xt7ngf0mwg16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ngf0mwg16/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1981 1981 1981-10-21 2020 true xt7ngf0mwg16 section xt7ngf0mwg16 r,. __ .‘ . A ‘,"--'~,-" . l. . . . Tl .' W: 21 . . . . . , . ' . .1 _ ,.-. , . A." .' . » ,. A 7.7.1 335593. . Fad/"7“, 95's?" 549 9:7,: ,,'-'",fl;:“".; .hx‘f“. t_ ,3 . . 2 A M, A), ‘ width" . ~ , ~ ~ , . _ ,. » _ .; . .. xi: 7i§i‘:‘:,"w’:ir‘vzii?.‘afish:-fg‘fiii’iiioifiii‘Li’eifhiiir r ”so r‘iei‘f‘eii‘f T '........’ '- .- . _ cm .. . .. MM» chicoryfismaew . '1, . fir? ;' . r. . 35“ . 3’39. CASTING OVER 3” . 'i-i ‘3',» Them will continue toradiate over 4'" wildcat country today, followed by in» .125 ‘ creasing cloudiness later in the after- . . nom.’lbehiflitodaywillbeinthe j'. mid to upper 60s. lows tonight will 3" dmpbetweentheuppertomidsos. ‘ . . _ — ,_ _____________ .._.————_—._____..____.____________ . , h. . , vol.Lxxx1v.No.48 An A m 1971 University of Kentuck ' Wednesday. October 21, 1981 . _ Lexington, Kentucky -. , -‘ i entra campus UStS er I ruptures - A _ , 1' . ' MI.“ a. J A [a _ wrwiiifig- . ’. ' ‘ , _ Faulty pipe ~~ nos . Kastle Hall ; has PPD * - . , . labs marred 3., ' i ‘ ' V ‘9 ,1 ;" m .3 working late , v \ . .. it "' . ,. Q by water . l ,, . « a. v i - j / _‘ . ‘i‘; By “DREWQPPMANN 4 ' , ‘ I ' ‘ - « By ANDREW OPPMANN , Senior Staff Writer ’ . I ~ r l ' ' 4% , {13/ Senior Staff Writer 1:} . __________. ~ 1 N t. . _. fr . ,. . The rupture of a faulty section of l‘ . \ r ‘g a; y l pipe. locatedunderneaththewalkway . I? A .. . . ‘ ‘ “ , Four psychology research '_. . extending through central campus, 5. _ . — laboratories located in Kastle Hall‘s a I caused flooding of some central cam- / «2% Ar ‘ ’z ., basement were flooded by the rupture . pus walkways, water supplies to be ’ 1“};S"'7_ ' , ‘ if of a 10-inch water vein. located shut of in several of the surrounding (it ‘. ' ‘1 between Pence and Kastle halls that buildings, and water damage to Kas- , " I - A , occurred around 1:30 pm. yesterday . tie Hall. , _ 3': a“- ,,, i afternoon. The water vein, located between i. 7W“; 9' Water from the vein entered Pence and Kastle halls, ruptured 1 ' I - -' 3hr??? . A ~ through the side and rear basement around 1:30 pm. flooding the , ' ' . . iii“ - ' , " _ - -., ~14" entrances of the building. Several in- walkway in front on the buildings. aw" ‘ ~ ""fi -'.'s.‘ ';_. V " ' 2‘4 , ches of water covered the floorsofthe ' students whowereinthearea Sflid- . ~ "" “1:; Mn. " i' 7‘8"} " I basement storage rooms and Water seeped through the side and . afl‘afifipi .3, ' ., "‘f_,‘,,f ' , . fl research laboratories. 'i -. rear basement entrances of Kastle ‘ ‘ g 7o f in;- 3 I,“ _' ‘L ‘1; . t’ " D.F. McCoy, a professor in the 1 Hall, flooding four research ' ' M i\ .* f‘fih‘. ~ «‘11,? .J’i “ “ " 'l’ '}. w... psychology department, said all of 5 I . laboratories, storage rooms and the 22,} ’ ; , . varheirwl‘, ,. f .~ ,~_ o“ LY , . , v' .1 a, "'3' ' ' «as’ the relay equipment and power supp- hallways. D.F. McCoy, a professor in .. f . N . . A. . .~; “flirryléov HT V’s-gay: . ,w‘ ,' > e A. egg , ; "5:. , .. _ . H 11“.“ ]y units in his laboratory were damag- the psycholoo department. reported ' ’ . . . xfifi’iffcr .. ”L _ ‘ . ‘ . ‘W .. ed by flooding generated by the ‘ damage to equipment usedinanimal' ‘ F, ' f"; yep-"Q Wins" " rut ’" (fl. .. 7, ' ' sis/"y A; . ‘ “is. damaged water vein. " - behaviorexperiments. . . ‘ .t- . 5;; , , ~ Am“; 4.“ s, ”a“, f .7, ”f“; 3.4;“ may; ‘ N" The equipment was usedtorecord . . WayneRitchie, assistant directorof - ~ .. * _' A; ' , .. if“... ~ .n‘ , ‘ m:n§:5~fih,v page .; f is £144 ““3 reactions on test animals in behavior A the Physical Plant Division, said the v“ .7 .~ . 