Honorable John G. Heyburn II papers


The Honorable John G. Heyburn II papers (dated 1980-2015; 16.65 cubic feet; 37 boxes) comprise case files, research files, notes, correspondence, news articles, speeches, writings, lesson plans and other curricular materials, photographs, and video tapes that document his legal and judicial career.

Descriptive Summary

Honorable John G. Heyburn II papers
1980-2015 (inclusive)
1992-2015 (bulk)
Heyburn, John G. (John Gilpin), 1948-2015
16.65 Cubic Feet
Same-sex marriage -- Law and legislation.
Judges -- United States.
School integration -- Kentucky -- Jefferson County
Judicial process -- United States
Court administration -- United States
Collection is arranged into five series and nine sub-series. Where possible, original order and original folder names were retained.
Finding Aid Author
Anu Kasarabada
Preferred Citation
2016ms048 : [identification of item], Honorable John G. Heyburn II papers, 1980-2015, bulk 1992-2015, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
The Honorable John G. Heyburn II was a District Court Judge on the Western District Court of Kentucky from 1992 to 2015. During his 23 years on the federal bench, he presided over more than 7,645 cases, some of which comprised important questions of constitutional law, including on partial birth abortion and racial guidelines to remedy school segregation.
Judge Heyburn was born on November 12, 1948, in Boston, Mass. and was raised in Louisville, Ky. His mother was Francis Starks Heyburn and his father was Henry Reuter Heyburn, a Kentucky state senator and prominent attorney in Louisville. John Heyburn graduated from Milton Academy in 1966, Harvard University in 1970, and the University of Kentucky School of Law in 1976.
He began his legal career the same year as an associate at the firm then known as Brown, Todd, and Heyburn, where he specialized in litigation within the construction industry. While in private practice, he consulted for then-Jefferson County Judge/Executive Mitch McConnell, with whom he became friends while they both worked on the 1971 gubernatorial campaign of Tom Emberton. He also ran for public office himself, for Jefferson County Attorney in 1981 and for Jefferson County Judge/Executive in 1989. In addition, from 1983 to 1986, he served as a member of the Charter Commission for Louisville and Jefferson County, director of the Louisville Bar Association (1986-1988, 1994-1999), and a lifelong member of the Salmagundi Club, a Louisville social and literary group.
In 1992, Senator Mitch McConnell recommended Heyburn to President George H.W. Bush for appointment to the United States District Court for the Western District of Kentucky. In an unusual show of bipartisan support during an election year, Senator Wendell Ford endorsed Heyburn's nomination.
Within two years of joining the federal bench, Chief Justice William Rehnquist appointed Judge Heyburn to the Budget Committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States. He became committee chairman in 1997, testifying regularly before congressional appropriators about the budgetary needs of the Federal Judiciary and consulting with foreign governments on national judicial reforms.
In 2007, Chief Justice John G. Roberts appointed Judge Heyburn to a seven-year term as chair of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, a component of the Third Branch that identifies complex cases in federal courts across the country and centralizes them for efficiency and consistency.
On the district court bench, Judge Heyburn served as chief judge from 2001 to 2008. In 2014, he presided over Bourke v. Beshear, in which he held as unconstitutional Kentucky's ban on recognizing same-sex marriages. The Supreme Court affirmed his decision in 2015, two months after Judge Heyburn passed away.
Scope and Content
The Honorable John G. Heyburn II papers (dated 1980-2015; 16.65 cubic feet; 37 boxes) comprise case files, research files, notes, correspondence, news articles, speeches, writings, lesson plans and other curricular materials, photographs, and video tapes that document his legal and judicial career. The majority of the collection consists of case files, speeches, and writings that detail Judge Heyburn's judicial, professional, and civic education work as a District Judge on the Western District Court of Kentucky from 1992 to 2015. The collection is particularly strong in documenting Judge Heyburn's decision-making process, including in high-profile cases such as McFarland v. Jefferson County Public Schools (2007), on racial segregation in Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, Ky., and Bourke v. Beshear, the 2014 case in which he held as unconstitutional Kentucky's discrimination against same-sex marriages.
One file of photographs and negatives document Judge Heyburn's Senate nomination hearing on August 12, 1992 and his judicial swearing-in ceremony on August 17, 1992. These include images of Judge Heyburn with Kentucky senators Wendell Ford and Mitch McConnell. Video tapes document some of his appearances on the Federal Judicial Television Network, before the Senate Committee on Appropriations as Chairman of the Judicial Conference's Budget Committee, and other select broadcasts.
There are also speeches, correspondence, and video tapes that detail administrative issues managed by the Western District Court in particular and the Federal Judiciary in general.
The collection also includes training materials, news articles, reports, and writings that document Judge Heyburn's professional activities as a private attorney before he joined the federal bench in 1992. These include his participation on the Charter Commission for Louisville and Jefferson County (1982-1983) and seminars he taught on construction law for the Kentucky Bar Association (1982-1991).

