xt7ncj87m80j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ncj87m80j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1984 1984 1984-11-14 2020 true xt7ncj87m80j section xt7ncj87m80j  



vol. txxxnx. No. 66


Eefcbllehed ION

Hazardous asbestos
found in buildings,
administrator says

UK search finds harmful substance
in Med Center, other campus structures

News Editor

Harmful asbestos was found in the
Funkhouser Building. the Pi Kappa
Alpha fraternity house and in the
dental wing of the UK Medical Cen-
ter “approximately over the last
four to five months." said Gene Wil-
liams, assistant vice chancellor for

Two independent consulting firms.
recently hired by the University.
have been surveying all campus
buildings for asbestos during the
last three weeks. Williams said.

Although the problem was de-
tected early this summer. officials
made the announcement for the first
time late yesterday afternoon. “We
wanted to get the information out so
it wouldn‘t create undue alarm."
Williams said.

Asbestos. used as an insulator.
was first found in Funkhouser, he
said. when the building was being
renovated to include central air con«
ditioning. The renovation was "im—
mediately stopped“ until the sur-
vey‘s completion, he said.

It was later found ii the Universi—
tyowneo Pike house. located near
the Kll‘\\:in Blaming Complex,
which was being restored after a
June fire destroyed the building. As-
bestos also was found in the dental

wing of the Medical Center where
removal is underway.

The consultants will first search
campus residence halls for asbestos.
Williams said. “That‘s first priority
on the list."

He said that if the substance is
found in the halls. it will probably
not be found in living areas. but in
“mechanical areas." because asbes-
tos was used for ceilings, tilings.
and "n ostly as insulators of pipes.”

Williams said no buildings will be
evacuated unless there is immediate

But it people have been exposed to
it. they could already be in danger.
“In very small quantities. exposure

. can lead to severe lung prob-
lems." said Allan Butterfield. a pro-
fessor of chemistry. “Prolonged ex-
posure . . . can lead to a syndrome
called asbestosis,“ which he said is
similar to black lung in coal miners.

Williams said he expects some re-
sults within the week and complete
results within four to five months for
not only all buildings on the Lexing-
ton campus. but for all those in the
UK Community College system.

Consultants David T. Banks of
Frankfort and Chrisman Miller
Woodford lnc. of Lexington are con«
ducting the building-by-building sur-

Gift program gives
three professorships

to College of Law

Staff Writer

A generous contribution to the (bi
lege of Law that began as funding
for one professorship has increased
into funding that resulted in three
$100000 professorships for the col-

“Professorships. which are faculty
salary supplements from private
gifts. are necessary in almost every
area of the University.“ said Carroll
Stevens. associate dean of the Col-
lege of Law.

The leadership gift program
began with a campaign designated
as “The Cherry Challenge" as a re—
sult of a pledge made in October by
H. Wendell Cherry. president of the
Humana Corporation in Louisville

“Dean tRoberti Lawson and I
talked to him ttfherryi about donat-
ing to the school and he agreed with
the condition that the University
match the funds." Stevens said.

“We agreed upon a date «July 1.
1984) by which the matching funds
had to be raised, and then we set out
to raise the necessary funds." he
said. “We called upon alumni and
friends of the college and by the
time the smoke had cleared. we had
raised more than $175,000."

Stevens said 5100.000 is the mini-
mum amount required by the Uni-
versity to establish a professorship.
He said they worked with the devel-
opment office. administration and
the Board of Trustees on this pro-

Because they were within $25000
of d third professorship. President
(itis A. Singletary set out to raise
the difference. he said

The money for the third
professorship came from University
funds as well as an additional $10.-
000 donated by Cherry. He donated
the additional funds when he learned
that the college had successfully
matched his gift.

Cherry‘s pledge of 3100.000 estab-
lished the first privately funded
professorship for the College of Law.

Leadership gifts ranging from $5.-
000 to $10,000 were pledged to the
college by variom law firms
throughout Kentucky.

