xt7n8p5vb313 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5vb313/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-05-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1997 1997 1997-05-02 2020 true xt7n8p5vb313 section xt7n8p5vb313   











By Brian Dunn
Smfl‘ H 'riter

UK wants to be a top 30 research school.
(iov. l’aul l’atton wants UK to be a top 20
research school.

v—v'g. -rw~« uw«._ , .' ,.'



WEATHER 'Ilstonm today,
big/J 75. Rain tonight, lot: (i 3’.
Windy :t‘it/J morning .t/Jou'eri‘
tomorrow, big/.7 69.

FORK IT The Kentucky Kernel'i~ annual
Golden Fork awards are in. .\‘¢’t’ who got

for/ted, See Persputivex, page 2.


“UK must deliver


But LiK's iresident and
the governor have different
ideas about how to get

“In principle, I suppose
you could say the governor's
plan is a sound one," UK
President Charles \\'ething-
ton said.

\Nethington said he likes
Patton's initiative and
admits “a plan is an excel-
lent idea and is needed."



instruction, research and
service all throughout the
Commonwealth," he
said. “I‘m convinced the
community colleges fit in
well with that land grant

“(Removing the com«
tnunity colleges) is a seri—

sity,” he said.
It would limit UK's


Nonetheless. W’ethington does not sup-
port l’atton's plan because it proposes to sep-
arate 13 of 14 community colleges from UK
and put them under the jurisdiction of the
state. \Vethington said he thinks UK can
achieve to ) 20 status under its own plan.

“I am absolutely convinced the vast majori-

mission to deliver research, instruction and
service to the state, he said.

“Stripping away of the ties that bind us to
the communities all through the common-
wealth would not be of the best interest of the
people of the state," he said.

UK will soon be entering a new strategic


plan. It is in the last year of the previous Iive~
year strategic plan, said David “Ittt, vice
chancellor of academic affairs.

UK already has created .i ”snapshot" of
what a top .‘0 research school looks like .uid
what it needs to do to reach that status.

Along with
Fitzgerald liraiiiwell, \It't‘ president of
Research and (iraduate Studies. used statistics
such as faculty size and rest-arch funding of
the top 20 private and public icseai‘ch schools
in the country to determine the characteiis
tics of a top 20 institute

Because the latest numbers are from fiscal
year I‘NS, the committee proiectt-d llllllll‘t'l's
to fiscal year l‘?‘)7 dollars
ous threat to the univer— The committee found that .\ top It)
research school averaged 3500 min L‘tsIH"
based faculty. UK has about 1.800. .-\|.so, the
committee estimated that the 20th ranked
school on the public .md private listing. L'ni
versity of Illinois-Liliana. would spend about
$280 million on research doting the WW lis—
cal year. UK. in fiscal year I‘Ni. spent $1 13

five other administrators.

By Brian Dunn
Stuff Ii 'rm'r


Sm HIGHER on 3

Charles 'l‘tirncr \\'ethitigtoii Jr.
has spent almost his entire proIes-
.sional career at I’K.

l'ivei' since L'K hired him as an
educational psychology instructor UK.
in I965. \\'ethington has been
associated with the L'iiiversity.

“It's hard to talk about a time
that I've not been a part of higher
education in Kentucky," he said.

After a year as an instructor,
“’ethingttm moved up to director
of the .\la_\ sville (lomiiiunity (fol-
lege. but the next


May 2, I997


o (.‘in’itfinii 1 1 (.11 Input 9

Z (.‘mii‘u'or‘dl 1 Spam 4



Dix-mimic 6 I'triz'potn! 10



Bllt likes 903', Ill“ means

ty of the students, staff and faculty (of com—
munity colleges) want to be a part ofthe Unis
versity of Kentucky." he said.

\Vethington gives another reason for not
stripping the community colleges from UK: It
must fulfill its role as a land grant university.

VVet/yz'ngton mode
career out of UK

would hold an administrative posi
tion \Vitliin UK's Community ( .. il
lcge System.

From 1982 to I‘AH‘H. “tilting
ton was chancellor for the (Lou:
inunity College System.

lit 19%) he became Ill'c‘slilt'lll of

“My personal c lt't'ci' has .llli uvcd
me to be a part ofthe L‘niversity of
Kentucky and to get to know the
people throughout the common»
wealth." he said. "I know .Hlil
understand the University

\Vt-thington, who grew up near
.\lri'riinac, Ky.. where there is no

.3 veai s. be




_. clear III)

speak flllt

By Gary Wuli
Aszriitant Netti: Edit/17‘
and Jet! Vinson
AInrmging Editor


Race relations defined the 1995—96 school year, but
until this spring no issue stirred as many emotions on
campus as sexuality — specifically homosexuality.

