xt7n8p5vb920 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5vb920/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1797-06-15 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 15 June 1797 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 15 June 1797 1797 1797-06-15 2023 true xt7n8p5vb920 section xt7n8p5vb920      

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mI-M‘JI‘ '.'1 011151'1II1'1'IL: :Ics «111$
1':'I. 1.11}: imlicluire , 1:11 1?.
11'1111 1;:111'11I 1'1I1111' u11\ C11:II‘-:~; 1'1"


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1.1211111”. 1:111:

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{1111'} .11-1 1111;2111'1 (Ium Its 1'11"= n 1.11111'1I
{11"1111111'1111 111’. 12:»1111111: Inn-‘7

121 1'1? , cu IIu'quI' (I '< 1I'1'1si1I-qni:

Ion: 1-15 c011~1IL11I1111111'I1-1: 1.".1I

<1Ix<1111111211|'1'~. 111115 In


VuIe 1'.11111'c I11 1'.:1111‘1Iia11.

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mean: 011 111111911113, Icln‘s opa‘u~


'1 V
U. V011 l1 1111101‘1’1é (lam 135 21/1 éleclcnrs qui ont 5131115

Pat (3 <1...“ Relish-

C11: (‘19le 11:1, (lznis 1c scin dc la premiere assem—
bléc, puma. Pg.1lsmgn‘1 utteslm‘ qulullc avoit élé 11‘011-
blni'c ; (1111. 11:11' ugh 11161118 (lii'ils (110111111111 111111011113 , pon—
voiLHL hire as Elsciions , 11'avoicnl 111101111 intérfi't 51 so
si‘pa 31‘ do l’JascLHCw 411103 [YUHL‘IUS , (1:5 déi‘urdi‘cs (l’unc
(ermine. CSPDCC, (lcs \‘ums dc fail 111: lvs y cusscnt Ibrcés.

Cat 21’! élcclcnrs .11wian 1111 inlérf-l. plus fort quc lcnr
31‘11‘1711'3 FEYiO'HlCllI‘. , pony so séparul‘ (Yum: assmnlfléc [1111111—
lncmc ; Ll lui 116 (11111111: (11111 dix jours aux asseinhlévs
1'*l<‘1:i111‘11l1-s now: coniennncr luurs 01113121110113; ils; out senli
qlllil's' no 111111v’nigni lcs 1151-1111111'1‘ dams cu 11-11111: an milieu
d’nm: amunbli‘c LlL‘VChUU i‘uk‘UCIHC, 1W; u€1 lrl snrclé (lcs
112411101115 ("Mia 541113 ccssc mcnzlcér‘;






ils 011k (l11 51: 511113111
pom: ul::'-11' 51 la [111, pour rumplir lcur mission 8:1; vocal
do l11 pubic.

Purlnlis \‘olc pour 1:1 1‘ "Ollif‘inn.

La di~rcnssin11 cst 11i11111‘111'1e 1'1 (lcnnnn.

Ls cilnycu Regardin 60111, 1111’” acceplc 5a ré‘lecliou 1‘1
111 place .1: cannnissuirc 11:: la €1,1112p'1;1l1ili1é.



0111131111, 111.5 CINQ CENTS.
l’1‘1’4sitlcncc du ciloycn Prcnncxu.
SZ’UIH‘? III; 2-‘3p1'r11'1'i11l.

Plnsii‘nrs convuuncs (la la ci-dcvzml. l31‘11121g110 , cclle (l1:
Elunwnimn' untrknilrcs , sullicilan lo 1-i-lz111lisscu1cnt du
culie millioliqne.

Un 1111,111l51‘u «11511121111111: 5 qnni 1:011 cos I7l":il.1.0l13, puisquc
Ic liln'e cxvn'iu: dc 1011s lcs cnllos 1"”. 1713111119?

LC 00115111 onlonnc lc runvoi £1 11119. cumnnssinn.

Drs Ciinfcm so 101111311an d1; cc (1110 11 l1‘(‘11 11: l1'.1\'1iil 90 111191111 antrcfui: avcc
commis , 6L 01‘1 il y on .1 1111j111n-(l‘h111 107.

l’111'111i les 11550111005 pmu' 11-111 6 , 111 connniszion a PUH
qu‘un ponrruil. iinposcr 11111: irctcnuc do dvnx—cinqniin:
5111‘ 11:5 rcnlcs purpélliullcs ; dc Lrois-dixicnms 5111' 11:5 1111‘
viagcrcs , l'\' d’nn Llixieinc Ft (1131111 Slll' la: pcnu'ons; 11m,
6111: [CS rcnlicrs y g;1g11c1‘nicnt—ils , s’ils éluicuk d‘itillua.
cxuclcnu‘nt 1"): unliercnmnt payés.