The first professorship was named
for Cherry. The second was named
for Judge William T. Lafferty. the
first dean of the College of Law. and
the third is in memory of the late
Dorothy Salmon. a faculty member
and law librarian from 1945 until

The Cherry professorship now is
occupied by Professor Rutheford B
Campbell. Professor Robert G.
Schwemm holds the Lafferty
professorship and Professor Willburt
D. Ham has the Salmon

Plans call for the positions to be
rotated on an achievement basis for
now but Stevens said they will be
awarded on a permanent basis in
the future. “The professorships are
used to award outstanding profes-
sors for their contributions and ac-
complishments,“ he said.






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y . WlfydKontucky. Lexington, Kentucky '

Wmim .

Wednesday. November 14, IN


Fountain friends


J.D. VanHoose, a journalism senior. and Natalie Caudill. a
journalism sophomore. braved chilly temperatures to sit bc-

Slide the fountain in Triangle Park yesterday. icini .‘l'illlllL‘\
should increase today. with a high expected in the mid 60s.

8R“ k~\tllHI'k k ' \ i“


GALUS to request three code revisions

Group members want ‘sexual orientation ’ included among student rights

Senior Staff Writer

The Gay and Lesbian Union of
Students last night discussed the
possibility of a student code revision
that may reduce discrimination
against homosexuals.

There are three changes in the
Student Rights and Responsibilities
handbook that the group is trying to
get changed.

GALUS will present the changes
to the Student Government Associa-
tion. said William. one of the mem'
bers of GALUS who asked that only
his first name be used.

The changes include an admis-
sions policy which states that stu-
dents shall not be discriminated
against because of race, color. reli-

gion. sex. marital status. national
origin. age or beliefs. GALUS would
like to add sexual orientation to the
list , William said

GALUS also would like to do away
with discrimination of homosexual
students in the scholarship and
grant section of student rights by
adding sexual orientation to the
other items. William said.

The third change they would like
to make concerns the selected rules
of the University Senate governing
acadmic relationships. William said
he would like to add sexual orienta-
tion as well as marital status and
age to the section dealing wtth aca-
demic evaluation

“Everything is irrelevant.” Wil-
liam said. "Than sexual orientation
is also irrelevant . "

Williams said the main reason his
organization is working for these
rights is because it needs to he dollf‘,
“Discrimination is wrong." he said
“We are a political association This
is a political action on our part. It is
a step to trying to get equality for
us. not only through legislation."

The unofficial president of
GALUS. Lee, who also asked only
her first name be used. said homo
sexuals are still discriminated
against in most places. “We are not
any less fit for duty," she said.

“We want to try to educate the
general populous." William said ‘11
more people would know iiiaytie
they would be more tolerant and not
dismiss us.“

He said 99.9 percent of the people
in the University have helped the or

ganization “They should accept us.
but they should also stand up for
us "

Although GALl'S is primarily a
political organization it also is a sup-
port group for homosexuals At the
next meeting. at 5-30 pm. Nov 29.
there will be a discussion sesSion on
“coming out "

"Hur main objective is not only to
get students to come to meetings '
Lee said. "it is also to creat an at
mosphere of tolerance and give stu-
dents a sense of pride lll being gay I
would like to see everyone come. not

"t llll' purpose is to provide educa-
tion to the l’niversny and to provide
support for gay and lesbian stu
dents ” lcesaid.

Professor discusses the facts about colds and flu


It's that season again for colds.
flus and viruses.

Dr. Simeon Goldblum. a profeSSor
of medicine. spoke yesterday in the
Student Center Addition about the
different types of viruses that can
cause the common cold. influenza
and bacterial pneumonia and about
what these viruses can do to the

The body responds to viruses and
bacteria in two ways. Goldblum
said. It first learns to recognize for-
eign objects, then produces specific
antibodies to attack these foreign

“The only problem with this pro-
cedure is (that) antibodies that the
body made a few years ago can‘t
protect against new cold viruses or
bacterias that one could receive this
year." Goldblum said.

