xt7ncj87m75x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ncj87m75x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1981 1981 1981-10-14 2020 true xt7ncj87m75x section xt7ncj87m75x _ . . - _ ~ j -' _ * "' ‘ * ' . - . ' , ‘ ‘7' . r ‘;y~ '4. innit} @"ak in" 4
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unsure 0' 0V 8 appeal once at ra
t g l i
= ———————-— Brockman, however, was still on The rally will be held with or Education’s Prichard Committee, l 4
By lIuANCY E. IIMVIS time last night what the governor's without Blown at noon today in front President Otis Singletary,Brockman, ‘ l ,
Sailor Shh“ Wu“? final decision would be. of the Administration building. in Garritson and Dr. Constance Wilson - , . , . 4 f .
m..____ “The official word is that they're case of rain, the location will be dug CollegeofSocial Work,afacul- - ,7 ?
dointl everythins in their power to changedtoMemorial Coliseum. tymemberontheaoardofrrustees. ‘ ‘ t ,
, 059i“ indecision by Gov. John Y- reschedule his appointment in Brockman is confident that the ['31- Mayor Jam“ Amato has declared
Brown recordins his 8998mm 8' Washington." Brockman said. ”But! ly will beasuccess. “If it fails, it will today “Higher Education Day" in -'
today's “RallytoSoveHWEduco- told them that we have to organize be because of one of two reasons: Lexington, said Brockman. noting gs "
~ ~ tim.” Student Associatim members and structure our rally so it will run either rain or apathy," he said. “But “it’s symbolic of the importance this \‘ f ' .
l are confident that the rally will be a smoothly. We want nothing to disrupt itwon'tfail." institution impacts upon the “ , ‘ '
‘ success. I it." Clark said that SA has done Lexington-Fayette County area." 5
? Brown had accepted an invitation to The invitation to Brown still stands. “everything humanly possible to pull The Kentucky Education Associa- - i . , '
speak at the rally from SA Vice M- Brockman said, “but we do have an this off" and Brockman said if it is a tion sent a telegram to SA offering its " I,“ ,
dent Bobby Clarkon KET'S “'l‘hePeo- agenda that must be strictly adhered failure, “it's not because the ground- support of the rally, Brockman said. . ' » .
. ple's Busines” last week. but to, He can’t jut come in (unannounc- work was lacking." The rally is one of six to be held at a , ' i , \ ‘
cancelled hisappearance when Frank ed) and expect us to reschedule ”We've passed out 3,000 handbills public institutions across the state. ”a r;- l 1" . . l . -
. Ashley. hispreessecretory. reminded everything atthelast minute." on campus, 4,000 at (Saturday‘s) foot- The first was held Oct. 6 at Western / 7 4 ‘ _ ' 1" \t ’J ..
him at a previous engagement in “it seems odd to me that one can. ball game, we announced the rally Kentucky University; others were /./,> nix-“$11: ’A k ' . 7 _ -,
Washinstm- for five dayS. forget an appointment four times at the ball game, I've talk- held at Kentucky State University , , . -45" ’ +292) , 3 $5,, ' .41,_ j,
, But perhaps Brown has had Ia in Washington,”said Al'tssiSciencos edto six radio stations, threeTV sta- and Eastern Kentucky University. " /. 2? ’ ” I A. 7-" . I“: h ’ x. '
choose ofheol‘t-SAMdGMBm‘ Senator Dean Gorfitson- “He’s kept tions, visited classrooms. organize The rallies at Northern Kentucky «a; ‘ ”if 3;:- 2., f (:3; " ; ,
BrockmansaidMaxineLutz,Brown’s usonthehook. It makes one believe tions, fraternities —there is nothing University and the University of (55;. .4 ea" ,. 3-”"/*’ ., -- :-
appointments secretary.tdd him that that he's doinghisdanmedest to keep more humanly possible we can do," Louisville are stilltocome. ’x‘ri'f- .L'~-, .,-. ' "- ’ ,. ' . ,. l: -- "
,- the governor would he in Definition the press from having any negative Brockman said. There was initial oppositiontotht a ,1. -’ " '39—‘41: .f ' '5‘» _‘ .f'. ‘
this morning tospeak elsewhere, and reactiontohiscancellation and it cer- speaking at today's rally will be rally from several SA mm wh‘t ’ fig.» A/mc,‘ . I-:— ,5 '~
she was trying to rearrange his tainly makes me wonder about his Edward Prichard, chairman and disagreed with the way plans for ti. '..'. ‘ ’ ""' ‘ , ' '3‘
' " " schedule. commitmenttohighereducation." namesake of the Council “I Higher See'RalIy’mpage ’” 0' [All '0” 'a/
. _._. . ____~h——__________ .
I i 5'1:
. KE 'I'UCKY ..
i . .