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Biographical files, 1992, 2005-2015

Scope and Contents

This series comprises three folders of photographs, negatives, papers, and booklets that primarily document the judicial career of Judge John G. Heyburn II. One file of photographs and negatives document Judge Heyburn's Senate nomination hearing on August 12, 1992 and his judicial swearing-in ceremony on August 17, 1992 to become District Court Judge on the Western District of Kentucky. These include images of Judge Heyburn with Kentucky senators Wendell Ford and Mitch McConnell. Also included are draft entries for the Almanac of the Federal Judiciary. There are also programs from his Life Celebration organized by his wife, Dr. Martha Heyburn, to mark his passing on April 29, 2015.

The series is organized chronologically by date.

Swearing-in ceremony, 1992 August 12-17

  • Box 1, folder 1
To top

Almanac of the Federal Judiciary, 2005-2015

  • Box 1, folder 2
To top

[Life celebration], [2015 May 8]

  • Box 1, folder 3
To top

Case-related files, 1992-2015

Scope and Contents

This series comprises opinions and orders, draft opinions, law clerk memos, notes, correspondence, news articles, research files, and court filings that document some of the cases over which Judge John G. Heyburn II presided, as well as his overall process for judicial decision-making. There are also lists and other compilations that document Judge Heyburn's significant cases, appealed decisions, and other summary information about his body of work. Materials mostly relate to civil cases.

The series is not comprehensive of the cases over which Judge Heyburn presided.

Opinions and Orders, 1992-2010

Scope and Contents

This subseries comprises published opinions and orders that document Judge Heyburn's decisions in specific cases. Each opinion includes a "Memorandum Opinion Topic" cover sheet that contains the case name and docket number. Other information on topic sheets may include: topics and areas of law considered in the opinion, law clerk's first name and last initial, and the date that the law clerk filed the opinion and topic sheet in Judge Heyburn's filing system.

The subseries is not comprehensive of Judge Heyburn's body of decisions. Many of these opinions, however, are not available electronically through the Court's public access system.

Opinions are filed alphabetically by plaintiff's name, and folders of opinions are organized alphabetically by letter.

A, 1994-2004

  • Box 1, folder 4-6
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B, 1993-2006