University Senate ChairJan Schach and former Con-
ANALYSIS temporary Affairs Chair Craig Dylan Wyatt

on April 9 announced the postponement of
the April 16 UK Speaks Out session on sexuality because
“key campus organization and other individual faculty
members” chose not to serve on the panel, according to a
press release.

During the next two weeks finger pointing, name call—
ing and other sophomoric gesters via the Kernel editorial
page and press releases ensued.

But the real issue may be is UK ready to talk about

Discussing sexuality, especially homosexuality “is a
real problem” at UK, Schach said esterday in an inter-
view. “Homosexuality has been a taboo subject.”

Schach and \Vyatt had worked all year assembling
panels on race, religion and censorship with little prob-
ems. For the sexuality discussion Schach asked several
faculty members, including philosophy professors Joan
Callahan and Susan Bordo and psychology professor
Greg Smith to serve on the panel.

Callahan declined to serve. Bordo accepted at first, but
then declined.

Wyatt asked journalism sophomore and Kentucky
Kernel columnist Ben Rich and members of UK Lamb-
da, the gay, lesbian organization, to serve on the panel.
Initially, they both accepted.

But a week before the event was to occur, members of
UK Lambda decided not to participate in the Speak Out
session because of Rich and his views on homosexuality.

“I personally would not have (served with Rich on the
panel)," said former UK Lambda president Matt Solberg.
“I had problems with the panel that was set up."

Wyatt said he asked Rich because of his outspoken
views on homosexuality. He said he interpreted Rich’s
columns as a writing persona. .

“I saw his goal as getting people fired up," Wyatt said.

Schach anticipated Rich’s impact on the panel and met
once with Rich and separately with Wyatt to discuss the
situation. She said panelists were concerned with the
composition ofthe sexuality panelwhen compared with
the makeup of previous panels.

Despite such concerns, Wyatt said he had no intention
of removing Rich from the panel.

“I wasn’t oing to go back and uninvite him“ Wyatt
said. “I was a ways calm with the decision.”

UK Lambda's decision not to serve on the anel
because of the inclusion of Rich led some “key members”
of the panel to decide not to serve.

According to the press release, “Without such repre-
sentation. constructive discussion of the subject of sexual-
ity would not be possible.”

“Never once was there finger-pointing” by organizers
of UK Speaks Out, Schach said.

Wyatt was calm, but Bordo who initially accepted to
serve on the panel backed out.

“I don’t think these things should operate like talk
shows,” Bordo said. “I wasn’t imagining that I would be
partici ating in a polarizing debate when I acce ted.”

Cal ahan declined to serve as well, citing Ric ’5 “gay-

See SPEAKS on 3




“it ,.


Who done it?





STEPHANIE CORD” [\rrne/ int/i

A full cart present: a live radio mystery at W’UKY—i'lw raido [art night. The drown/1 um u'rmen lfy Kerry Ray/1. in] .trtr rim/mt, for Mr filt/(pt’fldi’ll! vim/y pro/m. Hit min
centered around Rod Broze, private eye, who solver the myyterjy ofu'lio ‘lmmpv/l off the weather git /.


Board to 901 budgets

By Kathy Railing
Newt Editor

Budgets for all three sectors of the univeristy
for the next year will come before the Board of
TrusteesJune 10.

Elisabeth Zinser, chancellor for the Lexington
Campus, said most of the sector’s budget is
unchanged from the levels needed to compensate
for the $640,000 tuition shortfall and the
$2,382,394 recurring and nonrecurring fund

As far as influences of this year's
budget changes on next year and the
next budget, Zinser said it is too early



\Veb page, http://wwwgeticities.com/(japitol--
llill/7‘US/realhtm, suggested a budget shortfall
ofonly $237,480. Zinser and Lexington (lainpvis
budget ofIicerJim Chapman said the enrollment
and tuition drop in that calculation was based on
comparing semester to semester, not year totals

“We‘re taking one whole year‘s picture and
comparing it to another whole year's picture
instead o inst comparing a snapshot in the fall
with a snapshot in the fall," Zinser said.

