xt7n8p5vb05s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5vb05s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1975 1975 1975-01-27 2020 true xt7n8p5vb05s section xt7n8p5vb05s Vol. LXVI No. 97
Monday, January 27 1975



an ind—ependent student new

is? 'r-‘Wtu; sleu‘

The sl(y' s the limit

Kernel no" photo by Stewart Bowman

James P. Share. Forbes Road. breaks in a new bow while teaching his son Pat.

9. the art of archery.

These people will not misuse weapons

Guns safe in hands of UK police,

Kernel Staff Writer

Last Wednesday a l'niversity of
LouisVille (I'LI student was accidentally
shot by a ['L campus policeman while
allegedly attempting to burglarize a

l'K Police (‘hief Paul Harrison says it
couldn't have happened here.

“()t'R Pt)l.l(‘Y," Harrison said. “is that
a weapon is not to be removed from the
holster at any time except to protect the
police officer‘s life or the life of an in-
nocent person against criminal activity.

“We drill our people. from the day we
interview them for a job until the day they
leave here on the importance of these
regulations," Harrison said. “I feel con-
fident myself that these people will not
misuse their weapons.

“Some departments will tolerate their
police officers firing warning shots at a
fleeing felon or suspected felon." Harrison
said. “This is an absolute no-no in this
department. If a man misused his weapon
in any manner he would certainly be
subject to immediate dismissal, and they
are all aware of that."

HARRISUN SAID that when he came to
\\'()l"l( for the PK police department in 1963

there were no hiring qualifications or
requirements and that few patrolmen in
the department had a high school
education He said it was not uncommon
for policemen to use their weapons in a
dangerous manner.

“Even then." Harrison said. “There w as
never a student threatened as far as I

a college

Harrison said Linton Slone.
graduate and former l'K student.
over the department shortly
Harrison arrived

SLUNE STARTED recruiting young.
intelligent. qualified people to police the
campus. Harrison said. Slone sent both
recruits and older officers to various
training schools throughout the state and
established hard disciplinary control
methods on the use of weapons on campus

“To my knowledge, since that time.“
Harrison said. “thert nas been no misuse
of weapons on this campus."

The campus police agency was given full
police department status by the Kentucky
General Assembly in 1972. Prior to that
time. its authority came from a “special
local police officers“ law.

HARRISON SAII) this law was
established during the early Eastern
Kentucky mining strikes to allow mining


21 University of Kentucky

Lexington. Ky. 40506

Director chosen for
management study

Kernel Staff Writer

UK President ()tis A. Singletary has
named a former official of Governor
Ford's administration to direct a
Univers'ity-wide management study
evaluating expenditures. use of facilities
and information exchange procedures.

“The emphasis of the study is review
and analysis. as well as information
gathering," said James 0. King. Ford's
former state commissioner of finance and
admints'tration. The management study is
being conducted at all state colleges and
universities in conjunction with the
(‘ouncil on Public Higher Education

KI.\(i. who has Just returned from a
year's leave of absence. was formerly l'K
Physical Plant coordinator

Larry Forgy. \‘l('t‘ president for business
affairs. said he would assume King's
former Physical Plant duties Forgy. who
created the position in 197]. said there has
been no decision on whether to name a
successor or abolish the position

The management study evolved tron~ a
state department of finance and ad
ministration request. King said. “The
councxl agreed there was a need and chose
this approach." he Sald.

Tlll", (0ST S'l‘l'ln' \Hll begin Int
mediatcly as Smgletary “feels a strong
need for it." King said He said it will be
conducted on a total institution basis with
no area receiving particular attention.

The thrust of the program is to “see
where to allocate resources. then deter

companies to hire their own police if they
needed to and to give them authority to

In 197;, acting on a proposal of the Law
Enforcement (‘rinic ('ouncil from Eastern
Kentucky l'niversuy. the (leneral
Assembly passed a law authorizing state

mine the cost per student," King said. The
individual student‘s cost will be compiled
separately on each student level
Igraduate. undergraduate, etc). King
said the study will be the first at UK to
determine costs on an individual student

The (‘ouncil on Public Higher Education
has set July I as a deadline for completion
ofthe cost study. King said the study would
play a key role in formulating the
l'niversity‘s biennial budget request.