The common cold. which can last
about three to five days. is caught


“Once a virus gets into the cells the antibodies

do not work anymore. ”

through other people coughing and
discharging germs into the air and
by hand-to—hand contact. he said.

Colds occur more during the win-
ter because people often are cooped
up together, Goldblum said. In fact.
there is a 70 percent rate of getting
colds when people live closer togeth-
er. he said.

Goldblum also discussed influen‘
za, which is a more carefully stud-
ied virus that can cause disease. In-
fluenza affects all age groups. he

influenza makes a person with
other medical problems more sus-
ceptible to severe complications.
and thus those who contract the ill-
ness have a higher mortality rate.
Goldblum said.

Dr. Simeon Goldblum.
professor of medicine

When the influenza virus is L'Ull
tracted. it attaches to the cells in the
throat. pharynx and the airways
that lead to the lungs. The virus pen»
etrates the cell. grows and repro-

The cell will eventually die and
the airways to the lungs are stripped
completely of cilia. or small hairs.
Goldblum said. "Once a \‘ll‘lls gets
into the cells the antibodies do not
work anymore.“

After a twoday incubation period.
influenza‘s symptoms start appear-
ing: fever, sore throat. chills. head
ache and an overall bad feeling
These symptoms are accompanied
by a dry. hacking cough Recovery
time is about one week.“

People considered high risk for

UK Marching Band steps to beat
of ‘innovative’ computer technology

Staff Writer

Steven Moore, assistant Wildcat
band director. and Allen Goodwin. a
music professor, have designed an
“innovative" practice program that
combines music and computer tech-

“Marching band will never be the
same," Goodwin said. “We know we
are breaking new ground.“

Moore and Goodwin began a for-
mal project in January 1933 to come
up with a computer program that
could cut back the time spent techni-
cally charting a band show. Moore
created the designs and Goodwin
worked out the mathunatlco of the
gram. The result was “Halftime."

the computer program for marching

Prior to the invention of this pro-
gram. charting was done by hand on
a preprinted grid representing a
football field. Then the charts were
photo-copied and given to the mem-
bers of the band. From that infor-
mation, the band learned the show,
Goodwin said.

“A show designer's series of
sketches are like a storyboard for a
cartoonist." Goodwin said. The de-
signer must come up with the design
and then tramlate that design onto
paper. “This can get to be a night-
mare when designing by hand." he

With a computer lending a hand.
however, charting takes about half
the time. "Ci-eating one block-

oriented show that usually took out
week. took one night with the com
puter." Moore said. “Time spent de»
signing is now creative. Before the
technical aspect took more time.
With the computer. no time is spent
charting. That leaves more time for

"We discovered some unique as
pects of computerized design tha‘
were not available to hand held de-

”Halftime“ first became available
for commercial use in August. but
Moore and Goodwin had worked on
this [Ingram for the last two years.
"When micro-computers became in-
expensive enouai and available, we
began to plan this out.“ said Moore.
“We dev 'loped a software program

SeeIAND. pagel

complications of influenza include
those more than 65. those with chro»
nic lung disease. chronic kidney
problems or severe anemia. or those
on medication that inhibits the proc-
esses of the immune system. he

"The influenza virus is a very iii
telligent critter." Goldblum said.
Taking the influenza vaccine does
not neccessarily protect a person
from influenza. Goldblum recom-
mends that those with high risk fac-
tors. such as kidney or heart prob.-
lems. should be immunized

Goldblum said one preventive
measure is a vaccination for bacte-
rial pneumonia. which is a serious
infection. High risk people who
could contract bacterial pneumonia

.include those who have sickle cell

anemia. kidney transplants or alco-
holics or those who have had their
spleen removed. he said

The talk was sponsored by the UK
Council on Aging.