“People get confused and think we haven't
changed with just fall because they
don't see 'he drop from fall to

Zinser said the lack v: money in

for predictions because enrollment Graduate the campus reserve als ic mtributed

and retention figures are not certain. Mldmtttxplor'e to reallocation needs. 1 ie amount
The $640,000 shortfall in tuition unionization. has dropped SI pchCiit in the past

revenue resulted from a drop in 3995107), nine years.

enrollment from the total of the fall page 9. “Generally speaking reserves,

1995 and spring 1996 semesters com-
pared with the total from fall 1996 and
spring 1997.

According to UK’s Ianning and budget
office, the total number ofstudents at UK fell by
470 in this time period. Nonresident enrollment
accounted for most of the decrease with a drop of
326 students. Students in that category pay three
times the tuition as resident students. Joan
McCauley of the budget office said nearly all of
the decrease is accounted for in the Lexington

Information circulated on a World Wide
are”) ‘1 "*7“ Twa’-“1‘: “


W. s . ' as, .




which are not slush funds at all, are
really the uncertainties oflife so you
build in some flexibility, and we're down to too
little flexibility," she said.

She said the reserves fell because of past deci-
sions to put money out in the colleges. The
$100,000 added to reserves influenced some real-

“We’re doing more than we really have
resources to do," Zinser said. “We've forced
some disci line on some people here.”

She saidfthe reallocations done reflect the

See BUDGET on 9



~ (A —A~—--. -- «4-. -1£.,.1’ - .


Strause named
asst. Center director

Rhonda Strouse has been named the associate
director of the Student Center and associatv
director of Students Activities, John llcrbs'
director of the Student Center, said yesterday.

Strouse was the assistant director of Studer
Activities. She assumed her new position yestv

Strouse was also director of the limergiig
Leader Institute.

“I know that we will all work effectively in mi -
ing the Student Center to a new level of success . i
serving the University of Kentucky." lierbst said

Police have suspect In Kocnelanil lira

Police and fire investigators have a suspect in
the Saturday fire that destroyed the door to a resi-
dent room in Kecneland Hall and caused the two
residents to move.

UK Police Chief W.H. McComas said police
have determined a suspect in the fire but have not
made an arrest yet.

He said investigators have also determined a
motive for the fire. McComas said that is all the
information he can reveal at this time.

Since the fire, security in the residence hall has
been increased to put residents at ease. The extra
security measures will continue through next

Compiled from mffvportx.





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Hears ago, as the legend goes, an embittered Kernel editor came back to the ofi‘iee, hurt and insulted. A prominent campus figure had
unfairly harangaed the young reporter/or an offense the reporter did not commit. It was at that point and in the heat and sweat and
tension that thew/mg editor vowed revenge. From those feelings ofscorn, the Golden For/cs were horn. Asa testament to thatyoung
reporter; we talce it upon ourselves to strilce haela with venomous pleasure at those who have wronged us —— the mighty Fourth Estate.

t - a...‘

a»... .am. D n.

V Charles Speak of the Year — "l
think we have the best basketball
coach in the country, i think it would
serve us well if we had the best basket-
ball arena in the country.”

VThe “Those are my community col-
leges —— I called them first" award goes
to President Wethington and Gov. Paul
Patton for carrying on like 3-year-olds
over the governance of the community
colleges. Remember guys — dueling is
still illegal in Kentucky.


V The “I'm oblivious to the campus“
award goes to Charles Wethington for
not noticing when TAs staged a protest
by posting black balloons all along
Maxwell Place's fence.






V The “Work day ends at
2 pm." award goes to out-
going Police Chief Wilson f
Herbert McComas for
leaving the office early
every afternoon.

' V The "Hit the Road. Jill" award
goes to UK women's basketball
coach Bernadette Mattox, who did
her best to send every member of
her team packing. Unfortunately, a
few of them managed to stick
around. Better luck next year,

V The “Call a spade a spade"
award goes to the Residence
Hall Association for not want-
ing to admit residence halls

are really dorms. V Also for Chief McComas is the

‘There is no first amendment”