  • Box 1, folder 7
  • Box 2, folder 1-5
To top

C, 1992-2007

  • Box 2, folder 6
  • Box 3, folder 1-4
To top

D, 1992-2005

  • Box 3, folder 5-6
  • Box 4, folder 1
To top

E, 1994-2003

  • Box 4, folder 2-3
To top

F, 1992-2007

  • Box 4, folder 4-6
To top

G, 1992-2005

  • Box 5, folder 1-3
To top

H, 1992-2004, 2009-2010

  • Box 5, folder 4-6
  • Box 6, folder 1-2
To top

I, 1993, 1998-2000

  • Box 6, folder 3
To top

J, 1993-2003

  • Box 6, folder 4-5
To top

K, 1992-2003

  • Box 6, folder 6-7
To top

L, 1992-2010

  • Box 7, folder 1-2
To top

M, 1992-2007

  • Box 7, folder 3-6
  • Box 8, folder 1
To top

N, 1993-2010

  • Box 8, folder 2
To top

O, 1993, 1995

  • Box 8, folder 3
To top

P, 1992-2004

  • Box 8, folder 4-5
To top

R, 1992-2005

  • Box 8, folder 6-7
  • Box 9, folder 1
To top

S, 1992-2010

  • Box 9, folder 2-6
To top

T, 1992-2004

  • Box 10, folder 1-3
To top

U - V, 1993-2001

  • Box 10, folder 4
To top

W, 1992-2005

  • Box 10, folder 5-6
  • Box 11, folder 1
To top

X, Y, Z, 1994-2002

  • Box 11, folder 2
To top

Summary case files, 1992-2015

Scope and Contents

This subseries primarily comprises lists and compilations that provide information on Judge Heyburn's overall body of work. The lists detail his published opinions, significant cases, and cases that went to trial. Compilations consist of summary information on decisions that were appealed and all "Memorandum opinion topic " cover sheets.

The subseries is organized alphabetically by folder title.

Appealed decisions 1994-2013, 2013

  • Box 11, folder 3
To top

Memorandum opinions list, 2014

  • Box 11, folder 4
To top

Memorandum opinions topic memo sheets, 2001-2015

  • Box 11, folder 5-6
  • Box 12, folder 1-2
To top

Published opinions lists, undated

  • Box 12, folder 3
To top

Significant cases list, undated

  • Box 12, folder 4
To top

Trial list, 1992-2014

  • Box 12, folder 5
To top

Jefferson County Public Schools cases, 1998-2007

Scope and Contents

This subseries comprises draft opinions, law clerk memos, notes, and research files that document Judge Heyburn's decision-making process in two major school racial segregation cases, Hampton, et al. v. Jefferson County Board of Education, et al. (docket number 3:98CV-262-H) and McFarland v. Jefferson County Public Schools, et al (docket number 3:02CV-620-H). Many of these files contain the Judge's annotations. Research files include caselaw, news articles, census data, bibliographies, and staff reports from the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights.

This subseries is organized chronologically by docket number and then alphabetically by folder title.

3:98CV-262-H - 1985 briefs, 1998-2000

  • Box 12, folder 6
To top

3:98CV-262-H - newspaper articles, 1998-2000

  • Box 12, folder 7-8
  • Box 13, folder 1
To top

3:98CV-262-H - notes, 1998-2000

  • Box 13, folder 2
To top

3:98CV-262-H - opinion drafts, 2000

  • Box 13, folder 3-5
To top

3:98CV-262-H - published opinions, 2007

  • Box 13, folder 6
To top

3:98CV-262-H - research materials, 1998-2000

  • Box 13, folder 7
  • Box 14, folder 1-3
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

3:98CV-262-H - working file, 1999-2000

  • Box 14, folder 4-6
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

3:02CV-620-H - law clerk memos and caselaw

  • Box 15, folder 1-3
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

3:02CV-620-H - opinion drafts, 2004

  • Box 15, folder 4-6
  • Box 16, folder 1-6
  • Box 17, folder 1-4
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions. Pages may also be out of order within individual folders.

To top

[Bibliography], [2018]

  • Box 17, folder 5
To top

Discrimination - preemption/abstention/declaratory relief, 2012?

  • Box 17, folder 6
To top

[Research - various], [1998-2000]

  • Box 17, folder 7
To top

Other case files, 1992-2014

Scope and Contents

This subseries comprises draft opinions and outlines, law clerk memos, notes, correspondence, court filings, caselaw, news articles, and research files that document Judge Heyburn's decision-making process in various cases. The subseries is not comprehensive of the cases over which Judge Heyburn presided. It does, however, include a number of his civil cases, including two high-profile cases, Eubanks v. Stengel (docket number 3:98CV-262-H), regarding the constitutionality of Kentucky's 1998 "Kentucky Partial Birth Abortion Act", and Bourke v. Beshear (docket number 3:13-CV-750), the 2014 case in which he ruled that Kentucky's discrimination against same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. There are also two criminal case files. Many files include annotations from Judge Heyburn and various law clerks.

This subseries is organized chronologically by docket number and then alphabetically by folder title.

CR-92-00054-L(H) - USA v. Mays - trial forms - complex cases, 1994?