3‘ :L. ,_ ' has. -~"‘"‘- h1g5 Ego 1’5“. a; :e g x, ’ '. .5; ' experiments, he said. - section of pipe that ruptured probably . . ' _ ‘ _ {.373 _ ., ' , : Wififié‘ ' "v ”53752c-‘w’ -‘~' r U "‘ ""~ “It's hard to tell how much we‘ve , . was imperfect when it was laid in 1978 By TODD CHILDERS/ Kernel Staff lost." McCoy said. ' , when the water main was rerouted - n The flooding will probably ruin an i due to the construction of the central ngh Rlse experiment that has been collecting campus walkway. data since last semester, he said. The pipe Will have to be replaced, Three workers attempt to keep ahead of the water flowing into the basement perimentel animals kept in the basement to be moved and possibly ruining an “We‘re going to let it drain for how- meaning concrete sections 0‘ the of Rustic Hall. Water seeped into the building after a faulty water pipe outside experimentinwhich data had been secured since last semester. I am going ‘0 Shiit ii i the lab) down walkway must be lifted — something of the building burst yesterday afternoon. The high wgte" forced many ex- for at least three of four days,“ Mc- . thathasnever been attempted before, Coy said. He does not want to risk ji hesaid. . students getting shocked from f _ Ritchie said it will be two to three . damaged equipment. ' days until PPD crews will finish work M b k t Tom Zentall, an associate professor on replacing the vein, which is a 8609 ac 3 cu s In s u an cans in the psychology department whose jig ‘ pressure feed from the citycounty lab was water damaged, said the water system. basement laboratories never have Uhtii the faulty pipe can be replac- ———-——,——— month when a $30,000 annual family movement “will not deter ts" from Arabiais headed for defeat in Con~ had flooding problems this severe in ed, Ritchie said a steel plate will be ”XML? STF‘DEN income ceiling took effect. carrying out the planned buildup of gross. recent times. " used to seal off the vein where it in- Editor-in-Chlef Addressing several questions con- nuclear weaponry in Western Europe “When there were animals upstairs " » tersects with lines leading to the Mw cerning national defense, Meece con- later this year, as agreed to by NATO He said the delivery of the AWACS being used in research, they would oc— buildings in thearea. tradicted Defense Secretary Caspar members in 1979. to the Saudis is important for Israel, casionally play with the bar that feed . The tsection, where the broken Edwin Meece, courselor to Presi- Weinberger’s statement earlier Meece comfirmed Reagan‘s Friday which is opposed to the sale. because them water. They “he bai‘S’ WOUid . ‘ pipe intersects with lines connecting dent Ronald Reagan with cabinet yesterday that if Greece carries out statement that he thinks the Soviets “the only way for the Israelis to feel stick and we had some water pro- ' , some of the central campus buildings, rank, says he hopes the federally- its plans to pull out of the North Atlan- believe a nuclear war “might be win- secure is for them to know the Arabs blems," Zentall said. . _ is located on theside of theof the jour- funded Guaranteed Student Loan pro- tic Treaty Organization, the alliance nable." will participate in the mutual defense “But we never had water problems . . nalism building. gram will be further restricted in the would be “unquestionably" weaken- “we cannot allow the Soviets to ofthe area." like this. This is different." hesaid 5 This steel plate Wiii give water future. ed. Socialist Andrew Pompandreou, miscalculate on our resolve and feel Meece, who was at Spindletop as Physical Plant Division workers t pressure to McVey Hall, Mining Meece, frequently referred t0 as elected premier of Greece Sunday, they are in the position to win a the guest of the annual meetingofthe pumped out the water from Kastle . Engineering building, K8336 Hall and Reagan’s “055‘ adviser, said in a haspromised to close dovm American nuclear war," he said. “That is the National Assocxation of Schools of Hall‘s basement shortly after Pence Hall. which were temporarily press conference prior to an address military bases in that country and reason forourmilitary buildup." public Affairs and Administration, pressure on the leaking water main ' deprivedofwater service. at Spindletop Hall last night that sever its NATO ties. Meece denied reports that the ad- was later