A “Tolem-e-Tbol" that promises
music. prizes and refreshments will
be presented by the UK (thorium
Friday. For more. to: m

UK ls «do; to term with th 1&5
ifications of the new selective a“
sions policy. For M. on "O. '



inth‘flhfl. '
mm“. 3' it





 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL WM» Novolnbor 14, 19M



offers music,
prizes and fun


A "Talent-a-Thon" providing an
eieniiig of muSic, prizes and re-
lieshiiients will be held at 7:30 pm.
Friday in the Center for the Arts Re~
cital Hall under the direction of the
Hi t‘horisters

l‘he Choristers. one of HRS larg-
est choral groups. will award prizes
to the winners of the various talent
eoniiwtitions and raffle gifts to the

Most of the students~ perfor-
mances will be musical, according

to Kiiii Blake. fund~raisini5 chairwo- “

man “We have everything from
musical j'dZZ to pop music. We even
have some classical and some up-
beat," she said

David GarCia. Choristers presi‘
dent. said the Talent-aThon is de~
signed to provide "people with a tal
ent ‘thlh‘ a place to perform " It
also gives them a chance to see
what other people are domg. he

Blake. a music senior. said the
ads will be divided into two size cat»
egories, with winners receiving a
$100 cash prize. a pizza party at Joe
ltologna‘s. two tickets to the ['K vs


ISL' game and a night for two at

But the winners are not going to
be iust on stage, she added. They
will be rattling several prizes for the
audience: an autographed UK foot-
ball and basketball, gift certificates
for T-Shirts Plus, Ceramics, stuffed
animals and Domino‘s Pizzas.

After the show, Blake said, pizza
and soft drinks will be served.

Proms from Friday‘s first—time
opening will be used to reach a goal

LORI CANNON/Kernel Graphics
set for next semester: a trip abroad
for the Choristers. “It‘s still pretty
much up in the air,” Garcia said.
Tickets are $1 and can be obtained
from either a Chorister, or at the
Box Office at the Center for the
Arts. The original ticket automat-
ically enters the raffle, but additio-
nal raffle tickets may be purchased
for 50 cents.
Joe Bologna's Pizza and the UK
Center for the Arts is sponsoring the

Hall and Oates dazzle excited crowd

It was one wild. rocking evening
last Thursday night when Daryl Hall
and John Oates performed one of
the greatest Lexmgton concerts of
the year at Rupp Arena

Xavion. the opening group who
performed for the nearly empty
Rupp Arena. was an attempted to
duplicate Prince. The lead singer
tried to imitate Prince's moves and
some of his music ~ a sorry rendi-
tion in both cases.

At last. Hall and Oates came on
stage and dazzled the audience with
"Out of Touch ” The crowd. which
now practically filled Rupp Arena.
was psyched as Hall and Oates gave
ittheir best

There was just no stopping this
dynamic duo as they vibrated the
whole arena with "Family Man "

“Rock this place!“ Daryl Hall
screamed. "All right Lexingtonf
We‘re glad to be back here again.
Its always ntcetobeback?"

The exctted crowd jammed to

"Say It Isn‘t So" and “Rich Girl.“
Then they mellowed out to the hit,
"Kiss On My List."

“How are you feeling tonight, is
everything all right?" John Oates
asked the excited crowd, “and now
a song about Possession Obsession."

The lights were flashing and the
action was intense as they continued
with their top hits: “That Loving
Feeling,“ “I Can‘t Go For That“
and “Heart to Heartbreak.“

Next they introduced their awe-
some band, beginning with T-Bone
Walker. the bass guitarist. “Live is

where it‘s at. f--- video!“ Walker

Next was Mickey Curry, drum-
mer, who threw his drumstick out
into the screaming crowd, and then
“the man who needs no introduc-
tion,“ Oates exclaimed, “GE.
Smith, lead guitarist."

The audience remained psyched
as Hall and Oates sang “Sara
Smile," “Method of Modern Love.“
“Wait For Me," “Man Eater,“ “Pri-
vate Eyes" and “Adult Education.“

They excited the stage with a
great standing ovation. They per-
formed “You Make My Dreams
Come True," for the first encore.
and “Going Through the Motion“ for
the second encore.

