xt7n8p5vb183 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5vb183/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1986 1986 1986-04-14 2020 true xt7n8p5vb183 section xt7n8p5vb183 KKENTUCKY I . P R 9.1, KC. NO. "0 7 7 7 “MUM ‘m Umvmt'y 9' W. WW. KOMUde 'm‘ hm 1’" Monday. Apt" 1‘, 'm I ‘ . .- , .4... . , »«~~ - ,_ ; Kh ad af moves ~ * » ~ . “1;”- see ~ » “ . ace—w ‘ WM: - , . 4/ W'i‘ -. ‘ ,- . . ‘ . 1 4 -" \ > ‘1 if. " W . , . «47..-»; ”dLavrfiyqfi "’ . ‘; I‘A‘M ". 77 . a A. “ 77 . ' ‘~ ~ - 7. . . ' . ' Aw”7’ ’ 77:><;;_"' ‘ 7 777, « — 7 7 ., 12:31.57 ‘ 7 .7.r~~""’ 7 _ 72,7 7" -, 0 new __ 7- .-. ... -. ~ ~ _ 7 ‘ ' " Areas targeted for U .8. attack g .97 U A . A“ A A bx‘“\ (W v ,s , //I M, ’ ' i I' . 4"" ” ;;><"/ /"” By KEVIN COSTELLOE Hundreds of foreign workers al- 7 .. .~ . 777 ' 7 «”'/ )«(d Associated Press ready live in the desert oil fields, 7. -' ' ‘ . 7;»—4"" - “N \ /_, often on rotatingone-monthshifts. . t 7 . , [7‘ 7 "” ””“f /‘ "“'_;...;// TRIPOLI. Libya —- Col. Moammar Oil is Libya‘s largest Single source .‘ 7‘ ’ ‘7 .4 7.. ,— /// / ,wzn/ I \“--\> Khadafy‘s government claimed yes- of income. although Western ana~ . 7 ‘ 7 .' ' 7‘ ' ’ ;/"" ;_. 171/" terday it had moved foreign work- lysts say revenues plunged from $22 ‘ 37‘,‘ ‘ 7 i .: 7 f r,» " . 7 . // ers, including US. citizens. to oil billion in 1984 to about $8 billion in ‘ A“\\ - . t» ' ”I /” fields in the desert and army bases 1985. 7. . . i 7 / -~,7\ ’ ~ 7777 were? .7 .figgs . ' / . purportedly targeted for attack by The Western diplomat told the AP 7 '.-, ‘ “ l.‘ ' 7 ' '11.... WW” m. 7 .L«- ‘ / Americanforces. only five major docks are used to ‘ _ ‘ t 'r /-- ~ ' t. h s7 .- .. 7 7W4... But a Western diplomat told The load oil on tankers, so there would . ‘ - ‘. L: "W ‘ ' 7 7;”, vM‘i‘ ‘7 7 Associated Press he had spoken to be no need for US. warplanes to hit _ ~ _ 7 .._7 .~ ~ -. . _ a. . “mm “33;.“ several representatives of his coun- the Widely scattered oil fields, . , 7 7- .- ’ ,fr-v‘ '1 “\ /~»“ " 477777777, . ‘ try in Libya, and “none of them re- “The Americans could take out 7 , ‘ _. ”w" ‘l; ‘7 ‘ ,~ ported any such incident." He spoke the jetties' loading points, and that ‘ " 7 1 7 7 ... 7; , . ; _ 7 7,. . ”" 7 __ 7 on condition he not be identified fur- would stop the oil flow." the diplo .. -' ‘ ~ ”A 77,-»! w . ther. mat said. . ~ ‘ 7. -' 7 . .1" ‘/ Tripoli has remained quiet for j. ‘ .7 - '*' i’ _7 777-..» ‘ ~» days, and there were no signs yes- i a ai S ' .- ' A . .. , ~ "'1 .7 terdayofanymilitaryPreparations. I 7 by d ' ~ ‘- ' ‘ 17;; «~' / “ The US. 6th Fleet. meanwhile. I 7 . . r ’ \\ 7 e. . - was poised in the Mediterranean off 0 . . ‘ ' 7 7 4‘9» - Libya. awaiting President Reagan‘s t - 7 '_ ~ ‘ / 7‘s“ , ‘ 7 77 decision on a possible strike in retal- errorlsm , . - . ‘_ / ' \. .31 3 {7‘71 ~ -e-"“’.7‘,,.. 3,“ iation for Khadafy's reputed support ‘. ' ~. ,rv’ ‘ j .. 7' -‘ ‘. Lew . "I” 1 ‘ 0f international terrorism. . ~ . ‘ . . .r" ’ ’1' 7 , _. ~ affix ‘. mass; A. 3" > Reagan and Chancellor Helmut BuSh says " ‘4 .‘ . ‘ w“. "' "- we???“ 13456» ‘~ -“'"‘t» ~ > Kohl of West Germany have said 7 '. -. MAN “mm-melon“ Libya is a prime suspect in the April 8 . . . . . . . -. . . . ) TERENCE HLNT - , 5 bombing of a West Berlin discothe- ~ - ‘ DOdge em que that was a gathering place for Assomated Press . ‘ LHS 7tr00pS stationed In West Gel" WASHINGTON __ Vice President 7 77 A racing enthusiast takes advantage of a chance to race on Stadium Saturday afternoon as part at Automobile Week. mini/J‘s Ar t d Turk George Bush said yesterday that . ' a slalom course set up in the parking lot of Commonwealth Last week marked the 100th anniversary of the automobile. ish woman gzdsfhgthznblggt 2nd 230 “Libyans had theiei;1 fingerprints a1; ~. . . . ‘ . over state-sponsor terrorism" an 7 7 people were injured, including 63 the United States had a duty to pun- . Amef‘cans' Reagan said he would ish those who threaten Americans ' O 0 conSider a retaliatory strike if e7Vl- overseas. . 