inducted as an honorary was deactivated. Cleanup operations Portable lighting was set up as “government has become far too in- “It (NATO) will not be negatively ministration’s much-disputed pro- member of pi Alpha Alpha, the na- will most likely be completed . “ PPD crews worked 133‘ night ‘0 l1“t VOiVGd in the Guaranteed Student effected," said Meece. “We will not pose] to sell Airborne Warning and tional public affaris and administra- sometime today or tomorrow. - the plate in place. Loan program." allow whatever occurs in Greece to Command Systems planes to Saudi tion honorary. ‘ “We’re sticking with it," Ritchie “The real questioniswhether or not make any material weakening of said. He said the crews hope to have taxpayers should be supporting non- NATO. If necessary, we will ask f0 m ’ ' , finished the temporary repair last needy students,“ he said, adding that further contributions from the othe m m t s m . , night or early this morning. there has been a “bad track record" member nations." I ‘ . . “Dark will fall on us tonight," said onrepaymentof student loans. He noted that Spain’s plan to enter BaGSIer dlscusses Iafiorm - Bill Reeser, manager of the Physical Late last week, it was reported that NATO in the near future might serve ' Plant Division Utilites Department, theReagan administration is actively as a counterbalance to the * refering to the repair operations. considering further tightening withdrawal of Greece, and said he ——-—-———,—-— for mayor 1 was a Fayette District Kernel; There is renewed concern “You can't fix a 10-inch vein in 20 eligibility for the G815. The ad- believes Pompandreou “will go slow" By BRAD STURGEON judge. on campus about the so-called Rosc- minutes,” Reeser said. ministration has proposed a “needs" in backing out of the organization. Kernel Contributor Kernel ; Briefly explain the mont extension _ , , ' . Crews from the University’s PPD test for the loanS. restricted for the On another NATO matter, Meece __..___—————_ highlights of your mayoral platform, Easter; Ioppose the extension asl ‘ ' See“FAULTY,"page 3. first time at the beginning of this said the growing European pacifist Recently. both Urban-County Baesler: Basically, I think it’s very did onthecouncil four years ago. '- Ba la 88 8 Ken“ le o rno I m 2:32;“11:33:“i'eiisewftliolfiigfitf impordtant that the neg: mayor have Kismet: Mayor Amato's proptosal to ‘ ‘ an a ministration t t esents bui a senior citizens cen er in ' i y I y ' y 9 ve r 8 war View With “"didat" Scotty 309519“ what our comet’iirunity Woodland Park sparked concern on ' utr I ed 'fl' th tat as With his Opponent was conduaed representsThat‘s different ages. campus last year. but apparently the IS "a a commr WI 0 er s es With! 0" 9"'Pha-‘lisho"ui-"3“es of Pa" backgrounds. interestsand problem has been resolved by city ' . ticu or interest tot e niversity com- ~ . ~ ~ ' ' ‘ to the rk B said Lee R Sigelman’ political the “indium“ and Personal advan- munity. Tomorrow an interview with phIIOISOp-hmfi‘ Fondnrsnténcte‘ 1:111:11: htaltlhgtgiinvgeigifvltgwfiand p35: is yClNDY DECKER science department chairman. tages and influence of thegovemor ,, . . _ peop e in my a man on . a . y. . . ,- ‘ Senior Staff Writer - . . ‘ candidate 3‘” "MM” “ppm" hopefully reflect the divergent m- con51dered as a Site again, where \Hil .Kentucky is one Of four states "a" Jewell saldhepersonally thlnks the Baesler, 40, won the nonvpartisan terest in our community. because I VOU stand'.’ ‘ —--———-————-———- tlonally thatdonot 3119‘” governors to succession amendment ‘iS probably mayoral primary last May. The think it‘s important that all our com- ' Baeslert I‘m all fora senior citizens ‘ . . succeed themselves in office, Beyle desirable." , , 39"9'01 919m“ M” be held N0“ 1 munity can identify with (govern- center. but I don't think that - ‘ l‘he “rim“ powers 0‘ Kentucky 3 “‘d- He salda great deal of the political Kernel: Mr. Baesler. please explain mentl Woodland Park is the best location, . . ‘ . governor is neither strong nor weak, Beyle also said most states have leadership of a state begins to plan your qualifications for mayor, ' I‘m sure Mayor Amato has worked ‘ compared _to other @me "3' allowedthegovernor in office to take the next gubernatorial race during Baesler: My qualifications are lwant to make sure that as mayorl hard on finding a location. and he : tlonally, 331d Thad Beyle, a professor advantage 0‘ the succession amend- thelast halfofagovernor’s term, and basically in three areas. First. We am accessible to people who have deservestobecommended. ' 0f 90mm“ science at the University ment passed dunnghls 0" her term, a that makes it hard for a governor to been very active in business for 10 questiom and/or suggestions It‘s im- Kernel: What can be done about the i 0‘ ”0"" Carolina at Chapel "in. . part Of the Kentucky amendment that get his job done. years. Along with two partners I built portant that people know their input is hazard to drivers bikers and ' v ‘ Beyle spoke yesterday "‘0?th to has caused debate between anti- .. , 1 been . fl“ t and operated the Sheraton Motor inn taken into consideration before any pedestrians that Ag created by rush- : .1‘ an audience of about 30 people in the amendment groups and pro- He 3mm“ 3’ 1 an": .° we hi.” front 1973 to mo, Andl‘ve been inthe decisions are made. hour‘traffic on Rose Street passing ,. Student Center. The presentation W” amendment groups years w n peop e s 018139"! in real estate and farming businesses The Youth Fellows Program I’m in- r) - ' ~ - - toget ready forthenext race. Jewell , . through campls. sponsored by the political science Malcolm E. Jewell. political .d mm ha 10,. K t for 10 years. terested In Is for two purposes Cheri Baesler' rm aware of the problem departmwt. science department er noted 38}. '. s ppensa m en ucky. Second, in public service as vice think it will give us a source of man- . 7 h] g l ti . .. . [t 5 hard to do anything in four and i ve discussed pow e .ou one - Some 0‘ 3‘9in 3 recent research that 30in was “in“ only about . ll hen 'nfl mayor from 1974-1977. I cosponsored power, both men and women. for that could be forthcoming with manv . . . onpowersofUnited States governors formal comtitutional powers of Years if”; y w ‘ “en“ an update of the comprehensive assistance without cost to the tax- people mumpsamhsaymw ‘ ' . has been used in debates concerning governors,“ and W” ”Mt saying dropso ' esal ' (growth) plan at that time. Also, I payers. Because we've already found Kernel: An issue that could affect ‘4 - the W state amendment to anything about WW] power." Sigelman said he does not “have was chairman of the (Urban County) sponsors for half of the funding many students {aging the upcoming , . ' allow governors "id M“ ‘° suc- “Ch“ “influence andthetradltlonof anystrong feelings either way" about Council Wages and Salaries Commit- through private individuals. Second. General Assembly that also relates i ’ . . ' ceed themselves in office. PW“ that 8003 WOW what's "1" the amendment, but thinks “the issue tee that studied salary scales for five hopefully the people who serve as the to the city is the possible repeal of the i. . The amendment will be voted 0" in tenintheconstitution." will be somewhat submerged by the months, so that we could improve it fellows will later become interested in Landlord ‘Tenant Act. According to 3 . the Nov. lOalection. When people say that Gov. John Y. personality of the governor." (salaries for public employees). Andi government, or somehow after they reports such a measure has been pre- 3 , , ' - ”He hit by I" 0543. the leading Brown is 8 “very powerful" 3.0"“ The voters, he said, will react on was very active in the budgetary pro- lesve government appreciate its func- filed and sent to an interim legislative g f . scholar on American governors, nor, Jewell said, they are thinlunfl 0‘ “not whether it (the amendment) is a cess. tinns more and make a very ”it“? committee. The law has protected ,5 If ., ' . 