  • Box 17, folder 8
To top

CR-94-00018-BG, USA v. Smith & Wells (working file), 1995-1996

  • Box 17, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

3:98-CV-383-H, Eubanks v. Stengel, 1998-2000

  • Box 18, folder 1-7
  • Box 19, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

3:00-CV-293-H, Zoeller Co. v. Nurse, et al

  • Box 19, folder 2
To top

3:03-CV-93-H, Markers Mark Distillery, Inc. v. Diageo North America, et al, 2003-2009

  • Box 19, folder 3
To top

3:04-CV-338-H, O'Bryan v. Holy See (working file), 2007

  • Box 19, folder 4
To top

3:07-CV-238-H, Ventas v. HCP, previous opinions and orders, Canadian decisions, undated

  • Box 19, folder 5-6
To top

3:11-CV-18-H, Maxwell's Pic-Pac, Inc., et al v. Tony Dehner, et. al., 2012

  • Box 19, folder 7
  • Box 20, folder 1-3
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

3:13-CV-750, Bourke v. Beshear -- draft opinions, 2014

  • Box 20, folder 4-6
To top

3:13-CV-750, Bourke v. Beshear -- caselaw, 2014

  • Box 20, folder 7
To top

3:13-CV-750, Bourke v. Beshear -- congratulatory letters, 2014

  • Box 21, folder 1
To top

3:13-CV-750, Bourke v. Beshear -- "other" mail, 2014

  • Box 21, folder 2
To top

3:13-CV-750, Bourke v. Beshear -- pleadings, 2013

  • Box 21, folder 3
To top

3:13-CV-750, Bourke v. Beshear -- various, 2014

  • Box 21, folder 4
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

Barth - newspaper articles, 2012-2013

  • Box 21, folder 5
To top

Kelly case - newspaper articles, 2011-2013

  • Box 21, folder 6
To top

Rubbertown lawsuits, 2006-2007

  • Box 21, folder 7-8
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

School cases, jockey case, adult entertainment, 2006-2013

  • Box 21, folder 9-10
  • Box 22, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

Southwest Jefferson County air pollution cases, 2010

  • Box 22, folder 2-3
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

Trial times, 1998-2013

  • Box 22, folder 4-5
To top

Various cases, 1992-2012

  • Box 22, folder 6-7
To top

Research files, 1992-2014, undated

Scope and Contents

This subseries primarily consists of caselaw, law clerk memos, notes, published opinions, and scholarly articles on substantive areas of law and civil and criminal procedure. Two files relate to other issues: "Judicial independence" and "Naturalization ceremony procedures". "Judicial independence" consists of speeches and writings on the subject of separation of powers, and "Naturalization ceremony procedures" contains Judge Heyburn's remarks, research, and procedures for presiding over naturalization ceremonies. Some files in this series include annotations by the Judge.

This subseries is organized alphabetically by folder title.

Abstention, 2004

  • Box 23, folder 1
To top

Admiralty law, 1993 July 7

  • Box 23, folder 2
To top

Appeals - civil, 1992 September 17

  • Box 23, folder 3
To top

Apportionment, 1997

  • Box 23, folder 4
To top

Apprendi, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 5-6
To top

Arbitration agreements and civil claims, 2004

  • Box 23, folder 7
To top

Child pornography sentencings, 2007-2009

  • Box 23, folder 8
To top

Civil forfeiture, 1993 February 18

  • Box 23, folder 9
To top

Competency to stand trial, 1992

  • Box 23, folder 10
To top

Costs, 2010

  • Box 23, folder 11
To top

Desegregation cases, 2006-2007

  • Box 23, folder 12
To top

Disclosure of confidential informant's identity, 1993 March 10

  • Box 23, folder 13
To top

Discrimination, 1999

  • Box 23, folder 14
To top

Employment discrimination and age discrimination, 1995-2002

  • Box 24, folder 1
To top

Expert testimony, 1995-1999

  • Box 24, folder 2-3
To top

404(b) evidence, 1992-1996

  • Box 24, folder 4
To top

Fair debt collection, 1993

  • Box 24, folder 5
To top

Hearsay testimony - 801(d)(2)(D), 1992-1993

  • Box 24, folder 6
To top

Immigration and naturalization mandamus cases, 2008

  • Box 24, folder 7
To top

Immunity (sovereign and personal), 1993-1994, 2013

  • Box 24, folder 8
To top

Implying damages under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, undated