“Thank you Lexington — we'll see
you next time,“ John Oates said as
they left the audience eagerly await-
ing that next visit.


Pryor errs; Nebraskans uninterested

LttS ANGELES AP . "time
than Richard Pryor says he made a
mistake starting Indigo Productions
a movie company created as an ave-
nue for black filmmakers. because
'w hat ldowell is perform ”

"l didiit like to tight with differ
ent organizations about the purpOse
of what I‘m doing." Pryor said on
the set of "Pryor's Place." his chil-
dren‘s television show which is end-
ing lll November.

"I’m tired of trying to please ev-
erybody." he said "I'm not going to
do it I‘m going to please myself "

Columbia Pictures. which set up
indigo for Pryor. will now supervise

the film company, which will main-
tain autonomy on projects, he said.

Pryor is to begin shooting Jan. 28
for “Jo Jo Dancer,“ the story of a
black stand-up comedian. and is
workiig on “The Autobiography of
Malcolm X” which will star Denzel
Washington of “A Soldier‘s Story.“
"Brewster‘s Millions," with John
Candy. is about to be released.

LINCOLN. Neb. lAPl —- Gossip
columnists note: Eight out of 10 Ne-
braskans really don‘t care whether
actress Debra Winger is going out
with Gov. Bob Kerrey.

In a Research Associates survey

published in the Lincoln Sunday
Journal-Star. 83 percent of the 450
Nebraskans polled said they had no
interest in the subject, 3 percent
were very interested and 14 percent
cared a little.

Seventy percent said the gover-
nor's relationship with the star of
“An Officer and a Gentleman" and
"Terms of Endearment" wouldn‘t
affect Kerrey politically or were un-
sure what effect it would have, while
15 percent said it helped and 15 per-
cent said it hurt, the Journal-Star

Gary Plano
Arts Editor


‘Dreamer’ is ‘cute’ and simple

The subway train rushes by the dead body left by the
track. while the beautiful detective on board rushes
through the aisles trying to find her man. Suddenly, she
pinpoints a woman and jerks off the lady's wig to reveal
the killer in disguise.

If this scene sounds fresh out of a cheap spy novel,
then Director Rick Rosenthal has succeeded. His open-
ing to the comedy “American Dreamer" happens en-
tirely in the mind of Cathy Palmer. a housewife at-
tempting to write a story that will win her a romantic
trip for two to Paris,

Cathy imagines herself to be the beautiful detective
she must write about for the contest. Named Rebecca
Ryan, this lead character in a series of trashy Holly-
wood novels would put Nancy Drew to shame. In this
imaginative sequence. the murderer that this female
James Bond is catching is symbolically played by Ca-
thy's husband.

As Cathy, JoBeth Williams plays a character similar
to her role in "The Big Chill" — a dissatisfied, putout-
with-her-husband wife and mother of two. Dreaming of
Paris, she sends off her brief manuscript about heroine
Rebecca and begins playing French tapes to teach her-
self the language. Her smart-aleck (but cute) young
boys filter in and out, and the three are involved in one
slap-stick, trash-the-kitchen-byaccident routine that
would humble even the Three Stooges.

Expectedly, the letter announcing her the winner ar-
rives. However. her sterotypical. egotistical husband
can't go and doesn't want her to leave without him.

But, of course, she does.

And, of course. the plot thickens.

While in Paris, Cathy is hit by a car and knocked
unconscious. Waking up in the hospital, she believes
ierself to be Rebecca Ryan. the character she has con-
:entrated on for so long.

Taken on the serious level. this is where the story
.tarts to sound like it came out of a daily tabloid.

As Rebecca Ryan, Cathy escapes the hospital, and
then decides to buy a complete new wardrobe. Dressed
to kill tor at least to find a killer). she emerges from
such elite places as Chloe‘s, Givenr‘hy‘s and ‘Yves St.
Laurent's, wearing outfits that would make your knees

“Rebecca” then walks in to the life of Alan lTom
Contit McMann, the son of the authoress who created
Rebecca Ryan. Cathy -— or Rebecca 4 thinks that he is
the homosexual side-kick that sticks with her in all the
novels. Alan. thinking that someone is pulling a joke on
him, plays along at first.