'I‘III'Z ('US'I‘ S'l‘l'ln' will be a more
complete evaluation of resource use and
accomplisliments. King said. He said
previous studies were evaluated on the
basis of expenditures without considering
the retums or accomplishments.

The information will be “assimilated in
a meaningful form on which to make
decisions." King said. He said he would
make no decisions but play an advisory
role to Singletary.

“More and more college preSIdents need
management studies." King said. in ex-
planation of the program. “They need
alternatives on which to base decisions."

KIM; WILL work with members of the
council with l'niversity personnel on the
cost study. Several t'K areas King said he
will work closely with are: the
management information staff. the
registrar's office. the budget office. and
the offices of business affairs and
academic planning.

(‘oiitiiiued on page 6

Chief says

universities to establish departments of
public safety and police departments.

l’ntil l972. Harrison said. the campus
police had no jurisdiction on any public

street other than in a felony case.
(‘ontinued on page 6

UK Vice President Forgy
will not seek state office

Assistant Managing Editor

Vice Presulent for Business Affairs
Larry Forgy has announced he will not
seek elective office on the Republican

Forgy was contacted last December by
the Republican State Central Committee
concerning the possibility of his filing for
Governor, Lieutenant Governor or state
Superintendent of Public Instruction.

“I WILL NOT partake in partisan
politics." Foigy said Tuesday. “I wrote
and told the State Central (‘ommittee I
have no interest in running. I enjoy my
work at the l‘iiiversity.”

Forgy. 35. received letters in December
of last year and January of this year from
the GOP concerning his availability.

Won't seek office

The Republican Party interest in Forgy
stems from his long service in state
government beginning in 1967. He has
served as the Commonwealth's budget
director 419677“. director of fiscal

(‘ontinued on page 6



Editorrinchiel, Linda (arnes
Managing editor, Ron Mitchell
Associate editor, Nancy Daty
Editorial page editor Dan Crutcher

Features editor, Larry Mead
Arts editor, Greg Hotelicti
Sports editor. Jim Mauom
Photography editor Ed Gerald

Oil import tariff
vs. gas rationing

President Ford‘s honeymoon with
Congress may have ended with his
pardon of Richard Nixon, but the
divorce battle is just now beginning.
The stage is set for the President’s
first major showdown with Congress
over the economicand energy policies
of the US.

If there was ever a time in recent
years when the President and
Congress needed to be in agreei ent,
it is now. The American people cannot
be expected to agree with and sup-
port any energy and economic
program when their government is in
conflict and turmoil over what should
be done.

Senator Hubert Humphrey tried to
arrange a meeting between the
President a nd the Democratic leaders
of Congress in hopes of coming up
with a program which could be
supported by everyone and would not
cause public division. But the
senator‘s efforts were in vain, as the
meeting was never held. The
Presidenta nd the Congress went their
separate ways.

The President has proposed a tax
rebate which would put more money
back into the hands of taxpayers.
Congress has subscribed to this idea.
occasionally calling for a larger
rebate than was proposed, but there is
general agreement nonetheless. It is
Ford‘s energy proposals that have
caused the controversy and precip-
tated the showdown.

Ford has proposed a boost in the
import tariff on foreign oil of $3 a
barrel to be enacted over a three-
month period. Many Congressmen
have opposed this proposal while
pushing for a strict rationing system
as a means for conserving gasoline.

It has been over a year since the
war and oil embargo in the Middle
East and still the US. has no con—
sistent and effective energy policy.
Although the Administration has

Letters to the editor

implied it. the President should
openly inform the nation that the
immediate grave concern over oil
consumption is not strictly aimed at
alleviating the present economic
problems but is also based on fear of
an impending war in the Middle East
and the possibility of another oil

The current energy problems of the
nation demand action. By signing the
oil tariff increase last week the
President has assured the nation of
action. Whether the result will be
gasoline rationing or simply a raise in
the price of gasoline will depend
largely on Congress.

