xt7ngf0mtq9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ngf0mtq9q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19800620 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 20, 1980, no. 328 text The Green Bean, June 20, 1980, no. 328 1980 2014 true xt7ngf0mtq9q section xt7ngf0mtq9q 6/20/80 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER NO. 328
June 23—July 5 Lawn tennis championships, Wimbledon, England.
June 25 Appalachian Mountain Culture Film Festival: Chair
Maker and Fixin' To Tell About Jack, Student
Center, Room 245, 12:00 noon.
June 27 Library Faculty Meeting, Gallery, King North, 8:30 AM,
_ The LS0 will have coffee and dvughnuts f¤I sale at
8:00 in the Foyer.
June 27 "And Things That Go Bump in the Night," Repertory
Theatre, the Workshop, 8:00 PM, $2.00. _
0`*r~l;,,n y
0: I University Archives
Margaret l. King Library - North
Univershy oi? Kentucky
Lexington,}{entucky 40506
Contributors: Pam Fields, Linda Newman, Toni Powell, Terry Warth (editor)

 -2- ·
The Council on Library Resources is inviting applications from qualified librarians with
strong interests and demonstrated ability in managing library operations.
U Each intern will spend the 1981-82 academic year (10 months from September to June)
working with the director and senior administrative staff of one of the country's large
academic libraries selected for its administrative excellence. The individual programs
of the interns will vary, the goal will be to expose the intern to the ways a director
of a large academic library handles the daily array of long- and short-term problems.
In addition, each intern will be expected to undertake research and analysis of a sub-
stantive library—related problem in a supervised project.
Each intern will receive an amount equal to basic salary and benefit payments (up to
_ $24,000) for the ten—month period. Some assistance is also provided for moving and
other program—related expenses. ‘
Applicants must be U.S. or Canadian citizens. Most successful applicants come to the
program with approximately five years of professional library experience usually in-
cluding some administrative responsibility. Transcripts of college and graduate school
records must be supplied. Finalists will be invited to Washington for personal inter-
There are application blanks available in the Director's Office. Application deadline:
October 12, 1980.
Further information and/or application blanks may be obtained by writing:
Academic Library Management Intern Program
Council on Library Resources
1 Dupont Circle
Suite 620
Washington, D.C. 20036
Do you sew, knit, paint, sculpt, carve wood, cook, can, fly model airplanes, have a
collection, or any other hobby that you would like to show to others? Or maybe you
would like to sell some of your handiwork.
For further information write to: Summer Programs, 13 Frazee Hall, Campus 00311 or
phone 257-2882. Application deadline: July 23.
The Exhibition will be held on the Student Center Patio, Wednesday, July 30, 1980 from
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. In addition to the Exhibits there will be entertainment on the
The next LSO Lunch Hour program will be on Wednesday, June 25th at ll:30 AM in the
Staff Lounge in King North. Evelyn Evans will talk about her trip to Germany, Austria,
and Switzerland. Evelyn will give her impressions of what she had seen and the high-
lights of the Oberam ergau Passion Play. It should be an interesting talk so mark your I
calendar on June 25th and plan to be there!