However. Alan realizes something is wrong when the
”joke" continues. Rebecca — or Cathy — rushes him all
over Paris. on the insistence that someone is trying to
murder Victor tGiancarlo Giannini) Marshall, a dark
French politician she mistakes for Vincent. a character
Rebecca Ryan saves in one novel.

Follow that'.’

Confusion dominates. as Cathy spends most of her
time informing high society people that she knows what
they're plotting. and Alan spends all of his time trying
to keep her out of trouble. Just to make things interest»











1245 3:45 5:45 7:45 9:45

2:00 5:00 0:00


“AWN! I“ (III I01 m-

1:00 3: To 5:20 7:30 9:45


1:30 3:35 5:40 7:4310:00


count" (PG)
1:00 czao 1:00 9:30









ing, Cathy accidently stumbles into a ring of drug deal-
ers; when real bullets start flying, Alan starts wonder-
ing just what is reality, and what has been created by
Cathy/Rebecca, in her great attept to “save" Victor.

Eventually, hubby Kevin shows up, and Cathy's mem-
ory drowns the illusion of Rebecca. Too bad for him. the
leading lady has fallen in love with Alan, so Kevin re-
turns to the States alone.

But the adventure isn't over yet! Victor returns, not
as the good guy Rebecca tried to save, but as the vil-
lian, determined to destroy the new couple. who he
thinks knows too much.

Well, OK. But we know they‘ll get out of it.

Taken on a “Gilligan‘s Island" level, “American
Dreamer" is a cute movie. You don‘t worry about the
unpaid designer clothes bills in the same sense that you
don‘t wonder how Gilligan got running water in the

Taken on any level other than that, however, "Ameri-
can Dreamer" leaves the viewer wanting more.

“American Dreamer" is playing at Soutiipark Cine-
mas. Rated PG.


The Kentucky K er-
nel, 210 Journa-
lism Building, Uni-
versity of
Kentucky, Lexing-
ton, Ky. 40506-
0042, (606‘) 257-
2871, Third class
postage paid at
Lexington, Ky.


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Wed., Nov. 14
6:00 pan.
Memorial Noll
Sponsored Iy:
UK Panhollonic



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Come see your Student Senate

at the

Lambda Chi Alpha House


Wednesday, November 14, 1984

at 7:30 PM


All currently enrolled students must register
during this period if they plan to attend the
I985 Spring Semester. There may be no other
opportunity to register.


Wednesday through Wednesday :


International Dinner
Italian Night
Piano Music by
Frungtise Timmerman

Kick-Off Party
Baioonz In El Torito's

Thursday, Nov. 15th
8 pm. - ?


$1.25 Long Island Teas
Happy Hoor Prices until 9 pm.


{0L not

See your lostens representative.

”ll“ N°Vv ”J3." lllllt‘: 9-3


PL); (" University Bookstore


(5 Sponsored by Yearbook Staff 4

l’miii til illiii- .v i.’ i' ,.

Nov. 14

Who should register
Currently enrolled st"dents. including
part‘time and non-degree students.

Procedure for

I Go to your Dean's Office for instruc-

2 See your adviser

3. Fill out college schedule cords. Always
use Stondord Departmental Abbreviations
and reference numbers which appear in
the Schedule of Classes.

4. Fill out Course Request Form (with
number 2 pencil) and return it to your
academic dean‘s office. You are not regis-
tered if you omit this final step.


Extended Hours
Most compus units have oxtened office
hours including remaining open on
Saturday morning, during the Advance
Registration Period. Please see page 4
m the Schedule of Classes.

Changing Collogos

Go to the Dean of the college of your cur-
rent onrollmont to receive instructions
about the proper procedure for making
the collogo change.