  • Box 24, folder 9
To top

Improper jury deliberation, 1999

  • Box 24, folder 10
To top

Judicial estoppel, 1997

  • Box 24, folder 11
To top

Judicial independence, 1998-1999, 2006

  • Box 25, folder 1-2
To top

Jurisdictional amount, 1993 October 27

  • Box 25, folder 3
To top

Jury trial, 1993, 1999-2001

  • Box 25, folder 4
To top

Lesser included offense, 1994 August 19

  • Box 25, folder 5
To top

Markham hearing / patent law, 1998-2000

  • Box 25, folder 6
To top

Motion for acquittal / motion for new trial, 1993

  • Box 25, folder 7
To top

Motions to dismiss (Rule 12(b)(6)), undated

  • Box 25, folder 8
To top

Naturalization ceremony procedures, undated

  • Box 25, folder 9
To top

Obscenity caselaw, undated

  • Box 25, folder 10-11
To top

Pendent jurisdiction, 1992?, undated

  • Box 26, folder 1
To top

Personal jurisdiction, 1997-2007

  • Box 26, folder 2-3
To top

Prisoner rights - section 1983, 1992 December

  • Box 26, folder 4
To top

Products liability, 2008 June-July

  • Box 26, folder 5
To top

Prosecutorial misconduct, 2001

  • Box 26, folder 6
To top

Removal, 2005-2014

  • Box 26, folder 7-8
To top

Res judicata / claim preclusion, 1993?

  • Box 26, folder 9
To top

Section 1983, 1999 May

  • Box 26, folder 10
To top

Statutory interpretation, undated

  • Box 26, folder 11
To top

Summary judgment - boilerplate, undated

  • Box 26, folder 12
To top

Summary judgment - Rule 56, undated

  • Box 26, folder 13
To top

Title VII, 1998-1999

  • Box 27, folder 1
To top

Trademark, undated

  • Box 27, folder 2
To top

Withdrawal of guilty plea, 1993 January 27

  • Box 27, folder 3
To top

Workers compensation up-the-ladder defense, 2004

  • Box 27, folder 4
To top

Correspondence, 1992-2015

Scope and Contents

The Correspondence series primarily comprises incoming letters to Judge Heyburn that document the administration of the Western District Court of Kentucky in particular and the Federal Judiciary in general. Correspondents include federal judges, leaders in the Federal Judiciary, state and federal legislators such as retired United States Representative Romano Mazzoli (Democrat, Third Congressional District), attorneys, law professors and other academics, and members of the public. Letters generally relate to administrative issues managed by district court judges, staff attorneys, United States Marshals, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, and other institutions within the Federal Judiciary. Other topics include particular cases and invitations to professional events. There are also copies of outgoing correspondence sent by Judge Heyburn.

The series is primarily organized chronologically by date.

District court general files #1, 1992 September 3-1993 August 24

  • Box 27, folder 5-7
To top

District court general files #2, 1993 September 3-1995 July 26

  • Box 27, folder 8-9
To top

District court general files #3, 1993 November 25-1994 December 31

  • Box 27, folder 10
To top

District court general files #4, 1995 January 5-1996 January 15

  • Box 28, folder 1-2
To top

District court general files #5, 1996 January 8-1998 December 29

  • Box 28, folder 3-5
To top

District court general files #6, 1999 January 19-2000 January 10

  • Box 28, folder 6
  • Box 29, folder 1
To top

District court general files #7, 2000 November 3-2004 June 30

  • Box 29, folder 2
To top

District court general files #8, 2008 December 17-2013 December 19

  • Box 29, folder 3-4
To top

District court general files #9, 2004 February 6-2015 March 6

  • Box 29, folder 5
To top

Masters Tournament - springbreak, 2002 April 8-10

  • Box 29, folder 6
To top

Professional activities, 1980-2015

Scope and Contents

This series comprises draft and final versions of speeches and writings, lesson plans and other curricular materials, research files, notes, correspondence, video tapes, and logistical and planning files that document Judge Heyburn's participation in judicial, professional, and civic events. Occasions include conferences, meetings, workshops, congressional hearings, the annual Law Day, continuing legal education courses, civic education in Louisville high schools, and various speaking engagements.