 P J -:3-
The orientation booklet is complete, but because of budget considerations it will not be
sent to Duplicating Services until July lst. (I indicated at the last ACTS meeting
that it would be out sooner.) I'll put another message in the Green Bean when the copies
have been printed. At that time at least one copy will be sent to each department in
King Library and to each branch library. In addition, any member of ACTS who would like
their own copy to review will be able to pick one up from AIDS/Instructional Services, .
King South.
Linda Newman
Map Reference Librarian, University of Arizona. Minimum salary $12,500. Application
deadline: July 15, 1980.
Microforms and Documents Librarian, Auburn University. Salary $l6,000+.App1ication
deadline: August 1, 1980.
- Head Copy Catalog Librarian, Brown University. Salary $19,hOO-$2A,300. Application
deadline: August 1, 1980.
Head Serials/Microforms Librarian, Brown University. Salary $19,400-$24,300. Appli-
cation deadline: August 1, 1980.
Engineering Reference Librarian, University of Cincinnati. Salary S12,200—$1&,200.
Application deadline: June 30, 1980.
Serials Librarian, University of Cincinnati. Salary $14,200-$17,000. Application
deadline: September 1, 1980. °
Head, Circulation Department, University of Delaware. Salary dependent on experience
and qualifications. Application deadline: July 21, 1980.
Cataloger, University of New Mexico. Salary $16,000-$21,000. Application deadline:
August 1, 1980.
Reference Librarian, North Carolina State University at Raleigh. Salary $16,000-
$18,000. Application deadline: July 28, 1980.
Head, Fine Arts Library, Ohio State University. Salary $19,920-$22,080. Application
deadline: August 15, 1980.
Reference Librarian, Ohio State University. Salary $l5,600—$17,520. Application
deadline: July 3, 1980.
Chief Librarian, Acquisition Department, Stanford University. Salary $22,800-
$27,600. Application deadline: August 15, 1980.
Manuscripts Librarian, Stanford University Libraries. Salary $15,600—$21,000. Appli-
cation deadline: August 31, 1980.

- Lp. -
The most difficult thing to explain is the insight about °
books, because they are too familiar. Every literate person has `
. lived with books from the age of two. So it sounds a truism to
say that books are man's most spectacular spiritual achieve-
ment. It is nevertheless true. Man has learned to conquer time
through the written word. lt explains the accelerated evolution
of our civilisation. After all, civilisations evolve through the
agency of extraordinary men. Who can doubt that the great
` milestones in human history were the work of single
. extraordinary individuals: the discovery of fire, ofthe wheel, of
smelting iron, of living by husbandry rather than hunting? Or
the extraordinary individual might be a teacher or a prophet, a
Socrates, a Mohammed, a Savonarola. But before the invention
of printing, the influence of such an individual was small. The
invention of books suddenly meant that the influence of the
extraordinary individuals could spread over the whole nation
or civilisation. Like radio or television, it was fundamentally a
method of broadcasting. Before printing, the master had a few
disciples who benefitted from his teaching; now anyone could
benefit who was capable of grasping its essence. 'Mute
inglorious Miltons' could study under Homer and Virgil.
Books represented the release of immense spiritual resourses in
mankind just as oil derricks represent the release of physical
resources in the world.
— Colin lVil;0n
' Fnd
ia ? H ll!
"‘ .

   ' -5-
The annual LSO picnic will be held on July llth at Jacobson Park on Richmond Road. We
have reserved shelter number 7 for the event and plan to start the festivities at &:30
PM. and begin serving dinner at 6:00 PM. There will be games for both children and
adults beginning at 4:30 PM.and appetizers and soft drinks will be available. So mark
your calendars and plan to bring your family to the LSO picnic. It's going to be great
This event is a cooperative venture and success depends on you. The LSO will provide
the meat, soft drinks, paper plates, napkins and utensils. We are asking you to bring
a dish to feed a minimum of 8 people. In order to defray our expenses there is an
additional charge for non—members of LSO (1.00 single or 2.00 family to be paid in
advance). SORRY all you beer drinkers, the LSO cannot provide beer. Please return the
form below as soon as possible. °
N A M E: »
D E P A R T M E N T :
P H O N E:
PLEASE —- To help us plan a successful picnic return this form by July 7th EVEN IF YOU ARE
NOT COMING TO THE PICNIC. We want to be sure everyone knows about the picnic and has an
opportunity to sign up.
I will not be attending the LSO picnic
I will be attending the LSO picnic
Number in your party
Dish you are bringing (Please bring a serving utensil)
Suggestions: Appetizer (chips and dip; raw vegetables and dip; beer
cheese; crackers and cheese; etc.), Salad, Vegetable,
Dessert. ·
LSO MEMBERS: Your dish is the price of admission for you and your family.
N0N-MEMBER5 Of LSO; Ygur djgh plug $1.00 or $2.00 (see above) is the price of admission
for you and your family. Please enclose the money with this form.
R E T U R N B Y J U L Y 7 T H TO: Barbara Randolph
Cataloging Department, King North