Delinquent Students

Any student who is delinquent to any unit
of the University will not be permitted to
register until the delinquency is resolved.
This must be done during the November
rogistroion. Your Dean‘s office will have
instructions for clearing the delinquencies.


EvenIng school classes

You may register for evening school
classes if you are a day student. Evening
classes are listed in the schedule. Under
graduate students wishing to enroll solely
in evening classes should register with the
Evening Class Office. Registration for eve-
ning classes should be listed on your
Course Request Form.

mum of Sciatic:

NEXUS Tape no. 105


 KWYKHNEL ““7, W M, nu - 3

Andy Dun-tort
Sports Editor

Cats see Florida as opportunity for a big win

Staff Writer

Saturday's 27-18 win over Vander-
bilt all but assured UK of a bowl
bid, but the Cats were afforded little
time for basking in the glow of that

UK beat a good team in Vandy,
but while doing so, Florida was dis-
mantling an even better Georgia
team, 27-0. And UK plays the
dreaded fifth-ranked Florida team

“They're playing about as good
right now as anybody in the United
States," Coach Jerry Claiborne said
about Florida in his weekly preSs
conference yesterday. “I think they

have as good a personnel as any-

The Cats are 7-2, with losses to
LSU and Georgia. Florida is tied
with LSU for first place in the con-
ference with a 7-1-1 record. Its sole
loss came against Miami in first
game of the season.

The common opponent is Georgia.
Georgia beat UK 37-7 here at Com-
monwealth Stadium. Florida, of
course, shut out Georgia. Not that
scores are all that telling, but it‘s
still a bit disconcerting.

"Its seems almost impossible,"
said defensive end Steve Mazza
about the Florida—Georgia score. He
quickly added. however, this dis-
claimer: “The score doesn‘t bother

me because we're not as bad as the
score (against LSU and Georgia)

The Cats don't put much stock in
scores, at least in this case. and
they eagerly await Saturday‘s
game. Call it whistling in the dark if
you like. The Cats call it opportunis-

Florida presents the perfect
chance for the Cats to shed its can't-
topple-the-bigone stigma.

“i kinda look forward to playing,"
fullback Chris Derry said yesterday.
“We really haven‘t beaten a top
team and if we beat them it will
help immensely. We have an oppor-
tunity to go 9-2 and that will help us
out even more."

By no means are the Cats compla-
cent with their win over Vanderbilt.
Just ask Paul Calhoun. “I think ev-
erybody realizes that if we can win
seven, why not nine?" Calhoun said
after the game Saturday.

As for Florida, it has won six-
straight games since Galen Hall
took over as head coach. Charlie
Pell, the former coach, stepped
down early in the season following
an investigation which found that
Florida had violated numerous
NCAA rules

Florida leads the SEC in scoring
offense, scoring defense and rushing
defense. Quarterback Kerwin Bell is
third in the nation in passing effi-
ciency. Running back Neal Ander-

son is the fourth leading rusher in

“We've played against people like
that," defensive end Steve Mazza
said, when asked if he was awed by
Florida. “I don't think we‘re going
to be so intimidated that we're not
going tobeable to move out there."

Has looking ahead to Florida
dampened the Cats spirits?

“For an outlook, we do have the
enthusiasm that will carry over to
Saturday,“ Derry said. But he
doesn’t feel that UK is thinking
about its role as a “spoiler" of Flor—
ida's bid for an SEC title. UK is just
“going for eight," he said.

Junior receiver Cisco Bryant, who
strained his shoulder in Saturday‘s

game, probably will play against
Florida, according to trainer Al
Green. Tailback Mark Logan is still
nursing a bruised kidney but'he is
working back slowly into practice
His statts for Saturday is questiona

For now, the Cats are preparing
for Florida with the attitude that
they have nothing to lose, A win to
them though, isn't out of the ques-

“This team is deveIOping confi-
dence to play against SEC teams,“
Mazza said. "I get keyed up playing
someone in the Top Five Not too
many teams get to play a top team
like that."

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