1111115 1011.1 soul. 1'11ssu1‘u11s. $011 rapport 50111 111111111111".

Bourse du 26 prairial.
Ainslcrdarnfiogi, , 61:, 62. 1141151111110. . . . . .2, 1’1 1, l}
1.1’111111:0111-.551;7‘2—, 59 f2, (10. Londl'cs. . .515 5., 211.155
Hz1111b.187,186;1;, 18/11, 18/1. 11151013111L3'11.,SISl. 5 5.,31.

MadridJ 1 l. 15 5.,13 s. 9 d.
Madrid effect. . . .13 L 15 s.
Cudix. II 1. 15 3., 15s. 9 d.
Cad. cll'cct. . . . . . .13l.15s.
(}f‘11cs.........92%, 91$.
Liv0111'11u..101 41:, 100;, 100.

5 8., 10 5., 331» l.
B011 $.23 1. , 23l.55., 221.15.
231.,221. 12.15, 15.1.

()1‘ (111.. . . . . . .1021.1os.
Lingut d’ur”. . . . . .f)0l.10=




T ”g l’i:1sh‘c.........5 L45}.
,1y011...............1 .1 d‘ l l .;
Bfurst‘illc I 5- Q1151 111pe......79 .7 5.1..
Burdcaux “1 5 I)11caldilul......111.111.

........... . 71. 5011Voa‘ai11.......331. 1:35.

2 liv. 2 3., 5 s. — Sucre <1’O1‘léa11s , 2 liv. 2 s. — Savan 111
Marscillc, 16 s. 1, 17 s. — Clmndullu, 13 s.


Dir/Emma!” analyliqw r111 (WI-z (IN; rill'lifx (’I (In facinrs , 51111?
toutes les 101K 5111‘ 111 11' 1'11 311111111111: 1'41 administratiw‘ , I11 V‘
correctinnnfillc & 1‘1‘111111112l1‘ , nvvu lcs (If-Chin” (111 1111111511? 1
jusfii'c, (“i ll notii'c 111:5 jugnmrns a11‘1loo1uc's li‘» plus imports”.


1‘1 venue { .rfb 11".)01115 11:135.
{‘01112111‘11l guzxnolnw 1:1 (little sonsliiuéc ? l«:s liquidations

11'- 511311, 11.1; 1115' (1121's .11tl1cVL-cs.

marm’trerr-rv I- \ :r 1.32: 2:221:51: . gummmmmvu rm: '

U: 1"111‘1’1‘a1te 1"}: dc BUYER, 51:.1111) c1 XIIHM'ILT, l‘i‘oin'uilniics 1! l:dl:(,‘ll)'5 (l

rue (lea Mnnlins, n”. 500.

tl'lbllllll (If: (tussuu'nn. r121111-illis11111‘ 111‘111'1- alphqbvu’que , ll'isznzt .
1111 (“1110;111:1119 sur 1(‘3 mariurm ('iviites; par J. U. Dni'lururlg. I]
(l1-s 11mm \nlznn 1 , 3 liv f1 1111; dc 111111. A Paris , chcz l'anteurx
('mn‘ 111‘. b.1113 u, 11". 1112.




T W W'IYXFW‘UKISZ” _ «$33741. . ..



I y . .
11 4111111111111 elm _’\r01‘w1.’1cs Fdlzlzqzwa

. . . 9
blows 11c puuvons SlllVl‘C Glbcrt (111111: 10113 sea cah-ulr

. . .261. 27l. La‘lm
) 1 7

Espril 2, 40051 405 liv. -— .1111—dc—V‘ic 22 (l1:g.,2301‘135ol.
—}l1iilc(l’olivu,11.45.,55. —— CaféhLL-rnnique , 2 I. , 2l.1%
—— Cafi'5Sl—l)1.1111iiiguc, 1 l 16 5., 17 s. ———Sucrc d71r1a111l3(llil‘2-





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