 ”TI n the Spot” ..T'111ms' paper every week me 222 get m the '2'222222 2 '2222 222
. ‘ 16 Ha - ‘ . C SCCOn - ,7 , . 2 2" 2222 22 2" ' 2222 2
les 120112.12. imiline ratesgriytldlsaepancies in the tional busing: pliarti Willl get some addi— lisl“e agree With the Editor and Pub 1.2222222 2.2.2222
1t 0 Cir lie 163 MissiSS' - i u un ess it is £011 ler writer wlie l 2 2222222222' '2 222
2 wspa er b lPPI weekly ed up b a - ow- . 11 1e declares that 1 " 2 2222
the way cu} - P S ased on wh t . 1 Y VigOrous and sustain d ' advertisers shor 1d 2 smal 2222222222' 2222 2
. ~ ation d t . a authentic culanon dr' . . 6 Cir- . I quit worr in b .22: 2 2:21
on. {she a a the national - 1V6 which Will all the 8'26 0f the d y g a 02” 2222222 2 2 222
r. en able to d. agenmes have WCEines to ad ' 0w the a , but won), mor swift 2 2222222
. . . . Vance thei ' the co - ' e about 2' '222' " 22 22 22 2
)apeis to t2the M . . , 1g up themselves lace Clr - .. _ F inch rate as . p y and merchandise 2 22 '222 22 2 222'
factor in 2 ”Raiss'ss'PPl weeklies on the spgt s weglfifigon gIOWS’ It will never give the Ed m it—and be sure to 2:22:22“ Offer 22 22' 222 2 2 2222222 2
, . e . , - an even cha week n ever ' it ' 222”" 2
[2111 other zat- equalization and . - . flee to cut deg 12 - y 2 222222 2 2222 2
10 rate 6 _ Into n . . P Y _ . 22 2'22' 222 22 '22222' 2
ssal‘Y 201‘ 2spo.n alone can get them off oi1 2221212225 R athnal budge” for MISSISSiPPi- If thls plan is followed the s 11 222222222 22 222222 22
. . i: u I ‘1 ate - . . retailer ' . . ma 2 2 ‘2 '22 ' 2 2 222222
2.5 in at I Radio is n . buildin :hqualization and Circulation more—f “2122122631126 Just as much—if not 2'22 2 2 22 2 2' 2222222 '2
ids. SissipPi but got a serious factor in Mis— the b. g Wage go hand in hand as the 01 is advertising dollar than "'2 22222222222 22
1e eqtlalized rate and th . Ilgg€5fi indiidual factor facin th man Who Is a big’ but S a d2 2222222222 2222 22 222222222 2
e MissiSSi . ,, g e advertiser _S P smo 1C ‘= “'22: '22- *2 "2' '2
PPi weeklies. d 2 outh Dakota Rural Press 2222222222222 2222 2
a _ i. ,, 2 :22 .2 24.2"
‘ n Print Shop. 2 2222 22 '23 2‘" 22222
,, M
.2, a . . .
7 22:22.7 2. .l. ’ 2.23 .