_ forgetting to carry the one on the budget Hall staff for mistaking a VCR box for a r E
g a: V— shortfall. Back to Math 109 for you. bomb and evacuating the hall for several g:
V The "Whoops I dropped it" award goes to the construction com- V The “l“ 03” my daddy. if 1 hours While the qub squadtraveled an i E
pany that dropped the crane onto Kennedy's Book Store giving the don't 99t my way" award. Carrie hour to get to Lexmgton to dispose Of the l 7‘
establishment a new skylight. Sterling Wilder calling in rein- extremely dangerous VCR if f
forcements when she was dis- F '2
qualified as a Homecoming 2
Queen candidate and threatened V The “Thank ou for r . :
V The “Inspector Gadget" V In the ongoing saga of to sue the Student Activities ing negative Keflitucky gag—um
award goes to University plllS riiiiius grading the “I'm just a Board- (W'lde' W35 ’e'mlated types" award goes to Ashley
Spokesman Ralph Derickson for bill‘ award goes to the University and W0”) Judd for not showering or chang- 1
always being on top of a crisis Senate and senate Chairwoman ing clothes during the entire '
With a Cigar in one hand and a Jan Scliacli for not knowing NCAA tournament.
notebook and cell phone close whether a vote on plus/minus
by. taken by the senate was a ballot,
a poll or just a waste of time. V The "if you ever build it, they
might come" award goes to the V The “March Hare" award
parking office for finishing the goes to newly-elected SGA
new parking garage about four President Melanie Cruz for
V The "Police report of the VThe ‘l have no life" award months late. being “late, late for a very
year" award: “Complainant goes to the unknown Wildcat important date."
advised that the listed suspect arsonists who plagued numer-
gas in a vehicle and had the ous resrdence halls by setting
’ GOV open 30 that one COU'd doors and paper on life and V The “Best ride outside of Ken- V The “Heterohater” award -
see he was wearing nothing but pulling fire alarms. tucky Kingdom" award. The ele- goes to UK Lambda for back- gm? tgsaathgfsgegttapacntient fgjr
C‘JWbOl/ [390‘s The Sgblect was vators in Patterson Office Tower, ing out of the UK Speak Out for wgnderlii wh stiliitefitss 32,11
tall“) fondling himself. Be care- which always make a trip up Session and issuing a press go to gamesgDoeys the word
_U 'n that V'fgln'a Avenue par k' them worth the price of a sand— release calling Ben Rich a nosebleed mean a h' t
ing lot. wich at Intermezzo. “homohater.” C M 9 nyt ing 0 you,
i L-
f ’ i ‘ ‘ J l t
2. “l
J _..a.-- ”yaw—n o...” . _,,-,,.-.-._- .s..- - * i .7 “I: ”QITW‘frfie-W'»


Coach Mattox Bernadette.

V The “inclusiveness Award"
goes to Vice Chancellor for
Minority Affairs Lauretta Byars.
While speaking at a UK Lambda

meeting in October told the mem-
bers. "We didn't realize the Inclu-

sive Learning Community failed
to be inclusive until the fall."

V The "Prognosticator of the year"
award goes to football coach Hal
Mumme for not having a Super Bowl
pick. Apparently he didn't have time

to analwe the teams. Maybe

Muriiine should have asked for some

V The “We don't care who
knows" award goes to the
UK Alumni Association for
not notifying professors who
were nominated for the
Great Teacher Awards.

footbal‘ advice from Charles T. who

picked the winner, Green Bay.







V The “I‘m outta here"
award also goes to Chief
McComas for announcing
his retirement then berat-
ing a Kernel photographer
with the response, “l'm
not retiring, l'm quitting."







V The “I don't know where all the money
went" award. Chancellor Elisabeth Zinser






award. At the South Carolina i

basketball game, he instructed
another officer to remove a stu-
dent‘s sign that said, “Commen-
tator Billy Packer sucks."

V While we're at it, commentator
Billy Packer does suck.








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By Jay 6. Tate
Weekend Spom Editor

LOUISVILLE — There’s a
beautiful swirl of dirt as Kentucky
Derby hopeful Free House moves
through the barns toward his stall
after an 8 am. workout on the
main track. The early mornin
sunlight illuminates the dead samF,
which contrasts with Free House’s
light gray coat.

Indeed, nowhere in this sports
Pangea is there such beautiful
contrast — the richest of owners
and the most modest of exercise
riders. Horses from big-name
tracks and their counterparts from
Anonymity Downs. Aged veteran
trainers and the youngsters just
happy to be here.

Among the legion of first—time
Derby personnel stands Gary
Capuano, trainer of second-
favorite Captain Bodgit. He lum-
bers reluctantly toward the media
who stand near his barn waiting to
digest his insight into the muddled
race picture. It’s a reluctancy born
not out of spite, but rather of the
inexperience of someone being
subjected to the Derby hubbub for
the first time.

“This isn’t a two-horse race,”
first-time Derby trainer Capuano
says of assertions that Pulpit and
his Captain Bodgit are the class of
this year’s field.

“First, second, or even third
wouldn’t even be a bad way to go.”

