xt7ngf0mtr00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ngf0mtr00/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19830831 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 31, 1983, no. 413 text The Green Bean, August 31, 1983, no. 413 1983 2014 true xt7ngf0mtr00 section xt7ngf0mtr00 ,   K-4;/f»y·’ A `
.. 8-31-83 N0. {+13 A
September 3-10 Sign—up Week for Staff Lounge Committee
A September l2+ Training at UK
September 15 ISO Brown Bag Luncheon
September 16 All—Day Library Faculty Meeting
PLEASE NOTE: The next Green Bean will be issued on Friday, September 16th.
Any items submitted for this Green Bean must be in the Director's Office
no later than l0 a.m. on Tuesday, September 13th. Emergency items can be
submitted to the editor By phone after the deadline.
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Dear ;Paul: I A H if  
Over the past several years I havebeen working on a mammoth bibliographical
essay on Byron. To prepare it has necessitated ordering probably several ‘
hundred articles and books through the Inter Library Loan Office; often this
material has been difficult to find or difficult to borrow. In all my
, trials, I have had inmense support from Vivian MacQuown and her staff.
Without their help the essay could not have been written. The Department
V really does give marvelous service, and it is as oourteous and friendly
as it is efficient.
Jam Erubbe
Professor of English A
Septenber 3-lO is sign-up time for the Staff Lounge Committee. A sheet
will be ta@ to the table next to the Coke machine. The Committee cleans
the refrigerator and stove periodically and looks after the staff lounge
in general. New faces are encouraged to sign up; the same people have
worked on the committee for several years .
The Conmittee also reminds people who use the lounge to be neater. Remember
to take home any utensils that you bring, or they will be discarded or added
to the ISO utensils. If you use ISO utensils or equipment please replace
· then in the LSO cabinet. Also note the signs announcing when the refrigerator
will be defrosted; food left in the refigerator may be discarded or become
spoiled during defrosting.
_ Members of the Cozmwittee can help explain their work. So far, members for
this year are: Loraine Bates, Sharon Clark, Jane Dean, Evelyn Evans, Mary
Geyer, Barbara Hahn, Patricia Hornback, Karen Jefferson, Jean Karsten,
Emily Pugh, Jean Robinson, Joyce Welch, and Jean Whitney.
Terry Birdwhistell and Susan Emily Allen have published an article, "The
Appalachian Image Reexamined: An Oral History View of Eastern Kentucky,"
_ V in vol. 8l, no. 3 of The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society.
Phil Dare will serve as the Library Coordinator for   1983 UK United
Way Campaign. »
Bill Marshall has been appointed to the Faculty Cmmittee for the Educational
Programmes Abroad——University Program in Edinburgh.
Oryx Press has published the seoond edition of Handbooks and Tables   Science
a_r£1_ Technology edited by Russell Powell.

; The King Library Press, The University of Kentucky Community Education Program,
; and the Library Associates are sponsoring "The Book As Art," a seminar and
‘ a workshop to acquaint participants with the fine art of hand printing and
i with nationally recognized artists who carry on that craft.
The seminar will be held October l4—l5 at the King Library Press. The
I _ featured guests will be Richard-·Gabriel Rurmonds, Director of the Institute
( for the Book Arts, University of Alabama, and Jerilyn Davis, assistant to
_ world-renowned book restorer Laura S. Young. The registration fee is $85.00
V and the deadline is September 20.
L The si;><——week workshop will be held from October l7-23 at the King Library Press.
The instructor will be Joan Davis. The registration fee is $50.00 and the
( material fee is $25.00. 'me workshop is limited to l0 students and the
. deadline is September 20.
, For further information, conmct Joan Davis, Acting Director, King Library
Press (606) 257-86ll, or Gail Duckworth, Assistant Director, UK Oomminity
Education (606) 257-3294..
Ms. Sharon Miller is the new Director of the Office for Continuing Education,
UK College of Library and Information Science. Ms Miller received her BA
from Murray State University, her MLS from UK, and is a native of Kentucky.
The University of Kentucky Cmnmunity Education Program is offering the »
short courses listed below in their "Explore the Humanities" series this fall.
Journey Into giental Poems; and Stories
Dates: September l3 -— October l8
Fee: $35.00
The DaVinci Exhibitzu Leonardo and His Art
Dates: November?-0 or December 5 or l4
Fee: $10.00
The Kennedy Legacy: 20 years Later
Dates: September l3 — October l8
Fee: $35.:00
E Actors For Shakespeare
Date: October 8
Registration deadline: September 20.
ig American Civil War
Dates: September 2l———October 26
Fee: $35 .00
The Great Books Program
For further information contact Gail Duckworth, Corrmunity Education, l06
Frazee Hall, 257~3294.