The arguments against both sides
are persuasive. Ford‘s proposal
would raise the price of gasoline at
the pump, but by no more than five
cents a gallon according to most
experts. Even this would make it
difficult for many. 0n the other hand,
the increase in gasoline prices will
also boost the prices of most con-
sumer goods. The rationing program
would be a long-term proposal of five
to 10 years. While it would assure
more equal distribution, the program
could not be implemented for several
months. And, with over 110 million
automobiles in the US. today, Ford
contends that the rationing program
would require an administrative
bureaucracy of over 10.000 people to
oversee its operation.

Democrats in Congress want to
jump in with too much too soon. If the
choice in energy conservation comes
down to the black and white dif-
ferences between what Ford has
proposed and what Congress has
proposed, then the Ford program
appears better-fitted to the times.
Gasoline-rationing offers too many
opportunities for expensive federal
disaster. and should be preserved as a
last-ditch alternative.


Editorials represent the opinions ot the editors



‘1‘,“ . , )1» 11H’1"




Nicholas Von Hoffman

Care to bet on economy?


W.>\Slll.\i(;'l‘t).\‘ ~— Heard from a few
paces away, the argument over the size of
the income tax cut sounds like a couple at a
Las Vegas roulette table fighting about
which color to put their chips on The
difference is that in Vegas everybody
knows the odds. while in Washington
there's no way to make book on the multi-
billion dollar crap shoot

Nevertheless. sometime in the next
couple of months ('ongress is going to put
its bet down, and then maybe we'll luck out
and tum the economy around, as they say
here. But even if Fortune docs choose us to
be the rare gambler who finds prosperity
at the dice tables. we're still subject to a
system which depends on cyclical and
increasingly harsh recessions to maintain
itself. To fix that, more is needed than
tinkering with the taxes

HOWEVER, nothing else is getting
attention except energy conservation, ()n
that score the Administration's ideas are
positively frightening. The Democrats, at
least. show signs of recognizmg what Mr
Ford's suggestions can do to people
making less than $20,000 a year. Still, all
the most discussed proposals on»
derestimate the probable consequences of
suddenly making fuel scarce in a society

that has been boilt on an assured supply of
cheap. abundant energy

The shock could be seismic l~Iy crythiiig
we do, build or make presumes huge
amounts of cficap fuel (living people a
$1.30 tax dcductioii to nail up a little
Fibreglas insulation won't forestall the
unemployment and disruption such a jolt
could cause

Why take this chance" Why run this risk
to achicvc an energy reduction program
that won't even dccrcasc air pollution"
W by can't this reduction be phased in over
by cor ltlycat‘s, thereby giving the country
time to make arrangements and adjust"

l'l‘ litiltlltilts on the sadistic to snatch

the gas away while millions still own
standard-sized cars and before mass
transit systems have been budt thn

(‘anada announced it was ending oil sales
to the l'iiitcd States. it didn't turnoff the
s'plgtil with onctwist It said it would phase
out sales over a period of years
(‘an't we be as kind to ourselves as the
(‘anadiaits have been to us" (liven a little
time. who knows what we might do At the
minimum. new automobile motors like the
gas-saving l.al“orce engine might be
perfected to eliminate the pollution it
throws off What's the hurry"
('ontiniied on page It