Todaywillbecloudywithhighsinthe ‘
' low to mid 705. Light Winds from the ,
soth will pass through at 10 to 20 5
mph. Tonight will be mostly cloudy l
with a 30 percent chance of showa-s. 1'
lpwswillbeinthemidtoupperSOs. .
_—_‘——r—_——_——_—__—_— —-—_———_——I—_—__—___——
' Vol. LXXXIV, No.43 . l d tudent news since 1971 University of Kentucky ’
l Wednesday, October 14, 1981 An In t s papa Lexington, Kentucky ‘
l .
l - 1 A" ‘2 . - / . l r ‘ ~ ' l ‘ '
.,.~ ,4}; : 1:4... i ,4.» . j .. ’- _ t - I - I ‘ '
as > . mt" .. has . , (/7 ,. . 1 r .- .  . Prichard speaks on p]: ht :
3" t \‘ 1"! ' .1" J/ twflt "t’ J, 1- " m" I, at ’ V
4‘ «I . I.’ \";§ I, 1., 41f; ,1. I ’ . I, I J . ‘ n . ,
. , , x ’ I , A » —_—————— “ ’
’ ~ “I . H i ”54 " e i) "it ' 7. .- By BILL STEIDEN - 3:: hei'd‘ Ibuozdll dog; want to
I ~ . a ’1 c... «1" ‘s.. 4 « ." ‘ ‘ ‘8‘ _ . . ‘ . ow 1n app e 'sco . .
I O l to ». t it? 1.. h . ‘ ¢ ,4 ,' \I ‘;.~.f"“2 ‘ ' Editor-tn-Chlef ’ a . . ‘ .. . “It’s not up to the education people
r , at . , ‘ w . r// 33,!“ . ________._—._—_—__ * ’ “. . towrite the tax laws," hesaid. “It's
' 1'! V ’ .4 .. ' " , ‘ , ’3'“ -~ . . . I .3 up to the task force and the Governor ‘
‘ .~ ' - ' er - -. ./ “7f ‘ Edward Prichard sIays 1‘ 15‘” I . to write the laws for the whole com—
.' ab ' ’ It .‘ T" A? I ,1 U enough for studentsto SlmPIY protest ‘ ‘ . munity. Nobody's going to accept a
~‘~. d in .. ,A . I , a l , ‘ " budget cuts t0 higher educatlon, A " ’d‘ raise for higher education alone.
4 . ‘ ‘ fl“ 3 ' -' 2 “WV“? 80t ”0 be willing '0 advocate h‘ ' “One thing I am sure of is that you
‘ >4" ‘ g’ ' "r ' . (, ‘* . ,’ / a‘. means 01' restoring funding ‘0 higher - ,_ 4 can’t take away from other sectors to
" ‘3' . 1‘; 5 7 , education. . h .I H“ , I . give to higher education,” he said. _
, III)... -~ 4 . - (“I-v" ,4"? I “Instead Of mm 0" the 119* ht~ 5' “Whose health card do you take
‘4 ' ' " ~‘ , ,1 \ . e. H 5,, I: lngton campts, and theres nothing '. i~= ' . away, whose child support do you .
\ . . l . , y '4 ~ '3 . -' , ,7; *5 wrong With that, the place t°I8° '5 i, ‘ ,.v' takeawayandtellthemit’s forhigher
/. . 4 j - ' -' g i; ' .. W where 3'0“ live," said the chairman ' fl ‘ " ”V education? Taking away from one to
. Nate‘s; *a—s‘. ’ ” . f?” ,1 t?“ and namesake of the Council on ED PRICHARD give to another would be very, very '
“F ~ ' 1 ‘ . firs- . Higher Education’s Prichard Com- divisive.
‘: a - , 4 _.- “’3'“ ' -I- _v I mittee, whichhasrecently releaseda Il-le added that restoring higher Commenting on the governor’s
i ‘ if is. no!“ - comprehensive set of recommenda- education funding to 1971-72 levels recommendation at a March CHE
”.- . 4 .- , '. he, :, , " -~ tions for higher education in Ken- wouldbethe“mlnlmum necessary. meeting that higher education should
, - ’ A). :~ hicky'sfuture- ”That 6'06"" take iht° omit!" begeaiedtotheneets of business,he
. . l; 3"", h". ‘_ ', Prichard, scheduled toaddress to- Northem Kentucky Umverstty and noted that the rapidlychanging
. _, , ‘ J.‘ N? - day’s Student Associationsponsored the University of Lousiville, which nature of our society might cause
. < . 3 f: .. : ‘4 - ; Rally to Save Higher Education, said were added after 1971," he said. “We such a policy tobe limiting.