7 Journals otli hts architecture colle e WW Mommas . the b°mbm8- Whitehead said us, officials had in- 7 A statement released by a if”? formation implicating Libyan leader By WENDY S. SMITH _ "' ' versity of approaches to architec- Ingormitiogd [Degehrléne'gffeg mi" Moammar Khadafy in the bombing - ‘ Senior Staff Writer “Other than bragging we definitely have one of ture design as well as a diversity of w 0 r7e “5 0 l en 1 l ‘ sai ‘ of a West Berlin nightclub in which ' 7 ’ od .7 Foreign workers have been forced . ~ - - _ . . pr ucts that come out of this . . h .1 f' lds k' an American was killed and indicat The College Of Architecture Will be [he beSt undergraduate programs In the school," Eardley said. to live m t em (01h ‘e >ta mg ing that Khadafy was plotting more ~ ' the third American school to be fea- country H Also. this school is run on the "“0 mm}. that t e majority are such attacks. ' 7 ‘ tured in a special issue of the Italian ' basis of faculty autonomy. he said. Americans. d b . 1 President Reagan is weighing the architecture journal Parametro Jerzy Rozenberg, “It is not the dean who tells the fac- . Diplomats77a7m 7usmess77r7ile07p e es— use military force against Libya in 7 which will describe the entire design professor of architecture ulty how to teach architecture. The “mate 80f: wmencansfs ' .17" :3. :3 retaliation for the attack, Whitehead - ' workoftheschool. 7 ’ definite objectives of this program 57105717732271 ngbii’i‘iet’culdgesArhleri‘cean said. but added, “the prospect of . "a . This issue of Parametro, an inter- led the publishers of this joumaj to first-year students. simple architec- in how the faculty goes about women married to Lib ans military action is something that national monthly review of architec- believe Kentucky would be a good tural problems of second-year stu- achievmg their objectives are en- y ‘ only the president will decide on. He . ' - 7 ture and urbanism. 15 expected to be place to doa special on. he said. dents, the more advanced work of hr ely “P to them." 7 Reagan ordered all Americans out has “0‘ yet made that decision." 7 7‘ ' ' _ PUhhShefl lh AUGUSL h “'1“ feature The editors traveled throughout third-year students and the complex on the other hand. he said. Cran- under risk of a 10-year prison sen- 7379383“ 135‘ week7 indicated his 7 . students work as well as a (1157- the United States, looking at dlffer- architectural program of fourth and brook is run by one man doing his tence and cut all US. economic ties willingness to take military action if ‘7 7 .. - - “15510“ 0‘ the college 5 teaching Phl' ent architecture programs. and fifth-year vertical studio, Rozenberg 03”” thing and promulgating h's own with Libya after terrorists attacked the perpetrators could be ‘dehhhed ‘ ‘ . losophy. said Anthony Eardley. dean “they were definitely impressed by said. View, and Syracuse is a very cohe- the Rome and Vienna airports Dec. and an appropriate target located. ‘ .- 7 7 7- 7 ofthecollege. . . the breadth. diversity and quality 0f It also will profile the thesis pro- rent program Wh‘Ch ‘5 less diverSi- 2‘7, killing 20 people. including five ”9 U-S- 317973“ carriers, the '7 . edUThe edItOTS70f the lfilgrhalffdeflg' the students' work in our program.“ gram which second semester fifth- hed~ Americans. Ame7r7rca athE‘fil 59370 “égchn 1737757: .1 ' ‘ ‘ 7 years 38° 0 ma 9 e e 0" 0 said Jerz ' Rozenber .a rofessor of vear students 'ndi iduall develo 7 _ "100 .engag 1 yan 1‘ l 7 s , '7 ‘ publish the works of interesting ar~ architectzire. g P as well as “707777 ddne in yother p77: h'i‘thetfact thatc7t7l717ee7(7?07l7l:g67377707f SAT: The United States blamed Pales- disputed Gulf of Sidra. remained . '7 chitecture SChQOIS 0‘ Europe and the “Other than bragging, we definite- grams in the college,he said. :7g7ec 3531:] afseaturse is indelebd [gen um?" “3".“ 1857:!) Abu7 S'dal‘ whose “underway 1“ the Mediterraneam .