xt7ncj87m94f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ncj87m94f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-01-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1998 1998 1998-01-16 2020 true xt7ncj87m94f section xt7ncj87m94f '.i-.A






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MBII Center banquet
IIOIIOI‘S slain leader

Celebration sets tone for upcoming holiday mare/7

By Matthew May

.lvv1v111111 .\1‘1.‘ v 121111111

L'plifting. heart—w renching. incredible.

Those words were tised to describe L'K's Dr.
Martin Luther King. Jr. celebration Thursday
afternoon. eoiiiniem1vi‘ating‘ his birthday.

:\bout lt)t) people attended the “Celebrating
the Dream .iiid l‘ivaluating Diversity" gathering,
which iticliidcd several high- profile speakers the
giving of a newly established award and several
iiittsical numbers with L'HttltCLIHHtS to Kiiig s civil
rights iiioveitietit tor blacks.

Lhe celebration was a treiiieiidotis sitccess to
begin L K s tribtite to Kitig \\l1]th will culminate
in a l‘ reedoni .\laich \londav morning at [(1. said
.-\nna .\llcn.dir“e1toi of .\linority .\ffairs for the
L'K .\ledical (enter.

"The celebration went incredibly well.“ :\llen
said. “It really sets the tone for our march, as well
as for .‘\LrlL‘;tl1-.‘\IttL‘rtL':ttt. wotiieii and Asian histo-
ry months."

Participants were given buttons depicting Dr.
King's keytiote phrase. “I Have a Dream," thati
led through a series of inspirational sotigs atid
speakers for nearly an hour

Steven Reed. .1 L .S. :y\ttorne atid L K Board
of l rustees member, gave the main address to the

crowd. He told 'a story of how‘ meaningful it was
for him to be able to teach his grandchildren how
to read. something his grandparents were not for
tun-ate enough to do for him.

Reed then urged attdieiice members to make
the most of the opportunities they have atid not
waste time with the triv‘ialities oftoday's society.

lu'anita Bet/ l’eterson staff and e\tramtit‘al
development direc‘toi for the \linority \ftairs
Office said Reeds speech provided 'a great pic-
ture of where blacks had to come froiti

“ L he llotiorable \lr. Reed gave 'a great
chronology of the times atid the situation with
slavery anil not being able to learn to read
l’eters‘on said. ‘\\ e were able to achieve a high
lev el tti reading vi itliiti H years which tiiost peo—
ple cotildii t do iii th it time.

l’eterson said Reed s message transcends soci—
ety. making it meaningful for everyone in the

“ l hese things are helpful for everyone to
know not just those who areti t familiar with the
history of oppression based upon ethnicity, ' she

Although minorities have coitie a long wav
since the days of slav'rve atid segregation. a lot of
work remains to be done, l’eterson said.

“\\'e have come a long way. btit we are still



overcoming." she said. “It takes everyone to cott—
tinue the process. It is very important to continue
the program on aii academic level.u

.\lost involved with the program caiite away
visually moved by Iltl events. Peterson said.

“.\lore than one person described the program
as extremely uplifting." she said. “lt seemed very
well received by the audience and was the best it
has been in the last eight years."

.\ltisical numbers performed at the celebration
gave the program a historical flavor. with songs

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Tubby Smith
to donate at
"It, Arkansas
blood drive

By Chris Campbell

.\ [imaging 121111111


Somewhere a person needs blood.

-\nd basketball fans alike have the th. nice to ioin their
university s coiclies iii the tight to save liv‘e.s

lot Kentutky tans it has been \(1 days SlIlLL‘ ilie L ni~
versity of letiiiessee defeated L K in the Bin Bliie ( rush
blood drive. lhe annual drive before the L l 1L K football
game has almost become .i staple of pre—gaiiie festivities
for the battle for the Beer Barrel

l.od iy L K fans have the L‘.lttnce to get a victory undei
their belt by rolling tip theit sleeve.s Btit over a different
contei‘ence opponent; the L iii—
v'et‘sity‘ ol .-\rkans‘as. 10110121111:

It s so tnueh tun. atid vet V
there is always the competitive

edge to it between both schools G0 10 8111’”

so it simply adds to the bin and 318711077111
assists with the success of the Coliseum or 1121'
drive." said Pat Boe. SPUKCHHHHA COW/[1161‘
an for the (Iommunity' Blood (307II771011FNId/(15
(Ientei‘ ofthe ()‘Iarks.

lhe "(i-ante for Life" blood

drive is iti its fourth year and today LK seeks its third
v'ictoi‘y since losing to the Ra/oi‘backs' faitliliil the year
the ilriVe started.