I , an, .5 ,3.‘ " Monday he has not prepared a need at least $40 million dollars to “Whatif higher education had been
. ’. . .- . I‘ .'I . t? f a." ' t - speech, but said hewill address “the maintain whatwe'vealready got. geared to the horse-and-buggy in-
i‘ . ~ .. . h; ”all. i. .. - ,4 present plight of higher education. “I think that the budget cuts have dustry More the homeless carnage
‘ t" .4. ‘ ' I” 'I', ‘3‘ " “ f " i “I hope to say that if that 5 what forced the schools lncrease the efIfl- came along? The average career now
" ‘ - \ , ‘ . ' . ~ ‘..:‘ .; " ' ’ they‘re (students) interested in, they ciency of their operations," he said. encompasses four or five jobs." he
. . t ‘ .h ‘J‘7fi‘ 1"} 2‘ Should say molly What they would “AS Dr. (Samuel) Jmm sald, said. “With the rapidly aceela-ating
' 61' *‘ .' ‘ 7“ .4. 4’7. have the governor do,” he said. ‘nothing so concentrates the mind as pace of technology, it is necessary for
t ' v t l ‘t .. ~" 1' . : . .' Ask“ about the Prichard Commit- a sentence lobe hanged.V N College graduats to have a solid
/ » . a. ,I ‘ . I. _ tee’s recommendation that the gover- But Prichard said he believes that background in the basic sciences and
. ' ,_" ; ' ' ; '4' , ,gs "iv; ‘3'. nor appointatask force to investigate the university administrations have mathematics
. - . -. .-.~ . “A“? " . means of restoring the percentage already cutasmuchastheycan. "But even more than that, people
' ' ‘ . levels for per-student higher educa- “The institutions could probably do have to live," he 53de “They mist
. “ ' tion funding to the peak levels reach- a better job of cutting themselves if have the capacity to reason and make
, ' _ - '5 . edin1971-72, Prichard downplayed its they weren‘t forced," he said, “but informed judgements if they are go
~ ‘ ' significance you can't make bricks from straW-' ing to function as citizens and family
‘ V . . “The governor doesn’t need the Prichard maintained that the only members. Education is vital if our
' . g task force," he said, “It's jlst a waytorostorehigherfundinglevelsis societyistofunction.“
a} .4 political device to gather together to raise taxes. but he declined to say Asked if he will continue to actively
. prominent citizens and concentrate which taxes shouldberaised. support higher education. Prichard
1 m y‘b y.‘ them on this issue. lt’sInothing the “II have my own opinions on that said “I'll do what I can, when I can.
] “a; ! governor couldn’t do on hls own. subject, and in the future I may speak I've got to make a living, you know."
I I 't . I\ II T I I I '
.1 rusted: request plan for adMISSIOIIS pollcy
- l I . 3‘ W'— voiced a “general agreement" with four faculty members and one .
5,;_ sh I-IIIrj Bureau Chief the committee's selective admissions undergraduate student member.
" [- 'r'. '- ‘1 "" .t ~57. ails-w" c .“’ "W": I ‘9‘" "-r» f"- .t' :1 .,....,< in ., .. N, .- . ' _ w . '1 ’ ' ' 1 ' ~ stUdy' Pm‘dent Otis Singletary an‘ - .
t . - . '. ._.,.:_- >>.,-.,,- a, Z”; *- . '«i .. -- .::>'*"’°'-\... «' [he .,I . 2', __I" , ‘ MH— nounced that he would appoint an ad- r8302?“ the :lncgidrd l COtmettie
. . .. . _ s W...“. _ ' 0 't S. ti ]m 'n was 1' ea as wee ,
4 l MW," The UK Board of Trustees has call- zlsstlyecctimdmteiessfié. Is It kl g Singletary said he favored selective
l edforaselective admissions proposal Art Gallaher vice president for admissions fir the sake of “educa-
I toIhIe gmepszedcior revizwmon .Lant. 26 academic affairs, was appointed as tional quality not for the purpose
; 3‘“. app. I8 "“5 a ive 'rm n mit . of filling up dormitorim at other
I I' . By FRANK SALVINO/Kernel Staff assistant to the president. The pro- uchiEheriard $380122”? itsezrganiz- (Kentucky) universities."
‘ An ”mm posal is to be based on a report i the committee to “ 've him ad-
. ,l presented to the Council for Higher v2]; onthematt er ., g] Theboard also accepted theaudited
l Wreckage of the Pheonix Hotel dwarfs a pedestrian on Vine Street. The structure, built over a century ago, was the Educatjm by the Prichard Commit- Ral Derickso di t of the financial statements 0f five Universi-
. oldest hotel in l.exlngton,having withstood three fires only tofacedemolition.The World Coal Center is scheduled to... te last Thursday. UK P" W "nd 5)“ ”t ”h ty affiliated corporations. The cor-
bulltonthe site. Clapp said that afta- the board had “e.“ . u, 58' e res 9 e pa-ations are The hind for Advance-
commlttee Will probably con5lst of ment of Education and rch in
. n n . mm“
the UK Medical Center. The UK ’
Zimbabwe offers hapa to atherAfrIcan countries t...