- ’- ., ‘ United States, Eardley said.7 ly have one of the best undergrad- What will distinguish this issue honorpEardley said rea name ‘37 {7:7 aks anga, 0 card» 581d Pentagon spokesman Mal 7 3'7 7 7 ' 7 $0 the fact that UK 5 architecture uate programs in the country." Ro- from the other two architecture col- ' ' idling E)" the b: . c h' an accuse L37”? Icenogle. Pentagon sources , , . 7 . . college 15 “certainly one Of the tOP zenberg said. leges that have already been fea- “We think we earned it. and we a a yo ar ”Hg "n” 53‘d7 Saturday the carriers “he 7 " ,. ’7 7 10 In the country, even among the This special issue, which will con- tured (Cranbrook Academy in Mich- definitely have something to say Other Westerners in Libya include awaiting orders 0“ the coast 0f SIC" ~ A ' . ‘ 5 7 ' ivy 9333709 schools, as well as a tain texts in Italian and English. will igan and Syracuse in New York) is about our architecture school," he Europeans. The British community. 1); 7 7 7 7 .7 7 ,~ 7 7‘ combination 0f other circumstances simply look at the typical work of that “our college has a distinct di- said. for example is estimated ”50007 The Reagan administration was 7, _. .7 7 7 ' ' consulting with key members of 7. ,7 -. . Congress and US. allies in Western = '. ' 7 ‘ . Euro over the next step against 7 . . . . iii a”? , » ~ a a y. ‘ 7 -2 7 . ~ C Sen. Richard Lugar. R—Ind., said . » ' 7 , 7 . ‘ Saturday he was invited to the White . 7 7 ‘ 7 . 7 Alumni golf tourney raises scholarship funds \ . Hometastmnaay todiscuss p0... \7 ‘ / ble action against Libya. . . 7, 7 ‘ ’ "A dec"'o w'll be made on that . 7 ~ * ,7 By BRADCOOPER Of that money, $2,000 will go to— “Something like this can have in- \ . 7 occasion ‘7: Shoguy thereafter as to 7 . Senior Staff Writer ward the two SDC scholarships to be tangible effects.“ Walker said, “he . 0 / / what our response should be." said ~ . 7 7 given away later this week. The re- cause there might be something we flk / / Lugar the chairman of the senate . . . UK alumni golfers had tW0 things maining money will be placed in the do in the future that needs support. ago 003 / Foreign Relations committee. ~ .7 .7 ~ 7 in theirfavor Friday afternoon. council‘s scholarshipbudget. and (the alumni) might be more ‘50 0° UN. Ambassador Vernon Walters . , Good weather for golfing and a This was the first year the council willing to give us the support we “It, M ' ~10“ 0/9; met with British Prime Minister ‘ - - chance to contribute to the welfare has been run the tournament. In need.“ $W4 W Margaret Thatcher in London on Sa- . - 7 7 .7 of theiralma mater. past years it has been coordinated Overall. the tournament‘s organiz- ‘ . . ~ . . W77 tuday and with West German Chan- ' . ‘ 7 7 by the Student Activities Board. ers were happy with its results. wf .7 , ‘ ’ ll Helmut Kohl and Forei n 7 ., Eighty one alumm took aditantage “This is the first time we have run “Everything went off without a W' 4f{:;/’/,/ /77, 7 / filnfiter Hans-Dietrich Genscher gin . 0f the Situation. as they took part 'h this tournament and this is the first hitch," Straub said. “We had a good ‘7, ’ . ' /’ y // , Bonn yesterday. He then flew to ‘ - , the fourth annual “the Kentucky time a lot of these people have come turnout. the weather was great. it ‘41" r. ‘ - - w'th ‘ - ' ed - - \ Paris for scheduled meetings 1 Derby GO“ Tournament. sponsor in contact with the Student Devel- was little Windy, but other than that ‘ Wlmm 77.777775777977777 President Francois Mitterand and by the Development 0fhce~ opment Council.“ said Ken Walker. itwas great day for golf." Premier Jacques Chirac. and was , The tourney, which was held at the councils 3°“ tournament chair- Out of three events currently “This has probably been our most sible. The Student Development slated tofly to Rome later. 7 ~ 7‘ ‘ 7 Griffin Gate Golf Club and run by man. being run or sponsored by the own successful event so far." Mobley Council was there and willing to Reagan and Kohl have fingered the Student Development Council. Tournament organizers hape this oil, the golf tourney has been the said. “Not just from the participants Libya as a suspect in the West Ber- 7 . made about 84.500. said Louis event will lead to alumni support in most successful, said Terry Mobley. point 0f view. but the students were Straub. the council‘s chairman. the council’s future projects. UK's director of development. very willing to help in any way pos- SeeTOURNEY. Page7 See LIBYA, Page3 - 7 P t h l t ' J b ' 'l bl ' ' rogram 0 e p S on ~ . 