. . 2 22:2 2:2,: 2;”
22.282 £ 22 .. 2 22.242" '2

 A- 5 March! 193 E
~ - needed E ,
‘ ‘vill not be regular! 111g
, .I !- RESS CWsboys I01 the r 11-121
UCKY P 10‘ ,md 11 But man) _ ed A news , ea'
~1C ! ‘ ‘ . .. 111“ ' , ‘
!1‘HE KENT iodi' mdisn'ibutelftwill be 1631' to gather the EIJRP
Per 1‘0 ti ' I 'nC to- 7
. interest‘ ed local roceSSeS S be Illalntal-t Staff phg f3 ,1 Of E
7 .11 ir mam develop - ing p ff must dense ,1 ' requlle 1 ed
'-‘""" "'11! 11““ wS for the highly he advertls '11 Sta "1nd Con ‘ 1s WI“ be rtising menE frig
. 11:23 1 nc Is a t I wl s 5 ms! Ive 1
' E :‘EErI E“ 6 Four ails [hat ha‘fler 1685: b“: advertlferd “6131313 and [anyoulSI 1:15ng C0pyand'1 rec:
151!,:1 Pag C! ~11 su ! na I e6 ' 15a - 211‘ I 1ve‘
I1 1 111 wl at10 h 10 . - . 1119, et ac ct
. 1.1111111 112111t he n Ht ~e ex ~e ar ‘ t0 " - E g
. ,. 1K 5 f t m0 . a1 )1 P t 0 I lent
E - 1!. 55‘ :E .I et 0 [her 110“8 d 1 be kep . expelm 011
I . 1!I“:11II budg e “no I 5‘“ rs, an r1115t - - 1 316 ‘ - ewsv 1
133111 1E 55;: 513538 - haV ‘ 1‘adlo ape 1 1t- t10m ‘ 116 n ! '
, 1 .I , 3E E191? 2}}8 _ ,, ,. ’ i,» =3 sxmplyumbcr 9th 1,adi0-116Wig,“mature? Preparee of the 1stilsting facslt'nif it is 10E vhf
E ‘I 1 1"": ‘E , !- . ' A n . “11‘: ~ m w 0 ' “SOIn .Oa( Ca B11 I , 1‘
.. . . 5:2! ! ,3 5‘! . 1mg I b'elng e kno ‘th b] :1 er. tter mus ‘ le
' ' E“ 3‘3"" at ' eflmen ts “16 {hat W V6101)" - wl 1 ry P P 1na 1 11
. 1 .11 .1 .I .. . . . na . the Hence!
‘I I1 I11, 1,». “52, e ky P ~ 1mg 56 films . , 111 de d mg n 0rdl )apel: fed. I OH
! ‘ z .‘ 1,13; :11: Kentuc reCel‘ b 1W0 _ CUVC n. an t pe 0 newSI (1 pro0 reby 1 P
, I,E 1! 1 111-111? —_—_fl: 1d Y 116 a : Ten _’ - y - e a , , can I1 whe res
‘ ' : E ' '11 ‘EzI blicationogiation and soslations (‘uNashvllle’x Statlon 1'“ 100k 11:1I6311131 ‘ypbe n0 wla) elimina‘e‘ g
. - 111,1» 11 Ass —‘ 1 A“ - 16 1 - '
, ‘ E 3111511, Officia'1 PPreSs bushel. 1th are "(SMEIk N' J ‘ng Wlth t be set appcars Cqusting Wlltal Costs of. A S
5 I!’ I ‘ - -P“ n , wa ’ 1 1111 1er€ ~ a C‘ . 'den
, :1,1E1.!1!,!_ W me 01 Ne , e1~1rn€ _ ll _ 'e b10 I Incl 1 M
, 1 :E ‘E 1,‘ EE R Portulalu" Lexington ‘VOR is also Cxp ublisher RC facslfi’lll 111d othel being used I: 1-
,. V .1 jE I1,” '11:“ . tor . SS; ‘Va er p - ex_ Intel's ( . is E“
. , 21:51!- vlc fi 10 . 31) (110! all - - 11. [mg I fi 1d for
. 1.,1 .11 II 11:1: he dea- - eWSp b Va 1 sltlo dCaS . 31 e I
. 1! 1 e Ker 1111‘: 1 . ~ 1a 11 - 'on y I 111130 - broa (51 Cl 161' 1
1 1111111: on I“ . 5 1d 5‘ qulfo‘n smlssl Is- to 4111119 comm s wea“
12, 11511211,, Printed _ Officer Hera d A ‘ S tran! follO“ ‘ . or “F110 in the ino—s 21 of R6]-
' ,II 1:11.111 fir— ington Her81 - new 5 as . ntlon ‘ 12109 h th ‘3 types
21,1111IAs110c . 1 L15" ville me -I 111 1110“ lnve e Ivan D f suC [her .1.