0 good idea or a bad idea, but on how Thirdly, my attorney background. contribution to the community in many students from umcrupulom , I. l S] d mmhmiikethegovemor." l‘ve been practing (law) ever since 1 business. government or whatever. landlords. Are you for the repeal of ~o . 1.: .‘ Boyle‘s visit was the idea of Ksn- graduated from the UK Law School in Kernel: Should the pr0posed the “A? ’ _ . , A. . tuckism FOR the Amendment, lees, wherelwas presitliAednt of "the KStil- m Pike. iam‘l'dyhmld ct: Baesler: i‘m not aware of what‘s ‘r "f '. ".if ' ‘ Colu . Sigelmsnsaid. Hesddedthstbecsuse dent Bar Association a on en- campuson ucn venue. taki ace in Frankfort. I‘m : .5 ', , ‘ 0mm”;:i:;mlon (ave too much coverass to Anwar Sadat of the “very short notice" of the tucky Law Journal. [was thefilstsd— built? . fami‘lgar pvlmh the present law and I ‘. . .. e z I, L , ' ' presentation, may people did not ministrstor.and stthsttune. tlieoiily Baesler: I‘m on record as opposing enforced it ” district judge. But i ., 5} , . know about it. It was not schedsled lawyer on the Fayette County Legal it. People shouldn‘t beforced to move don‘tknowthesrguments against. ; : one M. . ‘ P'W'WPIW'W' ' My Kat bookstbali team can befound on Pal! 4- until “late last Monday afternoon,“ Aid staff. 1 was county attorney for I out of their homes for this kind of pro .. . “its i: . . - *. maid, year, andprior to enterim the race ject. e 'See "BAESIER. page J. A? I. .. i ”g” Glow" ‘ .. "4" "" “ "‘ 4"“ "~ ' ' ‘ " 7" “"W " “ ' . ‘i. " " W" , . - “g'jfl'fifii‘r”; "'(“Iisifil r 51%;“: 3.3%,, , “if: i z , ._ .,. -.~. u , or if”: . , .\ r . 5 .- . , . . ' ‘ ‘ " - ' ' f, . . .’ “hinders ego“ of 35% ill" i’s .. M‘owa ..‘ - ~ . - , ' . . j ' o ~ 5 ' ”P‘ “As some“ ’ ~ We... indications i o1" f .1; 13:13: .. {38:5 ._ if .' . *‘r if . .. 4 “r :e f; seesaw “" “are... "$539“: ‘r l. ” 5 , . ,. J _, . . .. ...,” . w, , s gr ‘,~,4\‘~§',‘*“e.ilfi)':;" ‘ , "i , E . ' . ‘ t- ‘ *gtttwfi‘wtttt' ”P19 ”‘5... ‘ "t t1 "th: F:,">«‘Dfl2;‘llm .. . . . . . .. .. . . . , . . . . 9.x crater . , . ”fittrttW'itmwt‘if‘liflflit-‘tmitétzii.’37". . . ‘7' .,’ t» .‘ ‘ st: 1 vii”. »‘ ‘ i‘. ttotti’vi'ft . a ‘i‘i‘. “W” ”t ‘ ‘ . - tr ' ' ‘. ti‘i’tfit‘rt gzfi%wtjii.slt ’t 1 '- ~ . ”’33..“ { '“1'3‘; 7. E‘:!;Ft"i"}‘t;miy¥.TV‘::1:"€~’.:}»:“tl'lt-‘t 31.. H ‘ ,f_ .. , its , . , > - ' \4 ,;y..,‘«.~‘,»l "1.. .- AV; t§31§3 .t‘:_§.§r,£‘-,.:‘:‘:;‘t?:x§.-_: 5,, l.- r“ “’a'ttt'.’ , ,1», X4, > ”-5.4” W‘i‘» > ‘ “ _ . 3 fr}: ..ttte‘l't' 3“ . f.’ ‘. ‘ "9‘21V'%i:~ l'.‘ ‘ 3:17 gt . ‘ W. . ........... ”4W ‘ ' “ ‘ “ ' " “‘ ;.w ' ’, .N‘w -. ‘s ...i'iiitii . . ‘2" ' «*1; -M —M_——“‘ t ”with .. W; ”hi1 ;:""u_tf;s33tgt ' \ E this, . III loan- a... u Jon-u m Ilarrll A... Oar-Ice - u“ wall.“ M. M Bella i‘ 55 :1: “W mm 0606. Mort- “new mm at. Mum ' ersuasw ewe-w = h; ,5 “NM lhlltadaho nomination: mum WW ; . - _ ‘ mm“ mm contour macaw-r mum-tetanus utter ““PW'W' '. j. . . ' L . , I’ Kernel ...... . new... ; . . . ~ ‘ .' i“ I .. ..1... ~~~ 0 I t , . {“7 , J .: - ® J ~' Vandalism s cartoons “’38" i 'v , t ' :E:§:E:1;-;:E:E:5:5:,::-;-;E:§:E:E:1.i.£35.:::-.ng::;;.;:::;;-:;xix-5;;-num. .- -.r-r-»-i-i:2:~:i'e.~:~:-:‘~$‘1:$29242: - :i:-:».~.'i>eisit:I-~‘=-:-.-:-:i;-.'-.i:-:-.»v11-1-1 - -. -. . -.,:-,:;:_. ,.;:-. ., their: ‘. ( ’ ‘ \\\s ‘"33253523322"'=?§35955595;:ai:; 3:235 . - ‘ l attract undue criticism do 1: , i 5 t o o . QXCUSQ me ‘ ’ ‘ You ave t t . », , , , . .gsis::3is5:5in.;.;=§::sééjzfai§ié' - i: ; Judging from comments Kernel staff Another writer complained that the Oct. 14 tonne . . a o I t, * members have received throughout the edition was unfair in its treatment of Gov. fight“ a1 f0 m [0 0 “Ice, > _ E semester. some people around campus as John Y. Brown “On that day you ran two has... Y lh r a h n l t ; parently have interesting opinions on “unbias- editorial cartoons against Brown . . . . The 34% ‘ ‘ a it ed” coverage of news stories and the methods cartoons are fun but one cartoon would have gtfifi We V8 year Program ?0 . . , i ‘_ t‘ i used in selecting the news content of this made your point.” Qm‘Kfifi t ' c l newspaper. The editorial editor uses the works of two cents“ ‘ P ; There have been criticisms of a recent story cartoonists on a regular basis on the persua~ hhn‘tW‘e.