0 experience avai a e for credit . . hlgh SChOOl dropouts _ ' a.- By ELIZABETH POSHADEL Stone said. “and makes course work tually beneficial for both parties. 777.7. ‘ 7 f Contributing Writer more understandable.“ The students get real world experi- h." “Sim When students are pursuing an in- once while they help us with a pro- . ‘ Mme f t . look' t 'th *7 ' “7!!!! 5,, . 7 . .--....:. Recent college graduates can tell ternship, they are able to see a lot of ject that needstobecomplcted “ W By DAV!” hAYLOR thus ”a: or we": ‘7hg a “LI '0 WMIWa7 you on-the-job experience is an im- things become reality. When they go Marcia Green. manager of UK's . 5“" Writer 0 ‘5 Sand '5 'd ..‘:"‘&nmm$m ~M.~§q portant element for a professional back to the classroom they can human resource development. said . . he' s m ' e ow e at» fiygha‘teitwefi future. grasp these ideas more easily, Stone internships truly “open students‘ Teen-tigers who are potential high- kids are fairly good academically . 7777: wsE» .777» To ensure this job experience. said. cyan Students realized being on school dropouts will receive support and are also fairly disciplined. 710 "r » »}i?«:iz>.eie about 500 UK students each year “The program is also a very we the job was I lot more difficult than to remain in school through a joint we re concentrating on the outside .1; 7. 7 _7 77,77“ mug internships in their major Wu] economic ”m“ for any expected. effort by UK and the state govern- factors 7 family Situation. wishbor- .fir ’5‘ . _ i... 7.._ through the Experimental Education business."she said. “A lot of time. it’s disappointing ment. hood. things like that A?“ would . m&“§ ‘s. office. Some area businesses participat- for students because they don‘t cfitfli‘finds‘izwfiffaazf 0:7 “use them toquitschool. "‘-I»'»‘i-‘4-"'?~‘§?¢e»me Students are rapidly becoming ing are Ashliind Oil, Central Bank. apply as much of their academic 7 rea - , more interested in this program for Lexi ton cit overnment. Comett traini tothe .“Green said. . Win Wk With “- and lS-yearolds Fran Salyers. pubhc “m" coor- many reasons. “More and more em- a gaMordylizic First Securit mngrograiijrzfm even more from northern K t k the UK dinator for the state department of . -» 7 y OP- 7777 cnuc y on education said the am Ken- 7 7 7 7 77 7 _7 7 ployers are only hiring people who Bank, Merrill Lynch. Deon Witter woman. It not only provides in- °‘""’" "mm" tucky in; instituted w'fi in Texas WWWWQM~ have interned with them." said Reynold- inc. and Delome Hakim ten-Np- in the area. but mum-11y Donald Sands, vice chancellor for and became “Men“. will! out 9"""i1<%&:’t’é ‘ 7 [mile Stone, director of UK: Ex- Selle. uwelluabroad. academic affairs and member of the of school is one of the main concerns *fi .- ~j'.--" we. . wv perimental Education program. “I Not only is then a wide selection “It was more than just learning committee sponsoring SOAR. said M Alice McDonald‘s (state Wn- fl; streak 77. thinkit’sthewaveofthefuture." of corporations to chose from, but about the compsny.‘ aid Juli the prop-am will provide classes tendent of education) administn- {7777' 7 5777777 most are very receptive to the pro- M. a rocuit intern at Disney and jobs for problem teenagers so tion, . committee 7". formed m «3,. . 777 377* “11.7. ‘ “ " Intermtilps also allow students to gum and its mm. afar-id. Pal. World in Orlando. Fla. “You learn they can see the adventase- 0' re studythe'rempun. ’7." ‘9" ‘ ‘ “he impartiality for their team iid. personnel director of the Hyatt about yourself and other people mining in school and gain to col- ~ ; setters». in. “it helps people with their self- Regency, said he is “very unort- legc. www.ms . , » . coilidence and pi'dcssionalism." iveoftheprogram becauettismu- Summons 1. ‘ o e. 2 - KENTUCKY KERNELMy, Apll 14, 19“ ‘ ’13} Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken- tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga- nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office. . Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the publication date. , 14 MONDAY 15 TUESDAY MOVIES 4/19: Movies: Roman Holiday: $1.75; Worsham Theatre; " _ , , : 7:309.m.:Call7-1287 : - °Othor Little Kentucky Derby Week 0 Academics: Advance registration for 1986 Fall and 4/21: Movies: Roman Holiday; $1.75: Worsham Theatre; ~ 0 Academics Advance registration for 1986 Fall Semes- both Summer sessions , , , , , 713° p.m.; C9ll7‘1287- , ter and both Summer ”55,0,“ . Other: LKD Special Event; Call 7-8867 4. 14: Movies: American in Parts: open to students, faculty, , . . - Crncerts UK Symphonic \ninds Concert Free Center 0 Other: Last day returning students will receive priority 5'0" 8 909515? 31-757 Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7- i . for me Arts, 3 00 p m Call 7.3 45 for their fall housing assignment; Call 7-6298 1287 , _ , , ., ., ‘V . Mavies American m pm 5 open to students faculty 0 Movies; American in Paris; open to students, faculty, 4/15: Movnes: American in Paris; open to students, faculty, - . ‘ . gm" 2 guests 51 75 Worsha n Theatre 7 30 p in Call 7- statt8 guests, $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30; Call 7-1287 staff89uests; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30; Call7-12B7 ' i , > 1287 0 Sports: UK Basebali vs. Middle Tennessee at home: 416: Movies: American in Paris; open to students, faculty, ‘ l ‘ l ‘ a 0 Other LKDKICK'OH 12 Noon (011778807 Shively Field; 3:00 p.m.. Call 7-8829 staff 8 guests; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7230 p.m.; Call 7- - ., . . , . Exhibitions Recent Ac msnmn, Contemporary Prints I Recitals: Senior Recital: Mark Beamish, Trumpet; Free, 1287 v i _' " Eghiblnhm June] Free CF» ArtMuseUm 125 Tue .sun Center for the Arts; 8:00 pm: Call 7-4900 417: Movies: American in Paris; $1.75: Worsham Theatre; V "I i h - ' _ ' e EXhibltions Recent Photographs by Baldwn Lee Exhib ' Sports: Japanese Karate (Shotokan) - Japan Karate As- 7:30 p.m.; Call7-l287 , , . ‘ , ,HMU June] Free CFA Art Museum 12-5 Tue Sun sociation: AlumniGym Loft: 6-8 p.m.; Call7-4394 418: Movies: Roman Holiday; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: " l, f ' . ‘ . . e Exhibitions Le Corbusier > Journey To The Exhibit thru ' Religious: TNT-Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite To- 7:30 p.m.; Call7-1287 if I: "5 i. f. .- i . June 1 Free CFA Art Mus auri 125 Tue rSun gether' Baptist Student Ctr.: 7:30 p.m.; Call 743889 , ‘LJ' ; e Exhibitions Joseph Petro The Elizabethtown Murals 0 Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee Meeting; ‘ fi‘ ‘ . ' Exl’ .bn thru June-l Free LTA Art Museum 12 5 Tue :Sun. 115 Student Center; 4:00 p.m.; Coll 7-8867 it: o" ,‘ I. o hi itions Automobile Hood Ornaments Exhibit thru 0 Seminars: Regulation of Dolichyl Phosphate 8iosynthe~ ," i v,- ' _,, , - JuneE,x :99 CFA ArtMusem 12 5 Tue .Sun sis in Rat Liver by Dr, R. Kennedy Keller; Med. Ctr. MN ARTS & CONCERTS '.I - I " ' 463 d'OOp.m. , , -' . Other: phi Alpha Theta Spring Fe'e and History 4/14: Exhibitions: Automobile Hood Ornaments Exhibit ‘ ,‘ -' ' f . , ' ‘ Awards Night, Lecture by Priscilla Roberts: Dessert ”1'” Junel; Free;CFA A" ””5"“? 12‘5 T”°~'5“"- : ,' ‘1, ' I , served Kings Alumni House Ballroom; 7:00 p.m.; Call 7- 4/15: Recitals: Senior Recital: Mark Beamish, Trumpet: ‘ " r , . ‘ ' 1726 Free; Center for theArts: Bzmp.m.;Call 7.4900 , . ; . ,' . , 0 Sports: UK Waterski Club Meeting, everyone welcome 4/14: Concerts: UK Symphonic Winds Concert; Free; Center 4/16: Concerts: Lexington Philharmonic Young People's _ .: : 4 ,- ~ please stop by!; 205 Student Center; 7:00 p.m.; Call 268- for the Arts; 800 p.m.; Call 7-3145 Concerts; Free; Center for the Arts: 10:11 a.m. Ii Noon; V »' 3992 4/14: Exhibitions: Recent Acquisitions: Contemporary Call233-4226 , ' ‘ , Prints Exhibit thru June 1: Free: CFA Art Museum; 12.5 4/16: Recitals: Recital: Members of Phi Mu Alpha, music _. : , . . Tue-Sun. fraternity; Free; Memorial Hall:8p.m.;Call 7-4900 . , , , . 