,1 1 -1111. I958 s1den! Eddy DanV m0 . 36115 . eW ,- W 1 M . - 0 nd 0 1 rec \
I- .6211 P1 , pre ‘ 11"! er: - t5 01 . . I] . [1011 . O ‘ 1011 a '- tua ‘ 'I
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E E51 mas ' 1"ede ' Sec" " e I an; :5 first: ‘ - O - ? . I {15 I - in “ ' 1 y
E 1' EgceargmM'mcock’ five, Comm'?eEcho. “fling“? ll lnbinatlogroadd‘Sung), a printh I'CCOI Eu‘rliczltlon1 E 16 t0 [ransmfi ' gaiI
' 1 :11“ J. 0“ Exec" enune' m; TY entrou’ the C0 . ~11e here duce com“ 1116(1 . ssi) neWS‘ .
1 1;,155111“ don I S n Gaze e “mew“;0W f cSlm1 In W is pro ' ‘ 16(11 '1 15 PO lftones’ lnte
. 3 E11515! EEEE, Lon Cllnto . V8,!)0 1150“! . Victor 11 {l . syste . V l'nl’ 11(110 1.d IS _ 111V 1 ha am.
. 1,1» yche' field’ Cate! 1cm!r ate! T- Ca I s a 1d 10 s of r< 0 111110 ! -h as Comp I net
I I 1. 151131. e11 D Water Advo. Joe R AdV°°. James 1- 1 1t 1 - tablo 1163“ 'ny "TEC .5 I 51“ h a Idlo 1
. 5,1 21 E11911: Russ Lee nfield rnal- anvlue gcon! cynth pl)! ~ In by 1 . 0351 tClla’ 111‘0‘ng he 1“ ‘ a
, , .1111: Harry Morga iel._,you on, D Lexi“ ~1son! imble 1pc), . Office 1C6! p r ‘(1 ma J C t to L EE 5111
1‘ , 1,3,1“, d, ' Gour hards press’ T_ WI d Tr 1d; eWSp‘ 01 dev t o ~eC01 , , Ct -: nt re 0
E 11 E111 f°r 1sv111" v Ric tucky t' T: Bed”r ’ Heram n 11101116 fling a ‘ ing 56 ’ 1 age" Ilme su !' “'3
. ,1 1 -<- ‘ 1 . ' ' r . 1 I I ‘ 3C [ be . 21
I:1‘I‘z‘ 1E1EI L931”; WnnI Kefidependeé', Ben‘Paintsvflée L. Elk ill yO111 Insta v recelV I 1" )0“ ZIPC1 p )le att anno Elstener d
, E "5.!‘E1‘EEE T1 Portmahland Iprank . son- I Rober BY radlo . c631ve ’ - P. 1 81m] - W6 C can ' E an
1., I|,,-II R. I As in; Robln ewS! I veS- our . , le hlng - v61) .Vhflt . 1CD 1b11c z
1 ‘11!‘ orrls‘ Cab ker bia N “a to Y 31 atC first t 11 . ‘ dlo n he Pl )111]
,1 53111;: Nna, Log. wal comm ched . a, 5613 . the Ied elver- 1 11a thel‘ t ._ 1
! 1 I! a mocrat‘ mlett! . wee atta 11th ‘ to 1t denS ICC ' Wha - whe 1 e11!