The majority of materials document activities in which Judge Heyburn participated after joining the federal bench. Activities that took place before his federal judgeship include membership on the Charter Commission for Louisville and Jefferson County, and construction law seminars he conducted for the Kentucky Bar Association's continuing legal education programs.

Speeches, 1992-2015

Scope and Contents

The Speeches subseries comprises draft and final speeches, notes, correspondence, research materials, and logistical and planning files that document Judge Heyburn's speaking engagements before civic groups, professional organizations, and institutions within the Federal Judiciary. Speaking engagements consist of a wide range of events, including a commencement address at the Kentucky Country Day School, training programs for federal court employees, and events organized by the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, the Salmagundi Club in Louisville, Ky., the Federalist Society, and the Women Lawyers Association.

Subjects include school desegregation in Louisville, journalist Theodore H. White, the Federal Judiciary's budget, multidistrict litigation, separation of church and state, and the politics of choosing justices for the Supreme Court.

The subseries is organized chronologically by date.

"Choosing Supreme Court Justices" - Salmagundi, 1992 January 23

  • Box 30, folder 8
To top

"Introduction" - Sixth Circuit conference, 1996

  • Box 30, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

"Original intent", 1997 Feburary 27

  • Box 30, folder 10
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

"Maintaining an independent Judiciary - Budgets, Congress and the Executive" - Second Worldwide Common Law Judiciary Conference, 1997 May 28

  • Box 31, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Some page(s) are missing from this folder.

To top

"Managing for Excellence in the New Courts Service" - Irish Courts Conference, 1997 October 31

  • Box 31, folder 2-4
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

"The Judiciary Budget and the Separation of Powers" - The Lawyers Club, 1998 April 1

  • Box 31, folder 5
To top

"Budget Overview for Chief District Judges" - Chief District Judges Conference, 1998 May 4

  • Box 31, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized because of privacy/sensitive information concerns.

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"Challenges to the Judiciary in the 21st Century" - Federalist Society, 1998 May 20

  • Box 31, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

"The Enduring Constitution: Politics and the Supreme Court" - Milton Academy, 2001 May 4-6

  • Box 31, folder 8
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

Commencement address - Kentucky Country Day school, 2001 May 31

  • Box 31, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

To top

"First Amendment Reform" - Salmagundi, 2001 June 28

  • Box 31, folder 10
To top

National Satellite Broadcast for Students, 2001 October 25

  • Box 31, folder 11
To top

"Louisville Desgregation Cases and the Promise of Brown v. Board of Education" - The Lawyers Club, 2001 December, 2002 January

  • Box 32, folder 1
To top

"Louisville and Jefferson County School Desegregation Cases" - University of Louisville law class, 2001

  • Box 32, folder 2
To top

FAS4T User Forum, 2002 May 14

  • Box 32, folder 3
To top

"Management in the Judiciary: Rules, Tools, and Tips of Good Stewardship" - Stewardship Training Program, 2002 July 22

  • Box 32, folder 4
To top

"Management in the Judiciary: Rules, Tools, and Tips of Good Stewardship" - Court Unit Executive Training, 2002 August 20

  • Box 32, folder 5
To top

Commencement ceremony - Mazzoli Federal Building, 2002 September 11

  • Box 32, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

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National Conference for District Court Clerks, 2002 October 25

  • Box 32, folder 7
To top

National Conference of Court of Appeals Clerks, 2003 March 25

  • Box 32, folder 8
To top

"Management in the Judiciary: Rules, Tools, and Tips of Good Stewardship" - Stewardship Seminar, 2003 October 28

  • Box 32, folder 9
To top

"Separating Church and State; Who Done It and Why?" - Salmagundi, 2003 November 20