4/14: Exhibitions: Recent Photographs by Baldwin Lee Ex- 4,17, Pla s: UK Theatre Production: 'As You Like "- by Wil- . - . hibit thru June 1- Free- CFA Art Museum. 12-5 Tue-Sun. l‘ y . . - . ' , _ ' ' ' , _ lam Shakespeare. $5-pub.. $4-stu.. Guignol Theatre, 8 . ' ' 4/14: Exhtbitions: Le Corbusier's 'Journey To The Exhibit p.m.;Call7-1385 " ' . . ‘ lhiil‘érlii‘iiififfg-ciiéglrifi‘fnihlf‘esil'éiasfiil'wn Murals ma: C°"°°"S: “mg,” Phi'hmmni‘ C°"‘°"‘ ”150' . - ‘ 1 6 N ESDAY 1 7 T URSDAY Exhibit thru June 1: Free; CFA Art Museum; 125 Tue.-Sun. “5' $17.50. 320. Center for the Arts, 8 p.m., CO“ 7'31‘5 j _ , . WED H . I Academics Advance registration for 1986 Fall semes- ' Plays: UK Theatre Production: 'As You Like It by Wil- "““X SPORTS ter and Bath Summer sessions liom Shakespeare; $5-pub., $4~stu.: Guignol Theatre; 8 .,_.' ' ' : ' Other LKD Special Event Run for the Rose Complex p,rn.; Call7-1385 3;?“ 4/183 51207151 UK Badminton Club Seaton 9W“: 83040230 ,1 . 8 NortliCampus Courtyard 4 30p m Call 778867 0 Movies: American it Paris, $1.75: Worsham Theatre; p.m.; Call278-7138 _ V . I Other Physics aid Astronomy Spectacular Fun With 7:30 p.m.; Call7~1287 I "[183 SPOVTSI Kentucky Relays; Free; '38 Alumni GYM? 2330 Scrence 155 Chem Phys 8 00 p m Call 70722 0 Other: LKD Rat Race; Student Center patio, Noon; Call p.m.; CONT-5816 e Movies American in Paris open to students faculty, 7-8867 4 15: Sports: UK Baseball vs. Middle Tennessee at home; 4/19: Sports: Kentucky Relays; Free: 138 Alumni Gym: 9 staff 8 guests 51 75 Worsham Theatre 7 30 p.m Call 7- 0 Other: LKD Run for the Rose run-off; Clifton Circle; 5 Shively Field; 300 p.m.; Call7-8829 a.m.; Call7-5816 1287 p.m.; COIN-8867 4 15: Sports: Japanese Karate (Shotokan) - Japan Karate 4/19: Sports: UK Baseball vs. Mississippi at home; Shivley I 0 Concerts LeXIngton Phllhormomc Young Peoples Con- ' Other: Self-defense (“"10 519" UP bY 4 pm. i" 135 As-sociation; AlumniGym Loft; 6-8 p.m.; Call7-4394 Field: 1 p.m.; Cal|7o8829 , . certs Free Center for the Arts 10 30 a m 8 Noon, Call Seaton; 51; Alumni Gym balcony, 6:30-7:30 p.m.. Call 7- 4 ‘5: Sports: UK Waterski Club Meeting, everyone wel- 4/19: Sports: Japanese Karate (Shotokan)- Japan Karate . 233-4226 3928 came _ please stop by!; 205 Student Center: 7:00 p,m.; As-sociation; Alumni Gym loft; 1-3 p.m.; Call7-4394 . Recitals Recital Members of Phi Mu Alpha, musrc fra» ' Lecturesr Joe Creason lecture, Free: Center for the “1.2683992 419: Sports: UK Rugby team LKD tournament; UK Rugby , ternity: Free, Memorial Hall 3 pm Call 7.4900 Arts; 8pm.; Call 7-3145, , 4/16: Sports: Aikido: Beginner Aikido classes; Alumni Gym Pitch, Commonwealth Stadium; 10p.m.; Call259-1169 - Lectures: Newman Center Distinguished Speaker Pro‘ ' 590’“? UK Womens Softball team V5: COMPbGHSV'Hei balcony: 8:30 p.m.; Call266-0102 4/20: Sports: UK Baseball vs. Mississippi at home: Shively ’ . 9'01“? Th°m°5 Merl” comm con'rad“"°" 0mm" Moryo‘l’,c;,dd ng: 4p.mé:,C:”K7-,7,398', h . f 1 th . 4 17: Sports: UK Women's Softball team vs. Camp: Field; 1:30 p.m.; Call 7-8829 . . ’ , nth ri Podovano Newman Center 7,30-9 er: erman U ‘3 9915C ' ”1 0"“9 ‘3 e"""9 , _ . . . girécgll 22(5-8‘266 0 Y with refreshments, everyone invited; 571 Woodlafd; 5-6:30 bellsville, Mary Todd Park, 4 p.m.. Ca|l7 2898 _ ‘ , e Religious. Great Commtssron Students Wednesday Pvm-bSEHB'PBT‘m S d U S d L h 5] Ni ht Bible Stud ,2315C’7p m Ca|l25473997 ' er: Optist tu ent nion tu ent unc eon: . gMeetings. Cyoncert Committee meeting 228 SC 5 pm. 809115' Student Center: 12315 p.m.; CO“ 73989 MEETINGS & LECTURES - Call7-8867 _ _, _ ,. , 0 Meetings; UK Fencing Club meeting- free instruction, 0 Sports: Aikido: Beginner Aikido classes: Alumni Gym equipment provided: Alumni Gym loft' 7:30 p.m.; Call 233- balcony;8:30-pm.;—Call266»0102- . ._ ...,_ , _ 520; . - o Lectures: Terrorism Past Present and Future 228 