1.1 t1 1 ‘I!‘I!- De d Ha notary mm“ n: )S “ 211k 21 Con 11 I t 15 t 15, . 11
1 1 .II!1‘<‘I£ Edwarter. H" five 0" chairman, )el‘hal to W k6 011t sma 519 )C - tha qua" 1
1 11 E1112: Lancas Legisla' cateI Jop‘ ' I . able d ta entY . _ “ unce! . 1 1116 3 ~ E pec
! 1 II 11111 Advo rge A5 “out! 11 be - all e 1‘” use cep ‘ 1 ke 1 ' sec 11111 I
I:1-..,;11,1 1d . Geo men 9 W1 nlng f 501n dver RC . o 1 t0 [hel I a(
I! E1511 anfie nal. e A’ grang mor V5 0 . s a . 11% t 056 11cc I 16:
-:E 1!1 11 M°‘§et 1011‘. van°son La, Rec- -n the he ne‘ ictule ’ Into ‘ 01 ~ )1er d P ‘ I ffr01“1 -
, , I . es 15 g . 111 I an 5 o I 11c
I1 ,I,.1,II.E,I11/1unfor someronwealth L, Daiancasce 1 . n of t “nth P that g0 “It 15 0 _ , sets radl“ .0“ 11
E E 'EE’ 5E 11:1 Tyler Williamts' 00mmrna1'r W- dman, azette' Verslo lete . else . Celvlng .thin 21 he statl Ub
1 '1 111'111‘ 09°” merse ier'Jou J- G°§‘1nton G 5 Comp ~ thlng '111 - 1 Of ‘6 68 W‘ - Of t 111?!1 l P
1 1E ”'EEil JT- sale 0°” 111°“ N C e age ! V131y I u “ [1‘1 0fflc 1165 e “ 5! V1
1 » III1 I 1, 1. I say rfie 1 me ton, p nd 6 30 nd . I m 56 1,
I 1 1 LouIsvl Era! Wate . - comm Lexing ky ts, a I 01116! hort nCS a £019 . ts “3 1,
, .1, 1:"1: 1 dham Lee mblt s, we 11611 r. . 11‘ 1 ' S h01 ut en 1 b
» I ,1 ‘5 IEE 011d: Harry 1111101” Ex cky Prism, K6131; ”3 1 wSPape ' 1n 3'01 f the am ' CS » 10 ab0 exl’er'm - cost 1 P"
5 1: SEE o Newsp 11 Kent“ cnggite 30"!“ Smith a nef the Set 15 aper 0 he headhn OnC arry On .It WI11 d reEX
. Imam M11011 I 111515 111 I ewsp 1 1 oc- d C bw ! reve!
. E ,1! I R_ P011 sa“ Frank ocra‘! , ls n 1eaS has an 0116- 10111‘ - be 1 ma
"1 EE 1E Vggtiginangertcgmggfin' Sun-Dem find 1n thgiving atortance tillfigfiere may Can b1: :10 gets! ggse'lch' It lsoduced t0 ‘ may
I . an 'n5 5 - .1 e ' ' 1 ‘ 31‘ -
1,: 1=I21 £05151 Roe Pa 5. 116t1 f 1mP - 1t. ung T 5152 be 1 OduC
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E1 ‘1' Iéeeotgewwn of 2111 “$11"ng the niges fol‘ yilu Czoklng from 3‘12 [1121t theg eflCh 1E mas p {Eek
‘ ' ‘ 511,1} E ‘—_———~——-—fi , , (1 fun 1'] 5 Vel‘: 4 ‘ , 1
' ' ‘ ' 55“ "E1“ “”er 21mge 0"! notes a ting new 110We .arolmd 3". 1 till 15 a"! T
‘ 1 1 1 161131.!“ !en be [ashlon d spor . you 611 fol )0581b 6. 111-561 S knows E
1‘ ,1 H, MEMBER W S I 6‘ Children! r Wife, an In ume! ven 5 becomes "on of CO b odY [as' P110
l 1 I111 of ~ 01‘ boyS- ts ‘3 11011 I actl 1 N0 dge I
! 1 I“ E 11 RE . fol ) ent ghee -b_ 11C r6 1y. V g3 1d bma
I 1 I1 1,1111 Y P recipes doleesc these 0551 pub Han“! his 116‘ Seho 1 7
3 1‘1 !- 132111111' CK - ur a find on . and p wn (1 eat 1 - h011 1 1 Thc
E 1 111,111, I 1 TU ION for 1’0 16 to anons’ nknO . 111 U fevely - ingSe .