‘ .'. fieflsrxto , . b 3‘ . that dealt with vandalism of the Patterson sion page. One of the cartoons used Oct. 14 was t3§%t§§w\ .’, ’ ”Vs/“’2‘“; ', Tower, Classroom Building and other central planned artwork contributed by one of the ghost“ ' ' p 5%; . 3 3 campus locations. The article, listing some of regular cartoonists. However. the other, C‘hj‘tzr r ..‘ ”,g . h, p the phrases which had been sprayed in red which depicted the governor displaying an ‘ I in. ' .. ‘ newt B paint, included an interview with one of the empty tray to a masked child seeking educa- ‘ tn - . “vandals,” who defended his actions as a tion funds, was submitted bya reader. . .. . ... ... .7 .. . . . . ,, - p . “egagég 5' legitimate protest against the cutbacks in This cartoon ran alongside several letters fi octet. t" funds for education. dealing with the student rally and was used i‘;.ii§tt’itt°‘t§%ffeiiegtexfigmg14’s,: can. 1y . . because of its creativity and high quality “git‘thttiei‘et :t‘t‘i A; B Some readers 9100.81“ the Kernel should “0t rather than out of a desire by the paper’s staff i;:‘1;~i‘h>t~t“t,$§ oar IQ 3&3 ,, th have "m the ”wet “Wt.“ 't as ““9” to embarrass Bmwn- Such artWOPk accepted :..tfisc~s\g,.; tt :5; ti S“ "‘8 the vandals“ juvenile “time and team from readers is treated as letters — u the theirs M37 “it if. = » r. the story might lead to further ororerty quality is sufficient to communicate a mean- hitches. DAY To it e .tn t M damage. ins and is not libelous. it is used, space pemiit- it‘t‘retettei‘i. st. tee” e“ ” . ' - - :3323:§°’-‘.~.~'--:‘-:<-:-:-35-:-'---‘-:~:~:-.“-:‘e>.'-‘t.uncut-'4}. .-.-‘“-:;. :-¢-'.~.:~:.-,>‘.-:-;»:-: ..fi‘ Zfsgg-:-:-:-:->.-.-:-:-. e.-:2~.;.;.;.;.;;.:; 8‘ The vandalism —‘ although ill-adv1sed and tins. “ts“sx‘e‘tsf‘efsge >w~t *2 Entree. co . - - - . . . . §t§§eii>thtu '2?th mp int 1" | "~=::’i:::a:2:5=5izisiai ‘t‘xb’t 25==’t="::3?5:¢:55 dweller! as 3 9850981 Wuet 0‘ maltcwusnm Receivmg feedback from readers is 111- f‘t’ fihwe‘ieiié‘hne .. t, “it? 3 19 rather than out of any real concern for educa' teresh'ns and vital to serving our purpose of §mfi§*“h§e§ ' not Ise I , ....— ‘ttettittw . “0“ ‘ “everthetm. “cum”- T° ism" that informing the campus community 0“ news 5' ct§$ethti‘%%ikixs " grittheif-esetes I fact would have denied readers the knowledse and issues. Perhaps during their stays at this i.“ ..\o“=eresteet‘eee that the Umversnty was being forced to spend University readers will also broaden their nxexhettosetethetésnefihee Be money in web a fruitless activity and that knowledge of what “unbiased” coverage is an there were StUdentS ”PFOtStIPS the budget and be able to differentiate between fact, a a u t 1 sh .... .. other ...... than mum and rotors round on news page. ...... option. Mn. Althouyl state oonslnullon not effective, . .. press cmferencee- limited to the persuasion page. . ‘ 5‘; I I ix—“h—K succession amnihmnt a bad Idea - e , ' at set . ’ he if; ' 4“ Kentuckiansfaceaquestiononthe rendesaneofitsmajorpowerstothe l ‘. - l, . v Q November ballot that holds thekey to govem. peptic his plede to the » art _ I the future of the state — the succes- ' . contrary, Gov. Brown (like nearly 1 Au t .5 a ’7 ¢ £3 . \ , sion amenmnent. every modern gavel-m before him) ( j , , \ , 1"” 3. v a “‘57 . .‘ _\ F Under the Kaltucky Constitutim, W dfldals would serve to med his m to detu'mine the JOt " , l ‘ , r: , . t :‘r .,~ \ f‘ ”t the gave-nor, lieutenant governor, Whmumdmin lwpmmduicomal sav .... .... I , -\ A "’tt \ t. t. “ 4 ,0 other elected state officers and tlnlnndsottheoovemor. Assembly. out ‘ , . t." s _, \ f} t" a} ‘ sheriffs are barred from self- The mm General Mb]! Further, recognizing thatthereare shO it I l \ "‘ 5“, ,~. ’.;_- fl '~ alcceosion (they may serve for more M in Mill? "ISM f0!“ Ody 00 continuum which arrive between W81 :, "' l l :2— ifliw)/l'/ ' Alt thnnmetermllslongastlmeterms Wm¢vmm sessions, the legislature has been _ T i en 10"“ Y are not consecutive.) The proposed yen. Th3 DENIM! 