SC; ' Lectures: ‘Practicai Reason Historicized' by Professor 8p..m., Call 73336 , AIOSdalr Macintyre, Free, 245 SC. 4 p.m., CO” 7.94” 4 15: Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee Meeting; Religious. Wednesday Evening Fellowship Free dinner 8 fellowship, retreat preparation, 8 meditation K: 115 Student Center; 4:00 p.m.; Call 7:8867 , House 412 Rose Street 6-80 m Call 2511881 415,: Seminars: Regulation of Dolichyl Phosphate Biosyn- , , thesrs in Rat Liver by Dr. R. Kennedy Keller: Med. Ctr. MN - Religious. Canterbury Fellowshio Laloly Eucharist 8 463:4:00 p.m. l Fellowsh'p 5' AUgUShnes Chapel 530 n "1' CO” 254- 4 16: Lectures: Newman Center Distinguished Speaker 3726 Pro-gram: 'Thomas Merton: Conflict, Contradiction, Conv- er-gence' by Dr. Anthony Padovano; Newman Center; 1 7.30.9 p.m.; Call 255-8566 1 - 18 FRIDAY 19 SATURDAY 4'16: Meetings: Concert Committee meeting; 228 SC; 5 . p.m.; Call 7-8867 I 4.16: Lectures: Terrorism: Past, Present, and Future: 228 ’ ' 0 Sports: UK Badminton Club Seaton gym 830-1030 I Sports. Kentucky Relays: Free; 138 Alumni Gym; 9 SC:8p.m.:Call7-3336 '- pm. Call 278-7138 a.m.: Call 7-58I6 4 16: Seminars: 'Role of Protein Kinase C in Long-term Po- : , 0 Sports: Kentucky Relays Free 138 Alumni Gym 2 30 e Other: LKD Hot Air Balloon Race: 55, Goodbarn field; tentiation' by Mr. Gregory Barnes; Med. Ctr. MN 463; 4 ‘ ,. p m., Call7-5816 5p.m.;Cal|7—8867 Pf“- ' ‘ ° Movies Roman HOl'dflt’ 51 75 WOVShom "190"" 7 30 'Other: LKD Band Festival: 2p.m.: Call7-8867 4 17: Lectures: Joe Creason lecture: Free; Center for the pm. C0ll7-1787 ' Other: LKD 'State Fair type' Carnival: TBA: 2:30 p.m.; Arts; 8pm.; Call7-3145 - 3‘ :_ 4 . ° Concerts Le’“"9'°" Phdhmmon'c come" 5‘2 SO 515' Call7-8867 4 17: Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting- free instruction, . , $17.50, 520 Center for the Arts 8p-mv C0” 7-3145 I Movies: Roman Holiday; $1.75: Woi sham Theatre; 7:30 equipment provided: Mum"; Gym loft; 7,30 p,m_, Call 233. , ° Other: UK Day at Keeneland: Call 778867 p,m,-, Call 7-1287 5201 . ' i' ' O'her' Le‘w'e Rec'm' ser'es' Lemme 0” "‘0 Mo'uring ' 5P°"51 UK Basel-"0” VS- Mi55155ippl 0’ home, Shit/let“ 4 l7; Lectures: 'Practical Reason Historicized' by Professor ., - . _ _ ot a Personal Style by Dr. James 10999" King Library Field:1p.m.;Ca||7-8829 AlasdairMacimyre; Free; 245$C;4p.m.;Call7-9414 ~3 ' North N00" C01'7"900 ' Other: A Spring outing: Exploring the rocks 8 caves of . ' Eastern Ky. $40 for breakfast, lunch, transportation, lec- - ' ture 8 tour; Carnahan Conference Center; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; . ' ' ; Cal|7.lS28 . " . ' - _ ’. 0 Concerts: Columbus, Ohio Youth Orchestra; Free; Cen- . , ‘ , .' 1 terfortheArts;8p.m.;Call7-3145 . . - . : ,' “ 0 Recitals: UK Guitar Ensemble; Free; Center for the fi 5. _ . -‘, Arts:8p.m.: Call7-3145 SPECIAL EVENTS . * -'. . . ‘ . ~ 0 Recitals: Graduate Recital: Laura Walter-Lakes: Free: 5 - , _ ,, a , . Centerfort'ne Arts;3p.m,;CaII7.49oo 4/17; Other: LKD Rat Race; Student Center patio: Noon: ~.' - . :' ", 0 Recitals: Guitar Ensemble: Michael Fogler, Director; CO” 13867 , ‘ .i 1' 3 ' ,,‘~ I , Free; Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900 , , 4/17: Other: LKD Run for the Rose run-off; Clifton Circle; 5 - 1. ." l 0 Rentals: Senior Recital: Rob Parton, trumpet; Free, ‘ I" Other: Little Kentucky Dem? we?“ p.m.;Call7-8867 . '; , it; ' ,' Memorial Hall;3p.m., Call 7-4900 4 “1 Academics: Advance registration for 1986 Fa" 59' 4/17: Other: Self-defense clinic- sign up by 4 p.m. in 135 'i_ ‘, 5‘ ' , ' . Sports: Japanese Karate (Shotokan)- Japan Karate As- mester and both Summer "55'0"; Seaton; $1; Alumni Gym balcony; 6:307:30 p.m.; Call 7- .",',:. i- _' :, -, ,. , u sociation; Alumni Gym loft: 1-3 p.m.; Call 74394 4' ”1 Other: LKD K'CR'O“: ‘2 Noon: Call 7.8867 3928 “it“ . , , 0 Sports: UK Rugby team LKD tournament: UK Rugby 4 15- Academics: Advance '99151'9110" 10' 1996 F0” and 4/17: Other: German Club Kaffeetisch- informal gathering i , ‘. , Pitch, Commonwealth Stadium; 10p.m.; Call 259-1169 b°lh Summer 5955”“ with refreshments, everyone invited; 571 Woodland: 5-6:30 , ’ ,: , ‘,.