! I 1 1“»"1‘! ‘ K [AT 9 be 3b 110‘ . U 1 It W art 0 . .CCCIV . 1, HOP
I , E1 11; ,, EI 0C y 155 13y arket q .hlng .hethc , S a p dlo 1 k1 6X -
., , ‘ 115I‘1EESS M1” ' 1‘ test m. a e. 1 any‘ . “’ 1t ! 01 a 11211ra I fran y! 11 ' W1”
E i! :EI‘E‘EE A ORGANIZED the laeditorlal p ’gEI agree :‘haompetltlon a HOV; '39 tlle 113%“ of Us alellr attentlon E pr0(
,1 1 ! :1, n wl I C er 1uC “ A 1 0 See 1 I
I ‘E11IIE111 1y 3 . 1 you .1- CS 0 a1) ___5 , 31 Y v6 f h
. I , - 1t] ewSP 01116 I C I ha I 1
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- I! II,I;,1,:1 1 I I e 0 I d 0 new has - . b115 - usty 1s t1
' i ' " " PerS anle e haviflg SUCI'IIJ‘ESent "\llninterESt t0 Perimefitggthat we p1111 in the 'Efied Cases |~ bi~W
1‘ : 1IIII!1‘1 a om . [he eela 1 he a a p6 e— 1e .
1:;zEEEEeWSp 'I o “nth Of SP - ture [O t ‘ngS h p 1d typ '1161" ,1.
1 153-111 ' ‘on 1101‘ 1d be he PIC r . 6 th‘ the 0 ach‘ 105
1‘1: 111 . ' EdZ ' . 11011 hqt t ape ~11 331g een 'ng 1“ ay !‘ .
( !;‘. EI, et'tl 11171015 hell‘ 5 en. lain t ‘ neWsP d 5 have 5 esettl ive WI 15 E Sta“
1 EE E113 ( :Omp The I faCe ‘ - mperm 11 exp - IaneS 'ecte “We the typ esses g g1an 1 I
. 11 1111-0711 to mls- 1 11 110“ C 116 all" '5 pro] to (1 pl” ostly a ken
1 1 ‘I1:-111 ed 1" Ct . -an5 I S f t d 1 any: ! Way hall d C nIY
1,, dens we y . 1e 11 ts . 1m 0 1 an Ad“ I 1ve 01d d an 5 o I 15 (113111
I I 1 E11 ‘11 can as h‘ f (:Slm1 - 5 par 16 (11:11 Cratec re- 6111' g SCell liCate 0 of u ' k“ '
1 1 E 11111. N IspaP . - n— a I arlou _ ha‘ exagg fut“ . - eXP have 011113 Wh thln ‘- the
- ,I‘,11I!I:: C“ tltlo 1n V eWS 1Ch the . UH In 11— eat C lant- red 10- E
1 - ‘11 mPe . c1011e - of n 's m‘ into - 1s 5 1 WC he gr n p e da h0
1 11:11 Co . mg 165 - te 1! hqt (1mg tan . t Oder 1d haV e a P d , new
I I 31"11‘ WOTS . h 15 be COP , pera _ mew ‘ S 5611 irnpOr L1k€ the m wou plaC an
t 1 !!1.5E11 . whlC I States' dio In“) 1112- 50 . 'le new Many d out! 0f 55 ago ible to 1roPeI ol the
1 11:11 $10n lted 5.1 1‘3 The cslml S orke blems yea] 055 .n El all t .
E 11' '11: he Un ' ted Vl‘ 5 Of - f3 stage ' be W r0 . few Id be p 'ne 1 det E has]
1 1!I111,1 1 1 t mlt offlC exam 1211 re [0 - new P 1eS . wOU achl . very 11010
c 1 1!‘,5_1!,!, 0 trans t the 1 to ’ men 1565 a . adlo’ ' over evel '1 m In C 16p . Th2
L 1 1; 1‘1 ers file a on Y erS _ feat“ 1n r dlsc . t on ‘ lete 1; te 111' 1
G E E-E‘:-III I pap on has spap c211 entS (1 new 1gh ‘ h . mp P Ye an
‘ are d one new . 1’11 10pm an Vern graP I 11: C0 . less nd ken
1 E‘éi" homes . . an , that rlng' leVe ntly: - ture 0 ast ‘ mlt w1r€ t a
1 1 07, e atu ll ( Sta . 1C adC ans , by faC !