Toward the far end of the back-
side in Barn 42 stands a thin man
in a black Louisville Slugger

Next to him is Shammy Davis,
one of the trainer’s two Derby
contenders, who is getting his
morning bath. As Nick Zito chats
with reporters, Shammy peers in
with seemingly human inquisition.

He’s talking about a subject
painfully familiar to sports fans.
Throughout horse racing, many
owners spend exorbitant amounts
of money on horses and aren’t
prepared to let them mature prop-

Instead, they want any colt or
filly even close to Derby caliber in
the gate the first Saturday in May.

“They all want to race them as
two-year-olds,” Nick Zito says
with a New York accent that
makes his close association with
UK head coach Rick Pitino seem
no serendipitous affair.

“I tell (the horse owners), you
have to be patient," he said. “A lot
of (the horses) just aren't ready to

Across the way in Barn 3}, vet-
eran trainer Bob Baffert barks
instructions to his rider, who is
about to gallop Silver Charm a
mile and a half. Baffert, a graduate
of the University of Arizona who
balanced basketball glory with a
painful second—place loss in last
year’s Derby with Cavonnier,
exhibits a different attitude.

“It’s good for them to see a big-
time star like you, Bob,” a beat
reporter says to Baffert as she
escorts a tour group through the
barn area.

“Oh,” Baffert relents. “I’m not
that big.”

Far away from the backside and
its overt confidence, nervousness
runs rampant. In the announcer‘s
box, atop the grandstand near the
spires, stands a 28-year-old with
the most famous voice in
Keeneland Race Course history.
Kurt Becker is preparing to call
the first race at his new home ——
only one week prior to the biggest
call of his life.

“Yeah, I’ve

been getting

uptight about it," Becker says of
the pressure associated with the
looming Derby call. “A fella was;
telling me the other day —— he said
that one year from now, there will:
be a whole new crop (of three-I
year—old horses) and it’ll be a‘
whole new race. ' ‘

“That puts it in perspective.” 1 ;

So a youn track announcer
takes over for e weathered vetétQ
an, Mike Battaglia, who had called
races in Louisville since 1977.

Batta lia, whose subtle schtick
include a brilliant “they’re into
the stretch" as the horses headed
for home, was a mainstay at a track-
that rewards and cherishes main-

“There was pressure at
Keeneland, but this is harder,"
Becker says. “There’s so much his-
tory here. People dream about
working here. It’s amazing.”

It’s still a few minutes before
noon and the first day of Churchill
Downs' spring meet is an hour
away. But a majority of the track's
life has already been lived.

It’s a sport that's born in the
morning, then won or lost in the

Such beautiful contrast.

Track and "all! team looks l0l‘ a IlllSll

By Price Atkinson
Smfl ll Gim-

It’s time to get the ball rolling.

For the UK track and field team, that time is

Only the two biggest meets of their season,
Southeastern Conference and NCAA ()utdoor
championships, will be left on the Cats 109."
outdoor schedule after the National Invitation—
al tomorrow in Bloomington, Ind.

The men’s team lacks two things that are
essential for the duo of meets at the end of the

“Somebody has to emerge as the leader and
that really hasn't happened yet," said UK assis-
tant coach Edrick Floreal. “I think this is going
to be the weekend where the men as a team
will really get it going.”

What they need, Floreal said, is some
momentum heading into the championships.

“\Ve don't really have much momentum
going right now," Floreal said. “Everybody


isn’t really competing well right now and
everybody's kind of looking around for people
to compete well.”

Floreal said it is “bound to happen," and he
can see it coming.

“I think it's going to happen again, and I can
see it going on slowly but surely," he said.
“Guys are beginning to make a move to step up
their game."

Fifth-year senior DeMarcus Lindsey agreed
with Floreal's analysis and said the SECs is the
time for the men's team to gel.

“One of these meets we need to get it
together," Lindsey said. “Hopefully that's
going to be the meet.”

The SEC championships, May 15—18, is one
of, if not, the most competitive outdoor con-
ference track and field meets in the country.

Lindsey, who redshirted last season because
ofinjury and did not compete in the outdoors,
is taking a different approach the to 1997 SEC

“It's kind of different because I’m not where

I want to be, and I know you have to take it one
day at a time,” Lindsey said.

Lindsey finished second in the lOO-meter
dash at the SEC outdoors during his sopho-
more year, but he still is nursing an injury this

“I‘m used to being up there and the only
person that beat me was Tim (Harden)." he

Star sprinter Michelle Brown is nursing a
quadr'icep injury and is day-to-day right now.
She likes the UK relays teams' chances at the
SECs. though, but they will have to run super
fast times to make it to the NCAA meet, June

“I think we definitely have a chance to make
it in," Brown said. “\Ve’re gonna have to run
an automatic in the 4x400 to make it.”