I ., ——-———— others readytostart building African- scmpulomly. even the old Canberra Mugabe‘s plan for a one-party state unable to buy imports on which it had ééwgfmmsgagemingieginzafiiecgr;
. ‘ ByMORTROSENBLUM style socialist states of mixed bombers that pressed the air war won-ids a number of Zimbabweans. growndependent. Alumni Association '
4 Associated Press Write- economies and mixed races against the insurgents now in power. But men like McGrath, with a stake in Import substitution drove uIrIl '
prime Mjmsta- Robert M abe, _ ~ thenation.aretakingtherisk prices. For example, one sugar mi , -.
______.__..____ whose guerrillas originally heist the ' t J t. “In Mozambique. (President) project wastuming out refined shear “52f agmkvng’ covermdtl; 1:: '_
. This is the third story in a five-part white Rhodesiam but whoare now /\.L . Somora Mitchel told in over and over lit a cost of 82.000a ton. while prolects MW yAnd'ersen {'3‘ a u .
I “H" joining them, told l'eporta's in June: if ‘ not to scare off the whites, like he in lndta ran at a few dollars a ton. firm - “W" M
. I “We pursue socialism, but we have diIIdhe said one ranking thfignbabweadn f-rencl;d agmnomist Rene Dumont - ;
srrouuo, zimbabwe — Mike a capitalist infrastructure. As low as Tamworth are rot to o - report - . , . _ _
, McGrath,awhite rhodesian who built it is serving a useful purpose, we A f V y mi! they failed by sons too for. too Villas-s. lettin squalor as the other wmgmfifizlfégm . .
his farmto richness and defended it should not annihilate it without pro k. _ )\ . fast. All around, there have been developed, produce lltItle. . t' ;
. .. . . \ \ mistakeswecanlearn from." “International agrlbmmess could corpora ‘0‘“ -;
with gunfire, is not gum anywhere. vidingasubstitute. \ f‘ b, _ . , .
He thinks fimbabwe —and Africa — Rhodesia showed what a besieged \O L 3—; turn thn place IlIntoIthe Gardui of In other actions, the board 3p. ‘ ,
might make it. Heis not alone. natial could do on its own. Factories The case of neighboring Zimblfl. Eden mlfllt- Isald one Wests-n pointed James 0. Kim to the pogmon , .
* “To be hunt, it‘s quite amazing. here produce steel and canned formerly Northern Rhodesia. with econotnlstin Zambian of Special assistant to the resident. . I‘
NO you! 380 we W00“ not hlVe 89‘0”“ In 15 years, wheat produc- twice the land and immense copper ‘But profit is a dirty word here. and authorizedthe“proper officials" .' , . ,
._. dreamed thim would be like this," tion welt from lmito 158.910 tons. deposits,isnotlostm2imbebwe. Bumess ls Viewed asIexplmtahIon, so to apply for a patent for an inventim I , ' .4
said the 53—year-old McGrath at his Oofleeroeefromsstoumtons. At independence. two-think of the instead they've got [Kids stondmg 0“ of peter L. Buy-hank of the Medea! . . T .
. ' homeha'e,northofSalisbury,whete Today, Salisbury butles under its white farmers left, and President street corners sticking kvaes into Center. . I I . ~
, ‘ flowerll'vinahavehlmedhis hand- pernlmed treo. Official papers are " ' ' KainethKaunda replacql private eachotherforacoupleofpennles. {I ' . -. . .
‘ made nettim into a trellis. ”We'll movethmoothly W channels, enterprise with cumbersome state In mata'ial terms, the successful m“ has assigned M, right. to , ‘ - ‘3» ’
' . stay.“ withoutbrlbery.bycivtl servantswho Whites are leaving at a fasta‘ rate mum. Ag-icultune dwlnaed newnatiom have allreliedonoutside invented improvements in . ~, . . ’. _
' flmbabwe. the youngest emergent say“pleese"and“thlnk you." than during the war, afraid manta": durlm a copper boot: When cqlper involvement. Most former French “instructional Device for me of a .. _‘ ‘h .
. nation. «fen - model for E ui ent is maintained ' t turn ainst . ,Zam "a wait broke, Serum-krill”, ' . v :i
I . I . hope‘ a o phi system ,mltl" ‘3 9"“ a‘i’“ a W . ,-¢:;‘“‘~:,4 than
t I"
. ' ‘tiwfl‘h 4
v' . ififl ~ 4"”- “ ‘ ' ’ ‘,' "'WM'M”"“ “"“"'"’ W”' . h ' ’ .7; A . .“W” W " ‘ “ YMi‘ %fi%3
3 A 3. ‘ . . . . . 4 ‘. railiftam it». ‘ r . - a as”. ~ w, -» " his . in «A; rises.» on «be. times... cr‘ .

 '_ , '. the: " .éiien‘ihlhiftw 3,7; .. : t ,I _ - . . f . e “xii; a «373*3‘ fit$§wmflt he“, ‘R "stifle 7 ' ‘ . new at? .= ‘2‘ 1 hate ‘-;-r ,, Jr 5 xi ‘ i I“ w it.