'l'he drive comes before tottioi‘i‘ow‘s LK/L \ bansket
ball game and is sponsored by the RCsltlL‘ttLL llill \ssocb
.ition. Student I ite atid the L K Bookstore.

“ l he basketball gaitie against \tkansas generates a
rivalry itist as intense as the Kentucky[Lennessee game in
football season.’ said Sally Baker. spokeswoman for the
(ientral Kentucky Blood (icntcr.

\len‘s basketball coach 'l'ubbv Smith will be miktiig
.iii appe"arm1e at ilie drive to donate l lood hm ist lt Both
Stiiitli and \rkansas head coach .\ol in l\t(lt. iidsoii will be
participating in the drive. Baker said Sitiitli plans to be at
\lemorial (:oliscttttt to roll tip his sleeve around noon.

lit the first three years of the drives e\istence. Ken
tiicky has donated LOW pints to UN] for \i‘kansas.

"l log fans are determined to “in this year." Boc said.
“\Ve are looking to win in both places on the basket-
ball court aiid iii the drive."

'livvo on campus sites \le.ntoi‘i il (:HllSL‘tlltl .itid the
(oiiiplei1( ominous — and two off campus locations. ilie
L K ( i‘edit L nion and the Blood (. e'ntcr. at ill) \\ allei
\venue. will be used to collect blood donations.

Donations at .\lettiorial (Loliseuiii can be made lt'HIIt
‘1 .l.llt. to i p.iii.. while the (loinplev (Ionimons “Ill be
taking blood from ll .t.ltt. to b’ pm.

Both Baker and Boe said the tittiiiig totild not come
any better for the drive. \Vintet‘ is a totigli time for blood
donations, and shortages are normal during the

People who donated during the Big Blue (Zi‘tish do not
have to worry about itiedical problems with donating so
soon. Baker said the so—day lapse is right on target for
those to give again.

“This is .i only tiitie for everyone on campus. vv itli the
semesters just starting this week. both here and at
Arkansas." she said. “More than halfoiir donations come
from on campus though. .iiid we think everyone shoiil I
take the time to come otit and support this c .i'ust because
it has an iinme.di ite impact '

lhe impact of blood donated today cotild be felt by a
recipient as e iily as the etid of the weeke.nd B. ikcr added
ilter the blood goes through e\tciisive tests and proc ess—

l)oor pri/es will be given at both loc .itions on L ainpiis
and all donors will r"ei.1ive a ttec long sle1ve l-shitt ind i
chance to win a \\ ildcat beanie iii.is1oi donated bv the

LVK Bookstore.




A Tiger at heart

Flory leaves UK 10 talee volleyball coachingjob at LS U


.s..~ u»...

By Jay G. Tate
.Sflnliv 1211/1111

Dream iobs don‘t come around
very often

So when foritier L K head vol-
leyball coach lrati l‘lory was con«
tacted by Louisiana State last
tiiotitli to fill its coachitig vacancy.
she was understandably enthusias—

After all. she had spetit the last
ftitir-and-a—halfyear‘s tellttig prospec—
tive recruits that she would only leave
Lexington under one condition.

The] SL iob had to be open.

Baton Rouge. where L lory had
shined as 'a prep star would always
be home. she told rec rtiits. :\
chance to return there would be

9 1

the only lure that would ever tease
her away from Lexington.

But the seemingly perfect sitti-
atioti was not wholly positive.

\1aking good on her promise
meant the I3 faces along the L'K
bench would never again look to
her for on—court guidance. They
would never ask about a new
offense or a new defense or a new
plan to slow down an opposing
player Instead Flory would be
111111 11mg that opposin player

\nd moving intot the head posi-
tion at LSL meant succeeding the
people that brought her itito the
world of big—time college coach—
itig iii the first place. 'Liger coach-
es Scott Luster and Lrances
(Iottipton brought Llory to the

liger progr aiii in [988 where she
served as ati assistant dtiriti r the
glory days of LSL volleybal —
three— —year stint from 108‘)
through 19‘)! which saw the
ligers win more than 8‘ percent
of their games and earti back to~
back I inal lour appearancs‘e .

Btit after all the emotions sub-
sided aiid reason had seized con«
trol. the decision to embrace LSL

“'hen the Tigers eventually
called on .l'ati. s‘ the answer was

“It s going to be tou h to walk
away from this place," lory said.
“ L hese people are like family to
me. Bttt we re parting on good
terms and I really believe this is


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