18 another forcedtogranttbegovernoradiscie . bur ' Liv _, L ’t'»\” amendment would allow those of- check on the governor’s power, but honary fund, the money from which . - F ~ ’ ‘ ,\ . \‘ I - ficialstoservetwoconsecutiveta'ms theauthonwereasafraidofpotential he may distribute as he feels Stu l u, , tl ‘ at andallowsheriffoindefinite succes- mcnmumeyweotu- necessary.'l‘hisisadrecttransferof abs , ,. :n. i ‘ . {ix 0 sion. ecutive abme, hence the extremely the 3W6“: power from the . Cor ; K - \ ' nicxattucky Catstitutim isa 19th Itrict limitation on lesislative time legislature to the executive. It was unc $3. _ ’ ‘ C century document, written by 19th Indthel'dfl'epotys- cmndoveriaxaandappropnatims salt l \"m '3“ ‘ . I century men with 19th century con- Kmtucky's Citlm “.mmy which began thecvolution of thefint , and ‘ "t N f .V, certs. Oneoftheirprimaryconcerns him With the Pathetic“ on modern legislature, the British '1‘: g m, , l ‘~ ' 3.7" was that government not be too lend-umeortheyhave twice Parliament. coat l of, . . 1 ‘fl ., , y pwa'ful.'l‘heresultisoneofthemmt in recent years rejected con- Gov.Bmwnhasshowntlnthehu ;, eds | , M1, "t \u a; a «.t f". detailed (and therefore restrictive) stitutional amendment “ht would far more appropriations power than ‘ SSS ; i' ' W. t. H /,,/fl,’,_t' .... ctatecomtihitiauiniu-cc. . have provided for seine type oi an- that which was given him by the a ' rt’l'." to Ni. x r” -. - In Kentucky, not only is the gover- .nuallegislah’veseuion. Legislature. When Kentucky fell vic- , _ ' Vx. ‘" [rm/m " nor barred from self-succession, hilt ““th '8 mumugmdocum timtoamajormlhorfllll. GOV. the major state officeholders are :i 380”“th Brownwanotforcedtocallaspccial "smhwwmnwmeemmmwmcar elected (”Wuhan an notiniimwiththcnccasolthcaoth mmdmwmmm— , q: W M an RBI Lm MD... ” pointedbythegoverna).'meauthon cenhlry. Blit the Witt" amend- tun priorities (he do“ have “I0 , of the constitution felt that than in- mattisthewmnswaytodoit. authority to call a special session), , I “ mwmrymflanwiththe-nc- butratha' cutthehudgetsofstate ,1 ceasion amendment is the damage amuheuwflt. -i TVs newest trend' too much news mommies-«m Mime-em . , ' setuphytlteautim.Jclm¥.Brown. handedabmttlisdoesnoteliminate , 3 , hemloommulhowntlnt thefactthathcwas,inuoence.np- - ”ruminant-Mother Sadntscoredapromotionalcoupin seems,theywerebehindthekilliny tbegovernorhasthepowertoreduce mmmmwm.wmfl t aunt Anwar Sadat, while dfering fur- _ the Camp David meetings with picn- allalong. the authority of the elected officials itwuina negative can. i ther proof‘of the moi-easing angers 0 I dent Carter and Israel’s Menachem Most frighteningofall,aspecterof bymmferringceriainstateagendes A major prohlqn with the m . 3 under which world leaders mint fl with ne fireand Begin, and that made him a more mmdamerappearntthispointbut fromtheirfiddomstotbecontmlof unmantmtobelt- . ‘, lain-,alsopoims mum disturbing mm, the ma“, im'wm"m“m . visible lonely: dignitary to the can be dismissed with hesitant cer- appointedofflcials. timing little attention is the prvi- . . _ modem in television coverage of officials had been used luamsimtting American popldatimthananyone ex- tainty. With all-encompassing news The most powa-ful men in the gimwifichwolndallowlhrlffstom- ,3 l nachhorrors. m_ ceptperhaplli‘idelcutm. However, coveragethelatuttrend,mightthe Brown Administration are not the ceed Wm may, in i We awoke Oct. 5 to hear . . he was in all wobability viewed with Corporate ’nlree conspire to “fix" a constitutional officials but those men Fayette Countin- can well tatify. E * preliminary ”PO"! that than had The American public needed to qultidsmbymanyintlu‘sarea;cer- story. Willingly delaying giving the tllath-ownlnsappointedtohondccr- the she-iff's office in the past has been an “mm to kill EU?“ knowthlltSadatwasdeadwhenitw iainly when outlier-lea mentioned his - waiting awe-filled audience the final lain executive departmants. The been a may: source of corruption. ' IWIIH but that no “13““! had certain that he was, that American impisonmt in the '40; for ailing §c0re 0‘ dentin, "1'63. Willi“- governa'hasnottotally unmounted Allowilg inddinite silcceuial only .