.' -~..«. t” at?At‘tiiiFQ-‘iéfi?Tet}? ‘Z-‘E’fh‘t‘uti . fr“ . , - . ‘ * ' , I “15‘ th‘ ' j Iii tii‘itfigtiifttafime‘ #ét‘tut’ .‘..;‘.t¥i_ l C: It“. 7‘:Tt?éti”w
» .~ the el g sh: ”i‘t . . ‘ . - ' "‘i:£V'=‘:'.ztt7:‘f‘$ ~~~t~xi w a . ~ . . , u . t it « n . .
. . I 19.52“"! ', “Ag-15‘- ,Iatlt‘fi “-11" f. I < - 72$ 3“, I I .v '. , . _ . _. , _‘ ,"i' .L fI~(Jv:,I_I-.:'§i‘~ gyms .‘ 1.549 ;;:.'..A,",ite-,I.';'r:3 . I-tvL. ,. ,: x" I‘ - ,rv- ‘ . ". . - ’.:I “".’”.-"f"a. (a - ‘ .gwggtgf-fl.3gel..,.I-r A“: I a
I "if" \I high" . s .. . w . a . .. . . v . . . . _ . .-W 5‘.— .aa. 4., ‘i is“. Ore-reap . L; .nn. . .ml «u. x . - -~' . .. l.-,...—....... ..4 .y.»..-~'e24".-v‘ .' , “was. -L‘}.¥.,-*‘M’.flh_,h V
trash .
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' the”
"Veg: ,1 i Bill 39”” ere Ash Ka- Altlne Anne Charles Use Wallace M. Chandler Boll- - I
flaw v _ . Editor-m0“ Mimi-1mm! JIM Edwin Harris Sport-Editor bite-tomcat utter mama ‘ bll
ersuasw mm
L" t-f': " p Jacki Rudd “allied-be Bil'eauChlcfs Steven W. Lowther lieelle Michelson ' Burt Ladd
'I , .. - I mm, mm, Copyuitor AllulanlSportsEditor Assistant Entertainment Editor (“tetmeflrevher _
’ .. > ' Kirby Stephens
' ; , ' . Graphics Editor f

.2, ,, ., . - ;______~__________________._____________ _ :

I A nd th ll ' off' ' I ‘

tte 9 re y— give government none 3 a message V

. “ Today’s Rally to Save Higher Education our own President Otis Singletary, have _

. provides every student and faculty member repeatedly warned that further losses will 2:: :5” g; G 5:“: 551555;; E;- it 5:; ___—_—=‘ 5:: m h
317' and all other individuals having stakes in the necessitate changes in the structure of the :33; E g D =. “:5 iVE—i-E 55:: £5: g 55:3; f . ethmtiu
it future of higher education (whichis everyone) state’s entire system of education — going, so ="‘- "1'" " 5 = r” ‘ = -— “’ “—“ ‘ ' = , $33:
an Opportunity to communicate to Frankfort to speak, beyond the muscle and tothe bone. ’ it"; t . _I monplac
4:. that they are not pleased with the govern- The General Assembly and the governor’s ”I r ME W/m mUR :lwrggg. -I I . find it VI
5 ment’s budgetary policies, office are not the only entities to be dealt with ’" fl . ‘ mt

Higher education has suffered long enough, in this crisis. The roots of the problem reach DG E 7 AXE - - ~ - . § : . ti . . These pr
' For two years, the administrators of Ken- all the way to the White House, 01‘ more 80- - ”i t: t t = :veraly
tucky‘s eight state universities have stalled curately, to the Office of Management and ME M’ .:;isis:sésst-'" . Q 0 / ‘ I t algae:

, planning, development, hiring and many other Budget, from whence have come severe H/ r I ..:::‘5=' ,- I, d A i [am e:

vital operations because of uncertainty as to slashes to student financial aid. Even if the ..r ‘ ”a: "5‘ 3mg \ 3' := - 1 Gavel-no
funding levels, crippling their effectiveness state was to restore higher education funding )\ =i===' . .sf' .5 - a running
for years to come. to 1971-72 per student levels and removed the v V :.5-. " . O . hiss, I. /§I . - - boasts it
And the cuts have given rise to all sorts of debt ceiling on state-funded student loans, as 4 — A ~ 1 I_5533=I ~ ; 2:35:35
ominous rumors which have done nothing to the Prichard Committee has requested, the If p I ”" ' % Saws 0.
maintain the morale of faculty members, in- gap cannotbefilled without federal support. 4: _ “u ’ ‘—, "‘5 . j to suffer,
eluding talk of faculty layoffs, university The University ofKentucky should not only esp/h, ' v I 0,49" , 8 h ' 2% .-::- ‘ credidati
' ‘ mergers and the elimination of individual col- protest to Frankfort today, it should also take >400 ..:; 3 \ 'Eii2§52;. b, :7“ .3 ll » \ . ' The PI”!
tegee- aim at the Shert‘SiShtedheSS 0‘ the \‘J/ I/ 15%! t ‘ ' ~ \ {323:
Indeed, there are diffith choices still to be Washington bureaucracy. b..- \ §i§ti:53‘3f:§§§iz t i $553t15§§fffxc , fl” _ as we" a
. made. The most recent round of cuts, totalling As the proponents of education have L/ 1‘ " a , 4e .