\Vith key role—players hurt, getting healthy
now is at the forefront of UK's championship

“Trying to keep everybody healthy is going
to be the hardest thing to do," Floreal said.


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Cats' recruits to add speed, strength

By Price Atkinson
Stuff 14 'rr'ter

If rebuilding next year is the case, then the UK
women’s track and field team will have some new

building blocks to get the job done.

And a strong group of newcomers they are.

So far, six female track and field athletes have
signed with UK for next season. Five are state or
national high school champions in their events and
one is the Canadian junior champion.

“All of them coming in will probably be able to
hel us now,” said UK assistant coach Edrick Floreal.

“T at’s the exciting thin

Leading the way will fie No. l triple-jumper in the
nation and Maryland state champion, Valerie
Williams. She won the women’s high school triple
jump competition last weekend at the Penn Relays.

Williams will fill a hole UK has had in the triple

jump event.

The third-best triple jump in the SEC this year is
42 feet, 7 inches, which ties her personal best. The
top three jumpers this season are seniors, which

opens a door to the top.

“She will come in probably finding herself the
leading jumper in the SEC as a freshman and proba-
bly in the long jump as well," Floreal said.

Hazel Hanson—Monnie, a native of Port Moody,
British Columbia, is the Canadian junior champion
in two events: the 200— and 400-meter dashes.

hurdle events.


the running."

state cham

Three quality hurdlers, Ola Sesay, Latisha Smith
and Michelle Williams, will give UK depth in the

Sesay is the Maryland state champion in the 100-
meter hurdles and ranked in the high school top 10 in
the 100 and long jump. Smith is ranked in the top 10
nationally in the 300-meter hurdles and is the
Hoosier state champion. Williams reigns as the Ken—

in the 100 and 300 11

F oreal said t e 300-meter hurdlers will help the
relay teams as well as UK’s hurdle performance.

“They are going to help the relays big time,” Flo—
real said. “It's going to give us a lot more latitude in


In the field, Heidi Quast, the 1997 Illinois indoor
state champion in the shot put, is headed south to

UK. Quast comes from an athletic background ——

her brother and father both played professional foot-
ball in the NFL.
UK assistant coach John Kenneson who recruited

Quast, said the Cats had a successful spring with


“This is the best ever signing period for the
women probably or close to it," Kenneson said.

Celtics continue
WOOIIII Ill Pitino

UK head coach Rick Pitino said
Thursday he would end all specu-
lation about his job status by
either jumping to the NBA or
reaching a new deal with the
Wildcats, probably sometime next

“IfI am back next year, and I
intend to be, it’s going to be with a
long-term contract,” said Pitino,
speaking in an on-the-course
interview during a pro-am golf

Pitino denied published reports
quoting unnamed sources as say—
ing there was a 95 percent chance
he would be the new coach of the
Boston Celtics, where M.L. Carr
resigned Wednesday after two

“1 know (Celtics owner) Paul



Gaston has not said that, and I
haven’t said that,” Pitino said.

“I‘ve never really looked at an
offer. I don’t know what all this is

Pitino has three years remain-
ing on his contract at UK. At a
news conference later Thursday,
he said he might eschew an imme-
diate extension in favor of signing
a longer deal once his current
agreement expires with the Uni-

Regardless, Pitino said he did
not anticipate any difficulty in
coming to terms with UK.

Pitino said one “casual conver-
sation” with Celtics’ special assis-
tant Larry Bird had unexpectedly
mushroomed into stories claiming
he was on the way out at UK,
which lost to Arizona in the
NCAA final this year.

What has become a yearly
string of stories mentioning him as
a candidate for NBA jobs is unfair

to UK, its players and its fans,
Pitino said.

“I’ve got to do one thing or the
other, and it’s oing to be done
next week,” saitFPitino, who first
plans to attend Saturday’s 123rd
running of the Kentucky Derby.

“I’ve got to stop this once and
for all.”

III‘I I'll In!“ I" I-Il-I

The UK men’s olf team trav-
els to Kent State t is weekend to
compete in the King Cobra/Kent
Intercollegiate Tournament, Fri-
day and Saturday.

The two-day, three-round
tournament will be layed at the
gar-70, 6,936-yar Windmill

akes Golf Club in Ravenna,

Senior Grover Justice