  • Box 32, folder 10
To top

"Being Faithful to the First Amendment" - Lawyers Club, 2005 September 8

  • Box 32, folder 11
To top

"Judges in the Classroom" - Rotary Club, 2006 March 30

  • Box 32, folder 12
To top

"Theodore H. White" - Salmagundi, 2008 October 16

  • Box 32, folder 13
To top

"Portrait Ceremony for Judge Henry L. Brooks" - Western District of KY, 2010 June 11

  • Box 32, folder 14
To top

Keynote address - Class Action Colloquium - Ontario Bar Association, 2010 December 1

  • Box 32, folder 15
To top

"The Education of Henry Adams" - Salmagundi, 2011 April 21

  • Box 32, folder 16
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

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Southern Conference of Bar Presidents, 2011 October 14

  • Box 32, folder 17
To top

National Complex Litigation Conference, Chicago, IL, 2012 June 27

  • Box 32, folder 18
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MDL Conference, 2013 May 2-3

  • Box 32, folder 19
Scope and Contents

Some materials are not digitized due to copyright restrictions.

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"Where We're Going and Where We're Going" - Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, 2013 December 9

  • Box 32, folder 20
To top

Women Lawyers Association, 2014 November 13

  • Box 32, folder 21
To top

"John Adams", undated

  • Box 32, folder 22
To top

MDL, undated

  • Box 32, folder 23
To top

"A Culture of Beliefs" - St. Francis Church presentation, undated

  • Box 32, folder 24
To top

[Speech Index], undated

  • Box 32, folder 25
To top

Writings, circa 1987-2012

Scope and Contents

The Writings subseries comprises draft and published articles, correspondence, and notes regarding articles that Judge John G. Heyburn wrote for academic and popular publications such as the Louisville Courier-Journal, Litigation Magazine, Tulane Law Review, and the Ohio Valley History journal. All but two articles were published after Judge Heyburn joined the federal bench. Subjects include journalist Theodore H. White, District Court Judge Walter Evans, and the Federal Judiciary's multidistrict litigation process.

This subseries is organized chronologically by date.

"A County and the River" - Courier-Journal?, circa 1987

  • Box 32, folder 26
To top

"Redistricting" - Program for the Annual Convention and Judicial Conference, 1991 June 5-8

  • Box 32, folder 27
To top

Louisville Bar Association, 1993 September

  • Box 32, folder 28
To top

"FRCP Amendments", 1993

  • Box 33, folder 1
To top

"Challenges to the Judiciary" - Courier-Journal Forum, 1998 June 21

  • Box 33, folder 2
To top

Eleventh Annual Labor and Employment Law Institute, 1994 June

  • Box 33, folder 3
To top

Courier-Journal Forum, 2005 September 18

  • Box 33, folder 4
To top

"Theodore H. White" - Courier-Journal, 2006, 2010

  • Box 33, folder 5
To top

"A View from the Panel" -Tulane Law Review, 2008

  • Box 33, folder 6
To top

"Evaluating and Improving the MDL Process" - Litigation Magazine, 2012 Summer/Fall

  • Box 33, folder 7
To top

"Walter Evans" - Ohio Valley History, 2012 Winter

  • Box 33, folder 8
To top

Other professional activities, 1980-2013, undated

Scope and Contents

This subseries comprises training files, lesson plans and other curricular materials, logistical and planning files, research materials, correspondence, and notes that document Judge Heyburn's participation in professional and judicial conferences, workshops, dinners, and civic education events. The majority of materials document activities in which Judge Heyburn participated after joining the federal bench.

There are also reports and training files that document two activities in which he participated during his federal judgeship. These consist of membership on the Charter Commission for Louisville and Jefferson County, and construction law seminars he conducted for the Kentucky Bar Association's continuing legal education program.

This subseries is organized chronologically by date.