. $44.5 million, still remains to be dealt with in repeatedly pointed out. higher education is our } e In: .
full. and nose followed last year's $30.2 future. not only hi this state, but throughout , Ali: 5/ ‘ // e : 1:1 Um ava
: million in reductions — an already debilitating the nation. As the adage goes, “a mind is a ter- K ‘ 5;? :gee' / , ‘
blOW. rible thing to waste.” \/ ) ‘4 2% — 4 ‘ - Student at
The cuts must stop —— now. University ad- Show your support for the future today—at- ' ' the UK
ministrators from across the state, including tend the rally. ““5553: m )) I misidagi’i
‘ 7 . ’ESSE - a '
- - ‘Eiéifiéééiissses; th-I’ . ”iii. "" ’ e ”We"
Complaints, complalnts . asst. :lfiiit. -=g;;. it-ins are it
n. . iekets. Ralll‘
. 2,. ” ' i‘iéi “§5‘5“5“f"‘2. ""‘55“""i£§§“‘1'"3"3' '= a i mind "sly i1
x "C. a ‘/ ,X .. ngtfit: noble was:
0 more ver p Otos W " " - I: ° ‘ .:5 a‘ W; -’- face it: life 2
.;.;::::t~ f/Iln, // £55"“’:5:=5:.:=‘:'.rkiwi? ° . - WNW“
- . . . /, entitle-it” at?

Odds and ends . . . than they do listening to teleVlsed lec~ :z...:..::.:..::-----;-----;:;.,.... ......:...........:::::..:::::..:::::: - .‘ Speaking 0

You just can‘t please some people. tures. They spend so much time in the . -
. . surprise som

/ Bill thestn'pper. thesubiectofthls ll 0 0 I e 0 lab, intact, that itiseasy to identify Nahum

_ column Sept. 30. called 00L 1 t°¢°m' rust-year medical students by the I a I the river. Th
i... . p... we mm- was is m. we .. i. seen or one preservative i... Use successm amendment against Brown ease .. e
He said that not only did he not say lab. She accused the reporter and/or hangs constantly on their skin and , it is nole
that women’s behavior while wat- photographer of acting “inamost un- clothes. If John Y. Brown is an - he . . . the Council c
ching male strippers was a professional and devious fashion" .4 A cadaver is more than a “bag of certainlyisconsistent. ythth. Phyllis While they are lh New York, . peered nearl‘
* “consciom parody" of men‘s, he and of demonstratilg a ”total lack of m” It is the body ofsomeone who He has consistently cut the state's m and Phyllis 3 former welgtitllz’foblem l of your below
wasn‘t even sure what the phrase senSltivity If“: the protectlm 0f the chose to make a very valuable wn- budget, laid offstate employees, shuf- . . (She has My SM 8] l ”(:59 : ‘ state's higher
meant . . , WV‘CY °t ”“hteh Wt” have °°“' tribution to the training of physicians fled responsibilities by executive ”33m .‘V‘u‘ the ”meme“ ' .l terofdebate.
While be than t use those words, tnbuted bodies to our teaching pro- and other health-care pdmim_ order, complained about the media 1y will read about it in tom ,8 an - is supposed "8 .
he gavetheimpression that was what grams." It deserves more respect than was _ _ _ newspaper thesame). . , . ' The phasm
he meant —- that the NhaVlW 0f the The Kernel defended Its W116 kmmtram by um actim and And cancel“ appearances at an Reading law“ I “t 1" AT “were While Brown M“ t like thelossofval
women who watch him perform is andphotogapherin aIn editor’s note, Wm ofunsmffofthe Kernel. last minute. LE AST 50 percent “Mme“ UK can cnhflsm. an uzmemblto WV: ty members,
deliberatley exaggerated, I . saying there was nothing on the door MM . Frank Ashley. Brown’s press munity (12,m08tiidents) even though bus: landlese [Ins{ll-out?myIktioesnIII1e ., .I costs Imalte .