,I .I - Edit realll 'dl In I of a con are P bro tr nny - bed
1 72015 t0 - rapl y am up he 8“ aper f the - c0u ablls
I E E them , . ls fac _ crOP e t wsp o thls est .
! II‘1 - 0n nd ans hang . -1 ne many - an [1011-
13 ‘ 1511 me 6““ ase a - '1e tr ayC 1m1 6 - ates news - now - ven
1, 151' Comp he 6 ‘ 51ml 3. 1T1 faCS 1'mln duCe 15 ble In
t E .1 "'E worst , - t - faC -11ustr "The S e 1 r0 . 0t . nsa
IE1; nmg Sung . -ng 1 . wave to P 111 n dlspe
0 , ,1 11,! Combl Oadca f glvl 'n ev- rale w use 5563 W (1
f E; 121E diO br ' we 0 0131’ 1 . over e no Pre r an
I,, ,I E: 1‘3 V11“ nt C . Ilke CS W , tance, ape ,
t, 1; ,II 11' fast 8 the ane . dls OceSS 1ns , the P
' "E ' ' n ha ' erm users Pr For mt
1 V‘ 1.1, 111“ 18le aclrlg p adVer. erS~ . [O Pr ,, ’
‘ 1 a 1‘ ‘ EEIE m n and P1 eakness astlng' to pap 111red - V
E i a I '11,; tlo home, a w .0 broadC e bounf1 be req -5“
E ' p ' cry dinary rad' 1 papers. 3' on nat‘on' a
11 : in Or d week y e relylng
E ' F “I 11‘- E1'1 I Dally an - 11 thOS
E 11 ~ 1 1 espeaa 1
' n ‘ :Iii’ fier,
! I11. 511
1 f1 ‘ :1 E2!
1 ‘ y ‘ 1533
1 1 ’II“,‘.
E 2 ' igII .,
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 5 1.2.1552. .1
. 1.25.51: 5
C112 1939 1. March, 1939 THE KENTUCKY PRESS page Five 235...!25. ,
l .2535“... .'
i :A-l .:2 z‘ 1
u ’ ‘ . . . ~ g _ _ 11595.1 1
1})1e needed Its our plan to puichase 100 record-_ on crutches, for local pictures sell pap— Photo-engravmg equipment: (new) I; 11...: :1... :
‘5 elegular mg sets and Install them for a years ers also. 1- PFOCCSS engraving camera, 5.511 '1 .. .
. A new . trial. We have set aside $50,000.f01’ the Therein lies an opportunity for any 8 by 10, with lens . . . . . . . $300.00 353).. “1...... 31
a, . .. . . 2: if .-2_ 1.
Ffathir the , year to eaperlmelpt wgtlli olpr rIadicilnews- person competent m any one of the re— 2. Screen, 65 line . . . . . . . . . . . 36.00 f‘jI; .f.‘ E. :‘l

.pggtog- " paper. e ire oppu tua: y t, e end portlhg - photography- engraving fields. 3. Motor driven etcher . . . . . . 90.00 ‘. l‘.‘II5 ... 3‘
tpnre for. of the year t e pu ic wr iave accept- EspeCially is this so of the competent 4. Metal printer . . . . . . . . . . .. 50.00 3‘ ‘15?“
_ . . . ‘ . . V 1; ‘ 1. ' --
_ismg men. ed the idea as it has accepted radio 16- photographer, ior then the other two 5. Whirler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 3.115... .1‘ . '1
{COPY and. frigeratmn, 31hC0nd1t11t9nmg2 anld other fields are not diflicult to learn. ‘5... ‘. .2

recent Innovations. so, we 10 e to . . . - - 5
(Periment . tout a 00d radio news a er at it) cost I he photographei knoyvs that hls pIC- ‘ 1 5549400 ‘55‘1I‘I‘5