Septe ber 12 Payroll Procedures
Septe ber 15, 16, 20 Effective Office Courtesy
22,27, or 28
(select one)
_ September 19 Purchasing Procedures
October 18, 19, 25 C mmunicating Effectively
26, or 27 .
(select one)
To enroll in any of the above workshops, call Manda Hutchison Biddle (7-1851) i
at the Human Resource Developm nt Office. Attendance is atwthe convenience l
of your department and must be approved by your supervisor of department {
head, All workshops are offered free of charge and will b  held in Room 15 {
(basement) of Nbnorial Hall. g
The Council on Library Resourcesi will make a limited number of grants in i
1983/84 to provide support for cooperative research projects proposed L
jointly by librarians and members of library science faculties. Proposals §
will be reviewed and awards will be made in October of 1983 an  April of §
1984. §
The grants (not to exceed $3,000 each) are to fund certain costs of the i
selected projects. They are to be used for incremental costs, including, l
for exa ple, organization of data, cost of hiring interviewers, and ;
charges for computer tnne. {
Applications must be submitted jointly by a senior staff m mber of an i
academic or research library and a faculty member. Proposals should be %
submitted in the fonn of a letter to the Council on Library Resources. Q
The letter should contain the following information: a description of the Q
project to be undertaken; anticipated duration of the project and evidence g
that time to undertake the work will be available; assessment of the potential '
utility of research results to libraries generally; and, detailed budget j
for the project. y
Proposals to be considered in the fall cycle must  e received by October .
15, 1983; those su mitted in the spring, by April l, 1984, The letters ;
should be sent to: Faculty/Librarian Cooperative Research, Council on Q
Library Resources, 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W;, Washington, D.C. 20036. E
The National Endo m nt for the Hu anities has established a new Travel to_ (
Collections Program to enable American scholars to travel to research {
collections of libraries, archives, museums, and other repositories in 3
North Am rica and Western Europe, The program provides grants of exactly i
$500 for consultation of materials essential to a scholar‘s research but {
not readily available near the scholar‘s home or regular place of work. ;
Complete proposals rust be received on or before September 15, 1983, for Q
travel to begin after January 1, 1984. Proposals must be received on or g
before January 15, 1984, for travel to begin after June 15, 1984. Late ;
and incomplete applications cannot be accepted. For further information (

I and application instructions please contact: Progran Officer, Travel to
Collections, Division of Research Programs, Room 319G, National Endowment
{ for the Humanities, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20506
; (202) 785-0207.
  Created by the Congress of the United States as the nation’s official
g nenorial to the twenty-eight president, The Wilson Center seeks to
E oonmemorate through its residential fellowship program of advanced
research both the scholarly depth and the public concerns of Woodrow Wilson.
The Center welcomes from individuals throughout the world outstanding
I project proposals representing a wide diversity of scholarly interests and
The Wilson Center offers fellowships in one broadly defined program (Hisotry,
Culture, and Society)   five more focused programs (American Society and
Politics, Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Latin American
Program, International Security Studies Program, and East Asia Program) .
% The Center holds one round of Competitive selection per year. The deadline
i for receipt of application and all supporting materials is October 1. For
Q information on application procedures, inquires should be directed to =a
i particular program at: lmdrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,
¤ Smithsonian Institution Building, Washington, D.C. 20560 (202) 357-2841.
  Circulation Librarian, Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Library.
  Salary: not given. Deadline: September 15, 1983.
Fine Arts Librarian, Amherst College Librarian. Salary: $19 ,000. Deadline:
1 September 7, 1983.,
Instructor and Government Publications Librarian, Iowa State University Library.
Salary: $15,500. Deadline: October 15, 1983.
Science Cataloger, Pennsylvania State University Libraries. Salary: $16,500
  Deadline: Sepiember 23, 1983.
Data Collection Coordinator/Sociology Bibliograpler, State University of
New York at Albanay Library. Salary: $19,000 minimum. Deadline: October 10,1983.
Reference Librarian , Simte University of New York at Albany Library.
Salary: $16,500 minimum. Deadline: October 10, 1983.
Head, Acquisitions Division, Texas A&M University Library. Salary; $23,000
  Deadline: not given.
Head, Copy Cataloging Department, Texas A&M University Library. Salary:
$18,000 minimum. Deadline: not given.
Assistart University Librarian for Public .%rvices (reopened) , University of
Arizona Library. Salary: $33,000-$38,000. lbadline: October 15, 1983.

 A S_erié11S_ Cataloging Team Leader, University of New Mexico Library. Salary:
$18,000   Deadline: September 23, 1983.
Head Library Systems Analysis, University of Oregon Library. Salary:
$25,000—$28,000. Deadline: October 14, 1983.
Law Catalog Librarian, University of Oregon Law Library. Salary: $16,000~
$18,000. Deadline: October 14, 1983.
Personnel Librarian, University of Oregon Library. Salary: $l6,000»·$l8,000.
Deadline; October 14, 1983.
Reference Librarian, Science Library, University of Oregon. Salary: $l7,000—
$18,500.. Deadline: November 11, 1983.
If interested, contact Faith Harders.

The library periodicals routing service is available to all staff members in
King, branch, and associate libraries and the Medical Center Library. The only
requirement for receiving the service is that you agree to hold issues no longer
than 5 days before routing them on to the next person on the list.
C Please subscribe or renew your subscription to the service by indicating your
selections on the list below. If you select more than 5 titles, please note
your top 5 requests —- in case we have to limit distributions. Return the form
to Gail Kennedy, Acquisitions Dept. by Sept. 25.
Thank you.
American Libraries Special Libraries
` Advanced Technology Libraries Southeastern Librarian
J American Society for Information Sciences Bulletin
y· College and Research Libraries Technicalities
i Chronicle of Higher Education Unabashed Librarian
  I¤f¤m¤¤¤ H¤t1i¤€ wnam Library Bunain
Q Information Technology and Libraries
A (formerly Journal of Library Automation)
ig Journal of Academic Librarianship
Ia Kentucky Libraries -
vi Library Journal
i LJ/SLJ Hotline
I Library Resources and Technical Services
E Library Quarterly
§ Microform Review
! Online
g Publishers Weekly
5 Serials Librarian
