i\/ N] A snecial meetinfl of 1/1., 1964 the Univr“s1 v Mcu ulty was held at 4:00 p.m., Thursday, May l4, 1964, in the Student Center Theatre. encirman Weaver presided The 0111111,: 5 of April In the ahsonce 01 the e candida -s for degre Registra“ J ’ reouiiemcnts. The 0- certified Ly the Reyi81rt 1 EEOEer commendation to L10 _) 1.1. Q t (L (l L ,4 ,4 .—L. ’N 33, 39c4 were ejnroveo s circulated. Registrar The 01% airman presented the list of tie May 18, lSLS4 Commencement and stated that the I hat a,l persons listed has completed their degree or de;:;r rees as presented by the Chairman and were approved by the University T:culty for re~ 01 Treste ees. In addition, the Ch rxnan presented breakdown o: the degree on no1dh1es Lv colleges. Tre icy Douglas Alexander Alvin Sidney Bar a 1 Leroy Houston Boy‘ Gene Austin Draml Faye Carroll Mary Louri.ne C ave Larry Bernard Chasin Athol L. Cline Polly Ann Davi Gordon Are d_ericK De Jong Raymond Je nel Di 1st Ronald Ja.es Ericsson Hlsemie Hsser James Spurgr on ”vans Arthur D. fiein Charles Edward Garth Jimmie Lee He r1dison ‘1illiam C-1arles anen Richard Laton Johnson Edward H. Kern, Jr. bred Tohn Klatte Lewis Robe ;rt LieLermen Dwight Lawrence MiKKelson Steve Mogel Ban Liane Oei Dale Keitt1Cstorne JOhn Andiew Lleltsrraff Andreas Rohert Lrindl Thomas Percy Fritchett Kenneth T. Quindry Herold Anihony flies c ett GRM TTU SCLTTOOL ' h, 17: 1 ' 1 anfllb nilwan, Dean 1? D G37? 3? U(JIC“ OF EHILOS (3P1?— L'LJOR SUCulCT ADDRMSS Chemistry Georretown g, 1er Animal Science State College, Miss. MJLcuLiural Hcon. Lexington Diplomacy Canmer Psvceolog Munfordville Psychology New York, N.Y. :Bicchemis try Hermistcn, Oregon History Louisville Sociology Mathematics Animal Science Diplomacy Animal Science Psychology Sociology Psychology Psychology Dsycholcgzy Agricultural Econ. Animal Science State College, Pa. Lexington nadison, Wis. Hiberniastr, Germs ngr Lexington New Yo rK, I‘J.Y. Greensboro, N.C. Whitney, To ox. Lexington Valparaiso, Ind. Auburn, Ala. Lexington nsychology Americus, Ga. History BucKhannon, C,Va. Psychology Lexington Chemistry Blitar, lndon sia Tconomics Louisville Mathematics Lexington Diplomacy Hudson Falls, N.Y. Psychology Huntington, W.Va. Economics Bowling Green Psychology Lexington