Whispers of planes, tr00ps: a year remembered

It was only going to be one

uniforms, you were cured of the

waits for you to remember, as

horizon are whispers of planes 1





year. Just one short year and
then go home and pick up where
you left off. Three hundred sixty
five days gone and forgotten.
But they weren‘t. You left after

a year. threw away the

diseases. and you tried to throw
away the year but you couldn‘t,
The year is still there. Oh, it
changes, fades but never quite
goes away. You feel it lying out
there. just as they did. It just


they waited for you to come,

You think how very similar the
year and they are. Both elusive.
distant, frustrating, impossible to
grasp, yet fascinating and almost
admirable. The year comes back,
not often. but very clearly when it
does. A landing jet, a helicopter,
a fatigue coat, a word, a move-
ment can bring it back. Images of
dustoffs, fours and sweeps all
come rushing back. Sometimes
all together, sometimes separate
incidents. Sometimes pain, some-
times pleasure but very seldom
the boredom, and most often,
fear. Fear that you have never
known since; fear that is strange,
paralysing and attractive. Fear
that you hate. but somehow it
comes back.

Now they talk of it again. More
money, more aid, and on the


and troops. Your mind recoils
and you say it can‘t
again. No way we would ever go
back; we have lost and learned
too much. you think. But how did
it first start'.’ Military aid.

So the year comes back; you
see the 52s, tracks and slicks. You
feel that rush of fear but you grab
hold and realize it won't, can't
happen again. It was, after all.
only one year.

John Metcalfe
Animal Science-senior

How to relate

I was shocked at the gutter type
of language of Ms. English in her
letter (Jan. 21. 1975) attacking
the athletic program at 17K.


am not familiar with the

athletic program. nor am I an

happen avid sports enthusiast llcr
claims may or may not be


That a graduate assistant in
telecommunications cannot ex»
press a strong opinion without
resorting to the language of
General Patton is certainly no
compliment to her department,

Who or what committee
awards these teaching assistant
grants and on what basis?

Ms. English may have a 4.0
GPA and 30 plus ACT score but.
in my opinion, she is far from
educated, There are many les—
sons in life not learned in the
classroom and some of them are
learned on a gym floor or on the
gridiron. One is called “How to
relate to other people.“

Mrs. M.(‘. Mills
1H ttt Belvoir Dr.





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Opinions trom mute and outside the university community







By Steve Kline

:\N(‘H()RA(ili, Alaska —— l'neniploy-
iiieiit is up, Dow-Jones ls down, more
than six million Amt ric.ins cannot find
work, but in Alaska the ll’i'lilliiliiltinA
dollar pipeline project has triggeieri a
black gold rush to the north.

It is the new, true lil l)orado, and
merywher is t‘\ld(‘llt't‘ of boomers
seeking to tap the TENS-mile pipeline
and claim their own personal Klon-

Rea| estate \itil‘.t'.. are liziyvyire. ln
Valdcl, industrial property that sold
for $300 an acre seven years ago was
tagged at $18,000 an acre. Housing
thirn has been so critical that Workers
earning $51,000 a week have made
homes in campers, and men tents.

ln Anchorage, where the rtntal
shortage is the worst in twtnty years.
the situation was perhaps best summed
up by a driller from Oklahoma: ”I
bought a $20,000 house. l only had
to p;.y $52,000 for it and they'll let
me finish the downstairs any way 1

But nowhere, it seems. is the impact
of the boom more pronounced than in
Fairbanks. the interior city that proudly
bills itself as “Hub of the Trans-Alaska

It is a harried hub. Crime is up.
The jail is full. The overburdened
telephone system does not work. Rents
have soared $200 in a single month,
and traffic jams in the cramped. down-
town area are commonplace. Worse.

officmls concede there is little hope
for relief in the coming years.

Supplies are a major problem, and
there has been a rash of shortages
ranging from kitty litter to typewriter
ribbons. four—whecl-drive vehicles and
ax handles, elastic bandages, ninwvolt
batteries and rock salt. Steel goods
we especially scarce. and a hardware
store owner recently puzzled over a
delivery shipment of bolts but no
hexagonal nuts.

Housewives, lllt‘.illW'illil‘, haunt the


markets complaining of shortages of
fresh fruit and vegetables, while their
men living in construction camps dine
like kings.