Construction Law Seminar, 1980 February 15-16

  • Box 33, folder 9
To top

Charter Commission for Louisville and Jefferson County, 1982 May 7

  • Box 33, folder 10
To top

Charter Commission for Louisville and Jefferson County, 1982 August

  • Box 33, folder 11
To top

Charter Commission for Louisville and Jefferson County, 1983 July 26

  • Box 33, folder 12
To top

Construction Law Seminar, 1984 January 20-21

  • Box 34, folder 1
To top

Construction Law Seminar, 1985 September 20-21

  • Box 34, folder 2
To top

Construction Law Seminar, 1987 January 16-17

  • Box 34, folder 3-4
To top

Construction Law Seminar, 1991 September 26-27

  • Box 34, folder 5
To top

Criminal Justice Symposium - Harvard 25th reunion, 1995 June 6

  • Box 34, folder 6
To top

Federal Court videotape (KBA), 1995

  • Box 34, folder 7
To top

Thurgood Marshall Memorial Dinner - Federal Bar Association, 1995-1996

  • Box 35, folder 1
To top

American Bar Association Symposium, 1998 December 4-5

  • Box 35, folder 2
To top

"First Amendment and the Courts" - Society of Professional Journalists, 1999 March 6

  • Box 35, folder 3
To top

Irish Courts Service Conference, 1999 October 31

  • Box 35, folder 4
To top

Law Day, 2000

  • Box 35, folder 5
To top

Governors and Scholars presentation, 2004 June 30

  • Box 35, folder 6
To top

Judges in the Classroom

  • Box 35, folder Unknown

Judges in the Classroom, 2005-2007

  • Box 35, folder 7-9
To top

General course materials, 2006

  • Box 35, folder 10
To top

General correspondence, 2007 July 26

  • Box 35, folder 11
To top

Outline and materials, 2007

  • Box 36, folder 1
To top

KCD History and Politics course - course proposal, 2006

  • Box 36, folder 2
To top

Manual AP History Course

  • Box 36, folder Unknown

1 - Introduction and Federalist 78, 2006-2008

  • Box 36, folder 3
To top

2 - Marbury v. Madison, 2006-2008

  • Box 36, folder 4
To top

3 - Dredd Scott, 2006-2008

  • Box 36, folder 5
To top

4 - Lincoln's Cooper Union speech, 2006-2008

  • Box 36, folder 6
To top

5 - Why we study history, 2006-2008

  • Box 36, folder 7
To top

6 - Brown v. Board of Education, 2006-2008

  • Box 36, folder 8
To top

7 - Louisville school case, 2006-2008

  • Box 36, folder 9
To top

8 - Roe v. Wade, 2006-2008

  • Box 36, folder 10
To top

Federal Court Update - Kentucky Bar Association, 2009 December 3

  • Box 36, folder 11
To top

UK law class, 2013 March 27

  • Box 36, folder 12
To top

KCD Exploremore, undated

  • Box 36, folder 13
To top

Video tapes, 1999-2006, undated

Scope and Contents

This subseries comprises VHS tapes that document judicial, professional, and civic activities in which Judge Heyburn participated. Events include: Judge Heyburn's testimony before the Senate Committee on Appropriations as Chairman on the Judicial Conference's Committee on the Budget; an appearance in a KET production marking the 100th anniversary of the Western District Federal Court of Kentucky; and appearances on the Federal Judiciary Television Network (FJTN).

This subseries is organized chronologically by date.

FJTN News Update and In Camera and Judicial Conference, 1999 Spring

  • Box 37, cassette 1
To top

FJTN News Update: Law Day 2000 / Teachers Institute, 2000 September 14

  • Box 37, cassette 2
To top

The 100th Anniversary of the Western District Federal Courts of Kentucky, 2001

  • Box 37, cassette 3
To top

Judiciary's fiscal year 2003 budget hearing, 2002 March 5

  • Box 37, cassette 4
To top

Federal Judiciary: fiscal year 2004 appropriations hearing, 2003 March 27

  • Box 37, cassette 5-6
To top

Federal Judiciary: fiscal year 2005 appropriations hearing, 2004 March 11

  • Box 37, cassette 7
To top

Students learn about the U.S. Court System: Judge Heyburn, 2006 March 15

  • Box 37, cassette 8
To top

CM/ECF: A View from the District Court Bench, undated

  • Box 37, cassette 9
To top

Judge John Heyburn - C-Span video, undated

  • Box 37, cassette 10
To top

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