- 0 Religious: Canterbury Fellowship Evening Prayer 8 4 ‘5: Other: LKD Special Event; Call 73867 [mm-7031156293 , v, ,, ’ - ‘.,i,,,' Fellowship: St. Augustine’s Chapel; 6pm.; Call254-3726 4' 15: Other: [05' d(”HY returning 51099915 Wi” receive prior- 4/17: Other: Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon; $1: ,«,,_ _,., y - _ , , Ltv,tsor;ht:irto"ho¥,:i:9 assignment:C°|I7~6298 Baptist StudentCenter: 12:15 p.m.;Call 7-3909 , ,i ;- , r : eigiousz -Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite / ; h r:UKDa atKoenetand;Call7-8867 ~ f. ,, " y ,2: Together; Baptist Student 0": 713° p.m.; C°" 7’3989 z/lgz oO'thettr: Lectute Recital Series: Lecture on the Matur- . ,, ,, _, . . , ft: 4 15: Other: Phi Alpha Theta Spring Fate and History ing of a Personal Style by Dr. James Taggert; King Library '* SUNDAY MONDAY ., M» 0...... o... ,3 , ,, ”- served/Kings Alumni House Ballroom: 7:W p.m.; Call 7- 4/19- Other: LKD Hot Air Balloon Race: E.S. barn 1' . :' 2 ”26 t' ldjs -c 117-8867 , ., ie,p.m.,a _ ., _ . 4/16: Academics: Advance registration for 1986 Fall “19;om.“[Komnguivah2p.m.:CallT-0.67 ,-‘ . ‘ . - - ' Concerts New Prague Trio 37 Center for the Arts 8 ' Movies: Roman Holiday; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 59"1105'191‘0'1‘1301h SUMMGT sessions 4/19: om.“ LKD '90.. Fair type' Carnival: TBA; 2:” p.m.; ' ~~ ' :,,' pm, (01173763 p_m_ (0117-1287. 4 16: Other: LKD Special Event: Run for the Rose‘; Com- Call7-8867 , ,. ' , . V 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs Mississippi at home Shively plex8North Campus Courtyard: 4:30 p.m.;COll7-8367 4/19: Other: A Spring outing: Exploring the rocks ‘ caves , . , ,. , Field , 30pm, Call7-8829 4/16: Other: Physics and Astronomy Spectacular‘ Fun with of E03,.rn Ky./ ‘40 for breakfast, lunch, transportation. '. -'-‘ ' 0 Concerts Center Sundays Series UK Concert Band. Sconce;155Chern./Phys.;8:00p.m.;CallT-6722 lecture I tour; Carnahan Conterence Center: 8 a.m.-5 . , ' Free, came, to, the Ans,3p_m,_c°ll7.3145 4/16: Religious: Great Commission Students Wednesday p,m,,c°u7.1523 . , , . Concerts: chamber Music Society New Prague Trio Night Bible Study: 231 SC,7p.m.:Call 254-3997 “'9: Religious: Canterbury Fellowship Evming Prayer ‘ ,' ' (students get free tickets the week at the concert) Center 4/16:&ll:lilgious,:1 Wednesday Evening Fellowship: Free dirt- Followghlp; St. Augustine'sChapelz6p.m.:(20112543726 , ,, , . , ,, ,0, the Arts,8 .m.;Call7-3145 net e ows ip, retreat preparation & meditation; K- . ~ - . ' ~ . , ' ' , , , o Recitals: 8K Concert Band J, Steven Moore Director Housei'412 Rose Street; 6-8 p.m.; Call 254-1081 ‘A/f:uszzl.',g:%:zpsrq’;gvysg"::fi%g$gya Eucharist. St Free Center for the Arts,3p.m, Call7-4900 4/16: Religious: Canterbury Fellowship Holy Eucharist I ' I, e Recitals. Graduate Recital» JoAnne 5wrt2er Free Cen- Fellowship: 5,, Augustine’s Chapel; 5,” p.m.; Call 25‘, tor for the Arts, 3 p m. Call 74900 3726 ' ' 0 Recitals Graduate Recital Susan Perry Organ Meme- , ‘ rial Hall, 2pm Call 7-4900 , 0 Sports Aikido Beginner Atkido classes Alumni Gyrr balcony: 1p.m. Ca||266i0102 LOOKING AHEAD O Sports UK Rugby team LKD tournament UK Rugby Q 4 - Pitch Commonwealth Stadium 10p rn Call 259-1169 , . i . Religious Canterbury Fellowship Holy Eucharist 5i, 2:) w Augustine's Chapel 10 308 5 30 Call 2547138 0 Sports. UK Badminton Club Seaton gym 230330 pm, Call 278-7138 s . l KWYKW,MM, 1~-3 “-97 Continued from page one - Continued from page one other than your peers. Overall it's The process for getting an inter- . . ' an invaluable experience that 1211 nship is simple, A student must first ‘ Sands said the Texas program Hurley said the students will work never forget." attend an orientation session with >, began as a response to the late Ed- on campus Vin Jobs such as secretari- Educational Programs Abroad is Stone or Penny Medley in mi Mat- \ ward R. llVqurrows CBS Reports a] or medical center work. which