This is Fairbanks, a town of Stetsons
and snowshoes, crammed with boomers
who have come north to carve new
legends in the Alaskan wilderness.
There are mechanics from New Jersey,
truckers from Texas, Oklahoma rough-
ll cks and California catskinners(trac-
tor-driver), all lured by jobs paying
up to SL400 a week.

Profits everywhere are up dra-
matically, but businessmen complain
about the lack of reliable help as
Workers stage a revolving-door exodus
to take pipeline jobs. A dishwasher
who earns less than $650 a month in
town can nearly quadruple his salary
in a construction (amp, and competi-
tion is predictably keen.

Jobs are earmarked for qualified
Alaskans and outsiders who must be
hired through union halls, but the
rewards for the comparative few are

An electrician home on leave spends
$3,500 in three days. “I bought every-
thing I wanted," he says, adding
sheepishly, “and everything everyone
else wanted, too.”

Another worker cashes $6,000 worth
of paychecks, then one-ups the spend-
ing sprees of fellow boomers by play-
ing Monopoly. With real money. A
cavalier catskinner buys a $700 fur
parka for a lady friend who lives in
Texas. laborers on leave plan exotic
vacations in Spain, and Greece or
Acapulco. But the pipeline project
is not without its troubles.

Many workers cannot adjust to the
schedule of working nine weeks
straight, followed by one week off,
:‘nd high turnover is a problem. A
series of costly but as yet nonfatal
fires have plagued camps from Valdez
to Prudhoe Bay, and attempts to bridge
the fabled Yukon are lagging behind

More serious, perhaps, with the
gathering momentum of the boom

tome indications of tension and bit-
terness, as residents come to realize
that their ruggsd, separatist life—style
is threatened.

'l‘he Alaskans themselves—not polar
bears or caribou—are the real en-
dangercd species, and it is evident
with the passing of each new pipeline
contract that the Alaska of just a year
ago Will never be again.

“I went through six months of buy-
ing things because I never had so much
money in my life," says the wife of
one worker. “I finally turned off. The

money keeps coming in and 1 don't
like it. Every week there’s more of
it in the bank and I don’t know what
to do with it. We're planning to build
a cabin down the road and get away
from all this.”

Jean-Claude Suares

hum. Just another boom in Fairbanks

Still. there are those who are not
unduly concerned—or impressed—with
the impact of the pipeline, especially
in a city that has witnessed other
booms, during the gold rush, and the
days of DEW-line construction, and in
the “early" oil days back in '69.

Capt. Lewis J. Gibson sits in his
small office at the police station and
considers the problems.

“Everybody says, ‘Aren’t you wor-
ri d about it?”

Captain Gibson smiles, a patient.
almost bored smile.

“it’s just another boom," he shrugs,
“and some day it will go away."

Steve Kline, a iOurnalist, is writing
a book about roughnecks on the North

Economic crap shooting

('ontiiiued from page 2

No clear answer has been given to that
question. Some days we‘re told we can‘t let
other countries increase their wealth;

other days it's the balance of payments

we‘re supposed to be worried about.

although no one in the Administration is
concerned enough to stop encouraging the

corporate export of American investment
capital. And never a word is heard about

the fortune annually lost paying for the
military expenses of that hemorrhaging
anachronism foreigners call the American


The last solution on the agenda is Dr.
Kissiiiger‘s coyly gurlged threats of war,
those intermittent whispers of menace, all
so carefully hedged with provisos about
how we‘d do it only in the event of “some
actual strangulation of the industrial
world." It's said that the famous Doctor of
Diplomacy and Mr. Ford emit these
mumiiirs. not because they mean to act
upon them. but only to make the possible

use of force “credible" to the oilexporting
nations. As though, with our record of 50 or
more foreign. armed interventions since
1900, anybody, except ourselves, needs

Possibly Dr. K. says these things to
accustom his compatriots to the idea he's
contemplating the biggest gas station
holdup in history. In any event, the only
successful Federal job creation program
going on in this moment of unemployment
is the Pentagon recruitment program. so
that if war isn't the health of the state.
many maybe tempted to think otherwise.