- \ boonmportedDolpitethemcctain- forcesinthereglonhadbeenplaced theNuhhisimagetookatumble. mttiehovethlttheywillmtdiiuta the cautitutianl offices, but the immatheoppa'hlnityforcmp- f" ty of what Wren, television on a Ianiilert level, that Sadat's 11M thenetwa'ks' covaage of few more hours Unlikely, but precedent has been not by Mich I timanddecrasea thelikellhood that mm W W the hand-pickedsucceuorwasmovlngin the shooting of Praident Reagan. sanethlngtocanider. tuna-emu“. mommdmwmbemcova-ed. . 5 ; day, until reading tin m where mattompttopruervestabllltylnthe Pope Jdln Paul II and Sadat it has Beginning communication students The succession amatdmalt will do The Kenmcky Constitution is an I ,1; cattlmcovuagewuindfect. country which airing the past four becane apparent that corporate are Shown films of the manner in nothimtolncrcuethepowcofthe omitted mt, but uecaneal yean has been recogrized as the televisialisconfidult that tragedyis WhICh foreign news media neat state legislature. The Genus] mention of it run the risk of ' W the in w by cotnn-ytocheerforifyouwanttosee ahwingcardandisindeedgoodfor stories,inanattempttoimpreuupon Assemblywilllflllmoetfa' odyoo dumyingthocedelicatebalance-of- ' ~ shad—nu. hot-culve- and all other IMideutwaraverted. managements-milestones“ them that American joumnliltl dayseva'thoyears.'l'llywlllltill power-mechaiiismstlntu'esolmpor- ; thytimeviowcswhoproctlngto But the , tobeflntwiththonewnndtobothe mal’tthinkofslantlngastoryor helntluirptuentmbordnatepoli- ianttodemoanticgtmrmnti‘in % hour th- hunt dotaih of the ice M W Umtcd State- h-ve m Wye _ m u. m. innovate-toy into-lacing their own tlmtofllecxecutlve. wounmcnhmtdoccjuttlnt. , Pane. or Dr. mule PM: ““3: t” sftand around t" forgettable annoimunent by.CBS’s Viewswherelnllppmpriate. thly, the Gala-cl Amunbly is macymntudmcalh-alted :‘c'tt mend ai “II 0""!me Dan mu..- that pre- mg Midedinnhflnpinguponanin- solimitedbythetimerutlictionthat Mammany voters whowill withtlnpo-ifllity tutti-linen Rm. "mama?! , Jamconndyhaddedandlatter mm«m.m ‘theycamotformulateanyrealaltcr— voteagaimttheamendmentshnply » mwlnthmfldlflitfl'y ”MW“ “balm by“ analysanutNBChdmthom Mammalian-maln- nativetothebudoetpropoudbythe tovofeagaimtJde.an.But had lat its most rum-clad (only 3"“? mm“ m byavoidngdarh'm. formatlmthatquwantedinthe ulna-nor, liming waves to the M will «that Gov. _ much”. Mm t8?“ As such lam mm is flrstplace.'l‘henext time-amount: cosmetic chm that may boost Blown,andahouldberojectcdforthe . , . mwmhwwm_ (hrectcdtothegeneralviewir' au- setshnockedoti, tell u- theiacts, theiresmhlth-vemoomwiflt vidclcetlltltwilldotodunocratic Th Amuonfocbzedmtfhmflos lybocanelnvolvedincoveringthe dlencorathu-thanthuegmentmost mmhnonce,butywneedn’tpte~ mfiallywhatevu-hewam. gm “hump-tun Of Mu dual by W cw- It“? that all other W inmuuduidupgueaim unpt“Gcncall-loopital"todoit. Inletotherutrlctionmloglslative mummimtthogovu-mr. ' on M (W was; plenum-bummed. newscast with apron-late qul- timomoyltemtlhtmayhaveworkcd m. m Mi! WW ticiom,expecttouemoreincidenta Chris Athhalomthm Junior“! Jolt fine in the nth century. the courteonurmtuhmmnthc 9... ‘ rdiahlol'm- macaw hllllllital‘ Mt MM: "lrlcmcd"peoplc'otheoriatothe such as ABC's Frank W's oditorialodltorofthoxml. Gala-.1 W ha m to ... Brannon School oIDiplomocy. O" 5 cmtnry,matpeqllollvil'intfls apdmtoviemforbeingforcedto ' .' dodbomlahllyinjltcdwhuhb mmummm givethnnouchbndnewluthatso- . t°' , MWWMW Sadat u; if told tint he was the uncouth-beaten. . . moon COUNTY IlyBerlleBmtl-ed ‘”' ., ”t “W“M'- ”Mt-t mam, Mmctiomonfld humane-cum atthe - on , "hintbmalmwlnm- have hon: "(manhunt-ale molthedoednpareutheezha- town... , Ye ~ W AT. COt Wm Wmdbma‘“ on a mum?" and “What's tatialo to string up the meal. who ”W m literate». mm", ”0/ . . it" «its m w M all m: no my?" date to follow mm] Wetla- our \' ’1:me £ng MGS