Of course it is possible I nuslnter- of the dissection lab to indicate they AmtemfianCm-c‘: mm, said the governtr already he wasn’t here might convince enough welgh e . , therelagreat
preted him. If so. I‘m sorry. were not allowed to enter the room. Don’t feel bad Fran. At least you're had another engagement when he Brown to meet a" needs of hi“ governor pour more money into Today at h
. Theonly other person quoted in that Furthermore, the editor's note sald, having a better season than Gil Wm attendthe rally here my education highereducatlon.I . . ministration
column, a female disc jockey, com- they were not asked to leave the lab mm, legendary comic strip coach. an must have slipped his mind ., lfhe isn’t convinced lthlnk bribery Actually. there is only one thlng we ky student
plained on the air the next dayI that until several photograpls had been Milford High is 0-3 this season. Gills Ashley said. , shouldbethenext “q; mg: use to bribe the ggenzor With I I
sure tee‘elsqmed- new use .. . .. hos hammere- at no a out new to am. so a... you as a --iaamait°;iaai"m
,I she didntsIay Shake it. baby while ISuch a request. the note said. While Gil didn t have the governor He one" cancels appearances wheeling mung mm", m, a , Y t M the, , g of t _5.
, watching Bill perform. . . .ls tantamount toa news source at- scouting out his meme;- last sum- because of another engagement. chi ckenklngwith? m amendlnti enhaa beenpglgltwo . I
, —-——-——-——————__—._ "‘9" he ““1 have a“ “with”. ”ac“ He did the same while I was a We couldn’t use the sum, up state gwfmegfsm, in the
. . who was. hams an affair With the reporter in Madisonville. It was an alttnugh 3m repeatedly com. ,
. He said that not only did he not say that new social studies teacher. Think Mme, Day celebration wind, he plain, that it has been Miami in ”a: "m', the - ~ »
women’s behavior while watching male Y°“"e he?“ mte’bech .9” hadamedtoattend- the news more and anything elsein normals; in “$233 $1:
t - u . .. blwls? G11 ls about to and up With a Hedidn’tshow. Atthat time, Ashley mammum . . .-:
s rippers was a conscious parody of tune - um, Wt from . election, and we want more timing -_
, , s "n8 . 6' 3 said Brown already had a prewous offering to never mention the forhighereducation .- .
men s, he wasn t even sure what the crosstown nvalTechwood atthehelm engagemqitinWestVirginia. helicopter again i, not a strong So “I” ou t mm e.
phrase meant. “”5. team . . mm” twe- "ehedteheth west mentodealwith. eIl'acial- money: into our unwind: or we
—————————————-——————————— New" are y°“ “me.“"th med“ Virsinia that night- But while the In- ly since it now seeing apparent that “11mm,“ mama You I
This time, I'm rigllt. tem ti to lace information problems, “F"- ISanething £9,113 me dustry D'Y activitiu were 80“! m, Brown doa not plan to sell it as he . , T
P “8 P tobe f . havetmtilNothoreplacetheflts
Dear female disc jockey who shall already provided ‘off-the.record’ _h Marty Moonlssoms can"! or Brovm was actually only an mlles promisedtodoearlia'thieyear. m M h", cm from hisher - 1;
' gounnamed (nofree ads in my space, isnotwithjn their-power." Gt] sscaIthg it away in Henderson, Ky . .. playing Evenifhemaeerimaboutselling educatialindlepasttwoyears. I-.
dear): You definitely said “Shake it, i feel in a unique position to com- 0080““ Swfifigmrac et- lnaoelebnty golf tournament. it, therearen’t many buyers forasu Also, “WWI you must continue ' :
bahY~"Caseet°5ed- menton the issue—while managing See ttheRall toSave Ed ”- m '3 the life °t 0“" celebrity millionwhiteelephant. incl-easing state support for higher
FWHY~ the management 0’ a editor oftheKemel. Iwas "Emilie . ”tam“, y I didn’t Cwm- 5mm“ across the Stete Nd education until our status ”among the .
campus-area hamburger restaurant for the behavior of the reporters and 9°" (dont e Imef, f “we The rally here today, although not promise never to mention the otllerSoutlleasta'n stats improves. , ,
didn't like my column of Sept. 16. Mawaswme they were acting ml at noon today/I; roatofim - attended by Brown, may convince Brown’s celebrity lifestyle, the In state 50990" for mm educa- . 1.
which concerned a car that had been as repmntatjvg of the paper, and “mun?” But] "8- 3 e we hlmtostopthecutsandllmease fun- snow pa- year the state plans to fim man the 14 Southeastem - iii;
towed out Of the mmmaht's parking as a first- car medical student I was stoodup “m m‘ dthfi tummtlon. He certaih- spend for security for John Y. and , 3 ;. -
, . . y states, Kentuckyranksiith. __,
lot. In fact, they disllked It so much. air-oiledintheanatomy course. ————‘—“————-——— The succession amendment will 3‘
ItlleyIstopped advertising for a while 'nireepoints should be made: edzlmrtz‘m allow Blown and other elected state '
. m this WW' They ve returned, “It is “0' clear whether the m ’ dficiale to seek another tam. Brown
"mah- manila “(as ever told he was ”RE TfiEM has said that passage of the amend- -.