But none of the above is humane.
rational thought it‘s all crap shooting. The
players rolling the dice may make their
point. but they could roll snake eyes and
turn a recession into a depression or do
something worse


Nicholas \"oii Hoffman is a columnist for
King l’eatiires Syndicate.




I—THE KENTl'CKY KERNEh. Mondav. January 27. I975



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news briefs

South Viet casualties
160,000 since ceasefire

SAN; (W South \' iI-tnam (API . South Vietnamese forIes haI e
suffered nearly 160 000 IasualtiI-s sinIe the signing of the Paris
cease- tire agreement two years ago the Saigon command said

ln Cambodia. the seIond IonIoI in three days rethed the
Iirtually besieged capital of Phnom l’enh after running the 60 mile
Mekong River shipping Iliannel from South Vietnam

()ne fuel tanker and thee ammunition barges made it safely to
Phnom Penh port sources said They said another tanker Iaught
the and had to put in at Neak l uong naIy base :‘t.’ miles southeast
of Phnom Penh.

Another convoy was expected to attempt the run in a few days.

The Saigon command issued a communique listing 28,705 South
\' ietnamese soldiers killed 11;) Ht wounded and 10 011 missing in
the two Ieais since the Paris peace aIcoId was signed

The communique said the NIH th \ Ietnaniese and \' Iet (‘ ong had
sustained Iquall} heaI) lossIs‘ and III mind the I ‘omniunis‘t side
lost 111.720 men killed during the same period Western analysts
said there Is' no way to substantiate such a claim. which the} say
was prohahiy Inflated The ('ommunis‘t command has neII-r

disclosed its losses

Oil exporters agree
to meet with importers

.A\l (illflts. \lgeria 'Al’I The world‘s llIIIJIll' oil exporting
countries formally agreed Sunday to meet with oil ImeIrtIng
nations In an effort to resolIe their problems

.-\ communique Issued in Algiers at the end of II threcda}

ministerial conference of the HrganI/ation of Petroleum Exporting
(‘ountries IIII’EI‘I declared support for an International confer
ence "which will deal with the problems of raw materials and
development ”

The communique described the world economic crisis as “a
growing threat in world peace and stability." but it condemned
“propaganda campaigns placing on ()PEC member countries the
responSIbility for the crisis. as well as threats directed at these
countries. which campaigns and threats create confusion and lead

to confrontation." .
Preparations will begin immediately for the firstever summit

meeting of the OPEC heads of state to define the oil—producing
countries' position in discussions with the Oil Importers, the
communique said. The summit was scheduled to take place in
Algiers between Feb. 21 and March 8.

Eighty per cent of young people

0 O
didn't vote In fall election

WASHINGTON (AP) — Four of five Americans between the ages
of 18 and 21 stayed away from the polls in the 1974 mid-term
elections. the Census Bureau reported Sunday.

Among all categories of voters nationwide. only those
approaching retirement age bucked the pattern of massive apathy
toward last fall‘s balloting, according to bureau statistics.

Besides young people, minorities and women showed the least
interest in the congressional elections and the selection of
governors and local officials.

Overall. only 45 per cent of a record 141 million eligible voters
reported going to the polls last Nov. 5, Many of the estimated 76
million who stayed home said they were either uninterested or
disliked politics in the post—Watergate era.

The preliminary (‘ensus Bureau report was based upon
interviews of more than 100,000 eligible voters questioned two
weeks after the election

Councilwoman Miller plans
to discuss issues with students

Pam Miller. urban county councilwoman from the fourth district.
will hold a forum for students 7 pm. Tuesday in Student (‘enter
Room 113.

Miller. whose district Includes precincts on the eastern section of
campus, is expected to announce soon whether she will run for
reelection to the lS-member council.

Miller won her council seat in the first election of the merged
Urban County Government in 1973 in which she defeated the late
Dr. George P. Summers.