IIiI SO“ 80%- .... mt SHOW“ In the laboratory. - fit maltwillshowthat Vm approved, . 3;
{:1 . “WM“ the repute” “3 tad “° « ‘ AND TRAN ‘. . w.- hisadmlnistration. ' 231'
gt The time has come t0 comment 0" cameras are allowed in the lab. Ac- $ :5, lg: ‘ I If you we of cuts in higher -. i;:
if; the "“"temtme’ey thveh’thfi the cording to the editor’s note, the if) “W M . ,lyk @ education. vote for this amendment '1
326,, Kernel and the College Of Medicine’s reporter accompanied the I J ‘4. 5.1,, i/ ’I \ on Nov. 3. While I will not argue the
5%? anatomy department. photographer into the room. It was 4/ OR“: 7' 2;; ‘4“ l pm and m of the am I tail,
it” It began a month ago when the his reponsibility to tell the - 1" ~ " ,2; ‘ t thistiine,lhelievetliata“m"voteis:-i
’3 Keme' it"tt‘tad “ 5m “th photographer “0 pictures were to be / ’1’ -4 ‘1 " t e: i' necessarywhenyoucmsida' Brown's“ 5 t3.
. ' conditions in the medical school's in- taken. \ m . \ Jr‘- c g - - 3-13;
. , a. ‘ a ., “,4 actlalsoneducationand thefactthat . .:
' tmductory human “”9"“ course. In addition, We red 318'“ Oh the m "'h\ n ' “"“ A hecalsiders thisaneferendumonhis ‘
The main point of the article way that doors of the hallway leading to the lab . all m .v ,mmmum -
so many students are enrolled in the clearly state that only authorized peo- ’ ‘ \, v‘.// TheUniversity communityhas a lot
_ ,y‘ m that some of them have to pie are allowed in the area. The W 3%» x, .,a 09/, of vote for the governor to be cav-
é watch lectures on television monitors W and We” should ‘. .,/' ’ \ I/ - . I , % cerned with. The 24,000 students phi 3 i: -. .
' :7} in the anatomy Mm lab down hflVe realized they were ”“th those a ' .49 t ‘, 't/l - l" facultyandemployees may havecone '; f 3. 3
theiiall. Aocompenylngthestwy was exciudedbythesign. \ . . \I I INF; ‘ wt" » . "llim‘mtu “r“ aides-able influence in the vein; =;;~I
‘ PM“ °' ““9“" "‘ the. 1‘” memttteedtmdthe \ t i “it'll \ 4:," “ t‘ . ,1 Wm . i "in?" ’ ‘ booth.
. Sever-l “dive" we" visible In the Kernel m mail when they '- “(Sic . ll " ~' " ”if“ ",9 . ml" L, I t‘ 5‘4 -, U. * We mutdemomtratetothcgover- '
picture eqmtedtheactialaofthelabperson- . a /'tt« t ‘/ 't' “14. 'v ‘ norhowmuchpowsUKhamAlarge
' mmtday,thepaperranasrnall nelwithanewllource’s "W!” l‘“ , gr "04, it. q V d a hmttoday,andon0ct.lllwhul;-
. A . editorial thatbmnwiththem- plucewlunm-lly elven information View .0 vb" 4 Bmwnreportedlywillheheretorisize
. , tion.“...don'tstudentsdeoervetobe www.11npw’gw c\2 4-, ‘0 o. “Wt‘ohwend‘thzt‘g
g treated with: iittiemorecmsidera- mwflgmmnmmum L J important. EV“? UK shident and'-§§
_ .j' 3 2: than I has of bong; The the Writ“ they wen told not to W " tactiltymanhonhouldhethcre.
,‘ tfllflmmwm mm mm. papa should hIVE come “dultmmy ahwidbe
f;- If“; aectialeoftheclua beofferedorthat Filed thh the Wt 0f the anatomy MM COUNTY ”Bel-kc Mt“ canceled I0 student can attuld the
Weigh"; Mimi-ion to the clfes be limited to deparmlerit'l requctandnot printed “IF I ll , I rally in front of the Athnlniatratltlli .
geeeggl medical nutrients, ‘forII whom (the tummnfl‘l, mu Do ' .7 AME". Building. If you have eve mined at 2:21. .
we close) baroqant- u‘l‘he edita'a displayed a perhaps in m we M MY d... g... m m i. the d. _; .1;
, . “highs 7 W l y y .-
éet’% m a” mm" W M‘ 'het't the "'e °t “hem t" We“ Mm!" no A cannula on. AW at our ralltci ecl'oee ‘ 3‘:
is» man. Dr- “3- “Mdt'm- ‘1’ education. The cad-W ll the mt A ? " 15" W fl". 15M hub-com. Ult a the
as g ; PM” \ upstate . top
‘: " poured in thepepl‘. Dr. WinercIalhd nimble tool