The Kentucky Kernel, lld Journalism Building, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, 40506, Is mailed tive times weekly during the school year
encept during holidays and exam periods. and twice weekly during the summer
session. Third-class postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky, aosn.

Published by the Kernel Press, Inc. loundeo in l97l. Began as the Cadet in l!"
and published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ltls.

Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any talse or
mIsleading advertising should be reported to the editors.

Kernel Telephones

Editor, Editorial editor 257 I755 Advertising, business, circulation 25! 4646
Managing editor, News desk 257 Inc Sports, Arts 2571000







 English project developed
to 'tome the dinosaur'

it) l’\'l"l‘l l’lt.\\l\'l.l\

Kernel Stall “riter
'l‘eachiiig Incoming lreshnien
to “tame the dinosaur” when
researching their tirst terln
paper at the Margaret | King
<.\lll\' I Library is the purpose ol' a
giomt the English

department and the library

project of

This semester the loriiiat ot II
English to: Includes
a pilot pl‘tljt't't to inl'orm students
about the library and to help
them \\ltll their tertIi papers


'I III'I l’ltl).ll~l("l' Is one phase at
the Program
Iii-mg Larry
tiieeiiiiood. head ol the library 's

t'ollegc Library

Ill-\eloped by

Instructional .\er\ ice
llt' \lichael
(lll ecttit‘ t)l the ll‘t‘sh


lli.tll l'IiIglIsh program \\Ill help

inordinate the protect. said
litlcctl \kiiggs .\llclsteltl's .‘itl
iiiiiiisti‘.iti\e assistant. him Is

also iIi\oI\ed iii the protect

-tIii-ctiotis to Il‘illtl'lltitttt)“ centers

library pi'oiect Includes

seaiclung strategy and
within hing library

library to

it “I” II‘_\ ll)

iiiIi-iprct \yot'kmgs ot

Instruction on proper use ot the
imam ilittci's troiii those ol most
piograin is also e\pected to make


library lard i.it.ilogiIi-.

high schools is Included III

prop-ct til'l't'l'.\\ nod said

students axiare Ill \ast m

tormation available to them in
the library.

'I'llliiltl-Z \Ith about 2.()()() fresh-
men enrolled Ill Iiiiglish ll)‘: each
semester. The English depart
ment teels students can't write
etlectiyely unless they can use
the libraiy efficiently. Skaggs

"Weleel the best way to do this
is to “ork with the library to
produce a program introducing

writing along with the research
process.“ Skaggs said. “lni
mediately it will help students in
English lt)‘: and later it will
contribute to their all-around
studies." she said.

The program is presently only
a pilot. but by Spring 1976 It
should involve all English 102
classes and eventually English
ltlfi, The History department may
participate in the program also.

Summer courses taught

in Romania

t‘onipai'atiyc literature.

the Romanian
language are among the courses

to he iittereit by [h this summer

sociology and

in Europe

.\ tour \\t't'l\' classroom session
at the l Iii\ersit_\ ot (‘lui m t‘luj.
ltoiiianiaearns l)('t\\t't‘ll three and
si\ academic credits. and Hit)
additional weeks will be spent
touring l‘..i\aria, (iermany.
\Iistria and ltomama



program. open to un
students at i'lt'(‘l'(‘(lltt'll American

lllll\t‘l',\lllt‘.\. “I” run trom July 7


and t'aiiadian colleges
to .\IIgust Iii

lite Europe
l'iogram \ias initiated last year

Summer iii

\yhen tour l’K students and si\
students lrom other universities
the l‘lul trip The


Iliitllt' lout‘



SKEA WILL .. i-e' ,.i .t‘ Iii-sou. a’
' *I I I )u . Hi ‘. l .iiut‘y lounge
(i, vi " w I .~ a' s 'eiii' HG V‘ Howr-

it..i,iiii.-. .aixtl

EQUINE CLUB 'uevt' met-"no ' its

l' ‘h‘ r. 'v uoo‘h 9" Al: